Overview of effective drops for the eyes from allergies

Allergy- This is a serious pathological process, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Most often, the organs of vision are exposed to allergic effects. They are sensitive to dust, mold, wool and cosmetics. Symptomatology can be different in appearance. As soon as the nature of the allergic pathology is discovered, the doctor will be able to select effective eye drops.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Anti-allergic
      • 3.1.1Azelastine
      • 3.1.2Lecrolin
      • 3.1.3Olopatadine
      • 3.1.4Ketotifen
      • 3.1.5Opatanol
    • 3.2Anti-inflammatory
      • 3.2.1Dexamethasone
      • 3.2.2Tebridex
      • 3.2.3Maxitrol
      • 3.2.4Sofradex
      • 3.2.5Lotoprednol
    • 3.3Vasoconstrictive
      • 3.3.1Vizin
      • 3.3.2Naphthysine
      • 3.3.3Octylium
      • 3.3.4Okumel
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Eye drops from allergies can be prescribed in the treatment of such pathologies:

  1. Allergic dermatitis. This disease can be recognized by the presence of signs such as swelling, redness, a rash in the form of vesicles. To influence the development of this form of allergy can cosmetic products, to which the body has increased sensitivity. Dermatitis can be attributed to occupational diseases, as it is diagnosed by workers in chemical and flavoring industries.
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  2. Allergic conjunctivitis.This disease is chronic. It is accompanied by reddening of the eyelids and abundant lacrimation. If the disease occurs in the acute phase, then there is an increased swelling of the mucosa.

  1. Polyposis conjunctivitis.It occurs seasonally. It is accompanied by such symptomatology: sneezing, runny nose, difficult breathing, skin rash.
  2. Keratoconjunctivitis.This is a seasonal formation of papillary formations on the mucous membrane and cornea of ​​the visual organ. Diagnose the disease mainly in boys. In children, the allergy flows in the form of itching, an abundant discharge of tear fluid and photophobia.
  3. Edema Quincke. This is an allergic complication, the development of which may be affected by drugs or food. The pathological process is expressed in the form of puffiness. Very rarely there is an increase in intraocular pressure.

Features of preparations

To quickly and effectively stop the emerging symptoms should use eye drops.Today you can buy a drug with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and vasoconstrictive effect.Such drugs can be prescribed as monotherapy or in tandem with each other in various forms.

List of drugs


When using antihistamine drops for the eyes from allergies you can quickly stop the symptoms. Assign their advantage in case of relapse of the disease. Due to the influence of active components, histamine is produced, and secretions from the eyes are reduced. The effect of allergens is neutralized by creating a specific envelope that does not allow the stimulus to penetrate deep into the interior.

And although antihistamines do not have special contraindications, they must be used carefully and after the appointment of a doctor.


The medicine instantly suppresses the symptoms, the onset of the effect lasts a long time.Within 10-15 minutes after application, the hyperemia and swelling of the eye decrease. Can not be used during pregnancy and children under 6 years.

AZELASTIN Cures Allergy Symptoms


EThese drops can be used not only for treatment, but also as prevention of eye allergy.They are especially in demand with seasonal allergies during flowering plants. If there is an exacerbation of the pollinosis, the drug normalizes the work of the epiretinal membranes, reduces redness and swelling. Do not prescribe medicine for children under 4 years.

Lecrolin is used for the prevention of allergies


These drops effectively cope with itching, burning and lacrimation.You can use the drug for children and pregnant women. But they can not be used for a long time, as this can lead to the development of the "dry" eye syndrome.

Opatanol fights with itching, burning and lacrimation

Appoint a drop can only an ophthalmologist who will monitor the patient's condition throughout the treatment. Only the doctor will be able to prescribe the exact dosage and duration of therapy.


Antihistamine, which was widely used not only for the treatment of conjunctivitis of the allergic type, but viral, bacterial lesions of the mucous organ of vision.

Ketotiere is an antihistamine


Opatanol side effects, so that it does not have any harmful effect on the body.You can only use children from the age of 3 years. Efficiently reduces the symptoms of allergies, contributing to a lasting effect.


Hormonal eye drops in comparison with previous drugs have a slightly different effect.They do not block receptors, but inhibit the action of the stimulus at the cellular level.With the help of steroid drops it is possible to eliminate severe inflammation, to slow down the reaction of rejection after operations.


Dexamethasone is a variant of budget eye drops from allergies.Has anti-inflammatory and pronounced anti-allergic effect.But the drug has a number of contraindications and side effects.

Dexamethasone has an anti-inflammatory effect

Use the drops alone is not worth it, the treatment should be done under the supervision of a doctor.


Tebridexeffectively copes with itching, swelling.

Torbadex struggles with itching and puffiness

Use the medicine for a long time can not be, because it is fraught with the development of glaucoma and cataracts.

The drug is used to treat allergic conjunctiva.Do not appoint children under 6 years and pregnant women.


Maxitrol - effective drops against allergies, with the use of which you can manage inflammation.But it is advisable to apply the medicine in the treatment of a disease of a non-purulent form. Drip drops on a regular basis, but treatment should not last longer than 7 days.

Maxitrol effectively reduces inflammation


Ethic droplets are not intended for long-term use.With their help, the patient's condition can be alleviated with a severe form of eye swelling and intense itching.If the drops are used for a long time, then the body becomes accustomed to, which is fraught with the clouding of the lens. Sofraidex is effective in the prevention of secondary infection.

Sofradex has an anti-inflammatory effect


This drug can be called unique.It has not only anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, but also strengthens local immunity and allows for long-term remission.


It is the drops with vasoconstrictive effect that are indispensable in the treatment of both seasonal and all-year-round allergies.But you can not call these drops a medicine. They are able only to temporarily stop the symptoms, and as soon as their use has been discontinued, the clinical picture comes back.

Vasoconstrictive drops from eye allergies can not be used for a long time, as this leads to an addiction of the body. Active components of the drugs are introduced into the blood and spread to all systems and organs of man.


Vizin is one of the most popular drugs among vasoconstrictor drops.With its help, it is possible to manage extensive vascular lesions.You can use the medicine for both children and adults. Side effects are extremely rare. But the effectiveness of drops is determined taking into account the stage of neglect of the pathological process.

Vizin cures extensive vascular lesions


Dyspeptic and nerve disorders can occur with this medication.Also, do not use drops with glaucoma, dry eye syndrome and cataracts. Children may be prescribed a drug only after 6 years and provided there are no violations in the lacrimal gland.

Naphthyzine is a vasoconstrictor


This drug serves to treat allergies of various origins. The peculiarity of the drug in its plant composition, so that it has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance and up to 3 years for children.

Octillia treats allergies of various origins


When using okumetil an antiseptic effect is achieved.And although the medicine instantly suppresses irritation, it can not be used by everyone. This medicine can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Okumil has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and anti-allergenic effects.

Recommendations for use

For effective treatment of eye allergy, it is necessary to correctly apply drops. To do this, use the following guidelines:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. If several drugs are used at the same time, prepare a separate pipette for each.
  3. During instillation, it is necessary that the pipette does not touch the mucous eyes.
  4. After each manipulation, all materials must be poured hot water and thoroughly dried.
  5. Before using the drug, the patient should take a horizontal position and throw back the head.
  6. Pull the lower eyelid, rolling your eyes up.
  7. For the lower eyelid send the required amount of the drug.
  8. Close your eyes and sit for 5 minutes.
  9. For an even distribution of the drug, you should massage the inner corners of the eyes.



Allergies that damage the organs of vision are an insidious disease. If you do not start treatment in time, the pathology will go to a chronic stage. Therapy must necessarily be comprehensive. Basically, drugs are used in the form of drops, with which you can stop symptoms and eliminate the underlying factor.

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