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Chronic tonsillitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Tonsillitis or tonsillitis is very often a disease that occurs in both adults and children. It is an inflammatory process that is localized in the palatine tonsils. Unfortunately, inflammation of the tonsils often turns into a chronic form of the disease and causes a lot of trouble for the patient, especially if it is a small child. How to cure chronic tonsillitis in a child and prevent the development of complications?

The causes of chronic tonsillitis in children

In most cases of tonsillitis, the cause of the primary disease and its subsequent transition to chronic form is the vigorous activity of bacteria that have got on it from the outside or "living" on it for a long time time. Most often this is a hemophilic rod and beta-hemolytic streptococcus, other microorganisms, as well as viruses can also cause inflammation, but this happens very rarely.

The causative agents of tonsillitis spread by airborne droplets, which means that you can get infected by contact with a sneezing and coughing patient.

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The cause of chronic tonsillitis in children can easily become frequent ARI, other colds and SARS, for which no measures have been taken. With repeated attacks of microbes, the protective forces of the tonsils gradually run out, and this leads to the development of chronic inflammation.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in children and their photos

Recognize the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in children is not at all difficult, since its manifestations are very characteristic.

So, you can suspect the presence of chronic tonsillitis by such local symptoms as:

  • reddening of the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • the increase and looseness of the tonsils;
  • purulent discharge on tonsils;
  • an increase in the cervical lymph nodes.

In addition to the symptoms listed above, the symptom of chronic tonsillitis is discomfort by time swallowing movements, bad breath, frequent headaches, a temperature of 37-3, and restless sleep.

Complications of chronic tonsillitis in children

Chronic tonsillitis in a child must certainly alarm parents, as it can cause the development of various complications. Collecting on the surface of the tonsils pathogenic microorganisms can easily spread throughout the body and settle on other organs.

The most frequent complications of chronic tonsillitis are:

  • rheumatism;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • kidney disease.

In addition, chronic tonsillitis in children, whose photo can be considered below, can cause allergic reactions:

How to treat chronic tonsillitis in children and the prevention of disease

How to treat chronic tonsillitis in children and prevent the development of complications?

In the usual form of the disease, conservative methods are used to treat the child, including:

  • general strengthening measures to strengthen immunity (physical education, balanced nutrition and hardening);
  • therapy with bacteriophages or antibiotics (provided that the tank is sown);
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (ultraviolet radiation, UHF, ultrasound).

Also, in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children, procedures are used to rinse the throat and irrigate the mucosa with various antiseptic solutions. It will help as soon as possible to wash out pathogenic microbes from the cavity of the throat and tonsils.

In especially neglected cases, treatment of symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults, when on tonsils are formed purulent plugs, resort to their removal of pus by means of a special tip and syringe. Also mandatory is antibiotic therapy, without which it is impossible to defeat pathogens.

The disease is very dangerous for the child's body, so it is very important to pay special attention to the prevention of the disease.

A set of preventive measures should include several mandatory measures:

  • adequate and timely treatment of the acute stage of the disease;
  • sanitation of the tonsils by a course 10 days after 14 days after acute tonsillitis;
  • seasonal courses of vitamin therapy.

Also a good effect gives the reception of air baths, dousing and wiping with cold water and systemic throat rinsing.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis. Treatment with folk remedies

Palatine tonsils are considered to be the only serious obstacle in the path of pathogenic microorganisms that spread by airborne droplets. Getting on their mucous membranes and lacunae, which are a kind of gate through which there is a special secret that opposes infections, microbes provoke a reaction aimed at fighting with them. In some cases, palatine tonsils can not resist the attack of the infection and inflame themselves. This phenomenon is known in medicine as angina.

Untreated inflammatory diseases of the throat and palatine tonsils can lead to such a phenomenon as chronic tonsillitis (the photo in the article is provided). This ailment appears in most cases even in childhood. What is this disease, what are the causes of its occurrence and symptoms, and how does chronic tonsillitis work? All this is worth discussing in detail.

Why does tonsillitis occur?

The appearance of tonsillitis contributes to several causes, including numerous acute exacerbations of the disease or frequent tonsillitis. It is interesting that chronic tonsillitis in a child in 90% of cases arises precisely for these two reasons, while in adult patients the list of provoking factors is much wider. These include:

  1. The high level of air pollution that a person breathes.
  2. High content of pollutants in drinking water.
  3. Reduced level of natural defense of the body - immunity.
  4. Systemic hypothermia of the body.
  5. Stress.
  6. Chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs: caries, sinusitis.
  7. An improperly formulated diet with a predominance of products containing carbohydrates and proteins.
  8. Systematic overwork.
  9. The presence of bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
  10. Hereditary predisposition.

Forms of the disease

With regard to such a disease as chronic tonsillitis, the opinions of specialists testify to the presence of several of its forms. Firstly, it is a recurrent form, which is characterized by the frequent occurrence of inflammations of the mucous pharynx, that is, angina. Secondly, it is a protracted form, in which the inflammation of the palatine tonsils proceeds sluggishly for a long period of time (up to 3 weeks). And, finally, the third form of the disease, in which exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and sore throats do not appear for a long time. Each form of the disease requires a special approach to the treatment and prevention of exacerbations. It is this knowledge that helps to understand how chronic tonsillitis is treated in each particular case and why this or that method is chosen.

Signs of the disease in adults and children

Chronic tonsillitis in adults and children manifests itself by various symptoms, which do not always directly indicate the presence of this particular disease. Let's consider the main ones. With an ailment known as chronic tonsillitis, in adults symptoms often resemble the usual fatigue and reduce to a constant headache, weakness and a significant decrease working capacity. This symptomatic picture is caused by intoxication of the body with the products of the vital activity of bacteria living on the surface of the palatine tonsils and inside them. The same manifests itself and chronic tonsillitis in the child. In this case, parents may notice that he is less able to absorb materials in school or kindergarten, become irritable and whiny.

The second most noticeable sign of having a chronic form of tonsillitis is the feeling of a foreign object in the throat. This phenomenon means that the lacunae of the palatine tonsils are blocked by large plugs consisting of caseous masses, which can also contain a small amount of food residues. As a rule, the appearance of such plugs is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth even in the absence of patients with carious teeth and with absolutely healthy gums.

Breeding in the palatine tonsils of staphylococci and streptococci can cause the appearance of unpleasant symptoms from the side practically all organs of the human body, as they penetrate from the affected tonsils into almost any part organism. Here are just a few of the symptoms that can disturb adults and children in the presence of chronic tonsillitis:

  • feeling of aches in joints and bones;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys, pain in their area;
  • disorders in the work of the heart, weak heart colic;
  • rashes on the skin that are not amenable to treatment;
  • a systematic increase in body temperature to subfebrile values.

It should be noted that chronic tonsillitis in adults and children manifests itself in many organs, but this is not means the absence of their pathology, since the microorganisms penetrated into them, unfortunately, cause an inflammatory process.

What is the danger of chronic tonsillitis if it is not treated?

The chronic form of tonsillitis is dangerous, first of all, by the fact that it quickly becomes the cause of various complications affecting many body systems. Produced by the pathogenic microflora inhaling in the tonsils, toxins affect cartilage and ligaments most often, because of which a sick person can constantly suffer from pain in the joints and muscles.

However, the most terrible is the relationship of tonsillitis with heart disease. This is due to the fact that the specific protein material synthesized by streptococcus in the tonsils is similar to the protein from which the connective tissues of the heart are composed. As a result of this similarity, immune cells begin to attack not only foreign cells, but also the heart itself, thus causing myocarditis or bacterial endocarditis.

The same causes are the basis for the emergence and development of diseases such as glomerulonephritis and rheumatoid arthritis. As you can see from the above information, you should not joke with such a disease as chronic tonsillitis. Symptoms and treatment of this disease require the most attentive attitude, otherwise its effect on the body can have serious consequences, especially in childhood.

Methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Let's consider some basic moments, how to treat chronic tonsillitis at the present time. It is worth reminding the readers that the methods of treating oral and pharyngeal diseases have changed somewhat due to the entry of high technologies into medicine. So, first of all, all ways to get rid of the chronic form of tonsillitis relate to conservative or surgical methods.

If 25-30 years ago at the time of diagnosis specialists tried to immediately resort to the removal of palatine tonsils, today ENT doctors try to use the maximum of ways to get rid of the disease with the help of medical technologies and medicinal preparations. It is caused by the fact that when the tonsils are removed the human body remains practically defenseless before infections transmitted by airborne droplets. In what features of these methods, we learn right now.

Conservative treatment of tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis (photo above) in the clinics begin to treat according to the following plan.

  1. Purification of lacunas of palatine tonsils clogged with pathological secret by means of a syringe or special device "Tonzilor". The first method is less effective and more traumatic than the second, so recently it is used only in medical equipment not equipped with medical devices.
  2. Effects on the tissues of the tonsils and the posterior wall of the palate by ultrasound, laser, vibroacoustic apparatus, medicinal solutions. This group of measures is aimed at eliminating the swelling of the tissues of the throat and palatine tonsils, reducing the number of bacterial microflora in them and improving natural trophism.
  3. Medicamental therapy, the reception of antibiotics and immunomodulators of synthetic or plant origin.
  4. The appointment of a diet aimed at preventing irritation of the tonsils and increased immunity.

Surgical removal of palatine tonsils

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults and children is surgically divided into tonsillectomies and tonsillotomy. As a rule, during these procedures, palatal tonsils are removed from both sides, and very rarely with only one. What are these surgical operations? Tonsilectomy is a complete removal of tonsil tissue, and tonsillotomy is a partial surgical excision of the tonsils. All without exception, operations to remove palatine tonsils are performed under local or general anesthesia.

Along with these two operations, some medical institutions practice so-called abscessesillesectomy, which is a surgical removal of tonsils against the background of a fully developed paratonsillar abscess. The main disadvantage of this procedure is a high level of soreness during as suppuration of the removed tissues becomes an obstacle for sufficient assimilation of anesthetics preparations.

Chronic tonsillitis: treatment with folk remedies

Another fairly common method, which is even more popular than conservative and surgical treatment of tonsillitis, is considered folk medicine, which absorbed the experience of the hundreds of generations that faced this ailment. There are hundreds of recipes that help to alleviate the course of the disease and even completely eliminate chronic tonsillitis. Traditional treatment is divided into an external effect on inflamed palatine tonsils and normalization of the internal atmosphere of the body, which helps it to cope with the infection itself.

To external means include pastes for tonsils, infusions or broths for gargling, poultices and compresses on the neck area of ​​herbs and other products. The means for internal use include tea, decoctions, tinctures and infusions, extracts, inhalations and much more.

External means for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis

In order to get rid of sore throat and inflammation of the tonsils with such a disease as chronic tonsillitis, treatment with folk remedies offers several fairly simple in performance of recipes. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. A poultice of dried flowers of violets fried in a small amount of purified vegetable oil. In a warm form, put on the neck in front and leave for the whole night. This method is applicable at any age, but it is not recommended for pregnant women.
  2. Propolis - one of the folk remedies, the effectiveness of which is recognized as official medicine. It can be used in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation. The easiest way: to keep for an hour a piece (1-2 g) of purified propolis in the mouth. In addition, you can use and infusion of propolis on medical alcohol (20 g per 100 ml of alcohol). Dissolve 10 drops of tincture in half a cup of boiled chilled water and rinse this composition with a throat 5-6 times a day.
  3. Paste for application to the tonsils. These preparations usually include parts of plants that have a softening and antimicrobial effect. For example, one recipe for folk medicine suggests using flax seed, mustard (not mustard powder!), Garden and parsley radish as a component of pasta, as well as a small root of horseradish. Chopping all the components to a dense mass, it can be slightly diluted with boiled water to make it easier to lubricate the tonsils.
  4. Inhalations using essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus and chamomile are carried out or customary in all ways using a pot of hot water, or with the help of a nebulizer. This method helps to eliminate inflammation and helps to reduce cough. It is worth recalling that the greatest effectiveness from the treatment of chronic tonsillitis by inhalations occurs if they are carried out during the period of remission, that is, in the absence of a pronounced inflammation in tonsils.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine is considered by many to be absolutely safe and harmless, do not forget that when applying certain recipes, serious complications can arise. To such "dangerous" methods of treatment, experts refer to the use of kerosene and other petroleum products for the removal of inflammation of the tonsils of the tonsils. Remember that such specific and not always justified means can lead to the most severe poisonings and burns of the digestive tract.

Drinks for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis

You ask: "How is chronic tonsillitis treated with tea?" It's simple! First, healthful drinks include a lot of very useful not only for the throat, but also for the body as a whole herbs. Secondly, medicinal drinks are much tastier and more pleasant to use than pastes, which have to be applied to tonsils, or frequent rinses. And thirdly, it's just delicious!

The most effective for chronic tonsillitis are beverages that contain beekeeping products: honey and propolis, as well as citrus, ginger, garlic and onions. Such components of teas and infusions help to fight not only with inflammation of the palatine tonsils, but also directly with the infection in them. Here are just some recipes of medicinal drinks, the use of which, according to folk healers, helps get rid of chronic tonsillitis.

  1. In a liter of warm boiled water add juice from two fruits of lime and two lemons, 10 tbsp. l. natural honey bees, stir well. Drink a drink during the day. This remedy can be used to treat patients from a very early age and during pregnancy, provided there is no allergy to the components of the beverage.
  2. In a glass of hot milk, add a pinch of turmeric and white ground pepper, stir and drink a drink before going to bed. It is necessary to consume this remedy within 3-4 days.
  3. To make ginger tea, you need a piece of ginger root the size of a thumb, a pair of medium-sized lemons, one large clove of garlic and honey to taste. The root is ground on a grater, the lemon and garlic are also ground and placed in a bowl, poured, l clean water. The mixture is brought to a boil and heated for half an hour, without giving much bubbling. After percolation, honey can be added to the drink. This tea can be used to treat chronic tonsillitis in pregnant women and children.
  4. In pregnancy, folk medicine advises to use as a medicine for chronic tonsillitis tea, which includes: 30 grams of dried leaves of plantain and wild mallow and the same number of roots althea. For 1 cup of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. of the prepared medicinal mixture. To insist a drink it is necessary in a thermos for an hour, and take 1/2 cup twice a day before meals.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis by people's methods is always more prolonged than with medications from the pharmacy. Therefore, choosing such a way to get rid of the disease, you must have patience.

Tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment in a child, photo

In normal catarrhal diseases, children can get sick up to ten times a year. Usually, these are viral pathologies, which are quickly eliminated by elementary means. However, some babies may develop a disease like tonsillitis. Symptoms and treatment in the child will be described in this article. You will find out what forms this pathology has. It is also worth mentioning what drugs are used to correct the patient's condition.

What it is?

How does the pathology called tonsillitis develop and what is it? Symptoms and treatment for the child will be presented to your attention below. Tonsillitis is a defeat of the tonsils and pharyngeal ring, which consists of lymphoid tissue. The task of this area is protection from microbes and viruses. That is why practically with every catarrhal disease a doctor discovers here redness and inflammation.

Tonsillitis is called angina. To some extent, this is correct. Bacterial damage to the tonsils - this is the purulent angina. However, in most cases, tonsillitis develops as a result of a viral disease. Pathology often occurs in an acute form. The more insidious enemy for immunity is chronic tonsillitis. Symptoms and treatment in children of this disease you will learn further.

How does the infection occur?

Tonsillitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which should be interrelated, occurs quite often. The first signs appear only 1-3 days after infection. Often it occurs by airborne droplets. This picture is typical for viral tonsillitis. Children who are in large groups (kindergartens, schools, sports complexes) are at particular risk.

If the pathology is of bacterial origin, then you can get infected by everyday means (through toys, personal items, hands). It is worth noting that such a course of the disease is more difficult. A few decades ago it could lead to irreversible complications. Chronic tonsillitis is not contagious, if it is not about exacerbation.

Tonsillitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Komarovsky is an experienced children's doctor. He says that these two concepts must be inextricably linked. Certainly, inflammation of the tonsils should be treated with appropriate medications. However, during the correction, drugs can be used to eliminate pain in the throat, as well as medications that reduce body temperature.

If the patient has no special complaints, then the use of symptomatic compounds can be excluded. Did the child have tonsillitis? Symptoms and treatment are known to every pediatrician. Depending on the manifestation of the disease, therapy is selected.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of tonsillitis in all children can be different. Some babies do not experience any anxiety, while others suffer all unpleasant manifestations of the disease. Symptoms of the disease vary greatly depending on its nature. For the acute course of the pathology, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • severe pain in the larynx, which becomes unbearable when swallowing;
  • loss of appetite and drooling;
  • febrile syndrome (the temperature can rise to 40 degrees);
  • hoarse and hoarse voice, often accompanied by a dry cough;
  • malaise, weakness and headache;
  • dyspepsia in the form of nausea and vomiting, intoxication;
  • reddening and enlarged tonsils;
  • when it comes to the bacterial form of tonsillitis, the glands show plaque in the form of dots.

The chronic form of the disease has a less aggressive course, but it is more unpleasant. With it, sometimes a constant body temperature in the range of 37-3 degrees is maintained. During the examination, loose loose tonsils are found, which, in fact, lose their protective functions.

Correction of the disease

You already know that tonsillitis (symptoms and treatment in a child of this ailment must be under the constant supervision of a specialist) is a fairly common disease. Therapy consists in the use of antibacterial compounds, immunomodulators, preparations for topical use and treatment of the throat. Sometimes prescribed antihistamines, antiviral and pain medications.

With the development of additional symptoms, appropriate therapy is performed. Correction of chronic tonsillitis is the general strengthening of the body and the immunity of the child. This can be done with the help of medicines or folk methods. Consider how, with such a disease as tonsillitis, the symptoms and treatment in children 2 years depend on each other.

Antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action

You have already learned which symptoms have acute tonsillitis. And treatment for children will now be presented to your attention. Almost always this disease requires the use of antibacterial agents. If the temperature increase and the accompanying symptoms do not disappear after 5 days, then the probability is high that the cause of the inflammation is bacteria.

Antibiotics are used orally and intramuscularly. Less often requires intravenous administration of drugs. The most common drugs used in therapy are "Amoxicillin "Flemoxin "Sumamed "Ceftriaxone" and so on. Sometimes treatment is accompanied by the use of antimicrobial medication "Biseptol" and the like. Antibacterial therapy for any disease involves the use of a complex of beneficial bacteria. It can be such drugs as "Lineks "Enterol "Hilak Forte" and so on. Check with your doctor.

Additional means in the treatment of pathology

Removing the pain, malaise and fever will help such compounds as "Nurofen "Paracetamol" or "Cefekon". These drugs are allowed to use even in young children. If the ailment causes painful pain in the throat, then the doctors prescribe the appropriate symptomatic drugs: "Geksoral "Tantum Verde "Chlorophyllipt "Miramistin "Gammidin" and others. It is always worth considering the age of the child, assigning them.

To eliminate intoxication in the baby's body, pediatricians prescribe the following compounds: Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb and so on. All of them are sorbents. They remove toxins from the body. A feature of their use is that you need to take a break in taking other medications 2-3 hours.

When a painful dry cough occurs during the illness, doctors prescribe inhalation. It is very good to inhale the vapors of ordinary mineral water. Alkali favorably affects the respiratory tract, as well as the throat and tonsils. If you do not have an inhaler, then you can take the drug "Gerbion" or "Kodelak Neo." They block the cough receptors.

To treat inflamed tonsils, medicines are always prescribed. These can be saline solutions that will have a healing effect. Often when tonsillitis is prescribed Lugol's solution. This drug is time-tested, but it can cause allergic reactions.

Chronic tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment in a child

This form of the disease develops when acute tonsillitis is not cured or simply ignored. Symptoms of chronic pathology are frequent illnesses, a constant pain in the throat. Immunity begins to weaken. The tonsils now become not the protective gates, but the source of infection.

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease can be carried out in several ways. many doctors recommend simply to remove tonsils. However, units agree to such an operation. Experts advise the patient to move closer to the sea. Salty alkaline air contributes to the early healing of tonsils. Treatment of chronic tonsillitis is to increase immunity. For this, you can use drugs such as Anaferon, Viferon, Isoprinosine, and many others. Often doctors prescribe restoring vitamin complexes, for example "Immunokind "Tonzilgon". Take them for a long time. In this case there will be a noticeable effect.

Correction of pathology can be carried out by folk remedies. This is the use of ginger tea, the adoption of decoctions of echinacea. Such compounds increase immunity and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Regular washing of tonsils promotes their purification.

If there is lymphadenitis in the case of chronic tonsillitis (enlarged lymph nodes), then it is worthwhile to contact the appropriate specialist. Normally, these areas can be restored up to three months. If the increase in nodes is observed longer, then appropriate treatment is required. It is prescribed on an individual basis with more serious medicines.

Conclusion of the article

Now you know what is tonsillitis in children. Symptoms and treatment, photos of some drugs are presented to your attention in the article. Remember that no medication should be taken without the appointment of a doctor. Independent therapy often leads to complications of the disease and the occurrence of adverse reactions. Treat tonsillitis on time, because the chronic form of the disease is very unpleasant and dangerous enough. Good health to you!

Tonsillitis: Definition, Symptoms and Signs of Disease

The term "tonsillitis" refers to the infection of the palatine tonsils.

Your tonsils are small, oval-shaped tissues located on either side of the back of the throat.

They are part of the immune system and help protect the rest of the body from microorganisms that enter the mouth.

But sometimes viruses or bacteria attack the tonsils themselves. If this happens, you will feel sick for a few days.

Sometimes the infection penetrates beyond the tonsils, causing sinus, rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases.

Many different bacteria and viruses can lead to tonsillitis.

In addition, you can easily get infected from sick people. Therefore, the answer to the question "is contagious is tonsillitis" is affirmative.

  • Bacteria that most often cause tonsillitis are called streptococci. These bacteria can also cause sore throat without affecting the tonsils.
  • Without special tests, it is impossible to say what causes the disease, bacteria or viruses. Symptoms are the same.


Surgical Antibiotics Drugs In Pregnancy In Children Folk Remedies

If you have one episode of tonsillitis, doctors call it acute tonsillitis. But if you regularly (five or more times per year) are sick with tonsillitis, this is a sign of chronic tonsillitis.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis occur in children more often than in adults. Girls can suffer from his relapses more often than boys.

Symptoms and signs of tonsillitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis include:

  • persistent sore throat;
  • redness of the glands and throat;
  • hoarseness;
  • difficulty of feeding (children);
  • pain when swallowing;
  • fever;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • headache, dizziness, weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen (due to swelling of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity);
  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • increased cervical lymph nodes;
  • white patches on the tonsils;
  • pain in the ear (from nerves that are in the back of the throat and go to the ear).

Less common signs of tonsillitis:

  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • "Fluffy" language (with a touch),
  • "Rotten" smell from the mouth;
  • problems with opening the mouth.

Bacterial, viral and purulent tonsillitis: causes

How does bacterial tonsillitis occur?

Bacterial tonsillitis (photo above) can be caused by a variety of different bacteria, but most often its cause is group A streptococcus bacteria. Tonsillitis can be acute and chronic.

In the past, severe bacterial infections, such as diphtheria and rheumatic fever, were the trigger for the onset of the disease. Fortunately, these days this happens very rarely due to vaccination and improved treatment of these diseases.

  • Tonsillitis is transmitted in the same way as a cold and flu. It is contained in millions of tiny droplets, which when coughing or sneezing "come out" of the nose and mouth of the infected person. Other people inhale these drops and become infected.
  • You can get bacterial tonsillitis by touching the place where such a drop landed, and then touching your face.

How does viral tonsillitis occur?

Microorganisms that cause viral tonsillitis include:

  • rhinoviruses - viruses that cause colds;
  • influenza virus;
  • parainfluenza virus - causing laryngitis and croup;
  • enteroviruses - cause diseases of the hands, feet and mouth;
  • Adenovirus is a common cause of diarrhea;
  • measles virus.

It is important to know

In rare cases, viral tonsillitis can be caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes inflammation of the glands. If so, the patient will probably feel very bad. During the medical examination, enlarged lymph nodes along the entire body and enlarged spleen will be revealed.

How does purulent tonsillitis occur?

Acute purulent tonsillitis is an acute non-specific inflammation of the palatine tonsils, often accompanied by pharyngitis. It is more common in children and adults under the age of 20 years. This disease requires compulsory treatment.

The main causes of purulent tonsillitis are:

  • beta-hemolytic streptococcus;
  • Pneumococcus;
  • a stick of influenza.

Pathogens are usually hidden in the tonsils and are activated when the human immunity is weakened by fatigue, cold or other causes. Then the pathogens quickly multiply and cause the disease.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis:

  • basically - a sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing, often with irradiation in the ear;
  • chills;
  • heat;
  • visible edema of the tonsils;
  • visually visible spots of pus.

This condition can often lead to an abscess of palatine tonsils.

Treatment of tonsillitis: bacterial tonsillitis and antibiotics

Antibiotics are used in the case of bacterial tonsillitis, whose treatment with their help is usually successful. But with viral illness, treatment with such drugs is useless.

The antibiotics of the penicillin group are most often prescribed. People who are allergic to penicillin can be treated with erythromycin. Reviews about erythromycin are pretty good, but you should not self-medicate. This drug should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

Treatment with oral antibiotics in duration takes 10 to 14 days.

  • Drugs containing antibiotics can be prescribed if the symptoms of tonsillitis become worse with time or the patient has a high temperature for a long time.
  • Studies have shown that treatment with antibiotics from tonsillitis can reduce the time of illness by about a day.
  • They also reduce the risk of complications, such as rheumatism, although complications in the treatment of viral and bacterial tonsillitis are rare in any case.
  • Diarrhea, skin rash or indigestion - frequent, but minor side effects of admission.

How to treat bacterial tonsillitis in addition to antibiotics

Home treatment

Treatment at home Folk remedies Rinse throat Inhalation Diet Propolis Chlorophyllipt Massage of tonsils Sea-buckthorn oil CollectionNo.37 Lugol

In addition to taking antibiotics, patients who want to know how to treat bacterial tonsillitis should provide their body with adequate sleep.

  • Patients should respond promptly to weather changes to maintain normal indoor humidity and prevent the body from subcooling.
  • Exercises that improve the body's ability to fight the disease are very useful in tonsillitis. But the degree of physical activity should be adjusted by the attending physician or the physiotherapist. Overstrain in tonsillitis is not the best help and so to the suffering organism.
  • Refrain from smoking during illness.
  • How to treat bacterial tonsillitis quickly and easily? Drink plenty of liquids (not alcohol) and eat semi-liquid foods at room temperature. Hot water or tea can temporarily increase unpleasant sensations in the throat.
  • Try to eat and drink regularly, even if your throat hurts. Hungry and dehydrated people experience symptoms such as headache and fatigue.

Viral tonsillitis and its treatment

If tonsillitis is caused by a virus, it is likely that the immune system will cope with it for several days.

At the same time, there are a number of things that you can do to help yourself or your child while treating viral tonsillitis.

  • With the help of paracetamol or ibuprofen, symptoms such as pain and fever can be alleviated. When taking medication, do not disregard the instructions on the package. Otherwise, you can incorrectly calculate the dose, then the remedy will not work or will have a strong side effect.
  • Patients with indigestion, stomach ulcers, kidney disease or asthma should not take ibuprofen.
  • If you are pregnant, give up ibuprofen and take only paracetamol in accordance with the instructions of a gynecologist or midwife.
  • Children under the age of 16 should not take aspirin.
  • Means such as lozenges and sprays (for example, Miramistin Spray) are often used in the treatment of viral tonsillitis, as gently soothe the unpleasant sensations in the throat.
  • Some people believe that gargling with a soft antiseptic solution can help alleviate sore throat, although there are no serious clinical studies regarding the effectiveness of the solution.

Than and how to treat tonsillitis in adults and children

If you have repeated attacks of tonsillitis or it interferes with daily life, the doctor can suggest the removal of tonsils.

This will be done during an operation known as tonsillectomy.

Most often it is carried out in case of tonsillitis in children.

Many doctors believe that than to treat tonsillitis regularly, it is better to get rid of it once and for all.

  • Removal of the tonsils is carried out under general anesthesia, you will sleep during the procedure.
  • Your mouth will remain open so that the surgeon can see your tonsils.
  • The surgeon will use a special scissors to remove the tonsils and then apply the soluble sutures to the wound.


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Than to treat a tonsillitis radically? Tonsillectomy is the answer to this question. This operation can be carried out in several ways:

  • With the help of surgical instruments. This is the most common method, in which a surgical blade is used to remove tonsils.
  • Diathermy. In this case, a probe is used that creates heat from the electric current to destroy tissue around the tonsils and remove the tonsils themselves. At the same time, heat seals the blood vessels and stops bleeding.
  • "Cold" ablation. The method operates on the same principle as the previous one, but uses a lower temperature (60 ° C). It is considered less painful than diathermy.

How to treat tonsillitis in adults: recovery after tonsillectomy

For those who suffer from tonsillitis and are interested in how to treat tonsillitis in adults once and for all, the answer is one - the removal of tonsils.

  • On average, after the operation, recovery takes 5 to 7 days. You may feel uncomfortable for up to two weeks after the operation.
  • People who have undergone tonsillectomy should refrain from attending work for two weeks. This will reduce the chance to "pick up" the infection from a sick colleague.
  • Speaking about how to treat tonsillitis in adults, we can not fail to mention that after tonsillectomy it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, but avoid acidic drinks such as orange juice, since they will "sting" the unhealed throat.
  • It is important after removing the glands to brush your teeth regularly, it helps fight infection in the oral cavity.
  • Pain sensations usually occur within the first week after the operation and gradually disappear for the second week. Pain in the ear is a side effect of tonsillectomy and does not give cause for concern.

It is worth noting

After the tonsils have been removed, a white coating appears in the throat. Once the throat is completely healed, it will gradually disappear. This process will take about two weeks.

Than to treat tonsillitis in a small child

Sore throat is a classic symptom of tonsillitis, but it may be difficult for parents to understand that the child has a sore throat if he can not speak yet. Watch for a decrease in appetite and saliva. Sometimes a child with tonsillitis may experience excessive salivation, because it hurts to swallow.

Than to treat a tonsillitis at the child till two years? The best treatment is symptomatic help.

  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help relieve pain and fever.
  • Offer the baby soft foods, such as bananas or pudding, and exclude from his diet tough foods such as toast.
  • Encourage fluid intake. With tonsillitis, the organism of babies can easily become dehydrated, because they do not want to drink, if swallowing causes them discomfort. Let them drink gradually, but often. Soup, ice cream and fruit ice cream are also counted as liquids.

Talking about how to treat tonsillitis in a child, it is important to say and about what to treat is not worth it. Antibiotics are usually not prescribed in the treatment of tonsillitis, because these drugs treat bacteria, and most cases of tonsillitis are caused by the virus.


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