Doctor Gitt: joint treatment


  • 1AT. D. Gitt treatment of arthrosis: a method of healing
    • 1.1Occupations with amazed ankle joint
    • 1.2When the shoulder joint hurts
    • 1.3Treatment of affected elbows
    • 1.4Diet
    • 1.5Conclusion
  • 2Vitaly G. Gitt: treatment of arthrosis, advantages and disadvantages of methods
    • 2.1Vitaliy G. Gitt: treatment of arthrosis
    • 2.2Causes of the disease
    • 2.3Clinical picture of the disease
    • 2.4Treatment: a new and incredible technique
    • 2.5Effects of visiting VD Gitt
    • 2.6Advantages and disadvantages of different methods
  • 3Exercises for the neck and head from Gitta
    • 3.1Useful gymnastics without stress on the joints
    • 3.2Mikrodvizheniya - a sure way to improve the spine and joints
  • 4Vitaly Gitt treatment of arthrosis
    • 4.1Exercises for osteochondrosis
    • 4.2Contraindications to gymnastics
    • 4.3Exercises for the neck and head from Gitta
    • 4.4Useful gymnastics without stress on the joints
    • 4.5Mikrodvizheniya - a sure way to improve the spine and joints

AT. D. Gitt treatment of arthrosis: a method of healing

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Manual therapist B. D. Gitt treatment of arthrosis performs successfully, healing the most severe forms of joint pathology. According to the method of the Gita, many specialists are now being treated, this direction is practically implemented and recognized.

This is evidenced by numerous reviews of patients who have experienced the treatment of arthrosis with micro-motions according to the technique of the famous Dr. Gitt.

Simple and effective exercises developed by the doctor, help to heal arthrosis even at the start of his stage.

A unique method by which the treatment of arthrosis is organized by micro-motions according to the doctor's method, provides relief from a chronic disease.

The technique allows you to achieve a positive effect in most cases.

There is only one "but" - the patient's desire to recover is required, so he must actively promote therapy for Gitt.

The fundamental principle of the theory by the method of the doctor is the principle that the affected joint needs to constantly provide micro-movements that do not give a solid load.

According to Vitaly Demjanovich, in order to fully absorb nutrients, the articulation requires little fluid, however, constantly.

This nutrient fluid inside the joint bag is produced when the joint moves.

Active movement at a high load and amplitude improves the nutrition of the joint, but the assimilation of nutrients remains unchanged - exactly as it remains with microscopic movements. Occupations with arthrosis, performed according to Gitt, allow, thanks to very slow movements of the affected joint, to guarantee its nutrition, and hence, restoration.

The dear doctor in detail recommends, how correctly to organize treatment of an arthrosis of sick joints if the technique of exercises for an arthrosis by its or his technique is used.

He also highlights the possibilities of conservative therapy for chronic arthritis.

Thanks to our own high professionalism, as well as the vast practical experience of work related to the treatment of articulations, The manual therapist charges all patients with optimism, giving them hope of a full recovery even in the most severe situations. Even therapy of chronic diseases, poorly treated with injections and pills, gives a positive dynamic, if you use this treatment option.

Occupations with amazed ankle joint

When the ankle is inflamed, human mobility deteriorates significantly.

However, the complete refusal to move, according to the doctor, provokes only further progression of the disease.

Because of this, Gitt recommends using for the ankle joint frequent and long training, consisting of special, as much as possible sparing exercises.

Carrying out the recommended training, the doctor advises to use the fundamental principle - muscle relaxation, low frequency of movements and minimal amplitude. Exercises perform better while sitting, however, in the presence of special indications, a supine position is allowed.

It is extremely important in the exercise not to overload the joint. At the time of exercise, the load must be gradually increased, otherwise the relapse of the disease is likely. It is necessary to start training only after the completion of the acute phase of the process of inflammation within the ankle joint.

  1. Lie with your back on the floor. Pull out your legs. Stop slowly from yourself and from yourself. Movements are absolutely relaxed, allowing only the minimum amplitude of movement.
  2. Keeping the previous position, you need to rotate the stops to the sides.
  3. Sit on a low chair, ensuring full touch of feet and floor. Do "walking lifting, and then alternately dropping socks and heels.

The duration of each exercise is 1-4 hours daily.

When the shoulder joint hurts

Many patients ask a reputable doctor how to treat the disease. For this the doctor has developed a special gymnastics. When performing these exercises at home, the specialist recommends the following principles:

  • small amplitude;
  • low frequency of movement;
  • complete muscle relaxation.

Exercises should be performed in the sitting position, in special cases - lying down. The complex of exercises on the treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint, described in detail in the book of Vitaly Demyanovich Gita, looks as follows:

  1. Take a comfortable pose on the chair. Brush the sick arm on the knee or on the table. The hand should be completely relaxed, the shoulder should be lowered. It is necessary to slightly swing your elbow outward, and then inside. Do not forget that all movements should be carried out with a minimum amplitude - no more than 2 cm. If pain occurs, stop exercising.
  2. Sit on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders. The amplitude of the movements is small.
  3. Continuing to sit on a chair, proceed to the next exercise. Make a slight movement of the shoulders back, and then forward.
  4. On what it is necessary to pay attention. In the process of studying at home, patients often begin to "lift up" their shoulders gradually. To avoid such errors, you need to relax as much as possible, without forgetting to control the movement until a stable habit is established.
  5. Make rotational movements of shoulders in both directions.
  6. If necessary, all movements to restore the shoulder joint can be performed simultaneously for both arms (shoulders).
  7. In severe situations, special gymnastics should be performed during the day for 5-10 minutes per hour.

When treating arthritis of the shoulder joint in order to achieve positive dynamics of recovery, it is necessary to observe the following factors:

  • special diet;
  • prolonged performance of gymnastics by the method of Dr. Gitt.

It is worthwhile to understand that this disease is acquired for years. The process of rehabilitation of a diseased shoulder joint also takes a long time. It is necessary to have patience and perform a physical complex of exercises every day.

Treatment of affected elbows

The therapy of this area of ​​the body goes well, but not very fast.

Every day a person makes many movements with his hands, so a special complex for these joints, according to V. D.

Gitta, usually not shown. If a severe case is present, then the following action can be performed.

  • lie on your back or sit down;
  • arms stretch along the trunk or place them on their knees;
  • make easy tapping with your fingers on the knees or the floor.

During treatment, excessive loads on the affected area should be avoided, and a special diet should be observed.


The exclusion of certain products from one's own menu becomes one of the basic conditions of health improvement.

Good results of using this technique for the treatment of joint pathologies (arthrosis and arthritis) in conjunction with low protein nutrition completely confirm this.

Doctor Vitaly Demyanovich focuses on the following points:

  • he recommends completely not to abandon protein products;
  • it is desirable to replace proteins of animal origin with plant analogues.

However, the specialist also believes that for patients with arthritis (arthrosis) of the joints, fatty, but in no case salt or smoked food, is useful. A good tool for affecting the joints, along with special exercises and diet is the use of recipes with a golden mustache.

Before starting practical exercises on the treatment of joints according to the book of Gitt Vitaly Demjanovich, it is recommended to conduct a complex of procedures for the treatment of bruises and injuries. Anti-inflammatory effect with affected joints is as follows:

  • wheat grass;
  • rose hips;
  • horsetail;
  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • chilli pepper.


Using different options for health improvement measures, the patient will be able to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms and restore the functions of the diseased organ. However, before that, an experienced specialist must be consulted.

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Vitaly G. Gitt: treatment of arthrosis, advantages and disadvantages of methods

Inflammatory processes in the joints are considered a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but compared to arthrosis, these are mere trifles.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which worsens the patient's life, spoils his well-being, reduces his efficiency.

The patient without proper treatment is doomed to life with pain. First, it occurs only with physical exertion, but after a while the sensation discomfort becomes a constant companion of the patient, appearing with minimal movements, and even in alone.

Most often, patients suffering from this pathology are elderly, but it can also occur in younger people, this is not an obligatory pattern.

In particular, if one considers arthrosis of the foot, it can strike at any age.

Especially if a person is too active life, that is, engaged in boxing, gymnastics and all sorts of jumps.

Vitaliy G. Gitt: treatment of arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is a disease characterized by the appearance of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joint tissue.

In addition, these processes are often accompanied by inflammation in the surrounding soft tissues. Degeneration of articular cartilage is a dangerous phenomenon that progresses rapidly over time.

To slow the course of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, it is necessary to treat it correctly.

Causes of the disease

The first step in the recovery from arthrosis is the correct diagnosis. It is important to establish the cause of the disease.

It can be:

  1. Flat feet, deformations of the sole;
  2. Strong curvature of lower leg;
  3. Obesity;
  4. Intensive sports, including professional ones;
  5. Work associated with standing on his feet or standing;
  6. Postponed leg injuries - these can be bruises, sprains, ligament ruptures, fractures;
  7. General hypothermia of the body or frostbite of the limbs;
  8. Disorders in the work of endocrine organs;
  9. Polyarthritis.
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In addition, in the occurrence of arthritis, hereditary predisposition, which affects the structure of bones and joints, can play a big role.

The shoes that we wear are not the least important. If it squeezes your fingers, sooner or later a person will earn arthrosis or arthritis.

Especially it concerns women who constantly wear high heels.

Clinical picture of the disease

The symptomatology of the disease manifests itself in various forms.

First of all, it is a crunch in the joints of the legs, pain under any load, which does not cease for a long time.

Patients note that the pain with this disease is rather dull and intermittent. Sometimes, after sleep, the stiffness of the limbs is felt.

With a more neglected form, fingers and joints begin to deform, so the treatment of arthrosis should be performed as early as possible. Legs tend to swell and blush, the general condition of the patient becomes unstable, that is, a person quickly becomes tired and feels weak.

Conservative medicine in the treatment of arthrosis gives very weak results. The fact is that the patient's joint develops not one pathological process, but several at the same time.

Cartilages can expand in one place, and in the other, on the contrary, collapse, the articular bag becomes very rough, because calcium is deposited in it.

The same happens with tendons, and with ligaments.

Limitation of motion is associated with the aging process, because it is known from time to time that age can be determined by the state of bones and joints.

Thus, the clinical symptomatology of the disease rather strongly affects the amount of active movements of the patient, forcing him to limit himself in many aspects of life. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment of the disease on time.

Treatment: a new and incredible technique

Trauma specialists have been developing methods for treating such a serious pathology as arthrosis for many years. Many of the proposed methods involve the use of medicines, others - therapeutic physical education or physiotherapy. Not all of them have the same efficiency.

To date, the most effective way is manual therapy. Among traumatologists there is a wonderful doctorV.D.Gitt, who developed his own methodology. He collected all the best methods in it and managed to achieve excellent results.

For treatment, it is necessary to find key points, with the stimulation of which you can start the process of aging joints back. This is whatVitaly Gitt.

Dr. Gitthas many grateful patients to whom he regained his previous condition of joints. These people leave excellent reviews about his treatment methods, not forgetting to mention the skill and goodwill of the specialist himself.

Vitaly treats arthrosis with the help of manual therapy and special exercises, which any person can do. They perfectly nourish joints and help in recovery.

In addition to a complex of sports activities,Vitaly Demetovich Gittapplies a special massage, in which the effect is through the palm.

This is truly a unique method, thanks to which many people were healed.

The peculiarity of this effect - percussion massage - is that if a person, for example, has a pain in the foot, then the doctor puts it on his knee, and on top of the diseased joint will lay his palm, along which he will produce tapping. Thus, internal elements (damaged joint tissues) do not get pain, and recovery comes much earlier.

The essence of these exercises, which amounted toGitt Vitaliy Demjanovich, consists in an easy and smooth loading on joints, and the articulate liquid thus should be distributed in regular intervals. This leading traumatologist refers to the sore spot as to his own child, because sometimes he not only twists and taps, but also strokes, squeezes.

The technique developed by the specialist is completely unique, as it combines all the best features of traditional methods of treatment and alternative methods, and also includes the use of special equipment - vibrating beds that have no analogues among massage means.

Effects of visiting VD Gitt

The impact of manual practice is directed to:

  1. Effective and powerful stimulation of regeneration of cartilaginous elements;
  2. Reduction of pain syndrome, elimination of discomfort;
  3. Restoration of the normal state of soft tissues;
  4. Kupirovanie inflammatory processes.

After several visits to the chiropractor Vitaly Demetovich Gitt, you will notice the pronounced effect of the procedures. In this case, the treatment is completely painless. During the session, a person feels a slight pressure, there may be mild tingling sensations in the limbs.

After admission, the patient notes a general improvement in the condition - blood pressure decreases, discomfort disappears in the spine, headache, dizziness.

The patient himself chooses a convenient time for visits to a specialist. You can sign up for the session on the official website, created by V.D. Gittom.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods

Very many methods and folk remedies for arthrosis are known to mankind, but are they so effective?Dr. Gitt treated for jointsstudied from different sides and conducted his own research, and this is what happened.

The first thing a person does today is to get all kinds of ointments and bandages at insanely high prices. In fact, no supergel is able to penetrate deep into the joint, it only temporarily pains the skin.

The intensive physical exercises offered by some doctors only aggravate the situation, and the procedures with the application of salt or sand do not differ from ointments. Treatment of arthrosis with starvation leads the body into utter decay, because during purification a huge amount of nutrients is washed away.

Such technological devices as ultrasound, magnet, rays and the like, do have a beneficial effect, but not on the joints, but on the capillaries and muscles, which in this case is inappropriate. Some people use shamanic methods, that is, they wear amulets, capsules and so on, but this can only be laughed at.

Scientists-developers have come up with a special device that emits radio waves and gamma rays.

In their opinion, this will serve as an excellent tool for arthrosis.

Vitaly Demjanovich conducted a multiple experiment with this equipment, but to a great surprise, the patients did not feel the slightest difference.

In urban polyclinics, people are offered to undergo physiotherapy using a laser and a magnetic field. Yes, there is a result, but the only difference is that the cartilage begins to grow completely in all places, even where they need to be reduced.

Whatever method of treatment you choose, adhere to the golden rule, which follows and Vitaly Demjanovich Gitt, and Valentin Ivanovich Dikul: you must have an unconditional belief in the successful conclusion treatment.
Advantages of turning to V.D. Gittu

Manual therapy offered by V.D. Gitt, is the best way to treat arthrosis, which has a number of important advantages:

  1. Safety of exposure. There is no radiation, no side effects, no risks of damaging the joints and aggravating the course of the disease.
  2. Efficiency of application. After several procedures the patient will feel the improvement - pain will go away, limb mobility will increase, weakness will disappear and overall well-being will improve.
  3. Availability. Make an appointment with Dr. V.D. Anyone can get a Gitta. The specialist will conduct a full examination of the patient, establish his diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment, individually selected in each case. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of arthrosis, how the patient feels, whether he has concomitant diseases that slow the treatment.

Thus, arthrosis is a serious disease characterized by a slowly progressive course.

Without proper treatment, the patient's condition will become worse and worse every day.

To prevent the deterioration of the clinical picture, it is recommended that you immediately consult a doctor for the course of treatment.

Optimum choice will be a record for an appointment with the leading specialist in the field - Victor Dem'yanovich Gitt.

This doctor rightfully considers one of the best therapists who are engaged in the therapy of arthrosis.

High qualification and extensive work experience is confirmed not only by the opinions of his patients, but also by the opinions of fellow doctors. If you register with him for a consultation, you will ensure a quick discharge.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

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Exercises for the neck and head from Gitta

Back and joint health »Miscellaneous

Vitaly G. Gitt is a well-known manual therapist who developed his own unique method of restoring the musculoskeletal system without surgery and painful procedures.

His technique was used by many patients to cure various diseases of the spine and joints.

Gitt's method is a combination of classical manual therapy and effective stimulation restoration of damaged joints with the use of such mechanical devices as vibratory beds.

Useful gymnastics without stress on the joints

The method is based on the theory of micromotion, according to which it is necessary to tilt the joints at a minimum angle, not to load them, and to ensure that there is no discomfort. In other words, the amplitude of the movements during the exercises should be very small.

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Exercises for the head and neck from Gitt allow to achieve:

  • replacement of lost fluid intervertebral discs;
  • recovery of the depreciation function and power supply of disks;
  • destruction of calcium deposits on the spine;
  • reduction of pain;
  • increased mobility of joints.

Vitaly Gitt is convinced that the osteochondrosis of the cervical region is one of the most unpleasant diseases, which not only causes discomfort in the neck, but also negatively affects the psyche.

Problems with the spine cause disorders of the blood circulation of the brain, in particular, its occipital lobe - and as a result, headaches, tinnitus and dizziness occur.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are very diverse: pain in the shoulders and numb hands, including even fingers, blood pressure rises, sleep worsens. But the worst part is that the mood is badly spoiled, and mental abilities are weakened.

Roller is placed under the neck, not under the head

Osteochondrosis can be of varying severity, in some cases it is difficult for a patient to even move his head. To get rid of stiffness and pain Vitaly Gitt recommends the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back, put a roller under your neck, throw your head back slightly. Rotate the head on the roller in the sides. Do slowly and many times.
  • In the sitting position, hands should be placed on his knees, his head tilted slightly, looking forward. Nodding his head up and down, as if to say: "Yes, yes." For 1 second do 2 nods, perform 2 minutes.
  • The starting position is the same as in paragraph 2. Turn the head to the left and to the left according to the principle of negation: "No, no." Speed ​​and execution time is the same - in 1 second - 2 nods, 2 minutes session.
  • The exercise is similar to the previous two, only the head in the starting position should be kept straight, and the movements should be made from side to side, to the shoulders.

These exercises for the neck can be done independently, and the next complex is performed under the guidance of a doctor:

  • The doctor tilts the patient's head to the right and left. If the ward is a girl or a child, manipulations are performed by hand, with physically developed and strong people, the effect is carried out with the help of the doctor's forearm;
  • the patient shakes his head from side to side, bending his head to his shoulders. The doctor at the same time fixes his chin;
  • at the moment of maximum relaxation during shaking the therapist sharply inclines his head about 5 degrees - this is not more than 1 cm;
  • the patient tilts his head, and pulls it to the right, then twists;
  • with two fingers of one hand, the doctor presses the spinous processes at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical of the body, with the other hand resting on the back and making the wrist with slow and light pressure.

Mikrodvizheniya - a sure way to improve the spine and joints

A person's full life depends on the ability to move, and, consequently, depends on the joints. It is the health of the joints and spine that determines the biological age and rhythm of aging.

Diseases of the bone system develop for many years, not manifesting in any way, or have a weak symptomatology. Therefore, patients do not rush to see a doctor, but precious time goes away.

As a result, X-ray images show serious changes in the joints, and the quality of life is significantly reduced.

Help the joints to recover with the help of gymnastics, which was developed by V. D. Gitt specifically for the shoulder and knee joints. Exercises for the shoulder are performed in the sitting position on the chair and straightening the back:

  • raise and lower shoulders along the spine not more than 3 cm;
  • shift shoulders back and forth (parallel to the floor);
  • the hand lies on the knee or on a low table, in the most relaxed state. Movements are made by the elbow from side to side - neatly and with a small amplitude;
  • the final stage is circular movements of the shoulders.

The complex is performed for 5 minutes, repeating hourly. As far as possible, time is increased - the result depends on the regularity and perseverance.

Gymnastic complex Dr. Gitt is effective even with severe joint damage and arthrosis.

Positive dynamics is also noted in cases when medicines do not help.

Manual therapist Gitt has been treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system for more than 25 years

Exercises for knee joints are performed with minimal intensity, approximately 2 minutes each:

  • sitting on a high chair or table, shake his legs. Exercise can be done an unlimited number of times, every day;
  • squats with support. Sit down and stand up carefully, if there is pain - sit down shallowly or stop moving;
  • starting position - sitting on the floor with bent knees. Grabbing your knees with your hands, gently bend forward and return to the starting position. Amplitude gradually increase;
  • sitting on the rug, put the left foot on the right hip of the elongated leg. Working the hand on the bent knee, press it to the floor;
  • folding. From the position of sitting with straight legs to bend to the feet;
  • sitting on the rug, legs bend and pull up as far as the pelvis. Bend your bent legs to the sides, helping with your hands;
  • continuing the previous exercise, add easy slopes forward;
  • get up off the floor and sit on a chair, spread legs widely. Do not tear off your feet, connect your knees, helping with your hands;
  • stand up and spread your legs wide apart, your socks apart. Holding hands behind the back of the chair, squat out of this position.

Treatment of joints and the spine with the help of gymnastics by the method of Gitt gives the desired effect only in the case when a person correctly performs the exercises. The basic principle is little by little, but long and constantly.

The author of the therapeutic technique believes that active and abrupt movements injure and destroy joints, since nutrients do not have time to assimilate, although they are produced in sufficient quantity.

Joints need a constant inflow of fluid, which is achieved by repeated repetition of light micromovements.

Gitt's gym complex for the cervical spine and joints not only eliminates painful symptoms, but also brings pleasure, relaxes and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. With the help of simple exercises that the doctor recorded on video, you can improve your health, raise your vitality and gain faith in healing.

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Vitaly Gitt treatment of arthrosis

Diseases of the spine are not uncommon, especially in the cervical region. Pathology significantly younger. Gymnastics of Gitt's micromovements for osteochondrosis is a very effective way to improve the condition and push the development of the disease.

For more than 25 years, Gitt Vitaliy Demjanovich has been successfully curing patients with various diseases of the joints and spine. The physician-manual therapist actively uses his technique not only on compatriots, but also on foreign patients.

Gitt constantly improved and finalized his theory.

Due to this, he managed to cure the patient with a complicated degree of arthrosis practically by 100%.

The same technique effectively eliminates such diseases of the musculoskeletal system as myositis, tendonitis, synovitis and many others.

Perhaps, Vitaliy Demjanovich is the only doctor in the world who is struggling with diseases of the spine, without resorting to operations. This and scoliosis, and osteochondrosis, and herniated spine.

The basis for this technique is the assumption that during the entire period of life each organ, bone or joint is constantly reconstructed.

Indeed, it really is: even broken bones can gradually fuse.

This is because they are alive and constantly updated, new and new cells are born, the tissues are replaced.

Regular, constant, smooth, systematic exercises for the spine and joints should make them change in either side.

If you fix the joint, for example, with gypsum for several months, then it will necessarily lose the ability to move, it will become stone. Add regular, smooth exercises - the joint will come to life again.

Also, the lack of movement in the spine leads to its gradual squeezing, densification, destruction - to osteochondrosis.

The basis and the uniting element of the method is the theory of micromovement. This is a kind of "homeopathic" number of movements, which perfectly nourishes the joints, not heavily loading them. Gymnastics Gitta is not aimed at stretching the muscles, but on restoring the joints.

Of course, this can not be achieved without the patient's daily, daily work. Such gymnastics should be an integral part of a patient's life, especially since these exercises are absolutely not difficult to perform.

They do not take much time and do not require a specific place and the availability of special equipment.

Gitt Vitaly Demjanovich wanted to find an effective tool for faster cure of patients, therefore, special vibration vibrators of several types were developed.

They allow for even more productive treatment.

Vibro-coupler allows the patient to perform several hundred micromotions per minute in complete tranquility and relaxed state.

As Vitaly Gitt says, the element is necessary for the assimilation of a very small amount of articular fluid, but it must be supplied continuously.

With active movement and large amplitudes, the food is getting better, but assimilation is not, it is absolutely the same as when performing micromotions.

At the same time, too active movements lead to injuries and joint destruction.

What is the difference between the gymnastics of micro-movements and the exercises on the vibrating table? Why do exercises need to be done slowly, because on the couch they happen quickly? It's very simple: on the device the patient lies in a relaxed free position, he does not need to strain his muscles, load the joints. It is the load that leads to the destruction of the structure of the bone element. Therefore, one should try to avoid it, but perform small, "homeopathic smooth and slow movements in the inflamed joint.

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Exercises for osteochondrosis

To get a stable therapeutic effect, you need to exercise regularly and several times a day.

This gymnastics is used to restore a very stiff, practically motionless cartilaginous tissue.

Vitaly Gitt recommends that you perform the following exercises for cervical osteochondrosis (this requires only a chair, you need to sit comfortably on it and start practicing):

  1. It is necessary to slowly tilt the head forward by 25-30º (no more, as this can lead to an inflection of the vessel and dizziness). Then you need to nod your head lightly, as if you answer "yes". The amplitude should not be large, the exercise should be continued for at least 2 minutes. Then rest for half an hour.
  2. After half an hour, you need to continue studying on a chair. The head should be tilted slightly and execute movements clockwise and counterclockwise, as if to say to the interlocutor "no but the exercise should be done slowly, smoothly, with a small deviation. Duration - from 2 minutes.

Each of the exercises is performed once every 60 minutes, which means that within one day, any movement must be repeated 8 to 10 times.

Such exercises with cervical osteochondrosis (shaking of the head) can be done in a supine position. For this, it is necessary to descend on a firm and level surface, under the neck to put a wide roller.

Regular exercise of such exercises makes it possible to improve the condition of the intervertebral discs, increase the height and normalize metabolism and nutrition. This is very important, because when the disease discs flatten and receive less useful substances.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Before starting the exercises, you should read the contraindications:

  1. Do not exercise without consulting a doctor, especially during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. According to the results of the survey, the doctor will select the necessary and safe exercises for each individual case.
  2. Hypertensive crisis.
  3. Aneurysm of the aorta.
  4. Heart disease.
  5. A recent stroke or heart attack.

Exercises are very effective and safe, but only with the correct execution.

Exercises for the neck and head from Gitta

Vitaly G. Gitt is a well-known manual therapist who developed his own unique method of restoring the musculoskeletal system without surgery and painful procedures.

His technique was used by many patients to cure various diseases of the spine and joints.

Gitt's method is a combination of classical manual therapy and effective stimulation restoration of damaged joints with the use of such mechanical devices as vibratory beds.

Useful gymnastics without stress on the joints

The method is based on the theory of micromotion, according to which it is necessary to tilt the joints at a minimum angle, not to load them, and to ensure that there is no discomfort. In other words, the amplitude of the movements during the exercises should be very small.

Exercises for the head and neck from Gitt allow to achieve:

  • replacement of lost fluid intervertebral discs;
  • recovery of the depreciation function and power supply of disks;
  • destruction of calcium deposits on the spine;
  • reduction of pain;
  • increased mobility of joints.

Vitaly Gitt is convinced that the osteochondrosis of the cervical region is one of the most unpleasant diseases, which not only causes discomfort in the neck, but also negatively affects the psyche.

Problems with the spine cause disorders of the blood circulation of the brain, in particular, its occipital lobe - and as a result, headaches, tinnitus and dizziness occur.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are very diverse: pain in the shoulders and numb hands, including even fingers, blood pressure rises, sleep worsens. But the worst part is that the mood is badly spoiled, and mental abilities are weakened.

Osteochondrosis can be of varying severity, in some cases it is difficult for a patient to even move his head. To get rid of stiffness and pain Vitaly Gitt recommends the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back, put a roller under your neck, throw your head back slightly. Rotate the head on the roller in the sides. Do slowly and many times.
  • In the sitting position, hands should be placed on his knees, his head tilted slightly, looking forward. Nodding his head up and down, as if to say: "Yes, yes." For 1 second do 2 nods, perform 2 minutes.
  • The starting position is the same as in paragraph 2. Turn the head to the left and to the left according to the principle of negation: "No, no." Speed ​​and execution time is the same - in 1 second - 2 nods, 2 minutes session.
  • The exercise is similar to the previous two, only the head in the starting position should be kept straight, and the movements should be made from side to side, to the shoulders.

These exercises for the neck can be done independently, and the next complex is performed under the guidance of a doctor:

  • The doctor tilts the patient's head to the right and left. If the ward is a girl or a child, manipulations are performed by hand, with physically developed and strong people, the effect is carried out with the help of the doctor's forearm;
  • the patient shakes his head from side to side, bending his head to his shoulders. The doctor at the same time fixes his chin;
  • at the moment of maximum relaxation during shaking the therapist sharply inclines his head about 5 degrees - this is not more than 1 cm;
  • the patient tilts his head, and pulls it to the right, then twists;
  • with two fingers of one hand, the doctor presses the spinous processes at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical of the body, with the other hand resting on the back and making the wrist with slow and light pressure.

Mikrodvizheniya - a sure way to improve the spine and joints

A person's full life depends on the ability to move, and, consequently, depends on the joints. It is the health of the joints and spine that determines the biological age and rhythm of aging.

Diseases of the bone system develop for many years, not manifesting in any way, or have a weak symptomatology. Therefore, patients do not rush to see a doctor, but precious time goes away.

As a result, X-ray images show serious changes in the joints, and the quality of life is significantly reduced.

Help the joints to recover with the help of gymnastics, which was developed by V. D. Gitt specifically for the shoulder and knee joints. Exercises for the shoulder are performed in the sitting position on the chair and straightening the back:

  • raise and lower shoulders along the spine not more than 3 cm;
  • shift shoulders back and forth (parallel to the floor);
  • the hand lies on the knee or on a low table, in the most relaxed state. Movements are made by the elbow from side to side - neatly and with a small amplitude;
  • the final stage is circular movements of the shoulders.

The complex is performed for 5 minutes, repeating hourly. As far as possible, time is increased - the result depends on the regularity and perseverance.

Gymnastic complex Dr. Gitt is effective even with severe joint damage and arthrosis.

Positive dynamics is also noted in cases when medicines do not help.

Exercises for knee joints are performed with minimal intensity, approximately 2 minutes each:

  • sitting on a high chair or table, shake his legs. Exercise can be done an unlimited number of times, every day;
  • squats with support. Sit down and stand up carefully, if there is pain - sit down shallowly or stop moving;
  • starting position - sitting on the floor with bent knees. Grabbing your knees with your hands, gently bend forward and return to the starting position. Amplitude gradually increase;
  • sitting on the rug, put the left foot on the right hip of the elongated leg. Working the hand on the bent knee, press it to the floor;
  • folding. From the position of sitting with straight legs to bend to the feet;
  • sitting on the rug, legs bend and pull up as far as the pelvis. Bend your bent legs to the sides, helping with your hands;
  • continuing the previous exercise, add easy slopes forward;
  • get up off the floor and sit on a chair, spread legs widely. Do not tear off your feet, connect your knees, helping with your hands;
  • stand up and spread your legs wide apart, your socks apart. Holding hands behind the back of the chair, squat out of this position.

Treatment of joints and the spine with the help of gymnastics by the method of Gitt gives the desired effect only in the case when a person correctly performs the exercises. The basic principle is little by little, but long and constantly.

The author of the therapeutic technique believes that active and abrupt movements injure and destroy joints, since nutrients do not have time to assimilate, although they are produced in sufficient quantity.

Joints need a constant inflow of fluid, which is achieved by repeated repetition of light micromovements.

Gitt's gym complex for the cervical spine and joints not only eliminates painful symptoms, but also brings pleasure, relaxes and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. With the help of simple exercises that the doctor recorded on video, you can improve your health, raise your vitality and gain faith in healing.

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