Allokin Alpha belongs to the category of antiviral, immunomodulating agents.
The key active ingredient is alloferon, the course of treatment is prescribed for hepatitis B and C, papilloma viruses, influenza infections. The use of the drug helps to increase the activity of T-lymphocytes, which constitute the cellular immunity of a person. These substances suppress activity and destroy viruses.
On this page you will find all information about Allokin Alpha: full instructions for use on this medication, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Allokin Alpha in the form of injections. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Allokin-Alpha belongs to the group of antiviral medicines.
Conditions of leave from pharmacies
The drug is released by prescription.
Price list
How much are Allokin Alpha pricks? The average price of 6 ampoules in pharmacies is at the level of3 550 rubles.
Form of issue and composition
The active ingredient Allokin-Alpha is alloferon (cytokine-like peptide), which is obtained by chemical synthesis methods. It is patented in many countries, including Russia, the US, Japan and some European countries.
Currently, the drug is available as a lyophilized white powder for solution preparation. In one ampoule, Allokin-Alpha contains 1 mg of alloferon. Ampoules are packed in cardboard packs of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 pieces in special cellular forms from polymeric materials.
What helps Allokin-alpha?
Allokin-Alpha has a wide range of effects on the human immune system. This drug is most often prescribed in the following cases:
- Treatment of chronic papillomavirus infection, which can cause cancer.
- The drug can be used as an auxiliary therapy for lesions of the cervix in women or anogenital region (condyloma, erosion).
- As part of a comprehensive treatment for acute and chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C - in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of the drug its use is important to begin no later than 7 days after the appearance of icterus of the skin and mucous membranes.
- In the complex treatment of chronic and often recurrent herpes virus 1 and 2 types - to ensure that treatment is maximally effective should begin the use of the drug as early as possible, literally with the appearance of the first vesicles of the lesion.
It is also recommended for use with a sharp decrease in immunity. This is a highly effective immunomodulator.
pharmachologic effect
The drug Allokin-alpha is a unique medicinal product, the production of which became possible thanks to modern technologies. The basis of its action is the oligopeptide alloferon. An artificially created substance is an analogue of a peptide found in insects and performing antiviral protection. It consists of 13 amino acids.
As part of the drug alloferone performs several functions: it stimulates the immune system, activating the formation of cells-EC and improving the detection of infection. The uniqueness of Allokin-alpha is that it does not cause addiction in viruses, as natural killers stimulated by them quickly destroy cells with all the contents.
After the injection under the skin, the oligopeptide instantly enters the bloodstream and within two hours, an increased growth of interferon is observed in the body. After that, the increased level of immune cells persists for 6-8 hours. At the end of the Allokin-alpha course, prolonged action is observed - an increased concentration of interferon is kept for a week.
The drug is not prescribed to individuals with an intolerant alloferon intolerance.
According to the instructions, Allokin-Alpha can not be used to treat patients suffering from autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, diffuse toxic goiter).
It is not recommended to use alloferon in pediatric practice.
Since dizziness may occur during treatment with the drug, activities requiring increased concentration of attention should be avoided.
Application in pregnancy and lactation
It is forbidden to use Allokin-Alpha during pregnancy.
In the period of breastfeeding, it is not advisable to use alloferon. If the appointment of Allokin-Alpha during the lactation period can not be avoided, the question of interruption of breastfeeding should be addressed.
Instructions for use Allokin Alpha
The instructions for use indicate that Allokin-Alpha ampoules are intended for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration. To do this, the contents of the ampoule should be dissolved in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. It is not recommended to use other preparations as a solvent. Allokin-Alpha is not allowed to mix with one syringe with other parenteral drugs.
Use Allokin-Alpha solution immediately after preparation. The duration of therapy and the scheme of application of alloferon is determined by the doctor.
- With recurrent herpetic infection, usually during an exacerbation, administration of 1 mg of alloferon is given every 48 hours. The total recommended dose of the drug Allokin-Alfa is 3 injections.
- In infections caused by oncogenic forms of human papillomavirus, as a rule, administer 1 mg of alloferon every 48 hours. The total recommended dose of the drug Allokin-Alpha is 6 injections.
- Patients with acute hepatitis B of moderate severity, as a rule, after verification of the diagnosis, administer 1 mg of alloferon three times a week. The total recommended dose of Allokin-Alfa is 9 injections.
Depending on the patient's condition and the effectiveness of the therapy, after a while the doctor can prescribe a repeated course of application of the drug Allokin-Alpha.
Side effects
Side effects include dizziness, general weakness, increased rash in herpetic disease. When dizziness occurs, you should refrain from driving.
Drug Interactions
In the treatment of chronic recurrent genital herpes can be administered concomitantly with acyclovir and its derivatives.
In acute hepatitis B, the drug is prescribed against the background of conventional basal therapy.
Interaction with other drugs has not been identified.
special instructions
Treatment is recommended to begin when the earliest symptoms of the disease occur, with hepatitis B - no later than 7 days after the onset of jaundice.
When dizziness occurs, it is necessary to refrain from driving and working with machinery.
A pharmaceutical product has a good reputation, if you start from different forums or other Internet resources. People who have been treated with this drug are overwhelmingly satisfied. Allokin-Alpha exerts its therapeutic effect for a short period of time and shows really good results, since the active component is extremely active.
Reviews atherpesonce again confirm the opinion of patients, especially if to use complex therapy with Allokin-Alpha andAcyclovir, because their action potentsiruet each other, which greatly increases the productivity of conservative treatment. Unpleasant rashes are already on the second-third day after the beginning of active drug-based sanitation, in contrast from monotherapy by any of the means (a noticeable therapeutic result can sometimes wait up to two weeks).
The doctors' comments about Allokin-Alpha are also favorable. Of course, the medical staff of state institutions complains about the price of the medicine, but from the pharmaceutical point of view - Allokin-Alpha is really unique in its kind. Performance indicators affect even people far from medicine: prevention of dysplasia and cervical cancer is successful in 98 percent of all cases, and treatment of human papilloma virus - in 96 percent.
Similar to Allokin Alfa, some preparations of Russian and foreign manufacture possess. Such means include:
- Amizon;
- Arpefly;
- Isoprinosine;
- Panavir;
- Oxolin;
- Amiksin;
- Kagocel;
- Groprinosin;
- Gardasil;
- Cervarix.
The main analogue of Allokin Alpha is Panavir, which has a similar antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. The agent has about the same cost and effectiveness, so it is difficult to determine which drug is better. Each doctor chooses a medication for the patient, based on individual factors: the patient's condition, the type of pathology, the degree of its severity, etc.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Store in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C.
Shelf life 24 months.

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