Flemoxin for sinusitis

Flemoxin soluteab - use in genyantritis

Inflammation of the nasal sinuses caused by bacterial infections can be defeated only with the help of antibacterial drugs.

Doctors-otolaryngologists quite often prescribe to their patients Flemoxin in sinusitis, since this powerful the drug is able to effectively destroy harmful microorganisms that are the causative agents of this disease.

Flemoxin Solutab is an antibacterial preparation of the penicillin group. Active active substance is a semi-synthetic antibiotic amoxicillin trihydrate, which is used for destruction of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, causing sinus inflammation, and suppressing their ability to reproduction.

The use of antimicrobial drugs on the basis of amoxicillin gives pronounced positive results. In particular, the symptoms of inflammation of the nasal sinuses with antibacterial therapy with their use can be removed within seven days - even in the case of the most complicated forms of sinusitis.

It should be noted that the duration and effectiveness of using Flemoxin in sinusitis depends also on how well all the side symptoms of the disease are eliminated. For this purpose it is recommended to use vasoconstrictive sprays and antibiotic drops during the treatment period.

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It is important to know

The duration of treatment with Flemoxin depends on the severity of the patient's illness and can range from 5 to 12 days.

Also Flemoxin Solutab can be effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes affecting:

  • skin and soft tissues;
  • respiratory system;
  • genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, Flemoxin Solutab is also often used before any surgical operations to prevent possible bacterial complications.

Flemoxin is almost immediately absorbed from the stomach. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached after 1-2 hours after use.

The manufacturer produces Flemoxin Solutab in the form of tablets with a pleasant tangerine taste.

The way of using tablets from sinusitis depends solely on the patient's desire: the medicine can be take, without chewing and washing down with a small amount of water, but if desired, you can and chew. Also in some cases, in particular, in the treatment of sinusitis in young children, it is allowed dissolving the drug in water to obtain a syrup or suspension (20 and 100 ml of water per tablet respectively).

It is worth noting

The most effective is taking the drug before or after eating.

To prescribe this drug, and also to select the necessary dosage of the drug Flemoxin Solutab at a sinusitis has the right only a specialist, based on information obtained during the examination of the patient, as well as the results of laboratory analyzes. It is not recommended to engage in self-medication, relying only on reviews of the drug.

Drug Flemoxin Solutab: contraindications and side effects

In the event that the drug Flemoxin Solutab is improperly applied, inadequately or uncontrolled, it can seriously damage the patient's health.

This antibiotic should be taken with care to patients who suffer from various kidney diseases. It is also contraindicated to use Flemoxin Solutab for allergy to penicillin and cephalosporin medicines.

Despite the fact that the drug Flemoxin Solutab practically does not cause side effects, in some cases there may be problems on the part of the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), as well as local allergic reactions. Very rarely, the use of the drug can lead to anaphylactic shock, polymorphic erythema and colitis.

It is important to know

Pregnant women and lactating mothers are not allowed to take this medication.

Currently, there are no negative effects of the drug on the central nervous system.

If you strictly follow the doctor's recommended treatment recommendations, the drug Flemoxin Solutab will help you get rid of the disease much quicker and feel good again.



Flemoxin soluteba at a genyantritis: application of an antibiotic

When treating diseases of the nose caused by bacteria, antibiotics can not be avoided. Flemoxin soluteab in sinusitis is a popular tool in the treatment of adults and small patients. It belongs to the number of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Effect of the drug

The active substance of the drug is amoxicillin trihydrate, which is a semi-synthetic penicillin. Flemoxin is endowed with a strong bactericidal action, it is effective in combating gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

The main advantage of this drug over other antibiotics is its resistance to gastric juice. This property of Flemoxin makes it possible to widely apply it in otolaryngology, appointing even patients fromgastrointestinal diseases, since the antibiotic does not have a negative effect on the digestive system.

The drug is given in tablet form, the tablets have a tangerine-lemon flavor. When it penetrates the body from the stomach, the drug is completely absorbed into the blood in a fairly short period of time. After 2 hours after using Flemoxin in sinusitis, it reaches its maximum concentration in the blood. An effective antibiotic will only be in case of bacterial sinusitis in the body.

Symptoms of bacterial sinusitis

Antibiotics categorically forbidden to take with viral or fungal sinusitis, so it is important to determine the origin of sinusitis. Purulent sinusitis is characterized by such signs:
  • violation of nasal respiration;
  • fever or slightly higher;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • swelling and tenderness of the skin during palpation in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • discharge from the nose yellow or dark green.

Such characteristic features make it possible to conduct differential diagnosis and distinguish between viral sinusitis and bacterial sinusitis. However, they are not grounds for prescribing antibiotic therapy, a deeper laboratory study of the patient's biomaterial will be needed.

Application of Flemoxin solute

Proceeding from the fact that the drug belongs to the number of antibiotics, it is prescribed for purulent sinusitis. Therefore, for colds Flemoxin soluteab is almost never prescribed, except in the case when there is a protracted runny nose with the attachment of a bacterial infection.

The most active is the antibiotic against the causative agent of meningococcal meningitis, pneumococcus, beta-hemolytic streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, Flemoxin soluteab is used not only in otolaryngology, but also in the treatment of diseases of other organs and systems human body, because it is effective in combating helikobakter, listeria, anthrax bacteria and gonorrhea. Amoxicillin is less effective against such bacteria as:

  • salmonella;
  • fecal enterococcus;
  • shigella;
  • the causative agent of Escherichia coli and cholera.

When treating sinusitis, the tablets should be swallowed without chewing. Also, if necessary, you can divide the tablet into parts, chew and drink with water. It is strictly forbidden to dissolve Flemoxin in water. Take the medicine before or after eating.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Flemoxin soluteba in sinusitis is prohibited if the patient has such diseases and body conditions:
  1. Hypersensitivity to amoxicillin, penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, xenobiotics;
  2. Renal failure;
  3. Infectious mononucleosis;
  4. Pregnancy and lactation;
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by antibiotic therapy.

Most often, allergic reactions of the body are observed, which manifest themselves in the form of urticaria, skin hyperemia, conjunctivitis, fever.

From the side of the digestive system can occur stomatitis, dysbiosis, nausea, glossitis, vomiting, diarrhea. Sometimes, with an overdose or an individual intolerance to amoxicillin, the nervous system suffers, which is manifested by such signs:

  • insomnia;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • ataxia;
  • dizziness;
  • epileptic reactions;
  • headache.

Also, patients can complain of tachycardia and shortness of breath. The dosage of Flemoxin soluteba in sinusitis is determined only by the otolaryngologist, which takes into account the stage of the disease, the peculiarity of its course and the condition of the patient. It is for this reason that you can buy an antibacterial drug based on amoxicillin only in the presence of a prescription, which excludes the misuse of Flemoxin and the occurrence of complications.


How to take amoxicillin with genyantema

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a condition characteristic of any viral rhinitis. Why does the word "sinusitis" many of us immediately panic? Because under this diagnosis is often hidden already neglected, chronic form of the disease, requiring a long and difficult treatment. To avoid it, at the very beginning of the acute manifestation of the disease the doctor prescribes an antibiotic that will help to avoid the so scary all puncture patients (puncture the sinuses for the purpose of washing them).

The article indicates which drops in the nose are better for using genyantritis to use, and which are not.

Why use

The causes of sinusitis can be different:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection (causative agent - Staphylococcus aureus);
  • mechanical damage to the nasal septum;
  • an allergic reaction of the body to various stimuli;
  • employment in harmful production, leading to chemical irritation of mucous nasopharynx.

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Not every form of sinusitis requires the use of antibiotic therapy - it is absolutely useless when allergic and viral etymology of the disease, the antibiotic and those with character. But in the case of a bacterial lesion without antibiotic can not do - it will help prevent the prolongation of the disease and the adoption of a chronic form. Amoxicillin is considered one of the best drugs often prescribed by otolaryngologists for the treatment of sinusitis, and in this article we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of this medication. Amoxicillin in sinusitis is very effective and useful.

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Effect of the drug

Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group, which has a powerful effect: it neutralizes gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, among which are such dangerous ones as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, as well as streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus. This is a time-tested, certified medicine with strong bactericidal properties and helps to cope with the disease no worse than the newfangled expensive analogues.

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The preparation is available in the form of capsules (, 5 and, d), tablets (, g), suspension (5 ml 25 g), solution for application per os - through the mouth (1 ml g), powder for preparation of droppers and intramuscular injections (1 g, diluted with saline solution). This, coupled with a strong wide impact, makes Amoxicillin a virtually universal antibiotic, dosages of which are calculated for adults, children, as well as attenuated elderly people and recumbent patients.

The medicine has many trade names:

  • Flemoxin solute,
  • Augmentin,
  • Amoxyl,
  • Amoxicillin trihydrate,
  • Gramox-D.

The antibiotic takes effect very quickly - already in 15-20 minutes after administration, and is active for 7-9 hours; the maximum concentration of the active substance comes after 1-2 hours.Undoubted advantage of Amoxicillin is that its digestibility does not depend on the ingestion of food - the patient does not have to reshape his habitual regimen.

How is the application of tuya oil for sinusitis can be found by reading the article.

Among the benefits of the drug can be noted:

  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to accurately calculate the dose in accordance with the individual requirements of the patient;
  • the ability to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines, which is not characteristic of every antibacterial agent;
  • safety and long-term experience of use, including in the treatment of newborns;
  • penetration into all organs, except the brain and spinal cord;
  • fast and high (up to 93%) level of absorption;
  • affordable price.

How to make a massage with genyantritis at home, indicated in the article.

Dosage for children

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with Amoxicillin should be carried out according to the purpose and under the strict supervision of a doctor who will establish an individual a dose of antibiotic depending on its weight and age category and it will tell you how to take and help the drug or no.

The average dosage indicators.

  1. For children from birth to 2 years, the one-time dose is calculated as follows: 20 mg of the drug is multiplied by 1 kg of body weight per day and divided into three doses.
  2. Children from 2 to 5 years are recommended to take an antibiotic in the form of a suspension, which manufacturers often give a pleasant taste, focusing specifically on this age group.A single dose for such children is 125 mg (half a measuring spoon) three times a day.
  3. In the case of children from 5 to 10 years, the dosage is doubled - its single dose is 250 ml three times a day.

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Self-medication often ends with an overdose of the drug with all the attendant troubles, because when determining the single dose, the weight of the child is much more important than his age. This is especially true for weak and prematurely born babies.

Dosage for adults

Patients over the age of 10 years (weighing more than 40 kg) and adults in the absence of pathologies use Amoxicillin shown in accordance with the instructions to the drug. The maximum permissible daily dose of the suspension in this case is 6 g. For infections of moderate severity, 500 ml of syrup is prescribed 3 times a day, and in complicated forms of maxillary sinusitis, an increase in the dose up to 5-1 g thrice a day intramuscularly is possible.

Can I get pregnant?

Pregnancy is a special condition in which everything a woman consumes enters her baby's body. This dependence causes future mothers to negatively react to taking antibiotics, and this is absolutely correct. But there are situations in which two evils have to choose less - in particular, pregnant women should know that intrauterine infection of the fetus bacterial infection can cause such serious consequences as pneumonia, incompatible with life developmental disorders, severe organic damage to the central nervous system.In this case, the use of Amoxicillin is justified and necessary.

What signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults and how to treat folk remedies, you can find out by reading this article.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. In order to protect yourself and the child as much as possible, a woman should be treated under strict control, and seek advice with any alarming signs.


Like any medicine, Amoxicillin has a number of contraindications and side effects. Taking the medicine is inadmissible in the following cases:

  • individual sensitivity to its components;
  • hepatic insufficiency;
  • diathesis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • oncological diseases of blood.

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Immediately stop the treatment should be and those patients who have the following side effects:

  • indigestion: vomiting, diarrhea, multi-day constipation;
  • allergic reactions: rash, dyspnea, anaphylactic shock;
  • increased manifestations of sinusitis (increased amount of mucus, persistent headache, etc.);
  • inflammation of the shells of the eyeballs (conjunctivitis).

Despite the fact that this antibiotic is extremely rare in the negative, patients should be very attentive to the reactions of your body and notify the attending physician of any manifestations.

The article lists the list of antibiotics from sinusitis.

Bacterial sinusitis is a disease that is amenable to Amoxicillin treatment if the patient undergoes treatment until the end (usually 5-7 days). If the treatment is interrupted prematurely, the disease can recur and then for its elimination the doctor will be forced to prescribe an even stronger medicine. According to reviews, the effectiveness of the drug is beyond doubt.


How to take Flemoxin solute

"Flemoxin soluteab" is an antibiotic that is part of a group of semisynthetic penicillins. The drug has a wide range of effects. The active substance of the agent is amoxicillin trihydrate.

"Flemoxin solute instruction on the use of the drug

The preparation "Flemoxin soluteab" is prescribed for diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active substance: diseases of the digestive tract, infections of the respiratory system, infections of the urinary system, infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissues. It has a bactericidal effect. "Flemoxin solute" is taken regardless of the time of ingestion. The tablet should be washed down with plenty of water. The greatest concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is achieved in one to two hours. Removal of the drug occurs only by the kidneys.

In infectious diseases of mild and moderate severity, the drug is administered in the following doses. Adults and children aged 10 years should take 500-750 mg twice a day or 500 mg three times a day. Children 3-10 years of age receive 250 mg of the drug three times a day, children one to three years old receive 250 mg twice a day or 150 mg three times a day. The daily dose of "Flemoxin solute" for children, on average, is 30 mg / kg. With severe infection, in cases of chronic diseases it can be increased. In infections with mild or moderate severity, the drug takes five to seven days, with infections caused by streptococcus, the course of treatment should be at least ten days.

Contraindications and side effects "Flemoxin solute"

"Flemoxin soluteab" is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to cephalosporins and penicillins, with leukemoid reactions of lymphatic type, infectious mononucleosis. During the administration of the drug, the following side effects may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, antibiotic-associated colitis, urticaria, itching of the skin, interstitial nephritis, severe allergic reactions (erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, epidermal toxic necrolysis). There is a significant risk of anaphylaxis in patients with severe allergic pathology in the history of the disease.

In patients with infectious mononucleosis, a rash appears during taking this medication, which is not associated with hypersensitivity to the drug, such episodes are not a contraindication to the use of "Flemoxin solutab ». The use of this drug during pregnancy is possible according to the indications and under the control of the attending physician. The analogues of Flemoxin soluteba are Amoxicillin, Amoxisar, Amosys, Gramox-D, Gonoform, Grunamox, Ospamox, Danemox, Hikontsil, EcoBall.


Antibiotic flemoxin

Very often, people use antibiotics for treatment without consulting a doctor. Such self-treatment is the reason for the adaptability of pathogens to antibiotics and their further reproduction. All this leads to the fact that the inflammatory process in the body is growing, and does not respond to treatment. These kinds of situations stimulate specialists to new research in the field of medicine and to produce new, stronger, more effective drugs. Antibiotic flemoxin refers to this type of drugs, which has a wide spectrum of action and is part of a group of penicillins.

In inflammatory processes, flemoxin acts on the source of the disease bactericidal, that is, it destroys pathogens of infections. It should be noted that prolonged use of this antibiotic can lead to addiction, and as a consequence - its inefficiency in treatment.

After taking Flemoxin, it begins to be quickly absorbed into the digestive tract. The peak concentration of this type of antibiotic in the blood occurs 2 hours after its administration. The concentration of the drug necessary for treatment is achieved by its penetration into the mucosa, and therefore, Flemoxin is quite effective:

  • with angina;
  • with bronchitis;
  • at a genyantritis;
  • with pneumonia;
  • at otitis.

In the treatment of meningitis, flemoxin is not effective, since the process of drug absorption into the cerebrospinal fluid is quite long.

Flemoxin - indications for use

Flemoxin is used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the respiratory tract caused by various bacteria that are sensitive to the action of flemoxin (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), as well as with ENT diseases (pharyngitis, follicular angina, otitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • infectious processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • with infectious lesions of skin and tissues.

Dosage of Flemoxin

The dosage of flemoxin depends on such indices:

  1. Age.
  2. Severity of the disease.
  3. Individual features of the body.

In small doses, the drug is acceptable to prescribe during pregnancy. When lactating with an antibiotic should be accurate, because penetrating through the mother's milk in the body of the child drug, can cause him an allergy to flemoxin.

Use Flemoxin allowed for thirty minutes before meals, or 30 minutes after, after chewing the tablet, or swallowing whole.

The period of taking the drug for infections of medium severity is about 7 days, if the disease has a larger scale - the period of treatment with this antibiotic reaches 14 days. In this case, in case of disappearance of signs of the disease, the antibiotic should be taken about two more days.

Flemoxin - side effects

  • GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: flatulence, diarrhea, in rare cases - colitis (inflammatory processes in the large intestine);
  • kidney: nephritis (inflammatory processes in the kidneys);
  • organs responsible for blood formation: a decrease in the total number of leukocytes (which leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the body), as well as platelets (which leads to the development of bleeding);
  • a variety of allergic reactions, a rash of different nature, hives, which can go to the Quincke's edema, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur.

Flemoxin analogues:

  • amoxicillin;
  • Gromox-D;
  • hycycil;
  • amofast;
  • hycycil;
  • in-Mox;
  • ospamox.

Remember that before buying an analog of flemoxin you should consult your doctor.


Flemoxin soluteab - an effective antibiotic for otitis

Very often after a cold or sinus infection, we feel an unpleasant tingling in the ears. In the common people it is called "shoots the ear but few know that these are the first bells to the fact that you develop otitis.

The main effective treatment for this disease is antibiotic therapy. Flemoxin soluteab with otitis together with other antibiotics is one of the most effective means.

This antibiotic has a very wide spectrum of action. Its main focus is the fight against microorganisms, which are the main cause of otitis.

The pharmacological group of this preparation is penicillinic, the composition Flemoxin soluteba includes amoxicillin, a semisynthetic drug chemically derived from penicillin.

After taking the pill inside, the drug is quickly absorbed, but does not break down in the acidic environment of the stomach. This antibiotic does not interact with food in any way, it can be taken regardless of your daily routine.

By binding to proteins in the blood, the antibiotic penetrates into the mucous membranes, bone tissue, and most importantly into the detachable. The fact that this antibiotic is absorbed into the sputum and pus and contributes to their withdrawal is the main criterion for its reception. After taking 2 hours more, he is not excreted from the body.

Also, Flemoxin soluteab in otitis can be released in small quantities in milk, so you should consult a doctor about taking it during lactation. This drug is produced in an unchanged form by the kidneys (50-70%), and 10-20% by the liver.

How long and how to use Flemoxin in otitis

How to use Flemoxin Solutab for otitis?

The dosage of the drug is strictly individual and is selected by the doctor depending on several factors:

  • type of disease;
  • the age of the patient;
  • sex;
  • renal function.

The drug should be used within 5-10 days and continue taking two more days after the disappearance of the symptoms. The tablet should not be divided in half, as the doctor prescribes a certain dosage, which must be strictly observed. By separating the pill, you artificially reduce the dose of the drug.

It is important to know

To completely recover from otitis, you must definitely come to see a doctor. Only he can give you the right dosage, calculated from your body weight.

It is not recommended to use the drug for people with hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug and for kidney failure.

Side effects of Flemoxin are:

  • change in taste (sometimes), nausea, vomiting;
  • crystalluria and the appearance of interstitial nephritis;
  • insomnia, nervous arousal, confusion, headache, depression;
  • difficulty breathing.

Flemoxin in otitis is an effective drug, but it is worth considering how to choose a comprehensive treatment, which includes not only taking an antibiotic, but washing the nose and ear drops. Also it is necessary to examine the eardrum, since all drugs will be prescribed only after examination by the ENT doctor. In some cases, otitis requires hospitalization.



Procedures for sinusitis: the essence, effectiveness and contraindications

Sinusitis usually appears on the background of a cold or flu, and its consequences are life threatening. Entrust the treatment of sinusitis to a specialist, otherwise self-medication can lead to meningitis.

The main help in the fight against the disease will be procedures for sinusitis.

Let's consider some of them.

Puncture of nasal sinuses- the most common procedure, if antibiotics and local treatment did not bring the desired result. What is a puncture? A specialist uses a syringe to draw pus from the nasal sinuses.

A puncture is done under local anesthesia, since this intervention is painful enough.

After drawing out the pus, the sinuses are washed with special solutions (furacilin or saline solution), then an antibiotic is injected into the nasal cavity.

Despite the fact that the procedure is extremely unpleasant, it is considered one of the most effective, as the pus leaves, and the symptoms of the disease also go away.

Another procedure for sinusitis -nasal lavage. This procedure assumes a horizontal position of the patient. At this time, the specialist enters the catheter into the nasal sinuses and passes the solution through it. The procedure is effective, because almost instantly the patient is breathing easier, because of the outflow of pus, the headache is gone. Unlike a puncture, one procedure is indispensable - you need 5-7 sessions to restore breathing and get rid of the symptoms.

What can be done to wash the nose with genyantritis at home? At home, a saline solution is used to wash the nose. In addition to it, green tea perfectly suits, broths of herbs - elekasola, St. John's wort, chamomile, string. To do this, 1 teaspoon pour 1 glass of hot water and cool to room temperature. Preferences for medicinal herbs should be given depending on the absence of allergies.

Popular in the treatment of sinusitis iswashing of the nose by the method of moving the liquid ("cuckoo").

This effective procedure is almost identical to the usual washing of the nose, it is used in the case of light, uncomplicated forms of sinusitis, it is quite painless.

This procedure got its name due to the fact that during the washing of the nose you need to say "ku-ku".

Despite this comic mechanism, patients note improvement after the first procedure. The solution used for washing the nose is mixed with a purulent secret and speeds up its exudation, after which relief comes and a headache occurs.

Types of procedures

X-ray CT X-ray

Inhalation with genyantritis- procedures using natural components of plant origin, allow to extinguish the inflammatory process. The only contraindication to the use of this procedure for sinusitis is intolerance or sensitivity to plant components that are used for inhalation. At home, for inhalations, as a rule, garlic, horseradish, lavender, propolis are used.

It is worth noting the effectivenessthermal procedures for genyantema.

They can be recommended only by a specialist, in no case without its recommendation thermal procedures do not use - this can lead to complications.

If the doctor prescribed warming up the nasal sinuses, then the easiest way is to warm up the egg or loose croups wrapped in a pouch.

Recently, the popularity of treatment is pulsating heat. The pulsating heat can be obtained with a conventional hair dryer - simply directing the flow of warm air to the nose area for 15-20 minutes.

It is important to know

Contraindication of thermal procedures for sinusitis are the genyantrites of a polyposic nature, high body temperature and nosebleeds.

To enhance the effect of treatment of sinusitis with drugslaser therapy. This kind of therapy helps to eliminate inflammation. In case of neglect of sinusitis can be combinedacupunctureanduse of biologically active additives. Typically, the duration of such procedures lasts about 2 weeks, but it all depends on the severity of the disease.

For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, diadynamic currents, electrophoresis, microwave therapy, mud treatment, aerosols and inhalations are used.



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