Constantly pawns a nose without a rhinitis what to do

A stuffy nose without a cold


Natalia Solovyova

Or maybe it's allergic to something, that's why it's swelling.


It is quite possible that in one of the ears there is a cork.
The second variant is a polyp.

Lone wolf

If you think that it appeared as a result of hypothermia, then you can try the first two or three days to use funds for a cold cold. Drops for the nose - naphthyzine, galazolin, sanorin, tizin - can be bought at any pharmacy. If you can not clearly identify the cause, it is advisable not to use any medications, because the common cold can be of allergic origin. In allergic rhinitis, as a rule, there is no such thick discharge as in the common cold, and it can not be cured by simple means.

- Are there any home remedies for fighting colds

- The most common and available means are sweatshops and "distractions tea with raspberries, honey, linden, hot foot baths, mustard calico mustard. You can mix carrot juice with boiled water: and in the form of drops put into the nose. Sometimes also beet or onion juice is used with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Some people are helped by freshly squeezed garlic juice, diluted with honey. If you are not a fan of folk remedies, buy drops for the nose.

instagram viewer

- And how to choose a drop? Any suitable

- In principle, they are all the same and bring relief. But they can not be used for a long time without the appointment of a doctor. They act on the surface of the mucous membrane and change the processes occurring in it. Therefore, taking such drugs for too long, you can hurt yourself.

- They say that the common cold is an "incurable" disease. Lecha - do not treat, all the same in a week will pass.

- No, the rhinitis itself will not pass. To his appearance can not be taken lightly. When a person has a stuffy nose, he must understand that this can be a sign of many diseases. To be treated independently it is possible only the first 2-3 days, and then it is necessary to address to the doctor.

- Is it possible to go straight to the doctor with such a trifle?

- According to statistics, about 20% of rhinitis can be complicated by sinusitis. Your health is not a trifle. All this can be avoided if you contact a doctor in time to clarify the diagnosis, identify possible abnormalities in the nose - curvature of the septum of the nose, polyps, adenoid outgrowths and others - and appoint the right one treatment. - And lollipops advertise if the stuffy nose.

They really treat

- Healing candies do not heal, but they can eliminate discomfort and unpleasant sensations for a while. They are good for applying in throat swelling, and to facilitate breathing, candies are not so effective. Replace them with treatment or use whole packs can not.

Relaxed in kerosene and wrung cloth, attach to the soles, put on woolen socks and warmly wrap yourself for the night. By the morning there will be relief or a runny nose will pass.

Galina Nazarenko

Can the genyantritis? Or the nasal septum is bent. And the doctor would have to.

Julia Asbestova

Now and not in Canada, medicine is not cheap, but also a lot of chemistry. There were almost no natural remedies left.

Olivia Lenski

Julia, you can wash your nose. Rinsing well from infection saves and stuffiness cleans. I use Dolphin - it has a convenient bubble with a dispenser and a solution that is completely natural, no chemistry. Even for children, it can be used (child) from the age of four.

Vlad Nakhimova

Here I would not advise to use drops of a vasoconstrictor at all. Get used to them, then you can not live without them. And this is good.

In harmony with yourself

I also do not like drops. I found for them a more worthy alternative - the dolphin, which has already been mentioned here. A natural remedy that cleans mucus from the nose well with infection (sprays, by the way, only irrigate). So, if you wash all the infection out of your nose, then the stuffiness goes away, and you do not get sick - there is no infection already.

Constantly stuffy nose: what to do and why lays the nose in adults

Constant nasal congestion is in itself an alarming phenomenon, even if there is no coughing, nasal discharge, or fever.

If the nose often lays and the person does not flinch, the nasal breathing is disturbed, the brain does not get enough oxygen. This leads to such unpleasant symptoms as fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.

At night, the patient can not sleep, in a horizontal position, the constant stuffiness of the nose in the adult often becomes even stronger and does not allow breathing. Lack of sleep also significantly affects the condition and mood of a person. He becomes irritable, suffering from headaches.

If nothing is done, this phenomenon can persist for weeks or even months, which will inevitably lead to complications - various diseases of the respiratory, hearing, and visual organs. Not to mention the fact that the patient's quality of life deteriorates significantly.

Why lays the nose in an adult, what are the reasons? Before you start treatment, you must always install them.

What is the danger if the nose is constantly stuffy?

If a person has long nasal passages, even if the cold and other cold symptoms are not present, it is very dangerous and can threaten his life. Especially it is impossible to ignore this phenomenon in children. If the nose is constantly stuffy, it can lead to such consequences and complications:

  • The complete loss of the sense of smell, which can not always be restored;
  • Chronic neuroses;
  • Headaches and migraines, worse with light pressure on the head;
  • Sinusitis of different forms;
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • Apnea;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • The proliferation of polyps in the nose and nasal sinuses;
  • Otitis;
  • Prolonged depression.
What you need to do to prevent this? Treatment appoints a doctor, establishing the causes of chronic nasal congestion. For this, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out, it is absolutely necessary to pass blood and urine tests, to undergo an X-ray or computed tomography.

Based on the results obtained, taking into account the patient's age, the presence or absence of acute and chronic pathologies, whether he has an allergy, treatment is determined.

It is necessary to conduct it, regardless of whether the nose is stuffy periodically or all the time.

Causes of stuffy nose in adults

If there is no runny nose and no temperature, but the nose is constantly stuffed, everyone will be concerned. And there are all grounds for this - this phenomenon indicates that the body has failed and some pathology of the respiratory system develops.

Physicians identify such main reasons why adults can have an all-time or often stuffy nose:

  1. Overdried air in the room - for example, in winter, when the radiators are working.
  2. Allergy, which the patient often does not even suspect;
  3. The patient's reaction to treatment with some medications.
  4. Subcooling the body.
  5. Disease of the flu or cold.
  6. Smoking and drinking.
  7. Adenoids and polyps.
The listed reasons can not be of great danger, they can be easily eliminated, and then the nasal congestion will pass and the nasal breathing will recover.

But sometimes the allergy is absent, the patient does not have bad habits and neoplasms in the nose, and the stuffiness is always there and does not pass, despite the treatment. Then the reasons for more serious violations and pathologies.

If only one nostril is laid down and this phenomenon does not pass, then the reasons can be in such a serious enough pathology as vasomotor rhinitis. This disease can not always be successfully treated, especially if the diagnosis was delayed and the treatment is not correct.

Recognize the vasomotor rhinitis for the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of tickling in the nose;
  • Constant sneezing;
  • Transparent discharge, not inherent in the common cold.

Once again, it should be said that only the otolaryngologist can determine the exact causes of nasal congestion, after which he also selects adequate treatment.

What to do if the nasal congestion

With the use of which drugs and techniques will be treated for nasal congestion in adults, depends on its cause.

  1. If the nose is laid without a cold due to adenoids or polyps, then the treatment is prescribed surgical. Sprouting must be removed, after which for some time the unpleasant symptom will persist, but after 2-3 months the nasal breathing normalizes.
  2. If the cause is an allergy, then effective antihistamines are prescribed and the irritant is eliminated, otherwise the allergy will be pestering again and again.
  3. With nasal congestion without a runny nose, cryotherapy helps. Under the influence of low temperatures there is a rupture of nerve fibers. Then they are restored, an unpleasant phenomenon passes. The cold narrows the blood vessels, as a result - the puffiness goes away and the nasal breathing is restored.

Treatment with antiviral and antibacterial drugs in the absence of cold and other cold symptoms is not effective.

If the allergy and congestion of the nose is a side effect after taking certain medications, then you need to review the treatment program and adjust the dosage.

Other causes and ways to eliminate nasal congestion without a cold

It often happens that the nose is laid because of an injury. In this case, nothing to do is necessary - breathing will be restored by itself in a few days after wound healing and tissue repair.

The foreign body can be the cause of violation of patency of the nasal passages. After its removal, usually the stuffiness disappears, if the mucosa has not been traumatized. Another reason is the congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum. It can be laid as one nostril, and both.

In this case, rhinoplasty will help - a plastic surgery to eliminate the defect. Contaminated air also often provokes a prolonged nasal congestion. Bad ecology or work in harmful production can cause in addition tearing, sneezing, coughing, swelling of the larynx, skin rashes.

What to do in this case? Eliminate unpleasant symptoms with drops, for example, it can be protargol from the common cold.

Similarly, a seasonal or year-round allergy is treated as a cause of nasal breathing disorder without a runny nose.

Folk methods of treatment of nasal congestion

With the help of drops, physiotherapy, and in extreme cases - surgical operation, you can completely eliminate the stuffiness of the nose, which caused allergies, injuries or polyps. But sometimes recipes of traditional medicine can also help - for example, if the symptom is caused by colds or hypothermia.

What can I do at home to eliminate stuffiness without medication and surgery?

  • Lubricate the nasal passages with a mixture of juice of garlic and honey;
  • Make before going to bed hot foot basins with mustard or salt;
  • Treat stuffiness with drops from carrot, beet juice or aloe juice;
  • Put mustards on the feet and calves;
  • Drink more hot liquid.

Even if the person is absolutely healthy and the cause of the stuffiness is in bad ecology or trauma, it needs to be treated, because the risk of other unpleasant complications is always high enough.

Elena Malysheva in the video in this article will tell you what to do with a strong nasal congestion.

Causes and methods of dealing with permanent nasal congestion

Many people complain that they have a permanently stuffy nose, this process delivers many unpleasant sensations and discomfort, disrupting normal life activity. To help with this problem with health is possible only after determining the causes of such a process in the human body. Chronic nasal congestion can become a symptom of other serious diseases, so do not let it slide.

Causes of nasal congestion

Usually, to determine the reasons why the nose is constantly pawned without a runny nose, many, but it's quite difficult to install them yourself. Specialists distinguish such basic and most common causes of obstruction of nasal passages:

  • consequences of a cold or flu;
  • consequences of some medications;
  • excessively dry air in the room;
  • sharp changes in temperature.
Constant nasal congestion, which is accompanied by sneezing, can be caused by the occurrence in the body of allergic reactions to certain pathogens.Such a state can still be caused by innate features of the structure of the nasopharynx, namely, its curvature.Often in adults, when there is no snot and a permanently stuffy nose, polyps are found that impede nasal breathing. In this situation, polyps completely or partially overlap the nostrils, which prevents normal circulation of air.

Causes of chronic nasal congestion without a runny nose also often become bad habits, such as the abuse of alcohol and nicotine. After all, as is known, with the use of alcohol in excessively large amounts, dehydration of the organism takes place, in which the nasopharyngeal mucosa also suffers. And the ingestion of nicotine into the body when smoking causes harm to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, thinning and overdrying them.

How to help the patient?

It is important to know that even in the absence of a cold, when the nasal congestion does not pass for a long time, it is necessary to eliminate such a condition by using medicines or folk remedies. Incorrect treatment or its complete absence can cause serious irreversible consequences, which are dangerous for human health. There are a lot of drugs effective in controlling nasal congestion, and they may not even belong to traditional medicine. The main purpose of the use of medicines is to alleviate the patient's condition by removing the swelling of the nose, and also to get rid of the cause of its appearance. Improve the state will help such simple actions:
  • drinking tea with raspberries, honey or lemon;
  • hot foot baths before going to bed;
  • the application of mustards to the calf muscles;
  • the lubrication of the nasal passages with a juice of garlic mixed with honey;
  • Burial in the nose of carrot juice, diluted with water 1: 1.

Sometimes such funds are not enough, so even in the case when the nose is laid, and the snot does not go away, you should take medication. All modern medicines, after the application of which, permanent nasal obstruction is eliminated, are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Sprays and drops.
  2. Tablets and powders.
  3. Solutions for washing.

However, it is important to understand that all medicines can not only benefit, but also harm, so it is worth abandoning their unjustified and uncontrolled use.

Proceeding from the fact that nasal congestion arises as a result of vasodilation on the nasal mucosa, it is advisable to use vasoconstrictors.The most effective and often used for permanent nasal congestion without a runny nose are such sprays and drops:

  • "Otrivin
  • Nazivin;
  • "Sanorin
  • "Pinovitum."
Apply such a means to facilitate nasal breathing 2-3 times a day on average for 5 days, however the course of application of drugs may differ, some of them can drip only 3 days, others - more of the week. Such sprays and drops quickly become addictive, so do not abuse them.

With nasal congestion, it can help improve the nasal breathing of Pinosol. Such drops are made on the basis of natural components - essential oils, so they, in addition to vasodilating action, have a nasopharyngeal mucosa and a therapeutic effect. True, they are much slower to work on it, but they are considered absolutely harmless.

It may be that the nose is embedded and the drops do not help improve breathing, in such cases,

tablets and powders that affect the entire body. It is appropriate to use them if the congestion is caused by a cold or flu. In such cases, drugs of complex action are used, for example, "Coldrex" or "Teraflu"". They have an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect on the body, so soon after the use of tablets or powders, respiration improves. This effect is achieved due to the content of phenylephrine - a substance that removes swelling of the mucosa.Preparations of this group should be taken with caution to people with diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys.

Nasal preparations are much safer and more effective than tablets, since they act on the inflammatory focus, without affecting the entire body.

Do not forget about the washing of the nose, in which it is best to use a solution of sea salt. With the help of such procedures, you can remove accumulated mucus, dust and allergens. It is important to know what to do when the nose is permanently embedded, since this phenomenon indicates the development of pathological processes in the body.

The nose is stuffy, but there's no rhinitis. Why pawns the nose?

To date, more and more people who are monitoring their health are confronted with the question: "Why is a stuffy nose, but does not have a cold?" Such a state can not be considered completely normal. It often occurs against the background of some pathological inflammatory process that develops in the body.

Causes of the phenomenon

Almost every person can encounter this condition. Otolaryngologists call a variety of reasons for which the nose is constantly stuffed without a runny nose. Among the main factors can be identified as follows:

  • response to some medicines;
  • very dry air in the room;
  • supercooling;
  • allergic reactions;
  • alcohol and nicotine dependence;
  • a strong effect on the body flu or colds;
  • polyps in the nose or adenoids.

In the event that the source of the resulting nasal congestion is one of these factors, then there is practically no cause for concern. After the irritant has been removed, breathing should be completely normalized. But if there is nasal congestion, then this may indicate the onset of the development of some pretty serious diseases.

Very often there are cases that otolaryngologists call vasomotor rhinitis. It is characterized by the fact that it first lays only one nostril. Although there is no slime. Then alternately there is swelling and piling of one or another nasal passage. This disease is considered quite difficult in terms of treatment. If incorrect therapeutic procedures are performed, then rhinitis can cause severe complications. In all patients with vasomotor rhinitis, this clinical situation is almost always observed: instead of the usual circulation of air in the nasal passages people often feel a certain tickle, there is frequent sneezing, a clear liquid that is completely uncharacteristic for the usual coryza.

Many scientists and physicians are considering the version that vasomotor rhinitis can only be a consequence of the action on the body various irritating factors, and not inflammation of the nasopharynx, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: a stuffy nose, and a snot no.

It can also characterize developing polyps. As the tissues, expanding, cover the nasal passages.

Main symptoms

The condition, when the nose is stuffy, but no rhinitis, can not be considered an independent disease. Most often it is a direct result of an untreated banal cold or a common allergic rhinitis.

In most cases, the general symptomatology of such a discomforting condition differs little from the stuffy nose with a runny nose. Main features:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • headache;
  • lacrimation;
  • burning and severe itching in the nose;
  • a slight soreness in the face.

The only and most important difference is the absence of nasal secretions. At the same time the patient always has a desire to blow his nose and ease his general condition.

Causes of the problem in children

Why pawns the nose? Sources of the problem can be completely different. Often they lie in the features of the structure of each individual organism. That is, there may be curvature of the nasal septum. The development of such a defect takes a long time, therefore, until the appearance of a permanent nasal congestion, it may take several years. In this case, it is necessary to perform an otolaryngological operation, as a result of which the defect of the septum will be permanently eliminated. After such intervention, almost all patients again feel completely free nasal breathing.

However, this is not the only reason why lays the nose. Another important source can be the developing pollinosis of the nasal cavity. To completely eliminate it, surgical intervention is also necessary. This condition usually develops gradually and directly depends on the degree of growth of the polyps. The use of various home remedies can only help to relieve symptoms for a while.

Babies can also have a congenital disease, for example, atresia.

Great attention is required by such a situation (especially if the child is small): a stuffy nose, no snoring from the baby. After all, very often children, playing, can stuff various small foreign bodies into their nasal passages. It is then that the nose ceases to participate in the necessary act of breathing. If you are extremely cautious, you can pull out the foreign body yourself. And if it is stuck far in the nasal passage, then you should always seek qualified help from a specialist.

What is the danger?

The constant sense that the stuffy nose, and the snot is not, worried for quite a long time, can cause great harm to human health. The most common and severe complications are:

  • complete loss of smell, which is not restored in all cases;
  • pain and pressure in the head;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis.

In order to alleviate the condition in which the nose is constantly stuffed without a cold, you need to take appropriate measures to eliminate its original cause. One must always remember that with such phenomena it is impossible to take any medications independently without prescribing a doctor. The choice of this or that means must be completely carried out by a qualified specialist. He can take into account the individual tolerance of the drug to each organism, the presence of allergic reactions.


The only correct solution in the emerged condition, when the nose is stuffy, but there is no rhinitis, we can only consider seeking help from a highly qualified specialist. ENT-doctor will always help to identify the root cause of such a pathological condition for the body. And also will appoint the most correct and effective treatment.

If you can not immediately visit a doctor, you can at some time ease your condition, using known medications or some home-based healing methods.

Medications Used

In case of a stuffy nose, but there is no rhinitis, it is recommended to use decongestants. The swelling and other nasal sprays also help to remove swelling and other symptoms. The most effective are the following known drugs:

  • Nasal drops "Brizolin". Burying adults and children from 6 years to 2-3 drops in a well-cleaned nasal passage.
  • Sprays or nasal drops "Vibrocil". Applied in adults and children from one year to 2-3 drops 4 times a day.

Means that have a decongestant effect are often available in the form of tablets or instant powders. They do not immediately bring such relief, like sprays and drops, but they last much longer.

The most popular of these are the following drugs:

  • "Cetrin" - take 1 tablet a day. Children up to 6 years of age are strictly prohibited from taking this medication.
  • "Loratadin" - adults take 1 tablet a day. Contraindicated in children under 12 years.

Home methods

Do not experiment with self-treatment, if the nose is laid, the temperature is high. Such symptoms may indicate the onset of a serious illness.

You can alleviate your condition in the following way. First of all, the nasal passages should be sufficiently moistened. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • Wipe your nose with a slightly warm wet towel;
  • do wash the nasal sinuses with a solution of sea salt or saline solution;
  • to breathe over the steam.

Such procedures will help to quickly remove mucus. After all, it is the main cause of prolonged nasal congestion. Rhinitis in some cases may not be at all, but mucus still accumulates in the nasal sinuses, which can provoke such a complication as sinusitis.


The most common causes of nasal congestion are various viral and infectious diseases that occur in a latent form. In this case, the treatment is quite simple.

Fully protect themselves from colds will not work, but it is possible to reduce their number.

There are several fairly simple rules for this:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • avoid large numbers of people during the period of acute respiratory infections;
  • take complex vitamins;
  • never forget about the benefits of positive emotions.

These very simple rules will always help you maintain your body in good tone and protect yourself from various viruses and infections.


If you are confronted with unpleasant symptoms, do not tempt fate - seek medical advice. And even in the event that you think that your nose has been stuffy for the most innocuous reason.

The mucous in the nose hurts: what to do if the nose hurts in the nose

When pawns the nasopharynx, the nose hurts and there is no runny nose, the doctor can diagnose dry stuffiness.

A similar condition occurs if the mucous membrane becomes inflamed or swollen.

If this is observed, it is a serious signal that something needs to be done to get rid of symptoms, since most often nose pain and inflammation without a common cold indicate a serious illness ENT-organs.

Usually, the mucous membrane inside the nose is broken, if an injury occurs or irritation occurs. The fact that the doctor diagnoses a standard viral, allergic or bacterial disease on the basis of two main symptoms - inflammation and the allocation of a large amount of mucus from the nose.

When a runny nose is not observed, and the nasopharynx is embedded and hurts, there are two options.

  • Or the mucous membrane does not contain fungi, viruses, bacteria, so foreign particles do not need to be excreted. In this case, the mucosa becomes inflamed and hurts due to trauma or the action of irritating factors.
  • Either pain or inflammation is a consequence of a mucus secretion disorder.
In the first case, pain and congestion appear in the presence of a chronic disease or nasal damage. The second option is possible with a typical viral or bacterial rhinitis, when the patient often inhales excessively dry air, because of which the mucosa in the nose dries up and starts to hurt.

If the nasal passages are laid constantly, and the common cold does not happen, it indicates a chronic sluggish disease. Sometimes the cause can be a hormonal disorder in the body.

Even if the mucous membrane is dry, most often infectious rhinitis occurs after two to three weeks. However, in the absence of a cold, it is very difficult to identify the true cause of why the nose lays and the pain appears inside.

Why lays a nose without a cold

Since there can be a lot of reasons for stuffiness, it can be very difficult for a doctor to immediately diagnose a true disease and to reveal why the nose hurts and the mucosa becomes inflamed.

The most common cause of this condition are the following factors:

  1. The nasal septum is curved and characteristic longitudinal crests are formed. In this case, there is a constant contact of the nasal concha with the inner walls of the wings or the crest itself, which leads to swelling and causes pain inside.
  2. Prolonged inhalation of excessively dry air often leads to drying and inflammation of the mucous membranes. If the air in the room is constantly dry, allergic, viral or bacterial rhinitis dries out the mucous membrane and develops dry blockage. Similarly, because of the dry air, the nose can be permanently incorporated without a runny nose with sinusitis, chronic sinusitis.
  3. Often, stuffiness in the nose without the presence of other symptoms cause foreign bodies. Mucous begins to swell with constant contact with solids, which causes pain.
  4. If the hormonal balance is disturbed, the development of vasomotor rhinitis is possible. A similar condition occurs in pregnancy, in adolescents and in women during menopause. Hormonal alteration of the body causes a violation in the blood filling of the mucous membranes.
  5. With prolonged continuous administration of vasoconstrictive drugs in the form of drops, it is possible to develop drug rhinitis, which can cause a nose and pain.
  6. When the deep sections of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are inflamed in the form of posterior rhinitis, the mucus discharged to the throat drains, which provokes irritation and inflammation.

Also the mucous can be ill with prolonged use of all kinds of medications. Unpleasant pain can cause proliferation of the mucosa in the form of polyps, adenoids and other inflammatory processes. Zalozhennost can appear with excessive use of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Also, the cause may be diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the case of the development of a viral or bacterial disease, a nasopharynx without a cold can be laid before the onset of the acute phase of rhinitis and after the illness is suppressed. At the initial stage of the common cold, such symptoms continue throughout the day, and after the completion of the disease, two to three days.

Determine the reason why the stuffy nose and mucous pains can be difficult because of the fact that with this or that disease the patient feels the same. The factor, which leads to irritation, can be detected only by using special equipment or by passing tests.

Meanwhile, there is the opportunity to determine the cause and at home.

Diagnosis of the disease at home

In the event that the catarrhal disease passes, the main symptoms disappear, and the stuffiness of the nose remains, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at how the treatment is carried out.

One of the reasons why the nasopharynx hurts and the mucosa becomes inflamed is the addiction of the body to the drops used from the cold.

Also, drugs can cause atrophy of the mucous membranes of the nose. In this case, the more often the patient digs in drops, the stronger becomes the stuffiness.

Confirm the reason is simple, if the therapeutic effect after using vasoconstrictive drops is not observed or passes in just a few minutes. In this case, problems with the nose are associated with drug rhinitis.

When the therapeutic effect is completely absent, it is most likely that the nasal congestion arises from the formation of polyps. This can also lead to the fact that the patient often has a headache for no apparent reason.

If nasal congestion is observed in one nostril and a runny nose is absent, this can indicate the presence of trauma or a foreign component in the blocked nasal passage. To confirm this, the patient lies on her side from the side of her nostrils for twenty minutes. If after a while the stuffiness of the nose does not move, and the nostril does not become clean, most likely there is a foreign body inside the nose.

In the event that the edema moves to another nostril, the cause of the appearance of symptoms is probably the curvature of the nasal septum. For the same reason, it can chronically nasal without mucus secretion, with the symptoms usually occurring during the day, during a sport activity or walk. For this reason, the patient usually does not attach importance to the fact that breathing is disturbed, since pain and obstruction only occur at night.

Sometimes, with stuffy nose without a cold, the temperature may rise and malaise may appear. This can signal the presence of an infectious disease, but because of being in a room with too dry air, the mucous dries out.

If a patient has an itchy nose, sneezing in the eyes, and there is no mucus, the reason is probably allergic rhinitis. Most often this condition causes poplar fluff. It is important to understand that the runny nose indicates a normal course of the disease and guarantees a quick recovery.

If the rhinitis is not observed, it is dangerous by the development of various complications.

Than dry nasal congestion is dangerous

First of all, the constant inflammatory process on the mucosa can cause its atrophy, the development of a secondary chronic disease and disrupt some breathing function. If the nose is laid and it hurts constantly, it threatens irreversible changes in the mucous membranes and surrounding tissues.

Chronic edema in turn leads to a partial or total loss of smell. Also the patient can develop otitis and hearing loss. With chronic allergic rhinitis, the appearance of bronchial asthma.

Severe congestion has a negative effect on a healthy and complete sleep, which can lead to chronic fatigue and various diseases of the nervous system in the form of depression, apathy, neuroses.

Prolonged nasal obstruction can lead to the development of such diseases as:

  • Pharyngitis chronic;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Angina;
  • Eustachiitis;
  • Otitis.

If, in addition to the stuffy nose, the patient often has a headache, the doctor may suspect atherosclerosis. Also, the symptoms of circulatory disturbances in the head region may indicate the development of other vascular diseases. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor who will make a full examination to identify the cause of the ailment. The video in this article will show why the nose can be stuffed.

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