Shejerman's disease


  • 1Scheuerman-Mau disease
    • 1.1Anatomy
    • 1.2Classification of Sheyerman-Mau disease
    • 1.3Symptoms of Sheyerman-Mau disease
    • 1.4Treatment of Sheyerman-Mau disease
  • 2Scheuerman-Mau disease
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Classification
    • 2.3Symptoms
    • 2.4Diagnostics
    • 2.5Treatment
    • 2.6What kind of doctor should I contact?
  • 3Shejerman-Mau disease: what is it, treatment, a complex of therapeutic exercises, symptoms, the degree of the disease and their characteristics
    • 3.1What is Sheyerman-Mau disease?
    • 3.2Table: Species and Forms of Sheyerman-Mau Disease
    • 3.3Causes and factors of development
    • 3.4Clinical picture
    • 3.5Clinical aspects of Sheyerman-Mau disease - video
    • 3.6Diagnostic Methods
    • 3.7Program of medical events
    • 3.8Physiotherapy
    • 3.9An approximate set of exercises
    • 3.10Photogallery: therapeutic gymnastics in case of illness of Sheyerman-Mau
    • 3.11Complex exercises for the spine - video
    • 3.12Massage
    • 3.13Change in lifestyle
    • 3.14Surgery
    • 3.15Complications and consequences
    • 3.16Prevention
  • 4Manifestation of Sheyerman-Mau disease and ways to treat it
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1What happens in the case of Sheyerman's disease Mau
    • 4.2Causes of the disease
    • 4.3Clinical manifestations of the disease
    • 4.4Patient Examination Plan
    • 4.5Methods of treatment
    • 4.6Other aspects of therapy
    • 4.7Prognosis and methods of prevention

Scheuerman-Mau disease

Scheuerman-Mau disease(juvenile kyphosis) - dorsopathy, accompanied by a progressive kyphotic curvature of the spine. Occurs in pubertal age, is equally common in boys and girls.

The exact cause of development is not known, it is assumed that there is a hereditary predisposition. As risk factors, osteoporosis of the vertebrae, trauma and development of the back muscles are considered. In the early stages, the symptoms are worn out.

In the subsequent there are pains and visible deformation of the spine - stooped round back, in severe cases, a hump is possible. In some cases, neurological complications develop. To confirm the diagnosis, X-rays, CT and MRI are performed.

Treatment is usually conservative, with severe deformations, surgical interventions are performed.

The disease of Sheyerman-Mau is a progressive enhancement of the thoracic kyphosis. In 30% of patients it is combined with scoliosis. The first manifestations occur in adolescents, at the stage of the most active growth of the child.

A fairly common pathology, occurs in 1% of children older than 8-12 years, equally often affects girls and boys.

In severe cases, the curvature of the spine can cause neurological complications, complicate the lungs and the heart.


The human spine has four natural bends: the lumbar and cervical divisions are bent forward (lordosis), sacral and thoracic - back (kyphosis). These bends appeared as a result of adaptation to the vertical position of the body.

They transform the spine into a kind of spring and allow it to carry a variety of dynamic and static loads without harm. Angles of bends are normally 20-40 degrees.

The spine consists of a number of separate bones (vertebrae), between which there are elastic intervertebral discs. Vertebrae consist of body, arch and processes.

A massive body takes on the burden, the arch participates in the formation of the spinal canal, and the processes connect the vertebrae with each other.

Normally, the bodies of the vertebrae are almost rectangular in shape, their posterior and anterior parts approximately equal in height. In the case of Sheyerman-Mau disease, several thoracic vertebrae decrease in height in the anterior regions, acquire a wedge shape.

The angle of the bend is increased to 45-75 degrees. The back becomes round. The load on the spine is redistributed.


The tissue of the intervertebral disc "pushes" the closure plate and protrudes into the body of the lower or upper vertebra, and Schmorl's hernias are formed.


The ligaments holding the vertebrae thicken compensatory, which further complicates the recovery and further normal growth of the vertebrae. The shape of the chest changes, which can lead to squeezing of the internal organs.

The exact causes of Sheyerman-Mau's disease are unknown. Most experts believe that there is a genetic predisposition to the development of this disease.

Along with this, as the starting moments are considered injuries in the period of intensive growth, osteoporosis of the vertebrae, excessive development of bone tissue in the posterior part of the vertebrae, necrosis of the vertebral caeca and developmental dysfunction muscles of the back.

The predisposing factor is the uneven shifts in the hormonal balance and metabolism in the pubertal period.

Classification of Sheyerman-Mau disease

There are the following stages of Sheyerman-Mau disease:

  • Latent. Suffer from children aged 8-14 years. Symptomatics erased. At rest, the pain syndrome is absent or mild. There may be unpleasant sensations or non-intensive pain in the back after a load. Progressive deformity of the spine predominates. On examination, an increase in the angle of thoracic kyphosis or a flat back with an exaggerated lumbar lordosis is revealed. Perhaps a small limitation of mobility - leaning forward, the patient can not reach out with his arms extended to the feet. Excess kyphosis does not disappear even when trying to unbend the back as much as possible.
  • Early. It is observed in patients 15-20 years. Disturb periodic or persistent pain in the lower thoracic or lumbar spine. Sometimes a disc herniation is formed. In some cases, compression of the spinal cord may occur.
  • Late. It is found in patients older than 20 years. Develops osteochondrosis, hernia, deforming spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and ossifying ligamentosis. Dystrophic spinal injury often becomes the cause of compression of the nerve roots, as a result of which sensitivity and movements in the extremities may be impaired.

Taking into account the level of defeat, they distinguish:

  • Thoracic form. Defects of the lower and middle thoracic vertebrae are detected.
  • Lumbar-thoracic form. The upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae are affected.

Symptoms of Sheyerman-Mau disease

The first manifestations of Sheyerman-Mau's disease appear during puberty. As a rule, the patient does not complain during this period.

Pathology is discovered by chance, when parents notice that the child began to stoop and his posture worsened.

Approximately at this time the patient begins to note unpleasant sensations in the back, arising after a long stay in the sitting position. Sometimes there are non-intensive pains between the shoulder blades. The mobility of the spine is gradually limited.

With time, the deformation of the spine becomes more and more noticeable. There is a pronounced stoop, in severe cases, a hump is formed. The intensity of the pain syndrome increases, the child observes a constant severity and rapid fatigue of the back under loads.

Pain increases in the evening and when lifting weights. With a significant curvature of the spine, it is possible that the lungs and the heart are disturbed.

In some cases, subacute or acute compression of the spinal cord occurs, accompanied by paresthesia, impaired sensitivity and limb movements.

The doctor interrogates the patient, finding out the complaints, the history of the disease and the family history (whether there were any cases of the disease in the family). The leading method of instrumental diagnosis is the radiography of the spine.

The characteristic pattern is determined on the radiographs: an increase in the angle of the thoracic kyphosis of more than 45 degrees, a wedge deformation of three or more thoracic vertebrae and a Schmorl hernia. To identify neurologic disorders, appoint a consultation of a neurologist.


In the presence of such violations, the patient is sent to the MRI of the spine and CT of the spine to more accurately assess the condition of bone and soft tissue structures. Electromyography may also be prescribed. Intervertebral hernia is an indication for consultation of a neurosurgeon.


If there is a suspicion of a breach of the function of the chest, consultation of a pulmonologist and a cardiologist is necessary.

Treatment of Sheyerman-Mau disease

Treatment of Sheyerman-Mau disease is performed by orthopedists. Therapy is long, complex, includes exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy.

In this case, special therapeutic gymnastics is of decisive importance in restoring normal posture. During the first 2-3 months, exercise should be done daily, in the subsequent - every other day. The complex of exercises takes 40 minutes.

before, hours. It must be remembered that with irregular sessions, the therapeutic effect is sharply reduced.

LFK to eliminate kyphosis and restore posture includes 5 blocks: strengthening the muscles of the thoracic spine, strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, relaxation of the muscles of the waist and neck (with kyphosis these muscles are constantly in a state of increased tone), stretching of the pectoral muscles, respiratory exercises. Classes of ordinary physical education are also useful, however, physical activity should be purposeful, thought out taking into account contraindications and possible consequences.

Thus, in the case of Sheyerman-Mau disease, activities with weights of more than 3 kg for women and more than 5 kg for men are contraindicated. It is not recommended to pump the pectoral muscles, as they begin to "pull" the shoulders forward.

You can not engage in "jumping" sports (basketball, volleyball, long jumps, etc.), because an intense one-moment load on the spine can trigger the formation of Schmorl hernias.

Swimming is useful with the right technique (when muscles are involved not only in the chest, but also in the back), so it is better to take a few lessons from the instructor.


A good result is a professional massage. It improves blood circulation in the muscles of the back, activates the metabolism in the muscle tissue and makes the muscles more plastic.


Patients with kyphosis are advised to undergo at least 2 courses of massage of 8-10 sessions a year. A similar therapeutic effect is observed in therapeutic muds.

Mud treatment courses are also conducted 2 times a year, one course consists of 15-20 procedures.

In addition, patients with Sheyerman-Mau disease are recommended to choose the right furniture for work, sleep and rest. Sometimes it is necessary to wear a corset. Drug treatment is usually not required.

Reception of drugs for strengthening the skeleton (calcitonin) is indicated in extreme cases - with severe deformation of the vertebrae and large hernias Schmorl.

It should be borne in mind that such drugs have a fairly large list of contraindications (including age), can provoke calcification of ligaments and formation of stones in the kidneys, so they should be taken only for their intended purpose doctor.

Indications for surgical interventions in Sheyerman-Mau disease are the angle of kyphosis more than 75 degrees, persistent pain, disruption of the respiratory and circulatory system. During the operation, metal structures (screws, hooks) are implanted into the vertebrae, allowing the spine to align with special rods.

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Scheuerman-Mau disease

Sheyerman-Mau disease is one of the types of curvature of the spine that occurs in the thoracic or lumbar-thoracic region.

It appears in the inclination of the upper part of the body forward and resembles a hump. In the people this disease is more commonly known by the term kyphosis.

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Most often develops in the period from 14 to 15 years, regardless of the sex of the child. To date, 1% of teenagers suffer from this disease.


Today there is not a single scientist who could give a full and qualified answer to this question. The disease of Sheyerman-Mau is poorly understood and the reasons for its occurrence are not known until now.

The first evidence of this disease was found in people who spent most of the day farming and were in a tilted posture.

However, there was no real connection between kyphosis and work on the ground.

Among the alleged causes of kyphosis, physicians identify the following prerequisites:

  • As genetics shows, most diseases are transmitted from generation to generation. Kyphosis in this case is no exception. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in children, in whose genus there were cases with such a change in the spine.
  • Trauma in the region of 3 and 5 vertebrae occurred during the first or second intensive development and formation of the skeleton (this is the cause of the doctor of the children's department, radiologist Sheyerman). As a consequence, the fine tissue between the vertebrae becomes necrotic due to poor blood supply, leading to an incorrect development of the spine. The vertebrae thus acquire a wedge shape.
  • Increased deposition of calcium salts on the outer surface of the spine. Such a ligament, located on the spinal column, changes its structure and provokes the appearance of kyphosis.
  • Mysterious to date progressive reduction in bone density can also be the cause of Sheyerman-Mau's disease.
  • Wrong development of the muscles of the back.
  • Unequal development of bone tissue in all parts of the spine.
  • Too high growth of a teenager, which in the period from about 11 to 15 years is considered much higher than others.
  • Operation on the spine.
  • Consequences after chemoradiotherapy.

To come to the conclusion that the above-listed diseases of the spine may be the causes development of kyphosis, it was possible only as a result of clinical studies of patients suffering from this disease.

What contributes to the development of Sheyerman-Mau disease

  1. Lack of sports.
  2. A small mass of the body bordering on dystrophy.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. Long sitting at the table in the wrong position.
  5. Problems of emotional and psychological nature that lead to the child feeling clamped and restrained, involuntarily tilting the upper part of the trunk down.
  6. Excessive and incorrect pumping of the muscles of the breast can lead to the fact that the weak muscles of the back can not withstand the load that has appeared and will have to provoke stoop.
  7. Incorrect height of table and chair.

Despite the fact that kyphosis is considered a child's disease, it can not only stay at an older age, but also exacerbate its development.

This can be due to a complete lack of proper diagnosis and treatment of this disease during adolescence, as well as the presence in the body of such diseases like tuberculosis, cancer, osteoporosis, benign tumors, Bechterew's disease, problems in the development and functioning of connective tissue, arthritis.


Paying attention to the age of the patient, as well as the presence or absence of a number of symptoms in him, the specialists distinguish the following stages of the development of Sheyerman-Mau's disease:

  • Orthopedic or concealed - falls on the age of 8 to 14 years. Practically does not have any symptoms, so often goes unnoticed. The most characteristic signs of kyphosis at this stage is a slight curvature of the spine. A flat back with the presence of lumbar lordosis, as well as infrequent pain in the thoracic region, can be diagnosed.
  • Early (florid) - is typical for people who have reached 14-20 years. As a rule, it lasts from the initial change in the formation of vertebrae to their full growth. In this case, the patient often complains of prolonged pain in the lumbar-thoracic region associated with irritation of nerves, muscles or nerve roots.
  • If you do not take any measures to eliminate the Sheyerman-Mau disease or alleviate the condition of the patient, this can lead to herniation of discs or modification in the osteochondrosis device. As a result, high blood pressure appears inside the spinal column. At an early stage of the described disease, you can get rid of only by adhering to the recommendations of a qualified specialist, or resorting to surgical intervention.
  • Late (residual) - develops after 20-25 years. This stage in the development of the disease occurs if there is a rapid formation of secondary dystrophy of the spine. In addition, during this period, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, fixed hyperlordosis, spondylarthrosis, deforming spondylosis, ossifying ligamentosis can develop.

Only with the help of X-rays are two forms of this disease defined, differing only in the area of ​​the spinal cord injury:

  1. The pectoral form - in this case the lower thoracic and middle vertebrae suffer.
  2. Lumbar-thoracic form - the upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae modify their form.


Unfortunately, the symptoms of this disease appear only at the age of 10 to 14 years.

If kyphosis begins to form in early childhood, it can not be determined even with the help of an X-ray examination.

To help here, only an attentive attitude towards your child can come, because it is parents who are the first to notice changes in correct posture.

A healthy and properly developing spine has three natural bends, the total angle of inclination from the vertical axis of which can range between 20-40 degrees.

When diagnosing the disease in question, the minimum angle of inclination is 45 degrees, and the maximum angle is 75 degrees.

As a result of the fact that the load on the vertebrae becomes uneven, the vertebrae of the thoracic or lumbar-thoracic region change, acquiring a wedge shape.


To indicate the presence of Scheierman-Mau disease may have pain in the thoracic region.


Most often they appear already at an early stage, when the curvature of the spinal column is visible with the naked eye.

This can be explained by the fact that the investigated disease develops very slowly and at the orthopedic stage it manifests itself in a rather easy form.

To the rather early symptoms of kyphosis include the limitation in the movement of the back, as well as the shortening of the lumbar muscles.

Often, the deformed muscles manifest themselves in the form of short-term spasmodic pain, slowing the passage of blood to the lower limbs.

Therefore, the child sometimes can, at first glance, without a reason to hurt his legs.

The most simple sign for determining the presence of kyphosis is an arcuate spin. As a result, in a large number of patients (about 30%) on this background there is also scoliosis.

Very rarely (only 5% of cases), Sheyerman-Mau's disease does not manifest itself in pain sensations of the back.

However, there are cases when changes in the structure of the spinal column lead to abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and lungs. A large slope of the trunk does not allow the thorax to properly perform the function of breathing.


Quite natural is the fact that the work of the heart becomes even worse because of the poor activity of the lungs.


If you do not help the patient with kyphosis in time, he will experience painful sensations in the back and legs, constant fatigue, and in some cases, deterioration of the skin on the lower extremities.


Diagnosis of Sheyerman-Mau disease always begins with a thorough examination of the patient:

  • manifestations of curvature of the spine;
  • the presence of painful sensations during palpation;
  • determination of the local tension of the muscles of the back.

The patient will always be asked about possible injuries to the back, lifestyle, and the presence of diseases from relatives. Then the doctor will send for an X-ray examination, which will help determine the amount of deformation of the vertebrae and the stage of development of kyphosis.

In the case when all the previously listed diagnostic methods can not give a complete picture of the state patient, the doctor will prescribe electroneuromyography, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and computer tomography (CT). Similar studies determine the degree of curvature, report the presence of vertebral hernia and thickening of the external ligament of the spinal column.


There are two effective ways of treating kyphosis:

1. Conservative, which can not do without the following procedures:

  • Massage;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Physiotherapy activities;
  • Physiotherapy exercises.

2. Surgical. The main reasons for the operation are:

  • Constant strong pain in the thoracic and lumbar thoracic region;
  • If the angle of inclination of the back exceeds 75 degrees;
  • Problems with the functioning of the circulatory system and respiration.

In the initial stages of the development of the disease, special medicinal and homeopathic remedies can also be used, as well as micropharmacopuncture, which delay the process of irregular formation of vertebrae, prevent the occurrence of painful sensations in deep back muscles. In addition, they significantly reduce the already existing pain sensations. Due to the violation of the full-fledged movement of the spine, in some cases, biological chondroprotective agents can be used. They feed the intervertebral disc and cartilage tissues with the necessary trace elements, facilitating the patient's discomfort.

But if you still have the Sheyerman-Mau disease, remember that no medications will help you as much as the therapeutic gymnastics can do.


To prevent surgical intervention and prevent the development of the last stage of kyphosis, therapeutic gymnastics will help.

The desired result will be achieved only if the patient can understand that the treatment of such a disease as kyphosis is a hard work that requires a lot of time.

Correctly chosen set of exercises provides 90% of the success, not requiring at the same time a lot of money and special devices.

During the first three months after the diagnosis of the disease, gymnastics must be done every day. At the end of this time - strictly every other day for 60-90 minutes. In this case, you should refrain from charging 3 times a week, because it will not bring any results in the end.

Consider the necessary exercises for the elimination of Sheyerman-Mau disease:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the thoracic region. For these exercises, you need to spend 70% of the time involved in gymnastics;
  • Strengthening of the buttocks muscles;
  • You should perform exercises that allow relaxing the muscles of the back and neck;
  • Exercises to relax the pectoral muscles;
  • Breathing exercises.
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What can not be done in the presence of kyphosis:

  1. Inflate the pectoral muscles.
  2. Do not exercise with dumbbells, weights and weights, the weight of which exceeds 3 kg.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the sports load associated with jumping.

Categorically it is contraindicated to do medical gymnastics in such cases:

  • With appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • With diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Immediately after a stroke (in the first six months);
  • With hypertension and hypotension;
  • With infections of the spinal cord or brain;
  • Severe forms of arthritis;
  • Craniocerebral injury;
  • Diseases of the blood, the presence of malignant tumors;
  • Pregnant women, as well as women in critical days;
  • If there is a high temperature as a result of the flu.
  • When the vertebrae or the intervertebral hernia are displaced.


To avoid the occurrence of Sheyerman-Mau disease, you need:

  1. Do not pick up heavy things.
  2. Avoid heavy loads on the spine.
  3. Sleep on a hard couch or a dense mattress.
  4. Healthy food.
  5. To pass or take place inspection at the orthopedist.
  6. Do not slouch.
  7. To go in for sports, strengthening, first of all, muscles of a back.

What kind of doctor should I contact?

If it is a question of the child, it is necessary to address to the pediatrist, and then to the orthopedist. Neurologist and surgeon will also help in identifying the Sheyerman-Mau disease. A specialist in exercise therapy will help you find a suitable set of exercises for a particular case.

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Shejerman-Mau disease: what is it, treatment, a complex of therapeutic exercises, symptoms, the degree of the disease and their characteristics

The adolescent period is a very important stage in human life. The process of growing up affects not only the psychological, but also the physiological level.

The intensive growth of the bones of the skeleton, the increase in muscle mass, extensive hormonal reconstruction make this period very vulnerable. Each pathological factor is able to fundamentally disrupt any of the subtle mechanisms of growing up.

Specific disease of the adolescent period is Sheyerman-Mau disease.

What is Sheyerman-Mau disease?

The human spine is the main support for muscles and internal organs. The vertebral column consists of three dozen separate anatomical formations - vertebrae, fastened by strong intervertebral discs.

At birth, vertebrae are lined up in an absolutely straight line. During the first year of life, the child is consistently trained to keep the head in an upright position, turn over from the back to the stomach, sit, crawl, and finally walk.

The development of the corresponding muscle groups leads to a change in the configuration of the spine and the appearance of physiological curves: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. Bending of the spine anteriorly at the level of the neck and lower back is called lordosis, analogous to the back of the chest and lower back - kyphosis.

Normally, the spine has four physiological bends

Sheyerman-Mau disease is a pathological process in the thoracic spine, leading to an excessive increase in kyphosis, pain syndrome and disruption of internal organs.


The Sheyerman-Mau disease is characterized by an increase in the bending of the spine in the thoracic region


The disease of Sheyerman-Mau is divided into several varieties.

Table: Species and Forms of Sheyerman-Mau Disease

The disease is mainly found among adolescents. The prevalence of patients of one sex or another in the structure of morbidity was not revealed.

Excess kyphosis is not uncommon in adolescents and young adults

Causes and factors of development

The modern medical science has not determined the exact cause of the disease.

The main factor in the development of pathology is hereditary characteristics of the structure and formation of the bone, muscle and ligament apparatus.

The altered anatomical structure at the tissue level under the influence of inadequate physical loads leads to a pathological curvature of the vertebral column.

The Sheyerman-Mau disease is characterized by a decrease in the anterior sections of the thoracic vertebral bodies

The trigger mechanism leading to the development of Sheyerman-Mau disease can also be traumatic damage to the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The thinned structure of bone substance (osteoporosis) under the influence of considerable spinal muscle strength is also capable of causing curvature.

Osteoporosis of the thoracic spine is one of the causes of the development of Sheyerman-Mau's disease

An individual feature of the patient's body is an uneven increase in bone mass, mainly in the posterior parts of the vertebrae. The basis of the bone - the body - while significantly lagging behind in size, strengthening the chest bend behind.

Uneven muscle tone of the spine, located along its entire length, can also contribute to the violation of posture. Hormonal restructuring of the organism in the pubertal period also contributes to muscle imbalance and inadequate bone development.

Clinical picture

Most often, the first stage of the development of Sheyerman-Mau disease occurs at the onset of puberty.

The teenager at this time actively does not make any complaints.

Only external signs of the disease are defined: deterioration of posture, limitation of volume of movements in the back. Pain syndrome is absent or insignificant.

As the pathological process develops, painful sensations arise not only during physical exertion and at the end of the working day, but also at rest. The curvature of the spine posteriorly in the thoracic region becomes noticeable to others.

It is difficult not to notice a pronounced deformation of the spine in Sheyerman-Mau disease

A solid record of the disease, as a rule, is accompanied by the development of neurological manifestations in the form of impairment of the motor and sensitive functions of the body. The compression of the heart and lungs inside the deformed chest leads to a violation of breathing, dyspnea, palpitations, fatigability during physical exertion.

Clinical aspects of Sheyerman-Mau disease - video

Diagnostic Methods

To establish the correct diagnosis, the following measures are necessary:

  • a thorough inquiry of the patient clarifies all the details and history of the development of pathology;
  • visual examination reveals a significant increase in thoracic kyphosis;
  • Radiography of the spine allows objectively to determine even a small degree of its deviation from the normal anatomical structure;
  • examination by a neurologist helps to identify motor and sensory disorders;
  • computer (magnetic resonance) tomography is the main and most detailed method of visualization of the structure of the vertebrae, their bone protrusions and intervertebral disco; The appearance of excessive kyphosis in tomographic examination is the main criterion for setting diagnosis
  • electroneuromyography is an objective method for evaluating the conduct of an electrical signal on nerve and muscle fibers;
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart (echocardiography) is used to evaluate myocardial contraction and valve operation in real time;
  • Spirography (a method of measuring the volume of the lungs) allows you to detect violations of respiratory function.

Differential diagnosis is performed with the following diseases:

  • compression fracture of vertebral bodies;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • a fixed round spin of Lindemann;
  • congenital fibrosis (degeneration) of the Güntz disks;
  • spondiloepiphizarnaya dysplasia (a disease in which there is a serious inhibition in the development of cartilaginous tissues);
  • Calve's disease (aseptic necrosis of the vertebral body).

Program of medical events

The disease of Sheyerman-Mau requires a long-term integrated approach to treatment. Therapy is conducted under the guidance of an orthopedic physician with the participation of a neurologist and a neurosurgeon.


Therapeutic gymnastics is the main and most important component of the therapy of Sheyerman-Mau disease.Training in the methods of exercises is conducted under the guidance of an experienced instructor. In the future, gymnastics is performed independently at home.

The intensity of the loads should be maximum in the first two to three months, when the complex is performed every day. After the above-mentioned period of time, exercise should be repeated every other day.

The duration of one lesson is from forty to ninety minutes.

Therapeutic physical training solves the following problems:

  • harmonious development of the muscles of the spinal column;
  • an increase in the muscular mass of the buttocks;
  • relaxation of the long muscles of the back and neck;
  • an increase in the length of the large pectoral muscle;
  • improving the supply of oxygen to the body through breathing exercises.

An approximate set of exercises

Below is a small list of exercises that can be supplemented or reduced depending on the state of health and feelings of the patient.

  1. It is performed from the knee-wrist posture. Exercise, popularly called "Pussycat consists in the alternation of the deflection and arching of the back. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  2. It is performed from the knee-wrist posture. Alternately straighten the right arm and left leg at the same time, and vice versa, the same arm and leg. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  3. From the position of lying on your stomach alternately raise your left arm and right leg, then change the position of the limbs. The number of repetitions is 10-12 times.
  4. From standing position it is necessary to alternately make a thrust forward with each leg, the back while straight. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  5. From the standing position, it is necessary to alternately make a lateral attack, the weight of the body being transferred to the corresponding knee. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  6. From the position of lying on the back with an emphasis on the legs bent at the knees, the pelvis must be torn off from the floor and raised. To enhance the effect, you can put a heavy object on the bottom of the abdomen. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  7. To relax the muscles of the neck, head tilts up, down and to the sides are used, turning it to the left and to the right. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  8. To relax the muscles of the waist from the position lying on the back, stretching of the legs bent at the knees with fixation of the pose for 3-5 seconds is used. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  9. Stretching the muscles of the chest contributes to the following exercise: in the sitting position, place the hands on the back of the head and try to keep the shoulder blades together. The number of repetitions is 8-10.

Photogallery: therapeutic gymnastics in case of illness of Sheyerman-Mau

"Pussycat" -evaluated deflection and arching of the back for strengthening the spine muscles Strengthening the gluteal muscles is necessary for kyphosis The stretching of the pectoral muscles prevents the strengthening of kyphosis. Strengthening of the muscles buttocks - an indispensable component of physiotherapyBock lunge is an excellent way to strengthen the gluteus muscles. The turns and inclinations of the head are the main method of relaxing the neck muscles. To relax the muscles the lumbago needs to tighten the knees to the chest, clasp their hands and swing on the rug. The strong, strong muscles of the spine form the basis of the muscular corset of the trunk and keep the back in the right position

Complex exercises for the spine - video


Therapeutic massage is a method of therapy that can correct the pathological tone of various types of muscles in the Sheyerman-Mau disease.

In addition, massaging effects allow you to accelerate blood circulation, improve nutrition of muscles and nerves.

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To achieve the effect, therapeutic massage is conducted two courses a year for 8-10 procedures in each.

Change in lifestyle

With Sheyerman-Mau disease it is extremely necessary to create a comfortable and comfortable workplace. Physical load should be strictly dosed without burdening.


Surgical treatment is indicated at high degrees of thoracic kyphosis and is performed by a neurosurgeon.

The aim of the intervention is to strengthen the spinal column with the help of metal structures of various types (hooks, pins, rods).

The type of surgical access and the method of anesthesia are selected individually.

Operative treatment is an effective method of correcting deformed spine deformity

Complications and consequences

The complications of Sheyerman-Mau disease include:

  • significant limitation of mobility;
  • hump formation;
  • problems with breathing;
  • intensive pain syndrome;
  • Sensitivity disorders in some parts of the body.


For the prevention of Sheyerman-Mau disease, it is necessary:

  • dosed physical exercise;
  • convenient workplace;
  • industrial gymnastics;
  • healthy diet.

The disease of Sheyerman-Mau is a serious pathology of the adolescent period. Untimely detection of the disease leads to persistent deformities of the spine. Therapy of juvenile kyphosis is a long and persistent process, requiring the patient to have enormous willpower, organization and self-discipline.

  • Elena Timofeeva
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Manifestation of Sheyerman-Mau disease and ways to treat it

To the pathology of the musculoskeletal system is the disease of Sheyerman Mau. Otherwise it is called pathological kyphosis. The spine is involved in the process.

This pathology is diagnosed primarily in adolescents.

In the absence of proper treatment, complications can occur in the form of squeezing of the internal organs and sensitivity disorders.

What happens in the case of Sheyerman's disease Mau

The spine of a healthy person is indirect. It has physiological curves. There are 4 of them. There are 2 kyphosis (thoracic and sacral) and 2 lordosis (cervical and lumbar).

In the first case, the spine is bent forward, and in the second case - backward. This ensures maximum cushioning and mobility. Normally, the size of the bends does not exceed 40 °.

Scheuerman's disease Mau is called non-infectious pathology, in which the curvature of the spine in the kyphosis region is observed. This is a kind of dorsopathy. Mostly boys and girls are ill.


At every third this pathology is combined with scoliosis. In adolescence, the prevalence of this disease reaches 1%.


This problem is relevant due to the fact that pathological kyphosis can cause a violation of the function of vital organs (heart, lungs).

With Sheyerman's disease, the Mau increases the angle of the bend of the thoracic spine. It can be 45-75 degrees. With this pathology, the shape of several vertebrae changes.

The back of a person acquires a round outline. In untimely treatment, the formation of intervertebral hernias is possible. Gradually, the shape of the chest of a sick person changes.

Causes of the disease

The exact causes of the disease of the spine of Sheyerman Mau are not established. There are several theories. Possible predisposing factors are:

  • osteoporosis;
  • malnutrition;
  • mechanical damage to the spine;
  • congenital malformations;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • incorrect development of muscles in the back;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • necrotic changes in the end plates;
  • violation of mineral metabolism.

scoliosis is revealed. This pathology is acquired. Dorsopathy develops in schoolchildren aged 8-18 years.

It is during this period that there is an intensive growth of bones. With adverse factors, the shape of the vertebrae changes. They become like a wedge.

There is a redistribution of the load on the spine.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Symptoms of Scheuermann's disease Mau at early stages are poorly expressed. Complaints may be completely absent.

The only sign is discomfort in the thoracic spine during physical work. In rest, the pain is absent. Over time, the spine deforms.

Changes are detected by external examination of the patient and radiography.

Such people increase thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. Not everyone saw the photo.

In some cases, dorsopathy is manifested by restriction of movement. It is observed when the torso is tilted forward.

Patients can not reach the feet with their hands when the body is straightened. This is a latent stage.

For several years, the condition of patients is deteriorating. At a late stage, hernias can form. There are periodic or persistent pain.

They are felt in the chest and lower back. In severe cases, the spinal cord is compressed. Myelopathy develops.

It is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • weakness in the lower limbs;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • paresthesia;
  • feet paresis.

If these signs are present, tumors and infectious pathology should be excluded. There is often a sensitivity disorder.

The late stage of Sheyerman's disease Mau is characterized by destructive degenerative changes of the spine.

The most frequent consequences are osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis and ligamentosis. Possible protrusion of hernia and its infringement.


Without treatment, Scheuermann's Mau disease leads to impairment of lung and heart function. The cause is a deformity of the chest. In such patients, there may be a feeling of irregular heart and shortness of breath.


The late stage of this pathology most often develops after 20 years. Since the onset of the disease to complications can take more than 10 years. Many are interested in the question of whether young people with this form of dorsopathy are enlisted in the army.

Exemption from service is possible with severe deformity and development of complications.

Patient Examination Plan

Before treating patients, they need to be examined. It is necessary to consult a neurologist. To clarify the diagnosis will need the following studies:

  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radiography;
  • electromyography.

In case of sensitivity disorders and restriction of movements, a neurological examination is performed. The most simple and affordable method of diagnosis - X-ray study. In the photo you can see:

  • change in the shape of 3 or more vertebrae;
  • pronounced thoracic kyphosis;
  • signs of a hernia.

Of great value is a correctly collected history. During the survey, the doctor identifies the main complaints of the patient, the time of the onset of the first symptoms, the association of pain with physical exertion and possible risk factors for the development of dorsopathy.

Methods of treatment

A favorable outcome of the disease is possible with an integrated approach to treatment. With this form of dorsopathy, therapy is performed with the participation of an orthopedist. The main aspects of treatment are:

  • physiotherapy;
  • taking medications;
  • back massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • restriction of physical activity.

The greatest value has exercise therapy. The load should be moderate. Lifting weights is contraindicated. The main tasks of gymnastics are:

  • strengthening of the buttocks and thoracic muscles;
  • relaxation of the muscles in the waist and neck;
  • normalization of breathing;
  • restoration of posture.

Exercises need to be done constantly. During the first 2-3 months, daily activities are required. The complex of exercises is selected by the instructor on exercise therapy. The most useful are swimming, long and fast walking, swinging the press and cycling. When choosing exercises, the following points are taken into account:

  • contraindications;
  • age;
  • presence of concomitant pathology.

Therapeutic exercises should not be aimed at training the pectoral muscles, since they can pull together the spinal column. Daily need to do about 1 hour. Use of bars and dumbbells is prohibited. The following exercises can be performed:

  • squats with a stick behind his back;
  • lifting on toes with raised hands;
  • tilting his head back with a stick;
  • walking on all fours with a chest bent forward;
  • flexing of the back up in the supine position;
  • stretching with the hands wound behind the head in the supine position;
  • lifting the head in the supine position.

Some patients are helped by yoga. In addition to gymnastics in the case of Sheyerman's disease, a massage is performed. It is better to entrust it to professionals. Massage provides blood flow, relaxes muscles and improves metabolic processes in tissues.

Patients are recommended to rest in sanatoria. There it is possible to take mud baths.

Other aspects of therapy

With severe deformation and the formation of hernias, medications can be prescribed. Myocalcytonin and Alostin are most commonly used.

They contain calcium, which strengthens bone tissue. It is possible to take biologically active supplements and vitamins.

In the case of a marked pain syndrome, NSAIDs are given in the form of capsules, tablets or ointments.

All patients need to change their lifestyle:

  • to refuse from employment by basketball, football and other jumping kinds of sports;
  • quit smoking;
  • fully nourished;
  • take vitamins;
  • sleep on special (orthopedic) furniture;
  • wear a corset.

Forbidden work is known to every experienced doctor.

The disease of Sheyerman Mau may become the basis for assigning a person to a group of disability if there are pronounced violations of the formation of the skeleton.

With Schmorl's hernia, surgical treatment is not performed. It is necessary to reduce the burden on the spine.

The operation is carried out according to strict indications. These include:

  • angle of thoracic kyphosis more than 45 °;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • compression myelopathy;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • violation of lung function and heart.

In the formation of the intervertebral hernia, such interventions as laminectomy, disketomy, microdiscectomy, fixation of the spine, laser vaporization and implant implantation can be performed.

Most often, with Scheuermann's disease, Mau install special screws, rods or hooks made of metal. Due to them, the spine is leveled. Urgent operation is required in the development of compression myelopathy.

Fasetectomy, laminectomy and removal of bone growths can be carried out.

Prognosis and methods of prevention

The prognosis for this pathology with proper and complete treatment is favorable. It worsens with chronic compression of the spinal cord.

In this case, irreversible changes occur in the tissues. Destructive changes are observed. Muscles atrophy.

Motor and sensory disorders are possible.

In the absence of proper treatment a person can become disabled. Specific prevention of the disease is absent. To reduce the risk of dorsopathy, it is necessary:

  • dose physical exercise;
  • not to engage in weightlifting;
  • fully nourished;
  • take vitamins and mineral supplements;
  • strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • to engage in gymnastics;
  • visit the swimming pool;
  • normalize posture;
  • correctly organize the workplace;
  • to abandon traumatic sports;
  • sleep on a hard surface.

Thus, the disease of Sheyerman Mau is more common in childhood. This pathology is steadily progressing and requires timely treatment.

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