What can not be done with genyantema

What will help with genyantritis?



Schema Treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis)
The preparation "Sinuforte" .--- very caustic drug, irritates mucous, I do not advise.
1. Antibiotics ---- amoxiclav 1000 mg. For 1 tabl. - 2 times a day for 7 days (or augmentin 875 mg. )
2. Sinupret 2tab-3 times a day. 10--14 days (improves the outflow-the exit of mucus, pus with sinuses) is a herbal preparation.
3 Rinsing the nose
You can wash your nose with salt solution or warm mineral water without gas, (or warm boiled) 2-3 times a day, only rinse better with a washing device nose (Dolphin or Rhinolife) or drip 2-3 pipettes, and well-marked, but in no case can not draw water into the nose and rinse with syringes. (since the water can get into the sinuses and auditory tubes,) or use the spray to wash the nose:
Aqua Maris --- Sea water,
SALIN --- Sodium chloride,
Humer-150 adults and children - undiluted, sterile, isotonic sea water for washing the nose.
4. In the nose - Polidex with phenylephrine for 1 injection-4 times a day for 7-10 days.

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5. Multivitamins
6. Erespal 1 tab - 3 times a day for 10 days (this is an anti-inflammatory drug)
You can try to do a cuckoo --- this procedure helps only if there is an outflow, the exit of mucus, pus.
Laura's consultation (you may need to do a sinus puncture - the doctor looks at the picture).
If you do not make a puncture, and it really is needed - then pus can be organized and there can be polyps, etc.
People's opinion --- It is worth piercing... and went went obsalyutno not true, so reason people who are far from lor diseases, and unfortunately some doctors.
Just the nose is a weak spot and the next time it is as soon as you have a cold first you need to drip drops in your nose.
Sometimes, if you do not make a puncture at the time, you can be treated for a long time and without any result, and the treatment costs 2-3 times more expensive for money.
Doing a puncture or not on the iris remains a trace, and on it you can determine what the person was sick and when.
The cause of sinusitis can be a severe cold or a bad upper jaw (odontogenic cause)
With sinus sinus can not be warmed
Be sure to contact your ENT doctor

Etoile Gayde

Breathe over the boiled potatoes, closing the blanket. Only in no case do not bury your nose, with maxillary sinusitis this can not be, otherwise you will only have to make a puncture.

Irina Kananyhina

chestnuts, they must be soaked in warm water, then cut out the candle and inserted into the nose, Pts. well helps. BUT the advice! it is better to go to the doctor


Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane, and sometimes the bone walls of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus.
Causes of the disease. Sinusitis is often accompanied by a common cold, flu and other infections. Infecting microbes, getting into the maxillary sinuses, located on both sides of the nasal septum, cause their inflammation.
Manifestations of sinusitis - pain in the area of ​​the affected (one or both) sinuses of the nose, "stuffy" nose with one or both both sides, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose, headache, a feeling of pressure on the head and eyes.
Folk remedies for the treatment of genyantritis:
In case of genyantritis, rub the skin over the inflammation spot with garlic, then rub the mixture of birch charcoal with the root of the burdock root for 20-30 minutes. 2-3 procedures are recommended.
Eggs boiled in a steep, hot to attach to the maxillary sinuses and keep until they cool down completely.
Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 teaspoon of a 30% alcohol spoon of propolis. Breathe in steam over this pot, covering yourself with a large towel.
Mix in equal parts by volume aloe juice, celandine grass and honey. Bury 3-5 times a day for 5-10 drops in each nostril.
The washed rootless root of black radish, grate on a fine grater, 1-2 tablespoons of gruel wrap in a slice cloth and put on a sore spot, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil or baby cream. Cover the top with parchment and wrap it with a scarf. Such a compress is done before bedtime for 10 minutes with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
1-2 drops of honey honey to enter into one, then into another nostril every 3-4 hours. Treat the treatment until you feel relieved.
In the morning or evening, lie down on the pillow and, having thrown back his head, dig into each nostril for 5-7 drops of melted butter. Then be sure to lie a little, about 5-7 minutes.
In acute and chronic sinusitis, dig in the nose 6-8 times a day, sea buckthorn or dog rose oil.
Mix plants in the following proportions: St. John's wort, medicinal sage, lavender spicery, eucalyptus globular, chamomile pharmacy - 2 tablespoons; a yarrow ordinary, a sequence threefold - on 1 table spoon. For 2 liters of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Take 100 ml 6 times a day. In the evening, do inhalations 4-6 times every hour.
To get rid of the headache that occurs as a result of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, use fresh cyclamen juice. The patient should lie on his back and put two drops of juice into both nostrils. The reaction occurs after 5 minutes: the patient begins to sneeze, cough, feeling strong heat in the body, sweat. After that, during the day, a thick yellow-green pus is released from the nose, which was the cause of severe headache. The patient begins a prolonged healthy sleep, after which the disease begins to recede.
With sinusitis, boil an incomplete water kettle, put into it 1 tablespoon of honey, cover with a large towel and breathe then one, then another nostril. Do 9 procedures.
Squeeze the juice of aloe vera - 2 tablespoons, calanchoe pinnate, highlander and vortex onion - 1 tablespoon. Mix and drip into the nose. Dripping into the left nostril, turn the head to the left for 30 minutes, then drip into the right nostril and turn the head to the right for 30 minutes. After that, warm up the maxillary sinuses with a blue lamp or just before the electric stove and go to bed.
200 g of grated spruce gum, 1 onion, 15 g of copper sulfate and 50 g of olive oil, mix and bring to a boil, cool. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with the resulting ointment. Ointment has a warming property, so it can also be used to treat bruises, abscesses and bone fractures.
Diet. In the acute stage of the disease, if the temperature is raised, it is better to give up solid food, and drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Carrot juice or its mixture with juice of a beet and a cucumber, or juice of a spinach is useful. For a cocktail, take 100 ml of cucumber juice and beetroot or

@ springtime ...

Antibiotics. It is possible and drops in the nose, but only everywhere with a handkerchief, do not sniff!


Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinus often occurs during the common cold, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
Symptoms: Unilateral nasal lining, mucous or purulent discharge, decrease or loss of smell. Feeling of raspiraniya in the cheek and forehead. Pain when pressing in the frontal sinus. Sometimes they worry about toothaches. There may be swelling in the area of ​​the affected sinus. The temperature rises.
Traditional methods of treatment: Bed rest, at the temperature of taking aspirin, drops in the nose. In order for the drops to enter the middle nasal passage (where the sinuses open), the patient's head should be thrown back and turned toward the diseased sinus. In addition, heat is applied to the cheek and forehead.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Grind small bulb pulp with hot honey water (mix 0.5 cups of water with 0.5 teaspoon of honey), insist, wrapped, 3-4 hours and strain. The resulting infusion wash the nose several times a day.
2) Peel the bulb, cut into several pieces, put on a bandage, then fold the bandage, attaching it to the nose so that a part of the onion is under both nostrils, and tie it to the back of the head. It is especially good to breathe onions while sleeping.
3) Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, dig into each nostril 5 drops of tincture of the prickly throat (sold in pharmacies). Inulin, in large quantities contained in the plant, perfectly helps in the treatment of sinusitis.
4) Rinse the nasal cavity with warm water with the addition of a small amount of iodine tincture or manganese.
5) If you have pain in the nose, ears, head, bury the black radish juice in your nose or insert a tampon with radish juice into your nose.
6) Wash the sinuses of the nose with 5% infusion of calendula flowers.
7) Inhale fir vapors (sold in pharmacies).
8) Before going to bed, take 0.5 cup decoction of herb Leonurus (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
9) For sinusitis it is recommended to use the juice of celandine and chamomile taken in equal amounts. Bury or inject into the nasal cavity 2-3 times a day.
10) Brew in 0.5 liters. boiling water 2 tablespoons herb tea (sold at the pharmacy). Bring to a boil and leave for 30 minutes. Take 0.3 glasses 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
11) In case of polyposis inflammation of the sinuses, the juice of celandine and chamomile are taken in equal proportions. Bury in the nose.
12) Wash the sinuses of the nose with a 5% infusion of calendula flowers.
13) Before going to bed, take , cup decoction of herb Leonurus (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
14) Bring to a boil of 200 gr. powder of spruce resin, 1 crushed bulb, 15 gr. powder of vitriol and 50ml. olive oil, mix thoroughly. Ointment is used for compresses on the area of ​​the inflamed sinus.
15) Take in equal quantities the fruit of the dog rose, the grass of the horsetail, the roots or the roots of the grass grass (sold in the pharmacy). 1 teaspoon of collection pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 8 hours. Dilute with boiled water and drink like tea 1 glass 3-4 times a day in a warm form.
16) Chew pieces of honeycomb, then spit them out.

Man - you are Peace, you are Eternity.

Someone lives there! We are masters for bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites... Unfortunately. And if the k-alkaline balance is violated, their aggression is obvious, otitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, eczema, arthritis, bursitis, cysts are born, bones grow. .
It is effective not to treat, but to cleanse the body, systematically 100% natural program Kolo vada plus. Strengthen immunity.
To restore the acid-base balance in the body, to eat 100% natural food, to drink 2.5 liters of pure water a day.
Disease is the result of a violation of the body as a whole. A violation in the body comes from poisoning the body with toxins, coming from outside and outside the products of the vital activity of microorganisms.
Refuse to eat. Abundant drink with lemon, cowberry, 2 liters of clean, warm, structured water.
Tea with echinocice, licorice. Sorbents-protection of the kidneys from intoxication
10tab of coal or 1t of an assortal, any others. And then strengthen the immune system.
All the problems in the body depend on the psychology and "purity" of the intestine. The body needs to be cleaned 2 times a year from poisons and toxins. Then, to strengthen immunity, there is a unique product modeling immunity Molozevo, Shark liver fat, Bark of ant tree. Mega acidophilus is a friendly bacteria.
Our body is a self-regulating system, it is enough to correct the cellular nutrition and increase the rate of consumption of living water.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and, of course, as with all inflammations, they take antibiotics. My sister was given injections of "Cefotaxime" diluted with lidocaine. For washing, dilute 2 tablets of furacillin into a glass of water and swirl one by one in one nostril, then into the other.

[email protected]

Recipes are very much given, you can choose any. I liked the answer in number 3 more. I also know one brutal recipe - to take a glass of freshly prepared boiling water at the tip of the Golden Star knife and breathe the steam from the glass. Make a tube for the nose area. Get well!!!

Valeriya Yusupova

My husband had a protracted runny nose in sinusitis. They offered a puncture, but we refused. The treatment was lengthy. A good result was from the Cinnabsin tablets. They removed inflammation and puffiness. The mucus began to come out. We avoided the puncture.

Marina Kravchenko

And I was treated with Cinnabsin. Of all that I tried, these pills proved to be the most effective. In the autumn I accept for prophylaxis, so that there are no exacerbations.

Sinusitis. What to do?!



First of all, do not use oil droplets.
First you need to wash the nasal ducts. Glazolin and naphthysine in the complex. Three times a day. But do not get carried away, or you can sit down on them.
Well helps to wash the nose with beet juice (fresh). You will sneeze for a long time, well, it's not scary. If the nose after these procedures will dry, use thuya oil.
But in general, now be attentive to your nose. With a slight clogging, you can use aloe juice.
Punctures do not need to be done, especially if you have not given birth yet.
And in any case, do not. Otherwise, they will have to do them all the time, even the food will be poured into the nose.
So I say, because she has maxillary sinuses. A puncture was done to my father. Now he suffers.


take bady checked

Alex Capote

I was pierced for the first time in 12 years. After a few more times.
Nothing, still alive.


Treated! And in general, I wash it for life, it's only worth a cold!

Denis Getman

I had chronic sinusitis.. . And I was made a puncture.. . But this is not a chronic chronic. .
There is a folk remedy after which the genyantritis is no longer manifested in me!
We take a bulb of Cyclomene (a kind of violets - sold on the market) rub it on a grater finely.
Flesh wrapped in gauze and squeezed into a glass. We collect water (preferably boiled) at room temperature a little. Mix in the propion 1 to 1 with the juice of the cyclamen! (it is important! Juice is poisonous!) And bury in 1 and the second nostril for 1 drop (NOT MORE!) Pain ACTS!!! it is possible to raise the temperature to 40 degrees.. . The procedure is to repeat the days 3 - 4... All the sinusitis you will not ...

Company Peresvet-Avia

Yes lan it's not such a global problem! It is better and faster to treat it in the hospital by puncturing if there is a lot of pus or cuckoo and more homeopathic shots. In this in everything there is no need to worry!


I know!!!! Recently, a boy of 1, 8 months wanted to do a piercing, but fortunately it turned out. And cured with eucalyptus oil. Doctors are simply stunned with surprise!!! !
It costs only 372 rubles. Do not try to buy a current in the pharmacy. This is the minimum program. And so you can have a whole complex.

Elena Kosherina

sinupret - is in tablets;
rinse your nose, ask the drug DOLPHIN;
you need to be like magnets.
I think that all this doctor should have prescribed to you.

Olga Pal-na

washed with salt water, there is a special device in the pharmacy, it's like a pear. Aka - then the Yaroslavl scientist was thinking. It helps a lot. And you can just rubber pear. To put in and in a nose, then to be poured over a dish, will follow. After that, drip into the nose a gel drop with an antibiotic. And what now doctors do not treat sick people?


I had a similar situation in my childhood. Already put in hospital for a piercing, but my mother did not give. And she treated me because she was heating buckwheat in a frying pan, and poured a bowl into my gauze and warmed my nose. Plus, they did a nose wash with salt and plus in hospitals they went where a special apparatus also did washing. So the main thing is not to despair, there is always a way out. Good luck and health!

Alexander Minin

half a year ago made a puncture - 5 days wore a catheter, did not help, although they did in a good clinic, experienced doctors. Now I will never go to do a puncture, there is a course of injections, and other methods, and folk, in any case go to the doctor, can and piercing will help, but I do not advise.

Nastasya Kareglaza

At me not a genyantritis, but a similar hogwash. The genyantritis at my mum. In general, this disease is chronic, so that treat, that does not treat, little use. He disappears for a while, and then again appears. Punctures do not advise. Doing them will have more than once, and the procedure is not pleasant. You can live with this, there is nothing terrible there. You just need to adjust and always carry drops from the cold. Namely, I can advise: drops on the oil basis (Tizin - very good), as well as Nazol (with menthol) or Ximelin. I myself use the latter, although it is quite rare. Drops cause rapid addiction, so often do not advise to drip them, only when the nose is very laid. In general, everyone has his own method. Someone helps, someone else. Try different options, something will definitely work. Good luck and health!

What NOT to do with sinusitis?


Open Company "Rigel"

Leave the disease alone. Yes, and you can not warm up. Necessarily to drip in a nose vasoconstrictive that there was no stagnation.
And it's better to see a doctor!

Denis Ageev

warm one's nose


Overcool, walk in cold weather without a headdress and generally avoid all that can catch a cold.


I recently had sinusitis, it's a terrible thing, I even made piercings, I do not want this!! ! So be treated in all possible effective ways!. Rinse your nose!

Alexander Shutov

to breathe in one's nose

Angel in the flesh

warm one's nose


To be engaged in a selftreatment, to heat it is impossible, and independently to wash it is dangerous.

Inhalation with genyantritis

inhalation with genyantritis

SinusitisIs an infectious-inflammatory disease in which the maxillary sinuses of the nose are affected. It is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as intense pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, irradiating in the forehead and jaw area and increasing when the head is tilted forward, runny nose, fever. Treatment of this disease is carried out in a complex way, including inhalation can be recommended for sinusitis, which are promoted by:

  • removal of edema in the nasal sinuses;
  • liquefaction and prompt removal of mucous secretions;
  • relief of nasal breathing, etc.

When you can do inhalation with genyantritis?

Inhalation of sinusitis can not be performed without medical evidence, these procedures should appoint a specialist after the examination. First of all, the doctor reveals whether the patient has contraindications to the administration of inhalations in sinusitis, including hypersensitivity to drugs that can be used for procedures. In the appointment of inhalation takes into account the age of the patient, the nature of the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, etc.

Especially effective are inhalations at the initial stage of the disease, but it is worth remembering that this method must necessarily be combined with other methods of treating sinusitis.

What inhalations to do at a genyantritis?

With genyantritis, both steam and aerosol inhalations can be recommended. Steam inhalations are the simplest and most affordable way of treatment, for which kitchen utensils (pots, kettles) or special steam inhalers can be used. However, this method has its drawbacks:

  1. The inhalation of hot steam can cause uncomfortable sensations.
  2. There is a risk of a burn of the nasal mucosa.
  3. It is forbidden at an elevated body temperature.

The use of a nebulizer for inhalations is preferable because of the safety and minimum contraindications. Inhalation nebulizer means uniform spraying of the drug, which easily wilts in the airways, without causing any uncomfortable sensations.

Inhalation should be performed after cleansing the nasal cavity twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is not less than a week.

Solutions for steam inhalations for sinusitis

At home for inhalation with sinusitis, you can use the following recipes:

Treatment of sinusitis with inhalations with laurel leaf:

  1. 30 large bay leaves pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave to infuse for an hour.

Inhalations with decoctions of medicinal plants. To conduct the inhalation, you need 4 tablespoons of one of the following herbal preparations boil over low heat for 5 minutes:

  1. Leaves of plantain, mint grass, celandine grass in the ratio 2: 3: 2.
  2. Flowers of marigold, eucalyptus leaves, raspberry leaves in the ratio 1: 1: 3.
  3. The herb of St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, celandine grass in the ratio 1: 2: 3: 1.

For the inhalation procedure with essential oils, add 4 to 7 drops of one of the essential oils per liter of hot water:

  • fir;
  • pine trees;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • peppermint;
  • geraniums.

Inhalation with genyantritis nebulizer - recipes

For maxillary sinusitis, inhalation with a nebulizer should be performed with a particle size of 10 μm or more. For the procedures most often used such medicines:

  1. Vasoconstrictive drops (naphazoline, xylometazoline, etc.) - 4 - 5 drops of the drug to dilute 2 - 3 ml of saline. Inhalationinhalations for sinusitis with nebulizer recipesspend twice a day, the course of treatment - no more than a week.
  2. Nasal spray Isofra (antibiotic) - one injection of the drug in a container with 2 - 3 ml of saline. The procedures are conducted 2 to 3 times a day for up to one week.
  3. Nasal aerosol Bioparox (antibiotic) - the method of application is the same as in paragraph 2.
  4. Nasal Spray Polidexa (a combined preparation that has vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect) - the method of application is the same as in points 2 and 3.


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