Snake with pneumonia

From what you can get pneumonia? I fell ill with pneumonia, and I can not understand why.



How can you get pneumonia?
Inflammation of the lungs is a fairly common disease. In most cases, it is successfully cured. However, in the absence of qualified medical care, pneumonia can lead to serious complications, even to death. If the inflammation of the lungs occurs in infants or in the elderly, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is very high - up to 20%.
Pneumonia occurs as a complication of the disease of the upper respiratory tract. Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. can, especially with a general weakness of the patient's body and a low level of immunity, lead to bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi. If the bronchitis can not be quickly and effectively cured, the infectious process spreads even further and captures the lung tissue. This is how pneumonia begins. This is the main variant of its occurrence.

Pneumonia can arise as a response of the body to a strong inflammatory process, poisoning, violation of the integrity of bone tissue, surgery, etc. Why is this happening? The fact is that the lungs, along with the most important function - respiratory, play the role of a filter, purifying both air and blood from all sorts of toxins and toxins. This purification comes from the outside (inhaled air), and from the inside (neutralization of harmful substances produced by the body). If the body suddenly suddenly increases the level of these toxins and toxins, the lungs can simply not cope with their own the role of the filter, just like failing to cope with its barrier role of the dam, if the water level in the reservoir suddenly abruptly will increase.

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Vladimir Shmelev.

The cat could infect with mycoplasma, and as a consequence - mycoplasmal pneumonia. Difficult to treat.

How can you get pneumonia?

Inflammation of the lungs is a fairly common disease. In most cases, it is successfully cured. However, in the absence of qualified medical care, pneumonia can lead to serious complications, even to death. If the inflammation of the lungs occurs in infants or in the elderly, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is very high - up to 20%.

Pneumonia occurs as a complication of the disease of the upper respiratory tract. Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. can, especially with a general weakness of the patient's body and a low level of immunity, lead to bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi. If the bronchitis can not be quickly and effectively cured, the infectious process spreads even further and captures the lung tissue. This is how pneumonia begins. This is the main variant of its occurrence.

Pneumonia can arise as a response of the body to a strong inflammatory process, poisoning, damage to the integrity of bone tissue, surgery, etc. Why is this happening? The fact is that the lungs, along with the most important function - respiratory, play the role of a filter, purifying both air and blood from all sorts of toxins and toxins. This purification comes from the outside (inhaled air), and from the inside (neutralization of harmful substances produced by the body). If the body suddenly suddenly increases the level of these toxins and toxins, the lungs can simply not cope with their own the role of the filter, just like failing to cope with its barrier role of the dam, if the water level in the reservoir suddenly abruptly will increase.

Any major inflammatory process, a severe burn, an operation (especially severe), a traumatic injury - all this leads to the fact that the body produces a huge amount of toxins and slags. Their level may exceed critical, and then pneumonia will begin.

An impetus to the development of pneumonia can also serve as excessive dryness of the air, its dustiness or use for wet cleaning and disinfection of chlorine-containing drugs (bleach, chloramine). For all their effectiveness, a sharp smell of chlorine can provoke a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which will quickly spread into the depths.

Inflammation of the lungs: contagious or not?

Inflammation of the lungs is a very dangerous disease, cured only under the supervision of a doctor and only in a medical institution.

After using inflammatory processes in the lungs with the help of drugs, complications of pneumonia can develop in the body.

Quite often, people who have suffered pneumonia, remain foci of sclerosis in the lungs, that is, spikes are formed, and in some areas of the lungs there are spikes.

As a result, the person develops oxygen starvation, his immunity is weakened, the body can no longer resist infection.


At the very beginning of the disease, the patient is likely to show signs of toxicosis. Sometimes complications in the form of heart failure and peripheral circulation disorders are possible.

Infectious or not inflammation of the lungs?

If pneumonia has developed as a result of complications of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, it is almost impossible to get infected from a sick person by airborne droplets. The thing is that during the illness in the respiratory organs of a sick person a large number of bacteria accumulate, which when sneezing or coughing enter the environment.

It is at this moment that a healthy person can become infected with a disease that has become the main factor for the development of pneumonia in a sick person, it can be an influenza virus or ARVI.

Therefore, if a healthy person has contracted the flu from a patient with pneumonia, then it is not necessary that he also has pneumonia. After all, the main role in this is the immunity of a person who actively struggles with all diseases.And if the immunity is weakened, then there is a chance of getting a complication of the disease and possibly the development of pneumonia.

Therefore, with such a form of pneumonia, it is simply impossible to catch airborne droplets. However, if a person has caseous pneumonia, that is, where the pathogen has become tuberculosis, then in this case pneumonia will help to transmit to a healthy person even during a conversation. However, it is possible again with weakened immunity.

How do you get pneumonia?

Inflammation is bacterial, viral and fungal, with pronounced pneumotrophy, etiology. Infectious fungi are streptococci, staphylococci, influenza viruses, mycoplasmas, Candida fungi, and respiratory viruses. Regular pneumonia is the result of the progression of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. However, rarely, the development of the inflammatory process occurs only in the lung tissue. Inflammation of the lungs can not be called viral changes in the lungs, as pneumonia and changes in the lungs are treated in completely different ways.

The most frequent way of spreading is bronchogenic pathways, rarely pathogens are transferred by blood, sometimes by lymph.

It is interesting

Signs of pneumonia, depending on the bacteria that caused it, do not have constancy. But still the main signs are: fever, chills, a strong cough. With the manifestation of pneumonia, there may be pain in the chest during breathing, intoxication and often there is shortness of breath.

The data that are obtained by examining the patient depends on how extensive the lung lesions are. The less damage, the more not noticeable the changes, and the more these same lesions, the more we can say about pneumonia, and it becomes more dangerous.

The main risk factors for the onset of pneumonia are:

  • cold;
  • low immunity;
  • damage to lungs by poisonous substances, which causes suffocation;
  • as a result of burns of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, inhalation of gaseous substances that irritate the upper respiratory tract, for example dichlorvos.

The most common cause for the development of pneumonia is bacteria, which in turn can trigger other infectious diseases, chemical effects or allergies.

  • Inflammation of the lungs, which was caused by a viral or bacterial infection, can affect people of all ages, but older people are more susceptible to this disease due to their age.
  • Another cause of the development of pneumonia may be the inhalation of chemical toxic substances, which may be due to trauma in the lungs. This type of pneumonia is called chemical.
  • In the most rare cases, pneumonia develops against a background of a fungal infection and with specific types of fungi.
  • Sometimes the development of pneumonia becomes a consequence of inhaling the allergen, so this species is called an allergic alveolitis. Infection with this virus can be after inhaling dust, moldy hay or mushrooms in a damp room.

The risk of contracting pneumonia may depend on a person's physical health, age, risk level, from the state of the immune system, as well as from the presence in the body of specific viruses, bacteria, fungi and their effects.

Some people believe that pneumonia can be caused by the fact that a person froze in cold weather or was exposed to rain, but this is misleading.

How is pneumonia transmitted?

The risk group of people who can very quickly become infected with any form of pneumonia include:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with weakened immunity;
  • patients with influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, other viral infections;
  • people with drug or alcohol dependence;
  • those who take hormones;
  • nervously depleted people suffering from depression;
  • patients with chronic diseases, it is renal failure, diabetes, asthma and so on.
If pneumonia has a contagious form, then it can be infected by airborne droplets.

After all, in the body of a sick person there is a huge number of pathogens that go outside during coughing or sneezing.

And if a healthy person inhales these microbes, they immediately begin to act in his body.

The incubation period of the disease lasts about2-5 days.During these days a person does not feel any visible signs of the disease, but later a slight increase in temperature begins, which grows into more.

The second variant of infection with an infectious form of pneumonia is a household method. After all, viruses settle on the objects around us and can be viable for 4 hours. Therefore, if a healthy person touches his hands to an infected object, and then begins to eat or rub his eyes, then pneumonia is provided to him.


How much time is pneumonia treated?

Many people are interested in the actual question: how and how much is pneumonia treated? Such a disease, as pneumonia, is called inflammation of the lungs in another way. This disease has an infectious nature, and the lesion in this case concerns the lung tissue.

It can be noted that this disease is really serious and dangerous. According to statistics, approximately 5-6% of people who die with pneumonia die.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

The symptomatic of pneumonia consists in the similarity of the symptoms of pneumonia with other diseases, such as, for example, acute respiratory infections or bronchitis.Therefore, knowledge of the main symptoms for determining the onset of pneumonia is simply necessary.Such symptoms include:

    • the appearance of dyspnea (is a constant sign of pneumonia);
    • elevated body temperature (which indicates that inflammation has begun and the organism of the patient with pneumonia is exposed to intoxication);
    • the appearance of a cough with the release of sputum (this sign appears with pneumonia almost always);
    • chest pain (especially from the side);
    • deterioration of the general condition of the patient, which can be severe or moderate.

    According to these signs, you can independently note the symptoms of pneumonia, however, in order to correctly diagnose and start treating the disease, you need to contact clinic, where for accurate definition of inflammation the thorax is taped by a doctor, an x-ray is made to view the condition of the lungs, and special analyzes.

Treatment of pneumonia with symptomatic and pathogenetic means

Symptomatic way of treating pneumonia is used to eliminate and alleviate the main symptoms of the disease. With this type of treatment, usually the funds needed to reduce heat, and possibly the use of mucolytic drugs. The sickness of pneumonia needs to be lowered only in the case when there really is an acute necessity, that is, at a temperature that has risen above 39 degrees (in adults), or when the patient is in severe condition.

To withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, usually use mucolytic drugs. In addition, some mucolytic agents have the property of increasing the activity of antibiotics, which is important in the treatment of pneumonia. The use of mucolytics such as Ambroxol, ACS or Carbocysteine ​​has an auxiliary effect against pneumonia, with the appointment of the attending physician and the time of taking these medications.

The basis of therapy for pneumonia is the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics. Execution of gas exchange function in the body is taken away from the lung tissue. The air enters the tissues and organs through a complex system of tubes of different diameters and the overcoming of the alveolocapillary barrier.

Bacteria and viruses affect and affect the alveolar tissue in the event that the lung tissue is inflamed. Therefore, an accumulation of infiltrative fluid occurs in the lumen of the acini. This makes the gas exchange process more difficult, as a result of which a part of the tissue falls out of the respiratory process.

Pathogenetic is called treatment, aimed at eliminating those changes in the airways that triggered pneumonia.

There are several types of diseases that are classified in connection with the size of pathological foci:

  • Focal (the process occurs in one or affects several alveoli);
  • segmental (a lesion of the whole segment occurs, which in its composition has a large number of alveolar lobes);
  • shared (with the inflammatory process of the whole pulmonary lobe);
  • croupous (completely pulmonary fields from both sides are affected).

All these forms imply specific changes in lung tissue.

How long do they treat pneumonia?

Treatment of pneumonia can be carried out both in medical institutions and at home. With this disease, it is necessary to assess the severity of pneumonia. This is the determining factor in order to predict the duration of treatment, to prescribe the right drugs. Therefore, the period during which a patient with pneumonia will be treated in a hospital hospital is determined precisely by the severity of his illness.

There are many factors that may become the basis for hospitalization of the patient. For example, patients who for some reason do not have the opportunity to take medications as required by the scheme and schedule of treatment for pneumonia are hospitalized. Before hospitalization of a patient, the severity of pneumonia is usually established, for which a chest x-ray of a patient suffering from pneumonia is performed.

Immediately after radiography, the difference in physiological indications is considered, that is, the pressure, pulse state and breathing rate of the patient are checked. If an acute disturbance of consciousness occurs, hypoxemia, there is an infection that accompanies the disease (such infection may be symptoms meningitis or endocarditis), or if there are suspicions of concomitant diseases of the heart, liver, then mandatory hospitalization patient. Tumor formations also belong to the listed factors.

The duration of the general period of hospitalization is affected by the form of the disease, the fidelity of the selected medication and how the patient reacts with pneumonia to prescribed medications. On average, in the normal course of the disease, if treatment is given due attention, and with therapy that is successful helps the recovery, the length of time that the patient spends in the hospital ward is between two four days. But, nevertheless, under certain circumstances, the attending physician may not stop hospitalization, for in order to continue monitoring the course of the disease and to treat pneumonia more intensively course.

With mild forms of pneumonia, the patient usually stays in the hospital hospital for no more than two days, after which he leaves home on the third day and can continue to be treated independently. As for the forms of pneumonia, which are generally considered complicated, their treatment can be much longer, about nine to ten days.


The disease is treated taking into account the type of pneumonia and the original cause of the disease.

Prevention of pneumonia

In therapy, antibiotic preparations are mainly used, which are given in accordance with the age of the patient and his condition. If pneumonia does not take a complicated form, and the treatment was performed correctly and with the most suitable drugs, then the prognosis of the treatment of pneumonia is usually quite favorable. Most often, patients suffering pneumonia, full recovery occurs within three weeks, sometimes within a month.

To prevent a disease such as pneumonia, or more simply, for the prevention of pneumonia, medical experts usually recommend tempering the body in various ways, to stop taking alcohol and stop smoking tobacco products.


In addition, it is desirable to often ventilate the premises in which there is a lot of time, that is, a study and rooms in the house. It is necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition, which should be balanced, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Sport is also a good preventive tool to strengthen the immune system and prevent the onset of pneumonia.

Brother in the army fell ill with pneumonia, tell me how dangerous?



It would be necessary to urgently go to the guy with the drugs how many people from there come back.


very dangerous, you can die

Vladimir Sakhnenko

if adequately treated, it will all pass


URGENT achieve that he was put in a hospital!!! On February 14, my friend in the army died of viral meningitis, he said "there are no tablets, they are not. And they force you to become a snowman. " Do you see the news? Soldiers in the army most often from pneumonia and die. Save the brother until it's too late

Victor Demyanov

Very dangerous 2-stronnyaya. In most cases, pneumonia is treated. I advise you to monitor the course of treatment, pressure on the medical staff, if the form is heavy.

LADY.. .

if he is already in the hospital - everything will be fine... a young organism perfectly fights and gives in to treatment... 21 day and he is again in the ranks !!!


depends on the temperature increase

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