A good antiviral agent for colds

Inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs for adults: a list of cheap drugs

Antiviral drugs for ARVI are the best medicines for adults, using which you can relieve the symptoms of colds.

All doctors insist that during the spread of viral infections it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis, rather than wait for the moment until the flu or angina appears.

The most effective preventive measure in winter and autumn is the stimulation of protective functions of the body. Good immunity will not allow pathogens to provoke the disease, or at least avoid complications that are increasingly developing against the background of catarrhal diseases.

When the disease is caused by viruses - ARVI, then treatment should be mandatory. The best solution in this case is effective antiviral drugs. Their principle of action is to affect the etiologic factor, that is, the virus.

As a rule, antiviral drugs are used for influenza and ARVI. Anti-inflammatory tablets of a wide range of action affect the replication of the virus, stopping its reproduction.

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Anti-influenza drugs can have a natural or synthetic basis. They are used not only in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, but also for preventive purposes.

This best medicine can be used to treat various stages of the common cold. Today, medicine knows more than 500 pathogens of various types of colds. Therefore, the choice of funds that help to overcome the disease is also quite extensive.

As a rule, viral diseases are treated with three groups of drugs:

  1. Antifungal agents of a wide spectrum of action.
  2. Preparations fighting with cytomegalovirus.
  3. Medicines treating herpes infection.
ARVIIf the disease has acquired a severe form, then it is necessary to take antiviral tablets, and the easy stages can be treated with interferons.

Within 24-32 hours after the onset of primary manifestations, it is important to quickly start taking an antiviral agent.

If the reproduction of the virus is not stopped on time, then it will flood the entire body.

In this case, the antiviral tablets are ineffective in their effectiveness.

What is the effect of antiviral drugs in ARVI?

Antiviral drugs for colds eliminate the factors of appearance and its development. So, the result of the action of such funds is:

  • reducing the risk of exacerbations in chronic diseases (asthma, bronchitis, etc.);
  • relief of painful manifestations, reduction in the duration of ARVI for a couple of days;
  • reducing the risk of complications.

Antiviral drugs for influenza are used as emergency preventive care if someone from close relatives gets sick and needs to reduce the risk of infection.

Antiviral pills for ARVI

In the category in which synthetic antiviral drugs are found, effectively combating viruses, there are 2 groups of effective drugs. The principle of M-channel blockers is that the virus does not have the ability to enter cells and multiply there.

A good remedy from this category is Rimantandin (Remantadine) and Amantadine (Midantan). To obtain the necessary effectiveness, treatment should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. However, their disadvantage is that it is difficult to determine what kind of virus the person has struck.

Such antiviral drugs doctors appoint during the epidemic of influenza A. Moreover, swine and bird flu are resistant to them. It should be remembered that anti-cold tablets should be taken not only for

Amantadinewho was ill, but also to people who are near him.

Inhibitors of neuraminidase actively fight viruses of influenza B and A. Their action is based on the suppression of the enzyme responsible for the spread of the virus.

Drugs belonging to this group are Zanamivir (Relenza) and Oseltamivir (Tamiflu). Reception of such funds must begin in the first two days after the onset of primary symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection.

The list of anti-cold medications includes:

  1. Cycloferon;
  2. Tamiflu;
  3. Amizon;
  4. Relenza;
  5. Ribavirin;
  6. Grippferon;
  7. Arbidol;
  8. Anaferon;
  9. Viferon;
  10. Amiksin;
  11. Kagocel;
  12. Viferon;
  13. Remantadine.


This antiviral drug is prescribed for adults and children from 5 years with influenza. Inhalation should be done twice a day for 5 mg for 5 days. So, the total daily dosage is 10 mg.

The agent should not be combined with other inhalation mixtures, including bronchodilators, because exacerbations may occur with bronchial asthma and other nonspecific lung diseases. Some people who do not have lung diseases sometimes have nasopharyngeal irritation, which occasionally leads to bronchospasm.


OseltamivirFor treatment of adults and children from 12 years old, a doctor may prescribe an antiviral drug Oseltamivir. The recommended daily dose is 75 mg, which must be divided into two doses. Tablets should be drunk for five days.

In addition, the remedy can be prescribed to a child of 1 year, provided that his body weight will not be less than 15 kg. So, if the weight is 15 kg, then the dose is 30 mg, up to 23 kg - 45 mg, up to 40 kg - 60 mg and more than 40 kg - 75 mg. Capsules should be drunk twice a day for 5 days.

However, people who have kidney failure should take this medicine with extreme caution, because it can provoke the appearance of nausea and vomiting, so that you first need to carefully study the instruction that drinking with a cold and how.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe inexpensive antiviral drugs including a wide spectrum of action of Pranobeks (Grosprinosin) and Ribavirin (Ribarin).


This antiviral drug affects influenza B and A viruses. In addition, it is effective in rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, acute respiratory viral infections, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza.

But this remedy is quite toxic, for these reasons it is prescribed only if the respiratory syncytial infection is confirmed. Often it becomes the cause of bronchiolitis in children.

Ribavirin is a good remedy for a new generation whose price is high enough. It is used for the treatment of colds in adults 4 times a day for 200 mg for 1 week. But with hemolytic anemia, kidney failure and pregnancy, Ribavirin is prohibited.

Inosin pranobeks

The anti-cold tablets Inosin Pranobeks of the new generation are effective at:

  • ARVI;
  • adenoviruses;
  • influenza;
  • rhinoviruses;
  • parainfluenza.

This anti-catarrhal medicine stimulates the immune system. To cure the flu and other viral infections, adult Inosin Pranobeks should be taken 4 times a day for 2 tablets in one week. For children, the daily allowance should not be more than 50 mg per kg of body weight.

The drug is taken up to 4 times a day at the same time. Duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days.

Interferons and interferon inducers

These antiviral agents are protein elements synthesized by the body in response to infection, thereby producing resistance to viruses. Interferons are not inferior in performance to narrow-range groups of drugs. They have a wide range of activities, so they top the ranking among other synthetic influenza drugs.

ReaferonHowever, some doctors are convinced that with ARVI this group of drugs is ineffective. These antiviral drugs for colds can be prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories and nasal drops.

So, the native leukocyte interferon should be buried in the nose up to 6 times a day, and Reaferon 2 drops 4 times a day. Basically, Viferon is prescribed in the form of suppositories, and adults are prescribed Viferon 3 or 4.

Concerning interferon inducers, they are a kind of stimulator for the production of interferons by the body. With a cold, the doctor can prescribe Meglumine acridon acetate (Cycloferon), Tyloron (Amiksin) and other antiviral tablets.


To cure ARI and influenza should take Amiksin - a new generation medicine, the price of which is quite low.

This remedy should be taken orally after a meal. The dose for adults is 0.125 g, and for children from 7 years - 0. 06. Tablets are drunk on the first day of illness, and then every other day.

The duration of therapy involves taking 6 tablets. However, Amiksin can not be taken to children under 7 years old and pregnant women.


Tablets Cycloferon in its effectiveness are similar to Amiksin. They are used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Often the drug is used as a solution (12.5%) for intravenous injections of 2 ml for two days. After that, the injections are done in a day or take the tablets (0.15 g) for 20 days.


It is an inducer of interferon, which has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

As a rule, the drug is prescribed for catarrhal diseases three times a day for 2 tablets. In the first two days of treatment, the daily dosage should be 72 mg.

After the medicine should be taken three times a day for 1 tablet (36 mg). For 4 days of treatment the patient drinks about 18 tablets.


The most inexpensive drug that is effective for viruses A and B, adenoviruses, parainfluenza and syncytial infections. The principle of the agent is to stimulate the synthesis of endogenous interferon. Arbidol helps to strengthen the immune system and has an antioxidant effect.

If there are no complications for a cold, the medicine can be administered to children and adults:

  1. 3-6 years - 50 mg;
  2. 6-12 years old - 100 mg;
  3. After 12 years - 200 mg.

Arbidol should be taken for 5 days four times a day every 6 hours. After that, the medicine is drunk 1 time in 7 days throughout the month.


AmizonInexpensive antiviral agent, which is the inducer of endogenous interferon. Has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

Adults should take Amizon after meals up to 4 times a day at an average severity of acute respiratory infections and flu by 0.25 g, and for severe disease - 0.5 grams per week. The dose for children up to 12 years old is 0.125 g three times a day for 5 days.


It is a homeopathic drug that has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. In addition, it is used in the treatment of influenza and ARVI. Adults need to take 1 tablet up to 6 times a day.

Treatment Anaferon should be started with the first respiratory manifestations. When the patient's condition improves, the drug is taken once a day for 10 days.

Children from 0.5 to 3 years, one tablet should be dissolved in 15 ml of water, and then drink. For preventive purposes, Anaferon is prescribed 1 tablet once a day, for 1-3 months. Plus, this is a fairly cheap offer.


A medicinal product for intranasal use, which has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. The duration of the therapeutic course and the dosage are determined by the treating therapist.

For children under 1 year, a single recommended dose is 1 drop (500 IU) 5 times a day. Children from 1 to 3 years are prescribed 2 drops (1000 IU) three times a day.

At the age of 14 years, the daily dose is 2 drops (100 IU) five times a day. Adult person Grippferon should take up to 6 times a day for 3 drops (1500 IU). The duration of the treatment course is five days.

Plant antiviral drugs are inexpensive

Many herbs have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Often, herbal remedies help fight herpes infection.

Very often colds are accompanied by herpes. Moreover, the course of cytomegalovirus infection is often accompanied by the same symptoms as in ARVI.

Alpizarin is included in the list of medicines combating viruses and infections. In its composition there is an extract of mango leaves, a yellow penny and an alpine penny.

In addition, Flacoside is a good medicine based on natural ingredients. The active substance of the drug is obtained from velvet Laval and Amur velvet.

External it is possible to apply such ointments as:

  • Gossypol (the active substance is obtained by processing the root of cotton or cotton seeds).
  • Helepin (the active component is the leaves of the Coppedicidae).
  • Megozin (oil from cotton).

In addition, natural antiviral drugs for colds include in their list such drugs as Altabor (on the basis of stems of glutinous and gray alder) and Proteflazid (an extract of ground part of reed and pike soddy). These drugs are actively used for preventive and curative purposes for influenza and other colds.

Another immunomodulatory and antiviral action is provided by the preparation from the German manufacturer Imupret. The composition of this remedy is oak bark, walnut leaves and field horsetail. That such a rational approach to the treatment of ARVI, and how to use drugs - in the form in this article.


Antiviral drugs for colds

Antiviral drugs for colds - the main tool in the fight against this category of ailments.

As is known, during the period of activation of catarrhal diseases it is better to be engaged in their prevention, and not to bring them to conditions when treatment is already needed. Activating immunity in the cold season is the most effective measure to protect yourself against colds. Then the disease will not develop or, at least, the situation will not take on a serious form.

If the disease has a viral nature - acute respiratory viral disease (ARVI) - then there can not be no treatment without treatment. And it is best in this case to cope with the problem of antiviral drugs. The essence of their action is in the impact on the virus itself, which is an etiological factor.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat ARVI and influenza. These drugs affect the replication of the virus in such a way as to stop its reproduction. Antiviral drugs are synthetic or natural. They are used both in the fight against the disease, and for its prevention. Different stages of the common cold can be exposed to antiviral drugs. To date, modern science knows about five hundred pathogens of different kinds of colds. Antiviral drugs to fight them quite a bit.

In general, viral diseases are treated with three types of drugs:

  • drugs for a wide spectrum of influenza;
  • drugs for the treatment of herpes infections.
  • means for controlling cytomegalovirus.

In the case of severe disease, antiviral drugs are taken, with the use of interferons is easy. Within a day and a half after the appearance of the first symptoms, it is urgent to begin taking an antiviral drug. If we allow the multiplication of the virus to such a scale that it will occupy the entire body, then it can be brought to the conclusion that taking medications will not have any effect.

Effects of antiviral drugs for colds

With the help of antiviral drugs, the causes of the onset and development of acute respiratory disease are eliminated. The results of this action are:

  • reduction of risks of exacerbations of chronic diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • shortening the course of the cold for several days, alleviating its symptoms;
  • a reduction in the risk that severe complications will appear after acute respiratory illness.

Antiviral drugs for colds are also used as an emergency prophylaxis in the event that one of the family members becomes ill and needs to reduce the risk of infection of healthy people.

Antiviral tablets for colds

In a class where there are synthetic antiviral drugs that cope well with the influenza virus, there are two groups of effective remedies. The essence of the action of M-channel blockers in the blocking of the virus so that it can not penetrate into cells and multiply. One of the tested preparations against viruses of this category is Amantadine (Midantan), and also Rimantadine (Remantadin). For the desired effect, they should be taken as soon as the disease begins to manifest itself. Another of their drawbacks is that it is not always possible to understand what kind of virus a person has become. And these antiviral drugs are shown in the epidemic from the influenza A virus. In addition, avian and swine flu are resistant to them. It is important to remember that taking an antiviral drug for a cold should be done not only by the sick person himself, but by all members of his family.

Effective antiviral agent for colds

But neuraminidase inhibitors act on influenza A and B viruses. The essence of their action in suppressing the enzyme, which is responsible for the multiplication of the virus. Representatives of this group of drugs are "Oseltamivir" ("Tamiflu") and "Zanamivir" (Relenza). You can start taking them within two days from the initial manifestations of the disease.

List of antiviral drugs for colds

  • Tamiflu;
  • "Relenza";
  • "Grippferon";
  • Anaferon;
  • "Amiksin";
  • Kagocel;
  • Remantadin;
  • "Viferon";
  • Arbidol;
  • "Ribavirin";
  • "Amizon";
  • "Cycloferon."

Antiviral drug for cold "Zanamivir"

"Zanamivir" is prescribed for influenza in adults and children over 5 years of age for 5 mg of inhalation twice a day for 5 days. The total daily dose reaches 10 mg. The drug is not combined with other inhalation medications (including bronchodilators), because, that possible exacerbations in patients with bronchial asthma and other nonspecific lung diseases. In a number of people without pulmonary pathology, there may be signs of nasopharyngeal irritation, reaching in rare cases before the appearance of bronchospasm.

Antiviral drug for cold "Oseltamivir"

For influenza for adults and children over 12 years, the recommended dose of "Oseltamivir" is 75 mg 2 times a day for at least 5 days. "Oseltamivir" is prescribed for children older than 1 year - with a body weight of less than 15 kg of 30 mg, 15 to 23 kg of 45 mg, 23 to 40 kg of 60 mg, more than 40 kg - 75 mg twice daily for five days.

The drug is administered with caution in renal failure, it can cause nausea and vomiting during admission.

Antiviral drugs for a cold of a wider spectrum of action - "Ribavirin" ("Ribarin") and "Inosin Pranobeks" ("Grosprinozin").

Antiviral drug for cold "Ribavirin"

"Ribavirin" acts on influenza A and B-viruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses. The specificity of the drug is its high toxicity, therefore it is used only if a respiratory syncytial infection is confirmed that often leads to bronchiolitis in children.

"Ribavirin" is used to treat influenza in adults over 18 years (200 mg 3-4 times daily during meal for 5-7 days) in the absence of pregnancy, kidney failure and hemolytic anemia.

Antiviral drug for cold "Inosin pranobeks"

"Inosin pranobeks" fights against viruses of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses. This antiviral drug for cold stimulates the defenses of the human body. To treat influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections it is recommended to take: adults 2 tablets 3-4 times a day at regular intervals throughout 5-7 days; children a daily dose of 50 mg per kilogram of body weight.

The daily dose should be taken at 3-4 times at regular intervals. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

Interferons and interferon inducers

Another large group of antiviral drugs for colds are interferons and interferon inducers. Interferons are protein substances that synthesize the body as a response to infection, due to them the body is more resistant to viruses. They have a wide spectrum of action, which favorably differ from many other synthetic drugs. But some experts say that they are not very effective in ARVI. In the case of colds, they are prescribed as drops in the nose and rectal suppositories. The native leukocyte interferon is digested four or six times a day, Reaferon (interferon alfa-2a) two drops twice-four times a day. Viferon (alpha-2b interferon) usually goes like a candle, adults usually use Viferon 3 and 4.

Antiviral drugs for colds

There are also inducers of interferon. These are drugs that stimulate the body to produce its own interferons. Catarrhal diseases are treated with "Tyloron" ("Amiksin"), "Meglumina acridonacetate" ("Cycloferon") and a number of other antiviral drugs for colds.

Antiviral drug for cold "Amiksin"

For treatment of influenza and acute respiratory disease, "Amiksin" is prescribed inside after eating two tablets of 0.125 g for adults and 0.06 g for children over 7 years on the first day of illness and then 1 tablet every other day.

The course of treatment - up to 6 tablets. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children younger than 7 years.

Antiviral drug for cold "Cycloferon"

"Cycloferon" is used to treat influenza and ARI in the form of intramuscular injections at a dose of 250 mg (12.5% ​​per 2 ml) for two consecutive days, then every other day or 1 tablet 0.15 g every other day for 20 days.

Antiviral drug for cold "Kagocel"

"Kagocel" is an inducer of interferon with direct antiviral and immunomodulating action.

Usually it is prescribed for influenza and ARI adults 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first two days (daily dose is 72 mg), then 1 tablet 3 times a day (daily dose of 36 mg). A total of 18 tablets per 4-day course.

Antiviral drug for cold "Arbidol"

Effective in treating the common cold is an antiviral drug, like Arbidol. It acts against viruses A, B, it also treats parainfluenza, syncytial infections, adenoviruses. The essence of the drug in stimulating the production of endogenous interferon, it has an antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system.

Arbidol for colds without complications appoint: children from 3 to 6 years - 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years - 100 mg, over 12 years and adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days. With the development of complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.) children from 3 to 6 years take Arbidol 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years - 100 mg, older 12 years, adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days, then a single dose once a week for a month.

Antiviral drug for cold "Amizon"

Antiviral drug for cold "Amizon" is an inducer of endogenous interferon, has antiviral, immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory action.

Adults take "Amizon" 2-4 times a day after a meal with an average flu and acute respiratory infections of 0.25 g, with a heavy - for 0.5 g for 5-7 days; the course dose of treatment is 3-6.5 g. Children aged 6-12 years drink 0.125 grams 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Antiviral drug for cold "Anaferon"

"Anaferon" refers to homeopathic remedies with antiviral and immunomodulating effect. It is also used to treat colds and flu. Usage for adults: 1 tablet, sublingually from three times a day to six, depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment begins with the first respiratory symptoms. After improving the condition, it is recommended to switch to taking the drug once a day, for 8-10 days. Children from six months to three years, one tablet dissolved in 15 ml of water and give a drink. For prevention, Anaferon is prescribed one tablet once a day, for one to three months.

Antiviral drug for colds "Grippferon"

"Grippferon" is an immunomodulatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug for intranasal use. The duration of the course of application and dose of the drug "Grippferon" is usually determined by the doctor in charge.

The recommended dose for children younger than 1 year is 500 IU (1 drop of the drug) 5 times a day; for children from 1 to 3 years of age is 1000 IU (2 drops of "Grippferon") 3-4 times a day; from 3 to 14 years is 1000 IU (2 drops of the drug "Grippferon") 4-5 times a day. The recommended adult dose is 1500 IU (3 drops) 5-6 times a day. The course duration is 5 days.

Herbal antiviral drugs for colds

Some herbs also have an antiviral effect. The effect of many herbal medicines is directed against viruses belonging to the herpes family. Catarrhal diseases are often accompanied by herpes rash, in addition, the course of cytomegalovirus infection also often occurs with the same symptoms as ARVI. This category of drugs includes "Alpizarin". The active substance in it is an extract of such plants as an alpine penny, a yellow penny, mango leaves. The antiviral preparation "Flacoside" has in its composition an active substance, which is obtained from velvet Amur and velvet Laval. For external use, the ointments "Megozin" (cottonseed oil), "Helepin" (ground part of the cheesecake), "Gossipol" (are obtained when processing the cotton seeds or the roots of cotton).

Antiviral drugs that are used for colds also include Altabor. It is based on an extract of stems of gray and black (sticky) alder.

The pendulous shank and ground reed give life to the drug "Proteflazidu", it is also used in the treatment of colds, influenza and for their prevention. Antiviral and immunomodulating action is possessed by the German preparation "Imupret". It consists of field horsetail, walnut leaves and oak bark.

The price of antiviral drugs for colds

The run-up of prices for antiviral drugs for colds is quite wide - from 20 to 200 hryvnia (of course, it still depends on the packaging and the number of tablets). In any case, it is better to consult with the attending physician who will prescribe the drug, which in the particular case will prove to be the most effective.

If you call the approximate prices for the main antiviral drugs used to treat colds, in pharmacies in Ukraine they are: "Amizon" - from 20 UAH, "Arbidol" - from 50 UAH, "Amiksin" - from 30 UAH, "Anaferon" - from 40 UAH, "Remantadin" - from 11 UAH, "Kagocel" from 70 UAH, "Viferon" - from 70 UAH - from 110 UAH.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds, often prescribed by doctors and commonly used - Amizon, Amiksin, Anaferon. For 20-40 hryvnia you can buy 10 tablets. But once again pay attention: before making a decision to purchase an antiviral drug for a cold, it is worth consulting with the treating doctor.

With the help of antiviral drugs, it is not the consequence, but the cause of the catarrhal disease that is eliminated. This is the great advantage of antiviral drugs in the treatment of colds, which also explains their effectiveness. Antiviral drugs shorten the cold for two to three days, ease its course. As a result of taking antiviral drugs for colds, the risk of other chronic diseases worsening (exacerbation of the bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases), there will also be no various complications, as is often the case with other drugs. In addition, antiviral drugs for colds give excellent effect in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, including among healthy family members when the patient is at home.


What antiviral drugs are worth buying for a cold?


Olga Oliinyk

Viruses of the common cold are more than 200 :) Effective antiviral medicines - in whom the effectiveness of ARVI is greater than the general harm to the body - does not exist. The normal organism itself fully enforces these viruses, producing interferon at high temperature (therefore, it is not necessary to knock down the temperature less than 38.5 - it is good! ) - in 3 days. If not - then a week will produce antibodies :) So - do not torture yourself with chemistry - fresh moist!! air, rinsing the nose with fiz solution and gargling - any grass or just water - the process itself is important, a copious frequent drink and - BE HEALTHY!

jack cat


Evgeny Usmanov


Avlaak'kh Mage

if the cold is RINSE checked

mp3 player

weird question.. preparations against the virus for colds.. .
so a virus or a cold
cold pepper
antiviral prescribes hiv


Do not buy any Arbidol nor a repairman. One good doctor, in secret, said.



Andrey Enyutin

Do not waste money. once sick, it's too late: (((what with them that without for any week.

Tanya Abramovich



Drink fresh juices

Maxim Baranov

Antiviral are effective in the first day, when it is just beginning to perspire, sneeze and water. Then useless. Colds are treated with bed rest, plentiful (up to 2 liters a day, but better on demand) by drinking (+ lemon, honey, etc.) ) and paracetamol with a fever above 38.5 degrees. It is on the advice of infectious disease. In general, a common cold occurs when the body really wants to relax. Therefore, without treatment, a cold passes for a week, and with treatment - in just 7 days ...


tea with lemon and honey! you can milk warm with honey, too good to help! pills this chemistry is not desirable.

Antiviral drugs for colds

antiviral drugs for colds

Treatment of such a disease as a cold, involves the application of a number of measures to reduce temperature and reduce inflammation. However, if the disease has a viral nature, then there is a possibility of complications, because the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs for colds that have a direct effect on the particle that infects the body.

Antiviral drugs for colds - list

Reception of these medicines allows to strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of complications. They are recommended to take as prevention of many diseases. For colds, doctors advise to resort to antiviral drugs, rather than antibacterial drugs, in order to overcome the virus that caused the disease. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out in the presence of bacterial complications.

The most popular antiviral drugs for colds are funds with the following names:

  • Relenza;
  • Kagocel;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Grippoferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • Amizon;
  • Remantadine;
  • Cycloferon:
  • Grogrinosine.

And also homeopathic antiviral drugs for colds:

  • Anaferon;
  • Aflubin;
  • Oscillococcinum

Let's consider some of the presented drugs:

  1. Ribavirinappointed in diseases associated with the activity of viruses of groups A0 and A2, effectively copes with rhinoviruses.
  2. Arbidolused to get rid of diseases caused by viruses A and B. Also, the drug depresses adenoviruses and is effective in laragrippe.
  3. Grosprinosinreduces the virus's load on the body, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, thereby increasing resistance to disease.
  4. Inosin Pranobeksis particularly effective in the treatment of ailments associated with the influence of rhinoviruses, B viruses and adenoviruses. Also, using the drug helps to cope with parainfluenza and the influenza virus.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Among the cheap means of destroying infectious particles are:

  1. Amizon, which has a clear interferonogenic effect. In addition to low cost, its advantages are the absence of side effects, including allergic reactions;
  2. Anaferon, oppressive activity of viruses of influenza, parainfluenza, rotavirus, adenovirus, supports immunity. The drug is actively used with other drugs in the complex for the treatment of diseases caused by the herpes virus.
  3. Amiksinstimulates immunity, has a long-lasting effect. In many cases, one tablet is enough each week.

Strong antiviral drugs for colds

The most powerful of all agents are neuraminidase inhibitors, which are weakened by the enzyme responsible for the development of the virus. They include Zanamivir and Tamiflu.

Medicines suppress the growth of viruses entering the A and B groups. Their use reduces the duration of the febrile stage by 50%, reduces the likelihood of complications doubling. The main advantage of such means is that they lose their

strong antiviral drugs for coldsaction throughout the duration of the course of the disease. However, due to numerous side effects, they are not prescribed to children under the age of twelve.

Themselves effective antiviral drugs for colds

The most convenient and effective form is interferon. These components are active in all viruses, since their activities are not limited by anything. Interferon is synthesized in the body, so the main side effect is the intolerance of the foreign protein. Better antiviral drugs for colds in this category are: TSikloferon, Laferon candles - Kipferon, nasal drops - Grippferon.


Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Nedorogie protivovirusnyie preparatyi pri prostudeFeeling of weakness, runny nose, drowsiness, pain all over the body, cough and lack of appetite... these are the first symptoms of a cold. But, despite the terrible condition, lethargy and weakness, you already now need to pull yourself together and begin treatment. Otherwise, the common cold can develop into the flu, angina and lymphadenitis. How to get rid of colds quickly, inexpensively and easily - read in the article.

The first symptoms of a viral infection

ARVI is a disease that can be found both at home and on the street. Viral infection is transmitted by airborne droplets through the sputum of infected people. You can sneeze in transport, on the street, you can drink tea from someone else's mug, take a sandwich with your dirty hands and become infected. But, with the first symptoms of a viral infection, you definitely will not think about places where you could catch an infection.

Nasal congestion, dry cough, sneezing, sharp pain in the throat, increased sweating give a signal to a person that it is necessary to take decisive action.


The first thing you need to do at the first sign of a cold is to stimulate immunity. In this you will benefit from inexpensive vitamin C from the nearest pharmacy, as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals. But, if your condition is so bad that you can not go out and ask someone for help, then brew yourself a warm tea with lemon.

Do not forget that vitamin C is contained in black elderberry. It perfectly stimulates and strengthens immunity. Burdock root, horsetail, hops, peppermint, fenugreek, laminaria, sorrel, yarrow in the form of broth will saturate the body with vitamin C.

Physicians usually as an immunotherapy prescribe an expensive remedy immunal on the basis of an extract of echinacea. You can easily replace it with a cheaper analog, namely the usual tincture of Echinacea.


In order to ease the headache, as well as to reduce body aches, at the first signs of cold use painkillers. It can be paracetamol in tablets, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid, remantadine, acyclovir, and inexpensive analgin. Their more expensive analogues, which do not differ in any way in their action, are arbidol, amixin, kagocel, tamiflu, anaferon, amyzon, cycloferon.

Reduce temperature

If the body temperature is 37 degrees, then you should not knock it down. This you will only make your body worse. After all, he just started to fight the infection on his own. Wait until the temperature is lowered to normal. If this does not happen within a day, then start to work on the body with the help of medications. To this end, you will need a conventional aspirin or a cheap analogue -acetylsalicylic acid.It also effectively and rapidly lowers the temperature of paracetamol in tablets.

If you do not want to resort to medical therapy, then use the old proven method - a compress. Wet towels attached to the nape, under the arms, in the groin and on the chest will help lower the temperature by a degree.

Eliminate cough

In order to eliminate the cough, it is necessary to determine whether it is dry or wet. The latter is a consequence of the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract. That is why, with expectoration, you can see traces of sputum - mucous secreted by the lungs.

Treatment of dry cough can begin with a routine rinse with food baking soda or a solution of salt and a few drops of iodine. If this method does not help, then you will need to resort to inhalations. Add in them a decoction of chamomile and essential oil of eucalyptus and after a few hours a fit of coughing will let you go.

On a wet cough you need to work differently. To get out of the lungs sputum, it is necessary to soften the tissues of the organ. In this you will benefit from inexpensive medications:

  • Mukoltin- has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Syrup pertussinbased on the extract of thyme and potassium bromide. This drug perfectly dilutes sputum;
  • Syrup or herbal infusion based on licorice rootremoves inflammation and contributes to expectoration;
  • Tablets that includegrass thermopsis and sodium hydrogen carbonatecan reduce sputum and reduce its viscosity;
  • Doctor MomIs a popular but effective drug. It is in the middle price category.

Inexpensive expectorants are: bromhexine in tablets, ambloxol, acetylcysteine.

In order to mitigate an attack of cough in a child, steam inhalations with essential oils are most suitable. Use tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, rosemary or cypress.

A sore throat

With sore throat, do not rush to buy expensive medicines. Pay attention to inexpensive, but effective drugs:

  • Septefril- cheap antiseptic, which is used not only for ARVI, but also for angina and stomatitis. Use septefril no more than 6 times a day.
  • Streptocidein the form of a powder or tablets. This antibiotic has a wide range of actions, but a rather unpleasant taste. Therefore, it is better to mix it with honey or sugar before use.
  • Chlorophylitisin the form of an oil or alcohol solution. The drug has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Runny nose

Drugs from the common cold are mainly aimed at softening the nasal mucosa. As a result, mucus through the nasal passage is faster.

Reduces puffiness, narrows vessels and effectively facilitates breathing the drug sanorin. Its obvious advantage in price, and the drawback is that the spray is addictive. Already on the 3rd, 4th day, its properties are reduced.

Ximelin, otrivin, galazolin, naftizin - drugs aimed at reducing the swelling of the nose. Also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Antiviral drugs for topical use

When treating a viral infection, do not forget about the old proven means - thisbalm "Asterisk" and mustard plasters.

The composition of the herbal preparation Zvezdochka includes essential oils of cinnamon, mint, cloves and peppermint. This tool will help not only with the first symptoms of a cold, but also headache, rhinitis and flu.

Mustards have a warming effect on the lungs and bronchi.


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