How to cure a dry cough quickly

How to cure a cough?



How to cure a cough quickly
The people have long used recipes for the rapid treatment of cough with the help of common products. Here are some of them:
Hot milk in half with alkaline mineral water (such as "Borjomi") or milk with honey - a teaspoon per glass of milk.
For strongly coughing small children there is a tasty and useful remedy - a decoction of figs in milk.
A very common folk remedy for coughing is fresh black radish juice. In a cleanly washed root, make a deepening, put a little honey there, let stand for 4 hours, until the cavity is filled with radish juice. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. You can turn the radish into a meat grinder and squeeze the juice right away.
It helps with cough and bronchitis juice of a baked radish: finely chopped black radish to sleep sugar and 2 hours oven in the oven, after which the juice should be drained and taken 2 teaspoons before meals and on night.
Cough in folk medicine is widely used onions. He is roasted in butter and eaten with honey. Juicy raw onion and honey rinse the throat. You can grind 2 onions, boil in a glass of milk, insist 4 hours and drink every 3 hours on a tablespoon. It is also useful to eat the onion cooked in milk.

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To win the dry cough will help the milk broth 10 bulbs and 1 head of garlic. Add honey, peppermint juice and drink every hour on a tablespoon.
If the patient can not fall asleep from the evening because of a cough, a glass of hot water with three drops of iodine will help.
You can get rid of a debilitating cough by using a decoction of rye or wheat bran, flavored with honey.
Rapid treatment of cough medicinal plants
To cause a patient to sweat, without loading the heart, you can suggest such a used in people procedure: put the patient on a layer of alder leaves, on top of it cover with the same leaves and a blanket. Such sweating is a very strong and effective remedy, a healing one in itself.
With thoracic coughing, sweating is well supplemented with an hourly intake of 30-50 g of anise seed broth (15-20 g per 1 liter of water), which is an excellent expectorant, diluting sputum and thereby facilitating its withdrawal from organism.
To soften dry cough and remove sputum from the bronchi has long been used tea from napar buckwheat flowers (40 g of dried flowers per 1 liter of water, insist night).
The fastest way to get rid of a cough with abundant phlegm is to take the powder from the root of the gravel: 1 g 3-4 times a day.
At annoying dry cough and catarrh it is recommended to drink infusion from the colors of forest mallow (30-60 g per 1 liter of boiling water). Infusion can be supplemented with flowers of buckwheat, mother-and-stepmother, wild poppy (all in equal shares). 50 g of a mixture of herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in warmth all night. To drink as tea for a day in 5-6 receptions.
To calm violent attacks of cough, you can use a napara mixture of petals of wild poppy (10 g) and the root of the thigh (5 g) to 2 cups of boiling water, infused overnight. Drink by the big throat every hour.
Treatment of cough with folk remedies
Bananas. Brazilians skip ripe bananas through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a saucepan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas per 1 cup of water with sugar. Heat again and drink this mixture.
Wine with pepper. There is such an old cough remedy: boil 60 g of pepper roots with 5 liters of white wine and strain. A hot mix to drink 3 times during the day and at night.
Gogol-Mogol. To chop the egg yolks with sugar is white. The mixture will increase in volume by 2-3 times. This tool is called "gogol-mogol" and helps with coughing if taken on an empty stomach.
Onions with goose fat (external remedy). Take a large onion, peel, wash and grate. Mix with goose fat. Rub this mixture into the chest and neck area. Tie a warm handkerchief. In the morning on an empty stomach take a tablespoon of this mixture for coughing.
Further read the link

*** Batoshka ***

Well, I'm thinking of drinking hot tea


Ambrobene syrup horoshe helps, the cost is within 150 rubles

yes no klikuhi

Well, consumption is to check you need honey with hot cow milk helps

Lilia Kuznetsova

drink red viburnum red with tea, I wish to recover soon.

Olga Klimova

and cough is the reason to be found out.. from simple bronchitis to lung cancer and treatment is different.. drink lemon juice radish juice with honey and go... and then sovetovayut here literacy... directly qualified here all

Jeanette Unknown

If a cough of catarrhal character, it helps:
1) drink breastfeeding
2) poprinimat a syrup of licorice (or the doctor mom)
3) poprinimat bromheksin

If there is no certainty that a cough of a cold character - you are a direct road to a doctor - in absentia it is difficult to advise anything.

Anna Khachatryan

How to cure a cough quickly
The people have long used recipes for the rapid treatment of cough with the help of common products. Here are some of them:
Hot milk in half with alkaline mineral water (such as "Borjomi") or milk with honey - a teaspoon per glass of milk.
For strongly coughing small children there is a tasty and useful remedy - a decoction of figs in milk.
A very common folk remedy for coughing is fresh black radish juice. In a cleanly washed root, make a deepening, put a little honey there, let stand for 4 hours, until the cavity is filled with radish juice. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. You can turn the radish into a meat grinder and squeeze the juice right away.
It helps with cough and bronchitis juice of a baked radish: finely chopped black radish to sleep sugar and 2 hours oven in the oven, after which the juice should be drained and taken 2 teaspoons before meals and on night.
Cough in folk medicine is widely used onions. He is roasted in butter and eaten with honey. Juicy raw onion and honey rinse the throat. You can grind 2 onions, boil in a glass of milk, insist 4 hours and drink every 3 hours on a tablespoon. It is also useful to eat the onion cooked in milk.
To win the dry cough will help the milk broth 10 bulbs and 1 head of garlic. Add honey, peppermint juice and drink every hour on a tablespoon.
If the patient can not fall asleep from the evening because of a cough, a glass of hot water with three drops of iodine will help.
You can get rid of a debilitating cough by using a decoction of rye or wheat bran, flavored with honey.
Rapid treatment of cough medicinal plants
To cause a patient to sweat, without loading the heart, you can suggest such a used in people procedure: put the patient on a layer of alder leaves, on top of it cover with the same leaves and a blanket. Such sweating is a very strong and effective remedy, a healing one in itself.
With thoracic coughing, sweating is well supplemented with an hourly intake of 30-50 g of anise seed broth (15-20 g per 1 liter of water), which is an excellent expectorant, diluting sputum and thereby facilitating its withdrawal from organism.
To soften dry cough and remove sputum from the bronchi has long been used tea from napar buckwheat flowers (40 g of dried flowers per 1 liter of water, insist night).
The fastest way to get rid of a cough with abundant phlegm is to take the powder from the root of the gravel: 1 g 3-4 times a day.
At annoying dry cough and catarrh it is recommended to drink infusion from the colors of forest mallow (30-60 g per 1 liter of boiling water). Infusion can be supplemented with flowers of buckwheat, mother-and-stepmother, wild poppy (all in equal shares). 50 g of a mixture of herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in warmth all night. To drink as tea for a day in 5-6 receptions.
To calm violent attacks of cough, you can use a napara mixture of petals of wild poppy (10 g) and the root of the thigh (5 g) to 2 cups of boiling water, infused overnight. Drink by the big throat every hour.
Treatment of cough with folk remedies
Bananas. Brazilians skip ripe bananas through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a saucepan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas per 1 cup of water with sugar. Heat again and drink this mixture.
Wine with pepper. There is such an old cough remedy: boil 60 g of pepper roots with 5 liters of white wine and strain. A hot mix to drink 3 times during the day and at night.

Sofia Nurgalieva

A plentiful warm drink helps the phlegm get out faster. Of expectorants, preparations are good syrup. I'm not treating them for a year. It dilutes and displays the phlegm which has accumulated. The taste is also very pleasant. Children can be given.


Lina Supreme Mind (171198) 3 years ago
How to cure a cough, a folk remedy

inhalation with Validol:
stretch 1 tablet of validol, 7 drops of iodine, 1 hour. l. drinking soda. Boil 2 cups of water, pour in all the ingredients, stir. Pour hot mixture into teapot or inhaler. Breathe through the tip of the kettle with steam in the tech. 10 min. before bedtime. In 3 days even the most persistent cough will pass

How to quickly cure a child's cough with safe means

Cough can be treated after the cause of its appearance has been determined.Cough is a protective reaction of the body that occurs as a result of getting into the respiratory tract of bacterial, allergic or chemical irritants.Therefore, to quickly cure a cough in a child and adults, it is important to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Why does a cough arise?

The occurrence of coughing attacks does not always indicate the development of the disease, sometimes such a process can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body. It is customary to identify such factors, in the presence of which children often observe this symptom:
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • inflammation of ENT organs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the reaction of the body to dry air.

Depending on what caused the cough in children, it is common to divide it into several types. It can be dry, "barking wet, paroxysmal, suffocating.

How is the treatment?

Asking friends how the child quickly cure cough, it should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out only after the child is examined by a pediatrician.

Medical preparations can not be assigned to a child independently, as such actions can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

In the process of cough treatment a child can be assigned funds belonging to several drug groups. Such cures will help cough:

  1. Mucolytics- drugs aimed at diluting sputum and removing it to the surface of the respiratory tract. Among them are medicines such as Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan.
  2. Antitussive- funds that suppress the activity of the cough center. Among the drugs of this action belong Mukaltin, Pertussin, Licorice Root.
  3. Expectorants- drugs that accelerate the process of sputum expectoration. Gedelix is ​​usually appointed.

Vegetable preparations

If coughing occurs in children, it is better to give preference to herbal remedies. The main advantage of such drugs is their versatility, they help to cope with dry or wet cough. In addition, they are low-toxic, do not cause side effects, so they are usually prescribed to children.

Licorice root is an effective and safe natural remedy, it is widely used in the manufacture of medicines. It can be syrups, potions, tablets - licorice syrup, tablets with propolis, thoracic elixir. The maximum effect in the treatment of cough will be the use of tea from the root of licorice, which includes other antitussive and anti-inflammatory herbs.

The root of the althaea reduces the intensity of cough and promotes sputum discharge. Children are prescribed such drugs based on the root of the althaea:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Breast gathering number 1;
  • Bronchostop syrup;
  • Alteika.

When coughing caused by bronchitis, often used plantain, because the leaves and seeds of this plant are endowed with anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. The plantain extract became a part of such remedies as Plantain syrup, Stoptussin Fito, Evkabal, Tusavit, Pektoral.

As an antitussive agent for acute and chronic form of bronchitis, homeopathic preparations based on ivy extract are used. This plant is used in the process of producing medicines Pectolvan Ivy, Gedelix, Prospan.

Primrose is a plant that has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and antipyretic effects. The extract of this medicinal plant was included in the Syrup of the Primrose Herbion, Sinupret, Bronchipret.

Classical components of medicines against cough in folk and traditional medicine are such herbs as thyme and thyme. Thyme is endowed with a powerful antimicrobial property, is a part of Stoptussin Fito syrup, drops and syrup Bronchipret, Eucambal syrup.

Some Indian medicines made on the basis of ancient Indian recipes are also popular in pediatrics. These include the following homeopathic medicines:

  • syrup Kofol;
  • Cook syrup;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Travisil.

In spite of the fact that herbal medicines are considered relatively safe, they can be taken only by the pediatrician, following the indicated dosage and treatment regimen.

Folk treatment

Being interested in how quickly to cure a child, you can find many effective recipes of folk medicine. With the development of respiratory-viral diseases accompanied by cough, such folk methods will help:
  1. Within 10 minutes, cook a small lemon, cool, cut in half, squeeze the juice. Mix with a few spoons of glycerin and honey, take it spoon 4 times a day.
  2. The process of recovery will speed up the reception of black radish. It should be rubbed, mixed with honey and eaten spoonful in the morning and evening. Also known is this way of using this medicinal root: take a medium-sized radish, cut out the flesh in it, put a few spoons of honey, leave for a while. When the radish leaves the juice, it should be taken several times a day.
  3. It is useful to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice, mixed in equal parts with milk.
  4. Cut two onions, boil in a glass of milk, drain, get a liquid to drink every two hours for 2 tablespoons.
  5. 3 tablespoons of birch buds mixed with 100 g of butter, melt, burn for an hour. Add 200 g of honey, stir and take on a spoon before eating.
  6. Warm milk is good for coughing. It is mixed with alkaline mineral water: adding a spoonful of honey. You can also stir a spoonful of jam from the figs in the milk.
  7. For various types of cough, figs, cooked in milk, have long been used. In a glass of milk you need to boil until soft 3 fetuses of figs, you need to drink the medicine before going to bed.
  8. Lemon torsion in a meat grinder, add a spoonful of honey, insist an hour, take on a spoon 3 times a day.
  9. Ginger - an effective tool in the treatment of such symptoms of colds, as a cold and cough. It can be used in the preparation of tea, adding other antitussive products - honey or lemon.
When coughing it is useful to conduct thermal procedures - steam and foot baths, warming up the chest and back. To reduce the cough, you can do salt heating. To do this, you need to heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in tissue, put it on the chest and back of the baby. Do not use too hot salt, as severe skin burns can occur.

Parents need to know what the child quickly cured cough, thus preventing the development of complications of the common cold. However, one can independently carry out treatment only with mild forms of cough, when it is possible to do without medications.

How quickly to cure a cough (dry) in a child 5 years old?


Olga Iks

Dry cough, I treat my children with sage with my sage, after 2-3 procedures-no cough. Recently, the nurse also coughed, just before bed, they threatened to inject her with injections and a hospital, she drank and at night slept normally. For a 5 year old child you need 1 tbsp. lies. without the top of the sage grass pour hot milk (bring to a boil, but do not boil), cover with a plate or lid and let it brew. (While insisting, the child to prepare for bed, wash, if there is no temperature you can stab legs, grind the breast), and when he is in the crib (bed), drain the milk, add 1 h. l. honey (if there is no honey allergy), but I add honey for taste, so this milk is not bitter, only smells like sage. And, while it is warm (ideally, such that you can swallow and not get burned) give a drink to a child, and put him to bed.


Inhalation!!! (potatoes, soda)
For the night mustard plaster


We are well assisted by black radish with honey and milk with propolis


Radish with honey, it helps a lot. Hollow out a deepening in the radish and put a spoonful of honey in it, stand, give juice and drink this juice on the table spoon. The remedy is excellent.


the best and cheapest way! I treated my daughter like that. Syrup of licorice root! It is worth a penny and is very effective. Do not buy any super-expensive suspensions! If the cough in the evening does not allow you to fall asleep, stir a menthol candy (sold in a regular store) Holls for example in hot tea and drink. Tea as hot as possible should be. poite even from a spoon, so it will be more convenient. I'm so worn out with my daughter's cough, so I know what I'm saying!

Olga Kopylova

Very problematic, inhalation, preferably an ultrasonic inhaler.


Stoptussin drops are good for dry cough, quickly transfer it to the wet stage. Still there are candy menthol-anisovy, it is possible licorice, in a drugstore are on sale, too at a cough help or assist, if he catarrhal.

Svetlana Marushkay

Bury in a nip on a drop of olive oil (warm it under water). 3 times a day. Will fall and in the neck. Easy and effective.


Worrying the word "Fast"! If so, then no way. If it is competent, then it is necessary to find out the cause of this cough and on the basis of the diagnosis to be treated. The choice of medication depends on the characteristics of the cough ("dry" or "wet frequent, harsh or weak and short, barking, hoarse), and also on the individual characteristics of the child. Dry cough in a child occurs usually in the first day of the disease. It is accompanied by a moderate temperature and malaise.
"Barking cough" occurs with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, larynx or trachea. It often happens in small children and is associated with ARVI. May occur suddenly, at night or after inhalation. Less often, such a cough can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a medicine or inhalation.
"Cough with pertussis." Characterized by a strong paroxysmal cough, which can result in vomiting. The child's face turns red. It can be accompanied by high notes on inspiration and resemble a "cock-roaring". The course of whooping cough may be accompanied by a runny nose, a low fever. Although whooping cough can be observed in children of any age, the most severe manifestations are noted in children of the first year of life who are not vaccinated against whooping cough. Coughing in the child and wheezing can testify to inflammation of the lower respiratory tract or about ingress of foreign objects (seeds, nuts, fragments of toys, etc.) ) Sometimes such a cough can accompany bronchial asthma.
Night cough in a child, as a rule, happens in children with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis) and sometimes with asthma. A "bad unproductive, dry cough happens when the respiratory tract is squeezed or irritated: with laryngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis. It performs a different function - it signals about the existing irritation and inflammation. Cough is unproductive, but not intrusive and does not disturb the sleep and appetite of children - Expectorants (Dr. Mom, Altey, Mukaltin, Licorice, Pertussin, Suprima-bronho). Cough dry, obtrusive, painful, painful, the child is disturbed by sleep and appetite. - Antitussive medicines (Sinekod, Libeksin, Broncholitin (for children over 3 years old), Stoptussin). Cough with thick, viscous, poorly expectorated sputum - Mucolytic drugs (ATSTS) and mucolytic drugs with expectorant effect (Bromhexin, Bronchosan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Ambroghexal, Lazolvan, Halixol, Medox, Fljuditik) preparations based on plant extracts (Prospan, Herbion Syrup primrose). With prolonged high temperature, an antibiotic is added.

)) )))

I have two children. From cough, especially dry, we are treated with a syrup "Doctor Mom". Relief comes quickly. Syrup on a plant-based, tasty, my like such treatment. Description of the drug, as well as about cough in children can read here:
Health to you and your children))

How quickly to cure a dry cough? for the past two weeks there has been no change for the better.



can you have tuberculosis go through the examination in the clinic


Tablets Libexinum with a dry cough or syrup Sinecod


stopangin-Pts zhzhzheёеесткий drug! but relieves for 2 pshika.


yes it seems chronic, go to the hospital


Drink anything that liquefies phlegm
Slime scored bronchi because there are no shifts


Cough should be treated in a comprehensive manner. With fizprotseduryami, warming up. The last time we were prescribed: euphyllinum, aciclovir, stopptissin-phyto, warming ointment - for the night, pills for cough (penny). They say that ACC helps well, but we have some kind of allergic reaction to it... But in general a cough keeps a minimum of week 2 ...


Or it can is whooping cough?


If the cough is dry, and the doctor did not find anything in the bronchi, then it means catarrhal te. E. Throat - Treat the throat. All kinds of nipples, inhalations, and I usually grease the throat with sea buckthorn oil (wrap the cotton wool in such a way that it does not slip) - and whatever the doctors say it helps me the most. Yes, and even brew the grass, not superfluous.


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases, can occur due to smoking. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.
17) To weld in, l. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 3 tablespoons.
18) Infusion of a leaf of a nasturtium (it is on sale in a drugstore) is very effective at a cough. 10gr. leaf brew 1 glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes and filter. Drink on a glass during the day.
19) Grate the chest and back for the night with the pork lard interior and wrap it with compress paper, over which to wrap a fluffy or woolen shawl.
20) After receiving the serum from 3 liters of milk, add to it 1 glass of honey and 100 gr. crushed root elecampane (sold at the pharmacy). Drink a glass three times a day before eating with a strong cough.


First, do not smoke: Oh... I'm just this, just in case ...
I'm helped by black radish, potato cake, milk with yolk, soda inhalation and gargling with soda. Radish clean, cut into cubes and pour honey. In about 30 minutes, let the juice go - drink according to the art. spoon every 4 hours. Boil one potato in the peel, grind uncleared with dry mustard, sunflower oil, vodka, on paper polententse stretch in the form of a cake, wrap and put on the chest immediately under the throat, keep away from the heart until it will cool. Boil a glass of milk, grind one yolk with honey, butter, a pinch of soda, pour milk and drink - in the morning and in the evening.

Julia Plotnikova

Acetylcysteine ​​is good and smokers are suitable)


dry tracheitis tracheitis. it is necessary to drink refiners (syrup of plantain or licorice). for the night, wrap the neck with a woolen scarf


1) 1 black radish juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day
2) the juice of ripe kalina (do not boil) mix with an equal amount of honey, let it brew for 24 hours
3) mustard plasters on the throat and the upper part of the chest
4) a mixture of 1kg of lime honey, 200g of aloe leaves passed through a meat grinder, 200ml of olive oil, 150g of birch buds, 50g of lime color. Brew lime blossom and birch buds in, water, boil 1-2 minutes, strain. This broth pour into a mixture of honey and aloe, add olive oil. Take on 1 st.. l. 3 times a day (also helps with pneumonia and tuberculosis)
5) Infusion of root elecampane (100 g of root per 1 liter of red grape wine, insist 8 days) take 50 ml per day before meals


breast collection number 4... 2 packs per mug... insist for 10 minutes... it helped me.. The cough became softer and passed quickly ...

How quickly to cure a dry cough?



"This is not helping my breastfeeding team. just have a drink at least 5-7 days.

Svetlana Fibiker

Hot milk with honey, every 2 hours

T e r a p i 03

From a dry cough you can try "Breastfeeding" or (medicinal product on herbs everything known) Doctor_Mom or PROSPAN.
Before using any of the above, consult a doctor or pharmacist. !

_10____01____ 2010_ 1: 8


Lambskin brew! Not very nice, but effective!

Dmitriy cevanenko

juice of black radish with honey on a teaspoon 3p. in a day. gardener or dry heat on the chest and back. Inhalation with thoracic collection. lime tea. Get well!

Alina G

carob syrup


• Cut out in a washed radish (winter winter round black or Haivoron variety) from the vista and pour into it 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Radish place vertically in a pot and cover it with thick paper for 3-4 hours. With a strong cough, take 1 hour. l. formed in the opening of the radish liquid 3-4 times a day before meals and at bedtime.

• Cut very thin slices of 6-8 pieces of radish, sprinkle each slice abundantly with sugar and insist 6 hours. With 1 tbsp. l. juice of radish every hour. • With a dry cough, whooping cough and simple de boil 1 cup of boiling milk 4 5 pieces of figs, insist, wrapped, until cooling. Drink 1/3 cup 2-4 times daily before meals. The same napar rub the patient's chest.

• Pour a small lemon over the water and boil it on low heat for 10 minutes. Then cool, cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a glass. To the lemon juice add 2 tbsp. l. glycerin, add the honey to the edge of the honey and mix it thoroughly. Take 2 tbsp. l. mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night. For infants: by 1 hour. l. honey add 2 tbsp. l. seeds of anise and a pinch of common salt, pour a glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and to taste. Give for 1 hour. l. every 2 hours. As the cough decreases, the dose of the mixture should be reduced.

• Mix the equal parts of rye, oats and barley, add chicory and 2 g of refined bitter almonds and drink it like ordinary coffee, you can with hot melted milk.

• Thoroughly mix 1 cup turnip juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey, hold on fire until boiling and remove from heat. Drink 3 sips 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

• As an expectorant, take decoction of the roots of the primrose. Brew, l boiling water 1 tbsp. l. (with top) roots, keep on low heat for 20 minutes, insist 1 h and strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

• To facilitate the separation of sputum, it is useful to take a syrup of cranberry juice with sugar or honey. Syrup should be taken as often as possible, but 1 tbsp. l. appointment. During treatment with this remedy it is useful to drink water or tea instead of water from a field strawberry.

• To separate sputum, mix 10 pieces of Ledum, 20 parts of althea root and 20 parts of coltsfoot. Brew 1 cup of boiling water 2 hours. l. mixture, keep on low heat for 5 minutes and insist 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.


inhalation.. .
fgsssept, strepsils, doctor IOM

tanya mosquito

can this allergic cough, animals in the house can contribute to this... in general should first listen to the doctor's lungs and heart ...


Hot beer with honey. Pretty disgusting, but effective! For half a liter of beer, a tablespoon of honey. If the cough is caused by a cold, but not by other causes.


Stardate or droplets Umkalor

How fast can cough cure in a child?

Quickly cure cough is possible only when the exact cause, because of which it appeared, will be clarified. Coughing is a protection for a child, it appears because of an irritant of an allergic, bacterial or chemical nature. Note that not always coughing attacks can be triggered by a disease, often an allergic reaction of the body to a particular stimulus.

Causes of child coughing

1. Because of an infectious disease.

2. In cases of adenoids.

3. If the ENT organs inflammatory process.

4. With bronchial asthma.

5. Because of the dry air.

Before you treat a cough in a child, you need to determine with which cough you will fight from dry, wet, suffocating or paroxysmal.

Quick cure for a child

In no case can you engage in self-medication, only a doctor after a thorough examination can prescribe the necessary drugs:

1. Mucolytic agents, with the help of them can liquefy phlegm, withdraw it from the respiratory tract. Often treat a child Lazolvanom, Ambrobene, Halixol.

2. Medicines against cough, with the help of them can reduce cough. Effective treatment with Alteika, Mukaltin, and Pertussin.

3. Expectorant drugs will help to quickly withdraw phlegm, the ideal option is Gedelix.

Treatment with plant-based products

In a child, cough is not recommended to be treated with medicines, in which a large number different chemicals, it is best to pay attention to the drugs, which include plants. With their help, you can quickly cure a dry and wet cough. They do not have toxic effects on the body, they do not have any side effects, so they need to be used to treat children.

Licorice root is a part of different preparations, it is the main component of tablets, syrups, potions, chest elixir, and it is often combined with propolis. Effectively take those funds, which include other herbs from cough and inflammation. With the help of the root of the althaea one can get rid of a strong cough, and withdraw the phlegm. Children can drink such drugs, which include an alteca - Mukaltin, syrup Bronchostop, breastfeeding.

Bronchitis can be cured with a herbal preparation, which contains plantain, leaves and seeds contains a large number of expectorant and anti-inflammatory elements. It can be found in such drugs as Eucabal, Pectoral, Stoptussin.

Chronic and acute form of bronchitis can be cured with the help of homeopathic remedies containing ivy. Children are prescribed treatment with Proppanom, Pektolvan.

Primula is a plant with which you can remove inflammation, withdraw phlegm, get rid of microbes, knock down body temperature. The primrose enters the syrups Sinupret, Herbion, Bronchipret.

Almost all syrups for children from coughs include thyme, thyme due to their antimicrobial effect on the body, so quickly cough can be cured with the help of Eucabalus.

Some therapists advise using drugs of Indian origin - Dr. Mom, Cook's syrups, Kofol, prescribe Trevisil treatment.

All the above syrups must be treated with extreme caution, because each child individually carries them, complications or allergic reactions may occur.

Effective folk methods of treating a child's cough

1. A good mixture of honey, lemon, especially if cough is provoked by a viral infection. To do this, you need to boil a lemon, wait until it cools, cut it into two parts and squeeze juice from it, add glycerin, eat three times a day.

2. Quickly get rid of cough, help the child black radish, it is specially rubbed, add honey, eat in the morning and before going to bed. You can prepare the juice and radish juice, for this cut off its upper part, there honey is pawned, insist until there is enough juice, give the child up to 5 times a day.

3. Especially good at coughing to drink such broth - milk with carrot juice, it should be warm.

3. Take the onion, grind it, add in 200 ml of milk, drain everything through gauze, give the child during the day every hour.

4. For the broth you need kidney birch, butter, mix everything, add honey, take before eating.

5. A strong cough can be cured with figs, warm milk, it is recommended to add mineral water "Essentuki "Borjomi honey. If the child is allergic to this prescription, you need to be extremely cautious.

6. Scroll lemon in a blender, add honey, insist, eat three times a day.

7. With the help of ginger, you can cure not only a cough, but also a cold that often accompanies it. With ginger tea is prepared, the effect will intensify if you add lemon, honey.

8. Children are well helped by hot foot baths, they also recommend warming your back, chest. To get rid of cough, you need to warm up with salt, for this, it is heated, poured into the sock, and applied to the back, chest area. Pay attention, the salt should be warm, so as not to get burned.

9. Quickly he cures goat fat, they need to grind the breast, back and heels of the child. Wear warm pajamas and socks on him, put him to bed.

Also the child should be calm, the room should be warm and well ventilated, the air moist. How you can use liquids, so sputum is faster and easier to go out. If there is no temperature, do not force the child to adhere to bed rest, the more he moves, the faster the sputum goes.

Thus, cough can be cured quickly only if it is without complications. Therefore, it is important to do everything in a timely manner. Pay attention, at home you can treat a cough, only if it is provoked by a cold and is not accompanied by a fever, a bad state of health child, shortness of breath, in all the others it is necessary to consult a doctor, he must listen and examine the child, then only make a diagnosis and write out treatment.

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