Myopia of mild degree in pregnancy - is it dangerous?

In the course of the pregnancy process, many different factors need to be considered, including the physiological problems and abnormalities that the patient had before the child was born.Some of these problems have an obvious connection with pregnancy, others are not directly related to it.The latter include myopia. If it is available in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to understand how this will affect her health.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Myopia is more widely known under the name "myopia".This is a visual impairment, in which a person perfectly sees objects that are from him at a close distance, but not so well sees objects that are at some distance from him.The term is known for a very long time, it was introduced by Aristotle, who noticed that people are screwing up, trying to view distant objects.

Myopia is so widespread that about one in three people are affected by it.

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Usually begins to develop myopia at 7-15 years, after which either aggravated, or continues remain at approximately the same level, if no action is taken to eliminate this Problems.There are several forms of severity of myopia, the most common of which is weak, it is most often found in humans.With a weak form, the deviation is not so greatly exacerbated and manifests itself only to an insignificant degree.


There are several different reasons that provoke myopia, in each case they are different, therefore it is necessary to consider each case separately.

  • A very common cause is heredity.If both parents are short-sighted, then almost certainly before the age of majority short-sightedness will manifest in the child. If they both have normal vision, then the chance that myopia will manifest at least to some extent equals only 8 percent. Hereditary factor works as follows: in the synthesis of the protein of connective tissue, a number of defects arise that prevent the normal reconstruction of the structure of the eye sclera. There there is a lack of various microelements, because of what myopia starts to progress.
  • Incorrect correction.Sometimes people blame that they develop myopia. This happens if its first appearances have already made themselves felt, but they have not been reacted, or reacted, but it is wrong, then everything can only progress. For example, contact lenses or glasses were not suitable for the situation. As a result, the muscles of the eye excessively overexerted and myopia developed.
  • Overexertion of the eyes.Another extremely common reason for this pathology to arise. Overexertion of the eyes can be attributed to work inadequate lighting, improper landing when reading and / or writing, unnecessary pastime behind a TV and computer, and so on.

Since many of these problems are usually provoked by the beginning of school life, short-sightedness generally coincides with the time of appearance with the beginning of schooling.


If we talk about deep symptoms, the main manifestation of myopia is the projection of images of objects in front of the retina of the eye, and not on it, as with ordinary vision.This occurs either because of the increase in the length of the eye, or because of the increased refractive power of the cornea. Sometimes both reasons are superimposed on each other.Therefore, shortsighted people begin to see well what is near, but what is in the distance becomes blurred, blurry, diffuse - this leads to the fact that the overall visual acuity gradually begins fall.


To diagnose myopia, it is necessary to conduct a spectrum of various studies that an ophthalmologist can perform. These include the following:

  • measurement of the level of refraction of the eyes;
  • examination of the fundus to assess the condition of the vessels, retina and optic nerve;
  • measurement of eye length with the help of ultraviolet diagnostics;
  • measurement of the thickness of the cornea at various points using the same ultraviolet diagnostics;
  • checking eyesight without glasses and selecting appropriate glasses.

As soon as the first signs of myopia manifestation, it is necessary to contact the ophthalmologist as soon as possible. If this is not done, or done, but incorrectly, one can impair vision and develop a short-sighted type of progressive type.


If the myopia is not strong, is present and has not been timely eliminated, then it is possible to correct it with a simple and safe procedure called laser coagulation of the eyes.It can be done without problems even during pregnancy.The bottom line is that with the help of a laser beam holes through which can theoretically begin to exfoliate the retina, solder, because the chance that the retina can exfoliate, is minimized.

With a weak myopia, perhaps an ophthalmologist will limit himself to choosing the optimal lenses or glasses.


Now consider the most important point - what can happen if myopia occurs during pregnancy.Among the most common problems can be identified:

  • Complications of the retina.
  • Change in the curvature of the lens and its puffiness.
  • Detachment of the retina during childbirth, which can lead to a vitreous hemorrhage and, as a consequence, loss of vision, partial or complete.

All of the above is unlikely to occur with mild myopia. The threat with it is almost non-existent, although once again reinsure and bring the state of their eyes in order clearly will not.


To prevent the problem, it is necessary, at the first appearance of hints of nearsightedness, to consult an ophthalmologist who will suggest the best methods for solving the problem.

Do not ignore simple exercises for the eyes. For example, squeeze as much as possible for five seconds, then open your eyes for five seconds without blinking, or As quickly as possible blink for a minute, or some other exercises that the ophthalmologist will advise you.


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With myopia of mild degree of problems during pregnancy and childbirth, most likely, will not arise. But do not take chances - it's better to put your eyes in order at the first symptoms of the problem.Moreover, weak myopia can easily, if ignored, develop into medium or strong, which are already dangerous during pregnancy and childbirth.Moreover, in most cases, when the disease is triggered, such diseases as atrophy of the optic nerve, cataract, glaucoma and others can develop.