Back pain in the neck


  • 1Pain in the neck and back
    • 1.1Myositis
    • 1.2Osteochondrosis
    • 1.3Deforming spondylarthrosis
    • 1.4Spondylolisthesis
    • 1.5Stenosis of the spinal canal
    • 1.6Prolapse or intervertebral hernia
    • 1.7ENT diseases
    • 1.8Tumors
    • 1.9Injuries
    • 1.10Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.11Dermatomyositis
    • 1.12Scleroderma
    • 1.13Sharpe Syndrome
    • 1.14Systemic vasculitis
    • 1.15Pain after massage
    • 1.16When is it urgent to see a doctor?
    • 1.17How to relieve the condition of the house?
  • 2If the neck and spine aches what to do
    • 2.1Causes of neck pain
    • 2.2What should I do if my neck hurts?
    • 2.3What kind of doctor should I use for pain in the neck?
    • 2.4The backbone hurts in the neck and below
    • 2.5What to do if the neck hurts where the spine?
    • 2.6What to do if the spine in the cervical region hurts?
    • 2.7Causes of pain in the cervical spine
    • 2.8Symptoms of pain
    • 2.9Features of the structure of the cervical spine
    • 2.10Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the cervical spine
  • 3Neck and back pain in elderly patients
  • 4Pain in the spine in the neck
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1The danger of ignoring symptoms
    • 4.2Disease athletes
    • 4.3Causes of spasm
    • 4.4Tumors
    • 4.5Way out
    • 4.6Pain in the neck and back
    • 4.7Symptoms
    • 4.8Treatment of pain in the neck and back in the "Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev"
    • 4.9Pain in the neck

Pain in the neck and back

Soreness of the back and neck happens at least once in a life very much at many people.

Depending on the causes of discomfort, a personmay need the help of a neurologist, therapist, traumatologistor other specialists.

We will analyze in detail, to which doctor to handle, when the back and neck hurts, what to do to relieve the condition.


itmuscle inflammation- Back, neck, waist. Myositis may be a complication of some kind of viral infection, for example, influenza.

Often, myositis occurs after hypothermia, a prolonged presence in the wind with open back and neck. There is a sharp pain in rest, and also at the slightest movement.

Inflamed muscles are hot, dense, very painful when touched.

With a myositis, a person is difficult to move, but nevertheless, one should try to get to a doctor-therapist or a neurologist.

After the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional tests - tests and x-rays to exclude other causes of soreness.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, myositis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, rest and physiotherapy quite quickly.

With myositis, it is undesirable to use warming ointments and compresses - the inflammation will increase.


A very common reason that there is pain in the neck and back pain -common osteochondrosis.

At this soft cartilage between the vertebral bones become thin and dense, from this the nerves are pinched, there is a spasm of the muscles of the back.

There is a strong, pulling tenderness along the entire back and neck, if both these parts of the spine are affected.

It is best to contact a neurologist, but in the absence of a neurologist, therapist or trauma specialist can help. Mandatory X-rays or computed tomography.

On it, the doctor will see the changes in the vertebrae, characteristic of osteochondrosis. Treatment is prescribed for several weeks, with the inclusion of tablets, injections and ointments.

When severe pain subsides, it is useful to use physiotherapy methods, for example, acupuncture.

For prophylaxis of osteochondrosis it is necessary to do regular exercise with youth.

Deforming spondylarthrosis

Happens, that the upper part of a back or a loin in a concrete place hurts. A person can fairly accurately indicate the source of soreness.

Such local pain often speaks of deforming spondyloarthrosis.

This disease affects one or more joints of the spine, affecting all its parts.

If you suspect a spondylarthrosis, a person should visit a rheumatologist or neurologist.

After several examinations - radiography, tomography - the doctor will confirm or deny the diagnosis. The deforming spondylarthrosis is treated for a long time.

It is impossible to completely eliminate joint changes. With the help of anti-inflammatory and analgesics, you can only remove the exacerbation.

Often spondylarthrosis occurs after a back injury.


itdisplacement of vertebraerelative to each other.

Spondylolisthesis can occur after trauma or due to congenital weakness of ligaments and muscles.

Moving, the vertebrae compress nerves, there is acute, prolonged pain. Bending in all planes becomes very painful, the muscles of the back are strained.

Spondylolisthesis is a rare enough pathology.

With suspicion it is necessary to address to the neurologist or the traumatologist, doctors can distinguish this illness from an osteochondrosis or a hernia of a disk.

The examination and examination are carried out - X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging. Often, spondylolisthesis requires surgery. Then the person goes to the neurosurgeon.

When spondylolisthesis is recommended, sleep on a hard, hard bed.

Stenosis of the spinal canal

Inside the spine passes the spinal cord - these are the nerves that ensure the movement of the entire body.

In many diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis, the tumor channel narrows. Then the spinal cord is squeezed by the vertebral bones.

This causes pain in the back and neck, there may be weakness in the hands or feet.

Stenosis of the spinal canal develops very gradually, the symptoms intensify day by day.

The diagnosis is made by a neurologist or a neurosurgeon after examination and tomography. Anesthetic anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate pain.

In case they are ineffective and stenosis progresses, an operation is performed.

To keep the spine in the right position with stenosis help bandage.

Prolapse or intervertebral hernia

Sharp, sudden pain in the back occurs with a herniated disc of the spine. itprotrusion of cartilage, which appears due to the destruction of the dense shell of the disk.

The protrusion presses on the nerves, causing severe pain. Moving to a person with a hernia is difficult and very painful. The limbs can almost completely lose their mobility when subjected to severe compression.

Herniated disc often requires surgery, so you should contact a neurosurgeon.

After the magnetic resonance tomography, the doctor will clarify whether it is worthwhile to perform the operation or while you can eliminate the pain syndrome with the help of medications.

Anti-inflammatory and anesthetic agents are used in injections.

For the prevention of hernia should strengthen the back muscles with moderate loads and avoid lifting weights.

ENT diseases

Sometimes, painful sensations of the neck and backnot connected with the spine. These can be problems from the ENT organs.

Severe tonsillitis without treatment is complicated by a parathonsillar abscess - a large ulcer on the side of the neck. There is a severe pain in the neck behind, in the upper back.

The movements of the neck are limited and very painful.

Together with the pain a person has fever, and the skin in the abscess area is hot and red. The abscess is opened from the oral cavity by an otorhinolaryngologist.

Long-term therapy with antibiotics is required. It is possible to suspect that tonsillitis was complicated by an abscess due to a general deterioration of the condition, despite treatment, increasing soreness.

With a large abscess, a person can not open his mouth - because of muscle spasms near the abscess.


Tumors of the spine are always manifested by pain in the back. This can be as a metastasis from other organs, as well as their own backbone formations. Pain in tumors is very strong, aching, worse at night. They are combined with poor general well-being, weight loss.

The diagnosis of a tumor is difficult to suspect, since the symptoms are similar to osteochondrosis, which happens much more often. Helps detect magnetic resonance tomography and blood tests.

Any tumor needs to be removed, as it will squeeze the spinal cord, thus causing paralysis of the hands or feet.

But the decision on the possibility of removal is made by a neurosurgeon-oncologist - these specialists are engaged in spinal tumors.

In malignant tumors, chemotherapy is prescribed after the operation.


Falls from height, bumps, back injuriesvery dangerouscomplications on the spine. There is a strong, sharp pain at the time of injury.

Depending on the level and degree of damage to the spinal cord, the mobility and sensitivity of the arm or leg may lose, and urination problems may occur.

If the cervical spine is severely injured, there may be problems with breathing and even instant death.

With any suspicion of a back injury, a person must go to the hospital. It is best if the ambulance team does this.

Moving a person in this state is very dangerous. Damage to the spinal cord may increase.

Therefore, the best tactic is to call an ambulance and provide peace to the victim before her arrival.

Damage to the cervical spine often occurs when jumping into the water in an unknown place, when the bottom or foreign objects under the water are too close.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease is autoimmune. That is, the body's immunity attacks itself. It produces antibodies that attack its own joint tissues.

Most often these are small joints of hands and feet. Rarely does spinal cord injury occur. There is soreness in the back, inability to bend and bend.

Movement in the spine is limited.

As a rule, a person is aware of the presence of rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is incurable completely.

But, if you follow the recommendations of a competent rheumatologist, you can get rid of frequent exacerbations and disease progression.

Strong anti-inflammatory drugs are used, as well as expensive drugs that neutralize immunity.

Joints with rheumatoid arthritis with time irreversibly deformed.


One of the rare causes of pain in the neck and back is dermatomyositis. it's the sameautoimmune disease, in which immunity is affected.

The basis of defeat with dermatomyositis - muscles and skin. Own immunity attacks them and damages them. Muscles become dense, the skin is thick and inelastic.

Pain with dermatomyositis is constant, on the entire surface of the back. Muscles touching are firm, but less painful than with simple myositis. Diagnosis and treatment of dermatomyositis is a rheumatologist's task. In the diagnosis is helped by a thorough questioning, examination, and blood tests.

Treatment for life, using strong hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress aggressive immunity.


Scleroderma rarely shows up in back pain.

itsystemic autoimmune disease, which affects the joints, vessels, muscles and many internal organs: vessels, gastrointestinal tract.

With scleroderma, tenderness may appear both in the lower back and along the entire back along the neck. The pain is constant, aching, accompanied by a feeling of tightness and muscle weakness.

If you suspect a scleroderma, you should contact a rheumatologist. He will conduct a thorough examination, assess the condition of the skin and joints.

Blood tests are mandatory, in which signs of aggression of one's own immunity are revealed.

Treatment is similar to the treatment of dermatomyositis - systemic anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs.

There is a local form of scleroderma that affects only the skin. With her back does not hurt.

Sharpe Syndrome

This diseasevery similar to sclerodermaor dermatomyositis.

In its development, too, its own immune cells, attacking the body, participate. There is soreness of the back, from the cervical to the lumbar region.

Often there are pains in the joints and other organs, as the disease affects the entire body.

The diagnosis is difficult to put. The rheumatologist, after examining and receiving the results of the research, will exclude other systemic diseases. Only in this case it is possible to speak about the probability of Sharpe's syndrome.

Treatment is prolonged, using anesthetic, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Systemic vasculitis

These are pathologies thataffect the vessels.

Depending on the size of the vessels - small, medium or large - systemic vasculitis is divided into several diseases.

In the development of any of these vasculitis, an attack of immunity on the walls of its own vessels takes place. They become inflamed, thicken, can be damaged.

If it is small vessels, then there is a rash on the skin in the form of small or medium points. With the defeat of larger vessels, there may not be a rash, but organs affected by problem vessels are affected: kidneys, heart, brain.

The systemic vasculitis is treated by a rheumatologist with the help of vascular drugs and immunosuppressants.

Pain after massage

The soreness of the back after massage can be related totoo rough exposure to the masseur.

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Often, especially in people with sensitive fragile vessels, after the session there are small bruises.

This will manifest a severe pain in the back and the next visit of the masseur will be even more painful.

But it happens that the pain is not the fault of the masseur. When there is a spasm of muscles, their tension, then during the massage the muscles gradually relax.

Then the first movements of the expert's hands will cause unpleasant painful sensations, and by the end of the session the muscles will relax and the pain will pass.

When is it urgent to see a doctor?

  • Soreness of the back can be quite harmless phenomenon, but sometimes you need an emergency call to the doctor:
  • Back pain is combined with a fever - it happens with an epidural abscess.
  • Suspicion of tenderness of the back and neck in a baby up to a year.
  • Pain combined with vomiting, severe headache in the back of the head and inability to bend the neck forward - can talk about meningitis.
  • Soreness has occurred as a result of a stroke or a fall on the back.
  • Pain is not relieved within 24 hours.

How to relieve the condition of the house?

If the pain is not strong, then you can try to ease the condition at home before visiting a doctor.

  1. You can use compresses from the leaves of burdock or cabbage: they relieve puffiness from the muscles, reduce inflammation in myositis.
  2. Alcohol-based cleansers can be used for osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis - they relax tense muscles and facilitate the condition.
  3. Often, simply resting your back can help. After all, one of the frequent causes of pain is overexertion and fatigue.

To understand the causes of soreness of the back and neck is quite difficult.
A huge number of causes can cause pain. The article lists the main ones for acquaintance. For an accurate diagnosis and treatment, you should contact a specialist.

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If the neck and spine aches what to do

The neck of a person is considered a fairly vulnerable part of the trunk, and it performs many important vital functions. Therefore, the slightest problems with it cause pain and many people want to know why the backbone is hurting in the neck and what to do in this case.

Causes of neck pain

The neck may be aching for the following reasons:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the nerve is clamped by displaced vertebrae or articular surfaces. Pain in the neck can give to the back of the head, hand or whiskey and painful sensations are explained by the fact that the blood supply to the brain tissues is worsened.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes. In this case, when the neck is turned, severe pains are observed. This is affected by the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes, which is caused by many causes. It is a tonsillitis, an otitis disease shchitovidki, presence of parasites in an organism and many other things.
  • Bleeding neck. This happens very often and if a neck has been blown out in a draft, then a person feels pain when turning his head. In this case, you need to rub the neck with cream or ointment with a warming effect.
  • Prolonged uncomfortable position of the trunk during sleep. In this case, the neck and shoulder will hurt in the morning. This can be with those people who wear an uncomfortable heavy bag on one shoulder.
  • Osteoarthritis. In this case, the source of pain is affected by the disease of the intervertebral joints.

What should I do if my neck hurts?

  1. Do the gymnastics. Charging options a lot, the easiest - write in the air with the nose of the numbers from 1 to 10.
  2. Take an anesthetic. You need to drink medicine only if the pain is very strong, it is not recommended to take medicine on an empty stomach
  3. Cold or warm compress. Attach the ice wrapped in a towel to the problem area. Other people, on the contrary, will be helped by a warm compress at night.
  4. Consult a physician. If simple methods do not help, you need to go to the clinic to conduct a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

What kind of doctor should I use for pain in the neck?

You should refer to such specialists:

  • therapist. You need to go to him first, he can send to other specialists, if you can not sign up for them on your own;
  • neurologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • ENT.

The backbone hurts in the neck and below

Cervical osteochondrosis is currently diagnosed at a fairly young age. This is due to constant static loads on the cervical spine with insufficient development of the muscular framework.

There is a pathology in that the backbone hurts in the neck, unpleasant sensations of gravity arise after a long sedentary work or uncomfortable posture during a night rest. As a result of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs, their amortization capacity is disturbed.

Inadequately developed surrounding muscles do not provide the necessary supply of blood carrying oxygen, nutrients and liquid to restore cartilage. There is a primary process of inflammation, which provokes excessive muscle tension and swelling of soft tissues.

All this strengthens pathological changes and promotes an even faster disintegration of intervertebral discs.

Is it possible to stop this process with the help of medications? Let's try to understand. If the backbone hurts below the neck, then this is most likely a manifestationcervicothoracic osteochondrosis. affecting the cartilaginous tissue.

To restore it, you need to ensure that enough fluids and nutrients are supplied. But first you need to remove the inflammation process.

For this, official medicine recommends the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and in cases of severe damage hormonal means.

As the practice of their application shows, they not only effectively relieve inflammation, but also accelerate the process of decay of cartilage and bone tissue.

Chondroprotectors intended for regeneration of cartilage are also used, but for therapeutic action they must be transported to the focus of pathology. And it is extremely difficult to do this with the spasm of muscle fibers and reducing the intensity of their blood supply.

Manual therapy can help in this process. conducted by professionals in their field. Specialists of our clinic offer patients course treatment aimed at complete restoration of the physiological structure of the cartilaginous tissue.

In the arsenal of methods used there is osteopathy. massotherapy. individually designed for each patient, gymnastics, traction traction, reflexology and much more.

To get rid of pain in the neck can be without potent medicines and surgical intervention.

What to do if the neck hurts where the spine?

For a start, if the neck hurts where the spine is, you need to undergo a special examination that allows you to reliably establish the diagnosis. The success of subsequent treatment depends on the correctness of the diagnosis.

Before you do something, you need to exclude possible side effects. So, do not trust the massage of the cervical spine to persons who do not have special education for this purpose and practical work experience.

The structure of the cervical spine is such that, with careless movements by the hands of a massage therapist can provoke a patient severe headaches, cerebral circulation, dizziness and even orthostatic collapse.

Consider these two important factors:

  • for diagnostics use all the arsenal offered by the official medicine (radiography, duplex blood vessel scanning, computed tomography);
  • for treatment carefully choose a clinic of manual therapy, which has great experience and positive reputation.

We have real professionals, who in the literal sense of the word put on their feet a huge number of grateful customers.

We offer every new patient to use absolutely free consultation of the chosen doctor.

The doctor will help you understand the intricacies of the diagnosis, talk about the prospects for using it manual therapy, will give practical recommendations that will help with neck pain in the place where spine.

Trubnikov Vladislav Igorevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences

The doctor is a neurologist, manual therapist, rehabilitation specialist, reflexologist, physiotherapy and therapeutic massage.

Saveliev Mikhail Yurievich

The physician is a manual therapist of the highest category, has an experience of more than 25 years.

He knows methods of auriculo and corporal reflexology, pharmacopuncture, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. Perfectly applies osteopathy in both adults and children.

What to do if the spine in the cervical region hurts?

"The backbone in the cervical region hurts" - such a complaint is by no means a rarity, and it can be heard from people of any age. At the root of the onset of this pain lie a variety of causes, but all the pain manifestations are almost of the same type and cause patients discomfort and anguish.

Causes of pain in the cervical spine

  1. First of all, pain in the cervical spine can arise due to the uncomfortable position of the body during night sleep.
  2. Pain sensations in the neck arise as a result of muscle stretching (in this case the pain is localized on one side).
  3. Exhausting, almost constant pain accompanies the patient after a severe trauma to the cervical spine.
  4. Osteochondrosis is one of the most important causes of pain in the cervical region.
  5. Pain can be caused by an infectious process. Often, pain in the cervical region is one of the symptoms of meningitis, tuberculosis or osteomyelitis.
  6. Immunological disorders (arthritis of various nature).
  7. Pinching of the nerve in the cervical spine.
  8. Psychogenic pain.
  9. Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  10. Reflex pain (pain caused by pathological processes in internal organs).

Symptoms of pain

In the event that the cervical spine hurts, the manifestations of pain are very diverse.

First of all, pain sensations can arise from one or both sides, and also differ by "pulling" or "burning" character.

Sometimes there are tingling pains, and stiffness appears in the cervical spine.

There are cases when the neck pain pushes into the area of ​​the scapula, and also patients complain of weakness, numbness and pain in their hands.

Pain in the cervical spine can lead to difficulty swallowing, headaches and dizziness, as well as blurred vision.

Features of the structure of the cervical spine

One of the most common causes of pain in the neck is osteochondrosis. This pathology occurs as a result of metabolic disturbances in the intervertebral discs that perform the amortization function in the spine.

In the process of destruction, the discs go beyond the spine and infringe on the spinal nerve roots. As a result, a hernia of the cervical spine can form.

It should be noted that the cause of jamming the nerve roots can also be acute injuries or prolonged trauma (due to an incorrect posture).

The cervical spine is provided with a large number of blood vessels that fit the tissues of the neck and head.

The most vulnerable of them is the vertebral artery, as it emerges from the holes in the vertebral appendages, and any pathological changes in the spine entail squeezing it.

As a result - hypoxia of the brain, severe head and neck pain, dizziness and a sense of fatigue.

Due to the fact that the peculiarity of the cervical vertebrae is their close fit to each other, because of any disturbance in the spine, the entire cervical region suffers.

In the event that the hernia of the cervical spine is diagnosed, the damaged disc is displaced Inward, which causes significant disturbances not only in the neck, but also in the more remote sites.

Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the cervical spine

In order to prescribe the correct treatment of pain, first of all, it is necessary to establish its true source.

Anatomical landmarks of the cervical spine are the spinous processes of the second, sixth and seventh vertebrae. The main method of physical examination of the neck is careful, but very careful palpation.

To determine the functional mobility of the cervical spine at the present stage, laser techniques, as well as ultrasound, are used.

When diagnosing diseases and damages of the cervical spine, a two- radiography, as well as functional radiography, which is recommended in case of mobility impairment.

In order to assess the condition of intervertebral discs, discography and computed tomography are assigned.

However, the most informative and promising method for today is magnetic resonance imaging.

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It helps to determine the state of the intervertebral disc, spinal cord and spinal cord, and also to reveal all pathological changes in the cervical spine.

As a rule, the cervical spine hurts for 3-10 days, and in almost 70% of cases the pain completely passes within a month.

In the case when degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the cervical spine are diagnosed, the main method of fighting pain is the restoration of joint mobility. If the patient has no trauma or tumor, the most effective therapies are exercise therapy and manual therapy.

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Neck and back pain in elderly patients

Pain in the neck and back are observed quite often, especially in elderly patients. Back pain occurs in 50% of people over the age of 60 years.

Pain can be acute or dull, permanent or intermittent, depending on its cause and the presence of concomitant muscle spasm.

Reflexive overstrain of the back muscles in response to the onset of pain syndrome can come to the fore in comparison with the underlying disease.

Various neurological symptoms, in particular paresthesia and weakness, can occur with damage to the spinal cord and neural bundles. The pain can irradiate distally along the nerves (for example, radicular pains or, in the region of the loin, ischialgia).

Analysis of the history and physical examination often allows you to suspect the cause of pain in the neck and back. It is especially important to assess the presence of neurological manifestations. The choice of additional studies depends on the results obtained.

Anamnesis.Assess the nature of pain, including localization, factors that enhance and weaken it, as well as the accompanying phenomena.

Pain, numbness, paresthesia or weakness, corresponding to the distribution of nerve roots, suggest their compression. In support of compression of the spinal cord is evidence of incontinence or retention of urine.

The onset of a disease associated with trauma is usually well documented by patients; but not all patients can relate the appearance of pain with minor trauma, which occurred a few days ago.

Pain in trauma is usually localized, eased at rest and enhanced by movement. Pain in infectious and tumor lesions are constant, do not pass at rest and progress.

Morning pain and stiffness, lasting more than 45 minutes, allow one to suspect ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Diffuse pains of varying localization, especially when there is no connection to other factors or associated with poor sleep, are characteristic of fibromyalgia. Morning stiffness of the spine and proximal

muscles of the extremities, especially in the elderly, suggests rheumatic polymyalgia.

An evaluation of the accompanying symptoms and history of the anamnesis is important.

A rise in body temperature, the use of intravenous drugs or known immunosuppression suggest infectious causes of the disease.

The decrease in body weight and the presence of malignant neoplasms in the anamnesis indicate a metastatic lesion and a pathological fracture.

Physical examination.Particular attention is paid to the condition of the spine and careful analysis of neurological manifestations.

The examination of the spine begins with an examination. If possible, the patient should be observed in motion (for example, in the study or observation room, stripped), when he consciously does not control himself. The neck and lumbar should have an easy lordosis.

The curved position suggests a muscle spasm, which can lead to the development of scoliosis.

Local erythema may indicate the presence of infection, the use of local warming or irritating ointments, or, in some populations, the use of distractions, such as medical cans.

Systematic palpation of the spine and surrounding areas is performed. Focal morbidity of bone structures suggests infection, swelling or fracture.

Fibromyalgia can be suspected if there are symmetrical trigger points (areas whose palpation causes a relapse of pain in the neck or lower back) in the muscles of the back, chest, elbow and knee joints.

Trigger points in trapezius muscles may appear in the pathology of discs or osteoarthritis of the facet joints of the cervical spine.

It should be assessed the amount of active and passive movements in the neck and lower back. Reduction in the volume of active movements often develops due to the pathology of intervertebral discs.

Reduction of the volume of passive movements develops as a result of structural disorders of the spine, most often with osteoarthritis or multiple osteoporotic fractures, but there may be other causes, such as trauma, ankylosing spondylitis, diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis.

The sensation of an electric discharge radiating down the spinal column when flexing the trunk (Lermitt's symptom) indicates compression of the spinal cord.

A full neurological examination is necessary.

Symptoms suggesting compression of the spinal cord include motor and sensory disorders, as well as violations of bilateral reflexes that depending on the level of damage, the anal sphincter (in the form of a decrease in its tone, as well as bulbocavernous or anal reflexes).

Compression of roots can lead to the appearance of ipsilateral reflexes, motor and sensory disorders in accordance with the level of damage. In general, the most objective are changes in reflexes, sensory disorders are more subjective.

Violation of the function of non-axial joints may indicate inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis, as well as other systemic musculoskeletal disorders affecting the spine.

Examination.In the event that the available clinical manifestations suggest the presence of life-threatening conditions (eg, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm), appropriate studies should be performed.

If suspicion of compression of the spinal cord or the presence of an epidural abscess, an emergency MRI is necessary; if this is not available, CT or myelography should be performed (rarely used). If there is a suspicion of osteomyelitis, it is preferable to hold a CT scan urgently.

With traditional radiography, it is possible to detect damage to bones, in particular fractures, dislocations and subluxations; Besides, can also be visualized signs of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, metastases in the spine, some infections.

In addition, radiography helps identify many diseases that are not associated with the manifestations.

Patients who have an obvious episode of minor trauma (for example, when lifting a heavy object) who do not have neurological manifestations and risk factors of pathological fractures and subluxations, it is possible to prescribe symptomatic treatment without survey.


In acute musculoskeletal pain in the neck and back, oral analgesics (eg, acetaminophen, NSAIDs) are usually prescribed. Acute muscle spasm can be stopped with the use of hot or cold compresses.

Opinions on the use of oral muscle relaxants (eg, cyclobenzaprine, metocarbamol, metaxalone) contradictory, since they cause undesirable effects from the central nervous system, their application should be excluded from elderly patients.

In severe pain, opioids can be used (which is rarely required).

If the pain is caused only by muscle spasm, manual therapy can be beneficial, but one should be aware of certain caution - some types of such therapy are accompanied by a certain risk in patients with intervertebral disk lesions and suffering osteoporosis. After the acute stage, physiotherapy can be used to reduce the severity of pain and muscle spasm.

Pain in the neck

In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, atlanto-axial subluxations may occur.

Causes of irradiating pain in the neck may be angina, myocardial infarction, aortic walling, meningitis, obstruction, inflammation and tumors of the esophagus, as well as thyroiditis.

Recurrent root pain with neck extension or rotation (Spurling symptom) involves lesions of the cervical spine.

The presence of clinical manifestations of stroke in combination with pain in the neck, especially with a pulse deficit, involves the dissection of the aorta, carotid or vertebral artery. Symptomatic treatment of musculoskeletal pain in the neck may require wearing a shantz collar or using orthopedic pillows for 10-14 days to reduce muscle spasm; then rehabilitation Events.


The most common causes of back pain are listed above. In older women, pathological fractures are typical of osteoporosis.

Reflex pain can be accompanied by rupture of the aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, renal colic, pleural effusion, stratification of the aortic wall, inflammation of the organs of the retroperitoneal space (for example, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis), infiltration or tumor.

Nevertheless, etiology is often multifactorial; is most often manifested by weakness, physical disability, sometimes by stress or mental illness.

Some congenital anomalies of the spine (for example, facet joints), which, as previously thought, are the main cause of back pain, are also often found in people who do not suffer from this pain syndrome.

Pain resulting from osteoporotic fracture is usually constant, does not progress, may decrease in lying position back and usually decreases after 4-12 weeks; It should be remembered that, in an anamnesis, indications of an injury may absent. Pain and stiffness in the morning in young people suggests ankylosing spondylitis or other spondyloarthropathy.

Strengthening pain when flexing the spine involves the disease of intervertebral discs, with extension - stenosis spinal canal, facet arthritis, inflammation or infiltration of retroperitoneal organs space. Increased pain in the lower back when walking indicates the presence of stenosis of the spinal canal.

Detection of kyphosis (widow's hump) suggests the presence of osteoporosis.

Muscle spasm arising when the straight leg is lifted is usually caused by intervertebral disc disease; The pain that appears when performing this technique is less specific.

Pulsating volumetric education in the abdomen, especially in patients with signs of shock, suggests a rupture of the aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, and the soreness of the flank region is pyelonephritis.

Diagnostic studies can be delayed in patients younger than 50 years, with no motor, sensory and sphincter disorders, absence of anamnesis of malignant tumors, increase in body temperature and decrease in its masses.

Nevertheless, if these manifestations are preserved for more than 6 weeks, the radiation (if the etiology remains unclear) and other diagnostic research (with the purpose of establishing a specific etiology) is necessary; the choice of diagnostic methods depends on the suspect causes.

For example, if there is a suspicion of an osteoporotic fracture, it is sufficient to perform radiography. With an unknown etiology of the disease, the radiation examination should begin with an overview radiography or MRI. However, in a certain part of patients, an accurate diagnosis may not be established.

A single acute attack of low back pain often ends in complete recovery, but the seizures may recur (in the period from several days to 1 week) or even become chronic, especially in patients experiencing persistent excessive physical load.

Chronic pain is a complex phenomenon, which often develops peripheral and central sensitization and remodeling nervous system, which is often accompanied by depression and, in some cases, a secondary benefit from the disease (for example, in judicial process).

Initial symptomatic therapy of nonspecific musculoskeletal pain provides rest for 1-2 days (in if it brings relief of pain) and the corresponding program for stabilizing the lumbar region the spine.

Longer rest, stretching, corsets are usually not shown.

Exercises for stretching the muscles of the abdomen and back are carried out with the relief of acute manifestations and are aimed at strengthening supporting structures of the back and reducing pain in the event of repeated exacerbation of the disease.

It is necessary to reassure the patient from the outset regarding the prognosis of the disease. The doctor should behave sensibly, benevolently, but firmly; Accusatory or condemning intonations are inadmissible.

Tricyclic antidepressants in small doses can improve sleep and reduce chronic muscle spasms.

With a depression or a tendency to generate a secondary benefit that persists for several months, the patient should be counseled by the psychologist.

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Pain in the spine in the neck

Diseases of the cervical spine, accompanied by pain in the neck and forearms, are very common. Contributes to this many factors. weakness of the muscles of the cervical region, congenital pathologies, inactivity, malnutrition, violation of posture.

The main cause of the pain of the cervical spine are problems with the vertebral column, vertebrae and discs, but sometimes the pain can be the result of muscle spasms, injuries, dislocations.

You will be interested in:Compression fracture of the thoracic spine: treatment, rehabilitation, consequences

Do not ignore the periodic pain, since they can be symptoms of such a dangerous disease as osteochondrosis.

As a result of this ailment on the vertebrae, pathological bony growths are formed, constantly irritating the nearby soft tissues: muscles, ligaments, nerve fibers, arteries. This leads to inflammation, decreased blood flow, the appearance of intervertebral protrusions and hernias.

The danger of ignoring symptoms

Since the cervical region is tender enough and very mobile, any, even the most insignificant displacement of the intervertebral disc has a compression influence on the nerve bundles, causing disruption of the innervated internal organs, blood vessels, ligaments and muscles, leading to limited movements.

The pressure exerted on the arteries causes a disturbance of cerebral circulation, accompanied by frequent headaches, dizziness, the appearance of noise in the ears, loss of consciousness.

Inflammatory process in the cervical part

Sometimes, the pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc begins to press on the hard shell of the spinal cord, causing loss of sensitivity of the upper limbs, numbness, weakness. All these consequences are intensified during the inclination or rotation of the head.

Trying to protect themselves from pain, the body limits the mobility of the cervical spine by contracting the muscles.

Being in a tense position for a long time, the muscle fibers overwork, and there is a spasm that causes sharp pain.

Disease athletes

Such muscle spasms are a frequent phenomenon in professional athletes. As a result of a large number of repetitions of monotonous movements, the muscles "clogged not reacting to the command of the brain to relax, causing drawing pains.

Inconvenient position of the body is also the cause of muscle spasms. This often affects people who work a lot sitting: programmers, accountants, cashiers.

Avoid this kind of spasm in the cervical spine is possible with regular physical activity of the muscles.

You need to do special gymnastics, change your pose more often, periodically arrange breaks for yourself, stretching your neck. It is important not to allow stagnation of lymph in the cervical region and constantly develop muscles, otherwise because of stagnant processes, osteochondrosis may appear.

Causes of spasm

Sometimes spasmodic syndrome of the neck muscles occurs as a result of the fact that a person falls asleep in an unnatural situation.

Of course, it's difficult to control yourself in a dream, so not everyone can change the pose before the muscles get tired, so there are "strange" pains in the morning.

To get rid of them a little warm-up or warming ointment with anesthetizing effect will help.

Pain in the cervical region

Much more serious consequences cause injuries to the cervical spine. Get them easily enough.

You can fail to dive into the water, hitting the bottom of your head, which will lead to displacement of the vertebrae and stretching muscles, you can get into an accident, inertia, the body can not be controlled, resulting in sharp unnatural bends of the spine, provoking dislocations and stretching muscles. Pain in such cases can occur only the next day.


Another cause of the onset of pain in the cervical spine are tumors. This is especially true of malignant neoplasms.

According to research, about fifteen percent of cancerous tumors are metastasized into the spine.

It is extremely difficult to find them here without additional special examination, so they get the opportunity unchecked to develop, putting pressure on all soft tissues, muscles, nerve endings, ligaments, disks, spinal cord.

Cure such pain without surgery will not succeed.

Neoplasm can not resolve from taking anti-inflammatory drugs, the developing inflammatory process does not heal warming ointments. The only effective way here is the operation.

Of course, the risks of damage to the central nervous system in such surgical interventions are very high, but there is unfortunately no other way out.

Cervical immobilizer

There are also provocateurs of the onset of pain syndrome in the cervical spine, which have nothing to do with the vertebral column. For example, Bekhterev's disease, rheumatism, myalgia, arthritis, myositis, various infectious diseases.

Way out

It is extremely difficult to treat these diseases. Treatment takes a lot of time and effort, exhausting the patient with severe cervical pain for a long time.

Sometimes the neck loses its motor functions, and the person can no longer tilt or turn his head.

If there is a rupture of the nerve fibers of the spinal cord and brain, paralysis of the upper extremities, of the facial nerve may occur.

As a result of some infections, there is also pain in the cervical region. And this symptomatology is typical for very dangerous infectious diseases, such as meningitis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, malaria, shingles, tetanus.

Therefore, do not ignore the appearance of periodic pain in the neck waiting for them to pass by themselves. If there is a pain syndrome, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is better to treat the disease in the early stages of the disease, than to get rid of all the accompanying "bouquet".

Pain in the neck and back

Pain in the neck and back - this is a pain in the cervical and other parts of the spine. The doctor heals this illness - manual therapist. Pain in the neck is called cervicalgia.

Specialists of the "Clinic of Dr. Ignatieff" will be able to cure the pathology of the spine, relieve pain and relieve suffering. It is only necessary to make an appointment with the vertebrologist.

Diseases of the neck and back affect 75-90% of the world's population. Men and women are equally affected by the development of ailments.

  • vertebrogenic cervicalgia - arises from pathologies of the cervical spine (spondylosis, osteoporosis of the spine, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated disc, injury, tumor);
  • unverebrogenic cervicalgia - appears due to the development of myositis, fibromyalgia, sprains and muscles, neuralgia occipital nerve, myofascial pain syndrome, vertebral artery separation, thrombosis, occipital abscess, epidural an abscess.


  1. tingling, piercing, pulsating;
  2. exacerbation of pain during coughing, lifting weights;
  3. dizziness;
  4. pain in the occiput;
  5. noise in ears;
  6. numbness in the back of the head, hands;
  7. pain when turning and tilting the head, body.

Pain in the neck and spine indicates the presence of a chronic form of the spine in the initial stage. We are talking about the development of cervical spondylosis or osteochondrosis. To determine the exact disease, differential diagnostics is used. With such ailments, intervertebral discs and vertebrae get degenerative-dystrophic changes that cause severe pain.

Treatment of pain in the neck and back in the "Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev"

  • osteopathy - restores the working capacity of the cervical and other parts of the spine. Technology refers to the category of "gentle and soft." With the help of manual action, the physician restores the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system;
  • professional massage - relieves intervertebral hernia, corrects displaced vertebrae;
  • mobilization - bending the joint to the limit of its amplitude;
  • manipulation - the movement of the joint beyond the permissible limit, overcoming the resistance of muscles, ligaments, the joint itself.

Before treatment should be examined by a specialist. The doctor sends the patient to the procedure of magnetic resonance therapy, computed tomography, radiography of the spine. On the basis of clinical analyzes, as a biochemical analysis of blood, lymph and urine, a method of treatment is determined.

In the "Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev" experienced doctors on the results of functional examination of the spine, joints and muscles, on based on the data of X-ray and tomographic studies, will develop an individual course of treatment with manual therapy. The appointment for a consultation with the vertebrologist is preliminary.

Pain in the neck

Pain in the neck is the pain in the cervical spine. Such pain in most cases indicates mechanical problems in the cervical spine.

Although the pain may be severe, but in most cases the pain occurs within 1-2 weeks and only sometimes lasts from 8 to 12 weeks.

The pain is usually in the area of ​​the spine, but can go to the hand (radiculopathy).

According to surveys and studies, pain in the neck arises during the year in 10% of people, and most often in women. But the reasons for going to the doctor can be different.

1) trauma of the cervical spine (for example, after an accident);

2) changes that occur due to age or prolonged stress on the neck and arms;

3) about 10% of cases of neck diseases are associated with systemic diseases (for example, rheumatoid polymyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, tumors and infections);

4) muscular spasm in the neck can be caused by prolonged physical exertion in one and the same position of the body (long sitting at the computer, sleeping in an uncomfortable position);

5) because of osteoarthritis, the height of the intervertebral discs decreases, and on the concomitant vertebrae bone spines appear, which in some situations cause pain in the neck region;

6) herniation of the intervertebral disc often causes pain in the neck and shoulder. Because of the disc herniation, nerve functions are disrupted (reflex activity, sensitivity and muscle strength decrease);

7) damage to the spinal cord can also be accompanied by pain in the neck; 8) often there are pains at sharp turns of a neck that happens most often at road and transport incidents.

As you can see, the causes of pain in the neck are many, and they are associated mainly with the problems of the spine, so to avoid the appearance of painful sensations should pay attention to the condition of the spine and not allow any violations. The best way to treat pain in the neck and back is to avoid the effects of factors that cause pain. In addition, the following rules are recommended:

  • - You can not sit at the computer, without wringing your back and neck for hours;
  • - It is necessary to relieve tension arising in the muscles of the neck during the day, with the help of simple exercises;
  • - Also, with frequent pain in the neck and back, you can advise you to stop smoking, since smoking provokes the appearance of pain in the neck;
  • - excess weight is also one of the causes of pain, so do not allow the appearance of excess weight.

Thus, to prevent pain in the neck, shoulders and back, you should pay attention to your body, do gymnastics and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The history of the disease and physical examination are usually used to diagnose the factors that have affected the appearance of neck pain.

But in some cases, radiography, MRI or CT is used to obtain additional information about the presence of a herniated disc.

spinal stenosis, tumor, or nerve damage.

The main way to treat neck pain is to increase motor activity. Neck collars (corsets) should only be used when necessary.

During severe pain in the neck, the exercises should not be done, but a gradual increase in the volume of motion in different planes helps to relieve muscle spasm.

In addition, to treat pain in the neck and eliminate inflammation, an ice massage is applied for 5-10 minutes in the area of ​​greatest soreness.

If the painful sensations are acute, then any NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), including aspirin, can be used. To improve the performance of muscles, a physician can prescribe muscle relaxants.

And only in very rare cases surgical intervention is required - if there are signs of paresis of the upper limb or signs of myelopathy.

If you have pain while turning your neck or in other situations, you should immediately consult a specialist (therapist, neurologist or osteopath) or go to see a doctor.

On consultation the doctor-neurologist will spend inspection and will select for you individual treatment, considering features of your organism.

In our clinic, you can count on emergency medical care if you have problems with your back.

Complex procedures conducted in our clinic, allow to reduce hernia of intervertebral discs without surgery even in the most difficult cases. We reduce the hernia from 12 to 7 millimeters.

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