Effective eye drops with glaucoma

Glaucoma refers to those treacherous ailments that can affect absolutely everyone, regardless of age and gender. Its peculiarity is that there is a risk of complete loss of vision if you do not immediately start treatment. Drops in glaucoma, of course, can not completely get rid of the pathology, but in reducing symptoms - this is their first priority.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Timolol
    • 3.2Betoptik
    • 3.3Xalatan
    • 3.4Travatan
    • 3.5Trusopt
    • 3.6Asopt
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Glaucoma is a disease that can lead to complete blindness, if not go to treatment.Glaucoma can be a chronic form, which is characterized by a constant increase in intraocular pressure (ophthalmotonus) and a violation of the outflow of intraocular secretion. This contributes to the development of atrophy of the optic nerve.

There is a glaucoma because of the increased pressure, which affects the walls of the vessels of the visual organ. So, in the treatment of pathology, the most important thing is to reduce this very pressure.

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If nothing is done, the patient runs the risk of remaining blind. The applied eye drops for glaucoma reduce the pressure and inhibit the destruction of the optic nerve.

Drops in glaucoma can be prescribed by the destruction of the optic nerve, which is responsible for normal vision. If there is atrophy of the optic nerves, then peripheral vision develops. Because of this, the image becomes narrow and tunneled. Then there is complete blindness.

A lot of fibers are concentrated in the optic nerve.Some of them die because of the ophthalmotonus. Due to eye drops, it is possible to lower the pressure in glaucoma at the initial stage of development.

Apply any drops when glaucoma is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

Features of preparations

Drops for the eyes in the treatment of glaucoma can be divided into several groups:

  1. Inhibitors of carbanhydrase.The effect of these drugs is directed to the production of intraocular fluid. When they are used, there may be side symptoms. This includes burning, eye hyperemia, bitter taste in the mouth.
  2. Prostaglandins. Due to them, the outflow of intraocular fluid increases. To side-effects is the darkening of the iris of the optic organ and lengthening of the eyelashes.
  3. Beta-blocker.These drugs reduce the production of intraocular secretion. Most often appointed together with prostaglandins. These drops of pressure affect the heart rate. When they are used, unpleasant side effects are possible in people with diabetes and lung diseases.

List of drugs


The role of the main component is thymol. Its effect is to purposefully exert a curative effect directly on the focus of the pathological process. The drug helps to reduce the level of fluid inside the eye, which affects the increase in pressure.

Timolol with glaucoma should be used before going to bed.

Adults and children apply the medicine on 1 drop, sending it to the conjunctival sac.Such events should be held 2 times a day. If the expected therapeutic effect is absent, then adults can switch to a% solution.The cost of these drops is 25-30 rubles.


The drug is based on a component such as betaxolol.Due to it, the medicine quickly stops the symptoms of glaucoma. The drug creates an obstacle to the concentration of fluid in the tissues of the visual organ.As a result of the use of Betoptik, the visual ability improves and the contraction of the tissues of the organ of vision stops.

Prescribe the drug in the treatment of glaucoma in mild form, and a positive effect is expected a few hours after use.

Use Betoptik is only under the supervision of a doctor, as often such treatment leads to the development of side symptoms. This should include:

  • tear;
  • allergy;
  • discomfort and burning;
  • hyperemia of the cornea;
  • photophobia.

Rarely the drug leaves a trace on the state of the nervous system. This manifests itself in the form of a prolonged depression or disturbed sleep. To apply drops it is necessary on 0, 5 ml two times a day. The cost of Betoptik is 350 rubles.


This remedy is for prostaglandins.In the role of the active component is lataprost.Use the medication effectively to reduce the intraocular pressure that appears against the background of open-angle glaucoma. Take drops to safe and effective anti-hypertensive medications.And this is due to the sparing influence, after all, after using drops very rarely develops secondary symptoms.

Positive dynamics can be traced in a few hours, and it lasts for a day. Drip agent before going to bed by, ml. The cost of the drug is 650 rubles.


The therapeutic effect obtained from these drops is associated with the action of the main component of travoprost.Drops have found their application in the therapy of glaucoma and hypertension ophthalmic form.Due to the action of the active components of the drug, it is possible to increase the outflow of fluid that is concentrated between the lens and the cornea.

Apply Travatan for glaucoma once a day, -1 ml.It is best to conduct such manipulations before going to bed.You can see the positive effect of the drug in a few hours. You can buy a drop at a price of 550-600 rubles.


The action of Trusopt is aimed at blocking a special enzyme of the ciliary body - carbonic anhydrase. It is he who is responsible for the production of intraocular fluid.The peculiarity of this drug is that it does not lead to addiction.However, the effectiveness of therapy with prolonged use of drops does not decrease.


As the active ingredient is brinzolamide. This component helps to reduce the production of intraocular fluid. With the use of drops, this side symptom can develop:

  • burning,
  • copious discharge of tear fluid,
  • photophobia,
  • dizziness,
  • headache.

Recommendations for use

So, following the recommendations below, you can strengthen the effect of drops and get the maximum therapeutic effect:

  1. When using the drops, they must penetrate directly into the conjunctival sac.After their introduction, it is necessary to press down the area near the inner corner of the optic organ with the help of a finger.
  2. When using several drugs simultaneously, make sure that there is an interval of 10 minutes between them.

Eye drops from lacrimation

All about the preparation of potassium iodide is written in this article.

When Dorsopt drops are used http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/osnovnye-pokazaniya-i-svojstva-primeneniya-kapel-dorzopt.html


When from the moment of instillation has passed 30-40 minutes, then the medicine begins to have a therapeutic effect.The eye pressure is reduced by 25%. And after 2 hours the maximum effect is achieved, the duration of which is up to 8 hours.Pilocarpine, the release of which occurs intensely under the influence of the drug, normalizes the pressure for 24 hours.

Use of drops during the treatment of glaucoma by pregnant women can only with the permission of the doctor. This is due to the fact that part of the medicine with blood flow spreads through the body, so that the medicine can hit the body of the future crumbs or get into the milk.



Drops in glaucoma do not fully combat pathological processes, but only normalize intraocular pressure. They will be able to cope only with glaucoma at the initial stage of development. But in neglected cases, there is no need to do surgery. Otherwise, a person risks losing his sight.

Also read about such drugs as Broxinac and Systemin Ultra.