A coughing fit at night in a child

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child?

Often paroxysmal cough is characteristic for small children, it appears because the larynx of a child with vocal cords is different from that of adults. If the cough is acute at once, it speaks of laryngitis, because of it the mucous membrane swells. Most often seizures disturb the child at night, during this period the disease can worsen. Please note that paroxysmal cough is most common in allergic children, so it is important to identify the allergen in time and make sure that the child does not come into contact with it.

Causes of coughing attacks in a child

1. Cough accompanied by influenza, viral infection.

2. Because of laryngitis.

3. Serious allergic reaction.

4. Attacks occur with the bronchial system.

5. When dust enters the respiratory tract, inhale pollen.

A paroxysmal cough may appear due to the fact that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract of the child. The cough is sharp, breathing becomes difficult, the face turns blue. In cases where a child has swallowed a small foreign body, he can easily cough it out without problems. When the object makes breathing difficult, the child suffocates, it is necessary to take the child, put his head on the knees down, gently knock between the shoulder blades, so the foreign body will come out. When this procedure does not help, you need to urgently consult your doctor, because the child may suffocate.

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Methods for relieving coughing attacks in a child

May be inhalation, mineral alkaline water, butter, syrup, which help to get rid of the child from cough.

When an attack disturbs a child at night, you must raise the child, help him cough, give a warm drink - milk, mineral water "Borjomi" with the addition of a small amount of soda, chamomile broth. With the help of medicines, one can not only improve the condition of the mucous membrane, but also get rid of severe perspiration, coughing. If all the above methods do not help, the child needs to get up and move.

To remove an attack of cough in a child can be with a mixture of butter and honey, it must be rinsed like a candy. If the child has an allergic reaction to beekeeping products, in no case can the child be given honey, so it will only get worse.

Inhalation from coughing attacks

When a child is very ill, he begins to suffocate, do inhalation with medications, it is best to use a nebulizer. In cases when you see that the child suffocation, which is often characteristic of laryngitis, you need to take it to the bathroom, open the water, it must be hot, the child should breathe in pairs. Thus, you increase the humidity, it has a favorable effect on the respiratory system, a fit of coughing passes.

It is recommended to use cedar oil for inhalation, hot water is taken, a small amount of oil is added, the child should breathe in pairs.

Syrups from an attack of cough

Often doctors attribute cough syrups to a child, they contain a large number of essential oils and other substances that alleviate the condition of the patient. This is an effective way to cure cough. Pay attention, if in addition to coughing, strongly pershit in the throat, it is necessary to additionally examine the child, maybe he has tonsillitis, tonsillitis, then antibacterial drugs are needed.

Remember with coughing attacks you can not joke, they can be dangerous for the life of the child, it is best to call emergency care and hospitalize. In some children, laryngitis passes into pneumonia, in others it narrows the laryngeal lumen, because of this the disease becomes even more acute, the child can suffocate, it is not saved. In the hospital they can help, cope with this symptom, for this the intravenous hormone is prednisolone, with the help of it one can get rid of a strong edema. In stationary conditions, the child will undergo a full course of treatment, which includes - medical therapy, respiratory gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures. The main thing is that your child is under the supervision of a doctor.

To syrups should be treated with extreme caution, especially if the child is allergic, has diabetes.

The best syrup is the one containing the licorice root. With the help of it you can not only get rid of phlegm, and withdraw it from the pulmonary system, but heal ulcers, irritations, which are the consequence of a strong cough.

Dilute the syrup must be boiled and warm water. It is forbidden to dilute syrups with tea, sweet water, milk. When using a licorice syrup, you need to give the child as much water as possible, because of this plant, the mucus becomes thick and heavily goes out, can interfere with the baby, breathe fully.

If the disease is not serious, a viral infection is accompanied, it is necessary that the cough from the unproductive become wet, for this use mucolytics, with which you can dilute sputum. After the child needs to give drugs, with the help of which you can soon withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, lungs. Thus it is necessary constantly that the child drank, to do to him special massage, if there is no temperature, it is necessary, that he as much as possible moved.

Treatment of coughing attacks in a child with folk remedies

1. Decoction based on sage, it requires 250 ml of milk, a tablespoon of sage, all insist 30 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to drink a child of 150 ml at night, so it will be easier for a child to fall asleep.

2. From coughing attacks, rubbing helps to get rid of, for it you will need to squeeze juice from a black radish.

3. Tea helps with chamomile.

4. When coughing attacks, help the child, for this you need to knock easily at the top of the back and chest. Then give a drink something warm.

Thus, the treatment will depend on the cause of the disease, if the attack is caused by an allergy it is necessary to give an antihistamine drug when the cough appears due to dry air, it is necessary to ventilate the room, if other diseases are attributed to the appropriate medication for cough treatment.


Attacks of cough at night

There are many ways to combat coughing. People choose for themselves proven methods that work without fail. What helps one, can be completely useless and does not need another. For example, someone believes that you need to go to the sea once a year and you can forget about illnesses for the next 11 months. This is not suitable for everyone. And the reasons at all the. Someone, trite, no money, someone can not stand the long trips and heat, and someone acclimatization will knock it out of the rut, that it will take quite some time to recover after the trip. There are supporters of hardening. This is, of course, a quality and proven method of strengthening immunity. However, it is important to conduct procedures correctly, preferably under the guidance of a specialist. Otherwise, to bronchitis or pneumonia not far away.

Why coughing attacks at night?

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to lead a healthy lifestyle, the disease still overtakes. And at the most inopportune moment, when you are just starting to gain momentum in work, study or personal life.

The fact that a runny nose or cough have arisen at the most inopportune moment of life - it's half bad, you can live with it. In the end, not an apocalypse. But the fact that cough does not allow to sleep, and not only to a sick person, but also to his family, and sometimes even to his neighbors. That's the problem.

Why do coughing attacks occur more often at night than in the daytime? The fact is that when a person sleeps, his sputum stagnates in the respiratory tract. This, most often, provokes a cough. Also, the cause may be a runny nose. When the nose is stuffy, the patient starts to breathe with the mouth, as a result the throat dries up and cough begins. If cough does not allow you to sleep at night, you can drink some antitussive and sleep soundly. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it. Do not forget that cough itself is not a disease. This is a symptom of something bad that has settled in the body. Suppressing a cough, we do not get rid of the root cause, but only give ourselves the opportunity to sleep or go to work. It is necessary to get rid of what provokes a cough, whether it is an infection, an allergen or a foreign object.

Coughing attacks in the child at night

When an adult is sick, this is not a problem. Adults can describe their feelings, understand how serious the disease is and treat without any problems. We can even buy our own medicine and do not always turn to doctors. If the child is sick, this is a real problem. Especially when it comes to babies up to three years old.

A coughing fit in the child at night can be stopped by the ferry. How to do it. If there is hot water, it should be poured into the tub through a shower, while baking soda should be poured into the bottom of the bathtub. This method allows even to remove false groats. If there is no hot water, you need to take the baby in your arms, go into the kitchen, close the door behind you and boil water with soda on the stove. The vapors that will rise from the pan will soften the throat and facilitate breathing.

This method is tested and works at ninety-five percent. If it still did not work, you need to give an antihistamine or antitussive drug and simultaneously call an ambulance, without waiting for the child to begin to choke.

Nocturnal bouts of coughing in the child: causes

Grow a clever, well-bred, comprehensively developed child with strong health is the main task of every parent. When something goes wrong, parents feel guilty, especially mothers. A complex of inferiority and inadequacy of oneself as a parent is being formed. In order for the child to be intelligent, well-bred and comprehensively developed, it takes time, patience, money and institutions in which the child's ability can be developed. That is, it is, in principle, controlled. It is possible to do the effort of will so that to reproach yourself in this respect will not be for that. But, as for health. Here you will not guess. There are mothers who constantly go with their children for walks, do not take them to kindergarten, follow the diet and regular intake of vitamin. And no matter how hard they try, the children still get sick once a month, and they do it for several months. And there are mothers who do not clog their heads with proper nutrition and upbringing. Their children often look healthier, happier and more cultured. Why? It is difficult to answer this question. He's rhetorical. Sometimes excessive efforts give the opposite result.

No matter how parents try, the children will still be sick with them. After all, the immunity of the child is far from perfect and becomes stronger with each of the following diseases.

Children fever, cough, suffer from a cold and sore throat. In general, they try in every possible way to deprive the parents of sleep. The causes of night coughing attacks in a child are simple. In most cases, coughing is troubling because of an infection that has gotten into the upper or, worse, lower respiratory tract. To cough less often at night, you need to give the patient before bedtime warm milk with butter, honey or carrot juice. During the day provide abundant warm drink, you can give juice, tea, milk, mors and so on.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child at night?

Day coughing is a nuisance, but it's easy to cope with and it does not bother too much, unless, of course, it's a dry cough leading to vomiting. The child during the day is so exhausted by a cough and a general malaise that he craves to make up for a strong sleep. But the cough is cunning, it does not allow to sleep to its owner. The child does not sleep, parents do not sleep, irritability appears. Adults feel powerless to help the child.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child at night? In order to restore the patient's strength by a sound sleep, doctors recommend inhalation two hours before bedtime. It is advisable to do cold inhalations with a medicine, that is, using an inhaler. If this device is not in the house, you can simply boil potatoes in a uniform, sprinkle it with soda and breathe under a towel. If the infection is in the lower respiratory tract, you can begin to soar your feet with the addition of mustard powder or apply mustard plasters on the chest and back. This should be done very carefully, after consulting a doctor.

Coughing attacks at night in an adult

Treatment for a cough in an adult is no different from treating a child's cough. Coughing attacks at night in an adult can also be removed with steam inhalation, antitussives, warming ointments and plentiful drink.

What do doctors usually prescribe? The most popular drug is "Lazolvan". It is recommended to use it in the form of a solution, pouring into an inhaler. In general, the inhaler is a wonderful device that allows you to deliver the medicine to the destination in the shortest possible time. If you compare with syrups that pass through the whole body and only through the digestive system get into the blood, and only then to the source of the disease - into the respiratory tract. The solution, which is split by the inhaler into small particles, immediately flies into the respiratory system, without causing side effects on the digestive organs, immediately affects the microbes.

How to relieve a fit of coughing at night with an adult?

In any case, the right approach is important. If you let the disease run its course, nothing good will come of it. Running cough can lead to serious diseases of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, asthma and so on. In order to prevent this from happening and the negative consequences of neglected diseases are bypassed, one must go to the doctor and make a scheme of treatment, perhaps, to undergo some kind of examination.

How to relieve a fit of coughing at night with an adult? In order for the cough to go away, you need to take an antitussive drug. Here the main thing is to ensure that the antitussive drug does not mix with anything expectorant. After all, if you first increase the sputum, and then make it stay in its place, there may be a dissonance in the treatment and pneumonia will begin.


How to relieve a child's coughing

How to understand the causes of coughing attacks in children

Cough, especially his attacks, does not just disrupt the child's sleep, but also weakens it, causing severe anxiety among his parents. Most often they try to treat a child's cough with the use of special drugs to eliminate cough, restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, while applying special antibiotics, often only aggravating situation. Only finding out the real cause of a child's ailment can help in eliminating a cough.

By all the rules of medicine, a cough is called a reflex reaction of the body, the cause of which lies in the irritation of the respiratory receptors, which have a division into fast and slow ones. Development of cough occurs by stimulation of fast receptors, which is promoted by the action of internal and external irritating factors, chemical and mechanical nature. The cough mechanism is triggered by the combined action of these groups.

The normal state of things suggests a child coughing about 15-20 times a day and this should not be taken as a disease. Such manifestations of cough contribute to the elimination of mucus, which was formed in the upper respiratory tract.

How to relieve a child cough

An acknowledged means of treating coughing attacks in a child, which in practice has proved its own effectiveness, can be considered alkaline drink. Since ancient times, cough in children was made with milk in combination with tea, brewed on the flowers of chamomile. In order to achieve a greater effect in milk, it was suggested to dissolve a certain amount of soda and honey. In addition, a good effect involves the use of ordinary water alkaline type. The baby should be seated in his bed, gently pat on the back and upper area of ​​his chest. Slapping promotes the withdrawal of some mucus from the bronchi. After this, the child should be offered to drink a dose of drinking, and to ensure that he drank a little.

In addition, a good effect is the resorption in the mouth of a mixture consisting of butter and honey, collected in volumes of one tablespoon of each component. After the child drinks his portion, you should give him a few sips of warm, fresh milk.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child at night

Despite the fact that the correct way to indicate the cause of a night cough in a child is capable only of children physician, parents are obliged to understand what needs to be done in order to calm the attack of night cough in their child.

  1. First of all, you should wake the baby and try to determine exactly what kind of cough is present in it, wet or dry. If you have sputum, you need to determine its color. The most dangerous situation is the presence of purulent clots in the secretions when coughing, indicating a serious illness. In these cases, you should definitely call a doctor.
  2. In diseases of the upper respiratory organs, it should be understood that dry cough is normal. To ensure that the child does not have a blood circulation disorder, you should change his body's position more often, turning from one side to the other and placing under his head a cushion or pillow.
  3. A night cough in a child can be a concomitant symptom when cutting teeth. In order to suspend the flow of the process, it is necessary to put a couple of pillows under the head of the child, after raising the head of the bed.
  4. You can give the child a large amount of warm drinking, after which he will be able to sleep soundly. Antihistamines help to reduce mucosal edema, it is only necessary to ensure that they are in accordance with the child's age.

How to relieve a dry cough in a child

For effective removal of attacks of dry cough in a child, one should first of all determine the nature of its course and establish the reason why it occurs. It is capable of causing allergic reactions to detergents or detergents containing bioadditives. Also, the cause of coughing can be respiratory infection and obstructive bronchitis in the form of its complications. Among other reasons, pleurisy and pneumonia can be noted.

At attacks of a dry cough it is necessary to spend first of all humidification of air in a premise where there is a child. For this purpose, the appropriate moisturizer is ideal. In addition, you can simply put a basin of water next to the baby's crib. Good coughing-off special lollipops with antitussive effect, as well as cough syrup. If the child does not have a high temperature, it is therefore permissible to use a warming compress, mustard plasters and warming ointment. Also, an attack of dry cough helps to remove:

  • fresh air from the evening airing of the room;
  • wet cleaning of the child's room;
  • sufficient volume of warm drinking for the health improvement of the child;
  • Washing of the nasal passages of the child with water to wash away the mucous formations.

How to remove a strong attack of a child's cough

You can take off a strong cough attack by such methods:

  • boiled milk with sage, it should be boiled and after conduction and settling, give the child to drink directly before going to bed. It is recommended for regular attacks;
  • if in the throat of the baby pershit, should give the child honey or butter in the amount of one tablespoon;
  • if the cases are complicated, it is recommended to perform inhalations using essential oils of cedar and sage. The child will need to breathe a couple of oils, dissolved in water. It is best to perform these operations immediately before going to bed;
  • A good traditional remedy for severe attacks of cough is black radish. Cut into cubes and mixed with sugar, it should be baked in the oven for an hour and a half. After this, the formed porridge should be filtered and give the child a day not more than four tablespoons;
  • it makes sense to use vodka or chemically pure alcohol. After grinding the child should be wrapped in a warm scarf around the neck and warmly dressed.

How to relieve a barking barking attack in a child

In the case of barking coughing in a child, accompanied by wheezing when exhaling, sometimes rough, sometimes silent, with hoarseness and shortness of breath, this suggests that one should resort to help doctor. The combination of all of the above symptoms may indicate the appearance of a false croup in a child, leading to suffocation and very sad consequences. If all of the above is missing, the child can be helped by simple methods, the transfer of which does not take much space:

  • carrying out steam inhalations can reduce cough and significantly relieve breathing;
  • warm drink in a considerable amount;
  • elimination of all factors that worry the child, as this only aggravates the situation;
  • the use of mustard plasters in combination with a simple tapping massage, these measures are necessary to facilitate spitting out of the child;
  • use of antitussive expectorants.

How to quickly remove a fit of coughing in a child

For the rapid removal of coughing attacks in the child, especially if they are of a systemic nature, the use of paraffin is necessary. This measure will allow for warming up of the lungs, which will allow the baby to sleep at night without suffering coughing attacks. It is important to constantly monitor the temperature of the paraffin, because if it is too hot, the child will burn it.

Also, in the event that the question arises of the need to quickly remove the symptoms of a cough, a recipe involving the use of licorice root can help. It is able to conduct proper disinfection and healing of minor injuries characteristic of coughing in the larynx. Since sugar is included in the syrup, children with diabetes should not be given it.

When diluting the syrup, this must be done only with clean water. Add a syrup to tea or another drink should not, because of the increase in temperature, it can lose some of its properties. If there is a reception of a liquor based on licorice, then it is necessary to drink a lot of drink, because without it a thick mucus forms, from which breathing becomes difficult.

Children's cough suppressants

To calm and soften the mucous membrane, the use of such cough suppressants is recommended:

  • lozenges, intended for resorption, or pastilles;
  • various syrups of vegetable origin;
  • medicamentous preparations possessing combined action.

It is the latter species that proves to be the most effective in treating children's coughing attacks. Among them is the Herbion syrup, prepared on the basis of plantain. It consists of very important components that help get rid of the symptoms of cough and sudden seizures. It is about flowers of mallow, vitamin C and extract of plantain leaves. Such a combination of components helps to create a high-quality enveloping action of the syrup, to remove irritation of the mucous membrane and to soften it. All this helps to eliminate the consequences of infection with the infection.

A means is used to assist in the treatment of colds, as well as to eliminate the effects of severe seizures due to air dryness. In addition, the cause of the condition may be asthma attacks, as well as the concentration of mucus in the nasal cavity. Steady concentration of the composition makes it possible to use a remedy for coughing sick children, starting from the age of two years.


How to stop an attack of cough: emergency methods, prevention

  • At the child at night
  • In an adult
  • At home

From the inside, the airways of a person are lined with epithelium covered with villi, in the medical literature it is called ciliary.

Such a structure provides free movement of sputum, along with dust particles, crumbs.

But sometimes irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract is caused by diseases, to relieve the condition it is necessary to know how to stop the attack of a cough.

Sudden coughing attacks can be caused by the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, an allergic reaction to a stimulus, hot or cold, dry air.

Basically, this phenomenon occurs at night during sleep, this is due to the difficulty in spitting out of the bronchi. A frequent companion of ARVI is a runny nose. In the horizontal position, mucus from the nasal passages drains along the back wall of the throat and enters the respiratory tract, which can also cause coughing attacks.

This phenomenon serves only as a symptom of certain pathologies:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Cold.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Laryngitis.

In these cases, it is productive, with abundant sputum secretion. With bronchial asthma or allergies, cough is dry, debilitating, with laryngitis - loud, "croaking". Before you choose a method to stop a coughing attack, you need to identify its exact cause.

First of all, the doctor will listen to wheezing in the lungs, if necessary, send it to X-ray, depending on the results obtained, further tactics of treatment are determined.

First of all, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions in the room: turn on the humidifier, clean and air. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 - 23 ° C. To prevent a continuous, ongoing course of the disease, you should contact a doctor in a timely manner and do not allow self-medication.

To stop an attack of cough with bronchial asthma, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Injection,% solution of adrenaline in the volume, ml. The drug is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Subcutaneous injection 1ml 1% ephedrine.


These measures should be taken only with the precise confidence in the diagnosis and the availability of necessary medical skills.

Call an ambulance should be when there are difficulties with breathing, sharp pallor, fainting, a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat.

You can stop an attack of a dry cough in an adult in such ways:

  • Go to the balcony or open the window for airing.
  • To have a warm tea with chamomile.
  • Dissolve the lollipop with the sage.

To stop a fit of severe cough in childhood, doctors recommend:

  • Take the baby in his arms and reassure him.
  • If this condition is accompanied by vomiting, then tilt the baby slightly so that it does not choke, and then wash and rinse your mouth.
  • Open the bathroom with hot water, go there with the baby and stay for 15 to 20 minutes, so that he could breathe a wet steam.
  • Give warm milk with honey and a small slice of cocoa butter.

Often when solving the problem, how to stop a fit of cough, to use only these methods does not work, therefore it is necessary to use certain drugs that have a systemic effect on the body. You can also use traditional medicine.

How to stop a cough in a child at night: ways to solve the problem

Often, a prolonged incessant cough in childhood results from pertussis.

Its causative agent is attached to the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchi and causes their irritation, there is excessive stimulation of the cough center in the brain.Therefore, even after antibiotic treatment, the symptoms of infection persist for a long time.

As the pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, earlier this disease was rare, but to date cases of pertussis have become more frequent due to a mass refusal of vaccinations. Another reason for a prolonged cough in a child is adenoiditis and a protracted runny nose. Flowing during sleep on the back wall of the larynx, the snot irritates the epithelium of the respiratory tract, causing a constant desire to clear them of phlegm.

Also, such a symptom can serve as a protective reaction to the ingress of a foreign body. A prolonged dry incessant cough without other signs of acute respiratory viral infection or inflammation (eg, fever) can occur with bronchial asthma.

Ways how to stop a cough in a child are listed in the table below:

Concomitant symptom or diseaseHelp
Causes of unknown

• Give a warm, softening throat, drink.

• Make inhalation with soda.

• Ventilate the room.

• Switch on the humidifier.

Stuffy nose

• Clean the nasal passages (to help the kids use an aspirator).

• Rinse with sea water (Humer, Atomer, AquaMaris).

• Sip the vasoconstrictor (Vibrocil, Otryvin, Galazolin).

Whooping cough Give the drug to stop the cough: Sinecod, Theophylline.

• Crush or dissolve the pill from pain in the throat and to soften the vocal cords (Lisobakt, Lizak, Tonzilgon).

• Use cough medicine: Paxeladin, Sinecod.

Bronchitis, pneumonia • Expectorant medications on a chemical basis (herbal preparations are slower): Ambroxol, Lazolvan.
Bronchial asthma Specific therapy (aerosols Salbutamol, Berotek).

In order to stop an attack of cough in a child, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Fill some figs with a glass of milk and simmer over low heat until it turns brown. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.
  • Pass the aloe leaves through the meat grinder, add honey and melted butter to the gruel. Stir the mixture for 1 to 2 hours and press through gauze. The resulting juice to drink 10 ml 4 times a day before meals.


If an attack of coughing can not be stopped, then you need to call an ambulance. Also, treatment in a hospital is mandatory for children under 6 months.

How to stop coughing in an adult: treatment methods and recommendations

The reasons for the appearance of a cough in an adult are the same as for a child, the exception is whooping cough, which at this age practically does not occur. Morning attacks can be triggered by regular smoking.

The principles of how to stop a cough in an adult depend on the type of cough:

  • Productive is accompanied by sputum discharge. To facilitate this process, tablets Ambroxol, ACS, Bromhexine are used. It can also be caused by run-off mucus. In this case, Tizin, Nazivin, and Naftizin are used.
  • Dry due to inflammation of the throat, bronchial asthma, allergies. Specific hormonal aerosols (Pulmicort, Ventolin), drugs for the treatment of the nasopharynx and larynx (Lugol, Lizak, Septotelet).

It is also possible to stop a cough in an adult using traditional medicine:

  • Bind the nettle grass with vodka and insist 7 to 10 days. Take during an attack of 10 ml.
  • A tablespoon of sage mixed with 200 ml of milk and boiled. Cool, drain and consume at night.
  • With an exacerbation, drink a glass of warm milk and butter.

With prolonged cough, a doctor should be visited to exclude such serious pathologies as tuberculosis, neoplasms, metastases in the lungs or bronchial tubes.

How to stop cough at home: inhalation, compresses

A common method of getting rid of a night cough is the mustard plaster. First they are moistened in warm water and applied directly to the skin of the back (5 - 8 pieces) for 5 - 10 minutes.

In children, mustard can provoke a burn, so under them should be put half folded gauze.To enhance the effect, you can wrap it in a film and cover with a blanket.

Also, inhalations with hot air are useful, they are advised to be administered with a steam inhaler. It is poured decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, marigold), add iodine and soda. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use a nebulizer by filling the capsule with a medicine or ordinary mineral water.

Help in solving the problem of how to stop coughing at home, are capable of compresses.The procedure can be done with hot pounded potatoes. It should be wrapped in thick paper or cloth and attached to the chest. Top with polyethylene and a warm blanket until completely cooled. Instead of potatoes, the following recipe will do: slice the cabbage leaf with honey and place on the back.



How to urgently remove attacks of a dry cough in the child?


on pasprartu I RU

potatoes in a uniform sprinkle with soda (ten potatoes, a teaspoon of soda without a slide), plant it over a potato and cover with a blanket, let it breathe for three minutes ...

Dima Moskvin

syrup licorice root well helps. child only to them and fly.

Olga Utyugova

ACTS 100. it dilutes sputum. it helps. I make foot baths with chamomile and sage. if there is no temperature. but it can lower the sputum to the respiratory lower. so carefully, but also possible. helps us


Try to buy at the pharmacy Broncholetin, my help.


Can his throat be red and irritated? Look. Dry cough and from it can be. Then milk with honey, chicken broth, or type of tantum verde in the throat to sprinkle.


But is not that an allergy? What you have listed are expectorants, if the cough is dry, then they are useless. I myself had the same cough, when I lay a month in the hospital and did not go out in the fresh air. I returned home, and everything went without any medication.

elena m

Do not give expectorants with a dry cough
you only worsen the situation
inhalation with boiled potatoes (water drain)
and it is better with Borjomi or other alkaline water in a special inhaler
give to drink warm milk with Borjomi (:) times 4 per day
Badger fat-rub the breast of pink except the area of ​​the heart
and only when the cough becomes wet give expectorants: syrup with an alteca or licorice
In parallel it is necessary to give natural vitamins-Tentorium-plus
O-de-vit (for the broncho-pulmonary system from Tentorium


Try pneumomassage. The child should be placed on his knees with his stomach to keep his head down, hold fast for the ass. And quite a lot of pat on the back in the lungs, bronchi. Especially helps if you pre-drink an expectorant that is and breathe over the steam.
I read that you can not give an expectorant with a dry cough - yes, you can not, if it's just a dry cough, and if the child is coughing, it means that there is a sputum but does not go away. Therefore, it is necessary to help expectorants, softening the inhalation by inhalation and withdraw phlegm from the pneumomassage.

The doctor on soap !!!


We were helped only by the STODEL.


Visit the allergist.
At us so tracheobronchitis allergic is shown.

Svetlana Fibiker

Hot milk with honey

Elena Maltseva

it looks like an allergic one. moisten the air. You can throw a wet towel on the battery. in the bathroom next to the steam stand. must pass

Claudia Morozova

I figeyu: "The doctor shrugged and she knows that with such a cough, stenosis or swelling of the throat can begin!!! I do not frighten, we just passed it on ourselves.. PR and dry cough caused by ARVI, I immediately begin to do inhalations with saline (I bought a compressor nebulizer OMPON for 2500 two years ago and never regretted it). If bronchitis, then with a lazolvanom (berodualom) and myself and my daughter, bronchitis for a time cure, much faster than without inhalations. Bronchitis we have frequent, I do everything in the complex: massage, inhalation, and gymnastics respiratory well, and medications appropriate.
Attacks can be quenched: lead to the bathroom and let it breathe over a strong stream of warm water to breathe WET air - so even recommends an ambulance to do as long as it rides (we just called for an attack of stenosis), Well, that is, try to moisten the air that the child breathes.
Another thing is if the cough is allergic, then the treatment is given exclusively by the allergist after the samples that reveal the allergen (home. dust, flowers, food, etc. ) We have food allergy, but in sickness I give half a tablet of phencarol (zirteka) to reduce the allergic component of cough.
Well, ie, investigate what's with the baby, and demand treatment.
Health to YOU!


Usually licorice helps us in any form, even just chew a little spoon (if there is one) or her syrup or a decoction, and even better is milk with badger fat or bear (sold in a pharmacy)

Tatyana Azarova

compressor nebulizer, physical inhalation. rastvorm, Lazolvanom. I give you an erespal. Very good for coughing.

M @ shenk @

We also had such a cough - just a guard. The doctor advised in that case to remove the edema from the bronchi with the help of Clenbutirol. It is cheap, but it helped us well. And when the spasm subsides (suffocating cough ceases), you can drink eseppal or licorice root. And if there is a nybulizer at home, you can breathe 5 cubes of saline solution + beryodual. Of course, it is better to conduct all treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Anna Protova

Inhalation with Proppan 3 times a day. Before going to bed, warming up in the form of a compress. Such treatment always helps us.


The second day I run around scared after my wife and my youngest daughter. My mother with angina lies, and the daughter with a bronchitis campaign... So today the attack of the younger began asleep, put it, coughed almost to vomiting... He first planted, then heated half a glass of milk and added a spoonful of honey. Some how I drank it! Now sleeping masyanka as an angel) Maybe someone else will help this method!

Dinara Aliyeva

The doctor should listen easy. I soften the breathing of inhalations with droplets of Propane (into the inhaler compressor). And cough facilitates and moisturizes and sputum subsequently displays. Everything passes quickly.

Lisa Shipova

I figeyu: "The doctor shrugged and she knows that with such a cough, stenosis or swelling of the throat can begin!!! I do not frighten, we just passed it on ourselves.. PR and dry cough caused by ARVI, I immediately begin to do inhalations with saline (I bought a compressor nebulizer OMPON for 2500 two years ago and never regretted it). If bronchitis, then with a lazolvanom (berodualom) and myself and my daughter, bronchitis for a time cure, much faster than without inhalations. Bronchitis we have frequent, I do everything in the complex: massage, inhalation, and gymnastics respiratory well, and medications appropriate.
Attacks can be quenched: lead to the bathroom and let it breathe over a strong stream of warm water to breathe WET air - so even recommends an ambulance to do as long as it rides (we just called for an attack of stenosis), Well, that is, try to moisten the air that the child breathes.
Another thing is if the cough is allergic, then the treatment is given exclusively by the allergist after the samples that reveal the allergen (home. dust, flowers, food, etc. ) We have food allergy, but in sickness I give half a tablet of phencarol (zirteka) to reduce the allergic component of cough.
Well, ie, investigate what's with the baby, and demand treatment.
Health to YOU!

The child has an attack of barking cough at night (laryngitis).



Hello. My son before five years had attacks of a laryngitis and now they proceed in less acute form. When our child was ill we with him so that he could breathe more easily walking on the street, during the sleep the room was ventilated and a window or window leaf left open, he slept in a semi-sitting position and of course inhalers and eofilin which quite well helps with this disease. In general, if there is an opportunity then temper the child. At us if we it or him for the whole summer sent to a summer residence that winter we lived without sores, but if not tempered in the summer that it was necessary to be treated in the winter. Health to your child and you do not feel ill!


The Kid fell ill and slept at home in an extremely depressed state. I did not go to work by a fluke. In the second hour of the night the condition of the child deteriorated significantly, it was necessary to call an ambulance. Razgildya superficially inspected the barely moving of Kostya, said that there was no cause for concern, especially for hospitalization, advised gulls with lemon and retired. An unfamiliar intuitive sense of danger made me disbelieve grief-healers, grab my son and rush to the children's city hospital. His wife lost consciousness when the doctor in the waiting room dropped it. - Another half hour, and the patient would have left, so much harmless laryngitis pulled the neck, intending, in a literal sense, to kill the victim.


Urgently in the bathroom.. turn on hot water to make steam. add soda into the water (i.e. n. soda inhalation), give a drink of soda alkaline water (Borzhom type). call a doctor.

Valentina Nevolina

My daughter was strong and often sick and coughed. The doctor said you need to sleep on a large pillow like a half-sider, so that the swelling drips down.


It's very scary when a child starts to gasp during an attack of a cough. I immediately gave my son half a glass of warm milk with honey + a little soda (the doctor later said that you could have milk diluted with an alkaline mineral water in half), seizures were several times a night, but the milk removed them, and the baby fell asleep. And in the morning I called the doctor to the house.

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