How to distinguish dry cough from wet

How can you tell a dry cough from wet in a child?

Each attentive mother who cares about the health of her baby should know how to distinguish dry cough from wet in a child. Cough reflex is a protective reaction that occurs in the body due to irritation of cough receptors. Such a process is very important for removing unnecessary contents from the respiratory tract, such as dust, smoke and other irritants. When untimely treatment of such a process, it can be prolonged for a long time due to the fact that the mucus will become denser and withdraw it will be more difficult.

This painful process can occur in a child regardless of the time of year.Sharp changes in air temperature can cause a decrease in the body's natural defense, which can lead to a cold with all its symptoms and consequences. The immune system of children is vulnerable to external factors, because it is not yet fully formed.

If the sputum stagnates in the bronchial tree, the inflammatory process begins to develop. Over time, its complications can become bronchitis or pneumonia. This phenomenon can occur not only because of the common cold. This is a natural defense of the body from external stimuli. Cough is dry and wet. These species differ in that, with a dry cough, the inflammatory process of the mucous larynx and pharynx occurs, while the wet one is characterized by an abundance of mucus in the bronchi. The treatment of dry cough is to use soothing and anti-spasmodics, and the wet form is treated with expectorants. It is very important to be able to distinguish these two species for successful treatment of the disease.

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Features of dry cough

Dry, or unproductive, cough is one of the first symptoms of many viral or infectious diseases (eg, bronchitis or pharyngitis). It can be nasal, but sputum is not separated. This is because during the cold, inflammation develops in the throat and larynx, excessive amounts of mucus are produced and all the time there is a desire to clear your throat. The cough reflex is not accompanied by the release of mucus, it is strong, harsh, painful. Dry cough appears due to colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

When a cold starts, the child feels a choking sensation in the throat and a kind of cough appears. After some time (3 - 4 days) the dryness decreases, the cough becomes wet, as the body develops phlegm. Then there is a slowing down of the mucus and coughing again can become dry. The reasons for the development of such a process are:

  1. Influenza: during it appears a dry and hoarse cough, gradually turning into wet.
  2. Cigarette smoke.
  3. Dry air in the room.
  4. Harsh chemical irritants, for example, paint with a strong aroma, various solutions.
  5. Periodic dry cough during the day can signal such infectious diseases as laryngitis (dry and barking), whooping cough (with spasms and whistles) or measles.
  6. Allergic reactions.
  7. Tracheitis.
  8. Pharyngitis.
  9. Pleurisy.
Dangerous is the kind of cough caused by a disease in which there is edema of the trachea and larynx (false croup).

Depending on the type of reason for such a reflex, it can appear in the daytime or only at night, have a barking or bothersome character, while mucus is not separated. Such a process can be paroxysmal, debilitating the children's body and, in the end, does not bring a result in the form of sputum discharge.

With a dry cough, there is a strong desire to cough, but doctors strongly recommend not doing this, not straining strongly the vocal cords and small vessels, since the consequence may be hoarseness or loss vote.

Parents should know that with a dry cough the child has an inflammatory process or irritation of the respiratory system, so you can not let the disease run its course, hoping that everything will pass by itself.

Treat dry cough

Ignoring the treatment of such a disease is fraught with the transition to a chronic stage. Pharmacy chains offer us a wide range of different cough remedies. It must be remembered that it is important for a child to see a doctor before starting treatment. All medicines are divided into synthetic (in the composition of which there are chemicals) and natural (they contain vegetable raw materials).

According to the principle of action, drugs are divided into anti-spasmic (antitussive, which relieve spasm and calm cough) and expectorants (contribute to the dilution of sputum and the excretion of it from the organs respiration). Preparations based on plant raw materials act more gently on the body, have a small percentage of side effects. Therefore, when choosing medicines for your child, focus on precisely such means.

Unproductive cough is treated with antitussive drugs, and manifestations of moist cough are used by expectorants. Antitussive drugs have a calming effect on the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx, eliminate spasms in the bronchi. These drugs include:

  1. Libexin.
  2. Stoptussin.
  3. Tusuprex.
  4. Herbion syrup of plantain.

If the manifestations are very strong, it is possible to use drugs that inhibit the reflex, but they are used for a short time and only when a symptom appears. They are of central and peripheral action, aimed at suppressing the cough reflex (Ethylmorphine, Codeine, Glaucin).

Features of wet cough

Wet cough (productive) appears a few days after dry. Its difference is sound. Usually at the child it sounds sonorous and deeply, sometimes even gurgling. This type of reflex is accompanied by excessive sputum discharge, it is sometimes difficult to cough. The volume of the cough increases, and after the mucus goes off, it decreases. If the inflammation passes in a mild form, the color of the sputum is clear, and with prolonged forms of bronchial inflammation, the color of the sputum changes, there may be impurities of pus.

Withdrawal of wet content allows to clear bronchi and lungs from mucus, which is an excellent medium for the development of pathogenic flora. This kind of cough appears as a result of viral infections, a common cold, allergic manifestations, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Due to the fact that the secretions have a viscous consistency, they need to be provoked to move away in order to prevent the bacteria from multiplying in them.

If the mucus becomes turbid, it can signal the onset of the inflammatory process. The brown color of the discharge indicates an allergic reaction, the green color indicates sinusitis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory apparatus. Excessive sputum discharge indicates tracheitis or bronchitis. If the wet cough changes dry, this indicates a process of recovery of the child, so the task of the previous stage of treatment was to transfer the dry cough into a wet form.

Treatment for wet cough

Mucolytics are prescribed for better sputum discharge. They help reduce the viscosity of mucus and help it to be quickly removed from the respiratory system. The intake of such drugs can be combined with the use of a large amount of liquid (drink teas, compotes, fruit drinks).

Preparations based on chemistry better cope with the mucus and the decrease in its viscosity. To help with the reflex help means on a plant basis ("Pektolvan Ivy "Herbion Primrose"). When treating wet cough, a generous warm drink, milk, radish juice, honey (if the child is not allergic) is recommended.

A particularly important mate's assistant in the treatment of cough is the nebulizer. Inhalation can be done with the help of special means or usual saline solution.

When treating both dry and wet cough, it is very important to understand the differences between them and the characteristics of each species.

It is necessary strictly to follow the prescriptions of the doctor, to select the drugs according to the age of the child and his features (a tendency to allergies).

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Differences of different types of coughing from each other and ways of treating them are commented by Dr. Komarovsky (video).

What cough worse than wet or dry



It is necessary to be treated at the doctor, but (for the inquiry)
Both dry and wet cough is a protective reaction of the body, cleansing the respiratory tract. How to get rid of a cough, not everyone knows. First of all, you need to determine what kind of cough - wet or dry. With a dry cough, sputum is not excreted, whereas a wet cough is necessarily accompanied by its excretion. The treatment of a wet cough completely completely different from the treatment of dry cough. Dry k. Is the cause of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (trachea, pharynx, larynx)
for treatment are applied
expectorants: Licorice root, Mucaltin, Leaves of plantain, thyme, coltsfoot, Solutan, Pertusin, Broncholithin are used for bronchitis and colds
mucolytic drugs: Bromhexine, Carbocysteine, ATSTS, Ambrosol and are prescribed for pneumonia, bronchitis
Combined preparations: Doctor IOM, Kodelak Fito are appointed for colds, ARVI and ARI


Both are good!



Irina Rastunina

Dry is worse and it should be done as soon as possible wet,

Plotnikova Alevtina

dry. Wet is when everything is already cleared.



Alain Dobriniec

better without it


In general, it's better not to get sick :)

Alexander N

Dry is worse.

Anastasia Snegireva

dry, for good reason does the expectorant doctor prescribe

Alexander Kurt

gg, and he and that... And when you buy tablets from a cough in the Pharmacy, always say what cough, And then the pharmacist Mukaltin will give you, with a wet cough, and one night, choke on your own phlegm ...

Butterflies in my stomach

any niche good

Shiltsova Galina

Dry, he will turn the whole soul.


wet is well rehearsed dry.


At me now dry-is tired already to cough some days, I do not know than and to treat.



House Siding

cough he is a cough ...

How to distinguish dry cough from stenosis

Children tend to frolic on the street and laugh heartily during the game, opening their mouth. In the winter, the result of such immediacy can be a dry, debilitating cough. However, the symptoms of dry cough may not always mean the onset of a cold. Correctly to determine the cause of dry cough and timely start treatment will help some tips.

Be careful! If during the cough the child blushes or suddenly turns pale, unnecessarily strains the muscles of the neck, breathing becomes wheezing and hoarse, and the attack lasts more than 1 minute, causing almost vomiting - it is a question of stenosis (or laryngisthenosis, as it is still call).

Stenosis- a sharp narrowing of the larynx lumen as a result of ingestion of too cold air, alcohol-containing / combustible liquid of high concentration or ingress of foreign bodies. The cause of spasm can also become a food allergy, a tumor (tumor) of the larynx or a pharyngeal abscess after a purulent sore throat. Less common are stenoses caused by the defeat of the neuromuscular system.

If you suspect an abscess, a child swallowing foreign bodies or a highly concentrated chemical fluid Immediately call an ambulance, as a spasm can lead to a complete stop of breathing and even lethal outcome. Stenosis caused by cold air rarely causes a rise in temperature (up to 37 degrees) and is treated with steam inhalations with soda (3 times a day for a week) and dry heat to the neck area.

Stenosis from cold air is similar in symptoms withfalse croup. However, the cereal is most often caused by the influenza virus and affects not only the larynx, but also the upper respiratory tract. With false croup, even in a calm state, the child experiences rapid breathing and palpitations, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, and coughing is characterized by "barking" intonations.

Emergency hospitalization is required in cases when the patient's lips turn blue or his fingers turn pale, and when breathing, the supraclavicular area falls. In a state of mild severity, treatment of false croup is carried out at home similarly to treatment of stenosis - steam. It is best to include boiling water in a closed bathroom before filling the entire room with steam and breathing for 15 minutes.

Dry cough caused by acute respiratory viral infection, most often has accompanying phenomena: a runny nose and a sore throat. The attack does not cause sharp spasms and difficulty breathing at rest. Within 2-3 days, the dry cough turns into a wet cough - with sputum discharge.

For the treatment of dry cough, folk medicine recommends the use of warm milk with honey, freshly squeezed onion juice or a decoction of figs. An excellent remedy is the juice of turnip (or black radish), boiled with buckwheat honey. In the first days of cold, juice should be given one tablespoon every three hours. Along with folk medicine, the use of medicines prescribed by a doctor will not be superfluous.

How can you distinguish dry cough from wet? Describe the signs and sensations


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

It is very easy. Dry cough goes without separating phlegm, and a wet cough with separation of phlegm.

El MuZZonio

wet (as it understood wet) contains phlegm in the lungs


A dry cough rips his throat. With wet expectoration of mucus!

Vera Dorogina

with a damp cough, expectoration of sputum and bubbling breath, with dry-expectoration and no cough as with spasm, can not clear his throat. With dry cough-lipbeksin, with a moist-ambriform


when dry cough and cough.. to the zeal.. and you can harden the cough at the end of the cough.. and at a wet time two coughed and went sputum.. as in smokers for example

~ Prorok_Leo ~

Any coughing is bad. It must be treated.

Moist cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, which occurs in response to the action of various stimuli. Wet cough promotes the purification of the respiratory tract, the withdrawal of harmful substances together with mucus. In the treatment it is important not to oppress cough, but to facilitate its course.

Than to cure a wet cough?

Wet cough and is productive, helping the body cope with foreign bodies in the bronchi. But, despite this, leaving a wet cough without treatment should not be. To speed up the process of recovery and cope with the cough use the following methods:

  1. Medicamentous treatment, including the use of mucolytic drugs that promote the withdrawal of mucus.
  2. Folk recipes, which include herbal decoctions, warm milk with honey, jam from raspberries.

Tablets from wet cough

The main drugs in this case are mucolytic agents. They improve sputum evacuation and restore mucous membranes affected by bacterial activity. The following tablets are distinguished from wet cough:

  1. Ambroxol and Bromhexine.Stimulate serous cells of the mucosa, reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its withdrawal from the bronchi. Also, the drug activates the production of surfactant (lubrication of alveoli), which prevents adhesion and alveoli and their collapse. Also, these tablets from wet cough inhibit the breakdown of the surfactant, which makes it possible to use drugs to treat children under five years of age.
  2. Tablets ATSTS.Are one of the most used mucolytic remedies for wet cough, which effectively dilute sputum and facilitate the excretion of mucus from the bronchial ways.

How to make a dry cough wet?

The transition of dry cough to wet is a favorable sign, indicating the purification of the lungs of mucus, which is the ideal site for the spread of bacteria. First, it is necessary to include the use of expectorants in the form of syrups and potions. But it should be remembered that they are not recommended to drink five hours before bedtime, since the departure

phlegm will interfere with sleep.

After that, you can start using home recipes: herbal teas, fruit drinks and compotes. In the absence of temperature, you can put mustard plasters and try warming tinctures.

The complex effect is possessed by phytocepts, which remove inflammation, warming and improving breathing. They include:

  • milk with honey and lemon;
  • tea with lemons;
  • decoction of oats;
  • tea with linden.

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