Eye drops from conjunctivitis with antibiotic: benefits, varieties

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctival membrane of the eye. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: pain, lacrimation, irritation, itching, swelling, purulent or mucous discharge.

The inflammatory process develops due to the ingress of various bacteria, fungi or viruses into the eyes.These pathogens not only affect the mucous membrane of the eyes, but also provoke the emergence of acute respiratory diseases.Although it sometimes happens that colds are the cause of conjunctivitis.

In this article we will tell you how to quickly cure conjunctivitis, in which cases for the use of drops with antibiotics and what kinds of drugs exist.


  • 1Application area
  • 2At what diseases
  • 3Advantages of using drugs
  • 4Types of drugs
    • 4.1Aminoglycosides
    • 4.2Fluoroquinolones
    • 4.3Levomycetins
    • 4.4List of medicines
  • 5Application rules
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Application area

Drops for eyes with antibiotics are the most effective means for treating infectious diseases of the organs of vision. They are in great demand, because they are used to treat a wide range of diseases.

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Antibacterial drops are used in the case when the causative agent of the disease are bacteria.

One of these diseases is bacterial conjunctivitis. It is most often caused by streptococci and staphylococci.In this case, two eyes are immediately affected.

Usually droplets from conjunctivitis caused by a bacterial infection should be instilled three times a day, but before that the eyes must be rinsed. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease, so the dose should be determined by the ophthalmologist.

Antibacterial eye drops are one of the most numerous subgroups of antimicrobials, which contain antibiotics or sulfonamide preparations.The active substance in them may be semisynthetic or natural compounds capable of eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.They are most often used to treat the following diseases.

At what diseases

The main diseases caused by bacterial infection in addition to conjunctivitis:

  1. Dacryocystitis(the inflammatory process takes place in a lacrimal sac).
  2. Barley(the inflammatory process captures the hair follicle of the eyelash or the sebaceous gland of Zeiss).
  3. Uveitis(inflammation of the choroid of the eyes).
  4. Ulcerous lesion of the membrane covering the iris and pupil.
  5. Blepharitis(inflammatory disease of the eyelids).
  6. Keratite(inflammation of the cornea).
  7. Meibomite(the inflammatory process takes place in the meibomian glands of the cartilage of the century).
  8. Conjunctivitis.
  9. Chronic infectious diseases and purulent inflammatory processes of post-traumatic and postoperative nature.
Acute, chronic and slow uveitis

Advantages of using drugs

Using antibacterial drops to eliminate inflammation of the eyes, we reduce the burden on the body. Active active antimicrobial agents begin to work as soon as they reach the hearth.

Eye drops with antibiotics almost do not enter the gastrointestinal tract, thereby reducing the risk of dysbiosis and allergies.

There are a lot of drugs for the eyes with antibiotics. They quickly eliminate pain and pain in the eyes, as well as stop the infectious inflammatory process.They will help to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms caused by any bacterial infection.

But we must remember that antibiotics have contraindications and side effects, which, if not properly applied, will not allow the expected positive effect to be obtained.Therefore, before using eye drops with an antibiotic, you should consult an ophthalmologist.Sometimes it will be necessary to conduct research on pathological flora. This will help to choose the right medicine and eliminate the disease quickly and permanently.

Types of drugs

Antibacterial eye drops may contain both natural and semi-synthetic substances.The effect of some of the components that make up such droplets is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microorganisms, so that the effectiveness of treatment is achieved.

Antibiotics are divided into three groups.


They violate the synthesis of protein in microbial cells, penetrate into the membranes of bacteria. There are three generations of drugs: the first generation (Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Neomycin, Monomycin), the second generation (Gentamicin), the third generation (Sizomycin, Netilmicin, Amikacin and so on).

The most effective are the third generation aminoglycosides, since many bacteria have not yet developed resistance to them. The active substances are localized in the cornea, vitreous body and fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye.


They are potent antibiotics. Fluoroquinolones are able to enter the systemic circulation, so they can be present in breast milk.

There are four generations of drugs: the first generation (Oxolinic, Pipemid, Nalidixic acid), the second generation (Ofloxocin, Lomefloxocin, Norfloxocin and so on), the third generation (Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin), the fourth generation (Oftavix, Moxifloxacin).

Fluoroquinolones can not be used in children and women during pregnancy and lactation.


Levomycetin or chloramenicol disrupts the synthesis of protein in the ribosomes of microorganisms, thereby providing bacteriostatic action. The substance quickly penetrates the tissues of the eyes, but is not found in the lens. A good example is eye drops Levomycetin.

List of medicines

Consider several examples of eye drops with an antibiotic:

  • Albucid. It is an antimicrobial and antibacterial drug. It is prescribed for various inflammatory or infectious diseases of the eyes, for example, with blepharitis, conjunctivitis. Albucid is also prescribed for the prevention of inflammation with purulent contents in newborns.
  • Levomycetin. It has a wide spectrum of action and is prescribed for conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  • Sodium sulfacyl. The drug has a bacteriostatic and antiseptic effect, it eliminates bacteria and prevents them from multiplying. According to the instructions of eye drops Sulfacil sodium, they are prescribed for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, ulcer of the cornea, for the prevention of the development of purulent inflammation in newborns and so on.
  • Tobrex. Drops have a wide spectrum of action and are used for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, meibomite, iridocyclitis, dacryocystitis, for the prevention of infectious diseases after injuries and surgeries.
  • Floxal. The drug is effective in the treatment of diseases caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Phloxal is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the eyes, for the prevention of infections and after injuries and surgeries.
  • Normax. It is used for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, ulcer of the cornea, in the presence of chlamydial lesions of the eyes.
  • Zipromed. The action after the application of these drops begins after fifteen minutes after use. Cipromed is suitable for prophylaxis after surgery and trauma, for the treatment of conjunctivitis, uveitis, iridocyclitis and so on.
  • Tebridex. This is a combined preparation, which includes corticosteroid and antimicrobial components. Drops have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and are prescribed for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis.
  • Oftakwix. Oftawiks can be used by adults and children from one year. It is recommended for keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, ulcer of the cornea.

Application rules

There are several simple rules for the use of eye drops with antibiotics:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before use.
  2. Thoroughly inspect the tip of the vial pipette. It should not be damaged. If they are, you can damage the cornea.
  3. Tilt your head back, pull the lower eyelid.
  4. Pipette the pipette as close as possible to the eye and squeeze a drop from the vial.
  5. Do the same for the second eye.
  6. Close your eyes for a few minutes, tilting your head forward slightly or holding it straight.
  7. Attach the pads of the fingers to the lower eyelids and apply a little pressure.
  8. If after that the liquid flows out of the eyes, then it must be wiped with a napkin.
  9. Close the vial, remove the drops in the storage.
  10. Wash the hands.

If after the use of drops of vision impaired or a headache occurs, it is best to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Antibacterial drops, like other medicines, may have side effects.The main ones are allergy, burning and tingling during instillation.Before using the drops, it is best to read the instructions.


Inflammation of the eyelid: what to treat

How to choose lenses for glasses will tell this article.

Inflammation of the lacrimal sac http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/dakriocistit/vospalenie-slyoznogo-meshka.html




At present, a rather wide range of eye drops with antibiotics is available for the treatment of infectious inflammatory diseases, including for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Before using such drops, you need to see a doctor and establish the cause of the disease, since antibiotics are used only for bacterial infections.

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