Back massage: how much in time?


  • 1How much time should the back massage last?
    • 1.1Entrust your back to the skilled hands of a massage therapist
    • 1.2Honey back massage will relieve pain and excess fat
    • 1.3Advantages of honey rubbing:
    • 1.4How to quickly remove pain in myositis
    • 1.5How often should I do a back massage with myositis?
    • 1.6Methods of conducting receptions in myositis, myalgia
    • 1.7A good massage is a reliable assistant for pneumonia and bronchitis
    • 1.8Do not be afraid of massage procedures for hypertension
    • 1.9From osteochondrosis rescues massage and gymnastics
    • 1.10Radiculitis trust the masseur
  • 2Classic back massage
    • 2.1The principle of influence and the technique of classical back massage
    • 2.2Indications for classical back massage
  • 3How many times do I need to do a back massage?
    • 3.1Massage for relaxation and general recovery
    • 3.2Sports massage and body restoration
    • 3.3Treatment of chronic diseases
    • 3.4Relief of acute pain
    • 3.5Massage during pregnancy
  • 4How to determine the quality of massage and choose a masseur in St. Petersburg
  • instagram viewer
  • 5How much does a back massage cost?
    • 5.1Back massage: indications
    • 5.2Back massage: contraindications
    • 5.3Types of therapeutic massage
    • 5.4Classical massage
    • 5.5Acupressure
    • 5.6Reflex massage
    • 5.7Neurosedative massage
    • 5.8Factors affecting the cost
    • 5.9Price list

How much time should the back massage last?

With a variety of diseases, massage can be attributed to the most pleasant procedure, if you do not start it in the period of acute pain.

When planning massage manipulations, be sure to specify how long the back massage, the number of sessions, contraindications.

The benefit of the ancient method of treatment with the help of apparatuses, auxiliary objects can not be overestimated.

Massage procedures are a wand - rescue with such problems:

  • constant aching and sharp back pain;
  • pinched nerves;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • fatigue syndrome;
  • stress;
  • weak immunity.

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Entrust your back to the skilled hands of a massage therapist

Classical is called massage, which is carried out according to a strict scheme: ironing, grinding and push-up, kneading, vibration.

Each stage has its own methods, on how much it depends on how much the back massage is done on time.

Ironing prepares the skin for manipulation, soothes the nerve endings and promotes the flow of lymph. Each masseur chooses his own methods of ironing, whether it is wide-open hands, knuckles, elbow palm, depending on the shape and size of the body.

Stroking begins and ends like the entire massage, and every reception. These manipulations take 3 - 5 minutes.

Trimming is performed to ensure blood flow through intense movements. Each reception is performed 3 to 5 times over the entire back, be it:

  • rubbing the whole palm or fingertips, fists or the ulnar edge of the palm;
  • planing;
  • hatching;
  • intersection.

Rubbing lasts 10 - 15 minutes.

Kneeling is often called passive gymnastics. The pain that occurs after the first sessions can be compared with painful sensations after intense training. The kneading is given to ½ of the entire massage time, during which all muscle fibers are worked out.

Vibration stops the session. Wave-like movements that occur during this reception, due to intensity and continuity, contribute to the improvement of tissue elasticity. The type, time and intensity of vibration is selected depending on the disease.

Learn more about back massage from an article

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Honey back massage will relieve pain and excess fat

Massage manipulation enhances honey. Honey claps can replace the kneading in the case of acute pain, the presence of psychological problems. The undeniable advantage of driving honey into the skin is not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-cellulite effect, which leads to weight loss.

Article about back massage with honey read more

How long the back massage lasts with the use of honey depends on the area being treated, as a rule, one session lasts from a quarter of an hour to 30 minutes. To the content of ↑

Advantages of honey rubbing:

  1. The presence of vitamins and trace elements, driven with honey into the skin, improves the body.
  2. Honey is a wonderful sorbent, it is able to purify the skin of toxins.
  3. Regular driving of honey contributes to the destruction of osteochondrosis.
  4. When fighting insomnia, depression and after the stress, trust a unique honey massage.
  5. Deep elaboration of the tissues with honey is an ideal tool in the fight against protracted cough.

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How to quickly remove pain in myositis

Regardless of the cause, whether it's a cold, trauma or infection, myositis in the form of a tight seal spasms the muscles, causing acute pain.

The faster it will start to work out a painful place with the use of thermal procedures, the sooner the relief will come.

How often should I do a back massage with myositis?

Ideally - 2-3 times daily or every other day, increasing the duration from 5 minutes to a quarter of an hour. Sometimes enough from 5 to 8 procedures.

Methods of conducting receptions in myositis, myalgia

  • Conveniently sitting or laying the patient, we begin stroking with a slight shaking. We study the sore spot very carefully, at the first sessions it is desirable to work above or below it. You can iron with circular, zigzag, fan movements.
  • We rub the back in the beginning only with the pads of one thumb, then the four others, gradually passing to a stronger rubbing with the elbow of the palm or the knuckles of the fists.
  • At the first session painful points we try not to knead deeply, only gently pushing, adjusting the intensity of pressing on the painful sensations of the massaged. Applying a warming cream or gel while kneading will enhance the effectiveness of treatment.

Meningitis with myositis lasts 15 - 20 minutes, the patient point is given special attention.

The warmed body will keep the heat longer, if after the massage procedures, cover it with a bandage made of natural fabric: wool, fur, fluff.

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A good massage is a reliable assistant for pneumonia and bronchitis

The onset of the disease with bronchitis or pneumonia can be blocked without the use of antibiotics, if after reduce the temperature start to do thermal procedures, massage effects, take the people's funds medicine.

How many minutes does the back massage, depends on the patient's condition. After carrying out massage manipulations, significant improvements are noted:

  • activation of blood circulation and improvement of the lymphatic system;
  • sputum decreases;
  • improves the work of the bronchi and lungs;
  • the hearth of an inflammation resolves.

Depending on the type of manipulation, it is decided how long the back massage is to the adult or the child.

With pneumonia and bronchitis, the easiest way to drive out phlegm will be to vacuum the back with a miracle jar. Preliminary it is recommended to warm up the body with classical techniques: stroking, rubbing.

Massage manipulations are carried out from the subscapular area to the shoulder from one side and the other, and from the spine along the ribs to the abdomen.


The duration of back massage during inflammatory processes of the respiratory system lasts 10 - 20 minutes.


Active components of honey cause not only increased mucus outflow, but also act as an antioxidant and antibiotic.

Intensive rubbing, driving honey with massage manipulation will speed recovery.

Aromatherapy works wonders, rubbing essential oils into the skin, it turns out to be both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects on the body.

Attention! In order not to cause an allergic shock, check before the aromatherapy of the patient for sensitivity to the etheric oil used. To the contents ↑

Do not be afraid of massage procedures for hypertension

At high blood pressure, as a rule, do not recommend any physical activity and manipulation, but with a tonometer below 160 mmHg, you can perform weak exercises.

The development of the back muscles exerts a positive effect on the cardiac circulation, relieves the tone of the heart, as a result of which the arterial pressure is normalized.

At the initial stage of hypertension pressure jumps can occur against the background of psychological disorders and weather changes.

Many people complain of heaviness in the head, dizziness and tachycardia, not even suspecting that the cause of the ailments will disappear in muscle spasms, and, as a consequence, blood vessels.

Check with your doctor how often you can do back massage and how long, and go boldly to the massage room.

Contraindications for hypertension are:

  • sudden hypertensive crisis;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe form;
  • cerebral disorders of high frequency.

Experienced masseur will hold a session so that after manual influences blood pressure is normalized.

If you wonder how often you need to do a back massage with hypertension, then the answer is simple - at least 2 times a year for 10-15 sessions.k content ↑

From osteochondrosis rescues massage and gymnastics

Osteochondrosis is the cause of many diseases, from pressure to the appearance of vertebral hernia.

Performing a complex of actions with the hands of a massage therapist will help to remove unpleasant symptoms for a long time and with a guarantee if the periodicity of the back massage is performed regularly, and this 2 - 3 times a year, full courses for 10 sessions.

At the heart of manipulations with osteochondrosis are classic techniques that are updated every year and become more effective.

Each masseur himself determines how long the back massage lasts to an adult person, what zones need to be worked out. The main results after treatment are expressed in such indicators:

  • painful sensations are eliminated;
  • improves microcirculation and metabolism;
  • reflex tension of muscle tissues is removed;
  • inflammatory reactions in the discs and the tissue covering around them disappear.

Getting rid of osteochondrosis, a person acquires calmness, a good mood and a sound sleep, and this affects the strengthening of the immune system as a whole.

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Radiculitis trust the masseur

After removing acute pain medications, you can start to do a back massage. How long the massage lasts, the doctor will determine, in the first sessions the duration may be 25-30 minutes, the time increases every day up to 60 minutes.

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Massage procedures with radiculitis are divided according to the purpose: general and local.

The local effect is more effective, in this case only the back surface in which the lumbago appeared is worked.

Purpose of massage manipulations:

  • increase the flow of blood and lymph;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • adjust the posture to relieve tension in the muscles.

When radiculitis, all manipulations at home should be performed under the supervision of a specialist who will open the order of carrying out of receptions, will specify correctly a direction of movement in view of a limf-flow and will establish duration session.

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Classic back massage

Massage as a means of getting rid of diseases is known to us from time immemorial. The first mention of this kind of therapy refers to the times of Ancient China.

Also, by that time, the first recognition of its beneficial effect on the body as a whole is related: improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow, increased immunity and protective reactions.

There is also a relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system and positive emotions that are integral companions to the massage.

Of particular importance for the body is classical back massage. After all, in fact, the back is a shield for all internal organs.

But in view of modern life, which includes stress, sedentary lifestyle and other "delights unfavorable processes occur in the muscular tissue of the back.

So, for example, static tension and subsequent stagnation in muscles lead to a decrease in the motor functions of the upper limbs, and to curvatures of the spine and to a deterioration of the blood supply, which in turn can cause various neuralgic disease. As a result of all these deplorable changes, the psycho-emotional state of a person may worsen and even the development of chronic diseases of internal organs.

In this case, classical back massage can bring not only emotional discharge of the patient, but also contribute to the overall physiological recovery of the body. But, nevertheless, the main function of this therapy is the treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine, including all kinds of osteochondrosis.

The principle of influence and the technique of classical back massage

Classic back massage involves the impact on the muscles of the neck and shoulders, the scapular region, the straight and oblique muscles of the back and the lumbosacral section. Due to the fact that the back has a significant amount of muscle mass, it takes time and effort to deeply work it out.

However, at the same time, it is the thickness of the muscular cover of the back that makes this type of therapy the safest for internal organs and blood vessels.

However, only trained medical personnel should perform this procedure.


After all, one random direct effect on the spinal column can cause irreparable damage to the body.


Classic back massage consists of four stages:

  • The first stage is preparatory. It consists in the heating of the muscles of the back, which leads to improved blood supply and stretching of the skin and the upper layer of muscle tissue for further effects.
  • The second stage is medium deep. At this stage, the back muscles are worked through at the middle depth of their bedding. At this moment, the intensity of blood circulation increases and the motor function of the limbs is normalized.
  • The third stage is a deep one. At this stage, it takes a lot of effort to warm up and work out the lowest layer of muscle tissue, which in its essence is responsible for maintaining the spinal column in the proper vertical direction. This stage, as a rule, lasts the longest, because for achieving maximum effect, considerable time costs are required.
  • The fourth stage is the final stage. At this stage, all the actions are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the back, which for a long time were exposed to tonic and warming exercises.

The total duration of such a session is usually not more than 20 minutes. The necessary number of massage sessions is prescribed by a doctor, but often the complex of this therapy includes no more than 10-15 procedures, after which a break is mandatory.

Indications for classical back massage

Indications for the use of this therapy can serve as a variety of gynecological, neuralgic and cardiac diseases, as well as:

  • Diseases and impairment of musculoskeletal system
  • Decreased elasticity and elasticity of the skin
  • Decreased general muscle tone
  • Disturbance of cellular metabolism
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Back pain

and others

In addition, the course of classical back massage can be prescribed for the rehabilitation of the body after various injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including spinal injuries.

Contraindications for classical back massage

Unfortunately, some people in connection with their health condition classic back massage can be contraindicated. It is not prescribed when

  • acute inflammatory processes in the body;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • skin diseases;
  • certain metabolic diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • oncological diseases.

It is also worth remembering that back massage is a therapeutic therapy, and therefore only a doctor should prescribe it, and also fix the results achieved. Therefore, if you want to take a course of this massage, contact your doctor and be healthy!

In the gallery you are waiting for a photo how to do a classical massage. Where to learn to do such a massage? At the courses in our Institute!

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How many times do I need to do a back massage?

Before the beginning of the back massage, the specialist conducts consultations on what problems the client wants to solve with the help of procedures.

General restorative sessions are recommendedonce a month.

But the individual characteristics of the health status and lifestyle of the client make adjustments to the schedule.

It is necessary to know the two main properties of massage:

  1. The effect of sessions is cumulative. That is, a good condition after the second procedure is based on the results of the first, and so on. After the first and second time, you can not experience the desired effect, and after passing through the course, the necessary changes occur.
  2. One massage session is not able to correct chronic diseases. It will take days, weeks and even years to remove stiff neck or low back pain. For one hour you can feel temporary relief of symptoms.

Massage for relaxation and general recovery

Wellness sessions of back massage are pursued to maintain the normal function of the whole body, improve blood circulation, increase the flexibility of the vertebrae, reduce muscle hypertension.

The goals of the procedure can be the prevention of pain, the removal of stress points. Therapeutic massage for relaxation should be repeated every three to four months.

For general purposes, enough 1-2 sessions per month, which will get rid of stress, maintain muscle tone.

Despite a full rest, frequent stress at work increases muscle spasms.

Long stay in one position leads to the formation of blocks of muscles of the back, arms and shoulders, which is associated with severe pain and changes in blood pressure.

Stress increases the risk of vascular and heart disease, so you need to visit sessions every 1-2 weeks for good relaxation.

Sports massage and body restoration

Athletes and other people who perform intensive physical exercises need a special massage to increase productivity, prevent injuries and quickly restore muscle.

Professional sports associated with competitions, cause stress of the whole body. The spine experiences a huge load during training, and it's important to notice signals in time that indicate deep muscle cramps.

Therefore, back massage is also necessary for strengthening the muscles before intense activity, and for rehabilitation after it.

Athletes prefer to attend massagestwo times a weekto maintain the flexibility of the body and relieve the muscular tension. If the training becomes less intense, the frequency of the massage can be reduced to once in two weeks or a month.

Treatment of chronic diseases

A massage prescribed for the treatment of chronic diseases (scoliosis, osteochondrosis) is performed depending on the localization of pathology, old trauma and the state of human health.

The therapy program against pain can include at first three sessions per week, but gradually the frequency of procedures will be reduced to 1-2 per month.

Massage effectively helps with pain in the back, joints of the lumbar-sacral region and localized inflammation. Carrying out massage courses in the autumn and spring periods will help to avoid seasonal exacerbations and pain.


Sometimes massage sessions should begin after visiting the manual therapist, which will eliminate the cause of muscle imbalance.


In severe diseases of the spine, such as hernia and Bekhterev's disease, the frequency of courses is from 2 to 4 per year for 20-30 sessions. At the same time, any physiotherapeutic measures must be coordinated with the attending physician.

Relief of chronic muscle tension and elimination of long-term problems of the musculoskeletal system (trauma of the lumbosacral spine, shoulder joints) occurs during 4-6 months of regular massage sessions. In the future, to maintain the result, it is enough to visit the masseur once a month.

Relief of acute pain

Stretch muscles or spasms are treated with frequent massage sessions - 2-3 times a week. For 30-45 minutes the specialist provides relaxation and reduced soreness.

Complete recovery occurs after 1-3 weeks, but after this it is necessary to continue therapy, reducing the frequency of visits. Along with the massage, it is necessary to reduce the burden on the back, follow the doctor's instructions, and reduce the amount of stress.

The acute phases of diseases (hernia, radiculitis) can not be treated with a massage, since it can cause an increase in painful symptoms.

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Massage during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes that weaken the ligaments and muscles, as well as the weight of the fetus and the overload of the spinal column.

Only a professional therapist can perform massage, helping to reduce discomfort during walking and sleeping. One or two times a month is enough to overcome the painful features of pregnancy.

But approval for the procedure must be obtained from an obstetrician.

You can try the work of several masseurs before you find your "hands" for the back. Professionals should, first of all, focus on the sensations of patients and do so that the massage brings relief, and does not become torture.

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How to determine the quality of massage and choose a masseur in St. Petersburg

Any medical procedure can harm the health, even a hotly loved by all the massage.

How to properly do it and where to find a competent masseur, "Doctor Peter" was told by the head of the department medical rehabilitation of the St. Petersburg City Medical and Clinical Dispensary, Ph.D. Natalia Melnichuk.

When you can not massage

Even if the massage is performed professionally, it can still worsen the course of some diseases or provoke their aggravation.

Before the appointment of a course, you need to undergo examination and assess the condition of the body. It is impossible to do this on your own, as only a doctor can correctly weigh the pros and cons.

Therefore, it is better to forget about self-determination. (For contraindications to massage read below).

What masseuse can be trusted

No less evil than a self-appointed massage, can cause an illiterate masseur. By the way, a self-respecting specialist without consulting a doctor will not work with the patient. If he agrees to take the patient without the doctor's permission, this indicates his incompetence and irresponsibility.

- Secondary medical education for a professional is mandatory, - Natalia Melnichuk is sure.

- Retraining hairdressers, masters of manicure and other "experts" with "crusts" after three months of massage courses should be avoided.

How the organism works, and according to what laws he works, he does not know a lot.

And do not hesitate to ask for a certificate or diploma of a massage therapist. Although the state medical institutions and private clinics that have a license, without medical education to work will not take.

It is easiest to stumble upon newly made "experts" in beauty salons. The quality of the skills of the masseur can be judged from the experience of work. At least three years of continuous practice, and in general the more, the better.

A good masseur must have all the skills of therapeutic massage, first of all, classical.

Since such types of therapeutic massage, as a point, reflex, segment and others can only be done in combination with the classical.

If an expert practices only "Thai" or cosmetic massage, which have nothing to do with healing, you are unlikely to get the expected result.

Before the beginning of the session, during and after it, a competent specialist will always ask about the sensations of the procedure and the state of health. As the problem areas are identified, the masseur will talk about them: "It's tense "There's" clamped, "and so on.

The number of customers is also a good indicator. If they are too few, this can mean that people are unhappy with the massage. If the patient is too much, most likely, a masseur is a greedy, is not laid out as needed.

- Ideally, a specialist should have 6-7 patients a day. More - do not overpower physically, - explains Natalia Melnichuk. - 13 patients per shift - this is actually a flow, and the result of such a massage will also be "on-line".


One of the most reliable recommendations for the masseur is "word of mouth reviews on the Internet, and even more reliably - advice from friends.


How to expose a scam

If the masseur confidently diagnoses without a preliminary examination and the doctor's conclusion, this is an incompetent masseur.

In addition, it is worth to say goodbye to him if:

- he calls the duration of the course in absentia, by phone or promises to be cured for a couple of sessions.

According to Natalia Melnychuk, the duration of the massage course for all is determined individually, a minimum of 7 sessions, a maximum of 15.

- offers to replace the treatment prescribed by a doctor, dietary supplements and other miracle means. - Promises a one hundred percent guarantee of treatment.

- promises to withdraw from the body the slag, rejuvenate for 10 days and all in the same spirit.

Where to find a masseur

Massage offers, both private and public clinics, and beauty salons and single-use massage therapists.

Beauty salons can be trusted only if they have a license for medical massage.

Otherwise, the professionalism of a specialist, the quality of the procedure and its consequences, no one will vouch.

The "private singles" also need to ask for a medical diploma and a state-recognized certificate.
On the eternal question, where it is better to do massage - in state or commercial clinics, Natalia Melnichuk does not have an unambiguous answer.

- On the one hand, in state institutions there is a constant control over the work of masseurs, which is not in private, - says Natalia Melnychuk. - On the other hand, an endless stream of patients can reduce the quality of the procedure and by the end of the day the masseur simply exhales.

However, according to the rehabilitologist, in private clinics, super-popular specialists are also not insured against this.

"The most important thing concludes Natalia Melnichuk, "is that the institution that provides massage services has a license.

The cost of massage in public medical institutions is usually lower than in private ones. On average, the massage of one zone in St. Petersburg clinics is about 500 rubles, the total massage is about 800; plus or minus - 300 rubles.

When the massage is done correctly

Pleasant warmth, spilling over the whole body, improving the mood, a surge of energy and a decrease in emotional tension suggest that the massage is done correctly. The best evaluation of the quality of the massage is a sound sleep after it.

After the massage, there should be no deterioration of well-being, dizziness, a depressed or "broken" condition, rapid heartbeat, increased temperature and other unpleasant changes. Their appearance suggests either that you need to look for another masseur, or that a person has some diseases that are not taken into account before the appointment of a massage course.


There is an opinion that pain and bruises are also evidence of this. The position of Natalia Melnychuk is unambiguous: pain and bruising should not be normal.


If they appear, it is an occasion to reflect: whether it is necessary to change the masseur? However, sometimes they can occur with some diseases or if the patient behaved incorrectly after a massage session.

What you can not do after a massage

That after the massage there were no bruises, pains and dizziness, after the session the doctors do not recommend to get up quickly - you need to lie down for about 20 minutes.

Also, during the day, avoid strong physical exertion and a long stay in one position.

Therefore, do not spend the rest of the day at the office, repair or work in the garden.

How long should the massage last?

Too short a massage shows the laziness of the massage therapist, too long - about trying to get as much money from the client as possible. In determining the duration of the session, there is no need to invent a bicycle, all the standards have long existed.

Conditional units for performing massage procedures

Name of procedure The number of conventional units (1 unit = 10 min)
Massage of the head (frontal-temporal and occipital-parietal region) 1.0
Massage of the face (frontal, periglacial, upper and lower jaw area) 1.0
Neck massage 1.0
Massage of the collar zone (back of the neck, back to level IV of the thoracic vertebra, front surface of the thorax to the 2nd rib) 1.5
Hand massage 1.5
Massage of the hand, shoulder and shoulder area 2.0
Massage of the shoulder joint (upper third of the shoulder, shoulder joint area and the shoulder of the eponymous zone) 1.0
Massage of the elbow joint (upper third of the forearm, elbow joint area and lower third of the shoulder) 1.0
Massage of the wrist joint (proximal part of the wrist, area of ​​the wrist joint, forearm) 1.0
Massage of the hand and forearm 1.0
Massage of the chest area (the area of ​​the front surface of the chest from the front edges of the shoulder strap to the rib arch and the back area from the VII cervical to the I lumbar vertebra) 2.5
Back massage (from the seventh cervical to the I lumbar vertebra and from the left to the right middle axillary line, in children - including the lumbosacral region) 1.5
Massage of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall 1.0
Massage of the lumbosacral region (up to I lumbar vertebrae to the lower gluteal folds) 1.0
Segmental massage of the lumbosacral region 1.5
Massage of the back and lumbar region (from the cervical vertebra to the base of the sacrum and from the left to the right middle axillary line) 2.0
Massage of the cervicothoracic spine (back of the neck and back to the I lumbar vertebra from the left to the right back axillary line) 2.0
Segmental massage of the cervicothoracic spine 3.0
Massage of the spine area (posterior surface of neck, back and lumbosacral region from left to right back axillary line) 2.5
Foot massage 1.5
Massage of the leg and waist (areas of the foot, shin, thigh, gluteal and lumbar region) 2.0
Massage of the hip joint and gluteal region (the same side) 1.0
Massage of the knee joint (upper third of the shin, area of ​​the knee joint and lower third of the thigh) 1.0
Massage of the ankle joint (proximal foot, ankle and lower third of the shin) 1.0
Foot and shin massage 1.0
General massage (for infants and young children of school age) 3.0
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Contraindications to massage

Absolute contraindications to massage include tumors, osteomyelitis, trophic ulcers, blood diseases, atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis, vascular and aortic aneurysms, thromboses, thrombophlebitis, circulatory failure of the third degree, decompensated heart disease, bronchiectasis, pulmonary heart failure of the third degree, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, pulmonary edema, renal and hepatic insufficiency, active forms of tuberculosis, venereal diseases, mental illness with excessive excitement.

Temporary obstacles to the course of massage are infectious and fungal skin diseases, various skin rashes, inflammatory skin lesions, purulent processes, inflammation of the lymph nodes, bleeding, allergic diseases, high body temperature, acute inflammatory processes, hypotonic crisis, nausea, vomiting, heart pain, ARVI within 2-5 days after them, alcoholic intoxication, intestinal infections, fresh fracture / dislocation / sprain, within 6-12 months after operation.

Warts, skin irritations, abrasions and cracks, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, easily traumatized birthmarks, pronounced varicose veins, mastopathy, Ovarian cyst, menstruation, first trimester of pregnancy, early postpartum period impose restrictions on massage of certain areas body.

© Doctor Peter

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How much does a back massage cost?

One of the most popular health procedures in the world is back massage.

It allows not only to remove the pain in the tense muscles, but also to regulate the work of many organs and systems.

The back occupies a considerable part of the body surface, therefore it is through it that the hands of the masseur are the easiest to contact the human body.

Back massage: indications

Back massage is useful to everyone, but some are just necessary. Here are the main indications for back massage.

  1. Backache.Perhaps, this reason in most cases pushes people to search for a qualified masseur. Back pain starts to torment the person if his muscles are strained from fatigue. It is also possible to pinch roots of the spinal cord. In this case, there is a sharp pain that does not allow a person to move normally, and sometimes simply "binds" him to the bed.
  2. Increased nervous excitability.Back massage is an excellent sedative. Sometimes it helps better than the next sedative from the nearest pharmacy.
  3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This syndrome follows people who are engaged in intellectual work and at the same time neglect physical exertion. Constant mental overexertion leads to a weakening of the tone of the whole organism. A good back massage works well to relieve fatigue.
  4. Decreased immunity.Frequent colds are the main sign of reduced immunity. One of the ways to restore the defenses of the body is back massage.
  5. Muscular hypotension. This is a condition of decreased muscle tone. They become sluggish and weak. The causes of this pathology are very diverse and often not determined. Back massage allows you to maintain muscle tone. It becomes a good addition to drug treatment.
  6. Scoliosis.Curvature of the spine often leads to a stable hypertonia of the muscles of the back. Constant muscle tension can cause back pain or migraine. Massage in scoliosis relaxes the muscles of the back and eliminates the symptoms of scoliosis.
  7. Cellulite. This disease occurs due to a violation of blood circulation in the skin. Special anti-cellulite back massage improves blood flow in tissues and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  8. Decreased skin elasticity. With age, the skin becomes less smooth, elastic and elastic. Back massage allows you to slow the aging process of the skin. Strengthening the blood flow, it promotes its normal nutrition.
  9. Osteochondrosis.Defeating the vertebral discs, this disease causes limitation of mobility and pain in the back. Massage does not treat osteochondrosis, but relieves pain, tension in the muscles and thereby facilitates the human condition.

Back massage: contraindications

Unfortunately, not everyone can use back massage to improve their health. Here are the main contraindications to the appointment of massage.

  1. Damaged skin (bruises, wounds)
  2. Chronic diseases of the heart and respiratory system
  3. Increased temperature and inflammatory processes
  4. Pathologies of the central nervous system
  5. Inflammation of lymph nodes or ducts.
  6. Chronic osteomyelitis.
  7. Tuberculosis, venereal diseases.

Types of therapeutic massage

Classical massage

Classical massage is used in the treatment of many diseases: osteochondrosis, a hernia of the spine, radiculitis, sprains of ligaments and tendons.

Procedures help get rid of neuritis and neuralgia, arthritis and arthrosis, gastritis, arrhythmia. The specialist performs massage along the lymphatic tract, moving from neck to waist.

During the procedure, classical techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, squeezing, kneading and vibration.


Acupressure massage is the massaging of biologically active points. These points are connected in different internal organs.

Effects on the points help in the treatment of sciatica, intervertebral hernia, muscle and back pain, headache, arthritis. The procedures relieve of insomnia, mental overstrain, depression.

The technique does not cause painful sensations, even in patients with sensitive skin.

Reflex massage

The procedure is a massage of the reflex zones of the body. These zones are connected with the internal organs through the nerves of the spinal cord.

Reflex massage helps cure osteochondrosis, flat feet, arthrosis, neuroses. Thanks to the procedures, headaches, dizziness and insomnia pass.

During the sessions the therapist uses the techniques of screwing, squeezing and stretching, shearing and rolling.

Neurosedative massage

Neurosedative massage is created for people who are nervous. The procedure removes stress, calms the nervous system and normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

The specialist conducts a relaxing therapeutic massage with smooth movements - mostly strokes.

During the sessions the person completely relaxes, he has headaches, improves his mood and strengthens his immunity.

Factors affecting the cost

The cost of massage depends on many factors: mainly on the type of massage, the duration of the session and the goals that it pursues.

The most expensive - therapeutic massage. Most often it is done by specialists who have received secondary medical education in the specialty of "nursing" or "medical business".

Also, such a massage can deal with those who have a state certificate that gives the right to work as a "masseur but requires every 5 years to improve their skills.

People with basic medical education know perfectly where the muscle is and how it can affect different muscle groups.


Often a person with this skill is called a manual therapist, that is, literally: "treating hands".


On average, the duration of one massage session varies from 30 minutes to one and a half hours (full version). The price is determined per hour of work, therefore, the full version will cost three times more expensive than the local one.

As a rule, a course of 10-15 sessions is recommended to restore the back. And to prevent diseases of the spine, to feel good, there is enough preventive course of 3-5 sessions.

  1. The tasks that face the masseur

If massage sessions are needed only to maintain the back, to prevent a violation of posture or improvement of blood circulation in the muscular corset, it is enough 10 sessions of an improving massage not more than 40 minutes each.

The cost of it is low, compared with more complex manual procedures. If it comes to rehabilitation after severe injuries (sports, after accidents), then a whole complex of procedures is required, where massage is of paramount importance.

In this case, we can talk about a period of several months, which means that the cost will be very appreciable.

Price list

  • Prices for massage range from 300 to 2500 rubles per session.
  • The price list in the clinic looks like this:
  • Massage therapeutic and prophylactic (general) - 60 minutes - 2 500 rubles *.
  • Back massage - 30 minutes - 1 000 rubles.

40 min. - 1200 rubles.

45 min. - 1400 rubles.

60 min. - 1800 rubles.

  • Massage of the collar zone - 40 minutes - 800 rubles.
  • Massage reflex (spot) - 400 - 600 rubles.
  • Induction energy massage - 500 - 1 200 rubles.
  • Hand massage (shoulders, collar zone, forearms) - 45 minutes - 700 rubles.
  • Massage of the legs (hips and feet) - 45 minutes - 800 rubles.
  • Anti-cellulite massage - 45 minutes - 1000 rubles.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage - 45 minutes - 1000 rubles.

* - the price is indicated for one session

The highest prices in clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in cities hit by the center, prices are much lower.

Usually both in private clinics, and in public institutions of public health services various bonuses are accepted, accumulative programs, loyalty cards - in short, such actions that help reduce the price of an average price massage.

So, for example, when visiting 10 sessions of back massage, the average cost can be from 333 to 500 rubles.

Another undeniable advantage of attending a massage in a hospital environment is the quality of the services provided in accordance with the declared license. If the quality does not suit, you can always recover from the administration or even return some of the money spent.

The main minus - any clinic will require payment (prepayment) forward, and this sometimes "flies in a lot of money."

The masseuse can be paid for each session separately and by appointment the time that is more convenient.

Therefore, you can finish the massage courses, after spending a certain amount of money, but then save money from the family budget, doing massage for the whole family.

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