Can I run with an intervertebral hernia?


  • 1Useful or dangerous running with a hernia of the spine
    • 1.1Allowable physical activity
    • 1.2How to run properly in diseases of the spine
    • 1.3Denial of responsibility
  • 2Can I run, jump with a hernia of the lumbar spine?
    • 2.1Is it possible to practice active sports?
    • 2.2What you need to do to not burden the spine?
    • 2.3Other types of physical education
    • 2.4Safe technology
  • 3Can I run a patient with an intervertebral hernia?
    • 3.1Prohibited sports
    • 3.2Recommended Sports
    • 3.3Summarizing
  • 4Whether it is possible to run at an intervertebral hernia of a lumbar department
    • 4.1What are the causes of intervertebral hernia?
    • 4.2Yoga for the treatment of hernia of the spine
    • 4.3Hemangioma of the lumbar region: where does it come from and how to deal with it?
  • 5Running with a hernia in the lumbar spine
    • 5.1Is active sport allowed?
    • 5.2Rules that are worth doing
    • 5.3Preparing for a run
    • 5.4Contraindications
    • 5.5Right tactics are the basis of security
    • 5.6Other permitted loads
  • 6Is it possible to run with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    instagram viewer
    • 6.1Should I run or not?
    • 6.2Walking
    • 6.3Scandinavian walking
    • 6.4Contraindications

Useful or dangerous running with a hernia of the spine

For people who are used to living an active lifestyle, problems with the spine, in particular, can become one of the most depressing diseases.

The disease has unpleasant symptoms, which radically change the habitual way of life and require special attention even to the daily movements of the patient.

In the lumbar hernia it is important to conduct timely treatment to avoid.

A significant role in the healing process, except for the use of medicines, is given.

But it's worth remembering that every patient has a separate clinical picture, and that which benefits one, the other can do much harm.

Only a specialist, guided by a variety of factors, can prescribe the necessary set of exercises.

Allowable physical activity

To prevent the development of the disease and its cure moderate loads, including running, are permissible.

In this case, it is necessary to consult with the treating doctor, and also to maximally strengthen the muscular corset and restore the correct posture.

it is necessary to abandon active movements to exclude even more.

If the pain is acute, it is recommended to take a horizontal position to relieve the pain and slightly bend the leg.

Whether it is possible to run with a hernia of a lumbar department, the doctor solves exclusively. But even if you have permission, you can not start the exercise without preparation. Help to tone the weakened body of exercise:

  • ,
  • ,
  • pilates,
  • .

These classes are more sparing than running, so start with them, so as not to inflict excessive damage on the loins.

Also, it is not superfluous to recall that running at requires not only preparation of the back, but also availability.

It's about sneakers with shock-absorbing soles. With their use it is possible to engage in jogging without harm to the back - so much less often does the protrusion of disks.


It is also important to choose the right place for jogging. This should be a dirt road. It is this coating that will protect you from accidental displacement of the feet and pinching of the nerve endings.


Asphalt coating in the stadium will not work. It is necessary to adhere to a small speed, and all movements should be done as gently as possible.

Remember that running is forbidden at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. In such days you can only do it.

How to run properly in diseases of the spine

In order that from running through the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine was extremely useful, you must follow the following rules:

  1. No discomfort and pain during exercise. When running on the body should disperse pleasant warmth, and not painful sensations. If they occur, immediately stop running and go to a specialist.
  2. After consultation with a doctor, you can not independently conduct several first sessions. It will be right to deal with an instructor who will help develop the technique of running that will benefit.
  3. In diseases of the spine, it is necessary not to make sharp amplitude movements and twists. For this reason, running with a hernia of the lumbar spine should be without accelerations.
  4. Do not overstrain the body for long runs.
  5. The entire planned for jogging site should be divided into small segments. This will help rest the spine.
  6. Do not exercise after taking painkillers, because their action will not allow you to recognize the pain from the loads.

Whether it is possible to run with a hernia in a loin, the attending physician will prompt, proceeding from a degree of complexity of illness. And if this kind of exercise is acceptable, you should proceed with it with extreme caution.

Performing the simple rules described above, you can run without harm to the vertebral department. The main thing is to remember that everything should be in moderation, physical exercises including.

All the experts know about the negative and positive aspects of running with the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine. Therefore, if necessary, treatment of the back is worth listening to the opinion of the doctor and do not prescribe the treatment yourself.

Remember that running, as a medical procedure, is not useful in all cases, and only an experienced specialist will help determine the appropriate for each individual case of a complex of medicines and exercises.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Can I run, jump with a hernia of the lumbar spine?

Is it possible to run with a hernia of the lumbar spine? Hernia of the spine belongs to the category of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If the treatment is wrong or the symptoms are ignored, the patient may experience complete or partial paralysis.

Experts still argue about conservative methods of treatment and prevention of the disease. In osteochondrosis, physical exertion is indicated to increase blood circulation, strengthen the muscular corset, and stimulate metabolic processes.

But whether it is possible to run at a hernia of a lumbar department of a backbone?

Is it possible to practice active sports?

In defense of the race, many theories are expressed, since physical loads with own weight are considered useful for the human body at any age.

One of the arguments is connected with the anatomical structure of intervertebral discs.

They have no blood vessels, so in order to cause a surge of blood with nutrients in this zone, you need to stimulate the adjacent areas of the body. This is easily achieved through simple physical exercises.

The best results are given by intensive walking and easy running, with these processes all groups of muscles work. But it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of such a disease, as a hernia.


It arises as a result of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and deformation of the intervertebral discs, the fibrous ring loses its original shape, the tissue grows, and the gelatinous nucleus is endangered.


When the degenerative process is sufficiently developed, reckless or intensive loads can mechanically increase the destruction.

For the spine with osteochondrosis, running can be useful, where muscles are poured with blood, kneaded, nutrients are provided to the injured zones of the vertebrae.

But in the case of hernia it is worth considering such stresses in the context of anatomical features of the disease. At the waist, even with ordinary walking is a difficult task to bear the burden of the body.

The traumatized hernia of the lower back can not fully cope with its task, so it is important to review the load regimen in order not to accelerate the onset of the critical stage of the disease.

The harm that can cause a wrong run is greater than the benefit of the proper performance of this sporting process.

If the patient has not previously engaged in athletics or sports under the supervision of a coach, doctors do not recommend running at the stage of treatment.

Since running is a cyclic sport, it is worth considering separately the phases of the running movements to understand if it is possible to run.


At the stage of landing, the pressure that a person exerts on the running surface exceeds his own weight by 5 times. This means that when a person weighing 60 kg runs along the path, in the landing phase he weighs 300 kg.


Despite the fact that the phase is short-term, the load on the spine is colossal. And if a single run can not have a negative effect on a spinal hernia or an osteochondrosis, the systematic effect is clearly harmful.

What you need to do to not burden the spine?

However, it is always worthwhile to consider all cases individually, there are a multitude of factors, you can definitely prohibit running only when indicated for surgery.

If the doctor allows the patient the opportunity to regularly practice jogging in the fresh air, he always advises on the correctness of all the movements in the presence of a hernia.

The best coverage for jogging is fresh grass or soil. The soft surface has excellent cushioning properties, due to this, the load on the lower back decreases. Running on a hard surface, for example, on an asphalt road is at least not so useful.

An important role is played by shoes. It should be specialized and adapted for running, suitable special running shoes with a foot supporting firm form and softening elements on the sole. The task of the shoe is cushioning, so that the push and landing are not given to the joints and the lower back.

When the hernia of the lumbar spine before the start of the morning jogging should always do therapeutic exercises.

They warm up the muscles, prepare them for the load, remove the morning stiffness of the movements and start the metabolic processes.

With a mashed back, the risk of injury is minimized.

Other types of physical education

In the presence of a complex form of hernia in the lower back, doctors recommend not to risk and stop on a therapeutic massage and simple gymnastics, exclude running with hernia and athletic walking for the period of treatment. All patients over 40 years of age are strongly recommended to abandon regular running in favor of more gentle sports.

Excellent yoga, pilates, stretching, therapeutic gymnastics.

Most people run wrong, because in this process it is important how the foot is positioned with respect to the surface, at what angle and with what amplitude the thigh moves, etc.

Wrong movements lead to an additional load on the lower back, despite the fact that the run itself already loads it.


Is it worth it to risk and continue to run in the diagnosed hernia of the spine of the lumbar region? More likely no than yes.


This risk is rarely justified.

Experts agree that for those patients who do not represent their lives without sport, it is better to replace running for athletic walking.

Walking is less traumatic in nature, since the spine does not receive overload due to lack of flight phase and landing, it does not stretch, and muscles are reduced much less. From the athletic walk, the muscles of the legs are stretched, the spine moves, but without sharp jerks, and the main danger is transferred to the knee joint.

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Safe technology

If the physician allows running training for the patient, attention should be paid to the technique. First of all, for the safety of the waist, you need to make sure that the spine does not swing. This process is related to the position of the feet. You need to keep the inner part of them on one line.

When running between the front part of one and the other foot, the angle should be small, so that the main load from the jerks goes to the area of ​​the thumbs. During the landing phase, the load must be assumed by the entire surface of the foot, the movement must be rolling, from the heel to the toe.

The length of the step during the running process depends on the individual features of the structure of the body, but the general recommendation is to make a not too wide and not too narrow step.

It is not worthwhile to put legs widely, so as not to stumble on a straight leg, but a narrow step makes the feet experience additional stress. Correct running is convenient for a person, all movements are natural, smooth.

For the waist and spine when running it is important that the upper body is not swinging back and forth and sideways.

If possible, keep the body straight, avoiding slopes in any direction, but the position should be natural, do not hold your back straight, like a stick.

The waist from this suffers less, and the result is quite comparable with running training.


In fact, walking involves all the same muscles, for it, too, there are special techniques and rules. Injuries to the spine are not the best conditions to do sports.


You should opt for soft types of fitness or simple exercises at home.

With hernia and osteochondrosis, it is important to get qualified help and advice from a specialist, since in order for the movements to be beneficial, and not harm, one must follow the rules.

Doing gymnastics, you can achieve great results and accelerate the process of recovery and rehabilitation.

With a hernia in the lower back, it is worth to be especially cautious, since any sudden movement can aggravate the problem and lead to loss of mobility.

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Can I run a patient with an intervertebral hernia?

Is it possible to run with the intervertebral hernia, what kinds of sports will suit people with this disease? Such questions are asked by all who encountered a similar problem.

A large number of people suffer from a disease such as an intervertebral hernia. The disease manifests itself as a result of the action of large loads on the spine when doing sports or hard work.

As a rule, after doctors detect a patient of such a disease, he is assigned the following rules:

  1. You need to exercise as little as possible.
  2. All exercises in which it is necessary to make movements by the body, to exclude.
  3. Every day, at least a half an hour to give a walk.

Doing sports is not prohibited, but it will be necessary to choose the kind of sport that will not worsen the patient's condition.

Recommendations regarding the types of sports that are allowed by a patient with a hernia are required to be given by the treating physicians immediately after the disease is detected.

Prohibited sports

So, it is worth starting with those sports that are strictly prohibited in the above disease:

  1. Various elements of weightlifting, wrestling or high jumping. Such sports play a huge burden on the human spine.
  2. Various yard games, football and hockey. They are prohibited because of the huge opportunity to get injured.
  3. Mountain sports, rapid descents with skiing, skateboards.
  4. All kinds of sports, where the patient will have to make sudden movements.
  5. Strictly prohibited running.
  6. Body-building. Classes like this sport are prohibited even more than running, because too much pressure on the spine. Because of this sport, an intervertebral hernia may appear.

Therefore, the question of whether you can run with an intervertebral hernia, you need to answer in the negative.

Strict attitude to this type of sporting activities is due to the fact that during the run the entire body of a person shakes, and this negatively affects the condition of the spine of the patient's hernia. As a rule, running is not the reason, because of which there is a hernia in the intervertebral area. It is only considered a factor in the deterioration of the patient.

During a run or if walking is fast enough, the recovery of the disc is greatly slowed down.


The only exception that can be made in this case is jogging, and it is absolutely impossible to strain.


If you feel any inconvenience, you need to stop the occupation.

It is necessary to run in comfortable conditions, namely, there should be a soft floor covering (that is it is necessary to conduct employment in a sports hall) and comfortable enough footwear.

Recommended Sports

Permitted and recommended sports in this disease also exist.

Swimming is useful because of the absence of any sudden movements, as a result of which the load on the spine is excluded.

According to all the laws of physics, when a person swims, the weight of his body decreases significantly, so there is no pressure on the intervertebral area.

When a person is in the water, all muscles relax, and this greatly helps to relieve pain in the spine and improve blood circulation in all muscles. Improves the state of the respiratory system.

Skiing is permissible if there are no rapid descents and sharp movements.

When riding a bicycle, the main emphasis is on the legs, as a result of which the spine does not suffer.

The ideal option for sports for people with a similar disease is yoga.

Pilates is one of the sports areas in fitness. Very often with diseases associated with the spine, doctors recommend pilates.


Due to the absence of any fixation a person must constantly keep his balance, as a result of which the back muscles swing fast enough.


And the stronger the dorsal muscles, the less stress goes on the spine.

There are significant restrictions to exercise by force. It is perfectly permissible to perform various exercises on the abdominal press, torsion of the trunk.

It is best to perform hyperextension, since such exercises strengthen the spine rather well.

Hyperextension requires a special simulator, which can be found in any professional sports hall. It is allowed to perform strength exercises with the help of a horizontal bar.

If a patient has a desire to engage in bench press, then in this situation, consultation with physician, because the main rule of performing sports exercises in case of a hernia is not to do much harm.

In addition to the above sports, doctors advise their patients with the presence of such a disease to engage in Scandinavian walking. The most difficult thing is to gather strength in order not to miss classes.

This type of sport has the following advantages:

  • significantly strengthened the dorsal muscles;
  • if a person has a layer of fat, it is possible to get rid of it, as a result of which pressure on the spine will decrease;
  • improves the state of blood pressure.

If a person wants to achieve the desired results to improve the condition of the spine, you should carefully consider the selection of the right clothes for training.

It is important that the clothes consist of a simple material and improve the ability to move. The main thing is that shoes should be soft and comfortable.

The first workout will be quite difficult, but after that the lessons will go much easier.


There are special exercises that will greatly improve the condition of the spine.

But here it's not so simple: any exercises in the presence of the disease should be selected individually.

This is due to the influence of a huge number of factors: age, sex, physical development of the patient, stage of the disease.


It is worth recalling that in such a case, in any case, you need to exercise.


If you can not do your favorite sport, then you need to find something else.

If a person is sure that he will not be able to find a suitable occupation, then slow walking tours are quite suitable, they should be given to them no less than half an hour a day.

Before you start classes, you need to consult a doctor who will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen sport. Each person is individual, therefore the same disease can develop differently in different people.

If pain starts during the exercise, it is required to immediately finish the exercise and in the near future go to the doctor.

A source:

Whether it is possible to run at an intervertebral hernia of a lumbar department

Increasingly, you can hear a diagnosis such as a hernia of the spine or lumbar spine.

This disease is accompanied by unbearable pain in the lumbar region or back, which interferes with the patient's habitual life.

To such an ailment is nothing more than a formed hernia in the intervertebral region.

  • What are the causes of intervertebral hernia?
  • Yoga for the treatment of hernia of the spine
    • The main contraindications for practicing yoga are:
  • What poses in yoga are considered the most effective for preventing a spinal hernia?

Often, doctors resort to surgical intervention to eliminate the problem and return the patient to normal health. But, it is known that the operation on the spine is a very complicated process and can not always lead to a positive result and restore the joy of movement.

Since recent times, the practice of applying yoga is recommended for the rehabilitation of the spine. Special exercises can relieve the spine and over time even make the ailment not so noticeable in its manifestations.

What are the causes of intervertebral hernia?

Now people with this disease are becoming more and more. The hernia itself has the form of protrusion of the fibrous ring located in the vertebrae beyond their limits, forming a rupture of the sheath itself. In this case, the pulp core shifts and its outlet to the spinal canal.

Such a pathology as the intervertebral hernia does not arise spontaneously. The process of its appearance can last for years, but only when lifting heavy objects or considerable physical exertion on the spine.

There are several reasons for the appearance of an intervertebral hernia, which everyone needs to know in order to prevent an insidious disease.

  1. Non-compliance with the proper drinking regime. With a lack of fluid in the human body immediately begins to react connective tissue - the component of intervertebral discs. Gradually, feeling the lack of water, the discs dry up. And in due course, atrophied tissue ceases to perform the necessary functions of the shock absorber in the spine, because of what the given load the body of the vertebra takes over, and eventually a hernia is formed.
  2. Incorrectly distributed load in conditions of incorrect position of the spine. All this happens in the event that a person already has even a slight curvature of the spine or stoop of the back. With such pathologies, lifting of weights can reduce the strength of the spine and subsequently lead to a hernia.
  3. Insufficient physical activity on the body. With sedentary activity, stagnation occurs in the tissues of the intervertebral disc. Because of what there is no full nutrition of the spine and it comes atrophy.
  4. Lack of balanced nutrition. The most important for the normal functioning of the spine, and the body as a whole is the intake of all necessary vital components in it with food. Bone tissue most all needs phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. If at least one trace element is not enough, then the destruction of the bone structure can occur, which will lead to an imbalance in the work of intervertebral discs.
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Recognize the formation of a hernia in the lumbar region of the back will help symptoms:

  • frequent numbness of the lower limbs;
  • severe pain in the foot and lower leg;
  • numbness of the groin;
  • the presence of prolonged pain in the lumbar region;
  • strong pain in the leg, passing into the thigh area.

Yoga for the treatment of hernia of the spine

The effectiveness of yoga in the intervertebral hernia has already been proven by many studies and by the patients themselves. The most important thing in implementing exercises to observe certain principles. This will help not only cope with the disease, but also restore other disorders in the body.

To begin with, it is necessary to enrich the diet with essential vitamins and microelements, and most importantly - proteins. Useful components can help restore tissue and restore musculoskeletal function.

Especially, in the treatment of a hernia of the lumbar region, seriousness must be treated and bad habits. It is better to completely get rid of smoking and drinking alcohol, to revise the diet. Try to eat only foods of natural origin.

The basis of yoga with the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is special physical exercises, which are aimed at activating the activity of all parts of the spine with various pathologies in German. The main rule of doing exercises is to avoid fatigue.

Principles of yoga with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine to eliminate her symptoms are:

  1. Elimination of the appearance of pain syndromes in the affected area of ​​the spine. The absence of pain indicates the correct selection of exercises. Even an insignificant painful manifestation is considered acceptable.
  2. Avoiding sharp loads on the back, which includes jerks, jumps, bumps.
  3. Daily exercise exercises.
  4. Exercise of minimal load on the spine with gradual increase.
  5. Smooth exercises with slow breathing without twisting of the spine.
  6. Manifestation of the maximum patience for obtaining the desired result with time.
  7. The result should be reduced to Shavansan.
  • sensation of weakness;
  • the manifestation of immobility;
  • tingling sensations;
  • occurrence of pain with lumbago.

The most effective yoga postures for the treatment of herniated lumbar spine are noted by specialists as follows:

  1. Use of the irdhana asana. This position of yoga assumes the patient's position exactly. In this case, it is necessary to join hands in the lock and make circular rotations with the palms. At the same time, the stomach is drawn into itself, which causes muscle tension. At the same time, you should monitor your breathing.
  2. Asanu butterflies. This exercise is performed in a prone position. In this case, the arms and legs are bred in the sides. By inhaling, the legs should be raised upwards, and with the exhalation of the foot it should be spread out on the sides. The implementation of these exercises is not so easy, so it takes a lot of effort.
  3. Applying the dog to the bottom. To do this, you need to stand on your feet, bend your body so that your hands reach the floor. Next, you need to spread out the weight load to the heels, then to the toes. After that, you need to fix your hands in the lock behind your head. During the entire duration of the exercise, the back should be bent.
  4. Application of Shawansana. This exercise is performed in the supine position with the back to the floor. It is necessary to stretch your arms and legs to the sides. Place the head in proportion to the spine. Breathing should be slow and deep. This exercise requires maximum relaxation. Exhaling allows the body to free itself, to feel the naturalness of breathing. Do not exercise for more than five minutes.

It is worth noting that before starting a yoga class for the treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine, you need to get advice from a specialist. Also, the practice of medicamentous elimination of a problem combined with yoga is well combined.

Hemangioma of the lumbar region: where does it come from and how to deal with it?

After diagnosing the MRI, I found the following problems. In the department of the vertebral body L2, a hemangioma of 20/1 mm in size was detected. Is it possible to use radiation therapy to treat hemangioma?

Hemangioma of the lumbar region is not a malignant formation, which tends to slow growth.


The average age of people who are affected by this disease varies around 35-60 years. The reasons for this diagnosis are unknown.


However, there is a theory that hemangioma arises from a hereditary predisposition, a bad ecological environment, and also during pregnancy.

By its localization, the hemangioma of the lumbar region often covers one vertebra, but in rare cases, it can affect several vertebrae at once, or the whole body of the vertebra. To diagnose this disease it is possible with the help of MRI (or CT, if MRI can not be done), as well as a number of different analyzes.

Traditional medicine can offer several options for treating this disease. Some of them, due to the development of scientific technologies and discoveries in the field of medicine are not so relevant, but we provide the entire list:

  1. sclerotherapy. In the blood vessels it is necessary to introduce a medical preparation, the main principle of which will be to glue their walls. The preparation can be ethanol;
  2. embolization. In those vessels that nourish a malignant formation, drugs must be introduced that will create a thrombotic effect;
  3. puncture vertebroplasty. One of the most modern methods of treating hemangiomas of the lumbar region. To perform this procedure you need special equipment: "small access technique." This method of treatment provides a minimal risk of complications and in a short time it is possible to bring the patient back to normal;
  4. surgical intervention. Using a conventional scalpel, using an anesthetic, the patient is excised with hemangioma. It is also possible to clean the injured bone;
  5. radiation therapy.

The latter two methods are obsolete and are rarely used in modern medicine.

The first two methods are also not popular among doctors because of the huge number of side effects effects and most importantly - the high cost of materials, through which such procedures can be made.

As for puncture vertebroplasty, this method of treatment has a lot of positive feedback and recommendations.

People who have such a diagnosis can not do manual therapy, massages. About physical exertion should be forgotten during the illness.

A source:

Running with a hernia in the lumbar spine


Many patients who are allowed physical activity, are wondering whether it is possible to run with a lumbar hernia? After hernial protrusion in the spinal column - this is a very serious illness, which in some cases can lead to disability. Today, doctors are still unable to accurately answer this question.

Is active sport allowed?

Active sports - this is a good help in the fight against various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, will they be useful for hernial protrusion?

In favor of such exercises, says that the load stimulates many positive processes in the spinal column. In connection with this, blood circulation improves, regeneration is started, the spine receives more nutrients and is quickly restored.

On the other hand, as doctors say, one can not ignore the pathogenetic features of the formation of hernias.

The pelvic nucleus of the intervertebral disc, which is no longer surrounded by a special fibrous membrane, easily traumatizes, and can also injure surrounding tissues.


This happens most often with careless and abrupt movements, which can not be avoided during running.


As a result, doctors often draw the attention of patients to the fact that the load should be very strictly dosed. This means that the overload of the spine is not allowed, because because of the defect, he still can not cope with it.

Rules that are worth doing

To decide whether a person can run in the hernia of the lumbar spine, you need to make sure that he can carefully follow the simple rules.

They include:

  • rejection of movements that cause severe discomfort or result in severe pain (pain indicates that the affected the vertebral department does not cope with the chosen intensity of the load and, as a result, such exercises cease to be beneficial, harm);
  • the first lessons should be under the control of the trainer, as only the specialist will be able to track whether the patient is doing the right things and, if that, correct them (The coach should also report the appearance of discomfort or pain, so that he can adjust the technique of the exercise or, if necessary, replace it with something other);
  • any spraining exercises on the run or in a static state are strictly forbidden (twisting can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, as a pinching of the defect will occur);
  • if a treadmill is chosen to perform the exercises, it is strictly forbidden to adjust it immediately to high speed (increasing the tempo and amplitude of movements should occur gradually, while if at some point the patient feels pain, it is better to go back a few steps and perform less intensive load);
  • osteochondrosis - a disease that severely limits the duration of any physical activity (overstrain of the spine in this case is even more dangerous than with a simple hernia without complications);
  • when osteochondrosis, patients are often advised to either choose short routes, or divide one long gap into several small ones, so that the body can rest at a distance;
  • From runaways it is necessary to refuse, if the patient is compelled to take anaesthetising medicines (these preparations limit sensitivity to pain, because of what a person can feel that with his back something is not so much later than it should be, when the harm will already be is applied);
  • if the patient has any strong defects of the spinal column or its curvature, runs for it are also prohibited, since any defect increases the burden on the spinal column.

Preparing for a run

Can I run with an intervertebral hernia? On the idea, yes, but only in the case when the disease managed to drive in a period of persistent remission.

At the same time, to such an active load will have to be prepared, so as not to aggravate your health.

Before running it is also mandatory to consult a doctor who will assess the patient's condition and give his permission.

As preparation you can use:

  • an uncomplicated set of exercises from the complex for the therapy of lumbar hernia;
  • simple asanas from yoga;
  • classes on pilates, if there is such an opportunity.

Such a warm-up will help muscles and bones to prepare for future loads. Also, the warm-up will fix the results that the patient will be able to achieve during the run.

Without preliminary preparation, running is not only not useful, but also represents a danger to the patient. This is due to the fact that the pulpous nucleus that formed the hernia is subject to mechanical action and may simply not cope with the load that it is trying to impose.

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Loin - part of the spine, which is very much prone to a variety of negative effects. This back department is rightfully considered to be the most vulnerable, but at the same time, the main loads are due to it.

The lumbar region always responds very sensitively to any physical activity. Especially dangerous are the various rapid movements that lead to pinching hernial protrusions, and sometimes to clamping nerves located in the spinal canal.

This happens when:

  • body temperature jump;
  • various viral or infectious pathologies that occur in active form;
  • exacerbation of vertebral protrusion, which is usually accompanied by acute pain syndrome;
  • presence of malignant tumors in various parts of the body;
  • severe chronic diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, heart, brain, bronchopulmonary system.

If you neglect contraindications, it can negatively affect not only the defect of the intervertebral space, but also the overall health of the patient. To exclude the presence of contraindications, it is also recommended to consult a doctor.

Right tactics are the basis of security

Intervertebral hernia is a complex and dangerous disease. To run was not only effective, but also did not cause harm to the patient, it is necessary to choose the correct tactics of training. There are four main recommendations.

In order for the load to be uniform, it is necessary to run so that to land at each next step not on the heel or toe, but on the entire foot as a whole. This will help minimize the load, as well as protect the spine from overexertion.

Running time, speed and its amplitude must be selected, based on individual characteristics and endurance. If endurance is poorly developed, you will have to give up long and quick runs.

During the race you will have to carefully maintain the correct posture. This is necessary to avoid rupture of the pulpous core or a sharp clamping of the vascular bundles. Do not push the housing too much forward or back.

Other permitted loads

Running with a hernia of the lumbar spine is not the only permitted physical load.

During an exacerbation, for example, active movements are generally prohibited, only light physical exercise is allowed, which is performed right in bed, so as not to overload the spinal column.

When it was possible to introduce a hernia into a state of remission, patients are allowed to engage in physiotherapy, yoga, pilates, gymnastics.


These loads are simpler than those encountered by a person while running.


That is why it is recommended that they begin preparation for more active activities.

This means that training with dumbbells and barbells will have to be deleted. Force load can provoke exacerbation of the hernia, which will significantly worsen the patient's condition.

Running is a useful form of physical activity in the hernia of the lumbar spine. The main thing that needs to be remembered is the rules for conducting classes.

If the patient consults with the doctor and follows all the basic recommendations, jogging will improve his health and will have a beneficial effect on the hernia defect.

However, it is important to remember that like any other activity, it can be not only useful, but harmful, if you do it wrong.

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Is it possible to run with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Vertebral hernia or hernia of intervertebral discs is formed as a result of rupture of the fibrous ring of the disc.

Through the hole formed, the gelatinous nucleus of the disc may protrude, which can press on the nerve roots or the spinal cord, causing discomfort up to strong pain.

Depending on in which part of the spine is found pathology, distinguish the hernia of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar divisions. In this case, the most common hernia occurs in the lumbar region.

This is due to the fact that this is the most mobile part of the ridge, bearing both the greatest load.

Intervertebral hernia can be removed surgically, but this is considered an extreme measure and to operative intervention is resorted, usually, in cases when conservative methods of treatment have not brought results.

Most often, the treatment of pathology is a whole complex of measures aimed at removing inflammation, strengthening of the muscular corset and restoration (if possible) of intervertebral elasticity disks. An important role in the treatment of the disease is also played by the correction of the patient's lifestyle, and since pathology is quite common and its all are more often diagnosed in fairly young people, many are wondering whether the complex of routine activities can supplement physical activities and running-in particular. In particular, the opportunity to run is important for athletes who have a hernia of the lumbar spine.

Should I run or not?

To say that running with such a diagnosis is contraindicated categorically impossible. Uniquely answer this question in each case can only the attending physician based on the clinical picture, stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

At the same time, among those who are physicians there are enough of those who believe that running and hernia of the lumbar spine are incompatible concepts.

However, many believe that light jogging is useful to strengthen muscles and normalize the activity of all body systems.

Supporters of running advise patients to engage in a special corset. In addition, it is very desirable to use shoes with a special cushioning sole. It will be better to avoid long loads.

In favor of running with this diagnosis says that in the tissues of intervertebral discs there are no blood vessels. The supply of them, as well as all cartilage tissues in the body, occurs due to absorption from the adjacent tissues.

Therefore, the more active are the metabolic processes in the tissues adjacent to the intervertebral discs, the better the supply of the disc itself with nutrients, micro- and macro-elements necessary for normal functioning.


Running, like fast walking, contributes to the activation of metabolic processes in the organs and tissues of the body, thereby promoting the normal feeding of cartilage and protecting them from premature aging.


Jumping is prohibited with a hernia

The main thing, what should be guided by choosing physical activities and types of exercises - a complete lack of pain.

In case doctors allow running, it is important not to overdo and avoid excessive stress.

Otherwise, lessons can do more harm than good, and loss of the pulpous nucleus will intensify, which can lead to increased pain and trauma to the nerve endings of the lumbar region.

It is necessary to observe some rules that will minimize the risks of additional injury to the ridge, and also check the condition of the hip and ankle joints.

The first and most important thing to do during a workout is not to continue through strength or overcoming pain.

In the event of pain, it is necessary not to reduce physical activity, but to stop training and, as soon as possible, consult a doctor. Any discomfort and, especially, painful sensations during playing sports should not arise.

The instructor can help correct the workload and the technique of doing the exercises, so it's best to conduct the first training sessions under his guidance.

If you do not have the opportunity to deal with a coach, it is better to remember the basic rules:

  • Run should be measured in a single, one-time chosen pace, not allowing jerks or sudden acceleration;
  • twisting the body, swinging his hands and other sharp movements are also taboo - they can cause an additional shift of the discs;
  • Do not try to run a marathon, and it is better to specify a distance in advance with the attending physician;
  • divide the distance to run into several parts. A small rest for the waist will be just the way.
  • Do not overwork, the optimal duration of training is 40 minutes;
  • Do not take any painkillers, as the absence of pain can lead to overstrain.

The jogging plan will help in training


It should be noted that even if the dynamics of the disease is positive, running helps to strengthen the vertical load on intervertebral disks and is always accompanied by increased stress, as well as concussions of the vertebral post. Therefore, the recovery of disks will be slower.

That's why it's better to do walking. It can be rightly considered a universal sport that is allowed and will be useful to everyone.


In particular, the absence of a flight phase, when both legs break away from the ground, helps to avoid ridge shocks and excessive load on the lower back.


Regular walking tours contribute to increased endurance, while walking is possible everywhere, it is enough to just leave the transport for a couple of stops on the way from work on a daily basis.

Scandinavian walking

Sport, which many consider fanciful - walking with the use of ski poles, can have an even more positive effect with a spinal hernia, but Since Scandinavian walking is already considered one of the varieties of physical therapy, it is necessary to coordinate this sport with the attending physician doctor.

Pros of the Scandinavian walk:

  • helps to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine;
  • regular exercise helps to reduce weight (calories burn faster than normal walking);
  • due to weight reduction, the load on the spine decreases;
  • the pressure is normalized;
  • helps to strengthen the heart muscle and training almost all muscle groups.

Scandinavian walking is the best choice

In addition, Scandinavian walking partially facilitates the transfer of the load to the hands, which is especially important in the hernia of the lumbar region of the ridge.

For the classes you will need comfortable clothes and shoes, and in winter you need to think about additional protection of your hands.

The choice of sticks is also important, because too short will not give the desired effect, and too high will not contribute to an even distribution of the load. The best height of the sticks is to the middle of the forearm.

At first Scandinavian walking will require concentration of attention. Also, one should not forget about safety and avoid overexertion and overwork.


Any sports or physiotherapy exercises should be discontinued in such cases:

  • increased body temperature;
  • colds or viral infections;
  • exacerbation of intervertebral hernia;
  • detection of neoplasms (tumors);
  • violations in the work of internal organs.

Have you ever tried to get rid of joint pain yourself? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - the victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what:

  • With pain and creaking, bend legs and arms, turn, bend ...
  • wake up in the morning with a feeling of aches in the back, neck or limbs
  • for any change of weather, suffer from what twists and twists the joints
  • forget that such free movement and every minute to fear another bout of pain!

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