Osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment


  • 1Deforming arthrosis of joints: the causes of arthrosis, methods of treatment, diagnostics and rules of healthy nutrition for people with arthrosis
    • 1.1Causes of arthrosis
    • 1.2Symptoms of arthrosis and degree of artosis
    • 1.3Principles of treatment of arthrosis
    • 1.4Medication
    • 1.5Diet
    • 1.6Folk treatment of arthrosis
  • 2What causes arthrosis: causes, treatment, prevention
    • 2.1The concept of arthrosis
    • 2.2Causes of appearance
    • 2.3The mechanism of development
    • 2.4The first signs of illness
    • 2.5Danger
    • 2.6Types of disease
    • 2.7Diagnostics
    • 2.8What treatment can be prescribed?
    • 2.9How to protect yourself?
  • 3Signs of arthrosis, its treatment and prevention
    • 3.1Osteoarthritis and its types
    • 3.2Types of arthrosis depending on localization:
    • 3.3Signs of arthrosis
    • 3.4Common symptoms of the disease:
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6Treatment and prevention
    • 3.7Principles of treatment of the disease:
  • 4Arthrosis of the joints: what is it, the causes of the onset, symptoms and signs, treatment
    • 4.1What are the symptoms and complications of the disease?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2What are the causes of arthrosis?
    • 4.3Who should I contact for help?
  • 5Osteoarthritis of joints: symptoms and causes
    • 5.1Causes of arthrosis
    • 5.2How is joint arthrosis manifested?
    • 5.3Types of arthrosis
    • 5.4Coxarthrosis
    • 5.5Gonarthrosis
    • 5.6Osteoarthritis of small joints
    • 5.7Treatment of arthrosis

Deforming arthrosis of joints: the causes of arthrosis, methods of treatment, diagnostics and rules of healthy nutrition for people with arthrosis

Arthrosis refers to the dystrophic changes in the joints, which are inherent in the destruction of cartilage. With such a disease, inflammatory processes develop slowly and degeneration of the periarticular tissues occurs.

According to statistics, arthrosis is the most common disease in people aged 30 years and older, affects all layers regardless of gender, at the moment 80% of the total population of our planet has the pathology.

Causes of arthrosis Symptoms of arthrosis and degree of artosis Principles of treatment of arthrosis - Drug treatment - Diet - Folk treatment of arthrosis

Causes of arthrosis

Arthrosis of the joints begins because of the violation of metabolic processes directly in the joints.

This may be due to habitual hormonal disorders, hereditary factors, old age.

But doctors identify the most possible causes of the development of the process under consideration:

  • dislocations, bruises, sprains in the joints and in general any trauma in the anamnesis;
  • too much body weight - this increases the load on the joints at times;
  • previous arthritis of acute and purulent nature;
  • diseases related to autoimmune classification - for example, scleroderma or lupus erythematosus;
  • catarrhal diseases that occur often and hard;
  • regular supercooling - this may be due to the specific nature of work;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, which have a specific character - for example, syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • impaired blood supply to the head of the femur - Perthes disease;
  • disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • hemophilia - impaired blood coagulability.

Do not exclude the fact of malnutrition - this can lead to violations in the metabolism, which is the main reason for the development of arthrosis.

A greater likelihood of occurrence of the pathological process under consideration is available to miners, smiths, metallurgists and all people who regularly experience great physical exertion.

The doctor tells about the mechanism of development of deforming arthrosis of the joints:

Symptoms of arthrosis and degree of artosis

The main sign of the disease in question is pain - it occurs when excessive physical exertion on specific joints, at rest can subside, and periodically on the background of pain syndrome in the area affected by the inflammatory process of the joint may occur hyperemia (redness of the skin) and swelling.In general, doctors distinguish 4 main groups of signs of developing arthrosis:

  1. Pain. Of course, this symptom is typical for many diseases, but with arthrosis there are some features of the pain syndrome in the joint:
  • unpleasant sensations arise only when the movement occurs;
  • As soon as a person enters the joint in rest, the syndrome disappears.

Pay attention: the considered pathological process develops very slowly, therefore at the beginning of the the flow of arthrosis worries only occasionally arising pains in the joints solely with excessive loads.

At night, patients' pain does not bother, sleep is not disturbed.

Then, as the arthrosis progresses, morning pains begin to appear - they are characterized by patients as "lumbago differ in short duration and occur only in the early morning.

If the arthrosis is in a neglected state, the pain syndrome acquires an acute and permanent character - even potent anesthetics can not reduce its intensity.

  1. Decreased joint mobility. This is also considered one of the characteristic symptoms of arthrosis, but it appears already at the stage of active disease progression. In the course of the development of arthrosis, there is an outgrowth / germination of bone neoplasms, which leads to spasms of muscle tissue, reducing lumen in the joint bag - restriction of movement in this place guaranteed.
  2. Crunch.The joints crack even in absolutely healthy people, but for arthrosis there is a distinctive feature of the crunch - it is "dry not snapping and always accompanied by acute pain.
  3. Deforming the joint. This phenomenon occurs with the growth of osteophytes and is considered one of the most late signs arthrosis, which appears at the stage of decompensated development of the pathological process.

The radiological picture of arthrosis on each of the 4 degrees is shown below:

A more detailed description of the symptoms of arthrosis is told by a specialist:

Pay attention: the course of the considered disease is very slow and at the first stage can not be characterized by any symptoms, and unstable joint pain and increased fatigue can be inherent even in healthy people with high physical exertion. Therefore, independent diagnosis of arthrosis is almost impossible.

The processes occurring in the joint tissues at each of the stages of arthrosis are depicted on the diagram:

Principles of treatment of arthrosis

  1. Doctors say that it is necessary to treat sick joints at an early stage of pathology development - so there is guarantee not only the disposal of inflammatory processes, but also the restoration of already lost functions.

    Doctors can apply various methods of treatment of arthrosis - this is the appointment of medications, and physical therapy, and regular spa treatment.

    In any case, therapy for the pathology in question should be comprehensive and based on the following basic methods:

  2. It is necessary to relieve the burden of the affected joint.

    This does not mean that the patient should maintain a strict bed rest, but maximally To reduce the burden on the problematic part of the body it is necessary - for example, to change jobs or refuse training.

  3. Clearly adhere to the schedule of exercise therapy - such appointment is made by the attending physician, and the training should be carried out by a specialist.
  4. Mandatory treatment of arthrosis should include physiotherapy - magnetotherapy, electrotherapy, laser and shock wave therapy.
  5. Visiting of specialized resorts - sanatorium treatment will help not only to successfully conduct recovery / rehabilitation period after the main course of treatment, but also to prevent relapses arthrosis.
  6. Accurate performance of all appointments of the doctor in relation to medicinal preparations.
  7. Intra-articular blockade.
  8. Correction of the diet.


In the complex of drug therapy it is necessary to use the following medications:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. This group of medicines performs two functions at once: relieves the pain syndrome and relieves the inflammatory process. Doctors use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis, and do not prescribe them orally (in tablets) - this category of drugs acts irritatingly on mucous membranes stomach. Given that the course of therapy for arthrosis is long enough, the patient can get rid of the underlying disease, but "earn" yourself gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) and even peptic ulcer. Therefore, depending on the particular drug chosen, they are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. In pharmacy chains, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and topical products can be purchased - such ointments can be used, but they have neither a strong effect nor a long-term result give.
  2. Hormonal corticosteroids. This group of drugs is most effective in the period of exacerbation of arthrosis. Most often, doctors prescribe Diprospan or Hydrocortisone - injections are made intramuscularly. But a similar category of drugs in pharmacies is presented in the form of patches, ointments - they are used only externally, you can expect a fairly fast and powerful effect.
  3. Chondroprotectors. These drugs contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. Most often, doctors use Glucosamine or Chondroitin Sulphate for the treatment of arthrosis. Please note: the course of therapy with these drugs is very long, but if within 6 months there are no positive results, the chondroprotectors either completely cancel or correct them dosage.

Very often, in the treatment of arthrosis, specialists prescribe Diacerein - it promotes the degeneration of cartilage tissue.

But doctors warn their patients that a quick effect after taking Diacerein is not to wait - noticeable positive shifts will begin not earlier than two weeks after taking the drug.

Note: if the patient was hospitalized with arthrosis at the most severe stage of development and the pain syndrome doctors can not remove any painkillers, then as an exception may be prescribed narcotic analgesics, but this is done extremely rarely.


The importance of proper nutrition for arthrosis is difficult to assess - if the patient ignores the recommendations of nutritionists, then treatment of the pathological process in question can drag on for years, and the results will not be very are high.

That it is necessary to remember those patients who are compelled to undergo therapy against arthrosis:

  1. Be sure to adjust your weight - it is strictly forbidden to starve (the nutrition of cartilage tissues in the joints will be broken), but it is necessary to abandon flour and sweet dishes;
  2. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, especially beer - first, they are not compatible with many medications and can provoke an active allergic reaction, and secondly, it is alcohol and beer that serve as the causes of a set of superfluous kilogram;
  3. In the diet, you must always introduce a cold - this product restores connective tissue and strengthens the cartilage.
  4. Be sure to monitor the intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin B in the body. It is possible, of course, to take advantage of vitamin complexes, but it is realistic to obtain the required amount of this substance and from products - fish, beans, legumes, cabbage and tomatoes should be present in the menu each day.
  5. In the diet should be present bananas, nuts, liver poultry, milk, eggs and mushrooms. Of these products, folic acid, riboflavin and pyridoxine will enter the body - they help a lot in the treatment of the pathological process

Folk treatment of arthrosis

There are several dozens of folk methods for treating arthrosis, but all of them will only relieve unpleasant symptoms, but they will not eliminate either inflammation or the underlying cause of the disease.

Of course, compresses and applications, ointments and gels with horse chestnut, cabbage leaf and lilac tincture will have an analgesic effect and even allow the patient to return to the usual rhythm for a while life.

But you need to consult a doctor:

  • First, you need to make sure that the joints are affected by arthrosis;
  • secondly, the use of specific drugs significantly reduces the recovery process;
  • thirdly, the doctors will be able to establish the true cause of the degeneration process, direct the forces to eliminate them, which leads to a complete cure.

To get more information about the causes, symptoms of arthrosis and methods of treating arthrosis, see this video:

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical reviewer, therapeutist of the highest qualification category.

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A source: http://OkeyDoc.ru/artroz-vidy-prichiny-simptomy-i-lechenie-medikamentami-i-narodnymi-sredstvami/

What causes arthrosis: causes, treatment, prevention

With age, the joints and bones weaken, the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body provokes the development of diseases, including arthrosis.

This disease significantly reduces the quality of human life, leads to the appearance of painful sensations and discomfort in the joints.

How arthrosis occurs and manifests?

The concept of arthrosis

Arthrosis is a complex degenerative-dystrophic disease that destroys the cartilage inside the joint, which causes pain and difficulty in moving.

If this disease occurs, the bone ends are rearranged.

In addition, it is possible to detect an inflammatory process that provokes degeneration of the periarticular tissues.

Arthrosis is one of the most common diseases. Over time, it develops in more than 35% of people, more often - in old age. But recently it is increasingly found in young people, whose age does not exceed 35 years.

Cure arthrosis is finally impossible. However, if detected in the initial stages, it can be quenched. This will allow the patient to feel a full-fledged person and give freedom of movement.

Aging is not the only reason for the development of arthrosis. The development of the disease also provokes: a hereditary factor, a place of residence, a way of life and so on. All these points must be taken into account during the preliminary examination of the patient and the appointment of treatment.

Causes of appearance

Often arthrosis causes disruptions in metabolic processes in the body. This leads to the fact that the cartilage begins to gradually lose elasticity.

Hence the pain in the joints, impaired mobility, frequent fractures.

The loss of proteoglycans at the developmental stage of the disease causes the formation of cracks affecting the functionality of the joint.

The deformation of tissues is caused by such factors as:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • malfunctions in blood flow;
  • heredity;
  • trauma (fractures, dislocations, rupture of ligaments, other injuries);
  • excess weight;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • inflammatory processes inside the joints;
  • avitaminosis;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • regular colds;
  • blood coagulability;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • ailments of an autoimmune nature;
  • regular strong stress on the joints;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • dysfunction of the blood supply to the head of the femur;
  • old age.

This is only a brief list of factors that provoke the development of arthrosis. In addition, experts identify a number of genetic causes that lead to the development of the disease.

  1. The nodules of Bushard and Geberden are passed on to the children by inheritance from their parents. They appear arthrosis of the hands and fingers.
  2. Violations of the formation of a connected apparatus that occurred at the stage of fetal formation in the womb. This causes dysplasia, which leads to a rapid wear of the joints.
  3. Uncontrolled mutation of collagen. It causes disturbances in the structure of the fibrillar protein, one of the most important elements of connective tissue. Thus, there is a rapid loss of cartilage capacity.

In the risk group are people with hard occupations. This includes miners, metallurgists, masons. Increased physical labor provokes premature failures in the joints and bones. Arthrosis also appears from long-suffering injuries that have caused complications.

The mechanism of development

The process of developing arthrosis is complicated, and it is completely impossible to stop it. The fact is that normal physiological metabolism inside the joints begins to be broken. Irreversible changes in cartilage tissue occur, the rate of cartilage destruction exceeds the rate of regeneration processes.

The central place in the process of destruction of joints is occupied by chondrocytes, which are transformed under the influence of specific factors.

There is an excessive production of collagens and proteoglycans that are incapable of forming aggregates with hyaluronic acid in sufficient quantities.

The cartilage of the joint loses its natural elastic properties.

As the disease progresses, the cartilage becomes thinner, drier, and roughness appears on it. The elasticity is lost, the movements become more problematic. Thus, the surface of the cartilage is ground and densified with time.

Pathological processes affect not only cartilaginous tissue. Negative influence also goes to the capsule of the joint, subchondral bone, muscular-ligament apparatus.

Infringements are reflected in passive and active protection. Deformation of the joints is actively developing, which aggravates the degenerative processes in the cartilage.

In this regard, the disease is progressing.

The first signs of illness

It does not matter what causes arthrosis, as almost always it manifests the same. Symptomatology is divided into 4 stages. With progression, the signs become more obvious, and the pain syndrome is pronounced.

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The degree of progression of the disease is determined by means of an X-ray, which helps to assess the condition of the joint and the presence of cracks.

  1. Stage 1 - articular fissure narrowed, but not ultimately. Osteophytes are not observed. The patient's state of health is satisfactory.
  2. 2 stage - the appearance of osteophytes. Also narrowing of the gap is formed. The patient can feel the first negative symptoms - pain, crunch, malaise.
  3. Stage 3 - narrowing and multiple osteophytes can be seen with the naked eye. Active deformation of the joint begins.
  4. Stage 4 - joint joint is actually absent. A severe deformation of the tissues is diagnosed.

Arthrosis from each concomitant factor may be accompanied by a number of additional symptoms. These include weakness, malaise, immobility of the limbs, aching sensations in the area of ​​the affected joint.

At the initial stages, the disease manifests itself poorly: unpleasant sensations are virtually absent. The patient occasionally feels slightly tingling pain during active loads. Over time, the symptoms become more distinct.

Pain Pain with arthrosis has some specific features. So, the pain syndrome occurs at the time of the active load, is characterized by sharpness, accompanied by discomfort. When the joint stops working, the pain stops.
Crunch The reason for the crunch is a decrease in the softness of the rotation of the bones. There is friction, which provokes the appearance of a familiar sound. With arthrosis, the crunch has a peculiar "dry" sound. In addition, pronounced painful feelings. But it does not always indicate the presence of arthrosis. Thus, in some people the crunch is a normal phenomenon, due to the individual features of the structure of the joints. A crunch can also be a signal that the body lacks calcium and other elements.
Mobility reduction Disturbance of mobility of the joint of some limbs is due to the germination of bone neoplasms. Due to this, the muscles are spasmodic, which causes severe pain. At this stage, the joint gap disappears. The joint begins to irreversibly deform.
Deformation Modification of the joint is due to the germination of osteophytes and the presence of synovial fluid. This case requires serious medical intervention, since joint damage significantly affects the quality of life.


Osteoarthritis is a complex, chronic disease. If the progress is not prevented in time, irreparable consequences await a person.

Ignoring the symptoms and lack of treatment can lead not only to the destruction of the affected joint, but also to the appearance of changes in the biomechanics of the spine.

This can provoke the spread of arthrosis to healthy cartilage, as well as cause intervertebral hernia.


  • destruction of patients and healthy joints;
  • deformation;
  • decrease in working capacity and quality of life of the patient;
  • disability;
  • dysfunction of the biomechanics of the spine.

It is better not to complicate complications, since their elimination will require a lot of effort, time and patience. Regardless of what is caused by arthrosis, it is necessary to combat it promptly and comprehensively.

Types of disease

There are two types of arthrosis: primary and secondary. Primary arthrosis appears due to age-related changes occurring in the body of each person.

This is an irreversible process. However, a special supportive treatment technique can prolong youthful joints and restore mobility to them for a long time.

Secondary arthrosis occurs against the background of the traumas and is manifested at any age. It also arises from chronic diseases that are transmitted genetically through the parents.


To find out what the arthrosis came from, you need competent diagnosis using the following methods:

  • Radiography is the main method of diagnosing deformation of cartilage tissues and bones;
  • radionuclide method - allows to identify pathology in the early stages;
  • puncture of the joint - allows to trace and reveal changes in tissues;
  • biopsy - helps to assess the state of cartilage at the current time.

Additional laboratory tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • determining the level of sugar in the blood;
  • revmoproby;
  • protein fractions;
  • electrolytes.

The necessary treatment is assigned, based on indicators of the patient's health. In some cases, the disease can be so neglected that standard diagnostics are powerless, why a computer tomography is prescribed.

Identify the disease in the early stages can be, if you resort to analysis with sivial fluid. No less useful is the histological analysis of the biopsy.

What treatment can be prescribed?

Treatment of arthrosis gives good results if you start therapy in the early stages of the disease. However, this is not always the case. Treatment should be complex. Self-medication is unacceptable, since it in all cases will only lead to impairment.

The treatment method is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's medical history, complaints and analyzes of the patient. Therapy, relieving the patient of pain and other unpleasant symptoms, includes:

  • limitation of loads;
  • adherence to orthopedic treatment;
  • pharmacotherapy;
  • adherence to proper nutrition and daily routine;
  • sanitation and spa treatment;
  • obligatory medical exercise;
  • physiotherapy;
  • saturation of joints with oxygen;
  • intraosseous blockades.

Also, treatment necessarily includes the use of drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Osteoarthritis can be treated with hormonal corticosteroids, which are used when the disease is at an acute stage.

Chondroprotectors, whose action is aimed at restoring cartilage and improving the quality of synovial fluid, will not be superfluous.


In some methods of treatment it is recommended to drink a diuretic with arthrosis. This moment is extremely individual, therefore it is better to discuss it with a doctor in advance.


For arthrosis, it is better to use a diuretic of natural plant origin. So, birch juice, elderberry juice, cranberries and cranberries have a good effect.

How to protect yourself?

Often arthrosis provokes an incorrect way of life, therefore, in order to avoid or prevent complications, it is necessary to follow simple, uncomplicated rules:

  • exclude injuries;
  • do not resort to excessive physical exertion;
  • monitor food;
  • follow the weight;
  • time to treat diseases of the endocrine system;
  • seek medical attention if the first suspicious symptoms are found;
  • accustom yourself to a suitable sport (walking, swimming).

Adhering to simple recommendations, you can forget about joint diseases for a long time.

A source: https://artsustav.ru/ot-chego-voznikaet-artroz.html

Signs of arthrosis, its treatment and prevention

Osteoarthritis is a serious enough joint disease, which can be completely cured only at the first stage. There are many varieties of arthrosis, and they all have both common and individual symptoms.


  • Osteoarthritis and its types
  • Signs of arthrosis
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment and prevention

Osteoarthritis and its types

Osteoarthritis is a dystrophic disease in which there is a process of destruction of the cartilage inside the joint. At the same cartilage lose its elasticity due to the loss of proteoglycans, they become inflamed, and eventually break down.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = yh0Vwwetbwg

The causes of this phenomenon can be as traumas, unregulated loads on the joints, and age or other diseases, when arthrosis occurs as a consequence.

There are many varieties of this disease. Classification can occur on the basis of localization of affected areas and depending on the causes of the disease.

Types of arthrosis depending on localization:

  • Knee
  • Hip Joints
  • Cervical
  • Brachial
  • Hands and fingers
  • The spine
  • Ankle
  • Primary polyostearthrosis

Knee arthrosis is considered one of the most common types of this disease. They are affected by people whose age has reached 45 years. Predisposing factors in this case are leg injuries, varicose veins and excess weight.

When hip joints are affected, arthrosis is more difficult to cure, it brings severe discomfort and, unfortunately, is also often found not only among the elderly, but also among young people.

Osteoarthritis of the hands and fingers occurs in the phalanges of the fingers or on the hand, brings pain and significantly limits the amplitude of mobility of the affected areas.

Other types of arthrosis also have their own causes and are localized in other parts of the human body.

As for the second classification, it implies the development of diseases such as primary and secondary arthrosis.

The appearance of a primary species is promoted by large loads, because of which there is destruction of cartilage in the joints. The secondary type of the disease provokes injuries and other diseases, as a result of which periarticular tissues are damaged.

Thus, arthrosis provokes inflammation of the cartilage and leads to their deformation.

Signs of arthrosis

Depending on the types of disease, it has its own specific symptoms, but there are certain signs of arthrosis, which are characteristic of all its types.

Common symptoms of the disease:

  • Pain in the affected joint
  • Crunch
  • Decreased joint mobility
  • Deformation

Pain always accompanies this disease, and as the cartilage tissue breaks down, it can intensify. First, when arthrosis is only in the first stage, the pain is very rare and weakly expressed, but when the disease progresses, it becomes stronger.

Usually, pain in arthrosis occurs during movement, that is, for example, if the knees are affected, then pain occurs when walking, squatting and other loads on the legs. But if the patient lays on the bed and takes a comfortable position for the affected joint, the pain has the property to subside.


Pain manifests itself during movement, because it is caused by inflammatory processes in the joints, but in the third stage of the disease it can torment a person even in a state of rest. This is due to a violation of the circulation of the affected areas.


The second sign of arthrosis is a crunch, but do not confuse this symptom with the usual clicking of joints, which occurs in almost every person, and does not bring discomfort.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = 5PxFMDw84nE

With the development of arthrosis, the mobility of the joints is greatly reduced, this is due to the appearance of various spines, a decrease in the joint gap, or because of pain in the joint and muscles. At the first stages of the disease a person does not feel this symptom so much, but with the progression of the disease the condition is aggravated.

Since the joint can no longer function fully, it begins to deform. This is manifested by the formation of bone outgrowths, by changing the shape of the bone or by the accumulation of fluid.


Only a specialist can diagnose a disease. To diagnose such a disease as arthrosis, it is necessary to use a complex approach, which consists of examining the entire body of the patient.

In order to diagnose a disease, the doctor first conducts a patient interview to determine what he was sick before and whether he suffered any injuries.

Although this method is the leading one in the diagnosis of the disease, but not always with this survey technique it is possible to determine degree of development of the disease, because with severe pain the picture can show a slight deformation of bone tissue and on the contrary.

Therefore, instrumental, laboratory and special examinations are additionally carried out. To examine joints and get a complete clinical picture, specialists conduct magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.

But such techniques are effective already at the late stages of the development of arthrosis, when the joints begin to deform.

To determine the disease at the initial stage of development, it is necessary to investigate the work of cartilage tissues, the cardiovascular system and the whole organism in order to establish changes.

To do this, doctors perform a biopsy of the articular cartilage by taking a puncture.


Also, when suspicions of arthrosis, such studies of the human body as a blood test for sugar levels, a general blood test and other tests are shown.


To determine the development of the disease in the early stages, it is necessary to approach its diagnosis in a complex manner.

Treatment and prevention

If a person has signs of arthrosis, then immediately begin to treat it. To get rid of the problem or significantly slow down its development, it is necessary to use complex treatment of arthrosis.

Principles of treatment of the disease:

  • Performing exercise therapy
  • Proper nutrition
  • Orthopedic treatment
  • Limited loads on damaged areas
  • Physiotherapy
  • Intra-articular oxygen therapy
  • Intraosseous blockades
  • Decompression of metaepysis
  • Medication
  • Sanatorium treatment

Treatment of the disease is aimed at reducing the pain symptom, inflammatory processes and stop the development of the disease. The patient is assigned to receive non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, while ointments and gels can be used only in addition to internal medications.

To achieve the maximum effect from the treatment can only be if you seek help from specialists at an early stage of the disease. At 2 or 3 degrees of arthrosis, it is impossible to cure it, you can only slow down the destruction of the joint.

It is necessary to limit the force loads on the joints. Do the exercises correctly, so as not to injure them. In addition, such motor activity contributes to weight loss, which is also a predisposing factor to the development of arthrosis.

Pay attention to your diet. It is better to limit the consumption of fats and alcohol. It is necessary to eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, drink water and take calcium and vitamins.

In the cold season, the joints should be protected from the cold, wearing warm clothes - this will reduce the risk of the disease. Preventive measures help prevent the development of the disease, but if the disease is already progressing, then it is necessary to treat it.

More information about arthrosis of the shoulder joint you can learn from the program Live Healthily.

Thus, the signs of arthrosis can be both general and specific, which characterize its specific appearance. In each case, the dynamics of their increase can be traced as the disease progresses.

A source: http://VekZhivu.com/article/1931-priznaki-artroza-ego-lechenie-i-profilaktika

Arthrosis of the joints: what is it, the causes of the onset, symptoms and signs, treatment

Osteoarthritis, what is it, how to treat it and what specialists help cure this disease?

Until recently, the disease of arthrosis developed only in elderly people. Today, more than 80% of the world's population is diagnosed with joint arthrosis. Unfavorable ecology and a wrong way of life provoke arthrosis of joints in people at a young age.

The mistake of many patients with arthrosis is an untimely appeal to the doctor. They try not to pay attention to the initial signs of the disease, which over time can lead to a loss of ability to work, since this disease is prone to rapid development.

Another reason for ignoring doctors is disinformation about the fact that arthrosis is such a disease that If the patient does not contact the specialist in time, the surgical interference. And some people do not know what causes arthrosis, which doctor should be treated.

What are the symptoms and complications of the disease?

What is arthrosis, well know those who have joint pain.

Signs of arthrosis - pain in the joints, which increase with loads. They die down when the patient is at rest.

The pain can be localized in the joints and with other diseases, the peculiarity of arthrosis is pain at physical exertion.


In the early stages at night, pain is not experienced, painful sensations occur only at the stage of progress. At the same time, the lumbago that occurs in the early morning hours is characteristic.


Osteoarthritis, the symptoms of which appear immediately after the disease, progresses very quickly.

The second characteristic feature is the crunch when moving. It is audible because of the reduced softness of the rotation of the bone and its friction against the joint. The stronger the stage of the disease, the louder the crunch, accompanied by pain. A painless crunch rarely indicates the presence of arthrosis.

Limited articular mobility is another characteristic sign of the disease.

With a slight damage to the joints with arthrosis, joint mobility practically does not bother the patient.

More patients are concerned about the progressive form of arthrosis, when bone growths germinate, muscles undergo spasms and the slits contract to the minimum size.

Gradually the affected joint swells and deforms, the cartilage undergoes thinning, bone - outcrop.

Osteophytes grow, pains practically do not pass and intensify in bad weather.

The proliferation of osteophytes provokes the development of joint deformation, in which synovial fluid enters the bone surface.


Having assessed the results of the diagnosis, the orthopedist determines at what stage of development the disease is located, which areas are affected and whether there are complications.


If the time does not begin to treat arthrosis, then complications can occur, expressed in the destruction and deformation of the joint, disorders of biomechanics of the spinal column, intervertebral hernia, development of arthrosis in other joints and complete limitation in movements.

What are the causes of arthrosis?

Osteoarthritis provokes gradual changes in articular ends of bones, in view of which inflammatory processes appear and the periarticular tissues degenerate. Osteoarthritis - what is it?

Arthrosis is a disease caused by dystrophy and prolonged slow destruction of cartilage tissues inside the joint.

The causes of the disease can be different, most often the disease occurs because of aging, but arthrosis of the joints may occur due to some factors leading to a disruption of cartilage and connective tissue in joints.

There are many causes and risk factors for predisposition to this ailment. The main factors and causes of arthrosis:

  • the presence of excess weight;
  • Arthrosis of the hands can carry a genetic character, causing an innate propensity to malaise;
  • partial loss of cartilage elasticity;
  • previous severe trauma;
  • muscular immaturity, which forms the skeleton of joints;
  • poor nutrition;
  • the disturbance of the fibrillar protein in the connective tissue destroys the cartilage;
  • most often, women, sportsmen and people over the age of 45 are affected by this disease;
  • purulent and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hypothermia;
  • against the background of dysplasia, the joints wear out quickly;
  • constant heavy physical labor;
  • the first symptoms of arthrosis can occur with ailments associated with impaired metabolism;
  • hemophilia and thyroid disease;
  • the production of proteoglycans by articular cells;
  • frequent intoxication and colds.

Arthrosis of joints can provoke spontaneous pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

To eliminate the threat of developing arthrosis with all or some of these risk factors, or if there is pain and discomfort in the joints, redness near them skin, crunching bones during movement or joint deformity patient should consult a doctor, as this disease quickly progresses.

Who should I contact for help?

What kind of specialist treats arthrosis? The doctors who treat this illness include:

  1. A rheumatologist who treats inflamed and dystrophic reactions of joints and connective tissues. Appeal to this specialist is necessary when revealing the first signs of arthrosis. Having established the symptoms of arthrosis, the rheumatologist determines the localization of the disease, diagnoses it with the help of laboratory and instrumental methods (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasound, densitometry, X-ray). Having determined the stage of the ailment, the doctor prescribes individual therapy. This doctor uses only a medicamentous method of treatment with the use of ointments and injections. Complex therapy includes treatment with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs.
  2. Such specialist, as an arthrologist, deals exclusively with the treatment of joint diseases. The competence of this specialist of narrow qualification includes surgical intervention, provided that the patient has arthrosis in a severe stage.
  3. With belated treatment, loss of limb function, unbearable pain, which is not eliminated after complex of drug treatment or with significant progress of the disease, consultation is required orthopedist. This doctor treats joint arthrosis with the help of organ-preserving surgery or endoprosthetics. If there is an opportunity to save the joint - do joint resection, arthroplasty, arthrodesis or arthrotomy. With the complete destruction of the joint for painless movement of the patient, endoprosthetics are prescribed, which allows to completely replace the joint with a prosthesis. Sometimes only this doctor can improve the condition of the patient. And all because the patient did not consult a doctor in the early stages of the disease.

The focus of therapy is aimed at eliminating inflammatory effects and eliminating the causes of the disease. This will fully restore the previously partially lost functioning of the joints.

When visiting a room of a rheumatologist, patients may be referred to a massage therapist, manual therapist, physiotherapist, but if the stage of the disease is severe, then treat it medically is impossible.

In this case, a surgeon's consultation is appointed.

Orthopedists, rheumatologists and arthrologists advise not to starve, but also not to overeat and not gain weight. From the diet, you need to exclude alcoholic beverages and foods containing fast carbohydrates. Correctly to make and balance the menu the attending physician will help.

A source: http://legsgo.ru/arthrosis/artroz-chto-eto-takoe.html

Osteoarthritis of joints: symptoms and causes

Currently, arthrosis of the joints becomes the most frequent reason for the treatment of patients for qualified medical help to doctors rheumatologists or orthopedists, traumatologists.

This disease, according to statistics, is much more common than any type of arthritis, and despite the fact that the cause of the disease is not inflammatory process in the elements of the joint, but only degenerative-dystrophic cartilage damage that lining the joint surface, the function of the affected joint is violated.

In many respects, this disease becomes the payment that a person pays for his uprightness - the process of cartilage destruction is most pronounced in articulations experiencing a high static load.

With this disease, the thickness of the cartilage changes and its structure is radically rearranged, and only after this in the surrounding tissues of the joint (bone, vascular elements, synovial membrane) there are secondary changes.

Most of our contemporaries are difficult to understand on their own - what is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis, after all manifestations of both diseases is pain, changes in configuration and movement disorders in the affected the joint.

The main difference is the fact that there is no typical inflammatory reaction in arthrosis - there is no increase in the local skin temperature and redness of the affected joint, and accordingly, there are no pronounced changes in the general condition (fever, fever).

Causes of arthrosis

Specialists who deal with the problems of joints, by now, have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to say unambiguously why man begins to develop arthrosis - the causes of the development of destructive-dystrophic changes in articular cartilage can be the most various. In addition, in recent decades, there has been a clear trend, saying that this disease is rapidly "younger" - if thirty years ago the main the contingent of patients was elderly (over 65 years), today arthrosis of the extremities can be found in adolescents or people who have not yet reached 25 years.

The insidiousness of arthrosis lies in the fact that the pathological changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the affected joint have not been manifested for a long time by any symptoms - pain and difficulty of movements become noticeable only at the time when destruction reaches the periosteum located under the cartilage.

Most often joint arthrosis occurs as a result of:

  • joint trauma - minor damage and cartilage cracks very often not completely eliminated and "start the process of destruction;
  • hereditary disorders of the metabolism of the cartilaginous tissue - this leads to the fact that the cartilage wears out very quickly, and the thin growth layer does not completely eliminate the damaged areas;
  • prolonged static load on the joint - at the pressure on the joint, normal metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue are disrupted;
  • age changes - over time, the cartilage loses its plasticity and becomes more sensitive to any damage;
  • excess body weight - an increase in body weight for every 5 kg three times increases the load on the joints;
  • metabolic disorders in the body - any metabolic disorders can eventually provoke a failure of the synthesis processes in the cartilage, regardless of the size of the joint;
  • Platypodia - this reason is especially important in the development of the disease on the joints of the lower extremities, even slight deviation of the axis from the physiological position alters the conditions of blood supply to the cartilaginous surface articulation;
  • the pathology of the vessels that participate in the blood supply of the joint -violation of the arterial blood circulation often causes arthrosis of small joints(this is especially true for joints of feet and brushes)

Depending on the condition of the joints before the onset of the disease, distinguish:

  • primary arthrosis of the joints - the cause of the disease in this case can not be detected even with a thorough examination of the patient;
  • secondary arthrosis - occurs as a result of traumatic injury, endocrine diseases or complicates the course of autoimmune arthritis (with systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis);
  • generalized arthrosis (polyarthrosis) - the disease manifests itself as a simultaneous symmetrical lesion of several large joints, this is how the deforming arthrosis of the hip joint or gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint)

How is joint arthrosis manifested?

Even a qualified specialist is not always without a comprehensive examination of the patient can accurately diagnose arthrosis - the symptoms of the disease are very similar to the manifestations of inflammatory joint damage (arthritis). The most frequent complaint of patients in both cases is pain and disruption of movement in the affected joint, as well as the development of severe deformation and defoguration in the joint.

Pain with arthrosis occurs more often at the time of stress on the joint, increases with a significant physical activity and at the initial stages of the disease can disappear on its own even without drug therapy.

In the event that the destructive degenerative process complicates the course of vascular diseases of the extremities, arthrosis often develops ankle joint - this variant of the disease is characterized by the appearance of pain at rest and rapid disappearance after the onset of an active movement.

In addition, with arthrosis, there may be starting pains - they are characterized by the appearance of unpleasant sensations at the first steps of the patient and independent disappearance at continuation of the load (patient "Pacing").


With arthrosis, it is possible to develop an articular blockade - in this case, the necrotic cartilage is infringed in the joint cavity between the articular surfaces of the joint.


In this case, acute pain disappears on its own during accidental movement, which leads to the removal of the "articular mouse" from the articulating surfaces of the joint.

With the progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joint, there is a thinning or complete disappearance of the cartilage - in This results in crepitation in the affected joint, it is felt even in movement with a small amplitude as a crunch in the joint. Often patients notice that cooling joints leads to a worsening of their condition - there is an ache.

Arthrosis of the joints can be accompanied by their swelling - this symptom occurs as a result of the development of local circulatory disorders in the affected but unlike arthritis, in this case, there is never an increase in the local body temperature and redness of the skin, nor is there a pronounced deterioration in the overall state. Steady deformation of joints with arthrosis is always accompanied by pronounced changes in radiographic images - a narrowing articular cleft, thinning (not thickening) of the cartilage layer, and with far-reaching arthrosis, a change in the structure of the bone on the joint surface.

In addition, arthrosis can be accompanied by a pronounced and persistent deformation, the degree of which does not decrease even with the appointment massive drug therapy - painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs reduce pain, but the degree of joint deformity is not changes.

Types of arthrosis


When hip is affected, the patient is diagnosed with coxarthrosis - in this disease the process usually affects the joint only on one side (unlike most arthritis).

Patients complain of pain that arises and quickly disappears during the movement, an attempted movement can be accompanied by lameness and pain in the muscles of the thigh.

With the progression of the disease, a limb shortens due to atrophy and flexion contracture - the patient experiences a characteristic "duck walk".


When the knee joint is injured, the patient develops gonarthrosis - its characteristic features include joint instability, pain enhancement when driving on an inclined surface or stairs, but all symptoms of the disease quickly disappear after a short rest.

Osteoarthritis of small joints

This variant of the disease most often arises as a professional disease in patients, who by the nature of their activity have to give additional load to some small joints.

Typical representatives of the disease consider arthritis of the hand and typists or pianists or arising from hairdressers or medical workers arthrosis of the foot - treatment of the disease in this case requires a temporary restriction of loads and the appointment of metabolic therapy in combination with a massage and a therapeutic complex physical culture.

Treatment of arthrosis

The doctor, on reception to which the patient comes with any variant of a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of joints, must necessarily conduct complex examination of the patient for the exclusion of arthritis, especially associated with infection (including urogenital) or autoimmune process in organism. Only after this is possible the appointment of a comprehensive treatment of the disease, which must necessarily include the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, metabolic therapy, including the appointment of chondroprotectors and vitamins, manual therapy, massage.

It should be remembered that the enormous possibilities of treatment and prevention of the disease have rehabilitation medicine - arthrosis joints is best treated with the detection of the earliest signs of the disease, with minimal changes in the cartilaginous and bony tissue.

In the case when diagnosed arthrosis - treatment with folk remedies helps to slow down the rapid development of deformities.


In this case, a long reception of medicinal herbs is shown, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, the use of animal chondroprotectors (chill).


To prevent disease and reduce painful feelings, patients with any form of arthrosis are shown to limit static loads, swimming, and also the performance of the exercise complex in the pool - in this case, the movement is facilitated and helps to strengthen the muscular corset around the affected articulation. In addition, to reduce pain, dry compresses, physiotherapy procedures, and sanatorium treatment can be used.

With severe deformity and development of joint ankylosis, surgical treatment is indicated - endoprosthetics of the affected joint.

  • Natalia
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A source: http://spina-sustav.ru/bolezni/artroz-sustavov-simptomy-prichiny-lechenie.html