Adenoma of the prostate in men: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Prostate adenoma in men is a benign prostatic hyperplasia of the prostate gland, the main symptom - gradually progressing urinary retention .It occurs only in men( since women of such an organ as the prostate do not, they have enough of their illnesses - by author ) older than 40-45 years. With increasing age, the percentage of men with adenomas increases dramatically.

42% of 40-year-old men already have adenomatous formations in the prostate, and after 60 years - in 84%.The proliferation of glandular tissue of the prostate gland occurs as a response to the extinction of the hormonal function of the sexual glands.

As the prostate adenoma progresses, its tissues compress the micturition channel more and more, and this prevents the free and full emptying of the bladder. In parallel, the tumor compresses and irritates the neck of the bladder, which leads to frequent urge to urinate.


Why does prostate adenoma occur?

The causes of prostatic hyperplasia have not been fully understood. Studies carried out associate her appearance with the age of a man( the older the men, the more they fall ill with prostate adenoma).At a young age, men very rarely develop prostate adenoma.

With age, neuroendocrine regulation of the prostate gland changes( after 40 years in men, testosterone production decreases, and estrogen secretion increases).

Predisposing factors

Stagnant phenomena in the pelvis and sedentary lifestyle can contribute to the development of the disease. At those persons who are engaged in sports, an adenoma of a prostate is met much less often.

Increase the risk of developing prostate adenoma:

  1. Genetic predisposition( someone from the family was ill with this disease)
  2. Overweight( leads to disruption of metabolism and endocrine regulation)
  3. Unbalanced diet( eating excess salty, sharp, fatty foods).

The conducted researches have not yet proved the influence - sexual activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, transfer of infectious diseases to the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Symptoms of prostatic adenoma

Symptoms of the disease: dysuria with frequent urges of urination and weakening of the pressure of the urine stream, then it develops a delay, urination is incomplete, when a part of the urine remains in the bladder all the time, and so urination, pain over the pubis andin the kidney area. The position of the patient is aggravated when the amount of residual urine begins to exceed 150 milliliters.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma

The symptomatic pattern of the disease depends on the stage of the disease. In different literature, the number of stages of the disease described is not unique, it distinguishes three or four stages. But in general, all the symptoms of the disease can be divided into obstructive( associated with difficulty in the allocation of urine) and irritative( symptoms of irritation).

Obstructive symptoms:

  1. Urine drop by drop at the end of urination ( this does not normally happen).
  2. Sluggish urine stream - the rate at which urine is excreted is lowered.
  3. Primary urinary retention of - urination does not occur immediately after relaxation with the sphincter, and after some delay.
  4. It is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdominal press - to perform urination the patient has to significantly strain the abdominal muscles.
  5. Intermittent urination - that is, urination in parts( normal urination occurs without interruption until complete bladder emptying).
  6. Feeling not full emptying of the bladder ( normal after urinating, men feel that the bladder has completely emptied).

Irritative symptoms of

Appear due to instability of the bladder and appear during the accumulation and subsequent location of urine in the bladder.

  1. Daytime pollakiuria - frequent urination in the daytime. Normally, the amount of urination is 4 to 6 per day, if a person drinks no more than 2.5 liters of fluid per day and is not treated with diuretics. Pollakiuria can reach up to 15-20 urination a day.
  2. False urination desires are conditions in which urge is present and urination does not occur.
  3. Night pollakiuria or nocturia - increased frequency of urination at night. Normally a person can sleep at night without emptying the bladder. Nocturia appears up to 3 times or more.

A significant role in the appearance of symptoms is a violation of the function of the muscles of the bladder( detrusor), which expels urine. Normally, its contraction occurs when the neck of the bladder is fully opened. With prostate adenoma, its instability arises. This is due to increased detrusor activity with respect to adrenergic effects. This phenomenon occurs, as a rule, against the background of the weakening of the detrusor's contractile ability.

Hyperplasia knots of the prostate cause a violation of the blood supply to the neck of the bladder, which along with a reduced threshold of detrusor excitability leads to its dysfunction.

Prostate adenoma stages

  1. First: Preclinical .It is observed most often at a young age. Patients complain of not pronounced violations of the act of urination, unpleasant sensations in the perineum and lower abdomen.
  2. Second: The frequency of urination is .First at night, and then during the day. Typical is the symptom of an imperative urge, accompanied by moderate soreness, and its intensity sometimes is great. An imperative urge leads to urinary incontinence and at the age of older 50 years can directly indicate the diagnosis of prostate adenoma 2 nd degree( more accurately the degree of adenoma can be determined by the size of the prostate gland on the ultrasound machine).
  3. Third: X is the incomplete urinary retention .The transition of the 2 nd stage to the 3 rd may occur unnoticed for the sick man, but objectively is always expressed by the presence of residual urine, the amount of which is steadily increasing. This leads to a thinning of the wall of the bladder, enlargement of the ureters and renal pelvis, resulting in kidney function.
  4. Fourth: P aradoxal anuria .Here, in this period, renal failure is clearly manifested with the phenomena of organism intoxication. As a result, gastrointestinal disorders are possible, sometimes they are called "urinary dyspepsia".Simultaneously, or somewhat earlier developed thirst, which is the result of poisoning the body with residual nitrogen, dehydration can lead to a sharp weight loss.

Treatment of prostate adenoma in the third and fourth stage is only operational.

It should be noted that prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis go along and their treatment is much the same.

Treatment and prevention of prostate adenoma: recommendations and advice

How to treat and prevent the development of prostate adenoma? In the prevention of prostate adenoma, rational and proper nutrition, regular sex life, hygienic regime are important. Great importance is playing sports and physical culture. The degree of load is selected by the patient individually and depends on his physical condition.

Food should be varied, full, with enough vitamins.

In old age it is necessary to abandon smoked products, spices, all seasonings and hot snacks. If the analysis of urine shows the presence of salts( urate, oxalate), you need to exclude from the diet of tea, coffee, confine yourself to the consumption of meat dishes and table salt.

If the patient is worried about frequent urination at night( 3-4 times), then you should also limit the liquid, and after 17.00-18.00 generally try not to drink anything. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, both local and general. Do not delay urine. The bed should be rigid, excluding the sagging of the pelvis.

Regular and long walks are very useful, especially before going to bed. For patients engaged in sedentary work, you need to significantly increase the number of movements - get up every 30-40 minutes, do jogging, physical exercises( squats, jumps, etc.). The thermal procedures for prostate adenoma are contraindicated by .

For the prevention and treatment of prostatic adenoma and chronic prostatitis, it is recommended that men take 15 grams daily.of pollen.

In the same dose, pollen is used in the treatment of premature senility of the elderly, working as a biostimulator.

Patients with prostate adenoma are very helpful in cycling and horse riding. It was noted that the former cavalrymen of the prostate adenoma almost never formed.

Recommendations for the prevention of prostate adenoma at home

  1. Fighting overweight( improves metabolism throughout the body).
  2. To exclude wearing things that are tight around the crotch: panties, pants.
  3. Eliminate casual sex as a means of preventing sexual infections.

You can view detailed detailed information on the treatment of prostate adenoma on the following pages of this site:

  1. Prostate adenoma in men: treatment with folk remedies at home
  2. Prostate adenoma: exercises for men for treatment of
  3. Treatment of prostate adenoma: without surgery, medications and preparations
  4. Treatment of prostate adenoma: surgery TUR and laser
  5. Prostate adenoma: diagnosis, methods, PSA analysis

Complications: What is the risk of prostate adenoma?

Adenoma of the prostate can be complicated:

  1. Inflammatory processes of , which developed against the background of prostate adenoma. Most often can develop cystitis( inflammation of the bladder) and pyelonephritis( an infectious disease that affects the bowl-and-pelvis system and the kidney parenchyma).Prophylaxis of these complications is the timely treatment of prostate adenoma.
  2. The hematuria. This is the appearance of erythrocytes in the urine. Hematuria appears due to varicose veins of the neck of the bladder. Hematuria can be macroscopic( urine red) and microscopic( can only be installed laboratory).If this complication occurs, you need to exclude stones and bladder tumors.
  3. Stones in the bladder. These are mineral deposits that appear due to incomplete emptying of the bladder. Prevention of this complication is the elimination of incomplete emptying of the bladder. If the stones still appeared, it is necessary to perform surgical treatment of prostate adenoma with a concomitant removal of stones.
  4. Acute urinary retention - is a severe complication of a disease characterized by the inability to perform urination. This complication often appears in the second or third stage of the disease. Usually acute urinary retention develops after hypothermia, fatigue, or prolonged sitting. This complication is treated with a catheterization of the bladder.

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See the video in order to get even more information about prostate adenoma.its treatment and prevention. In this video you will briefly learn:

  1. what is benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  2. as possible to diagnose the disease;
  3. which clinical symptoms develop in patients;
  4. what methods of treatment of prostate adenoma can be used and in what clinical cases;
  5. why the disease develops.

Source of

Recommendations in this article are based on official authoritative sources:

  1. Related videos
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  3. Tkach IS Recommendations for prostate adenoma of the second-category medical practitioner
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  5. Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012