Optic neuritis: symptoms of pathology

Ophthalmic diseases should not be ignored! The slightest violations in the organs of vision can lead to irreversible consequences. Timely diagnosis allows you to start treatment as soon as possible and thereby improve the prognosis. What is optic neuritis?


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
    • 3.1Syphilitic and tubercular
    • 3.2Retrobulbar
    • 3.3Poisoning with methyl alcohol
    • 3.4Ischemic
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Optic neuritis is a pathology in which the optic nerve is inflamed.There are 2 types of the disease: optic neuritis and retrobulbar neuritis.

Pathological reactions have different origins, in this regard, the two types of disease manifest themselves in different ways. Optic neuritis is a lesion of the disc of the optic nerve. With the progression of the retrobulbar disease, the area behind the eye is inflamed.


  1. Pathologies of this nature occur in people with affected brain envelopes.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Neuritis of the optic nerve appears against the background of meningitis, encephalitis.
  4. Predisposing factors are infectious, chronic pathologies. Among them, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, SARS.
  5. Neuritis of the visual organ develops with diabetes, gout. These diseases are not contagious.
  6. The predisposing factor is the pathology of the blood.
  7. Infectious diseases of the ENT organs provoke pathologies of the organs of vision, including neuritis.
  8. There were cases when the disease occurred in severe pregnancy.
  9. The cause of neuritis of the visual organ can be intoxication (alcohol poisoning or exposure to dangerous compounds).

Inflammatory reactions in the ocular membranes also lead to the disease.If the inflammation is localized in the trunk of the optic nerve, there is hyperemia of the tissues, subsequently there is neovascularization. With neuritis, the connective tissue is affected. Secondary nerve fibers can be damaged. Subsequently, atrophic reactions develop, leading to poor eyesight.

When recovering a certain number of fibers, vision improves.


Moderate inflammation occurs against a background of hyperemia, the optic nerve disc has fuzzy contours.In the course of a special examination, it is possible to detect an expansion of the disk vessels. If the disease occurs against a background of a strong inflammatory process, the disc hyperemia is more intense. Its contours merge with the retina. The result of such a reaction is the appearance of white spots on the peripapillary region of the retina. There are hemorrhages.Neuritis of the eye can be accompanied by swelling.It happens that the progression of the disease leads to a significant deterioration in vision.

Depending on the location and type of pathogen, consider the following forms of inflammation of the optic nerve:

Syphilitic and tubercular

If there is a relapse of syphilis, neuritis with puffiness may occur. If the pathology is combined with secondary syphilis, the disc acquires fuzzy boundaries. Vision is deteriorating. Papular neuritis is a rare pathology. In the case with her, the nerve is covered with a white-gray substance.

Tubercular neuritis is characterized by the appearance of solitary tuberculosis. Education has a grayish color, located on the disk of the organ of vision. At the initial stages of retrobulbar neuritis the eye is not subjected to pathological reactions.

In most patients, the swelling of the disc is diagnosed. The contours of this organ become indistinct. With retrobulbar neuritis, there is an increase in the disc, as well as small veins.


In the pathological process, one eye is first involved, then the second.Retrobulbaric disease occurs in acute and chronic forms. In acute form, vision is reduced in 3 days. If a person has chronic retrobulbar neuritis, vision is broken gradually. There are pains with pressure on the eye.

Vision at retrobulbar neuritis is normalized. In exceptional cases, a person will blind to one eye. Pathology is manifested by scotoma of white color. At the initial stages of the disease, it is small. If vision improves, the scotoma decreases. In the normal course of the disease, the formation disappears.

Poisoning with methyl alcohol

If the pathology occurred against the background of poisoning with methyl alcohol and liquids with this substance, a coma is observed.With relatively easy intoxication, vomiting occurs. As a result of poisoning, retrobulbar type neuritis can develop. Within two days vision is disturbed. In severe cases, blindness occurs. Retrobulbaric neuritis, caused by intoxication, is manifested by the dilatation of the pupils.

The speed of the disease depends on the degree of intoxication of the body with methyl alcohol.


Ischemic neuritis is a rare pathology.In the case with her the visual disc turns pale. Its boundaries acquire indistinct contours, the arteries narrow. Further pathology proceeds in different ways. Some people develop blindness. Retrobulbaric neuritis can occur on a background of diabetes. In this case, the disease is chronic.Defeat affects both eyes, vision decreases gradually. The formation of absolute and relative livestock is observed. The disc of the optic nerve begins to turn pale.


The examination goes without any complications, but if the disease is not accompanied by a deterioration of vision, it is more difficult to diagnose.Differential diagnostics is required. During the examination, neuritis is distinguished from pseudo-neuritis. If the doctor has detected small hemorrhages or foci of exudate in the tissues of the disc, he suggests neuritis.To confirm the diagnosis, fluorescent angiography is performed.All complaints of the patient are taken into account.

Fluorescent angiography



The doctor prescribes the means to suppress the infection and relieve the inflammation.Individual means improve hydration, metabolism in tissues. Treatment involves a correction of immunity.Antibiotics are prescribed for 7 days.For treatment, corticosteroids are used, injections of dexamethasone (the dose is different). For intramuscular administration, a 25% magnesium sulfate drug is prescribed.Positive effect is produced by tampons with a solution of adrenaline,%.Depending on the nature of the disease, drugs with vitamin B may be required.

Individual therapeutic activities are aimed at treating concomitant disease. Depending on the situation, emergency care may be required. The doctor injects 30% ethyl alcohol. For washing the stomach, sodium bicarbonate is used.


  1. Timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  2. Dosed visual load.
  3. Protect eyes in contact with hazardous substances.
  4. Refusal of self-treatment.
  5. A good night's sleep.
  6. Proper nutrition.

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If you treat the disease correctly, you can restore visual functions. There are cases when drugs do not give results, then there is atrophy of the optic nerve. Self-medication is strictly prohibited! Follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist, do not change the dosage and the chances of recovery will increase. If there is an allergy to medications, you need to inform the doctor about it.

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