Knee synovitis - symptom management and prevention

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As you know, movement is life. Throughout life our musculoskeletal system suffers a constant and, often, a heavy load, which can lead to diseases of the joints.

One of these diseases is the synovitis of the knee joint. To understand what kind of ailment, you need to imagine the structure of the joint. At the junction of the two bones is a cartilaginous tissue, designed to perform a protective and damping function. It is surrounded by a so-called synovial membrane, due to which it seems to be constantly "lubricated" with a special liquid that prevents friction.

Under the influence of some factors, this membrane can become inflamed, and fluid accumulates around the joint. This process is called synovitis.


  • 1Causes of development
  • 2Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • 3Methods of treatment

Causes of development

Often the reason that a person has a knee pain during walking and bending is synovitis. This is a serious disease that can not be ignored and self-medicated.

Everyone can get sick of it, but it is believed that in the group of risk are more often professional athletes for whom knee injuries are common, older women, people with excessive body weight.

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Sometimes synovitis can develop as an allergic reaction of the body to any stimulus, even without trauma. There are cases when synovitis developed in people with lupus - an autoimmune disease caused a chain of protective reactions of the body.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of the disease, like most diseases of the musculoskeletal system, are:

  • limited mobility;
  • acute pain in the knee;
  • increase it in size.

If a person asks himself the question: why does the knee ache during squatting - this may be the first alarming sign of the developing disease, and do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

At the first stages of the disease there is rapid fatigue and stiffness of movements. The disease, depending on the type, has various symptoms and, accordingly, a different treatment.

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Synovitis may be aseptic and infectious.Aseptic synovitis can be caused by:

  • trauma;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • allergies, etc.

Synovitis caused by trauma can be acute and chronic.Patients are most often noted that they have sharp pains under the patella, less often complain that the knee joint hurts from the inside. If the cause of the synovitis is trauma, the joint increases in volume within a day, the body temperature rises, especially the injured place. First, acute pain is not present, there is only stiffness of movements, but this is already a formidable sign of the disease and you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of patients in the doctor's office. Enough examination of the knee to make a diagnosis. But sometimes the doctor can prescribe an X-ray examination to determine the amount of accumulated fluid. After this, take a puncture: using a syringe with a long needle, draw the liquid and send it for examination. The procedure is predominantly performed without anesthesia, since the person does not feel anything at all.

If the synovitis is caused not by trauma, a general examination of the body will be needed to identify the cause that caused the onset of this disease.

Methods of treatment

Treatment in the first place implies the removal of excess fluid accumulated around it. This is a simple method of surgical intervention.

In especially severe cases, a more complex operation is performed - the knee cavity is opened, the joint is cleansed of purulent formations, and the foreign body, if any, is removed. After this, immediately enter into the broad-spectrum antibiotic to exclude the possibility of penetration and development of infection after surgery. This is a surgical way of treating the disease.

At the second stage, the joint should be immobilized as much as possible. To do this, a special dressing is applied, which restricts movement, and sometimes even a cast.

To understand how to better treat the disease, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence and type. Sometimes it is enough just to remove excess fluid from the area around the joint, and for some time to use a special bandage.

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But most often, in addition, it is required to take anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs. With their help, you can reduce inflammation and eliminate pain. These drugs includeNaise, Ketonal in tablets, ointment indomethacin.

In the treatment of synovitis, drugs that improve microcirculation around the joint, such as heparin, are prescribed. You can also do an internal injection of inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, for example, gordoks. In severe cases, injections of corticosteroids are prescribed. For several months it is desirable to take biologically active food supplements, designed to accelerate the healing process.

At the stage of rehabilitation and rehabilitation, patients are prescribed exercise therapy. The complex of exercises is most often performed in the prone position to reduce the burden on the knee.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to completely exclude squats, fast walking and lifting weights.

Procedures for sanatorium treatment will be effective. These include magnetic resonance therapy, mud baths, swimming. The advantages of this treatment are that the patient is constantly under the supervision of qualified personnel, passes a set of procedures: from proper nutrition to therapeutic physical education.

You can treat it with folk remedies, if it's an easy form of the disease, but usually it's still not enough for a full recovery. To get rid of synovitis, surgical intervention is inevitable. But you can take broths of herbs at the stage of recovery. Tinctures of cowberry and chamomile will be useful - they relieve inflammation. Mint tea will reduce pain. Compresses from the comfrey medicinal will reduce swelling.

So, synovitis is a fairly serious disease of the musculoskeletal system. If a person has a knee ache during flexion and extension, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor. This disease does not go away itself and in time only threatens to move into a more complex form or become chronic.

To prevent the disease you need to control body weight, choose a physical load that spares knee joints, that is, to exclude running and squats with weights. If it so happens that symptoms of synovitis have appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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