Lapko applicator for the spine: instructions for use


  • 1Features of application of Lyapko applicator for the spine and joints
    • 1.1What is an applicator and what is it for?
    • 1.2Choosing the right product
    • 1.3How to use a massager
    • 1.4When the applicator can not be applied
  • 2Instructions for use of the Lyapko applicator: effects and feedback
    • 2.1What is the value of the applicator
    • 2.2The essence of the impact
    • 2.3Types of applicators
    • 2.4When is the massager important?
    • 2.5Contraindications
    • 2.6Two categories of symptoms
    • 2.7General Instruction
    • 2.8Time of use
    • 2.9How to choose
    • 2.10Features of "Camomiles"
    • 2.11What is a roller?
    • 2.12Mat
    • 2.13Outcomes
  • 3The original product for the treatment and recovery of the body Applicator Lyapko: instructions for use for the treatment of diseases of the spine, the useful effect of multi-needle devices
    • 3.1Applicator Lyapko: what is it?
    • 3.2Indications for use
    • 3.3Contraindications
    • 3.4Useful action
    • 3.5Types of needlework
    • 3.6How to choose: useful recommendations
    • 3.7How to use: instructions for use
    • 3.8Cost
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Application of the Lyapko applicator for the treatment of the spine: types, benefits and harm, instruction
    • 4.1Indications for use
    • 4.2Types of Applicators Lyapko
    • 4.3How to apply the applicator correctly: a short instruction
    • 4.4Recommended areas of use
    • 4.5Contraindications for use
    • 4.6Reviews of patients and doctors about the applicator
    • 4.7Conclusion

Features of application of Lyapko applicator for the spine and joints

Today a large number of various therapeutic and prophylactic massagers and apparatuses have appeared in wide access, but the applicator Ljapko till now remains one of the best adaptations, helping to get rid of a number of diseases with the help reflexotherapy.

For review we bought onthe official website of Lyapkoseveral products and try to write about them as much as possible.

What is this product and how to use it?

What is an applicator and what is it for?

Applicator Lyapko - a unique device, named for its creator, - a doctor of the highest category, the famous reflexologist N. Lyapko.

The product, combining the therapeutic effect of 3 health-improving techniques, is a special flat or volumetric massager, on the rubber surface of which there are dozens of metal needles. In this case, the design of the applicator eliminates the risk of damage to the skin.

The sharp parts of the device have stops, due to which the needles can not penetrate the skin too deeply and cause injury or cause infectious inflammation.

The therapeutic benefit of the Lyapko applicator is based on the method of acupuncture, massage effect and galvanic reaction.

Metal needles actively influence internal organs and tissues through biologically important acupuncture points of the human body, while massaging the surface of the skin and contributing to the common health improvement.

Galvanic current therapy - a unique quality of the Applicator Lyapko: when applying the product on the skin the need for a pulse current to react between the needles, and the body undergoes a safe bioelectric treatment. This helps to get rid of inflammation, pain, speed up the regeneration of tissues and improve well-being.

Needle applicator has a very wide application.

With it, you can treat diseases of the skin, spine, joints, eliminate the pathology of the respiratory, digestive, endocrine, nervous system.

And often using a massager can significantly reduce the number of medications used.

The product operates as follows:

  • helps improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • improves working capacity;
  • relieves headaches, insomnia, excess weight;
  • reduces the time of rehabilitation after the traumas of the musculoskeletal system and operations.

This product allows you to try out an effective technique of acupuncture at home without special skills, without exposing your body to the risk of injury.

Choosing the right product

Today various kinds of Lapko applicator are widely represented in specialized stores and drugstores, differing in size, shape and distance between the needles.

Of course, this is a little puzzling how to choose a device, because you need to consider all these characteristics.

In addition, it is necessary to determine for what specific purposes a needle massager is purchased, to whom it is intended.

For children and people with high sensitivity of the skin, applicators with a small step between the needles (from, mm to, mm) will do.

The smaller the step, the easier the treatment procedure is tolerated.

For those who do not differ in their sensitivity to the influence of the massager, as well as people over 40 years of age, it is recommended to choose an applicator with spacing between the spines, -7 mm.

As for the size of the product, it all depends on which area of ​​the body the device will be used on.

For treatment of large areas (for example, back) a large rectangular or figured mat is suitable - it will act immediately on a set of acupuncture points.

For the treatment of small areas, it is best to choose small or medium sized applicators, since they are more convenient to use.

It is equally important to approach the choice of the form of a massager. Doing this is necessary taking into account the existing diseases:

  • For the back and abdominal cavity, with the pinch of the sciatic nerve, the largest rectangular mat Lapko or flat massager "Camomile with pain in the lower back, you can also use the belt "Baby" and "Satellite
  • for foot massage, the applicator is recommended in the form of insoles or needle roller;
  • the most suitable Lapko applicator for the neck is "Single" or "Chance
  • for point impact, the "Malysh" and "Sputnik" massager-plate massagers are shown;
  • Roller massager is useful for active use on the collar zone, waist, head, face;
  • Applicators "Magic tape" and "Sputnik" are recommended for wrapping limbs and joints.

Price - another important criterion when choosing an applicator Lyapko. The cost of the product increases in proportion to the size. So, the biggest needle mats can be purchased at a price of about 4000-5000 rubles, and devices of small sizes cost less than 1000 rubles.

How to use a massager

Experts say that the Lyapko applicator is one of the simplest and safest treatment and prophylactic massage devices, it can only do harm if the instructions for application. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to use the Lyapko applicator to not accidentally damage your own body. Observing the rules, you can achieve an exceptionally positive effect when treated with a massager.

The correct application of the product includes several aspects: the correct choice of the zone, duration and mode of influence. In addition, you need to closely monitor how the styling is applied to the applicator.

When using needle mats in the leech position, the body weight should be evenly distributed throughout the surface of the massager.

You can not place the product on an absolutely level surface: if you lie on the applicator with your back or neck, it is necessary to model the anatomical bends of the spine on it using rollers made from tissue.

When properly used, the tumbler may initially present slight tingling discomfort Needles, which then passes into a sensation of pleasant warmth, accompanied by a sense of relaxation, drowsiness. If there is noticeable pain throughout the procedure, this may indicate that the product is not suitable for you or is being used incorrectly.

For hypertensive patients and people with increased nervous excitability, the use of an applicator is recommended in the afternoon or shortly before sleep.

The time of action of a flat massager in this case will be from 15 to 30 minutes, the roller - 10-15 minutes.

For the weakened and elderly people, hypotension, those who suffer from excessive drowsiness and lethargy, the use of Lapko's massager in the morning is shown. The duration of the procedure with rugs and belts - 7-10 minutes, with rollers - 5-7.

Another important question is where to apply the applicator? The specific area of ​​the massage is directly dependent on the characteristics of the disease.

In the vast majority of cases, it is required to apply the Lyapko applicator to the area of ​​pain, that is, precisely to the place that worries.

So, with osteochondrosis, needle-shaped rugs fall all over their back or only the department that worries the most, and in case of violations of the work of the pelvic organs - on the lower abdomen and the sacro-gluteal region.

To accurately determine the necessary area of ​​exposure and the duration of the course of treatment, the instructions attached to the product should be followed exactly and, if possible, consulted with the doctor.

When the applicator can not be applied

Using the Lyapko applicator, it is very important to pay attention to the contraindications to its use. These include:

  • acute period of infectious disease;
  • damage to the skin in the application area of ​​the applicator;
  • acute surgical pathologies;
  • diseases of internal organs and systems in the stage of decompensation;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies, especially accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

In order to exclude any doubts about the possibility of applying the Lyapko applicator in any given situation, it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting a massage with a massage therapist. In the absence of contraindications, many doctors not only do not object to the use of the product in complex therapy, but are strongly recommended to resort to such a method of reflexotherapy.

A source:

Instructions for use of the Lyapko applicator: effects and feedback

Medicine has long known the fact that the condition of the patient with a variety of symptoms can be changed by affecting the nerve endings, thus stimulating the activity of the central nervous system and internal bodies.

One of the tools for such an impact in the home is the Lyapko applicator.

The instructions for using this remedy and prevention are fairly simple, but for each specific disease the conditions of use will be slightly different.

What is the value of the applicator

In order to understand the essence of the work of this technique, it makes sense to understand how this remedy is arranged.

In addition, the instructions for the application of the Lyapko applicator directly depend on the specific forms of the device.

The types of this massager can be different, but they all have a general principle of the device: the needles act as the main active element, and the rubber base is used for their attachment.

It is interesting that each needle is made of several metals: iron, gold, silver, copper, etc. As another feature that deserves attention, you can determine the distance between the needles.

If it is larger, the degree of influence on the body increases, with less tangible gaps, respectively, decreases.

This diversity is due to the fact that not for each person large gaps will be comfortable and practical.

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The essence of the impact

In the framework of this topic, it makes sense to understand how the Lyapko applicator works. The instructions for use against the background of this information will become more understandable and logical.

When the needles come into contact with the skin, the formation of electrical charges occurs, due to which the metal ions are able to penetrate into the cells of the body and be built into biochemical processes. Such an effect helps to fill the stock of trace elements that the body needs.

In addition, the innervation of the skin and circulation, which, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the internal organs. This is due to the pressure of the needles on the areas where the nerve endings and the skin itself, in particular.

Such a massager can be used independently for static impact on the body. And it is suitable even for those people whose skin is extremely sensitive.

Types of applicators

Initially, it should be noted that there are several sizes of this remedy, which allows a particular person to choose the most suitable option for him. At the same time, the price will change, but within reasonable limits.

Can also change and shape. In this case, the instructions for using the Lyapko applicator will differ depending on the particular type of device.

At the moment, different types are available, but the most popular are the following:

- mat;

- chamomile;

- satellite;

- roller;

- Speedway.

Each of them has its own specific impact. Therefore, before acquiring a specific model, it is better to consult a doctor who, understanding the patient's condition, will be able to give optimal advice.

When is the massager important?

There are certain groups of diseases in which the use of this applicator will be most appropriate. These are problems such as headache and toothache, various diseases of the spine, pain resulting from acute herpes and cellulite (increases skin tone).

Instructions for the use of the Lyapko applicator will be relevant for those who are faced with the acceleration of metabolic processes, pain in back, various joint diseases (osteoporosis, etc.), and also undergoes a recovery period after cardiovascular diseases.

But this area of ​​application of the massager is not limited.

Its use is more than justified in diseases of the digestive system, dental problems, skin diseases, as well as the endocrine system, drug and alcohol dependence, etc. This remedy is often used in cosmetology and in the process of weight correction.


Instructions for use of the Lyapko applicator contain all the necessary information in order to the owner was able to obtain the maximum effect from use and did not encounter any negative consequences. But in some cases, the use of such a massager is undesirable. These are the following states:

- a sharp exhaustion of the body;

- diseases related to the hematopoiesis system;

- physical abnormalities caused by a violation of the CNS;

- cardiovascular and respiratory decompensation;

- exposure to those areas that are affected by frostbite, burns or other factors;

- the presence of neoplasms and tumors of both benign and malignant nature;

- the second half of the gestation period;

- infectious diseases in the stage of decompensation and even more so in acute form.

Such contraindications need to be known, otherwise, counting on a positive result, you can face unexpected complications.

In addition to this information, it is worth paying attention to the storage conditions of the massager. They are few and they are very simple:

- If someone else uses the applicator, then you need to carry out disinfection.

- Treat the massager better with running water, while using detergent or soap. After, it needs to be dried, for which the hair dryer (preferably the effect of hot air) is perfect.

- Care must also be taken to ensure that the applicator is not exposed to heat.

Two categories of symptoms

Instructions for the use of the Lyapko applicator The principle of the massager should be disclosed to such an extent that it is possible to use its possibilities without special knowledge of physiology.

For this reason, it makes sense to pay attention to the following information. There are certain groups of symptoms in which the method of using the applicator changes somewhat.

For example, it may be the so-called deficiency symptoms. As a rule, they are a consequence of radiculitis, chronic degenerative processes, injuries and other health problems. They appear as follows:

- lowering of temperature;

- Deep numbness;

Pallor of the skin;

- Spilled, aching pains;

- Absence of reactions, decrease in sensitivity.

Replenishment of the missing energy is one of the priorities for which the instructions for the application of the Lyapko applicator are oriented in this case. The scheme of actions under such a situation is quite simple: applicators should be used within 30-40 min, and act on the organism by means of rollers on for 10-15 minutes.

There are also symptoms of excess. They look like this:

- temperature increase;

- sharp, intense pains;

- redness of the skin;

- Local swelling.

In this case, the instructions for using the Lyapko applicator are recommended to affect the problem area with a roller (7-10 min) or applicators (15-20 min). These procedures are designed to rid the body of excess energy and thus normalize its condition.

General Instruction

If plates are used in places like leg muscles, feet, head, chest, back, and waist, the duration of the massage should be within 10-30 minutes.

As for the method of using plates, it is very simple - they can be put on a specific area of ​​the body and pressed, say, a bag of sand.

The use of small massagers in places of pain localization is another principle that is relevant in the case of such a treatment tool as Lyapko's applicator.

Instructions for use, which greatly simplify the understanding of the process, allows the use of such plates in the interval from 10 minutes to 4 hours. And applicators, if necessary, can be worn under clothing, having previously secured them with an elastic bandage.

Also, the applicators help to significantly increase the effectiveness of therapeutic massage, if they are applied to a painful place just before the session for several minutes.

Another question that often interests people in the framework of this topic is the frequency of using the applicator during the day. There is no single answer.

The bottom line is that, depending on the specific problem and condition of the person, the use of such a massager can be tolerated only 3-4 times during the month, for others, there will be 1-3 sessions in day.

Therefore, you will inevitably have to consult a doctor.

Time of use

There are general principles concerning the duration of application of the applicator.

For example, if you have to deal with such problems as weakness, hypotension, drowsiness, poor health in elderly age, as well as a decrease in sensitivity, it is better to use the applicator for 7-10 minutes, and roller 5-7 minutes. And the optimal time of day for such procedures will be the first half of the day.

In case of irritability, increased blood pressure, insomnia, agitation, and intense pain, it is better to choose the second half of the day in order to use Lyapko's applicator.

Instructions for use reviews use as one of the key sources of up-to-date information.

And on the basis of work with various patients, doctors recommend using insoles, rugs and belts for 15-30 minutes with the above diagnoses, but for a roller it will be enough for 10-15 minutes.

How to choose

So, it is obvious that for effective use of a massager it is necessary to understand what the instructions for the application of the Lyapko applicator are. How to choose this remedy is also an urgent issue, which will allow you to purchase the most suitable model.

The first criteria during the selection are the sensitivity of the skin and the pain threshold of a particular person.

Those who suffer even a small impact is extremely difficult because of palpable pain, it is better to pay attention to applicators having a small distance between the needles. Such models will be relevant for children.

As for the massagers with a large pitch between the needles, they are ideal for those who are already over 40.

There is one more important point: if the goal is to acquire a model that will allow maximum therapeutic impact on the whole body, then instead of a rug, as often often unsophisticated buyers, it is better to buy a massager for stop. But if such an applicator is a source of unpleasant and even painful sensations, it can be replaced by a roller.

Features of "Camomiles"

This is one of the applicators, which needs to be given special attention. It is designed for those people who have large joints, and allows you to easily cover the surface of the body in a fold from different sides.

By the way, if anyone intends to find the most universal model of a rug, the best option is Lyapko's applicator "Camomile". Instructions for using this massager is extremely simple - it is fully applicable rules for working with plate models, which were described above.

The use of this applicator can effectively affect such problems as digestive disorders, pain in different parts of the body, pelvic and sacral diseases. It can be used even with a spleen (applied to the neck).

What is a roller?

In the photo, you can easily see the features of the structure of this applicator. It is fairly simple to use and extremely effective. In this case, this model is presented in three types: universal, facial and large.

If you want the impact of needles on hard-to-reach bends and small areas of the body, the best option is the Lyapko "Roller" applicator.

The instructions for use look like this: a large cushion is used for the abdomen, legs and hands, using a universal Models can eliminate absolutely different problems, and the facial applicator is better used as a means of cosmetology massage.


This type of applicator has a sufficiently large surface and is designed to affect large areas of the body. These can be hips, buttocks or back.

Such a model will be very useful for those who suffer from back pain and intercostal neuralgia. As a key area of ​​the rug's influence, it is possible to determine the spine, which makes the area of ​​its application obvious.

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Use such an applicator can be for completely different purposes, besides, it allows you to extend the impact of needles for several hours.


We figured out what Lyapko's applicator is. The instruction on the use of this massager and the principle of its impact were also considered by us.

As a result, it can be confidently asserted that this method of treatment is extremely effective.

With minimal financial costs, people with complex diseases can get a tool to safely neutralize complex symptoms.

A source: http://.ru/article/245933/instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-applikatora-lyapko-vozdeystvie-i-otzyivyi

The original product for the treatment and recovery of the body Applicator Lyapko: instructions for use for the treatment of diseases of the spine, the useful effect of multi-needle devices

Applicator Lyapko - the original product for the treatment and recovery of the body.

The device with metal needles and rubber stops affects the reflex zones and points, skin receptors, activates the immune system, reduces pain syndrome, accelerates recovery.

Applicators in the form of tape, rugs, plates, rollers, belts are actively used by doctors in the treatment of neurological disorders, diseases of the joints and spine.

With the help of a unique product, you can achieve good results in the treatment of sciatica, osteochondrosis, fractures and injuries, headaches, arthralgia, myalgia, other pathologies. P>

Applicator Lyapko: what is it?

Applicator, created by the doctor NG. Lyapko, has several options for impact on certain areas.

On the elastic rubber base is a set of needles made of several kinds of metal: iron, gold, zinc. Also on sale are mats, rollers with silver, copper and nickel needles.

To prevent excess pressure on the body, each device has restraints from medical rubber.

Applicator rollers and flat static applicators act on several zones:

  • basic;
  • auxiliary;
  • additional;
  • for processing the site along the spine.

In most cases, needles affect the pain zone, to enhance the therapeutic effect, reflexotherapy of auxiliary and additional sites is required. Mandatory impact on the spine area (main site).

Additional and auxiliary areas are often located opposite to the main zone. Strengthens the therapeutic effect of using the applicator for symmetrical sites on the healthy side.

Selection of the applicator Lyapko is conducted by the attending physician.The specialist determines the optimal needle pitch - 3-10 mm, recommends the appearance of the product, explains the rules for carrying out applications.

In orthopedic diseases, the appearance of neurological signs, most often the effect of multiple needles is on the back area, taking into account the area of ​​pain. Appliques can be fashioned practically on any part of the body, the main thing is to choose the type of product.

Indications for use

Many patients suffering from back pain, small and large joints, receive advice from a doctor for the application of the Lapko roller applicator, belt, rug and other types. The medical product is approved by the Ministry of Health, included in the list of means allowed for use in a wide range of diseases.

Reflexotherapy with the use of a unique product is useful in many pathologies:

In addition to diseases of the spine, joints, the original applicator is used as an additional element of therapy in the following areas:

  • therapy;
  • gynecological problems;
  • dermatology;
  • defeat of the respiratory system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • obstetrics;
  • dental problems;
  • elimination of negative impact on the body in the treatment of tobacco smoking and alcoholism;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

On a note!Applicator Lyapko used to improve efficiency, strengthen immunity, restore muscle tone, improve mood. For maximum effect, you need to select the optimal version of the medical product and the needle pitch, the correct arrangement of the rug, belt or roller.


In some diseases and conditions, you can not use a needle applicator. On reception at the doctor it is necessary to warn the expert about presence of chronic pathologies, pregnancy, to specify on complaints which can become restriction for carrying out of reflexotherapy.

Applicator Lyapko not apply in the presence of obstacles for procedures:

  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • the gestational age exceeds 4 months;
  • infectious diseases (acute and chronic form);
  • tumors of various types;
  • nevuses, vascular formations, skin damage in the application area;
  • diseases of blood, pathology of organs associated with hematopoiesis;
  • severe exhaustion of the patient;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, blood vessels, heart in the stage of decompensation.

Useful action

Application of needle applicators on a rubber basis positively affects the body:

  • removes or significantly reduces pain (chronic and acute) in the back, joints, neck;
  • Relieves from overexcitement or apathy in problems with the nervous system;
  • restores vitality and efficiency;
  • activates the immune system;
  • "Pushes" the body towards the development of internal medicines;
  • relaxes muscles when overexertion;
  • gives a pronounced therapeutic effect in many diseases.

Types of needlework

For the greatest effect, specialized pharmacies receive about 50 names of Lyapko applicators. The products have a different shape, size, needle pitch.

For the convenience of choice, each species has a specific name, for example, the applicator Lyapko Chamomile, Sputnik, Double, Rug-small and others. There are products for fat and thin people, to affect the cervical spine, the spine, lumbar, other areas.

How to choose: useful recommendations

Helpful Hints:

  • thin patients need a small needle pitch - 3-4 mm. With an average complexion and varying degrees of obesity, you need to choose a larger step. Many physicians consider the optimal option, -7 mm: a moderate effect plus a good therapeutic effect. Too thin people this option is not suitable;
  • for impact on the back you need a mat size 25 x 46 cm (the largest). Thin people are more suited to the option of combining three small rugs with a small needle pitch or two double mats measuring 10 x 46 cm;
  • for the neck we need varieties Sputnik or Chamomile, approximate size - 5 x 18 cm;
  • Lapko mat for impact on aching joints. A suitable variant is a kind of Chamomile with a diameter of 30 cm;
  • Lyapko's universal roller is used for any part of the body and head, the Big roller effectively affects the entire body.

How to use: instructions for use

It is important to follow several recommendations:

  • for the procedure does not need a perfectly flat surface. We need to bring the basis to the natural bends of the spine with rollers of towels and pillows of various sizes, create areas that repeat all the depressions and depressions;
  • decompose one or more products into "zones" corresponding to painful places on the body and additional areas;
  • now you need to gently lie on the needle surface, evenly distribute the weight of the body;
  • The first few minutes the body gets used to unusual effects, there is discomfort, but after 5 minutes in In most cases, the negative effect disappears, heat, tingling, pleasant vibrations in the zone procedures. Patients often say that they tend to sleep, the body relaxes;
  • if after 10 minutes the discomfort does not disappear or there are brightly expressed painful sensations, then you need to remove the medical product, after 6-10 hours repeat the procedure. It is possible to use the rug the next day. The main causes of unpleasant sensations: uneven loading on thin needles, movement of the body during the session (sliding off the mat). It is necessary to climb gently, gently drop onto the needlework again.

Application depending on the type of pathology:

  • trauma, fractures.The medical product is used on the nearest spine (15 to 30 minutes), then the effect is transferred to the site below or above the injured area;
  • osteochondrosis. The patient lays his back on the mat. To enhance the effect on the advice of a doctor, you can place needles in the entire area of ​​the lumbosacral region, cervical region, thoracic region;
  • pain in the neck, hands, heart zone, shoulder girdle.The pad of the Lyapko applicator is placed on a painful patch. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you must put the medical product on the feet and hands.

Important nuances:

  • with drowsiness, low blood pressure, general weakness, in old age, for weakened patients, optimal time of sessions is morning and time before lunch. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 7 minutes for the roller, from 7 to 10 minutes for the rug. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a longer application of the applicator with a simultaneous change in the needle pitch for a more delicate effect. The procedures are carried out for one to two weeks, the repeated course is allowed after 15-30 days;
  • with overexcitation, increased pressure, insomnia, acute pain, doctors recommend sessions after 14-15 hours or 40-50 minutes before bedtime. The optimal duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30 minutes (mat), no more than a quarter of an hour (roller);
  • with a chronic pain syndrome, doctors allow sessions for three to five months with several minimal breaks of 4-5 days. After a long course, patients note a decrease in tenderness in joints and a weakened spine, normalization of well-being, increased mood, vivacity and lightness in the body.


The price of the Applicator Lyapko depends on the type and size of the product:

  • the average cost of the rug is 1800-2000 rubles;
  • a roller can be bought for 600-1200 rubles.

The original product for reflexotherapy is not cheap, but it's important to remember the service life - up to 7 years or more.

With many diseases, the applicator reduces the pain syndrome without drugs, which reduces the burden on the kidneys, liver, intestines.

Needle-shaped product helps in strengthening immunity, gives vivacity, relaxes muscles, reduces manifestations of neurological pathologies.

With injuries and diseases of the spine, inflammation, degenerative changes in the joints, development pathologies of many organs and systems of physicians recommend a safe, highly effective agent - an applicator Lyapko.

The original multi-needle product with proper application, the selection of the optimal needle pitch gives good results.

- an overview of Lyapko applicators and useful recommendations on the use of the original needle product:

A source:

Application of the Lyapko applicator for the treatment of the spine: types, benefits and harm, instruction

With his appearance, the Lyapko applicator revolutionized the field of drug-free treatment and prevention of diseases of various human organs and systems. His name was given by the name of the person who invented this device-reflexologist N. G. Lyapko.

The device looks likemulti-needle mats, plates or rollerswith a rubber base, on which needles of silver, gold, copper, iron and other non-ferrous metals are installed. These metals are used as a coating for a base of iron or brass.

If you look closely, then on the perimeter of the needles and the edges of the applicator you can see the limiting bars, thanks to which the points can not injure the skin.

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This makes these products completely safe for humans, which in turn prevents the spread of infections by injection and acupuncture.

The therapeutic effect of these products are provided by the effects of acupuncture, massage and galvanic reaction.

The essence of acupuncture isin the effect on the reflex zones, which are present from birth in each person, as well as that occur on the skin with the appearance of diseases of internal organs.

Acupuncture therapy is very popular in China and Japan, but few people know about it in post-Soviet countries. To effectively affect the biologically active points of the human body, it is necessary to have a lot of experience and to have intuitive sensitivity.

Thanks to the same applicators, a large number of people have the opportunity to conduct reflexology sessions without resorting to the services of high-level specialists.

The essence of the active massage is reduced to the effect on the integumentary tissues to stimulate the flow of blood, to increase circulation in the diseased organ. Such an effect makes it possible to efficiently remove toxins from diseased tissues, as well as stimulate the production of vital substances.

Galvanic reaction- a property that only Lyapko applicators possess. This mechanism is based on the electrical conductivity of the skin.

When the needles penetrate the skin between them, an impulse current appears, which leads to the appearance of a phenomenon iontophoresis, which refers to the intake of substances into the body with the help of weak electrical currents.

At the same time, the missing metal ions are also introduced into the body, which allows maintaining a normal ionic balance.

Places of inflammation have puffiness, so they are selected as the first sites, which are affected by galvanic method.

As a result of exposure to short-term galvanic current, a mechanism is activated to increase life forces, as well as self-healing of the organism.

Indications for use

Given the capabilities that this applicator has, it can be used in almost any situation. However, specialistsrecommend to use it in the following cases, when he shows himself most effectively:

  • As a means of therapy and maintenance of normal functioning of the nervous, respiratory system, as well as the heart, GIT, treatment of sexual disorders and gynecological inflammations;
  • To combat pain in the spine, joints and muscles, as well as the treatment of headaches;
  • In order to enhance the impact of massage, manual therapy, as well as acupuncture methods. If the applicator is combined with the main treatment technique or used as a preparatory measure, it allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment in two to three times;
  • To reduce excessive stress, restore sleep, increase efficiency. They allow to accelerate rehabilitation after the traumas, operations and stressful situations;
  • With the help of applicators, you can partially or completely reduce the number of prescription drugs.

Types of Applicators Lyapko

For today in drugstores it is possible to getseveral kinds of applicators, which have a different shape, size and distance between the needles.

Due to the variety of forms with the help of these applicators, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the action.

To understand, the applicator of what form - three-dimensional or flat, will be most effective, it is necessary to consider what tasks it is necessary to solve.

For general improvement, rugs are recommended, as a means of local influence it is useful to use plates, belts, ribbons, insole and daisy flower. As a means for active massage, rolls and balls are recommended.

Depending on the size of the applicatorssubdivided into small and large.

  • The first have dimensions of 3 x 8 cm;
  • The second can be made in the form of rugs - 46x35 cm or tapes length, 5 m.

An important characteristic is the distance between the needles. The step value can be, mm mm mm, 6 mm and 7 mm.

  • Applicators with a small step, mm are indicated for the treatment of children, as well as people with a high threshold of pain sensitivity, and for use in locations of delicate skin.
  • Applicators with a step, mm or, mm apply for the treatment of the spine in adults under the age of 40 years.
  • Applicators with step, mm, and also 6 and 7 mm are indicated for the treatment of patients over the age of 40 years.

How to apply the applicator correctly: a short instruction

Applicators Lyapkohave a wide scope of application:they can be used for passive and active massage, as well as as a local agent, applying for the treatment of the zone of the waist, cervical collar, joints, head, foot and palm.

Usually massage of these areas is carried out in those cases when certain circumstances interfere with the effects on the main ones or the task is to strengthen the overall impact.

It is very important that the applicators are laid correctly, then it will help to correctly distribute the body weight over the entire surface of the applicator. This task is much simpler if you put cloth cushions and rollers under the bends of the spine and joints.

Within five minutes, discomfort replaces the sensation of tingling and heating the area of ​​exposure.

After some time, a person begins to feel a general relaxation.

When determining the duration of the use of the applicator, it is necessary to take into account the patient's condition, as well as the goal before it.

This procedure for weakened peopleshould be done before lunch, and she should last no more than 15 minutes in case of using overlays and carpets, and 5 minutes if the choice was made in favor of the rollers. If the patient is regularly disturbed by pain, irritability, insomnia, then the procedure spend in the second half of the day for no more than 30 minutes for rugs and not more than 15 minutes for rollers.

It is desirable that the course lasts for about 1-3 weeks. After each course, you need to take a break from 2 to 4 weeks. In some cases it is allowed to use the applicator and longer - up to 4-5 months.

If the applicators will be unevenly along the body, then as a result of the different force of influence on the body parts, a person can feelirritation and prolonged discomfort. If unpleasant symptoms do not pass within 15 minutes, you should immediately stop the procedure, and next time you need to work on a smaller area.

Recommended areas of use

  • For the treatment of osteochondrosis, the applicator is affected in the region of the back, waist and neck;
  • To combat headaches - in the neck, upper limbs, chest, feet and hands;
  • To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back affects the middle and lower parts of the back and abdomen;
  • When treating ARVI and bronchitis applicators can be used as a mustard, which is imposed on the chest area;
  • As a remedy for coryza. To do this, the applicator is placed on the back of the head and on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • Applicators for burning fat stores are very effective;
  • With varicose veins. For such situations, applicators are used by exposing the arms, the lumbar region, and the chest zone;
  • In the treatment of strokes. The applicator is placed on the spine, head and neck area.
  • As a means of therapy of angina pectoris. Affect the upper and middle parts of the chest, the heart area on the wrist + fingernail of the little finger.

Contraindications for use

In cases where the spinal column disease is chronic, it is likely that such procedures maylead to an exacerbation of the disease. Faced with these symptoms, the activity should be reduced and the duration of the procedures should be shortened.

Applicators for such purposes can not be used if a person has mental illness. A serious contraindication is cancer, as well as worsening of the state of health associated with the use of the applicator.

It is forbidden to massage the applicator on the injured limb, as well as in areas where there are signs of skin damage.

Reviews of patients and doctors about the applicator

To get an idea about the characteristics of any drug or medical device, one often has to rely on the feedback and recommendations of patients. With regard to Lyapko applicators, it can be noted that most of the casesspeak only positively.

Many of them are perceived as an effective means for relieving pain in the back, waist, restoring the neck, eliminating intestinal colic, getting rid of an evening headache.

People enthusiastically talk about these applicators, which is explained by their ease of use and high efficiency.

Carpets with needlesThis is a universal tool that can be used in any situation.

When choosing a product, it will not hurt to take into account the recommendations of doctors who also positively speak about these adaptations, being guided by the available experience in the treatment and the results achieved.

Usually, the specialists prescribe the Lyapko applicators to patients as an adjunct to the main medicamental treatment.

Applicators Lyapko - a very affordable device for the treatment of the spine at home, which is presented both in regular stores, and at Internet points of sale.

To purchase a universal roller, it will have to lay out 1000-1100 rubles for it. The price for Lyapko's rugs is 1200-2400 rubles, for insoles - 1300-1500 rubles, for chamomile - about 2000 rubles.


Today you can treat diseases of the spine not only with medicinal preparations. There are many fairly effective methods that do not presuppose the appointment of pharmaceuticals.

At the heart of the Lyapko applicator liesreflexology, which helps with a minimum of harm to the body to remove unpleasant symptoms, as well as cure the disease itself.

These products are very diverse and are available for sale in various forms, which in turn determines the degree of their impact on a particular site. They also differ in their value.

However, do not think that an expensive mat will be an effective solution to the problem, in some situations it may not justify itself.

Therefore, select the applicator Lyapko should a doctor who treats the patient.

He is well aware of the characteristics of the body and the disease itself, so it can choose the most effective type of applicator.

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