Beer with honey from cough

Coughing beer

In recent years, it has become increasingly common to promote the harm of alcohol. But it turns out that not all alcoholic beverages are harmful (naturally in moderate doses). For example, beer contains in itself useful substances necessary for the human body. And at the beginning of the 19th century doctors recommended taking medications together with beer, of course, heated.

It is proved that beer perfectly quenches thirst, helps fight against insomnia, with toothache and increases potency. And with the help of beer, cough and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract are treated.

Beer from cough recipe

In the event that a person suffers from chronic, dry and paroxysmal cough, the following recipe is recommended. For him, you need 500 ml of beer and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Just completely dissolve the sugar in the beer, then warm up the beer and drink in a row 2 cups of this healing drink. The next day the cough will recede.

Many people know that cough with a disease such as bronchitis causes great concern. But do not worry, for the treatment of this kind of cough there is one effective prescription. Spread the middle head of garlic through the garlic. After that, divide into two parts 2 lemons and remove the seeds. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder and combine it with garlic. In the resulting lemon-garlic mixture, add 500 ml of beer and 300 grams of sugar. Cook all ingredients in a water bath (closed lid), for 30 minutes. Ready to drain the broth, and take three times a day for a tablespoon, half an hour before meals.

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Hot beer from cough

There are many popular recipes for treating cough, based on hot or warmed beer along with other ingredients. One of the main recipes of folk medicine is the use of beer, along with sage. In addition, the caffeinated hot-brewed beer of dark varieties helps cough. Well, if you drink honey with such a beer, then you can get rid of a cough very quickly.

With a strong cold, it is recommended to use beer wort in a hot form. The treatment period is 2 weeks. Thanks to this treatment, you will not only be able to get rid of a cough, but also completely defeat colds that will not bother you for a long time. This is due to the fact that hot beer is used and for preventive purposes.

Beer from cough and honey

The most common way to fight a cough with beer is to use it with honey. Many people with a cold cough are drinking a mug of warm beer (about 300 ml) with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it.

During the bouts of dry cough, many dissolve in a bottle of beer (4 liters) 4 tablespoons of honey. Do not forget that the beer must necessarily be heated. This "medicinal" drink is recommended to be consumed before bedtime. After a short period of time, the cough becomes much softer, and with the regular use of this miracle drink you can completely get rid of it.

Many people use heated beer with components such as honey, cloves and cinnamon to combat colds and coughs. The recipe for this beer drink is as follows. Preheat a glass of beer, then dissolve in it a tablespoon of honey and add a little cloves and cinnamon. All properly mix and drink the drink before bed. Of course, it can not be said that this medicine has a pleasant taste, but such inconvenience can be fully experienced. After all, the main thing is the result, believe the effect is simply stunning. In the morning, the condition improves significantly, and if necessary, the procedure can be repeated for several days.

Hot beer from a cough отзывы

In today's world, many do not believe in the effectiveness of the fight against cough with the help of traditional medicine methods. To be convinced of their effectiveness, it is enough simply to get acquainted with the opinions of people who checked their experience on their own experience.

As polls show, a lot of people resort to cough treatment with hot beer. And this is due to the fact that the treatment prescribed by the doctor does not always have an effect. Someone, having suffered a cough for more than one week, after having tried all possible medical ways of fighting against it, despairs and begins to look for alternative ways of solving his problem. And in the end helps them get rid of the cough is hot beer.

Many people share their feedback on this and say that hot beer is drunk even when the sputum is going away. That is, somewhere in the middle of the disease. In this case, it is recommended to drink hot beer, mixed in equal proportions with milk. Many people say that with this remedy, sputum begins to go away even easier.

But before appointing such a method of treatment, it is worth consulting with a doctor, because not all people can use beer as a medicine, because it's still an alcoholic drink.

Hot Cough Beer Recipes

Non-standard methods of treating various diseases are often quite effective. Do not question the recipes with alcohol. So, for example, beer perfectly helps to cope with a cough. There are several recipes using an intoxicating beverage and other useful ingredients.

Beer from coughing indications and contraindications

Take hot beer from cough only adults. Remember that this medicine contains alcohol in its composition. There are several more contraindications to taking this remedy:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. Future and lactating mothers should refuse such treatment.
  • Increased body temperature. This, like other types of alcohol at high temperatures is contraindicated.
  • Reception of antibiotics and codeine-containing drugs. Instructions for any other medication also need to be read before starting to be treated with beer. They may also indicate incompatibility with alcohol.

Indications for the use of this remedy are symptoms such as coughing (dry or wet), runny nose and chills. For treatment it is better to choose a live unfiltered drink, since with such fermentation, much more useful substances remain in it.

Warm beer from cough use

Benefits in the treatment of this symptom is only if the drink, consisting of hops and malts, is brought to a certain temperature. Drinking it cool for a cold or flu is pointless. Preheated beer has a sweatshop effect. In addition, it contains substances that help to clear the respiratory tract from harmful bacteria and bring sputum out of the bronchi.

Warm beer from a cough recipe

It is important to know that only hot beer has a benefit in treating a reflex act. With a cold, it is enough to warm it up and take it inside. To bring the liquid to the right temperature, you can use a microwave or a stove. Before you put the drink in the microwave, transfer it from the jar or bottle to the ceramic dishes. On the stove, it can be heated in an enameled container or on a water bath. You can take this remedy three times a day for a glass.

Hot beer from cough recipe with sage

Sage is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect. That's why it is added to the malt-containing drink in the treatment of cough. This recipe is very simple. Preheat the above-mentioned method of a half-liter of foam drink and mix it with a hundred grams of sage broth, prepared in advance. On a glass of boiling water add a tablespoon of dry herb and insist fifteen minutes. Take the mixture for the night, carefully hiding afterwards with a blanket.

Beer from cough recipe with milk and sage

This recipe also requires half a liter of malt-containing beverage and the same amount of milk. Warm up both these ingredients separately. They are already mixed in hot form. To soften the taste, you can add to this composition a tablespoon of honey and half a cup of sage, needed as an anti-inflammatory. Slightly cooled, but still hot drink to take inside. It will be enough to have one glass of this useful medicine for a single dose. The remaining composition should be cleaned in the fridge and drink two more times during the day, preheating. Remember that a mixture of beer and milk is not stored for more than eighteen hours.

How to treat cough with hot beer and butter

This recipe is suitable for people who are resistant to alcohol, because a single dose of intoxicating drink in it is one liter. It must be heated, but not brought to a boil. In a hot drink, you need to add fifty grams of butter and mix thoroughly and take it inside.

Does hot beer help cough with bronchitis?

The use of this drink helps to cure even a deep cough that occurs with bronchitis. To do this, you can use a recipe, where he also uses garlic and lemon. Two citrus, together with the peel, grind through a meat grinder or in a blender along with several denticles garlic, add to them a half-liter of foam drink and cook this mixture on a water bath for about half an hour. To accept, such means it is desirable warm, on a table spoon up to six times a day.

Hot beer from cough, reviews about which on the Internet are mostly positive, will help quickly and effectively cope with this problem. It is not necessary to wait for the disease to develop in your body. Treated in this way already with the first symptoms of flu or cold, and the disease will recede in a matter of days.

Is it true that hot beer helps with coughing?


Konstantin Tokarev

Cough is helped by tea with honey or raspberries! Hot beer helps induce vomiting =)


Better drink cold vodka !!!


true. but it's very pratical!


and wine too.. though muck terrible


True, but rubbish is rare. If you just want to drink, drink cold.


it's true current beer is hot nasty to drink


Personally on my experience checked - does not help either from coughing or cold! Yes, it's creepy !!!


Yes.. definitely for sure.. and preferably dark beer.. bring it to a boil and small sips. I know it's disgusting, but it helps.. I was prescribed it by the ENT, when my voice disappeared.. helped ..


About beer I hear for the first time, but the hot red wine helps ...

I am not an angel...

in part. It's just a good warming agent, but it's better to drink in bed, because almost immediately from the hot beer demolishes the tower (by the way, hot beer-stuff) _


Yes. Somehow I tried hot beer from a cough. You can not drink. It is terribly disgusting. Probably therefore, and cough has not cured)))


Yes, I checked myself. Still hot wine... Both drinks are medicines, I will tell you honestly, a terrible muck, but it helps perfectly.


Of course the truth, very quickly passes all, with sore throat, the truth is opposite


from the common cold. You have a warm beer with sugar and drink it. Quickly in a dream will pull. You wake up - you become a healthy man.


It is necessary to heat a glass of beer and drink it in small sips, like tea. For the night, tie a woolen shawl over her throat. Usually one of these procedures is enough, but you can repeat it for prophylaxis after a while. By the way, hot beer (preferably unfiltered) is good for bronchitis, especially with a strong cough.

Ksusha Prosvirnina

Cough helps min. water mixed with milk is exactly ...

Olga Kononenko

It is better to drink warm wine, you can add a little ginger. This drink is good for taking in the winter during the flu.

Arina Lyubimova

Yes, I heard that it helps. Warm wine also helps.

Yana Shapovaliuk

they say that helps, but I did not probyvala


and not only from a cough, I cured an angina in this way... the truth of 2 bottles was drunk in meat... but nothing major recovered)))))))

Beer from cough: recipes based on beer

Good news for beer fans - it's not only harmful, but also useful. But seriously, beer can improve the state of health, the main thing to know how and in what quantities it is properly applied. In folk medicine, beer is used for coughing. Recipes based on beer are also used for other health problems. Let's look at the useful properties of beer and recipes based on it.

Useful properties of beer

But in order to get a truly curative effect, you need to know how to apply it correctly. And, of course, do not increase the dosage of "medicine otherwise, you can get additional health problems, instead of the desired relief. But, in general, the benefits of beer can only be discussed in the context of a natural drink, cooked according to old recipes.

Beer contains many substances that are necessary for a person, and with a sufficiently low alcohol content, it does have a more favorable effect than a negative one. Until the beginning of the 20th century, when beer began to be produced industrially, with the addition of chemistry, the drink was recommended by doctors as healing.

Beer from cough: recipes based on beer

For the first time, a doctor called Paracelsus, who lived at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, began using beer for cough and, in general, for respiratory diseases. Especially for these purposes, he recommended beer, brewed from sage. In this recipe, there is nothing surprising, because sage is also a known antitussive.

In alternative medicine there are many recipes with beer from cough. They can use all the products that are traditionally recommended for cough: honey, sage, cinnamon, cloves, butter and butter-cocoa butter. When treating, two conditions must be observed: the beer should be as natural as possible (not powdered), and it must be drunk (but not burning). Do not bring the drink to a boil - in beer there may be an additional unpleasant bitterness. Yes, and the nutrients in the boiled beer is reduced. And if you are worried about alcohol, which gets into the body - during the heating of degrees in beer, it will be much less.

Recipes based on beer in folk medicine

With therapeutic purposes, beer is consumed in small quantities and only those brands whose quality is checked by time. Beer contains a large number of B vitamins that improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, promote the healing of small cracks.

1. It has an antidepressant, soothing effect on the body.

2. With the use of beer, the digestion of all the digestive glands intensifies, and the state of the intestinal microflora improves.

3. Beer is a drink that enhances urination. It is useful in inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis).

4. A hop drink has the ability to excrete cholesterol and harmful metal salts, for example aluminum.

5. Scientists have proved that beer is not a high-calorie, and the fullness of fans of this drink is explained by the stimulating effect of beer on appetite.

6. In folk medicine, beer treatment is beneficial for oily skin. It helps to narrow the pores and smooth wrinkles. Beer foam women rubbed the neck and chest to give it fresh color and firmness. And our grandmothers rinsed their hair with beer to give them softness and shine.

8. It helps beer well from toothache, fatigue and even colds. Beer can strengthen hair and nails, improve the skin and cardiovascular system.

Recipes based on beer and contraindications to their use

Beer treatment has contraindications. It can not be taken by anyone who is absolutely contraindicated in alcohol, people with kidney and liver diseases, a weak cardiovascular system and high blood pressure. Of course, do not give beer to young children, as well as pregnant and lactating women in order to avoid negative consequences for the organism of her and her child.

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