Is the common cold harmful during pregnancy?

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The appearance of colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

The health of a newborn child depends to a large extent on the state of health of his mother, her way of life before and during pregnancy, as well as diseases that occurred in her body during the period of gestation child. The most common and common disease that many people experience every year is the common cold. Cold during pregnancy, the trimester is not as dangerous as in the first 6 months, because it was at that time that the formation of all organs and systems of the human body. Having found out at least one of the symptoms of a cold, it should be completely cured, after which it is still good to strengthen immunity, after all, a very important event awaits woman ahead, which will take a lot of forces.

The cold in late pregnancy, despite the fact that it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations in the future mother, nevertheless, with proper treatment does not pose a serious danger to the baby. However, the risk can not be ruled out completely, because the common cold itself has an adverse effect on the body even in the absence of pregnancy.

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Possible complications of colds

All future mothers, eagerly awaiting the birth of their baby, are interested in what exactly is a cold at late pregnancy. Specialists are among the most dangerous processes, the development of which can be triggered by a cold:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • premature birth.

Very often in the case when the common cold occurs before birth, the child is usually born sluggish, weak with pale skin, which is the result of intrauterine hypoxia. This process usually occurs after a common cold with abundant secretions, which causes the intake of a woman with insufficient oxygen.

Exactly so affects the baby and prolonged stuffiness of the nose in the pregnant woman with a cold at 9 months of pregnancy. Such children in the majority of cases need treatment in a hospital immediately after childbirth.

There is a danger for the future mother, especially if she plans to adhere to breast-feeding her baby. As you know, a month before the expected delivery in the body, women are beginning to actively develop hormones responsible for the lactation process. This is why it is very undesirable to develop a cold at the 35th week of pregnancy, disease can cause a lack of breast milk or the production of it in newborn.Placental hormones are responsible for lactation, and, as is known, in case of penetration of a viral infection into the female body, the placenta has a big load, because it performs a protective function.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy can cause premature aging of the placenta

The development of a cold at the 37th week of pregnancy for the mother is practically not a danger, it can only cause deterioration of the state of health of a pregnant woman, which is caused by nasal congestion or runny nose, the appearance of a cough, fever and pain in the throat. However, for the child this period is more dangerous than for his mother, since, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, the cold can weaken the already weak placenta, which loses its former protective properties, which is caused by its aging. Because of this, all the viruses present in the pregnant body, the placenta can pass to the baby, but do not panic, because it does not mean that the child will fall ill. But in this period, when possible, the use of drugs of synthetic origin should be ruled out.All drugs, toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms, have the property of penetrating through a weakened placenta, which can have very serious irreversible consequences.

Water contamination

Embryo in the amniotic fluid

In addition to these complications, which often result from the transferred cold, infection of the amniotic fluid can occur. Unfortunately, pathogenic microorganisms have the ability to enter amniotic fluid, which the child can drink. To avoid complications caused by the penetration of bacteria into amniotic fluid, obstetrician-gynecologists strongly recommend that women who have a cold on the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, take clinical tests blood and urine. Having studied the results of these tests, a specialist can learn about the condition of the child and mother, as well as the placenta. It is also recommended after the cold, which occurred at the end of pregnancy, to conduct ultrasound, which is considered the most accurate method of diagnosis.

It is important to treat a cold in the late months of pregnancy and because even if the disease does not have an adverse impact on the baby, immediately after birth, it is isolated from the mother, because she can infect him with a viral infection. This is very bad for a child, since during this period he badly needs the warmth and care of his mother, whose heartbeat he has felt all 9 months. Also, weaning a baby from a woman can cause loss of breast milk, after which it is almost impossible to restore lactation.

Preventive actions

Avoid the occurrence of colds in the 3 trimester of pregnancy can be, adhering to simple rules that provide a pregnant woman with a preventive effect. Experts recommend the following preventive measures:
  1. Every time before going out into the street during the epidemic of colds carefully lubricate the nasal mucosa with oksolinovoy ointment. It is important to return home thoroughly to wash the nasopharynx from the remnants of the ointment, since it has the property of accumulating viruses and bacteria.
  2. In a room where most of her time is spent by a woman in the autumn-winter period, you can put a saucer with finely chopped garlic and onions, filling them with a small amount of water. These products contain phytoncides that have an antiviral effect on the body, and they also disinfect the air in the room.
  3. Regularly ventilate the apartment, regardless of the time of year.
  4. Humidify the air in the room where the pregnant woman is, not allowing it to dry out.
  5. Try to walk as much as possible in the open air, it is important to dress in the weather, avoiding overcooling or overheating.

A careful attitude of a pregnant woman to her health can save her from a cold, without exposing her body to heavy loads and serious dangers.

How to properly treat?

Colds in late pregnancy are mandatory to be treated only for the appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist and therapist.

During this period, it is prohibited to use antiviral drugs that are actively used before pregnancy, it is advisable to confine oneself to the treatment of proven and safe folk remedies and homeopathic medicines.

If the cold is accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, you can compress on the forehead of a 9% solution of vinegar, or take paracetamol. Compress can not be left for long, you can keep no more than 10 minutes, rubbing vinegar skin is also prohibited, since it has the property of penetrating into the blood.

With sore throats, which are often accompanied by a cold, it should be rinsed with a solution of salt and baking soda, and for a softer effect on the mucous, you can add a few drops iodine. For this purpose, when treating a sore throat with a cold in the third trimester of pregnancy, you can use a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. Do not forget about this method of treatment as the conduct of inhalations, it is used not only for the sore throat, but also for coughing and runny nose. They can be carried out using herbal decoctions and infusions or essential oils.

When coughing, which delivers a painful pregnancy, you can use syrups of exclusively vegetable origin:

  • Gedelix;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Plantain syrup.

With a runny nose, you must wash your nose with saline solution, herbal decoctions, and also do inhalations. Good effect on the nasal mucosa Pinosol - drops on the basis of coniferous oils, which are prescribed in the treatment of children and pregnant women. They can not only drip your nose, but also smear your skin in the area of ​​the location of the paranasal sinuses. That the cold quickly passed and did not cause serious complications, except symptomatic treatment, it is important that a woman drinks a lot of warm liquid - tea made from linden, rose hips, raspberries, adding to it some honey.

Development of a cold on early pregnancy

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is considered an extremely undesirable process, but it is not always possible to avoid the disease. The danger is that most women may not even suspect that a conception has occurred, so when they get cold, they begin to carry out intensive treatment. They bravely accept medications of dubious origin, which have a detrimental effect on the embryo.

Danger of disease for the baby

Embryo in early pregnancy

Many women are wondering whether a cold is really dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, if not taking preparations of synthetic origin. The disease is indeed a great danger to the fetus, because in the first days after conception, it only begins to form and the cold can significantly weaken the woman's body, resulting in often occurring miscarriages. It is known that the less the period of pregnancy, the more difficult it can be for the disease to pass. The development of colds in the first week of pregnancy in most cases becomes the cause of miscarriage, because During this period the fetal egg has not yet been fixed by the placenta, and can fail under any unfavorable conditions.

Gynecologists say that such a process is inherent in nature itself, because if the embryo survived after the pregnant woman suffered a cold disease, it could not fully develop. As a result of such violations, pathologies inevitably develop which can accompany a child in the future. Serious complications during childbirth are also not excluded, very often the labor of the parturient woman is disrupted.

Colds in early pregnancy can be a symptom of pregnancy, unless accompanied by an increase in body temperature

The manifestation of a cold in the first days of pregnancy can be regarded by many obstetrician-gynecologists as only one of the first signs of the occurred conception. However, in this case, the disease should not be accompanied by a cough, sore throat and increased body temperature, only the appearance of a runny nose or nasal congestion, as well as general malaise, is allowed. If a cold really appears as a sign of pregnancy, it does not require treatment, except for performing actions aimed at improving the state of health of a pregnant woman. At this time the future mother at treatment of cold at the beginning of pregnancy can actively wash the nose, freeing him from accumulated mucus, or use safe folk remedies to eliminate the swelling of the mucosa nasopharynx.

High fever early in pregnancy

The flow of a cold during pregnancy in the early stages is often manifested by an increase in body temperature in a woman. Such a process is considered quite normal and can not always be caused by a viral infection, but only in the event that subfebrile conditions are observed, when the indices do not exceed 37.5 degrees. If the future mother knows about her pregnancy and noticed that her body temperature has risen to 37, 5, you can not rush to the doctor, it is advisable to watch your body for a bit. At the same time, a woman should understand that with a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy, regardless of her symptoms, It is strictly forbidden to take any antiviral and antipyretic drugs, except for paracetamol. This substance also should not be carried away, it can be used to reduce the temperature only on the prescription of the doctor in a fairly limited amount.

Than to treat a sick throat?

Colds in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause and inflammation of the throat, causing strong painful sensations.Quite often, the flu or ARI, which were neglected or treated incorrectly, are the causes of such complications as angina. If you develop such a cold symptom, you can gargle with a solution of sea salt with the addition of baking soda and iodine. This method of treating the sore throat is quite effective and absolutely safe, provided that the woman will not swallow the rinse solution.You can use more medicinal herbs for gargling, which have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect in treating this symptom of a cold early in pregnancy:
  • sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula.

If the throat is very sore, inhalation can also be carried out, as a medicine using the decoctions of the above herbs, as well as menthol, chamomile, eucalyptus oil. To overcome cold in 1 trimester of pregnancy, even if it is accompanied by angina, it is possible if you apply warm compresses to the sore throat. To do this, simply moisten the cloth or gauze in alcohol or alcohol tincture, attach to the site of inflammation, put plastic wrap on top, and then wrap the throat with a scarf. You can do without alcohol, wrapped around your throat for a night with a woolen scarf, but such a procedure will not be able to give such a curative effect as a compress.

Colds in the first month of pregnancy, as well as throughout the period of bearing a child, can not be treated by thermal procedures, but you can put warm socks on at night.Many women use this method of treatment: in a thin cotton socks pour dry mustard powder, and then put on warm woolen socks, tie a scarf around your neck and go to bed. The next morning you can see how the state of health of a pregnant woman has improved.

In order not to aggravate the course of the disease, it is important to avoid cold drinking. For the benefit of the woman will go tea with honey, warm milk with honey, a decoction of berries, leaves or shoots of raspberries, viburnum and dogrose. To relieve the pain in the throat, you can also dissolve a slice of lemon with sugar or without it.

How dangerous is the common cold and how to cure it?

Not all pregnant women know what exactly is a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, if it is accompanied by a symptom such as a runny nose. In fact, the rhinitis is very dangerous for a woman and an embryo, but a more dangerous virus infection is believed to have caused it. After all, the common cold is caused by penetration into the mucosa of the virus, which has the property of penetrating into the blood and quickly transported throughout the body.

If the virus enters the uterus, the baby will inevitably become infected. Such a process can lead to spontaneous termination of pregnancy or cause a number of serious complications, often incompatible with life.

Having such an effect on the body, a runny nose with a cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is considered especially dangerous in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to these complications, nasal congestion or profuse secretion, complicates the process of nasal breathing in a pregnant woman. The duration of such a phenomenon leads to an insufficient amount of oxygen entering the body, causing oxygen starvation, which is fraught with the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Catarrh with a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy can not be treated with vasoconstrictive drugs, such as Galazolin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Naftizn, Otrivin and others. Sometimes they are prescribed to pregnant women, but they should not be used for more than 3 days, because they thin the nasopharyngeal mucosa, cause atrophy of the olfactory nerve endings, and also harm the child. With nasal congestion, such procedures are considered useful:

  1. The effect of heat on the nasopharynx - applying a boiled egg, a bag of warm salt.
  2. Inject into each nasal passage a few drops of menthol, then inhale and exhale with a nose for several minutes, until the retention is eliminated. The same oil can be lubricated forehead, whiskey and place behind the ears.
  3. Carry out inhalations with rosehip oil, eucalyptus, thyme, hyssop and chamomile. It is better to carry out the procedure with the ancient method - pour hot water into a pot, add a few drops of oil, cover with a blanket and breathe medical couples for 7 minutes. Repeat these actions 3 times a day.

If the runny nose appears during a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, this does not mean that it will cause of complications, after all, knowing how to conduct effective treatment, the disease can go without consequences. Colds in the early stages of pregnancy with proper treatment of it will not harm future mother and her child.

Colds during pregnancy - 2nd trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the easiest and most enjoyable from the position of well-being of a pregnant woman. Toxicosis already, as a rule, has receded, the tummy starts to be rounded, but it still is not so big as to create difficulties at movement. In addition, in the middle of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to feel the first movements of her baby. It is also considered,that the cold in the second trimester of pregnancy is the least dangerous for the fetus.And although the body struggles with a cold at 2 trimester of pregnancy is much better than at 1, but still a pregnant woman should help in this.

Let's think about how to protect yourself from cold during the period from 13 to 26 weeks of pregnancy. First, it is necessary to take elementary measures to prevent catarrhal diseases. This is a diet rich in vitamin C, frequent outdoor walks and prevention of hypothermia. The second factor that will help reduce the likelihood of a cold at the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the restriction of contacts with potential peddlers of viruses. Therefore, try to refrain from visiting crowded places, hospitals, using public transport. Especially, be careful during the seasonal increase in the number of infections with acute respiratory diseases.

It should be noted that a cold at 2 trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous for those internal systems of the baby that are being formed at this time.

For example,if the cold appeared on the 14th week of pregnancy,then there are two dangerous factors at once. The first is a miscarriage, because the less the gestation period, the greater the likelihood of such an outcome. The second is a violation of the endocrine system of an unborn baby, because it is at 14 weeks of pregnancy its formation is completed, and the cold does not have the best effect on the hormonal state of the woman and pod.

Colds at 16-17 weeks of gestationit does not affect the probability of miscarriage, but, nevertheless, it can affect the quality of the bone tissue of the baby. Up to the 18th week, active strengthening of the fetus bones occurs, and the weakening of the mother's organism can somewhat slow this process.

Especially dangerous cold at 19 weeks of pregnancy,if you are carrying a girl under your heart. During this period in the ovaries, the baby is actively forming eggs, and viral infections of the pregnant woman can affect their number and functioning. This is also dangerousa cold on the 20th week of pregnancy.

In addition to all of the above, by this time, all the internal organs of the pregnant woman go up, pressing the diaphragm. It causes shortness of breath, heartburn, there may be problems with the intestines. Moreover, the longer the period, the stronger these manifestations. After all, the baby grows by leaps and bounds, and at the same time all its internal organs are strengthened. And if the cold catches you closer to the 25th week of pregnancy, the risk of complications for the fetus will be much less than if the cold appeared at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

As a generalization of all of the above, I want to note that the common cold adversely affects not only your future child, but also yourself. Pregnancy already takes a lot of the woman's health, and one must take very close attention to the slightest manifestation of the ailment. Take care of yourself, and if in the second trimester of pregnancy you have a cold, then immediately consult a doctor. Do not use medications, or a variety of tinctures. They can contain harmful components for the mother and the unborn baby. Remember that self-medication during pregnancy is especially dangerous!

Cold on the lips during pregnancy

As is known, in the period of expectation of the child, immunity is significantly reduced in women, which often leads to an exacerbation of all kinds of chronic diseases, as well as the activation of various viruses. One of them is the herpes virus, which is present in the body of more than 90% of people. In a normal healthy state, human defenses successfully fight and suppress this virus, however, in an "interesting" situation, the situation is quite different.

Often, a cold on the lip appears during pregnancy, even in women who have never encountered the herpes virus before. Very often, future mothers are lost and do not know what to do to get rid of this unpleasant disease. In this article, we will tell you how to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy, and whether it can be dangerous to the health and vitality of the future mother and her baby.

Is it dangerous to have a cold on the lip during pregnancy?

The majority of women who face herpes in the period of expectation of the child, had already repeatedly suffered from it repeatedly. In this situation, the unexpected cold on the lip is almost safe, because the unborn the baby is protected by maternal antibodies, which means that the probability of infection does not exceed 5 percent.

If a cold appears in a woman who is preparing to become a mother, for the first time, this can have a very negative impact, both on the health and life of the fetus, and during pregnancy. With active reproduction, the herpes virus successfully penetrates the placenta and with a probability of 50-60% affects the unborn baby. In this situation, the crumbs may break the formation of any internal organs and systems. Such children often have hearing and vision impairments, severe brain defects, central lesions nervous system, mental and physical lag, and in the most difficult situations a child can die right in the womb mother.

In addition, the cold on the lips, which appeared in the future mother during pregnancy in the first trimester, significantly increases the threat of miscarriage. Even if the fetus can be saved, the probability of having a sick child grows many times, so in some cases, after a detailed examination, the doctor recommends discontinuing pregnancy.

What to smear a cold on the lip during pregnancy?

In any case, even if an exacerbation of the herpes virus is routine for you, if you have a cold on the lip during pregnancy, always pay attention to your doctor. Having performed the necessary examination methods, a qualified doctor will prescribe the appropriate medicines for you, the action which can be directed at suppressing the activity of virus reproduction and, if necessary, strengthening immunity.

Treatment of colds on the lips during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, is complicated by the fact that most of the usual drugs during this period of life can not be used. In particular, any tablets for oral administration are prohibited.

Typically, doctors prescribe pregnant women such antiviral drugs for topical use, as Zovirax, oxolinic or alizarin ointment. They should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin or mucosa approximately 5-6 times a day for a week or 10 days.

You can also use special antiherpetic lipsticks or lip balms with a natural extract of tea tree. In addition, often future mothers smear rashes on the lips with Corvalol solution, Vaseline, vegetable or sea ​​buckthorn oil, rosehip broth or famous toothpaste of the Russian manufacturer "Lesnoy balm".

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