Bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia

How to take a pneumonia pneumobacteria klebsiella purified?

If the causative agent of the disease has a resistant antibiotic resistance, the patient will benefit from the use of bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia treated. This drug lyses this type of bacteria, that is, it dissolves malignant cells with the help of various agents contained in it.

The drug is used in the treatment of purulent diseases and diseases associated with the intestines (enteral), which are caused by Klebsiella bacteria. Infections obtained during surgery, urogenital ailments, purulent ENT diseases are also treatable by this bacteriophage. It is used even for some diseases in newborns.

Bacteriophages: what is it?

"Eaters of bacteria" - this is how the word is translated from the Greek language. Bacteriophages are a special kind of virus that can reproduce in bacterial cells. They dwell everywhere: in the land, in the water, in the air, on the clothes of man, on the skin of animals, inside the organism of any living being.

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With the help of bacteriophages it is possible to reliably protect the body against infections, using drugs with them as preventive measures.And in the treatment they are not inferior to antibiotics, although many doctors in the old fashion prefer these very powerful remedies.

The merits of bacteriophages include the following properties:

  • the ability to destroy microorganisms against which antibiotics are powerless;
  • do not have side effects;
  • addiction does not cause;
  • have a positive effect on the immune system, not at all suppressing it;
  • combined with different medications;
  • are used for preventive purposes, in addition to therapeutic.

Physicians predict a great future for bacteriophages. So, infectious disease experts believe that the drugs will help in the fight against many infectious diseases. Immunologists hope that bacteriophages will be useful where immunotherapy is powerless. And analysts say that this is the most promising direction in the pharmaceutical industry.

Bacteriophages act as follows. Once in the human body, they penetrate into the bacteria, which they consider to be "their own and begin the process of their reproduction. A malicious bacterium is destroyed because of this, and soon nothing remains of it. But many new bacteriophages are formed. The entire process takes from 15 to 40 minutes.

Bacteriophages exert selective influence on harmful microorganisms. They do not have their own names. They are named for the bacteria they affect: for example, bacteriophage streptococcal or bacteriophage staphylococcus. Well, including Klebsiella pneumonia.

Bacteriophage klebsiella: what is it?

This drug belongs to the group of immunobiological. It is available in the form of a solution of yellow color with vials of 20 or 10 milliliters. Packages are different, 4 bottles and 10 bottles.

The solution can be taken orally and used externally.

Pharmacological action - antibacterial. It is used to kill Klebsiella bacteria. Has a therapeutic effect on the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • purulent wounds, burns, boils and other surgical ailments;
  • various purulent diseases in newborns;
  • urological infections and genital tract infections;
  • ENT diseases and lung diseases;
  • prevention of diseases caused by Klebsiella bacteria.

There were no contraindications and side effects. Overdosing does not occur. The drug can be taken together with other medicines. Antibiotics are among them.

Bacteriophage is not prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers, but necessarily in consultation with the doctor.

The drug does not have special storage requirements. This should be a dry place with a temperature ranging from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, not available to children. The drug has a shelf life of 2 years.

Bacteriophage Klebsiella: methods of use for various diseases

Before using this drug, the sensitivity of the pathogen to the bacteriophage is revealed. The drug is used in many ways: inside, outwardly with appliqués and irrigation, is injected into the nose, the genitals, rectally. Dosages: up to 30 milliliters with internal application and up to 50 in other cases. Diseases of a purulent nature are treated by a combination of internal reception and external use of the drug.

Diseases, which will help bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia purified:

  • angina - gargle 3 times a day for a week;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia - take 3 times a day for a month and plus to this inhalation;
  • otitis - rinse the cavity of the patient's ear 3 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • inflammation of the nasal sinuses - to wash the nose and nasopharynx 3 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • stomatitis and periodontitis - mouth rinsing as often as possible during the week;
  • conjunctivitis - bury several times a day for 3-5 drops for 2 weeks;
  • the abscess cavity after purging from pus - is administered orally in an amount approximately equal to the removed pus;
  • pyelonephritis - taking orally as prescribed by a doctor;
  • gynecological diseases - daily introduction of the medicine into the uterine cavity by irrigation;
  • cavity of joints - capillary drainage for 5 days;
  • purulent wounds - do bandages for 15 days;
  • infection after surgery - treatment of wounds as needed.

In newborn infants, the use of bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia treated is done orally before feeding. The doctor can prescribe a combination with rectal use. Therapy lasts for 2 weeks.

Hospital infections of babies are treated with joint application of the drug with other medications strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

What is a Klebsiella

Currently, diseases caused by opportunistic microorganisms are common. Klebsiella is just such. In what disease will the presence in the body of this bacterium, depends on the state of the immune system of the diseased. It can be both pulmonary disease, and septic.

There is not one kind of Klebsiella, among which pneumonium is one of the most common. From the name it can be seen that this bacterium is responsible mainly for damage to lung tissue.

Klebsiella is found everywhere: on the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, in the soil, in the dust, in the products, on the animal's hair, and so on. Often it is found inside hospitals.

The source of infection is a person with the presence of this bacterium in the body. In the body gets through non-compliance with personal hygiene. Dirty fruits and vegetables can also be a source of contamination. It spreads Klebsiella and airborne droplets.

All people are susceptible to Klebsiella. But there is also a risk group - newborn babies, infants, elderly people with acquired immunodeficiency, alcoholics, patients after organ transplantation.

From the moment of infection until the onset of symptoms, it may take a week. The bacterium causes the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • sepsis.

Preventive measures are reduced to adherence to hygiene rules, to strengthening the immune system, to timely treatment of various inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Polyvalent purified Klebsiella bacteriophage

In the treatment of diseases caused by the opportunistic microbial Klebsiellae pneumoniae, a polyvalent purified bacteriophage Klebsiella is usually used. This preparation is available in the form of a liquid solution, which has a variety of uses. As practice shows, the effectiveness of the drug is comparable even with potent antibiotics.

What is the bacteriophage cleared Klebsiella pneumonia?

The main ingredient of the solution is the phagolysates of bacteria, which are the product of the decomposition of microorganisms. When a bacteriophage penetrates pathogenic cells, microbial lysis (dissolution) occurs, and as a result, they die immediately.

As a preservative in the production of the drug used quinazole. Its concentration is low (within limits, mg / ml) and does not affect the therapeutic properties of the drug solution.

Indications for the appointment of purified bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia

The drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  • cholecystitis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • urogenital infections;
  • suppuration and infected wounds;
  • peritonitis;
  • colpitis;
  • surgical infections;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • bartholinite;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • endometritis;
  • omphalitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyoderma;
  • rhinoscleroma;
  • ozena;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • mastitis;
  • abscesses;
  • sepsis.

Also bacteriophage klebsiella is recommended against systemic and local pathologies in ophthalmic practice caused by this bacterium, including - nosocomial strains.

Instructions for use of the polyvalent purified bacteriophage Klebsiella

The solution can be used in various ways, depending on the disease caused by the microorganism.

Internal application in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract consists in a 3-hour intake of 30 ml of a bacteriophage 60 minutes before a meal. The course is 7-15 days.

With pyelonephritis and cystitis, the period of systemic therapy is 10-20 days, the dosage is similar. You should also inject the solution locally into the bladder (20-50 ml) and the renal pelvis (5-7 ml) through the nephro- or cystostomy.

To treat purulent, poorly healing wounds, bandages, irrigation, applications and drainage of the bacteriophage (at least once a day) are used. After opening the abscess and removing the exudate, the medication is filled with a cavity (the amount is slightly less than the volume of eliminated pus). With the help of drainage, 20-200 ml of the drug is administered every 24 hours. If the wounds appeared due to osteomyelitis, the recommended dose for drainage is 10-30 ml, and turundum can also be used.

Treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases involves the daily administration of 5-10 ml of the drug in the uterus and vagina (1 time per day). The course of therapy lasts 14-15 days.

With purulent diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, the bacteriophage is taken internally (dosage and method of use are similar to the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies) and topically as a solution for

rinsing, rinsing, instillation (2-10 ml three times a day). Also inject turuns, moistened with medicine, and leave them for 60 minutes in the affected cavity.

Acute inflammation of the intestine allows even rectal use of the bacteriophage. To do this, 1 time a day put an enema (40-50 ml of the drug). Local therapy should be combined with internal medication (2 times every 24 hours).

Despite the absence of side effects, as well as contraindications to the appointment of the described medication, it is important to analyze the sensitivity of bacteria to it before using it.

"Bacteriophage klebsiella instruction and reviews

Today's reality is that the prevalence of infectious diseases remains stable Instead of an exceptionally cold winter period and a wet off-season. Now the potential opportunity to pick up a dangerous infection for people with weak immunity persists for all four seasons, regardless of the weather conditions.

Infections that cause many serious illnesses often require specialized treatment. This means that to combat them it is senseless to use preparations of a wide spectrum of action. For effective treatment should be used highly specialized means, whose action is directed mainly to the causative agents of a particular infectious disease.

So, for a group of Klebsiella bacteria, the drug "Bacteriophage Klebsiella" is effectively used. Reviews of the drug confirm the exceptional effectiveness of these substances to combat a number of dangerous diseases.

What is the named drug? How should it be used and for which diseases is it effective? This will be discussed in this article.


"Klebsiella bacteriophage is essentially a special immunobiological agent that has a narrowly directed effect on a certain group of bacteria - klebsiella, causing a number of serious diseases and even capable of endangering life rights. Although with improperly selected treatment, the chances of an absolute recovery without any complications are minimized.

The main active component of the medicinal product "Bacteriophage Klebsiella" is purified filtolate filtrate.

Form of issue

The medicament in question is produced in liquid form: in the form of a working solution, which can be used for topical administration, and as a solution for injections, and as an oral medication (how to properly apply the drug and in what dosages it should be done will be described in all the necessary details in the following article).

"Klebsiella bacteriophage is usually released in ampoules of five or ten milliliters. A pack of medicines contain five or ten ampoules in each. There is another possible form of release - large vials (their volume is usually twenty milliliters and is suitable for long-term treatment). One package contains four bottles of "Bacteriophage klebsiella purified".

Indications for use

Use the product is important in full compliance with the accompanying instruction. The use of "Bacteriophage" against klebsiella, according to experts, very effectively helps to get rid of any infectious diseases caused by this bacterium. But in relation to other causative agents of diseases, the drug under consideration does not have an analog effect.

So, "Klebsiella Oxytoca. Bacteriophage "will successfully help in the fight against various diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature, affecting the ears (otitis), throat (pharyngitis), and also the nose (sinusitis). This remedy will also be effective for those purulent-inflammatory diseases that are localized in other parts of the body and internal organs. It's about infected wounds, cystitis and other problems with a similar genesis. In the fight in pneumonia, "Bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia" will be effective. The guideline also recommends the use of contemplated drugs for the treatment of rhinoscleroma, oes, and enteric diseases.

These preparations can be successfully applied also in order to carry out planned disinfection of premises as prevention of the potentially possible spread of bacteria of this group in the premises of any destination (including hospital buildings).

Mechanism of action

It is bacterial viruses that have the strongest effect on harmful bacteria, are themselves the main active substance of the drug in question. Their mechanism of action is as follows: the virus detects the cell of a foreign bacterium, which is capable of acting, and in a short time independently becomes a direct part of the genome of the cell, thus affecting the metabolic processes occurring in it, and provoking the development of energy starvation. As a result, a dangerous bacterium is killed, while the growth and multiplication of viral cells significantly increases.

It is important to remember that the drug is effective only for a group of Klebsiella bacteria and is absolutely useless for any other pathogens.

A significant advantage is also the fact that during treatment with the drug in question it is impossible to develop a dysbiosis, and this contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The concentration of viral cells is great in the body only as long as there is a need to fight the disease. When all the harmful bacteria are destroyed, the number of phages is significantly reduced, and the immune system gets rid of the remaining ones.

Mode of application

The main method of phage ingestion remains oral. Although physicians are often appointed to take the drug rectally or to apply locally in the areas of infection. The method of admission is appointed by a specialist, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the illness of a particular patient.

The medication should be taken three times a day, while maintaining a break between taking the medicine and eating in 40-60 minutes.

The working dose of the drug depends on the age of the patient. For example, an infant (up to six months) should not receive more than five milliliters of "Bacteriophage" under the condition of oral administration and not more than ten milliliters - rectally.

The maximum dose for a child up to a year should not exceed fifteen milliliters, and for children under three years - twenty milliliters of the drug.

Patients under the age of eight years can ingest up to thirty milliliters of the working solution. For everyone else, the maximum dose is forty milliliters.

Some diseases, for example pneumonia, require the use of the drug in the form of an aerosol, which will provide the best treatment effect.

The course of taking the drug, as a rule, should not exceed two weeks. However, the exact terms should be set by the doctor individually, because they are affected by the severity of the disease, and the location of inflammation in the patient's body.

Prevention of diseases with the help of phages is carried out by taking the drug only once a day.


According to experts, this drug can be safely used by any person, outside depending on his anamnesis, because there is no single contraindication for the use of the drug in question did not have. However, it is important to strictly follow the dosages recommended by the doctor and the instructions. This will certainly save your health in good condition.

Side effects

"Bacteriophage klebsiella" experts call fully safe for any patient who resorts to treatment with the drug in question. No laboratory tests have revealed any dangerous or unpleasant adverse reactions in patients undergoing treatment with the drug.

Application features

Like any drug, "Bacteriophage" has some features that should be taken into account when using it:

  • For example, it is important to undergo a specialized examination before the beginning of the course, which should confirm the sensitivity of pathogens to the phages, the application of which is planned.
  • Treatment with antibiotics is not an obstacle to additional therapy with the help of "Bacteriophage". This in no way can reduce the effectiveness of the drug in question.
  • It is important to ensure that the solution to be purchased is clear, free of sediment. If the drug in the ampoule or vial does not meet these requirements, it is not recommended to apply it. Such a solution has already lost its useful properties and can even cause some harm to the patient's health.
  • Sometimes "Bacteriophage" is used in order to restore the normal state of the skin or mucosa, which was violated in the process of using some kind of chemical means (including antispatts). In this case, before application, wash the area of ​​the skin or mucosa that will be treated with as much pure water as possible. If this is not done, the antiseptic particles will destroy the phages that make up the drug, which negates its effectiveness.

According to the researchers, the drug in question does not affect the ability to drive safely, does not slow down thinking, does not dispel attention and does not cause confusion consciousness. Women in the position and lactating mothers can also use the drug, however exclusively under the strict supervision of an experienced physician.

Interaction with other medicinal products

An important advantage "Bacteriophage klebsiella polyvalent" reviews call the possibility of absolutely It is safe to use the drug in question simultaneously with treatment with other drugs. medicines. These include, for example, antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Storage conditions

"Bacteriophage klebsiella" instruction recommends storing under certain conditions that would not adversely affect its medicinal properties. This means that the temperature in the place where the medication is stored should range from two to eight degrees Celsius. Overheating or freezing means can not be, it weakens its properties.

The shelf life of the drug is only twelve months from the time it was manufactured. If the term is exceeded, the medication will not affect the body properly and its effectiveness will become rather doubtful.

Sale order

It is important to remember that in most places the treatment of Klebsiella with bacteriophages becomes possible only after the appointment your personal health care provider and receive his recommendations, taking into account all the individual characteristics of your disease. Therefore, a specialist recipe is needed in order to acquire a "Bacteriophage klebsiella polyvalent". The instruction does not recommend the use of the drug without consulting a doctor.


The main advantages of the described tool are considered by specialists to be the rapid onset of visible result, absence of any side effects and the possibility of local application of the drug "Bacteriophage Klebsiella ". Reviews of the patients confirm not only its effectiveness, but also absolute safety for those who decided to use it in their treatment.

Everyone knows that the presence of health problems today depends little on the age of the patient. Everyone has the right to receive the most qualitative treatment. This is what will become the basis of future physical health. Do not economize on your own well-being and the well-being of your loved ones. Choosing the most high-quality tool, buy "Bacteriophage".

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