How to identify an allergic cough in a child

Tip 1: How to determine an allergic cough

How to identify an allergic cough

Allergic cough often occurs in the spring-summer period, when there is an active flowering of plants. However, such a cough can provoke and any other allergens. The main thing is to determine in time which ones.


  1. If you or your loved ones do not feel ill, but from time to time you suffer from severe attacks of dry coughing or coughing with a difficult sputum discharge, then it is possible that this is one of the manifestations of an allergy. Recollect, whether there was at you before the beginning of an attack sensation, that to you there is no air, whether there was no breath complicated. Check up, whether tonsils have increased, whether there is no raised or increased temperature. If of all the usual symptoms you only havecough, contact an allergist or therapist and take tests for allergens.
  2. Pay attention to your child: does he cough? After all, thiscoughespecially dangerous for children. It can be so strong that the child may have cramps. In addition, if the allergic
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    coughnot treated, then over time the baby can develop bronchial asthma.
  3. If the child coughs mostly at night or after a dream, check the condition of his bed. Perhaps he is allergic to the pillow filler or to a new detergent. Change the bed and go back to the powder you used earlier.
  4. Ifcoughyou or your child started after you started a pet, with a pet, unfortunately, have to say goodbye. Or, after consultation with a specialist, find a drug that would help neutralize an allergen such as wool.
  5. Do a general cleaning, carefully vacuum the carpets, furniture, etc. Wait a few days. If the situation has not improved, consult a doctor. Hand over the blood test for the beginning. Read the results. If the level of eosinophils is higher than 3 units, then it is possible that you will be shown to take an allergen test for free.
  6. Ask the therapist for a blood test for immunoglobulins (from the vein). In 70% of cases, a total IgE of more than 90 units indicates a predisposition to allergies. After that, you can also be given a free referral to an allergist to determine the cause of your cough.

Allergic cough in a child

Allergic cough in a child: symptoms

Allergic cough in a childCough of an allergic nature is not a separate disease, it is a special kind of allergic disease. He has a special name for the cough branch of bronchial asthma. With regard to a small child, we can say that this form of cough is a symptom of a separate common disease state. The cough in question is manifested due to the penetration of its causative agent into the upper respiratory tract. A similar variant of coughing can be caused by diseases of the bronchi, lungs, as well as trachea and mucous membranes of the throat.

In the bulk of all cases, there is a sudden onset of coughing in a child, caused by an agent of an allergic nature. At the same time, there is no rise in temperature, however, an excessive amount of mucus may form in the nose of the child. More often than not, the baby gets a night cough, which passes in the morning. In most cases, this type of cough is dry. The irritation of the throat that it causes is very unpleasant to the baby. In certain cases with an allergic cough sputum is observed, and it is clear, without purulent impurities. Cough in this case occurs against the background of itching in the throat and nose, as well as sneezing.

Establishing the correct cause of allergic cough in a child of any age becomes a guarantee of its subsequent elimination. In most cases, an allergic cough resembles a cold, so it is only an experienced doctor who can determine the cause of its appearance. The main symptom of a cough of allergic nature is the fact that the child begins to cough with attacks, but not constantly. This cough is observed is dry. Only carrying out a timely comprehensive examination can accurately determine to which nature the cough is related, it is caused by a cold or allergic reaction of the baby's body. Symptoms of an allergic cough in infants include the following:

  • a coughing attack is greatly enhanced by the appearance of pets near the child, as well as by direct contact with the bed of fluff;
  • in certain specific seasons there is an exacerbation of the described cough;
  • taking antihistamines causes the end of coughing attacks.

How to recognize an allergic cough in a child

Cough, which is caused by an allergic reaction, resembles its symptoms similar to that which occurs with other diseases. However, with sufficient degree of attention, it is possible to detect some differences. Be sure to remember that coughing is not a disease, and by eliminating only it, it will not be possible to straighten out the situation that has arisen. Recognize the cough of allergic nature in the child can be on such grounds:

  • in the bulk of the cases under consideration, coughing occurs with undulating attacks. Its beginning always comes unexpectedly. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the child begins to cough and the parent is lost in conjecture as to what caused his condition;
  • with a standard cold cough, episodes occur, if it's allergy attacks, they can last several hours, unless timely measures are taken to eliminate them;
  • basically there is a dry version of a cough, periodically it returns to the client, after certain intervals of time;
  • often appearing coughing occurs in combination with a common cold, the form of allergic rhinitis also is the reaction of the body to the effect of external stimuli;
  • there is an exacerbation of the symptoms of this condition at night, while in the daytime one can see a definite improvement. This applies not only to the cough of an allergic nature, but to some other diseases;
  • The sputum released during cough is transparent, all kinds of impurities are absent;
  • With this type of cough, there is a strong sneezing and itching sensations in the nasal region.

It is very important at the right time to distinguish a cough caused by an allergic reaction from the usual, otherwise there is danger of development of allergic diseases, which are dangerous for the life and health of the baby.

Signs and causes of an allergic cough in children

It often happens that coughing in children is one of the symptoms of the appearance of allergies. Especially it is unpleasant in the event that it is combined with an allergic rhinitis. To recognize a cough of an allergic nature it is possible on such signs:

  • cough begins quite unexpectedly, its character barking, it proceeds with certain attacks;
  • attacks of an allergic cough can often be prolonged;
  • cough, as a rule dry, proceeds without separation of sputum, it lasts up to three weeks, very often accompanied by a runny nose;
  • manifested cough mainly at night, when the child is sleeping, in the afternoon it is relatively rare;
  • if phlegm leaves sputum, it is clear and does not contain pus;
  • accompanied by coughing sneezing and itching in the nose.

Among the causes of coughing of allergic nature in children can be identified possible contact of the child with various pathogens of this condition. This contact can be very long, sometimes it lasts about a year. In addition, the cause may be hidden in violations of the child's diet, the absence of a cough vaccine introduced in time.

In addition, in the event that the symptoms of coughing are observed for a sufficiently long time, it is possible that a child develops a certain disease, in particular bronchial asthma. The reasons for its appearance can be hidden in regular contacts with pathogens of the disease, as well as poor environmental conditions.

Treatment of an allergic cough in a child

It is impossible to conduct a timely and qualitative elimination of the disease without identifying the factor that caused it. Otherwise, only an occasional elimination of external manifestations of an unpleasant state in a child will be possible, while its main cause will remain unaffected and sooner or later it will manifest itself. Immediately after the causative agent of the disease is identified, it must be eliminated. You can not bring the situation to the manifestation of complications of the disease, which include chronic forms of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Modern medical institutions, before assigning a child a course of treatment, conduct a comprehensive examination of it, allowing you to accurately determine the current state of the respiratory system of the child. A good help in this matter is the computer bronchography.

For the implementation of preventive measures, it is necessary for a woman to avoid possible contacts with substances that can cause such a condition during the period of bearing of the child. Allergens tend to gradually accumulate in the body, so there is a risk of the birth of a child already infected with allergies. A very considerate mother should be with the introduction of complementary foods for the child. The child should undergo adaptation to each product offered to him, in view of the possibility of an allergic reaction to it. In addition, you should pay attention to strengthening the immunity of the child. Reliable immune defense of the body will ensure a reduction in the likelihood of allergies to the children's body.

Inhalation in children with allergic cough

Carrying out inhalations for an allergic cough in a child can be a good way because they have no side effects. The addictions of the child's body they also do not cause. There are special solutions, after use of which the allergic reaction is suppressed and the child organism is purified. The most effective is inhalation, involving the use of a nebulizer, which is in a pharmacy on a free sale.

Carrying out inhalations allows not only to eliminate allergic cough. They are also indicated for allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma. They can be used as the main treatment for allergic cough, and also be used as an adjunct to such.

When carrying out inhalations in case of an allergic cough, the child must observe a number of mandatory measures. An approximate list of them is as follows:

  • apply for inhalation should special preparations, whose action is aimed at preventing inflammation;
  • standard saline can be used;
  • It is permissible to use the means that stabilize the membranes of mast cells.

These components for carrying out inhalation for an allergic cough in a child can be used in any combination, it all depends on the individual tolerability of their child's body.

Hypoallergenic diet

Hypoallergenic diet of a universal type suggests a certain list of drugs that are undesirable for application to both adults and children, when they cure the consequences of allergic diseases. In addition, specified products that are allowed for use, as well as those foods that are allowed to accept, subject to certain restrictions. For adults, such a diet is calculated for five weeks, for children, its duration is limited to ten days. In the bulk of all cases, the indicated time periods are quite enough for the body to cope with the disease.

The following variant of a hypoallergenic diet, which is equally suitable for adults and young children, can be proposed. It can also be suitable for both nursing mothers and pregnant women, even if they suffer from toxicosis.

Do not eat such types of foods: eggs, regardless of whether they are chicken or any other, all possible types fish, as well as its caviar, all kinds of cheeses, all varieties of yoghurt, any preserves, as well as marinade, sauces, spices, seasonings and food additives, all varieties of mushrooms, honey in all its variations, sweets, carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages, strong varieties of tea, coffee.

Diet restrictions include the following types of foods: meat dishes with a high degree of fat content, cereals, dishes cooked from the liver or kidneys, infusions and herbal infusions, dishes on a potato basis, as well as berries of red and black currants.

To products, the use of which is shown in the diet described under the described diet include: dishes on a milk basis, all kinds of yoghurts, various cereals, primarily rice and pearl barley, all kinds of kinds of green fruits and vegetables, various oils, herbs in all its varieties, bread, sea bass, cod and various dishes prepared from different types of flour.

Among the drinks that are shown for consumption, you can distinguish different types of compotes and tea of ​​small fortress. Such a diet is indicated when it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of allergic reactions in the body of both an adult and a child.

Than to treat an allergic cough in the child

Than to treat an allergic cough in the child

When treating an allergic cough in children, it is very important to take timely measures to eliminate it. Non-compliance with this situation is fraught with various complications, among which are allergic bronchitis, as well as the chronic form of asthmatic bronchitis, which has the property of overgrowing a dry cough. The reality of the onset of development of bronchial asthma is not excluded. It is desirable to conduct a full medical examination, even if there is at least some suspicion of the onset of an allergy in the child, accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic cough. It is also advisable to consult a practicing child physician and an expert on allergic diseases.

The main areas of treatment for a child can be:

  • use of special antihistamines;
  • elimination of all possible pathogens from the environment of the baby;
  • monitoring the level of resistance of the child's body;
  • The child's acceptance of drugs that contribute to raising the overall level of his immune defense.


Be sure to avoid the child taking glucocorticosteroids. Such remedies are very dangerous, because they are addictive to them and. in fact, form a certain level of dependence. At the first time, it may be quite sufficient to treat a child through a dropwise injection of glucose, as well as physiological saline. Such drugs can reduce the concentration in the child's blood of allergens, which subsequently will positively affect the course of the child's recovery process.

In the treatment of cough in a child who is allergic in nature, should take a comprehensive intake of drugs. There are three groups of such tools that are recommended in this case. These are antihistamines, cough remedies, and sorbing agents.

Treatment of an allergic cough in a child with folk remedies

Very many people do not give proper trust to orthodox medicine, preferring treatment of a cough, which is of an allergic nature, with folk remedies. These include the following, suggesting the preparation of a strong broth from carefully dried bay leaves. To do this, use a couple of spoons of dry bay leaves, which are poured with three hundred grams of boiling water. Insisting lasts forty minutes, after which the decoction is filtered and it can already be drunk.

In addition, we recommend the reception of mustard plasters and camphor oil. The oil is used to rub the breast, after which it must be applied to mustard plasters. After keeping them on their chest for a quarter of an hour, the mustard plasters are removed.

It is quite effective to use a mixture of lemon and honey. To do this, you need to peel the lemon, carefully chop it together with this skin, mix it with honey and gradually add water. Lemon, honey and water are mixed in a proportional ratio of one to two and four. After thoroughly warming up all the existing components that do not involve bringing them to a boiling state, the mixture is cooled to room temperature. Boil it should not be for the reason that in this case, there is a loss of certain useful properties.

Good for allergic coughing in the child helps the following recipe, suggesting the use of dry leaves of aloe, cahors and honey. Carefully washed and dried leaves of aloe are placed for a week in the refrigerator. It is necessary to wrap them in a cotton cloth. Then they must be taken from the refrigerator, chopped and added to them hay and honey in the same ratio. Use this tool should be at the reception of food.

Allergic cough in children

Without special studies in the laboratory, it is impossible to determine whether a child has an allergic cough or not. A severe dry cough may be due to the child due to an allergy, while the temperature does not rise. Most often it occurs when an animal approaches or at a certain time of the year. Antihistamines such as Tavegil, Diazolin and Suprastin have a positive effect.

How to help a child with an allergic cough

Allergic cough in childrenTo treat an allergic cough is necessary on time. If this is not done, then it can turn into chronic bronchitis or asthma. In order to understand the cause of cough, you must show the baby allergist. Complex treatment includes cough elimination with the help of antihistamines, strengthening immunity and eliminating allergen. Before time, you can not use any hormonal drugs, because they can cause long-term dependence. If everything is very neglected, we must ask the doctor to limit himself to glucose and saline. Allergy is treated for a long time, you need to be patient and watch the baby.

Signs of children's allergic cough

Usually, household allergy manifests itself as a runny nose and cough. Food allergy manifests itself in the form of rashes on the buttocks, cheeks and body. Allergic cough and diathesis is a reaction to a foreign protein that the body can not neutralize itself.

If the child has a severe allergy, then he may begin to suffocate, because under the influence of certain substances begins edema of the upper respiratory tract and larynx. A child can even die from this.

Traditional medicine against allergic cough in children

Traditional medicine for the most part is powerless before allergies and its manifestations. Parents who do not regret contacting doctors risk the baby's life. Even adults can die if they treat allergies with folk remedies. After all, a provoking allergen causes edema and spasm. A person may have seizures, tremors in the legs and hands, as well as a runny nose and cough. The respiratory tract becomes so narrow that people can not breathe. Attacks end quickly and do not repeat for a while, while the child feels and behaves like an absolutely healthy person.

Causes of an allergic cough

An allergic cough can occur due to infection, a permanent allergen effect, a poor environmental situation or heredity. Often cough causes ticks that live in house dust, plant pollens, perfumes or pets. In order to establish the true cause, you need to see a doctor who will try to understand what's wrong and prescribe effective or neutral antihistamines.


In order not to provoke attacks of an allergic cough, you have to clean every day in the apartment, especially where the child plays. In the children's room should be absolutely smooth wallpaper, because the protrusions can accumulate dust. Magnificent dust collectors are carpets and books. In the land of indoor plants, mold is formed, which provokes the occurrence of allergies. Curtains and soft toys should be washed from time to time. If the child is allergic, it is better to completely get rid of soft toys and replace them with plastic or rubber ones.

It is better to give the kid to a specialized kindergarten and explain that animals do not like when they are touched, but flowers, in general, should be looked at from the side. It is important that the child is calm during the attack. It is necessary to constantly strengthen its immunity and have a good expectorant. To help immunity buy vitamin complexes. Another need to often ventilate the apartment and rinse the nasopharynx.

How to treat an allergic cough in children

How to treat an allergic cough in children

Always unpleasant when the baby is sick. But it happens that the cough does not last for several months and appears unexpectedly. Then it is worthwhile to check the child for allergies and to treat an allergic cough until he switched to a more serious illness, such as bronchial asthma. The methods of traditional medicine will come to the aid, but one should not forget about the examinations and recommendations of doctors.

You will need

  1. - laboratory examination;
  2. - Consultation of specialists;
  3. - drug treatment.


  1. Allergies can occur in anyone. And small children are not an exception. Allergens are also food products, and household chemicals, pets, plants, household dust, drugs. The list is very extensive. Therefore, before you start to treat something, you need to identify the cause. Everything starts with an appeal to your district pediatrician. The doctor will inspect the baby and prescribe the necessary examinations. Necessary and mandatory research for allergies are: a clinical blood test (here the number of eosinophils and leukocytes is of interest), general urine analysis, feces for eggs of helminths. The increased content of eosinophils with a normal number of leukocytes indicates the presence of allergies. Now it is necessary to reveal its source.
  2. To eliminate the source of allergy and curecough, it is necessary to determine exactly what causes this process in the body. Now there are many techniques that allow to determine antibodies for a specific allergen. It is enough to donate blood from the vein. The cost of the analysis is rather large, but it is necessary to choose the right therapy. Do not forget that many helminths can also causecoughand allergies. Therefore, you need to check and the presence of antibodies to parasites.
  3. If you managed to determine the allergen, then you need to exclude it. Plants and animals must be isolated. Food is excluded from the diet. It is also important to remember that allergens can replenish their ranks. Therefore, try to ventilate the room more often, do wet cleaning at least twice a week. For sleep, buy blankets and pillows from hypoallergenic materials.
  4. The very same treatment consists in taking antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Erius, Telfast and many others). It is also necessary to conduct desensitization of the body, for these purposes, use activated charcoal or calcium gluconate. Cough is treated with cough medicines. But you can apply herbs and herbs (only carefully, sincechildrenoften it causes an allergy). Here use broths of mother and stepmother, thyme or plantain. In the pharmacies, ready-made dry piles are sold. Before use, consult a doctor.

Allergic cough in a child: how to recognize it and stop it on time?

Cough in the babyAllergy in children can manifest itself in different ways - in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, lachrymation, coughing. Allergic cough in a child is not a disease, but only a natural reaction of the body to a certain pathogen. In medicine, this phenomenon is called a cough variant of bronchial asthma and has its own causes and features of manifestation.

There is a coughing attack when allergens are exposed to the upper respiratory tract. With this state of the child, inflammation of the bronchi, trachea and larynx becomes inevitable.

Clinical picture

As a rule, allergic cough in children is always paroxysmal, arising suddenly, it often leads to severe dyspnea. Such manifestations of allergies usually take a very long time, disturbing the child for 2 weeks. The body temperature never rises, only occasionally there is a runny nose. Cough seizures occur at night, and occur much less frequently in the daytime.

This cough irritates the larynx because it is dry. Sometimes, however, in rare cases, there may be sputum, but they are always clear, without pus.

Accompanied by an allergy sneezing, burning and itching in the nose and throat.

How to identify an allergy?

Allergic cough is a great danger to the health of the child does not represent and immediately passes after the exclusion of all possible allergens.But parents can be calm only in those situations when they are completely confident in the nature of the manifested coughing attacks. That's why you need to be able to correctly distinguish allergies from such dangerous diseases as whooping cough and bronchitis.

Perhaps the most important symptom that distinguishes this type of cough is its dryness. Laryngeal edema caused by an allergen often leads to suffocation attacks, as the process of airflow into the lungs is complicated. In addition, parents can be sure of the allergic origin of cough in the presence of such symptoms:

  • coughing attacks increase with contact with domestic pets, during sleep on down pillows;
  • coughing stops after taking antiallergic drugs;
  • The allergy is aggravated mainly in spring and summer.

However, one intake of anti-allergic drugs is not enough, because soon coughing attacks will again bother the child. To do this, you need to seek help from a specialist for accurate diagnosis, aimed at determining allergens.

Preventive actions

Allergy to orangesExperts argue that in order to protect the child from the onset of allergic reactions, you need to exclude contact with allergens. According to them, it is necessary to do this, starting during the development of the baby in the womb of the mother. Pregnant women should avoid contact with any allergens during their pregnancy.

A calm allergic background of a pregnant woman can help at all to exclude an allergic cough in children.

In addition, you can not stay idly by finding signs of diathesis. When rashes appear on the face or redness, the mother should immediately exclude from the baby's diet white porridge, red vegetables and fruits - the strongest pathogens of allergies.

Not all parents understand that the allergen is often found not only in food products, but also in bed linens, carpets, clothes, toys of the baby.

With the advent of a small child in the family, it is desirable to protect it from contact with aerosol air freshener, household chemicals, washing powders.

Powder for washing children's things and bedding should be hypoallergenic, designed specifically for toddlers.

The definition of the allergen that caused a cough in a child becomes necessary not only for successful treatment, but also because it often causes more serious respiratory diseases.

Features of treatment

Treatment of an allergic cough in children should be carried out by the joint efforts of an allergist and a nutritionist, who must conduct constant monitoring of the patient's condition. It is better to give up self-treatment, since it is necessary to know the allergen that caused coughing attacks. Relieve the condition during an allergic cough will help such actions:

  • after staying on the street daily rinse mouth and nasopharynx with warm water;
  • every day to conduct a wet house cleaning;
  • it is good to ventilate all rooms in the living quarters;
  • if possible, to isolate pets.

Allergic cough in children, at first glance, it would seem, does not represent any danger, in fact is a harbinger of possible serious diseases. Proceeding from this, it is not necessary to launch attacks of a cough, bringing the patient to a state of suffocation.

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