Лфк with flat feet: gymnastics for children and adults


  • 1Complex exercise therapy for flat feet in children and adults
    • 1.1What is platypadia?
    • 1.2Causes of appearance
    • 1.3What is exercise therapy
    • 1.4Principles of Exercise
    • 1.5Footwear for exercise therapy
    • 1.6Warm up
    • 1.7Basic Exercises
    • 1.8Stiffening Exercises
    • 1.9Complex for children
    • 1.10Prevention of flat feet
  • 2Lfk with flat feet, foot massage
    • 2.1Lfk with flat feet in adults
    • 2.2Lfk with flat feet in children
    • 2.3Massage with flat feet
  • 3Complex exercises from flat feet, charging for the feet
    • 3.1Exercise therapy: important points
    • 3.2Complex exercises for flat feet
    • 3.3Complex number 1: from the prone position
    • 3.4Complex number 2: from sitting on the rug
    • 3.5Complex number 3: from sitting on a chair
    • 3.6Complex №4: from standing position
    • 3.7Complex №5: in motion
  • 4LFK (therapeutic exercise) with flat feet in adults: a set of leg exercises
    • 4.1The effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises with a flat foot
    • 4.2The principles of maintaining the plantar arch are normal with the help of exercise therapy
    • 4.3The resulting summary of the article
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Physiotherapy with flat feet for adults and children
    • 5.1Causes
    • 5.2Symptomatology of the disease
    • 5.3Treatment
    • 5.4Physiotherapy
  • 6Useful gymnastics with flat feet
    • 6.1Why does flatfoot occur?

Complex exercise therapy for flat feet in children and adults

According to statistics, more than 50% of children and about 75% at the age of 6 years have signs of flat feet.

Obviously, the problem manifests itself in childhood, and it means that it is necessary to start working with it at that time.

In this article we will talk about one of the methods of treatment - exercise therapy with flat feet in children and adults.

What is platypadia?

Flattening - a pathological change in the shape of the foot, in which its vaults are partially or completely lowered. There are several forms of the disease, depending on which of the arches is curved: transverse or longitudinal. How it looks is illustrated in the picture below.

With a pronounced curvature, the flatfoot is diagnosed on examination with an orthopedic doctor. In the initial stages, the disease is detected with the help of an X-ray, which is done in a standing position.

Causes of appearance

In order to better understand which set of exercises to prescribe, the doctor needs to know the causes of the ailment. Causes of flatfoot:

  • Congenital. Due to the physiological characteristics of the child's organism, at the age of 5-6 years, almost all children have signs of an ailment, which significantly complicates the diagnosis of "true" flat feet. According to statistics, in 3-4% of children the disease is congenital.
  • Injuries and mechanical injuries, bruises, bumps, fractures, cracks - all this affects the shape of the foot and can lead to flat feet.
  • Poliomyelitis, which provokes paralysis of the muscles of the legs and feet, can cause ailment.
  • Rickets. A disease that affects the bones, ligaments and muscles of a person leads to muscle weakness and improper bone formation, including in the area of ​​the feet.
  • Weakening of the leg muscles, feet and the formation of pathology under the influence of such factors: excess weight, uncomfortable shoes, curvature of the spine, passive lifestyle.

What is exercise therapy

LFK is an abbreviated designation of therapeutic physical culture. It is a set of therapeutic physical exercises aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal and other body systems.


  • Tones and strengthens the muscles of the foot.
  • Develops musculature throughout the body.
  • Increases the strength and elasticity of the skeleton.
  • Normalizes the blood supply of the legs.
  • Forms the correct position of the arch and fixes the result.

Principles of Exercise

Choose a gym complex and perform it is not enough to recover.

The first and most important rule is not to start any exercises without first consulting an orthopedist. Not all exercises in exercise therapy help with flat feet, and some can even hurt, so you can not assign them yourself.

Other principles:

  1. To start the lesson, you should only after determining the correct position of the foot.
  2. Begin the exercises with warm-up and restorative complexes for posture and back, and then go to specialized exercises on the feet.
  3. At the end of each lesson, do the fixing exercises (consider them separately below).
  4. For a better effect, exercise therapy with flat feet should be combined with daily walking barefoot. It is ideal to walk on sand or rocks, but if there is no such possibility, then it is possible and at home: on a ribbed board, carpet, floor.
  5. During the training, there should be no pain. If they appear - discuss this with your doctor.

Footwear for exercise therapy

Perhaps, most of the day we spend in shoes - whether it's home slippers or sneakers. Therefore, its configuration and convenience greatly affect the shape and health of the foot.

It is important to understand that even if you will perform all exercises in good quality and conscientiously, but at the same time wear "wrong" shoes, the therapeutic effect will not be achieved.

What should be shoes:

  • Without a heel, its maximum height is 4-5 cm.
  • The inner edge of the shoe must be free.
  • The ideal option - the presence of a supinator, if it is not, then select so that you can put the insole.
  • With the properties of natural materials (not necessarily buy from genuine leather).

Warm up

Before the beginning of the session, make a general workout of the body: the slopes and turns of the neck, lifting and lowering the shoulders, turning and tilting the body.

In general, remember the school gymnastics in gymnastics.

The warm-up should be done to warm up the muscles throughout the body, in this state the exercises are easier and bring more effect.

Basic Exercises

Below we will list the most common exercises that doctors prescribe. Discuss it with your orthopedist and make up your individual complex.

  1. It is performed lying on the back, arms are stretched along the body, legs freely lie along the width of the shoulders. Strongly squeeze and unclench your toes for 3 minutes.
  2. In the same position rotate ankle first clockwise, and then against it. Perform 2 minutes on each side.
  3. Lying on your back, alternately pull the sock forward, while watching, so that the inner side of the foot falls. Perform 10 times for each leg, and then 10 more, pulling the toe on both feet simultaneously.
  4. Lie on your stomach, put your hands along the body, legs connect. Alternately, lift one of the legs up and with them try to lift the body, hold in a raised position for 1-2 seconds, and then slowly return to the original.
  5. Performed in a sitting position on a chair or stool (not on a chair or sofa). Spread the feet, squeeze one of your hands into a fist and place it between your knees. With your feet, tighten your fist and at the same time tear off the inner parts of your feet from the floor, tightly pressing it externally to it.
  6. Take a small rubber ball and roll it first with one foot, then the other.
  7. Stand up, place your feet on the width of the shoulders, arms freely hang down hanging along the body. Rise on the socks and stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, and then slowly return to the original. Repeat 10-15 times.
  8. Lean on the outside of the feet, squeeze and unclench your toes, repeat 10-20 times.

Stiffening Exercises

After the main complex is completed, it is recommended to fix the result. To do this, walk around the room on your socks and on your heels, if possible, try to do this on an inclined surface.

For the development of musculature and coordination, you can perform the following exercise: use your toes pencil or pen and draw a few simple geometric shapes first with one foot and then other.

It is recommended to complete the charging with a general body hitch.

Complex for children

Gymnastics with flat feet in children is slightly different from similar exercises for adults. Due to the fact that the children's musculoskeletal system is under development, the gym complex must be constantly updated, part of the exercises to exclude and add new ones.

The child should do exercise therapy in the presence of an adult or a doctor who will monitor the correctness of the exercise and, if necessary, adjust the child's actions.

If the platypodia is diagnosed in infants, then therapeutic gymnastics with flat feet is not prescribed, the treatment is performed by massaging the feet and physiotherapy procedures.

Gymnastics with flat feet for children consists of the same exercises as in adults. The individual scheme is selected together with the doctor and is regularly adjusted.

Prevention of flat feet

  • Wearing comfortable shoes with an instep.
  • Observation of the posture and, if necessary, its adjustment.
  • Walking barefoot on the grass, sand, stones (at home, you can replace peas).
  • Regular exercise: walking, swimming, easy running, yoga.
  • Regular use of vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in the off-season.
  • A complete diet, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, protein foods.
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

These rules will help not only those who have never encountered flat feet, but also patients undergoing treatment.

A source: https://NogoStop.ru/stopa/svod/kompleks-lfk-pri-ploskostopii.html

Lfk with flat feet, foot massage

Pathology, when the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot falls, it flattenes, more than 50% of the adult population suffers. Such a violation of the anatomically correct structure of the foot is called a flatfoot.

When appointing a complex of treatment, one should take into account how much the deformity of the foot has come. In later stages of the disease, surgical intervention may be necessary.

In the initial stages, in addition to using orthopedic insoles and liners, competently chosen exercises are aimed at strengthening the ligamentous apparatus and the muscles of the foot. LFK, i.e., therapeutic physical culture, makes the likelihood of healing extremely high. But this requires that the lessons are regular and systematic, otherwise there will be no effect.

Lfk with flat feet in adults

All exercises should be performed by taking off. The results will be visible after six months of regular sessions, the progression of flattening will stop. LFK is recommended for all degrees of flatfoot.

Movements that are performed standing:

  • Rises on the toes and then on the heels first from the position of the heel together with the socks apart, and then vice versa.
  • Transferring the body weight to the outer arches of the foot and returning to the initial position.
  • Low attacks alternately on both legs. Keep your back straight. Perform up to 10 repetitions.

Movements that are performed sitting on the edge of the chair with the feet located in parallel:

  • Simultaneous lifting of the fingers of one and the heel of the second leg.
  • Tearing socks off the floor on each leg in turn and on both together.
  • Tearing the heels off the floor on each leg in turn and on both together.
  • Putting a foot on the foot to do rotational movements of the foot.
  • The image of the footsteps of the movement of the caterpillar, i.e., flexing of the fingers and then pulling the heels to them.
  • Collection of fingers from the floor of scattered small objects.
  • Rises of straightened legs together or alternately to the maximum height with the pulling of socks or heels.

Movements that should be done lying on the back:

  • Simultaneous or alternate stretching of the toes.
  • The heels of the heels simultaneously or in turn do not tear off the toes of the feet from the floor surface.
  • Bend your legs, spreading your hips in different directions. Stops to connect with each other and without tearing off your fingers to pat your heels.
  • Embracing the soles of a ball weighing about a kilogram, lift it above the floor and lower it.
  • Perform stroking movements of the soles along the shin of the second leg.
  • Rolling a stick with each foot and both together on the floor. You can do the exercise standing or sitting for 10 minutes.
  • With transverse flatfoot, walking helps across the stick. Stand on it in the middle of the foot and step sideways from one side of the stick to the other.
  • With longitudinal flat feet, walking along the sticks helps. Stand up so that the stick was located along the foot, and go along it in front of the socks, and then back to back in advance.
  • It is also necessary to include in the complex steps on the outer arches of the feet, on the toes, along the ribbed surface, along the slope, uneven surface.
  • It is useful to make a "goose step moving in squat and dragging your feet.
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Lfk with flat feet in children

There are diseases that are easier to prevent than cure, and flat foot refers to them.

The emergence of this pathology in a child is most often due to the fact that his bones have not grown stronger, and the muscles and ligaments are still weak.

Therefore, the treatment is aimed specifically at strengthening the ligamentous and muscular apparatus.

If a child has prerequisites for flatfoot or there is an initial stage of the disease, it is worth paying attention to the following exercises:

  • With both soles grasp the ball and lift above the floor.
  • Do sweeps from heels to socks and back.
  • To make compressing movements by feet, having clamped between them a ball.
  • Sitting with his heels pressed to the floor, drag his fingers to him with the cloth spread with a small object lying on it.
  • Sitting on the floor, bend your legs, spread your knees and hips to the sides, and put the feet together. Then straighten your legs as long as you can keep your feet open.
  • Sitting to draw in the air stops of straight legs of a circle in both directions.
  • Sitting on the floor with the fingers of one foot, pat the lower leg from the toe to the knee. Carry out a few strokes with each foot.
  • Taking a pen or pencil in your toes, draw different shapes or letters on a piece of paper.
  • Walk on the pebbles.
  • Walk on heels, socks and the outside of the foot.

Massage with flat feet

Massage has a wonderful curative effect. It increases muscle tone and normalizes blood circulation, reduces pain and fatigue in the feet.

It is necessary to massage not only the foot, but also to massage the foot entirely. Massaging can be done both before and after the gym. Easy self-massage can be done at home on your own.

The basic position with self-massage - the bent leg rests against the edge of the chair.

  • With one hand, it is necessary to lift the ring finger, and the second to pull down the little finger. Then change the other way around. Make this movement several times. Stretch all the fingers in this way.
  • One hand to hold the heel, and the second to bend and unbend all the toes at the same time. Make several times.
  • To rub the feet from the fingers to the ankle for 20 seconds.
  • About a minute, actively massage the bases of the toes on the sole, and then half a minute to knead the heel.
  • Stroke the leg with both hands from the fingers to the heel on all sides for 30 seconds.
  • Grabbing an ankle with your hands, do strong stroking to the knee. Then, in the same way, carry out several kneading movements and again perform strokes.
  • Do similar to the previous movements, but from the knee to the groin.
  • At the end of the massage you need to stroke the entire leg from the foot to the groin.
  • Repeat massage movements for the second leg.

When faced with a diagnosis of flat feet, do not let the disease run its course. Regular exercises of exercise therapy and massage will help on the way to health. The complex of exercises should be selected individually on the recommendation of the orthopedist.

A source: https://helportoped.ru/zabolevaniya/ploskostopie/lfk-pri-ploskostopii-massazh-stop.html

Complex exercises from flat feet, charging for the feet

Flat feet is a disease of the foot, in which its shape changes and the longitudinal and transverse arches fall.

Specially developed exercises from flatfoot help to get rid of the disease or, at least, slow its progression.

Therapeutic exercise is the best way to cope with the disease in children and adolescents without surgery and other serious medical interventions.

Exercise therapy: important points

Therapeutic physical training is recognized as one of the most important moments in the treatment of flat feet in children. In adults, conservative methods of curing flat feet are difficult.

After the foot is formed, its vault can not be changed without the help of a surgeon.

Therapeutic exercises in this case can only relieve the pain and alleviate the condition, but it can not permanently rid itself of the disease.

The complex of special exercises for the feet allows for a long time to stop the progression of the disease and prevent the development of serious complications.

The goal of exercise therapy for flatfoot is to strengthen the diseased muscles and ligaments and thereby eliminate the underlying manifestations of the disease. Physiotherapy can be an excellent alternative to surgery.

LFK is also prescribed for children and adolescents in the postoperative period to consolidate the results.


How often should I do exercises with flat feet? Specialists recommend giving gymnastics at least 15 minutes a day.


It should be noted that therapeutic exercise is most effective in longitudinal flat feet.

All exercises are aimed primarily at training the muscles of the shin, which affect the formation of the longitudinal arch. With transverse flatfoot, exercise therapy does not always give the expected result.

Gymnastics with flat feet - this is not the treatment that brings immediate results. The complex of exercises gives a tangible effect only with long and regular training.

It will take at least two years for the child to get rid of the basic manifestations of flatfoot.

Simultaneously with gymnastics, doctors recommend daily self-massage of feet, and also wear special orthopedic insoles.

Complex exercises for flat feet

Where to begin? Sit back on the rug and show your child all the exercises one by one. If the baby is too young and can not do everything right, do not worry.

Over time, the child will learn all the exercises and will perform them independently without your participation.

Turn the workout into a game - and your child will be happy to connect to an exciting process!

Complex number 1: from the prone position

Exercises with flat feet in children begin to do in the prone position. For daily activities you should purchase a special mattress or mat, on which the child will be comfortable to deal with.

  • Pull the socks on yourself and at the same time turn the foot inside.
  • Tear off the heels from the surface and try to reach into the mat with socks.
  • Raise both legs. Bend the left leg in the knee and walk over the surface of the right leg. Repeat the exercise by changing your legs.

Complex number 2: from sitting on the rug

  • Pull your legs forward. Slowly bend and unbend the toes alternately.
  • Without changing the position, pull the socks on yourself and then away from yourself.
  • Reduce and dilate elongated legs, each time joining feet together.
  • Bend the legs in the knee. Reduce and dilute your heels without taking your socks off the floor.
  • Bend the left leg in the knee and pass your foot along the right lower leg from the bottom upwards downwards. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Exercises against flatfoot can also be done with a conventional tennis ball. Continue to sit on the rug and perform the following exercises.

  • Pull your legs forward. Grab the ball and lift your legs above the floor.
  • Having grabbed the ball, try to throw it with your feet.
  • Bend your knees. Roll the ball from the toe to the heel along the foot.

Complex number 3: from sitting on a chair

  • Alternately bend and unbend your toes.
  • Pull the socks over and away from yourself with a lot of tension.
  • Make circular motions with both feet inside and then out.
  • Connect the feet together (make sure that your knees are straightened).
  • Spend the thumb of the left foot on the right shin from the bottom up. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Breed and reduce your heels without taking your socks off the rug.
  • Detach from the rug alternately socks and heels.
  • Alternately raise your left and right leg as high as you can.

LFK at a platypodia at children from a position sitting on a chair also it is possible to carry out with use of improvised agents.

  • Take a piece of cloth and throw it on the floor. Try to collect and lift the fabric with your toes.
  • Roll your feet with a pencil or ball. Try to lift the object from the floor without using your hands.
  • Roll over and shift from place to place small items on the floor (pebbles, pencils).

Exercises with flat feet can be done at any time of the day. Invite the child to roll the ball or pencil with bare feet while sitting at the table.

Not distracted from studying, reading books or other hobbies, a child can train his muscles. This method works in adults suffering from flat feet.

Rolling of objects with the feet well relieves the load from the foot and significantly reduces pain and other unpleasant sensations in the legs.

Therapeutic gymnastics is available not only at home. Once on the beach, ask the child to walk on hot sand. Sitting on a rug or chaise longue, roll sand or small pebbles under your feet.

Remember that gymnastics with flat feet does not always require special adaptations. It's enough just to look around - and show a little imagination.

Normal walking barefoot on uneven ground can successfully replace half an hour of training on an orthopedic mat, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Complex №4: from standing position

  • Get up on your toes and stretch your whole body.
  • Standing on your toes, transfer the weight of the whole body to the outer edge of the foot. Return to the starting position.
  • Stand on the outer side surface of the foot (on the edge). Hold in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Crouch, trying not to tear off the heels from the floor.
  • Rotate alternately left and right, placing emphasis on the corresponding foot.

Complex №5: in motion

Gymnastics with flat feet in children is also performed while walking.

  • Walk alternately on your toes and heels, on the outer arches of your feet.
  • Press your fingers and walk a few steps in this position.
  • Lift your fingers and walk again.

Therapeutic gymnastics should become a habitual activity for everyone who suffers from flat feet.

Let it be a daily morning exercise or a warm-up after a day's work. You can perform exercises twice a day, at least 10 minutes each time.

The total duration of training should not be more than 30 minutes.

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Physiotherapy with flatfoot is not the only method to combat the disease. Self-massage and physiotherapy also play a big role in getting rid of the disease.


Even with transverse flat feet with the help of massage and gymnastics, you can achieve improvement. With longitudinal flat feet using LFK, surgical treatment can be avoided.


The exact prognosis and more complete recommendations for the implementation of certain exercises can be given by an orthopedic physician with personal consultation.

A source: http://FeetInfo.ru/exercises/uprazhneniya-ot-ploskostopiya.html

LFK (therapeutic exercise) with flat feet in adults: a set of leg exercises

Appointment of exercise therapy at flatfoot is designed to affect the multiple links of the pathological process. Therapeutic exercise is the most effective method of strengthening muscle tone and normalizing blood supply.

Complex of physiotherapy exercises to maintain the arch of the foot

With the right choice of exercises and their daily implementation for several months, specialists of domestic rehabilitation centers manage to stop the progression of flattening of the foot.

The main task of exercise therapy in the flat arch is to achieve the necessary position of the arch and fix the results achieved. The list of exercises includes varieties to strengthen muscle groups:

  • metatarsal fingers;
  • plantar aponeurosis;
  • heel bone;
  • Ankle joint;
  • shin and thigh.

The most effective charging with flatfoot is performed with the use of complexes to stimulate several muscle systems simultaneously.

For this, not only exercises are used in standing, sitting or lying positions, but auxiliary objects (gymnastic sticks, inclined planes, geometric cubes) are also used.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises with a flat foot

Physiotherapy exercises with flat feet

Compaction of the foot can develop according to several scenarios. Flat valgus deformation is characterized by the deviation of metatarsal bones from below, and the thumb is directed to the outside.

The longitudinal foot is flattened in the middle part. Normally, in this area, the important anatomical structures of the sole (muscles, ligaments, nerves) are hidden from compression under the support of sex.

Flat varus deformation is the opposite. With her thumb is shifted to the inside and overlapping the others.

The combined pathology variant is manifested by a combination of several species simultaneously.

It has to be treated for a long time, but even the most intensive exercise therapy with flat feet can not guarantee a person the positive effect of exercise because with this pathology violations in many structures are determined: blood supply, plantar aponeurosis, bone system, nerves and even veins.

The expressed degree of a flat foot is often combined with an internal deviation of a heel bone with displacement of a vertical axis of distribution of loading on an ankle joint (clubfoot). Only therapeutic exercise combined with wearing orthopedic insoles allows a person to get rid of the restriction of movement in this case.

The principles of maintaining the plantar arch are normal with the help of exercise therapy

Standing on the toe to strengthen the plantar aponeurosis

When performing exercises for exercise therapy for the feet, you should know the important principles:

  • start the occupation only after determining the correct position of the foot;
  • Do not engage in gymnastics, which is not recommended by doctors in your pathology;
  • the efficiency of charging increases with daily walking barefoot on stones, pebbles and sand;
  • as a fixing procedure should be used special exercises (walking on heels, socks, on an inclined plane). Correction often uses ribbed boards, gymnastic sticks;
  • all kinds of exercises with a flattened arch are better combined with charging for normalizing the tone of the back, correcting the posture;
  • the evaluation of the effectiveness of therapeutic physical training with a flat foot is made on the basis of an analysis of the human condition (the disappearance of pain and discomfort).

Fixing bandage for the performance of physiotherapy exercises.

Therapeutic exercises for the feet are determined individually in each case. For home lessons, we recommend that you select the most suitable for you from the following list:

  • in the prone position, extend the arms along the body, spread the legs slightly apart and hold the fingers tight and unclench for 2-5 minutes;
  • in the prone position, rotate your feet along the circumference;
  • Grab the soles of the feet of the ball and move it back and forth. The weight of the ball should not exceed 1 kg;
  • when sitting on your abdomen, place your legs together and slowly lift your left leg up. At the same time, it is recommended that the body be lifted slightly. After this, repeat the exercise with the other side;
  • sit on a chair and push apart the feet. Squeeze your right hand into a fist, and then squeeze it tightly between your knees. Raise the inside of the foot and press the outer parts close to the floor;
  • sit on a chair, pull along his lower limbs. In this case, place the feet in parallel. The front parts and fingers must be pulled to themselves and deployed to the outside towards the soft movement of the shin;
  • sit on a chair and fix the front parts of the foot. Pull out your legs and use the harness and connect them together. Then overcome with your feet resistance when pulling the harness on yourself. Such an exercise is very useful for flat valgus feet with transverse flat feet;
  • in the standing position it is recommended to place the legs on the width of the shoulders, and hands to lower down along the body. When climbing on socks, you should fix the position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position;
  • if you rely on the outer part of the foot, to unclench and compress your toes, you get an excellent workout of the longitudinal arch.

Exercise with a ball to strengthen the plantar arch

Special therapeutic exercise is aimed at training a long fibular muscle, which provides a lateral turn of the front of the foot. With its lack of functionality, a deviation to the outside is formed, which is often observed in children after birth.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = 1SbB9S4RgrA

With the passage of time, the ligamentous-muscular aponeurosis strengthens, so the clubfoot disappears.

It appears again after a flat valgus or varus stop has formed, in which the long fibular muscle is more likely to be hypertensive.

To normalize its properties, the following exercise therapy is recommended for flat feet:

  • lying on the back, perform alternate and simultaneous pulling of socks, but at the same time the outer part of the sole should be lowered and raised;
  • resting feet in the floor, carry out the dilution of the legs to the sides;
  • Ensure the sliding of one leg relative to the other in the position on the back for 5 minutes;
  • raise the heels 15-20 times, but do not remove the socks from the floor.

The following exercises are performed sitting:

  • provide supination and pronation of the feet (reduction and withdrawal), together with the bending of the fingers;
  • grab the ball and lift it upwards (20-25 reps);
  • If you have a cloth at home, try lifting it with your toes;
  • grab a pencil or pen with your fingers and draw a geometric figure on paper;
  • bend the knees at the feet set on the outer edges.

Therapeutic exercises in standing position:

  • make turns of the trunk in a certain direction, but without shifting the feet from its place;
  • rise on the toes with support on the outer part of the foot;
  • "Swallow" is useful for children and adults with flat valgus deformation. Stand on one foot and take the other one back. Take the body to the side of the supporting leg;
  • Effective in longitudinal and transverse flattening of the vault of the exercise with a gymnastic stick, as well as half-squats and full squats in a few minutes;
  • in the evening on the couch, watching TV, we recommend to grab small objects with your toes to fix the functionality of small muscle groups along the metatarsal bones;
  • often walk on inclined planes, which have a section in several faces;
  • perform several times a day bringing and removing the front and outer part of the foot.

The resulting summary of the article

Exercise "boat" to maintain the foot in the physiological state

Summarizing the article, we note that rehabilitation and treatment in a flat arch are difficult.

In addition to the daily exercise of medical gymnastics, a patient with flat feet often encounters difficulties with psychological adjustment.

A rare person has such strong-willed efforts that he can perform monotonous gymnastic procedures several times a day.


If you are not ready for the regularity of charging, you can not even begin to treat a flat arch with a complex of exercise therapy, since it will not bring the desired effectiveness.


It should also be noted that the effect of exercise therapy can quickly disappear if the shoes are not properly selected. Make sure that it meets the following specifications:

  • the medial edge is straight and wide;
  • Heel height - no more than 4 cm;
  • material - original leather.

At the initial stages of flattening the feet, it is very important to have special adjusting insoles for shoes. They will allow the muscles to regain their tone and support the arch in a normal position. They can be used for gymnastics without serious health consequences.

Thus, exercise therapy with flatfoot is a necessary and compulsory method of treatment for a long time. The complex should be selected individually by a qualified orthopedic trauma specialist.

A source: http://legsgo.ru/ortopediya/ploskie-stopy/lfk-pri-ploskostopii.html

Physiotherapy with flat feet for adults and children

Flatfoot is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which the vaults of the foot flatten and its cushioning properties decrease.

Because of this, there is a violation of the posture, an increase in the load on the spine and lower limbs.

Flat feet cause rapid fatigue and diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthrosis and varicose veins.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the causes of the onset of such a disease and find out what kind of exercise therapy with flatfoot will help to cope with it, what exercises must be performed for a speedy recovery.


Flat-footedness can arise immediately for several reasons:

  • because of a congenital factor;
  • because of rickets at an early age;
  • due to increased loads on the legs;
  • because of congenital weakness of the musculoskeletal system of the foot;
  • due to paralysis of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot;
  • because of a foot injury.

Scientists have found that in children who live in the city, flat feet develops much more often than in rural children who can often walk barefoot.

Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of such a disease, more often let your baby walk barefoot on fine gravel, grass, sand.

At home, you can train your baby's feet by walking on sprinkled peas and exercise therapy.

Symptomatology of the disease

Parents can recognize the occurrence of flat feet in the child, if:

  • when walking, he will "clump wrapping his feet in the inner side;
  • the child will step on the inner edges of the foot;
  • the child will often complain about fatigue when walking, his back and legs will hurt, he can not bear long walks;
  • Heels of shoes will be unevenly trampled on the inside.

If you find any of the above signs from your child, immediately consult a pediatric orthopedic practitioner for the exercise of the feet.


Any exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and feet. This gymnastics helps stretch the muscles of the legs, reduce the problem of flat feet.

Exercise for flatfoot is calculated:

  • to strengthen the ligament apparatus;
  • development of the supporting arch of muscles;
  • improvement and normalization of blood circulation;
  • on stimulation of development of a dense mass filling the joint cavity;
  • to improve the performance of joints.

LFK with flatfoot can be performed in any position, barefoot or in socks.

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If you will conduct individual lessons at home, then in a day should be performed for 4-7 different exercises, repeated ten times each.

If you perform gymnastics just before bedtime, then finish it by washing the shins, stop with cool water.


The best gymnastics for adults and children is the work of a towel with toes. It effectively helps in restoring the muscles.

Take a comfortable sitting position, put your feet on the floor, and turn your knees to a ninety degree angle. Thick towel placed on the front of the legs in such a way that the toes are completely placed on the towel.

After this, unfold the towel in the opposite direction from the body, then return to its original position.

Also, there is also a LFK, calculated for both adults and children:

  1. In a sitting position, roll your foot with oval or round objects.
  2. When sitting, squeeze your toes firmly, then unclench them. Do this gymnastics until the pressure appears in the sole.
  3. Lower your legs and lean on your heels, and lift your socks upward, performing circular turns. After doing this exercise ten times, change the position, and make circular motions already with the heels, and place the socks on the floor.
  4. Stretch your legs forward and spread your fingers out so that they resemble a fan. Hold the legs in the transverse position for a few seconds, then relax them. In this case, the LF helps stretch the ankles, heels and calves of the legs.
  5. Straighten your leg in the knee and stretch out your toe, alternate between yourself and yourself.
  6. In the sitting position, cross the straight legs and press the lower leg with the upper leg. Then change the position of the legs.
  7. Place various small objects or pieces of cloth on the floor. With your toes, you need to collect all the items from the floor and put them in the basket. Do this exercise with each leg.
  8. Grab the object with your toes, for example, a pencil and pass in this position for about a minute.
  9. In the sitting position, the sole of the foot should be rolled out a piece of plastic or wooden tube.
  10. Without changing the position, place the ball between the stop and squeeze it alternately.
  11. Climb, stand on the outside of the feet and make turns.
  12. Exercise with lifting on moussocks.
  13. Climb to the outer edges of the feet, squeeze and unclench fingers in this position.
  14. Spread your legs to the width of your shoulders and do squats or half-squats without taking your heels off the floor. After completing such gymnastics several times, change the conditions without taking your sock off.
  15. In the standing position, put your hands on your belt and roll from the toe to the heel, then vice versa.
  16. It will also be useful to be like a heel, thereby maximally raising the sock, and vice versa, to walk on your toes, lifting your heel as much as possible.

All the above exercises for the legs are very useful, because they train the muscles of the shins and feet, making them strong. Such gymnastics should become familiar for you, it must be performed daily. Only by systematic exercise of exercise therapy will you reduce the risk of flat feet.

A source: http://SustavLife.ru/lechenie/lfk/uprazhneniya-dlya-stop-pri-ploskostopii.html

Useful gymnastics with flat feet


  • Why does flatfoot occur?
  • LFK with flat feet
  • What else is used

Gymnastics with flat feet is recommended to many, especially children. This disease causes considerable discomfort, especially if you do not pay proper attention to its treatment.

Often, flat feet lead to deformities of the spine, and this is already fraught with squeezing the internal organs.

Therefore, this issue should be addressed at an early stage of the disease, while still can be corrected.

There are many activities that are used in the treatment of flat feet, but the most effective are physical exercises.

Such a complex is aimed at forming a physiologically correct arch of the foot. Therapeutic physical training gives a particularly good result when it begins to be engaged in childhood, during the formation of the skeleton.

Why does flatfoot occur?

The success of the treatment of this ailment is primarily to eliminate the negative factors that contribute to its development. A flatfoot may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Wrong shoes. Doctors always say that shoes should be the size, in any case you can not wear shoes that harness. Lovers of high heels should also be more careful, since their foot is constantly in an unnatural position. As for children, orthopedists strongly recommend parents not to save on children's shoes and buy a good orthopedic, which will support the arch in the right position. In no case young mothers do not have to go to teenage daughters on occasion and buy them high heels, since in the more mature age this can have extremely unpleasant consequences.
  2. Overweight. In people suffering from it, flat feet are common enough. The legs have a heavy load, due to which the arch of the foot simply straightens.
  3. Some injuries of the lower limbs can also lead to flat feet, even an ordinary bruise, not to mention the strong fractures.
  4. Genetic heredity. If one of the family members has such a disease, then the probability of its manifestation in the child is 70%.
  5. Flattening can become a consequence of a disease such as polio. Speaking of diseases, it is worth noting and rickets, as this ailment negatively affects the condition of the skeleton, resulting in the bones becoming soft, and therefore easily deformed.
  6. Athletes and people who have a job associated with constant standing on their feet, often face the problem of flat feet.

The fact is that in this case the legs experience a vertical load, especially when running. The same applies to those who are constantly sitting.

Flat-footedness can arise for many reasons, and the main task of parents is to prevent the development of such a disease, because in the main the disease begins to develop precisely in childhood.

There is a special set of exercises for flat feet. It helps to correct the defect of the feet. The main requirement for such physical education is barefoot exercise and the implementation of approaches at least 10 times.

Exercises exercise with flat feet look like this:

  1. The first thing to begin with is walking your back. But it must be done correctly. Initially, one leg is pulled back, and the person leans on the toe, after which the weight is gradually transferred to this leg, and the foot is straightened. Then similar actions are taken with the second leg.
  2. After walking backwards forward turn their faces along the line of movement and walking continues on their socks.

This exercise helps to tone the leg muscular tissues, it is desirable to keep the hands on the belt or raised up. This will help not only fight with flat feet, but also improve posture. After 10 steps, you need to go to the heels, trying to keep the toes as much as possible up.

To achieve maximum effect, exercises with flat feet should involve every point of the feet.Therefore, after walking on socks and heels go to walking on the outside of the foot.

Doing each step, you need to tighten your toes as much as possible. Each step in this exercise (and in the previous ones too) should be performed on the straightened knees.

This will allow proper use of the hip joints.

After each part of the foot is "mashed begin to perform the exercises on rolling from the heel to the toe.

Hurry here is unnecessary, it is necessary to feel how each leg muscle participates in the work. After completing 10-20 steps, it is worth taking a vertical position, the legs are not wider than the width of the shoulders.

Now you need to slowly climb to your toes, and try to reach the ceiling with your hands, and then gradually return to the starting position. Then the weight is transferred to the heels. Exercise 10 times.

For the next exercise, a person stands in the "strap" position, when the emphasis is on the hands and toes.

Now the body assumes an upright position, so that the floor touches only the knees, while the toes must maintain their original position.


Such actions help not only to form the arch of the foot, but also to stretch all the muscles of the lower extremities.


For the next exercise, a high-backed chair is placed in front of him, legs are shoulder-width apart. The heels are joined together, and the socks should be maximally diluted to the sides, hands holding on to the support. Slowly get up on your toes, and then gradually sink to your heels. There are 10 approaches.

Now you need a stick with a diameter of 3 cm and a chair. The person sits down, the body should be slightly deflected back and hands rest on the seat. Place the stick under the foot and begin to roll with your feet back and forth. The process should take at least 3 minutes per foot.

The next exercise will require a beam of 5 cm in width or a rope. The object is straight on the floor and put on it.

Here, actions resemble walking on the brow. They begin to walk sideways, gradually moving to face movement forward.

In the latter case, the person should try to keep the heels together, and the socks apart.

Very well helps to heal flat feet and such a procedure as picking up objects.

In this case, small objects are laid out on the floor, for example, pencils, markers or pens. The patient sits on the floor on the buttocks, hands should lean on the floor.

Further with the help of the toes, you need to collect all the items in a container. This exercise is very popular with children, especially if pencils are replaced with small children's toys.


In the future, the size of collected items can be increased, but then in the process will be involved not the toes, but the arch of the foot.


In this case, the capture of the object (for example, the bottle) will be done with two legs, but only so that they are deployed to each other with their lower part.

Such therapeutic gymnastics with flat feet is prescribed for both children and adults. She does not have any contraindications. In addition, most of the exercises are familiar even from the school bench, as they are often performed in physical education classes.

This complex of therapeutic load will be useful not only for the sick flat feet, but also for those who do not suffer from them, because these exercises are an excellent prevention.

Especially such measures will be useful in childhood, when the active development of the skeleton.

It will be even better if the parents teach their child from an early age to morning exercises and will be with him perform all of the above exercises, and in parallel with this the child will go to classes in some sports section.

A source: http://ZdorovyeStopy.ru/deformaciya/ploskostopie/gimnastika-pri-ploskostopii.html

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