Blepharitis - symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the eyelid

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With the symptoms of blepharitis, or simply - the inflammation of the century, at least once in life encountered many. Such manifestations could be more or less intense, but always brought a lot of discomfort and reduced work capacity. In many, such processes have even passed into a chronic form, from time to time making itself felt. But you could get rid of them easily and quickly. For you to be able to say goodbye to this problem in the near future, in this article we will consider the causes of such an ailment, its characteristic symptoms, as well as methods for effective treatment of inflammation century.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Blepharitis is an inflammatory pathological process that affects the eyelid. It can be both an independent illness and an accompanying one, usually a common disease. The most common blepharitis occurs in a chronic form, difficult to treat.

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish the anterior marginal form, in which the ciliary edge is mainly affected, and also the posterior one, at which the meibomian glands occlude. In some cases, these two forms can simultaneously be observed in humans.

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The disease can have a different nature. Currently, there are 3 main varieties of this disease:

  • Seborrheic or scaly.It is accompanied by the appearance of scales, which are easily and painlessly removed from the skin. Often causes conjunctivitis. With this form, an intensive loss of cilia usually occurs.
  • Ulcer accompanied by formation of abscesses and wounds at the place of their appearance.One of the most severe bacterial forms of the disease.
  • Demodekoznaya, caused by a skin mite.
  • Allergic, which, as a rule, has a seasonal manifestation.

Blepharitis is a long-term disease, often recurring.

In the absence of proper treatment, it can not only deplete the body. But also lead to a progressive reduction in visual acuity.That is why for each patient with a similar problem it is very important to identify it in time on the basis of symptoms, to identify its causes and to consult a doctor.

Types of blepharitis


Ophthalmologists identify several causes leading to the development of this disease. Among them:

  • skin mite;
  • fungal diseases;
  • infectious diseases, including angina;
  • decreased immunity, beriberi;
  • allergic reactions;
  • anemia;
  • eye diseases, including myopia, hyperopia, dry eye syndrome pronounced;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastritis.

As a rule, this disease manifests itself in the interaction of several such factors. Their specificity determines the severity of the disease, the severity of its symptoms, as well as the duration and method of effective treatment.


Blepharitis manifests itself through the following characteristic features:

  • itching;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelid;
  • increased sensitivity of the eyes to bright light;
  • formation of scales on the edges of the eyelid;
  • loss of eyelashes, as well as their further improper growth;
  • general increased fatigue, reduced human performance;
  • increased tear;
  • coalescence of the eyelids after sleep;
  • rarely - the appearance of wounds or sores on the edges of the affected tissue.

Symptoms of blepharitis may vary depending on the form and severity of the disease. However, even their weakest manifestations indicate the need to urgently seek medical treatment for correct treatment.


With symptoms of blepharitis, the doctor conducts a comprehensive visual examination of the affected areas, and also examines them through a slit lamp.This procedure is called biomicroscopy. Additional studies are prescribed depending on the concomitant symptoms of the disease. So if it is demodicosis as a possible factor in the appearance of a disease, the patient will be shown the study of freshly eyelashes in the laboratory. If a general disease is suspected, the doctor can also give the patient additional consultations with a gastroenterologist, dentist, endocrinologist, and also an ENT.

After passing through all these stages of the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the disease and prescribe the patient adequate treatment.


Effective therapy against blepharitis involves the simultaneous use of common drugs, as well as local drugs. It is focused primarily on the type of disease.

So allergic inflammation of the eyelid can be eliminated by hygienic treatment of tissues (it plays a crucial role in all forms of the disease), as well as taking antiallergenic drugs.The ulcer form caused by bacteria, it will be necessary to eliminate also with the help of local ointments and drops, which contain an antibiotic.When demodectic form is applicable, special anti-maltreatment therapy with ointments and alcohol solutions. Absolutely all types of blepharitis require, in addition to the main course of treatment, correction of the diet and increased intake of foods containing vitamins and minerals.

If blepharitis is a consequence of some other acute or chronic disease, the course of treatment for this disease of the eyelids should include the means against the underlying ailment. Otherwise, in the future, he can again provoke the inflammation of the century.

Despite the difficulty in treating various forms of blepharitis, in the overwhelming majority of cases they have very good prognosis for cure and can be eliminated in a short time by the efforts of a doctor and patient.


Without adequate and timely treatment, blepharitis can easily pass into a chronic form, and also cause a drop in visual acuity to provoke inflammatory processes on the mucosa.Ulcerous form of it can lead to such a serious complication as the cilia curvature, which will require surgical intervention.

Avoid these ailments can only one way: in a timely and clear compliance with the prescriptions of the doctor, not ignoring the disease, believing that it can pass by itself, and also by carrying out preventive Events.They, by the way, help to practically exclude the risks of this disease.


In order to avoid the appearance of blepharitis, a person should regularly perform the following general preventive recommendations:

  • Strictly observe the rules of hygiene, never to anyone to transfer such personal things as towels, handkerchiefs, pillowcases - through them infection with the infection is quite often.
  • Treat chronic and acute diseases of the nasopharynx, teeth, as well as other systems.
  • Observe the mode of work and rest of the eyes.
  • Pay due attention to the pathologies of vision, if you have them.
  • Add in the diet as many products as possible, in high titers containing vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Carefully approach the choice of cosmetics, buy only those compounds that are approved by dermatologists. It is desirable to stop your attention on hypoallergenic formulas.
  • Regularly visit an ophthalmologist and undergo a full examination for the timely detection of the prerequisites for such a disease.

The guarantee of the effectiveness of these funds is, of course, the regularity of their application. If you carefully perform them day in and day out, you can really minimize the risk of such an unpleasant illness as blepharitis.



In general, blepharitis, although a rather unpleasant disease, is treated quite effectively and in many situations does not even lead to complications. For the patient to achieve just such a result it is extremely important to consult a doctor already at the first symptoms of the disease and strictly follow his recommendations. In this case, the disease will be able to win without consequences for the body.