- Diet for intestinal inflammation
- What you can eat with acute colitis
- Types of diet No4
- Ration for chronic colitis
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Inflammation of the mucosa of the large intestine is called colitis. The pathological process can begin for various reasons, but as a rule, an exacerbation occurs after eating foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
Diet in colitis of the intestine takes a leading role in therapy, because chemical, mechanical and thermal shading of the mucosa is required, which can not be achieved with medicines. Dietary nutrition is prescribed taking into account the severity of the symptoms: the brighter the clinic, the stricter the diet.
Diet for intestinal inflammation
Acute colitis of the intestine develops due to the use of poor-quality products or after uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. As a rule, it does not provoke serious morphological changes in the intestinal tissues, but proceeds with a pronounced clinic. At the beginning of the disease, patients complain of weakness, nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Because of inflammation, the stool becomes offensive, with blood and mucus. When colitis of the intestine is necessary to observe a diet and take medication. With inflammation of the intestine, which causes severe diarrhea, the diet No4 and its variations are shown. Therapeutic diet allows you to use only what does not stimulate the work of the intestines and stomach and does not increase the secretion.
Diet No4 provides:
- reduced calorie intake by cutting down in the daily diet of fats and carbohydrates with normal protein content;
- reduction of mechanical, chemical and thermal irritation of the gastrointestinal tract;
- cooking semi-liquid or liquid;
- six meals a day( a portion of not more than 300 g);
- exclusion of products with cellulose( vegetables, fruit, bread with bran, rye or whole-grain);
- boiled or steam method of food heat treatment;
- elimination of hot or cold food;
- refusal of alcohol.

You can not eat sharp, fatty, fried dishes from the diet
You can not eat salted and pickled vegetables, as well as fruits with dietary fiber and essential oils( radish, turnips, radish, sorrel, onions, spinach, garlic, mushrooms), as they stimulate the separation of the gastricjuice and bile.
What you can eat with acute colitis
If symptoms of colitis occur, it is recommended to limit the amount of food per day to reduce the functional load on the digestive system and allow the large intestine mucosa to recover. When the severity of the clinic is reduced, you can eat food that does not injure the tissue and does not increase the motor activity of the intestine.
If the disease occurs with diarrhea, then the patient's menu includes:
- mashed porridge( from mango, white rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), boiled on water;
- butter( up to 5 g per serving);
- wheat dried bread( up to 200 g) or biscuits;
- dry biscuits;
- weak fish or meat broth( prepared with a minimum amount of vegetables);
- dietary meat( lean beef, chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey);
- nonfat fish;
- eggs soft-boiled;
- cottage cheese is non-acidic;
- jammed, decoctions and fruit drinks from blueberries, quinces, black currants, pears, cornelian;
- apple puree;
- herbal, black and green tea, broth of wild rose;
- juices from non-acid berries.
As the propensity to diarrhea persists, when exacerbating colitis advise to add to the menu products with tannin( blueberries, cocoa, strong tea, black currant, bird cherry, pomegranate, dogwood).During the exacerbation it is not allowed to eat vegetables in raw form, they can be placed only in soup.
Other products with food fibers( bran, rye or whole grains) are prohibited, as they accelerate the motor activity of the intestines, which should be avoided with diarrhea. Motor activity is also increased by rich broths, fatty meat, sausages, canned food, which means that their consumption will only exacerbate the disease.
As legumes, fresh bread, flour products, pastries, jam, dried fruits and honey stimulate gas formation, they should also be excluded. Strengthen diarrhea can whole milk, cream and sour cream, therefore, adding them to ready meals is not welcome.

All meals should be consumed in liquid form and be warm
Types of diet No4
Treatment table No4 has three varieties that are recommended depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. Diet No 4A is indicated in colitis with strong gas formation. To reduce gas formation, it is recommended to limit the intake of carbohydrates( bread to 100 g per day, sugar to 20 g).
The diet provides a normal amount of protein. The patient's menu consists of soft-boiled eggs, mucous soups, rice and semolina porridge, cooked meat and fish, low-fat kefir, jelly and kissel from black currants and blueberries. Since the diet low-carbohydrate( up to 140-150 g) and allows you to consume only about 50 grams of fat, then stick to it for longer than a week can not.
Diet 4B is given when inflammation in the large intestine fades or if the exacerbation of colitis was not expressed. In the day you can eat 100-110 grams of protein and fat, 350-420 grams of carbohydrates. Compared with diet 4A, the list of allowed products is greater, since vegetables( potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini), noodles, vermicelli, sour cream, kefir and sweet berries are allowed in the diet.
When switching to the usual diet, and after the symptoms of acute colitis subsided, table No4B is shown. This diet is also prescribed during remission. In the menu it is allowed to include pies, buns, boiled sausage, ham, cabbage, green peas, beets, oranges, watermelons, grapes, mandarins, raspberries, strawberries. That it is possible to eat at a colitis, the attending physician will prompt after definition of a stage and severity of a pathology.
Diet in chronic colitis
Chronic colitis causes dystrophic changes in the intestinal tissues, which leads to a disruption in their function. With pathology, bloating, spasmodic pain, rumbling in the stomach, eructation, constipation alternate with diarrhea.
Characteristic for chronic colitis is pain enhancement after eating, press strain, cleansing enema and relief after defecation, gas leakage or the ingestion of antispasmodics. Because of chronic constipation proctitis or proctosimoiditis can develop, so that it is necessary to adhere to the therapeutic nutrition, which normalizes the functions of the intestine.

In case of chronic colitis, the main therapeutic measure is the dietary food
. If the chronic colitis of the intestine is leaking with constipation, dietetic nutrition No3 is indicated. It promotes intestinal peristalsis and normalizes the stool. This is a physiologically complete diet, so its use is not limited in time. The diet excludes the use of foods that stimulate fermentation and putrefaction in the digestive tract or are adversely affected by digestion( fried foods, essential oils).
In case of an exacerbation, if the disease occurs with diarrhea, the patient should follow the No4a diet. As the inflammatory process is eliminated, the patient is transferred to the No4b treatment table. In the stage of remission, a person can follow a less strict diet No 4c. Often colitis develops simultaneously or against inflammation in the small intestine( enterocolitis) or stomach( gastroenterocolitis).
Then, the appointment of dietary nutrition takes into account the acidity of gastric juice, symptoms, motor activity of the stomach and intestines. For example, if the inflammatory process affects the stomach, causing a violation of the secretion of gastric juice, then exacerbation of colitis shows a diet No2, which includes products that enhance the separation of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, nutrition in colitis of the intestine is selected by a specialist taking into account the accompanying pathologies.

Intestinal motility is strengthened by sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits, cereals, cold dishes and drinks
Acute colitis of the intestine does not lead to a violation of the morphology of the mucosa, but if the disease is not treated, the inflammatory process can become chronic. Without dietary nutrition, the disease can cause the development of ulcerative colitis, in which ulcers, areas with necrosis appear on the mucosa. Pathology leads to intestinal bleeding, a dystrophic syndrome.
For chronic colon colitis, it is recommended to adhere to dietary nutrition for 2-3 months and introduce new products with caution in order not to provoke a relapse or complications. When the symptoms of the disease subsided, food can not be grinded, but it is better not to depart from the principles of proper nutrition.