How does the spasm of accommodation manifest in children?
Spasm of accommodation is a functional impairment of vision. The disease occurs because the ciliary muscle is shortened for a long time. Spasm of accommodation leads to a decrease in visual acuity. Pathologies of this type often develop in children. In this case, the child can not clearly see objects located in the distance. With the spasm of accommodation, it is impossible to perform painstaking work: the organs of vision experience a serious load.
1Definition of a symptom
4Possible complications
Definition of a symptom
The second name of spasm of accommodation is false myopia.
The fuzzy vision of distant objects is due to the fact that the ciliary muscle is constantly strained. In children, spasm of accommodation is often diagnosed in second place after myopia. At the initial stages, the pathology is reversible. But if you do not adjust vision or constantly postpone treatment, there will be short-sightedness.
What is accommodation?It is a mechanism in which the eye focuses on an object that is in the distance. If the organs of vision are healthy, the accommodation is normal. In this process, the ciliary muscle, the lens and the eye ligaments are involved. The ciliary muscle has a complex structure: it consists of many fibers.
Accommodation to the distance is characterized by muscle relaxation.If a person tries to focus on the near objects, the fibers of the eye begin to experience tension. Ciliated muscles also strongly strain. The ligaments become weak, the lens is twisted. Against the background of such reactions, refraction of the eye is intensified.If there is a spasm of accommodation, the eye muscles do not relax.The ciliary body is constantly shrinking.
If the ciliary muscle does not relax, there is a violation of blood supply. Later, chorioretinal dystrophy may occur.
Physiological spasm of accommodation- The reaction of the organs of vision to overload. If the eyes are constantly straining (for example, with a long sitting at the computer), the development of this disease is possible. To heal, you need to make a spectacular correction, restore the eye muscles.
Artificial spasm of accommodationoccurs in the case of miotics on the mucous membrane. Such ailment does not require treatment. It passes after a person stops taking medication.
Pathological formdisease occurs against the background of a change in the refraction of the eye.
Spasm of accommodation can occur not only in children, but also in adolescents and adults. Muscles of the eye are subject to certain age changes. Consider predisposing factors to the disease.
If the child is sitting at the computer for a long time.
Incorrect posture and incorrectly selected furniture.
Bad light(too dim or, on the contrary, bright).
Wrong mode of the day.
Also, the causes of spasm of accommodation in children can be congenital pathologies of the body.These include cervical osteochondrosis, constant stress in the child, periodic hysteria, head trauma, circulatory disorders in the brain.
The spasm of accommodation in adults is much less common than in children. This is due to the physiology of the development of the visual apparatus. With age, elasticity of accommodative muscles is lost due to the lens densification.
The child is vaguely seeing objects that are in the distance.
In the eyes can double.
There is rapid fatigue from painstaking work.
The disease can be manifested by burning in the eyes.
Unpleasant feelings are given to the whiskey.
The sign of the pathology is the redness of the eyes.
Lacrimation is possible.
At such disease the child is irritated, lags behind the school program. Sometimes parents think that irritability is associated with the restructuring of the body. It is necessary to ask the child about other symptoms. If you find one of the above signs you need to contact the ophthalmologist. The spasm of accommodation lasts from 2 months to 5 years.
Possible complications
Untimely or incorrect therapy leads to myopia. Some children develop VSD, persistent depression. In addition, it can develop:
Astenopia- Rapid eye fatigue. It is often observed in children with progressive farsightedness and astigmatism.
Paresis of accommodation- a violation in which it is impossible to examine small items, even with great proximity to them. This phenomenon is provoked by the paresis of the ciliary muscle, which provokes the clouding of the lens. As a rule, it is observed at an older age, but in rare cases, children develop cataract and glaucoma against the background of this complication.
An ophthalmologist should analyze the complaints of the child, and also reveal how much vision is reduced.It is important to determine the accommodation reserve. A study of convergence is assigned. The doctor determines the root cause of the disease, directs to a traumatologist, a neurologist.
Additionally, such procedures as perimetry of vision, visometry(if the child is of preschool age, then Orlova's tables are used). In some cases, tonometry may be performed if there is a suspicion of glaucoma.
To treat the spasm of accommodation, the doctor prescribes the following drops:
Irifrin.Active components of the drug extend the ciliary muscle, help in the management of the syndrome of false myopia.
Midratsil. The drug eliminates spasm of accommodation, as well as eye irritation. Midratsil relaxes the ciliary muscle.
Lutein.Drops arrest the tension of the eyes, and at the same time prevent complications.
Cyclomed.The drug is prescribed with severe burning in the eyes. Active components relax the ciliary muscle.
Atropine.The agent prevents eye irritation, normalizes the functioning of the ciliary muscle.Irifrin is used in the treatment of spasm of accommodation
Therapy is a combination of drugs with physiotherapy.The main purpose of the application of drops is to relax the eye muscles. Also, vitamin therapy is provided. As for physiotherapy techniques, electrophoresis is prescribed.Magnetotherapy is gaining popularity.If the disease has arisen against the background of the pathology of the spine, therapeutic-prophylactic massage, specialized gymnastics, manual therapy is recommended.
Also, doctors advise daily to deal with the child by charging for the eyes.It is aimed not only at alleviating spasm, but also on general strengthening of visual health. The child should eat properly, observe the hygiene of the eyes.
Spasm of accommodation is a disease that is treated with conservative methods. The prescribed drugs eliminate the spasm of the eye muscle, as a result, it relaxes. Taking other medications is aimed at restoring vision. In the treatment it is important to eliminate the root cause of the spasm.
Good dream.
High-grade food.
Physical Education.
Eye hygiene.
Refusal from a long sitting at the computer.
Observance of the optimal distance when reading a book.
When the strabismus passes from the newborn
The selection of color contact lenses is described in this article.
How to use one-day lenses and what kinds of contact optics this article can tell.
Timely detection of the disease helps to avoid short-sightedness. Drugs and treatment procedures are prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is prohibited, as it leads to dangerous consequences. It is important to remember that this pathology affects the health of the child and at the first signs of any visual The deviation should be addressed to the clinic, otherwise the development of amblyopia and other unpleasant deviations.