Generalized osteoarthritis: what is it?


  • 1Generalized osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 1.1Causes of the disease
    • 1.2The main symptoms of arthrosis
    • 1.3Treatment of the disease
  • 2What is generalized osteoarthritis: the types, symptoms and methods of treatment
    • 2.1What is this and the code for μb 10
    • 2.2Causes and Symptoms
    • 2.3Primary and secondary generalized osteoarthritis
    • 2.4Possible complications
    • 2.5When disability is possible
    • 2.6Treatment and prevention options
  • 3Generalized osteoarthritis - treatment, disability
    • 3.1Stages of osteoarthritis
    • 3.2Primary and secondary generalized osteoarthritis
    • 3.3Characteristic localization
    • 3.4Manifestations and symptoms
    • 3.5Treatment of osteoarthritis
    • 3.6Medication
    • 3.7Non-pharmacological methods
    • 3.8Acupuncture
    • 3.9Physiotherapy
    • 3.10Good reviews about healing with healing baths and mud
    • 3.11Arthroscopy
    • 3.12Atrodesis
    • 3.13Replacement of the affected joint with an artificial joint
    • 3.14Folk methods
    • 3.15Physiotherapy
    • 3.16Generalized osteoarthritis and disability
    • 3.17Definition of disability groups
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Primary generalized osteoarthritis - symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, disease prevention, video
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Diagnostic Methods
    • 4.3Treatment of primary generalized osteoarthritis
    • 4.4Drug therapy
    • 4.5Folk remedies
    • 4.6Surgical intervention
    • 4.7Prevention of disease
  • 5Generalized osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 5.1Causes of the disease
    • 5.2Kinds
    • 5.3Symptoms of pathology
    • 5.4Treatment of generalized osteoarthritis
    • 5.5Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.6Soda, salt, honey, mustard
    • 5.7White clay
    • 5.8Horseradish
    • 5.9Disability
    • 5.10Prevention

Generalized osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment

  1. Causes of the disease
  2. The main symptoms of arthrosis
  3. Treatment of the disease

Osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis, arthrosis) is a joint disease, often accompanied by inflammation, leading to deformation and destruction of articular cartilage.

Osteoarthritis is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system in elderly people of our planet.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), our country is among the top ten states in which osteoarthritis is most common among the general population.

According to the estimates of employees of state medical research institutes, almost all residents of the country over the age of 65 have symptoms of arthrosis. Over the past 20 years, approximately 50, 00 people of working age have been disabled due to the consequences of this disease.

Most often, arthrosis affects the joints of the hands and feet.The most severe consequences are the lesions of large joints - knee, shoulder and hip.

If the disease affects 3 joints or more, it is characterized as generalized osteoarthritis.

Untimely treatment of generalized osteoarthritis always leads to rapid disability of a person.

Causes of the disease

According to medical classification, depending on the number of affected joints, osteoarthritis occurs:

  • local;
  • generalized.

Depending on the cause of the occurrence of local arthrosis there are 2 types:

  • idiopathic (primary);
  • secondary.

Idiopathic, or primary, is called deforming osteoarthritis, the specific cause of which is not established during the diagnosis.

This type of arthrosis is most often attributed to joint cartilage damage, allegedly caused by:

  • hereditary factors;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • other hard-to-explain phenomena.

Secondary is called osteoarthrosis, which has an obvious cause of occurrence.

To a similar type of arthrosis is the deformation of the articular cartilage, caused by the following factors:

  • injuries;
  • congenital dysplasia of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammatory processes in the joint caused by various infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, encephalitis, etc.);
  • inflammatory diseases caused by impaired immunity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • metabolic disorders.

Generalized arthrosis, depending on the cause of the appearance, has 2 varieties:

  • primary polyostoarthrosis;
  • secondary polyostoarthrosis.

Primary polyostoarthrosis is a systemic disruption of the musculoskeletal system caused by uncertain factors.

Secondary polyostoarthrosis is a systemic disorder of the musculoskeletal system caused by metabolic disorders, such as:

  • ochronosis;
  • pyrophosphate arthropathy;
  • gout.

The main symptoms of arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is most often manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • crunching at flexion and extension of the limb;
  • restriction of mobility of joints.

Pain in arthrosis can be of 4 types:

  • starting;
  • mechanical;
  • dull night;
  • constant.

Start pain, as a rule, occurs at the beginning of the movement and lasts for 10-20 minutes. It is caused by friction, which occurs when small fragments of cartilage and bone enter the joint space.

After several active movements, these fragments are pushed out into the articular bag, and the pain passes.

After the physical activity ceases, the fragments return to the cavity and are again deposited on the rubbing surfaces.


Mechanical pain occurs at the end of the day and passes during rest. It is caused by a decrease in the amortization capacity of the cartilage. This is the most common type of pain in patients suffering from arthrosis.


Dull night pain occurs in the first half of the night. It is associated with increased intraosseous pressure as a result of venous stasis.

Constant pain indicates the development of synovitis and spasm of the periarticular muscles.

Synovitis is a complication of osteoarthritis, which can lead to complete deformation of the joint. Its main signs at an early stage except for pain is a small swelling of the joint and its stiffness in the mornings.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of primary generalized osteoarthrosis depends on the degree of destruction of cartilage and begins with diagnosis.

To determine the exact stage of the disease, 3 basic diagnostic methods are used:

  • X-ray examination;
  • arthroscopy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

After an accurate determination of the stage of the disease, conservative therapy is prescribed. Usually it pursues several goals, among which:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • prevention of further destruction of cartilaginous tissue.

To reduce inflammation and pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug drugs (NSAIDs), among which selective and nonselective inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX 1 and 2).

It should be noted that NSAIDs have significant deficiencies, they negatively affect the functioning of the liver and can lead to the development of a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

The safest ones are:

  • celecoxib;
  • nimesulide;
  • meloxicam.

The most common in medical practice:

  • diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • aspirin.

Chondroprotectors are used to prevent or slow down the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, such as:

  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine sulfate.

These drugs give a good result, however, glucosamine sulfate is prescribed only by short-term courses, because with long-term use in large doses can lead to pancreatic atrophy glands.

In the event that osteoarthritis has reached the last stages and conservative therapy does not help, surgical treatment is prescribed.

In particular, the best effect is provided by endoprosthetics of affected joints.

Despite the high cost, endoprosthetics helps to completely relieve the patient of suffering and restores the person's ability to continue working.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

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What is generalized osteoarthritis: the types, symptoms and methods of treatment

Generalized osteoarthritis is a complex degenerative process of musculoskeletal involvement.

The danger of the disease is the simultaneous weakening and deformation of several joints.

The dynamics of the development of the disease is rapid, and a slowdown in treatment can lead to a loss of human performance.

What is this and the code for μb 10

Osteoarthritis is a disease in which the cartilage tissues of the joints are destroyed.

Under the influence of certain factors, collagen production ceases, which acts as a building material for cartilage.

Cartilage tissues gradually become thinner, the interarticular crevice becomes narrower. There is a friction of bones that provokes intolerable pain and disability of a person.

There are early and late stages of osteoarthritis. In the first case, only tissue thinning occurs. The patient experiences unpleasant sensations, but is able to work.

Treatment at this stage can bring significant relief. The second degree is characterized by fusion of the bone tissue of the joints. Seals arise, osteophytes appear (bone spurs).

With such a course of illness, the patient can not fully exist.

The wording "generalized osteoarthritis" means multiple lesions.

If in ordinary cases one joint suffers, with the generalized pathology, several deformations occur at once.


The body can simultaneously suffer from pain in the knees, hands and hip joint. Osteoarthritis and its generalized form are dangerous to humans.


The code for generalized osteoarthritis is M15.0. Thanks to the international registry, it is possible to obtain information on the number of patients around the world. Generalized osteoarthritis in μB 10 is a common disease.

Causes and Symptoms

The origin of the disease is associated with a variety of factors. This can be the effect of unfavorable external factors, a hereditary history of the disease. Most often, the development of pathology affects:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • transferred bone disease;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • overweight;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • congenital anomalies of development.

Symptomatology of the early period is little expressed, manifested periodically. A person can suspect the development of other diseases of the spine and joints. As the disease develops, the symptoms are more pronounced, and the attacks are more frequent.

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At the beginning of the disease, there are periodic attacks of aching pain in the joint area. They arise after physical exertion and disappear at rest. After awakening, a stiffness is felt, which disappears as soon as a person comes into motion.

Due to the further destruction of the interarticulate cartilage, pain attacks show up more often. In the joints there is a characteristic ringing crunch. In the late stages of the disease, even at rest, the patient suffers discomfort.

Accumulation of bone tissue leads to constant pain and loss of mobility.

Because of the variety of symptoms and their similarity with other pathologies, only an experienced specialist can diagnose deforming osteoarthritis.

A person should seek help. In the later stages of the disease, it is almost impossible to fix something.

The patient loses the ability to physical activity and a full life.

Primary and secondary generalized osteoarthritis

Depending on the cause, which influenced the development of pathology, there are two types of generalized osteoarthritis - primary and secondary.

Primary generalized osteoarthritis, which is also called congenital or idiopathic, occurs primarily because of the anatomical features of the human body.

Primary arthrosis develops as a result of weakness of the musculoskeletal system or degenerative processes of the cartilaginous tissue.


Primary arises more because of excessive physical exertion, treatment should be carried out in a complex manner.


Secondary osteoarthritis and its generalized form develops against a background of other diseases of bone-cartilaginous tissue. It occurs if the actual treatment of arthritis, dysplasia, metabolic disorders and other ailments has not been carried out.

Regardless of the cause that triggered the disease, this type of arthrosis is a serious pathological ailment. Late stages bring constant pain, impaired functionality of the musculoskeletal system. These factors become key in assigning disability groups.

Possible complications

Untimely treatment of a doctor in case of development of generalized osteoarthritis can lead to a number of complications dangerous for human health and life.

The patient faces the following diseases and processes:

  1. Ankylosis. Characterized by a complete lack of mobility of the joint as a result of splicing of bone or cartilaginous tissue. Requires the patient to constantly take painkillers. Treatment is mainly related to surgery.
  2. Hemarthrosis. This process is associated with internal bleeding in the joint. Appears suddenly accompanied by acute pain and swelling.
  3. Synovitis. Inflammatory process of the joint membrane. There is a accumulation of fluid that causes swelling. Most often affects the knee joint.
  4. Osteonecrosis of the condyle of the thigh. The condition indicates necrosis of the joint tissues. It is accompanied by pain, inflammation, and limits physical possibilities.

There are many other forms of aggravation of arthrosis, which pose a danger to the health and life of the patient. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease and untimely medical care lead to the development of serious adverse consequences.

When disability is possible

Disability is attributed to a person after confirming the fact of limited physical possibilities due to a certain disease.

The initial stages of arthrosis do not give such a result.

In some cases, the diagnosis of generalized osteoarthritis can be a reason for contacting the appropriate authorities.

From the point of view of medicine, a person suffering from this ailment quickly encounters the problem of limiting physical possibilities. After the destruction of cartilaginous tissue and bone fusion, the phenomenon of immobility occurs, which significantly affects the quality of life.

There are problems of independent movement. If the bone tissue of the upper and lower extremities is affected, the patient becomes disabled, can not service himself in elementary things. Generally, osteoarthritis, almost always, provokes disability.

To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to seek help as soon as the first signs of malaise have appeared. In the early stages it is possible to kill the disease without harm to health.

Treatment and prevention options

Treatment of this form of arthrosis consists of conservative methods of therapy and radical surgery.

Regardless of the method of treatment, the main task in this matter is to stop the degenerative processes in the tissues of the joints.

It takes into account the need to restore the old working capacity, eliminate pain symptoms and treat associated diseases.

Drug treatment can eliminate an undesirable phenomenon without the need for an invasive intervention.

The drugs of the group chondroprotectors, non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and medications to eliminate pain symptoms are applied. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules and powders.

Intramuscular administration of drugs is possible. The effect of such treatment comes much earlier, but lasts longer.

In recent years, the method of using hyaluronic acid has become popular, which, after administration, begins to function as an interarticular fluid. The result of such an event appears after 3-5 sessions, and the effect lasts about a year.


A special diet is used, a complex of exercise therapy, restorative techniques are used according to Dr. Bubnovsky.


Some people resort to the help of traditional healers who try to treat the disease by domestic methods, prepare drugs from medicinal plants.

Folk treatment is a rather dubious way of healing, therefore it is not approved by doctors.

To prevent the emergence of generalized osteoarthritis, several recommendations should be followed:

  • be in physical activity;
  • own body weight;
  • do not overcool;
  • Healthy food;
  • observe the regime of the day;
  • wear quality comfortable shoes.

Compliance with simple rules will avoid the risk of a dangerous illness of the musculoskeletal system.

This form of arthrosis needs timely diagnosis and treatment. The longer a patient delays an address to a doctor, the more difficult and dangerous his condition becomes. To prevent such problems with health, you need to contact a specialist when the first signs of ailment appear.

Arthrosis Diagnosis Complications Osteoarthritis What to Do

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Generalized osteoarthritis - treatment, disability

It is customary to call generalized osteoarthritis, in which at least three joints are affected. At the heart of the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis itself is the primary degenerative change in the tissue of the articular cartilage with its thinning, ulceration and possible complete destruction.

In the generalized form of osteoarthritis, the defeat of symmetrical joints is characteristic. The second name of this pathology is Kellgren's disease.

Stages of osteoarthritis

The osteoarthritis of any joint passes through the following stages

  • Early. A progressive pathological change in the structure of the cartilage is characteristic. It becomes thinner, the joint gap becomes narrower.
  • Late. Continuing destructive changes in cartilaginous tissue. Deforming changes in articular surfaces of bones are added, and pathological growths of it appear - osteophytes.

Primary and secondary generalized osteoarthritis

Primary generalized osteoarthritis develops as a result of congenital disorders of the structure of the articular cartilage tissue, as well as its ligaments and muscular apparatus. Therefore, even a small load becomes excessive for the joint. Slowly and progressively, it collapses.

With primary osteoarthrosis, the process of joint destruction is faster than in the secondary. The disease can be observed at a young age. Accelerate the course of the pathological process, a significant physical load and menopause, when there is an additional deficiency of calcium.

Secondary generalized osteoarthritis is formed and progresses due to various injuries in the anamnesis, as well as against joint diseases, metabolic disorders.

Characteristic localization

The following joints are affected mainly by osteoarthritis:

  • carpal;
  • joints proximal to the thumbs on the arms and legs;
  • intervertebral;
  • hip;
  • brachial.

Manifestations and symptoms

Characteristic for osteoarthritis is a gradual onset with periodic manifestations of symptoms. Over time, the disease progresses and its symptoms become more pronounced and specific.

  1. Pain. At first they are not intense. Characteristic of their occurrence when moving in the joint, with an increase in intensity by the end of the day. At rest, the pain becomes less or completely disappear. As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies, becomes permanent. In a later period, there are night pains.
  2. Feeling of stiffness in the joints. Such a feeling appears after sleep. During the day it passes. Stiffness can appear in the day, if it was preceded by a long stay in peace.
  3. «Crunch". Characteristic of the feeling of crepitation, which occurs when moving in the joint and is not accompanied by pain.
  4. Deformation of the joints. The manifestation of thickening on articular surfaces, caused by the growth of the bone.
  5. Limitation of mobility in the joint. This manifestation arises at later stages of the disease and is manifested by a decrease in the volume of possible movements.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Generalized osteoarthritis is a constantly progressive disease.

Its treatment has as its goal the slowing down of the process of pathological changes in the joints, the reduction or complete relief of the pain syndrome, the improvement of the functioning of the affected joints.

Constant competent treatment is able to cope with such tasks. Unlike the primary, secondary osteoarthritis is better treatable.


This kind of task is the coping of pain, the inhibition of the inflammatory response of the body, the slowing down of destructive changes in the joint, chondroprotection. Traditional medicine uses the following groups of drugs.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They give a good anti-inflammatory effect. This is also due to their analgesic effect.
  • Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They are used when the use of NSAIDs is ineffective.

Important role is played by chondroprotectors, drugs that stimulate the reparative function of cartilage. A good effect will require a long reception.

Non-pharmacological methods

They are recommended to be used as an addition to traditional treatment.


Constant pain leads to constant muscle tension, which also contributes to the formation and maintenance of pain. This method helps to relax the group of muscles responsible for movement in the affected joint.

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It includes laser therapy, thermal heating of stressed muscles. Its goal is also to relax the muscles and anesthetize. Massage is used for the same purpose.

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Surgical intervention is carried out with a pronounced progression of pathology and no effect from other methods of treatment.


It is almost a bloodless method, when two small incisions are made, through which manipulations inside the joint are performed.


It is a variant of palliative tactics. It is in the rigid fixation of the joint for the relief of friction of articular surfaces and the occurrence of pain. The operation is carried out in the late stages, if drug therapy does not give the desired effect.

Replacement of the affected joint with an artificial joint

This output is offered when the others are ineffective. However, it is effective. Today, operations to replace joints have reached a high level of skill.

Folk methods

They are also aimed at reducing pain, arresting muscle tension, slowing the progression of the disease.

  • Rastirka from the walnut partitions, infused with alcohol or vodka.
  • The leaves of the plantain, recently ripped off, are tied to the joint for the night.
  • If pain, inflammation and swelling of the joint are expressed, then cold compresses are recommended. Ice in polyethylene or in a heating pad through a fabric impose on joints for 20 minutes.
  • Wraps with honey joints at night. The joint is smeared with honey, wrapped with a cloth and removed in the morning.
  • The crushed horseradish root is effective in compress or rubbing into aching joints.
  • Powder of white clay, mixed with any oil to the consistency of sour cream. The mixture is used for grinding or compressing.


This non-drug method is very effective in combating pain, and with impaired mobility of the joints.

Correctly chosen exercises and responsible attitude to their regular implementation has a significant curative effect.

The goal of exercise therapy is:

  1. strengthening of the muscular corset around the affected joint;
  2. optimization of blood circulation in cartilage and articular surfaces of cartilage;
  3. the development of movements in the affected joint, which reduces the onset of a feeling of "stiffness" in the joint.

Generalized osteoarthritis and disability

At the MSEC, when deciding on disability, those who have osteoarthritis progress rapidly, which is confirmed by roentgenologic examination, are sent for at least 3 years. At the same time, exacerbations take place at least three times a year.

Patients are also sent after surgical treatment, with disorders that limit their vital activity. And also those patients who have violations of the possibility of standing and walking.

Definition of disability groups

  1. For the first group of disability is characterized by a complete loss of the ability to move without outside support, self-service, labor, training.
  2. The second group of disability is characterized by a significant restriction of the ability to move and service itself without outside support or accessories.
  3. The third group of disability is appointed with a moderate restriction of the ability to move. In order to overcome small distances, considerable effort is required, long stops. As a rule, these are patients with coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree.

Unfortunately, this kind of arthrosis can not be cured. However, competent and timely treatment can achieve good results: to stop pain, slow the progression of pathology, improve the functional capabilities of joints.

A source:

Primary generalized osteoarthritis - symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, disease prevention, video

For osteoarthritis, joint cartilage is characterized. This ailment, in which several symetrically aligned joints are simultaneously subjected to changes, has another name - Kellgren's disease.

When the pathological process begins to affect the entire joint with a similar clinical and morphological picture, it acquires the form of a generalized one.

If time does not slow down the destruction of cartilage, it will lead to its complete loss.

Causes of the disease

The emergence of generalized osteoarthritis is caused by various factors, among which are both hereditary causes or poor environmental conditions, and other phenomena.

Based on the study of patients' medical records, scientific research in modern medicine, depending on the nature of the origin of the pathological process, it is customary to separate two forms of the disease:

  • Primary (congenital, idiopathic) osteoarthritis. The appearance of an ailment is facilitated by the weakness of the muscular apparatus or the congenital pathology of the cartilaginous tissue. Exercised exercise leads to the onset of the disease, since thin, weak tissue can not withstand excessive loads. The onset of menopause in women also provokes the onset of the disease.
  • Secondary deforming osteoarthritis. The development of an ailment that leads to the destruction of cartilage often provokes the resulting injury, or if the patient already has there are: joint dysplasia, endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism), arthritis, which are accompanied by impaired metabolism substances.

The frequency of symptoms in generalized osteoarthritis and their similarity to other joint pathologies causes difficulty in diagnosing, especially in the early stages.

Only when Kellgren's disease begins to progress, the symptomatology acquires a pronounced character, indicates the defeat of the joint and the destruction of the cartilage.

The development of the disease is indicated by specific symptoms:

  • Complaints of pain when moving or towards the end of the day, which pass at rest.
  • With the rotation, movement of the joints, a characteristic "crunch" (crepitation) appears.
  • A prolonged state of rest leads to joint stiffness.
  • Pathology manifests itself in the form of thickening because of the proliferation of bone tissue.
  • In the area of ​​the affected joint, pain sensations increase, become permanent.
  • In later stages, joint mobility is limited.

Diagnostic Methods

With a large number of clinical manifestations that indicate the presence of pathology, the doctor can correctly diagnose and reveal the degree of generalized osteoarthritis.

In addition to the anamnesis, the treating doctor will prescribe radiography, but even a snapshot is not always capable of showing destructive changes.

The results of clinical studies - blood and urine indicators - do not reflect the development of pathology.

Treatment of primary generalized osteoarthritis

Idiopathic generalized osteoarthritis is referred to the category of incurable diseases.

To reduce pain and slow down the process of destruction of cartilage, traditional medicine uses a systematic approach based on different methods of treatment.

Medical facilities are aimed at improving the quality of life, and although idiopathic osteoarthritis can not be cured completely yet, improving the functioning of affected joints helps:

  • drug-free (preventive) measures,
  • medications,
  • folk methods,
  • surgery.

All measures without the use of drugs are aimed at eliminating the factors that cause generalized osteoarthritis.

One of the most common methods of drug-free treatment is non-traditional methods that help to correct defects, but also help to reduce body weight.

As an adjunct to drug therapy, its effectiveness in practice has been proven:

  1. Physiotherapy, which includes procedures for magneto- and laser therapy, the course of thermal procedures to slow the pathological process.
  2. Acupuncture, helping to reduce pain and relax the muscles of the deformed joint.
  3. Mud treatment, hydrogen sulphide or radon baths.
  4. Massage, designed to eliminate muscle spasms, relax the muscles and return mobility to the joint.

Drug therapy

The use of medicines in the fight against generalized osteoarthrosis presupposes a complex effect of analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents. The drugs of the first group help to quickly remove the pain, and the second - to eliminate the symptoms, slowing down the process of destruction of the cartilaginous structure and deformation of the joint:

Analgesics in the treatment regimen:

  • Analgin (metamizole sodium) - tablets, which help to remove pain in 20 minutes after taking. With Kellgren's disease, no more than three tablets per day are prescribed. Uncontrolled use of the drug can cause seizures, kidney colic, impaired consciousness. Without the prescription of a doctor analgin can not be taken more than 3 days.
  • Paracetamol is an analgesic with a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly absorbed, having a curative effect for four hours. Produced in the form of tablets, syrup, suppositories, capsules. Dosage is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

The group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs included:

  • rumalon (used in the early stages of the disease, is administered intramuscularly);
  • Arteparone (helps repair cells of damaged cartilage tissue);
  • indomethacin (quickly acts, removes pain, reduces swelling);
  • meloxicam (effective in acute form, rapidly absorbed and characterized by prolonged action);
  • ibuprofen (often prescribed in minimal doses, short course, especially patients with impaired renal, liver and elderly functions).

In the treatment of osteoarthritis, non-steroid drugs are sometimes replaced with corticosteroids, which are introduced into the area of ​​the deformed joint.

The prerequisites for injections of hydrocortisone, metipred, prednisolone are the intensification of pain sensations, the change of soft tissues around the joint.

Long-term therapy with potent drugs (glucocorticoids) in case of illness is not expedient due to side effects.

Folk remedies

  • Ointment from leaves and flowers of lilac is used in the treatment of generalized osteoarthritis to slow the destruction of cartilage. As soon as the lilac will blossom, you need to collect its leaves and flowers, it's good to dry them. The resulting raw materials are ground into powder, mixed with olive oil until the consistency of sour cream. This ointment significantly improves the patient's condition, relieves pain, helps to slow the development of pathology, goes well with other medications.
  • To stop the pathological process of folk remedies, compresses, rubbers, ointments are used. They should be selected taking into account individual tolerance, the treatment course is at least four procedures. A proven prescription for taking the acute stage of the disease - compress at night. To make it, you need to take one tablespoon of mustard, honey, salt, soda, mix, smear the affected joint with a gruel and bandage it. In the morning remove the compress, wash the medicinal mixture with water.
  • Inflammation, characteristic of idiopathic disease, helps to remove white clay, the powder of which (100 g) is mixed with any vegetable oil to the state of gruel. As an addition to other medical devices, with pain complaints, the mixture is gently rubbed into the joint, left for several hours, and then washed off.
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Surgical intervention

If generalized osteoarthritis progresses, and the medicines and methods used do not bring the desired effect, then the doctor resorts to radical measures.

The case history, when a patient has this diagnosis in advanced stages, is also a direct indication for surgical intervention.

To improve the quality of life, relieve the patient of pain, slow the development of the pathological process in generalized osteoarthritis help:

  • Arthroscopy or bloodless method, when the surgeon makes two small incisions and through them conducts manipulations with the affected joint.
  • An arthrodesis is a kind of operation that involves creating conditions for the complete immobility of the joint. It is necessary to relieve manifestations of inflammation and pain syndrome.
  • Endoprosthetics or replacement of the affected joint with a qualitative artificial prosthesis. The achievements of modern surgery allow this type of surgery to be performed even with complicated forms of idiopathic osteoarthritis. To stop the destruction of cartilage, the doctor performs a surgical procedure using bisphosphonates, similar in characteristics to bone minerals.

Prevention of disease

With the congenital form of generalized osteoarthritis, it is impossible to prevent the disease, but it is realistic to slow the development of pathology.

Even when the diagnosis is confirmed or the disease receded after the use of medical means, prevention should not be abandoned.

Therapeutic gymnastics is capable of performing miracles, even in patients with advanced stages of the disease the doctors recorded an improvement in the condition. Movement, the right set of exercises - all this helps to resist the destruction of cartilage.

The method of PIRM (post-isometric muscle relaxation), methods of manual therapy, techniques of applied kinesiology - these practical developments are successfully used for the prevention of generalized form osteoarthrosis.

They help to strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, reduce the burden on the affected joint, depending on the degree of manifestation of pathology.

Some of them are based on the knowledge of oriental healers, so when generalized osteoarthritis helps to quickly eliminate pain, effectively slow down the destruction of cartilage.

The pathology, which affects the articular cartilage, has a different origin, so it is difficult even for an experienced physician to put a correct diagnosis in osteoarthritis.

Kellgren's disease traditional medicine can cure without a radical method only at the initial stage. Pain, complaints of swelling - these symptoms are manifested irregularly, which is dangerous and a disease that destroys cartilage.

Pathology can develop for years, and in the absence of treatment, the chance of recovery remains minimal. What is the disease, see the video in more detail:

A source:

Generalized osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Osteoarthritis is a disease that represents degenerative changes in cartilaginous tissues. It develops against the backdrop of inflammatory processes in the joints.

There are several forms of this disease. One of the most severe is generalized osteoarthritis, its code for the ICD is 10 - M15.

What this form of pathology is, how to treat it, should be considered in detail.

Causes of the disease

This pathology is a lesion of paired joints, such as knee, ankle, elbow, hip joints, the bases of the hands, phalanges of the fingers.

That is, deformities undergo both deeds of the body. For generalized osteoarthritis, one joint is not affected. This form has another name - Kellgren's disease.

It can develop for the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • congenital pathologies of joints and cartilages;
  • weakening of muscles and ligaments;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes.

Most common osteoarthritis is observed in women during menopause, as well as in people whose professional activities are associated with excessive physical exertion.


This pathology is divided into the following types:

  1. Primary generalized osteoarthritis. It develops as a result of congenital pathologies of articular and cartilaginous tissues or due to weakened muscles.
  2. Secondary generalized osteoarthritis. It is a complication of other diseases of the joints and cartilage, such as gout, ochronosis, arthropathy. An irritating factor in this case is a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Symptoms of pathology

In the early stages, generalized osteoarthritis is difficult to detect. Because the symptoms are sluggish. Over time, the patient can feel such pathological changes:

  • painful sensations in the charters, especially in the evening or after excessive physical exertion;
  • stiffness of movements, is more pronounced in the morning;
  • uncharacteristic crunch at the moment of flexion and extension of joints;
  • small seals in the affected area, they arise as a result of the growth of bone tissue.

With the passage of time, the pain intensifies, it can disturb even in a state of rest. When the generalized form is started, asymmetry of the joints is observed.

Treatment of generalized osteoarthritis

In order to normalize the patient's condition, complex treatment is used. It includes the use of such types of impact:

  1. Drug therapy. It consists in the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve inflammation, and also contribute to the removal of pain. Also, the doctor prescribes the use of chondroprotectors. They are aimed at restoring cartilaginous tissues. The patient can take and vasodilating drugs, because they improve local blood circulation.
  2. Physiotherapy. For a person with affected joints, physical exercises that will help improve joint mobility, as well as relieve pain, will be useful. A specially trained instructor will help you choose the most effective set of therapeutic exercises.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures. In combination with drug therapy, they help relieve pain in affected areas, improve their mobility. For this, the following procedures are used: electrophoresis, massage, magnetotherapy, laser treatment.

A positive result can be achieved only with regular complex treatment. Because each method of influence has its function.

Which doctor treats this disease? In order to get rid of it, you should consult a rheumatologist, an arthrologist and an orthopedist.

Treatment with folk remedies

In complex therapy, non-traditional methods of exposure can also be used. As an independent method of treatment, they are not suitable, since they are aimed solely at relieving pain and inflammation.

Soda, salt, honey, mustard

To prepare a medical compress, you will need 1 tbsp. l. of all ingredients. They should be mixed thoroughly. Apply to affected areas of the body, fix with polyethylene and bandage. Leave for all night. In the morning rinse with cool water.

White clay

To prepare an anti-inflammatory ointment, take 1000 g of white clay, mix with a small amount of refined sunflower or olive oil to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Rub massages on the resulting mixture into the affected areas of the body.


Root the horseradish grated on a fine grater to the state of gruel. Apply to sore spots. You can use this tool as an ointment or compress at night.

Before using alternative medicine to treat a generalized form of the disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It will help to choose the most effective recipe, as well as evaluate its effect.


Are people with this diagnosis given a disability? This disease is characterized by the defeat of three or more joints.

For the passage of the commission for the receipt of disability only those patients are sent who have the disease progressively progressing for 3 years.

The confirmation of this pathological process is the photographs of the radiography made during this period of time.

Also, people with disabilities due to active development of osteoarthritis can not claim disability and can not move fully and be in a horizontal position. After the appointment of a disability, the patient must confirm his condition every 6 months. If there is a dynamic to recovery, disability from such persons is removed.


In order to avoid defeat of cartilaginous tissue, it is required to adhere to such rules:

  • to lead a mobile way of life;
  • Healthy food;
  • give sufficient time to rest;
  • In a timely manner, contact a specialist if you experience any ailments.

Even if the disease has already affected cartilage and joints, such measures can hamper its development.

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