How to cure a cough quickly

How to cure a cough in one day

How to cure a cough in one day, the question is especially relevant in the cold season. Cough - the main symptom of colds, including tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, it also occurs against allergic reactions. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to treat the disease and, along with the main treatment, take measures that will help get rid of cough. At the same time, due to cough, the airways are cleared of dust, sputum, harmful bacteria. Take emergency measures only when cough accompanied by catarrhal diseases, which can be judged by increased body temperature and general weakness.

How to cure a cough for a day in a child

If coughing only manifests itself and the child's temperature does not exceed 37 degrees, warming procedures will help him. The legs should be kept warm all the time. A small child in tooski should pour mustard powder, and older children need to sleep before sleeping in the mustard. Simultaneously with thermal procedures, it is necessary to start taking antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, without waiting for the infection to pass to the bronchi and lungs. On the chest and back of the child, apply a warming ointment and rub it lightly with massage movements. Massage will ease the child's condition and help speed up the exit of phlegm.
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Expectorant effect is possessed by syrups, for example, "Ambrobene which children drink with pleasure. But the syrup should be taken only as directed by the doctor. But you can always resort to the help of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been verified by time. From the nauseous cough will help warm milk with honey, with a piece of butter and a pinch of soda. Not all children will like this drink, then on the basis of milk you can prepare another cough remedy, which everyone will like without exception. Finely chop two small figs, pour them a glass of warm milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Give the child 5-6 times a day on a tablespoon.

Herbal preparations are the first assistant for any diseases. With their help, you can treat bronchitis, cough, tracheitis and pneumonia. It is important to prepare the herbal infusion correctly. Usually the herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted for a while. And in order for the herbs to have a curative effect, they should be brewed as follows: pour cold water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, then insist for half an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml.

When coughing helps collect from the leaves of currant, mother-and-stepmother, herb St. John's wort, oregano, sage leaves, linden flowers and dandelion. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts and grind them. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with two glasses of hot water, and then insist in a thermos for two hours. Take half a cup every three hours. To taste and enhance therapeutic action in herbal tea, it is advisable to add a spoonful of honey.

Good displays sputum infusion from the leaves of mother-and-stepmother and elderberry. It can be prepared in a water bath or insist in a thermos.

If the hoarse voice and pershit in the throat, help infusion from the leaves of blackberries, raspberries, mother-and-stepmother and lime color, taken in equal quantities. Two teaspoons of the collection pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Infusion is used to rinse the throat and is used instead of tea.

How can one cure a cough in one day?

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of onions are used in many recipes. "Onions from all ills" is especially effective in the treatment of cough.

Mix the chopped onion with two tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

When coughing, the fried onion is also useful. It is fried in butter and mixed with a spoonful of honey.

To get rid of cough folk remedies can and with the help of garlic. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture throughout the day.

A few drops of garlic juice dilute in a tablespoon of warm milk and drink before going to bed. A calm sleep is guaranteed to you.

In the treatment of colds, honey is traditionally used. It is added to herbal infusions, mixed with milk, therapeutic groats are prepared from it.

The simplest and most affordable cough remedy is to drink warm milk with honey several times a day. Good results are given by a mixture of honey (100 g) with juice of one lemon or with horseradish juice. In folk recipes, honey is mixed with grated black radish. But you can cook radish with honey otherwise. The radish is thoroughly washed, then the upper part is cut off from it, in the middle I make a groove in which are poured two tablespoons of honey. Allow to brew for 3-4 hours, after which take a tablespoon before eating and before going to bed. This tool is recommended for both children and adults.

Well proven health sponge from honey and chopped garlic, taken in the ratio:. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Especially honey is effective with raspberries, mother-and-stepmother and other plants that have an expectorant effect. Honey and herbs intensify each other's therapeutic actions.

Honey is used for inhalations, it is mixed with flour, cottage cheese, they form cakes and put on the back and chest of the child for warming up.

How to cure a cough quickly in one day

Means number 1 for cough - inhalation. This procedure at home is carried out over a saucepan. In the house where there are children, there must be an inhaler. It is not only more convenient, but also safer for the child. Inhalation can be carried out with any herb that has an expectorant effect, potatoes. For the procedure to be effective, it should last at least 15 minutes. Healing couples warm up the respiratory tract and bronchi. If you use potatoes for inhalation, then it is enough to wash it, but do not clean it. Healing properties of this root crop is the skin. After inhalation, the potatoes can be used for warming up. Razumnite it and lay it on a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze. Compress should be done before bedtime, put it on the back or on the chest. When the potato mass cools down, the compress needs to be removed, and in order to prevent coughing at night, drink a "therapeutic cocktail" of two whipped yolks, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of vodka. After such an effective warming inside and out, there will be no trace of a cough for the morning.

How to cure a cough in one day

Often a person faces the question: how to cure a cough in one day, which is especially acute in the winter-autumn period. Cough is one of the signs of various respiratory diseases, ranging from banal colds and ending with bronchitis and pneumonia, in addition, it can occur with allergic reactions. When treating a cough, it should be remembered that with his help the body removes foreign bodies and dust, as well as sputum together with pathogenic microorganisms, from the respiratory system. Therefore, the most effective are those measures that are aimed at getting rid of the cause that caused the cough. Measures to eliminate cough in a short period of time can be taken only if it is called catarrhal disease, other symptoms of which are fever, general weakness, runny nose and other.

Quick cure for a child

In the initial stages of coughing, in the absence of fever, warming procedures can be used in children. We need to ensure that the baby's legs are warm. To do this, you can fill the dry mustard powder in your toes and put them on the baby. Older children spend foot baths with mustard. Together with these procedures, a set of measures should be taken to eliminate the infection and its pathogen, as well as to eliminate the inflammatory process. Otherwise, the disease will progress and can capture the lower respiratory tract. On the chest area and the back of the baby is applied warming ointment, which is rubbed with light massaging movements. Such measures will improve overall health and facilitate the departure of sputum.

There are special baby syrups that have an expectorant effect, usually kids with pleasure they are drunk, however, one should not assign them to the child on their own, this should only be done by a qualified doctor. In addition to such drugs, there are also funds offered by traditional medicine. Often their effectiveness is not inferior to special ones, and side effects are much less.

To get rid of a nauseating, debilitating cough, you can use warm milk, mixed with honey, butter and a little soda. True, such a tool is often not very popular with children. You can try another recipe. For him, you need to finely chop two medium figs and pour them a mug of warmed milk. This mixture should be insisted for 20 minutes and take 5 times a day on a large spoon.

Not bad help with diseases of the respiratory system and herbal collections. For a full-fledged treatment with these funds, you need to be able to properly prepare infusions and herbal decoctions. Most people pour it with boiling water and leave them for a while for infusion. However, for the greatest effect, you should brew herbal preparations in the following way. Prepared dried herbs are poured in cold water, then for a quarter of an hour heated with a water bath, then insist for half an hour. The resulting infusion should be filtered and topped with boiled water to 200 ml.

To facilitate coughing, you can use a collection of currant leaves, oregano, coltsfoot, sage, St. John's wort and linden flowers. All this is ground and mixed in equal parts. A tablespoon of the obtained mixture is poured into a thermos, about two glasses of hot water are poured into it and left for two hours. Infusion should be taken in half a glass every 3 to 4 hours. Also, it can add a little honey, it will make the taste more pleasant, and the therapeutic effect is more effective.

To remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs, a mixture of elderberry leaves and mother-and-stepmother is suitable. Of these ingredients, the infusion is prepared with a thermos or water bath.

From hoarseness and perspiration in the throat, use a lime blossom mixed with leaves of raspberries, blackberries and mother-and-stepmother. Prepared for such a tool at the rate of two small spoons for a glass of boiling water, and is used both inside and rinsing the sore throat.

Recipes for cough for one day

Traditional medicine in response to the question: how to cure a cough for one day, recommends various recipes based on onions.

The onion head is ground, then mixed with a large spoonful of sugar and half a glass of water. All this is cooked over low heat for half an hour, after cooling, add two large spoons of honey. Take the product 6 times a day on a tablespoon.

In a bow fried in butter, you can add a spoonful of honey and eat several times a day.

In addition to onions, cough is often used in the treatment of cough and garlic. For example, such a recipe: a few crushed denticles mixed with honey and consumed during the day. To get rid of a night cough before going to bed, you need to drink a large spoon of warmed milk, which is mixed with a few drops of garlic juice.

For rapid cough treatment, honey is very popular, which is mixed with milk, infusions and decoctions of herbs, as well as other components.

One of the simplest, but rather effective means - warm milk with the addition of honey. Also, honey can be mixed with lemon juice or horseradish.

Will help get rid of cough and popular folk recipe mixture of honey with black radish. It can be finely wiped or use the whole, cutting off the tip and adding honey to the prepared groove.

Honey can be mixed with chopped garlic in equal proportions, after which take one tablespoon in the morning, at noon and in the evening. When adding honey to the broths and infusions of herbs, it enhances their effectiveness. It is used for inhalations and for warming up.

Inhalation - as a cure for cough in one day

Inhalations have a very fast effect, so help get rid of a cough in a short time. At home, you can carry out this procedure over the pan, but it is much better to purchase a special inhaler, because its use is much more convenient, simpler and safer. When coughing, inhalation can be carried out with expectorant herbs or potatoes. In order to achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure should last no less than a quarter of an hour. During this time the pair will have time to warm up the airways all along. When using potatoes it is worth remembering that it is enough to wash it only, but it is undesirable to clean it, as most of the medicinal substances remain in the peel. In addition, after the inhalation, the remaining potatoes can be stretched, laid on a prepared fabric and applied to the chest and back. Such a compress is done before bedtime to eliminate cough at night, you can remove it after the mixture has completely cooled down. Adults, together with this procedure, you can take before bedtime a mixture of two whipped yolks, a tablespoon of vodka and the same amount of honey. In most cases, this therapy is enough to forget about the cough completely in the morning.

How fast can cough cure in a child?

Quickly cure cough is possible only when the exact cause, because of which it appeared, will be clarified. Coughing is a protection for a child, it appears because of an irritant of an allergic, bacterial or chemical nature. Note that not always coughing attacks can be triggered by a disease, often an allergic reaction of the body to a particular stimulus.

Causes of child coughing

1. Because of an infectious disease.

2. In cases of adenoids.

3. If the ENT organs inflammatory process.

4. With bronchial asthma.

5. Because of the dry air.

Before you treat a cough in a child, you need to determine with which cough you will fight from dry, wet, suffocating or paroxysmal.

Quick cure for a child

In no case can you engage in self-medication, only a doctor after a thorough examination can prescribe the necessary drugs:

1. Mucolytic agents, with the help of them can liquefy phlegm, withdraw it from the respiratory tract. Often treat a child Lazolvanom, Ambrobene, Halixol.

2. Medicines against cough, with the help of them can reduce cough. Effective treatment with Alteika, Mukaltin, and Pertussin.

3. Expectorant drugs will help to quickly withdraw phlegm, the ideal option is Gedelix.

Treatment with plant-based products

In a child, cough is not recommended to be treated with medicines, in which a large number different chemicals, it is best to pay attention to the drugs, which include plants. With their help, you can quickly cure a dry and wet cough. They do not have toxic effects on the body, they do not have any side effects, so they need to be used to treat children.

Licorice root is a part of different preparations, it is the main component of tablets, syrups, potions, chest elixir, and it is often combined with propolis. Effectively take those funds, which include other herbs from cough and inflammation. With the help of the root of the althaea one can get rid of a strong cough, and withdraw the phlegm. Children can drink such drugs, which include an alteca - Mukaltin, syrup Bronchostop, breastfeeding.

Bronchitis can be cured with a herbal preparation, which contains plantain, leaves and seeds contains a large number of expectorant and anti-inflammatory elements. It can be found in such drugs as Eucabal, Pectoral, Stoptussin.

Chronic and acute form of bronchitis can be cured with the help of homeopathic remedies containing ivy. Children are prescribed treatment with Proppanom, Pektolvan.

Primula is a plant with which you can remove inflammation, withdraw phlegm, get rid of microbes, knock down body temperature. The primrose enters the syrups Sinupret, Herbion, Bronchipret.

Almost all syrups for children from coughs include thyme, thyme due to their antimicrobial effect on the body, so quickly cough can be cured with the help of Eucabalus.

Some therapists advise using drugs of Indian origin - Dr. Mom, Cook's syrups, Kofol, prescribe Trevisil treatment.

All the above syrups must be treated with extreme caution, because each child individually carries them, complications or allergic reactions may occur.

Effective folk methods of treating a child's cough

1. A good mixture of honey, lemon, especially if cough is provoked by a viral infection. To do this, you need to boil a lemon, wait until it cools, cut it into two parts and squeeze juice from it, add glycerin, eat three times a day.

2. Quickly get rid of cough, help the child black radish, it is specially rubbed, add honey, eat in the morning and before going to bed. You can prepare the juice and radish juice, for this cut off its upper part, there honey is pawned, insist until there is enough juice, give the child up to 5 times a day.

3. Especially good at coughing to drink such broth - milk with carrot juice, it should be warm.

3. Take the onion, grind it, add in 200 ml of milk, drain everything through gauze, give the child during the day every hour.

4. For the broth you need kidney birch, butter, mix everything, add honey, take before eating.

5. A strong cough can be cured with figs, warm milk, it is recommended to add mineral water "Essentuki "Borjomi honey. If the child is allergic to this prescription, you need to be extremely cautious.

6. Scroll lemon in a blender, add honey, insist, eat three times a day.

7. With the help of ginger, you can cure not only a cough, but also a cold that often accompanies it. With ginger tea is prepared, the effect will intensify if you add lemon, honey.

8. Children are well helped by hot foot baths, they also recommend warming your back, chest. To get rid of cough, you need to warm up with salt, for this, it is heated, poured into the sock, and applied to the back, chest area. Pay attention, the salt should be warm, so as not to get burned.

9. Quickly he cures goat fat, they need to grind the breast, back and heels of the child. Wear warm pajamas and socks on him, put him to bed.

Also the child should be calm, the room should be warm and well ventilated, the air moist. How you can use liquids, so sputum is faster and easier to go out. If there is no temperature, do not force the child to adhere to bed rest, the more he moves, the faster the sputum goes.

Thus, cough can be cured quickly only if it is without complications. Therefore, it is important to do everything in a timely manner. Pay attention, at home you can treat a cough, only if it is provoked by a cold and is not accompanied by a fever, a bad state of health child, shortness of breath, in all the others it is necessary to consult a doctor, he must listen and examine the child, then only make a diagnosis and write out treatment.

How quickly to cure a cough (dry) in a child 5 years old?


Olga Iks

Dry cough, I treat my children with sage with my sage, after 2-3 procedures-no cough. Recently, the nurse also coughed, just before bed, they threatened to inject her with injections and a hospital, she drank and at night slept normally. For a 5 year old child you need 1 tbsp. lies. without the top of the sage grass pour hot milk (bring to a boil, but do not boil), cover with a plate or lid and let it brew. (While insisting, the child to prepare for bed, wash, if there is no temperature you can stab legs, grind the breast), and when he is in the crib (bed), drain the milk, add 1 h. l. honey (if there is no honey allergy), but I add honey for taste, so this milk is not bitter, only smells like sage. And, while it is warm (ideally, such that you can swallow and not get burned) give a drink to a child, and put him to bed.


Inhalation!!! (potatoes, soda)
For the night mustard plaster


We are well assisted by black radish with honey and milk with propolis


Radish with honey, it helps a lot. Hollow out a deepening in the radish and put a spoonful of honey in it, stand, give juice and drink this juice on the table spoon. The remedy is excellent.


the best and cheapest way! I treated my daughter like that. Syrup of licorice root! It is worth a penny and is very effective. Do not buy any super-expensive suspensions! If the cough in the evening does not allow you to fall asleep, stir a menthol candy (sold in a regular store) Holls for example in hot tea and drink. Tea as hot as possible should be. poite even from a spoon, so it will be more convenient. I'm so worn out with my daughter's cough, so I know what I'm saying!

Olga Kopylova

Very problematic, inhalation, preferably an ultrasonic inhaler.


Stoptussin drops are good for dry cough, quickly transfer it to the wet stage. Still there are candy menthol-anisovy, it is possible licorice, in a drugstore are on sale, too at a cough help or assist, if he catarrhal.

Svetlana Marushkay

Bury in a nip on a drop of olive oil (warm it under water). 3 times a day. Will fall and in the neck. Easy and effective.


Worrying the word "Fast"! If so, then no way. If it is competent, then it is necessary to find out the cause of this cough and on the basis of the diagnosis to be treated. The choice of medication depends on the characteristics of the cough ("dry" or "wet frequent, harsh or weak and short, barking, hoarse), and also on the individual characteristics of the child. Dry cough in a child occurs usually in the first day of the disease. It is accompanied by a moderate temperature and malaise.
"Barking cough" occurs with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, larynx or trachea. It often happens in small children and is associated with ARVI. May occur suddenly, at night or after inhalation. Less often, such a cough can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a medicine or inhalation.
"Cough with pertussis." Characterized by a strong paroxysmal cough, which can result in vomiting. The child's face turns red. It can be accompanied by high notes on inspiration and resemble a "cock-roaring". The course of whooping cough may be accompanied by a runny nose, a low fever. Although whooping cough can be observed in children of any age, the most severe manifestations are noted in children of the first year of life who are not vaccinated against whooping cough. Coughing in the child and wheezing can testify to inflammation of the lower respiratory tract or about ingress of foreign objects (seeds, nuts, fragments of toys, etc.) ) Sometimes such a cough can accompany bronchial asthma.
Night cough in a child, as a rule, happens in children with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis) and sometimes with asthma. A "bad unproductive, dry cough happens when the respiratory tract is squeezed or irritated: with laryngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis. It performs a different function - it signals about the existing irritation and inflammation. Cough is unproductive, but not intrusive and does not disturb the sleep and appetite of children - Expectorants (Dr. Mom, Altey, Mukaltin, Licorice, Pertussin, Suprima-bronho). Cough dry, obtrusive, painful, painful, the child is disturbed by sleep and appetite. - Antitussive medicines (Sinekod, Libeksin, Broncholitin (for children over 3 years old), Stoptussin). Cough with thick, viscous, poorly expectorated sputum - Mucolytic drugs (ATSTS) and mucolytic drugs with expectorant effect (Bromhexin, Bronchosan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Ambroghexal, Lazolvan, Halixol, Medox, Fljuditik) preparations based on plant extracts (Prospan, Herbion Syrup primrose). With prolonged high temperature, an antibiotic is added.

)) )))

I have two children. From cough, especially dry, we are treated with a syrup "Doctor Mom". Relief comes quickly. Syrup on a plant-based, tasty, my like such treatment. Description of the drug, as well as about cough in children can read here:
Health to you and your children))

How can I quickly cough a cough and runny nose

Knowing how quickly to cure a cough and runny nose is simply necessary, especially in the spring-autumn period. Temperature changes, sharp thaws and cold snaps can cause unpleasant diseases even in people with a very stable immune system. Especially predisposed to frequent colds and cough are children, the elderly or people already already suffering from chronic diseases.

Cough and coryza treatment alone

Having discovered the malaise, the first prerequisites, indicating the appearance of a cough or sputum, associated with a common cold, you must immediately begin treatment. Even with immediate response, the disease stops only on day 5. Recollecting that it's time to take some measures, too late, stretching the "pleasure" of treatment will take several weeks.

If a person does not have serious illnesses, and cough and runny nose has a clearly catarrhal character, you can try to do without "chemistry using exclusively folk remedies. But if the process is delayed, and the patient has not felt improvements in health, the temperature in the evenings of the beginning to rise, reaching 38 degrees, an appeal to a doctor and a strong prescription prescribed by him simply certainly.

Additional caution: self-medication is possible only with those components for which the diseased adult or child does not have allergies. The first steps to recovery should be a daily wet cleaning of the room, where the patient is isolated from the rest of the household. If possible, all objects that act as dust collectors are removed: soft toys, carpet paths, decorative pillows, figurines, books. So, humidification of air and cleaning will take a few minutes, which is important not only for the patient, but also for the family member caring for him.

Rhinitis and cough are effectively treated if all methods of traditional medicine are used at once:

  • abundant drinking;
  • decoctions, tinctures;
  • inhalation, rinsing;
  • compresses, cans.

After isolating the patient, it is necessary to prepare him a drink consisting of ripe berries of raspberries and viburnum (:). In fact, it is a compote, which can be further sweetened with honey instead of sugar. Drink can not be sugary and sweet, eliminating it will help a few drops of lemon juice.

No less effective is drinking from milk, a spoonful of oil and a few drops of juice of the bulb.The product is not very pleasant to taste, but it perfectly eliminates headaches, helps to fight with a cough and abundant rhinitis.

To ease the breathing will help and tincture of crimson stems. Only the tops of the plant are used, which are crushed for the speed of the preparation of the drink. A small amount of the mixture is poured already with hot water, and then boiled for an additional 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered, carefully poured into a thermos bottle and infused for about 1.5 hours. A day should drink no more than 1 cup of tincture.

Available cough and cough medicines

When treating children, you can do a little trick, which many parents resort to. It is known that babies can be capricious for hours so as not to eat raw onions, garlic. But their use is very desirable: the bactericidal properties of these plants are known for centuries. The trick is that the chopped onion and several cloves of garlic on the plate are put on the cupboard so that the child does not see it. The smell in the room will be a bit specific, but, in combination with frequent airing and wet cleaning, this method will help to get better quickly even without medications.


In rhinitis or even the slightest hint of a possible diagnosis, it is necessary to do inhalations. And in this case the potato is recognized as the most effective in the people. Small potatoes or cleaning are cooked to full preparedness, the pan with them is transferred to the patient, and he, having covered his head with a towel or a dense tissue, should inhale the steam. A modern, supplemented interpretation of this procedure is the addition to the potatoes during the cooking of the leaves of eucalyptus and thyme, and immediately before inhalation a little fir oil. If the rhinitis in the initial stage, there will be abundant discharge, and it will recede.

For a daily rinse of the throat, you can prepare a well-known soda solution: a spoonful of soda for 150-200 g of warm water. For greater efficiency, it is alternated with a decoction prepared from chamomile and sage, the anti-inflammatory properties of which help get rid of not only cough, but in parallel and from the cold. Herbs are mixed, one serving is enough to use 1 spoon, and pour boiling water. After 20 minutes, rinse is ready, you just need to wait until his temperature drops to an acceptable level and start rinsing.

Too strong, debilitating cough will soften honey, mixed: with butter. Take the mixture with a small spoon, holding in the mouth until it is completely absorbed.

With a cold, it is necessary to warm up, for which alcohol is used, mixed with castor oil. The mixture is rubbed into the back and chest of the patient with massage non-intensive movements. After the skin becomes pink, you need to carefully cover the area of ​​massage. If the rub was performed on the chest, the evaporation of alcohol and oil will alleviate even the runny nose, although the remedy is recommended for coughing.

The most common cabbage helps fight colds, if you smear it with liquid honey, put it on your chest and insulate with food film.

Compress will not cause discomfort, and therefore it is desirable that he was on his chest for about 12 hours.

Use of medicines for colds

With a dry and very intense cough, it is advisable for children to purchase special lollipops in the pharmacy, "Doctor Mom" ​​pastilles. Adults will benefit from pharmacy products:

  • Tusuprex;
  • Glaucine;
  • Libexin;
  • Sinecod.

Excellent cleansing of the lungs and relief from coughing will provide "Khaliksol "Bromhexine" and for a long time known to all mukaltin.

In the fight against sputum during cough, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, and Acetylcysteine ​​are effective. The drugs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the body, so that together with a cough passes and a cold.

Counteracting a cough, one should not forget about the common cold, which must also be urgently cured. Since ordinary sprays only relieve temporary symptomatology, being vasoconstrictive, and some of them cause later chronic rhinitis, doctors are increasingly advised to resort to them only in extreme cases: this is Galazolin, Xylen, Sanorin, Ximelin, Naphthysine.


Runny nose is easy to defeat by washing, solutions for which are sold in pharmacies. These are the medicines Saline, Otrivin, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin, the use of which is effective only with systematic application. Manufacturers have developed a special series of the same medicines for babies, which are simply identified by a special "Baby" note to the name. If the disease is not started, you can use the usual sea salt without the additives in the form of flavors, bought there, and make a solution yourself, making sure that it is not too salty.

It is advisable to resort only to the means created from plants. The medicine Pinosol, containing the oil of such plants as eucalyptus, mountain pine and mint, as well as vitamin E.


However, self-treatment is dangerous enough if the process lasts more than 5 days, and relief does not come. In cases of infants, pregnant women and the elderly, even this time is not worth waiting. Treatment should be conducted only with the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor.

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