Nystagmus: causes and treatment

Nystagmus (from the Greek word "drowsiness") is a pathological condition manifested in uncontrolled, repetitive movements of eyeballs with high frequency. The eye can perform up to several hundred vibrational movements per minute. Movement with nystagmus rhythmic (pendulum) and spontaneous. This condition is a severe form of impaired motor ability of the eye and is accompanied by a serious decrease in visual acuity. Let's take a closer look at what nystagmus is and how to treat it.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

The ability of the eye to perform vibrational or so-called pendulum movements is a natural property, intended to preserve the vision in certain situations, for example, in response to the rotation of the body in space.This is the so-called physiological nystagmus, which is the norm.

A painful condition - pathological nystagmus - looks like an involuntary deviation of the eyes from the object of observation, followed by a reverse spasmodic movement.

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In the direction of nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical, torsion or nonspecific.The frequency of oscillation also varies, it can be low, high or medium. There are the following types of nystagmus:

The degree of deviation of the eye from the object (the amplitude of uncontrolled movements) can be different. Depending on this, small-caliber or large-caliber nystagmus is distinguished.

  1. The trembling nystagmus, in which the eye slowly "drifts" to one side, and then quickly corrects its position with a rapid jerky movement.This kind of nystagmus in the direction of Rapid phase of movement is divided into: right-sided, left-sided, upper, lower or rotatory;
  2. Pendulum nystagmus.This form of oculomotor disorders is characterized by slow movements in both directions. The eye is evenly "swinging" from side to side. Allocate a congenital pendulum-like nystagmus and acquired pendulum-like nystagmus;
  3. Mixed nystagmus.

Depending on the direction of movement of the eyes, there are:

  • Horizontal nystagmus;
  • Vertical nystagmus;
  • Diagonal nystagmus;

There is also a rotational nystagmus, in which the eyeballs perform chaotic circular motions.


Disorder of eye movements can be both congenital and acquired.Congenital nystagmus can manifest itself a few months after the birth of the child.This type of lesion of the visual system is infrequent (one case of several thousand) and arises from neurological disorders, which are often hereditary in nature.

The reasons for the acquired nystagmus are quite a lot.There are local and general causes of pathology. In the first case, the violation of the motor function of the eyes causes a congenital or acquired weakness of vision.The cause of nystagmus can be albinism, astigmatism, retinal dystrophy, cloudiness of optical media, myopia (nearsightedness), atrophy of the optic nerve. Common causes of nystagmus are:

  • Pathological processes in the brain(stroke, multiple sclerosis, oncological neoplasms);
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • Consequences of taking a number of substances:narcotic drugs, alcohol, gold preparations, anticonvulsant (antiepileptic) drugs, sleeping pills, antimalarial medicines, antipsychotics.

Nystagmus can cause damage to a number of brain regions: the pituitary gland, the cerebellum, the brain bridge, the medulla oblongata, and the labyrinth.


Symptoms of the disease are quite noticeable. These are oscillatory movements of the eyes that can not be controlled. Eyes can move in a circular direction, vertically or horizontally. The view does not fix the object under consideration, but rather "slips" past it. In connection with this, a number of problem states develop:

  • Visual acuity falls;
  • Strabismus develops, there is a feeling of "double" in the eyes;
  • The photosensitivity is manifested;
  • There is a feeling of dizziness, instability, nausea;
  • The muscle tone is lowered.

Often one can notice the unnatural position of the patient's head, which "helps" to reduce the magnitude of the oscillations of the eyeball. In some cases, nystagmus manifests itself in a unilateral decrease in hearing.

The amplitude of movements with nystagmus can vary depending not only on the position of the head or the direction of vision, but even on the degree of man's fatigue or level of concentration.

Possible complications

The development of such a serious disruption of the oculomotor apparatus leads to a significant reduction in visual acuity.


Medical measures for nystagmus directly depend on the cause of the pathology. Without removing the factor that led to the development of the disease, correction of the patient's state of vision is impossible.In those cases when nystagmus is caused by the poisoning effect of alcohol, drugs or is a by-product of drugs, it is important to stop organism. Quite often, no other treatment is required.In other cases, treatment is preceded by a thorough examination in order to identify the causes of the disease. With nystagmus caused by visual impairment, optical correction is performed with the help of glasses or contact lenses.

In cases where optic nerve atrophy, albinism or retinal dystrophy are diagnosed, the patient is selected glasses with protective filters of varying degrees of density.


The doctor can prescribe a set of therapeutic exercises for the eyes or procedures that stimulate the retina.Conservative treatment also involves taking drugs that eliminate the underlying cause of the disease, reduce dizziness, nervous excitability.Vasodilator drugs, vitamin preparations, intended for improving nutrition of the retina and eye tissues, can be used.

At a nystagmus, caused by an infectious inflammation of the inner ear, antibiotics are prescribed.


Surgical intervention is necessary in cases where the cause of nystagmus is a tumor. Also, by using the operation on the muscles of the eyes, it is possible to reduce the amplitude and frequency of fluctuations in the eyeballs


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Preventive measures that prevent the development of the disease are directly related to the causes of its occurrence.In order to avoid nystagmus associated with the effects of narcotic and drug substances, it is important:

  • Exclude the use of alcohol and other drugs that cause dependence;
  • Do not self-medicate. When taking medication, perform the prescription of the doctor and prescribe the instructions for using the medicinal product.

A number of measures that support the healthy functioning of the body help prevent disease:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Reasonable and regular physical activity;
  • Normalization and proper sleep;
  • Normalization of working conditions;
  • Timely detection and treatment of diseases that cause nystagmus.

To prevent congenital nystagmus, it is important not to allow delays in intrauterine development of the fetus, to avoid infection with infectious diseases.


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Nystagmus is the uncontrolled oscillatory movements of the eyes. This condition can be physiological or pathological. The pathological condition is caused by a variety of causes both related to the problems of the organs of vision, and related to the functioning of the central nervous system, the vestibular apparatus. Nystagmus can be a consequence of alcohol poisoning, undesirable effects of a number of medications.

The disease can cause severe visual impairment. Treatment of the disease is carried out depending on the underlying cause, its causing. In most cases, treatment procedures are lengthy and do not always lead to a final disposal of the problem.

Also read about what anisocoria is, and what pathologies are indicated by dilated pupils.

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