Barley is called a disease of the eyelids, accompanied by an acute purulent inflammatory process of the hair bulb of the eyelash, the sebaceous gland located in the neighborhood, or the proportion of the meibomian gland.
Barley is accompanied by swelling, redness and soreness of the eyelid. Most often it is of bacterial origin and develops in people with weakened immunity. It should be remembered that this disease is not contagious, but it requires proper treatment. This will be discussed later.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.3People's means
Definition of disease
Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash or sebaceous gland.
if barley appears on the outer surface of the eyelid, then it is called the outer, and if on the inner surface - internal.
External inflammation is considered the most common.It is an abscess on the edge of the eyelid from the outside of the eye, which is formed due to the infection of surrounding tissues.
Internal barley is an abscess on the inner surface of the eyelid, which arises from the infection of the meibomian glands. These glands are located in the middle of the century at the base of the eyelashes. They maintain the moisture of the eyes, not allowing the tear film to evaporate. If the meibomian glands are clogged, the inner barley can cause a disease such as haljazion.
There are internal and external barley
It is not difficult to diagnose barley.The process is based on a characteristic clinical symptomatology and examination with a slit lamp.
The course of this disease in children has some peculiarities.Tissues of the child's age react sharply to the inflammatory process with edema.In this case, the eyelid is so enlarged that the eye gap closes almost completely.
Inflammatory process in children is mainly localized in the region of the bulb of the cilium. When examining the affected eye, you can notice the twitching of the eyelid. The opening of the abscess with the escape of pus greatly facilitates the state of the child.
The main cause of barley is a bacterial infection.In nine cases out of ten, the disease causes staphylococci or streptococci.
the source of the infection is a harmless bacterium in other cases, which lives on the skin or on the nasal mucosa. Staphylococci or streptococci can penetrate through small holes on the skin or on the edge of the eyelid, which can cause infection.
Barley can also be caused by blepharitis(inflammation of the edge of the century).
The appearance of barley may be a sign of a decrease in immunity or supercooling of the body.Diseases of the stomach and intestines, parasitic infestations, diabetes mellitus, and other chronic infectious diseases increase the risk of purulent inflammatory processes.
Barley can recur several times a year for several years.
Barley can not be infected by another person, but doctors still recommend using individual towels and handkerchiefs.
The appearance of barley is accompanied by pain, redness, swelling of the eyelids.Sometimes there is a strong lachrymation, as well as the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
The appearance of other symptoms depends on the localization of the inflammatory process.
With external barley, a yellow ulcer forms near the edge of the eyelid.If you touch it, then there is pain. Also, the outer barley may be accompanied by a sensation of heat.
With internal barley, a yellow stain appears on the inside of the turned-out eyelid, surrounded by reddening.The skin around the swelling is inflamed. The inner barley develops slowly, but it is more painful than the outer barley.
if a person is susceptible to this disease, then barley can periodically recur. In this case it is necessary to undergo examination and establish the causes associated with chronic or systemic diseases.
Usually barley appears only on one eye. But there are cases when several inflammations appear and even simultaneously on two eyes.
The main symptoms of barley:
Slight swelling of the edge of the eyelid.
Pain when pressing.
Edema and inflammation.
Redness of the eye.
Increased regional lymph nodes.
Formation of an abscess on the tumor.
Rarely intoxication (headaches, fever).
The abscess is opened after a while or resolves. To quickly get rid of barley, you do not need to open it yourself, because you can spread the infection and aggravate the inflammatory process.
Possible complications
The contents of barley should never be squeezed out by yourself. Otherwise, you can put the infection in the subcutaneous veins of a person, and then it can get into the deep veins of the orbit.
As a result, the following complications can develop:
Abscess of the century.
Phlegmon of the orbit.
Thrombophlebitis of orbital age.
Purulent meningitis.
If the disease is not cured, the barley will pass into a chronic form.
Complications of internal barley include haljazion, which requires surgical intervention.
Usually barley disappears within a few days or weeks. But to quickly and without consequences to cure barley, you need to see a doctor.
The external manifestation of the disease and pain can be eliminated with lotions, and to determine the cause of the appearance of barley, you should always contact a specialist.
The main drug therapy for barley includes:
External processing of barley with ethyl alcohol, greenery, iodine or tincture of calendula.
Use of anti-inflammatory ophthalmic ointments(hydrocortisone, tetracycline ointment).
Burying antibacterial eye drops(Tsipromed, Levomycetin, solutions of Sulfacyl-sodium, Penicillin, Erythromycin, Prednisolone).Ointment Hydrocortisone is used in the treatment of barley
treatment of barley should be under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.
With regard to antibiotics, their effectiveness in this disease is currently not sufficiently proven. They need to be used only to treat complications, for example, haljaziona.
With relapsing barley, measures should be taken to strengthen immunity. To do this, multivitamins are prescribed, autohemotherapy.
If the barley is very large or can not be medicated, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.
A specialist can pierce the inflamed area with a needle or make a small incision above it to drain, so that the contents come out.
Surgical removal of barley
If the outer barley is small, an eyelash can be removed if the tissues around it are infected.
People's means
Dry heat.Boil the hard-boiled egg, and without cleaning it from the shell, wrap it in a clean handkerchief and attach it to the barley until it cools. The same can be done with boiled potatoes, but it is recommended to knead it before applying so that it retains heat longer. An alternative to eggs and potatoes is sea or common salt and flax seeds.
This folk remedy will help in the initial stage of the disease, when there is still no abscess. If the abscess has already appeared, then such thermal procedures can lead to the spread of infection in the nearby departments of the century.
Decoction of marigold.Ten grams of fresh or dried marigold flowers pour boiling water (two hundred milliliters), hold on fire for ten minutes, close the lid, wrap the pan in a terry towel and insist one hour. Cool, drain, moisten with infusion gauze and make lotions three times a day.
Black tea.Welding of brewed black tea is applied to barley. You can use tea bags.
Flowers tansy.Five times a day eat eight small tansy flowers and wash down with water.
Prophylaxis of barley includes the identification and elimination of causes that can cause inflammation, strengthen immunity, balanced nutrition, compliance with hygiene rules and rules for the care of contact lenses, the refusal to use expired cosmetics, the use of a separate face towel and so on.
With all the recommendations and proper treatment, barley on the eye passes quickly and without complications. It is recommended to stop using decorative cosmetics for the treatment of barley. When self-treatment of barley is necessary to wait for its maturation. Extrusion of the abscess is unacceptable, as it can lead to serious complications.