Can I drink with colds

Alcohol for cold: can I drink, does it help in treatment?

A lot of people believe that a glass of strong alcohol can eliminate the symptoms of a beginning cold and put the sick person back on its feet.

Although everyone perfectly understands that even small doses of alcohol have a negative impact on the physical condition of a person and his mental abilities.

Nevertheless, some seriously consider alcohol in the treatment of colds an effective medicine, which helps to destroy viruses and bacteria and thus not get sick in the off-season or when flu is rampant.

Can you really drink alcohol for colds or flu? Does he really help or only harm?

Alcohol for colds - good or bad

Getting into the human body, alcohol through the liver is spread almost throughout the body, it affects the spinal cord fluid and brain, and thus causes atrophic processes of internal organs, which inevitably leads to a violation of their functions. It is proved that there are no harmless doses of alcohol.

Even if a person drinks only good cognac, and only occasionally, "on holidays in the cerebral cortex there are irreversible processes. The pancreas begins to produce less insulin, the synthesis of enzyme and structural proteins is broken, the process of the formation of new cells in all tissues is suppressed.

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Abuse of alcohol leads to serious problems with health, mental disorders and social behavior of a person. But any poison can be a medicine at the same time - it all depends on its dose.

Based on this, in 1993, American researchers conducted multiple experiments, trying to find out, how compatible are alcohol and cold, and what effect alcohol has on the body in influenza and ARI. In the experiment, two groups of volunteers participated, a total of 390 people.

As a result of the experiment, the following was established:

  • One serving of whiskey or beer, respectively, 57 and 453 ml, - those who were already infected with the virus, did not help anything;
  • The same amount of alcohol, used by healthy people, protected them from infection.

What explains this effect, the American researchers did not specify. Nevertheless, I would like to understand this issue in more detail.

Alcohol and cold - the secret of treatment

Alcohol is a disinfectant - it's a fact. Presumably, having got into a mouth and a larynx, it neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms at a flu or cold, and by that helps to cope with an infection, not passing it further. In other words, a few sips of strong alcohol can kill the pathogens in the throat.

However, this does not mean that vodka or cognac is a medicament for influenza, and you can drink them if you get sick. Doctors say quite the opposite. Alcohol for colds only irritates the inflamed mucous, strengthens its swelling and speeds up the inflammatory process.

In addition, cognac with influenza acts as a diuretic, that is, the body is dehydrated, the mucous membrane dries up. And on a dry mucous the bacteria multiply faster. Moreover, alcohol is contraindicated in case of a fever with a high temperature. The body already suffers from the release of toxins, and alcohol only aggravates the condition of the patient.

Why then did the experiment show that you can prevent a cold with a glass of alcohol? It is to warn - not cure. Perhaps this is due to the fact that cognac or vodka have the properties to change the acid-base balance of blood, increasing the level of acidity.

In a sober, healthy person, the level of acidity of blood is from 7 to 3 pH. If a person falls ill, experiences physical overload or is exposed to other unfavorable factors, then the oxidation begins. Increasing the level of acidity of blood plasma is a natural reaction to any inflammatory process - including colds.

This occurs in order to quickly produce interferon - a substance that can neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. Active synthesis of interferon requires an acidic medium. Increasing the level of acidity also increases the permeability of cell membranes and the walls of small vessels.

And this means that tissues receive more oxygen and all metabolic processes are accelerated. All this helps the body to intensively fight the disease. And when the infection is suppressed, the pH level returns to normal again.

Cognac, drunk at the very beginning of the cold, increases the acidity of the blood. And, probably, thereby works as a preventive agent.

Alcohol and cold - what you can drink for prevention

Immediately need to clarify - you can drink only a small portion of alcohol. If the person has frozen, has got wet feet, by the evening at it such signs of beginning cold:

  1. Chills.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Persecution in the throat and stuffiness of the nose.
In this case, it is enough to drink a cup of hot tea with honey for the night, adding a glass of dry red wine - no more than 75 ml.

An alternative may be a small portion of warmed vermouth on herbs with honey. Interestingly, there is such an offer as vodka with pepper for a cold.

Men in most cases prefer to be treated with vodka. They are recommended such a recipe:

  • Measure 100 ml of vodka;
  • Add red hot pepper to the tip of the knife;
  • Warm up the mixture, drink and immediately lie down under the blanket.

You can make a grog with honey. To do this, a spoonful of honey is added to the hot tea, followed by 50 ml of cognac and a slice of lemon. Helps with a cold British punch. For cooking you will need:

  1. A glass of strong black tea.
  2. Two tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Cognac or rum - no more than 100 ml.
  4. Dry table wine - one glass.
  5. Juice of one orange and lemon.

All components must be mixed and warmed well, but do not bring to a boil. Drink hot.

The most effective, warming and disinfectant for colds is mulled wine. To make it, you need to connect a bottle of red dry wine, a glass of water, two spoons honey, a little cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, buckwheat, ginger and lemon zest, warm, but not bring to boiling.

The video in this article proposed a recipe for mulled wine - a common drink for the treatment of colds.

Chamomile for cold: Is it possible to drink broths and infusions

With the onset of cold weather, many people have catarrhal and viral diseases. Often, diseases develop against a background of poor immunity and vitamin deficiency.

So, the body does not have the strength to fight against viruses. If you can not prevent the occurrence of a cold, then you should think about her treatment.

Today, there is a mass of funds offered by folk medicine that help quickly eliminate the manifestations of colds.

In order to speed up the healing process, it is useful to drink herbal infusions and teas. But which herbs help to get rid of colds? Often used such plants as:

  • chamomile;
  • Linden;
  • thyme;
  • elder and so on.

It is worth noting that the treatment of colds should be comprehensive. So, if there are painful sensations in the throat, you should rinse.

In the absence of temperature it is useful to soar your feet using mustard powder. And to get rid of a cold you should dig in your nose.

In addition, do not forget about the abundant and warm drink.

Herbs that are useful for colds

The first thing in the treatment of sore throat, temperature and cold is to take care of bed rest. And at the first manifestations of the disease during the day you should drink tea with honey and lemon.

During the day, you should drink about six cups of this healing drink. The next morning the patient will feel much better.

To prepare herbal infusion for 1 spoonful of herbs, you should prepare 1 cup of boiling water. Dry mixture poured into a glass and poured with water, and after it should be covered and insisted for 30 minutes. Then everything must be filtered and can be consumed, but only in a warm form.

To prepare a decoction for 0.5 liters of water, prepare 1 spoonful of dry herbs. Then everything is put on a small fire and boiled for about 7-10 minutes.

Next, the broth should be left for 10-25 minutes, so that it sticks a little. After this, everything should be filtered. The product should be taken inside or gargle.

Lime, chamomile and thyme with colds

Lime flowers can be purchased at the pharmacy or procured independently. This plant eliminates inflammation and has a sweatshop effect.

Lime tea is useful if the temperature is increased. Moreover, from it you can make a decoction or infusion.

It is worth noting that the infusion is different from the broth by the fact that in the first case everything is insisted without boiling, and in the second - it languishes on a small fire or a water bath. Regardless of the way of preparation, a medicinal drink should be drunk in a warm (not hot) form, and before consumption one should add a little honey.

Chamomile for colds is an effective, simple and inexpensive remedy. This plant is unique. So, it has such actions:

  1. antipyretic;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antiseptic;
  4. sedative.

In addition, chamomile from cold can be used in the treatment of young children. To this end, for 1 liter of water, 1 spoonful of flowers should be added. Then everything must be boiled, insist and drain.

The child should be given such a medicine throughout the day. Thanks to this, in the second half of the day the temperature will drop.

But it should be remembered that self-medication, especially if it concerns children, should not be engaged. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In addition, thyme is used to treat colds. This plant is effective for cough and bronchitis. Tea with the addition of thyme has not only a pleasant taste, but also flavor.

So, one spoonful of grass should be poured into 0.5 liters of water and put on fire. The product should be boiled for 10-15 minutes, infused, and then filtered. The resulting drink is drunk throughout the day.

At the same time to improve the taste in tea with thyme you need to add honey or sugar.

Black currant, raspberries and viburnum for colds

It is generally known that berry drinks have a curative effect on the entire body, quickly eliminating the unpleasant manifestations of the common cold. Most berries contain a lot of vitamin C, in addition, they have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

Berries often harvested for the winter. They are frozen, make jam or simply rub with sugar. As a rule, the billet from the berries is stored in the refrigerator.

To prepare currant or raspberry tea one spoon of jam should be poured with boiled water. Then everything must be insisted and drunk.

To prepare a medicinal drink from the viburnum fresh berries are poured with boiling water. At the same time, sugar is not necessary to add to such tea, preference should be given to honey.


An effective way to treat colds are inhalations for colds. So, in carrying out this procedure, they often use:

  1. soda;
  2. essential oils;
  3. mineral water;
  4. Pine cones;
  5. herbs.

However, there are a number of contraindications to such treatment. Such therapy is prohibited when:

  • angina;
  • increased pressure;
  • nasal hemorrhages;
  • elevated temperature.


Even with a cold, you can rinse your throat. So, to eliminate the pain in the throat most often use iodine, salt and soda, you can also carry out and wash the nose with soda.

In addition, the throat can be rinsed with such herbs as:

  1. eucalyptus;
  2. chamomile;
  3. sage;
  4. calendula.
To do this, on a half liter of water, add 1 spoonful of dry herbs, and then boil everything for 5 minutes. Then the agent needs to be insisted and filtered.

The resulting infusion is used to rinse the sore throat. However, before carrying out such a procedure, it should be checked whether the patient has an individual intolerance to any kind of herbs.

However, despite the fact that herbal treatment is considered safe, during pregnancy and feeding before using them it is better to consult a doctor. The same rule is relevant if it is necessary to cure a cold in the child.

In addition, the etheric extract of the tea tree is an effective remedy for manifestations of the common cold. But for treatment it is necessary to choose only high-quality and natural oils, the cost of which is quite high.

So, for a cold, you can do aromatherapy. For this purpose, a couple of drops of oil should be added to the aroma lamp. But how to properly use the various natural ingredients for cough and cold, will tell the video in this article.

Is it possible to drink amoxicillin for colds?


Vadim Colonies

Yes! If there is no intolerance to penicillin!

Katya Vaschenko


Sahawat Pinkas

With cold, antibiotics are not needed.

Yakubovich Viktor

there is no use except for the harm of the liver and the stomach will not be
a cold and prshche ORVI a virus infection antibiotics act only against bacterial activators
unfortunately against ARVI and anti-viral agents, there is not something that is advertised on TV
just weak immunomodulators and their effect is not verified
so that the treatment of symptomatic aspirin raspberry jam tea
the body itself in 5-7 days will cope


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic, it is not advisable to drink without prescribing a doctor, there are contraindications and side effects. And the common cold can be different - from banal to acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, respectively, and the treatment will be different. It would be better to see a doctor.

Valley of Dreams


[Email protected] `

Only with the accession of a bacterial infection (the common cold itself is most often a viral disease, but antibiotics do not act on viruses)

Is it possible to drink Ibuprofen for a cold?


Natalia Shmer

Can. it is used in COMPLEX therapy. The pain at least will cease, if the medicine is no more.

Riki Tiki

if there is a temperature 39. from coughing does not heal. read the instructions before you drink a medicine. Better drink a laxative. will be afraid to cough

Alexander Tsenov

It's an anesthetic.


It will help with the temperature. For the throat, rinse with a decoction of purified beetroot or take a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of warm water and pat your throat. From cough, milk with honey or coffee with lemon.

Swetlana Gutwin

Ibuprofen is used as an anesthetic. Harmful to the stomach, however.


Ibuprofen is not harmful to the stomach, it almost does not irritate it. Unlike aspirin. Ibuprofen drinks the whole of England, it is recommended for children, of course, in a child's dosage in the form of syrup. Anesthetizes, lowers temperature. A good medicine for anesthetizing and lowering the temperature, of course, if you do not have any individual intolerance.


Of course you can if his infants are given

Milena Rubtsova

lowers the temperature. Safer than aspirin.

secret secret

it's not from that opera! Orvi-this is not treated!

Sasha Kolotovkin


Whether to drink antibiotics at cold at children or adults?

Everyone who received a diploma from any medical institute is firmly aware and remember that antibiotics for colds, ARVI and flu do not help. This is remembered by doctors in polyclinics, practicing doctors in hospitals. However, antibiotics are prescribed and not infrequently simply prophylactically. Because when you go to a doctor at the hospital, the patient needs treatment.

And in cases with colds, acute respiratory viral infection, in addition to all known rules - abundant drinking, bed rest, vitaminized, limited (diet) meals, medicines and folk methods for gargling, nasal washing, inhalations, rubbing with warming ointments - nothing else is needed, that's all the treatment for colds and is limited. But no, a person expects medicines from the doctor, often just begging for an antibiotic.

Worse, the patient can independently start taking any antibiotic according to his experience or someone's advice. Appealing to a doctor today takes a long time, and medicines are very easy to acquire. No civilized country has such open access to medicines, as in Russia. Fortunately, today most antibiotics dispense prescription antibiotics, but there is always a chance get the drug without a prescription (having mercilessly dispensed a pharmacist or by choosing a pharmacy that values ​​its turnover).

As for the treatment of a cold in a child, here the situation is most often overshadowed by the fact that the pediatrician is simply reinsured, prescribes an effective, good, "child" antibiotic for colds for prevention, in order to avoid possible complications. If the child begins to drink abundantly, moisturize, ventilate the room, at high temperature give antipyretics for children, apply all known means for colds and folk methods - the body must cope with the majority of respiratory viral infections.

And why, then, did the pediatrician prescribe antibiotics?

Because complications are possible. Yes, the risk of complications in preschool children is very high. Today, not every mother can boast of strong immunity and the general good health of her child. And the doctor in this case is guilty, did not notice, did not check, did not appoint. Fear of accusations of incompetence, inattention, danger of prosecution pushes pediatricians to prescribe an antibiotic for children with colds as prevention.

It should be remembered that a cold in 90% of cases is of viral origin, and viruses do not cure antibiotics.

Only in cases when the body failed to cope with the virus and complications arose, bacterial infection, localized in the oral cavity, nose, bronchi or lungs - only in this case are shown antibiotics.

Can I understand by analysis that antibiotics are needed?

Laboratory tests that confirm the bacterial nature of the infection are not always performed:

  • Since sputum cultures, urine for today is quite expensive for polyclinics and they are trying to save on them.
  • Exceptions are smears from the pharynx and nose with angina to the stick of Lefler (causative agent of diphtheria) and selective crops of detachable tonsils with chronic tonsillitis or urine in pathologies of urinary tract ways.
  • More chances to get bacteriological confirmation of microbial infection in hospital patients.
  • Indirect signs of bacterial inflammation will be changes in the clinical blood test. Here the physician can orient on the rise of ESR, the increase in the number of leukocytes and the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left (increase of stab and segmented leukocytes).

How to understand by feeling that there were complications?

By eye, the attachment of bacteria can be determined by:

  • Changing the color of the separated nose, pharynx, ear, eyes, bronchi - from transparent it becomes cloudy, yellow or green.
  • Against the background of bacterial infection, as a rule, there is a repeated rise in temperature (for example, with pneumonia, which complicated ARVI).
  • With bacterial inflammation in the urinary system, urine will most likely become turbid and a visible sediment will appear in it.
  • When lesions of the intestinal microbes in the feces appear mucus, pus or blood.

Understand that there are complications of acute respiratory viral infection is possible on the following grounds:

  • If after the onset of acute respiratory infections or cold after the improvement on day 5-6, the temperature rises again to 38-39C, deterioration of well-being, cough increases, dyspnea or chest pain occurs during breathing and coughing - high risk pneumonia.
  • Increases in sore throat at high temperature or there are raids on tonsils, cervical lymph nodes increase - it is necessary to exclude angina or diphtheria.
  • There is pain in the ear, which increases with pressure on the tragus, or from the ear flowed - the average otitis is likely.
  • Against the backdrop of a cold there was a pronounced nasal voice, headaches in the forehead or face that intensify when leaning forward or lying down, completely lost the sense of smell - there are signs of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Many ask the question what antibiotics to drink with a cold, what antibiotic is better for a cold? If complications arise, the choice of antibiotic depends on:

  • localization of complications
  • age of the child or adult
  • anamnesis of the patient
  • drug tolerance
  • and of course, resistance to antibiotics in the country where the disease occurred.

The appointment should be made only by the attending physician.

When antibiotics are not indicated for colds or uncomplicated ARVI

  • Muco-purulent rhinitis (rhinitis), lasting less than 10-14 days
  • Nasopharyngitis
  • Viral conjunctivitis
  • Viral tonsillitis
  • Tracheitis, bronchitis (in some cases at high temperature and acute bronchitis antibacterial drugs are necessary)
  • Attachment of herpetic infection (herpes on the lips)
  • Laryngitis in children (treatment)

When it is possible to use antibiotics for uncomplicated cases

  • At the expressed signs of the lowered immunity - constant subfebrile temperature, more than 5 r / year catarrhal and viral diseases, chronic fungal and inflammatory diseases, HIV, any oncological diseases or congenital disorders immunity
  • In a child under 6 months of age - rickets in infants (symptoms, treatment), various malformations, with a lack of weight
  • Against the background of some blood diseases (agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia).

Indications for prescribing antibiotics are

  • Bacterial angina (with simultaneous exclusion of diphtheria by taking swabs from the throat and nose) requires treatment with penicillins or macrolides.
  • Purulent lymphadenitis requires broad-spectrum antibiotics, consultation of a surgeon, sometimes a hematologist.
  • Laryngotracheitis or acute bronchitis or exacerbation of chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis will require macrolides (Macropen), in a number of cases, an x-ray of the chest to exclude pneumonia.
  • Acute otitis media - the choice between macrolides and cephalosporins is performed by an ENT doctor after otoscopy.
  • Pneumonia (see p. the first signs of pneumonia, treatment of pneumonia in a child) - treatment with semisynthetic penicillins after radiologic confirmation of the diagnosis with mandatory control of the effectiveness of the drug and ray-controlled.
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, etmoiditis) - the diagnosis is established by X-ray and characteristic clinical signs. Treatment is conducted by an otolaryngologist (see p. signs of sinusitis in adults).

Here is an example of a study conducted on the basis of data from a single pediatric clinic, when analyzing medical history data and outpatient cards 420 children 1-3 years old. In 89% of cases, children were registered with ORVI and ARI, 16% with acute bronchitis, 3% with otitis and only 1% with pneumonia and other infections.

And in80% of casesOnly with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with acute respiratory illness and Orvi antibiotics were prescribed, with pneumonia and bronchitis in 100% of cases. Most doctors theoretically know about the inadmissibility of using antibacterial drugs for a cold or a viral infection, but for a number of reasons:

  • administrative settings
  • early age of children
  • preventive measures to reduce complications
  • reluctance to go for assets

they are still prescribed, sometimes in short 5-day courses and with a decrease in dose, which is highly undesirable. Also, the spectrum of pathogens in children was not considered. In 85-90% of cases it is viruses, and among bacterial agents it is 40% pneumococcus, in 15% hemophilic rod, 10% fungi and staphylococcus, less often atypical pathogens - chlamydia and mycoplasma.

With the development of complications against the background of the virus, only according to the doctor's prescription, according to the severity of the disease, the age, the patient's anamnesis, such antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Penicillin series - in the absence of allergic reactions to penicillins, semi-synthetic penicillins can be used (Flemoxin solutab, Amoxicillin). In severe resistant infections among penicillin preparations, doctors prefer "Protected penicillins" (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid), Amoxiclav, Ecoclave, Augmentin, Flemoclav Solutab. This is the first-line drugs in angina.
  • Cephalosporin series - Cefixim (Suprax, Pansef, Iksim Lupine), Cefuroxime aksetil (Zinacef, Supero, Aksetin, Zinnat), etc.
  • Macrolides - are usually prescribed for chlamydial, mycoplasmal pneumonia or infections of the ENT organs - Azithromycin (Sumamed, Zetamax, Zitrolide, Chemomycin, Z-factor, Azitrox), Macropen is the drug of choice for bronchitis.
  • Fluoroquinolones - are prescribed in cases of intolerance to other antibiotics, as well as with the resistance of bacteria to drugs penicillin series - Levofloxacin (Tavanic, Floracid, Haileflox, Glevo, Flexi), Moxifloxacin (Avelox, Plevilox, Moximak). The fluoroquinolones are completely banned for use in children, since the skeleton is not yet formed, and also because it is preparations "of a reserve that can be useful to a person when he grows up, in the treatment of infections with a drug stability.

In general, the problem of choosing an antibiotic for today is a task for the doctor, which he must decide in such a way as to maximally help the patient in the present and not harm in the future. The problem is complicated by the fact that in the pursuit of today's profits, farmkampanii absolutely do not take into account the seriousness of the increasing stability causative agents of diseases to antibiotics and throw out in a wide network those antibacterial novelties that could be for the time being in reserve.

If your doctor has prescribed an antibacterial drug, you should read 11 rules. How to drink antibiotics correctly.

Main conclusions:

  • Antibiotics are indicated for bacterial infections, and the common cold in 80-90% has a viral origin, therefore their reception is not only senseless, but also harmful.
  • Antibiotics have serious side effects, such as inhibition of liver and kidney function, allergic reactions, they reduce immunity, cause imbalance of intestinal microflora and mucous membranes in organism.
  • The use of antibiotics as a prophylaxis for complications of viral-bacterial infections is unacceptable. The task of the child's parents in time to see a doctor, and the therapist or pediatrician in time to discover the possible deterioration of well-being of the child or adult and only in this case to accept "heavy artillery" in the form of antibiotics.
  • The main criterion for the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy is a decrease in body temperature to 37-38 ° C, relief of the general condition, in the absence of this antibiotic should be replaced by another. The effectiveness of the antibiotic is estimated within 72 hours and only after this the preparation changes.
  • Frequent and uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the development of resistance of microorganisms, and each time a person will require more aggressive drugs, often the simultaneous use of immediately 2 or more antibacterial means.

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