How is it manifested sinusitis in adults

How is it manifested sinusitis?


Anna Matveeva

Runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, headache either in the eyebrows, or in the area of ​​the zygomatic arch, perhaps only from the side, the pain intensifies when the head is tilted down.
If there is a small flashlight, then go in the dark room (in the bathroom, for example) to the mirror, shove in the mouth the included flashlight and see: if from both sides the red light is symmetrical, - means, all OK. If one side is darkened, then there is pus in the paranasal sinus.


If you bend your head forward, it becomes turbid in your head, then get ready for shock doses of antibiotics or a piercer ...

Personal Cabinet Removed

The nose bridge hurts and eternally snot green


can headache
even a tooth

Natalia Kuznetsova

A common rhinitis can go to sinusitis (inflammation of the mucosa rises higher in the sinus sinuses). The head is very sore in the forehead above the bridge of the nose (even to press it painfully), the snot is green and smelly with pus.

instagram viewer


in the first place and the first symptom is the loss of smell

Mark Strubzina

inflammation of the maxillary sinuses
there is a Hindu means for prevention-sutra netty
cleaning with silk braid
it helps!

Personal Cabinet Removed

Long, more than 5-7 days, discharge from the nose, often dense, stuffy nose.
Sinusitis - an inflammatory disease, which can lead to an incurable cold, rotten tooth, curvature of the nasal septum, allergic rhinitis, infections and congenital anomalies of the cavity nose. In a word, only someone who does not get sick from sinusitis or, at least, is treated in a timely manner.
Sinusitis is also called sinusitis, it is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose. The maxillary cavities are small caverns that connect with the nasal cavity. According to one of the reasons already described, the infection penetrates into the maxillary sinus, settles on the mucous membrane (or penetrates the blood) and causes inflammation. Outwardly everything resembles a common cold, which does not last long. Only a doctor can determine that this is a genyantritis. Symptoms though resemble the flu, but there are differences. During sinusitis, the mucous membrane of the nose swells so that it closes the lumen leading to the nasal cavity, it becomes difficult to breathe, rise pressure and temperature, the head starts to hurt, the appetite deteriorates, the patient feels weak, at this time you should be alerted by the pain around the eyes and nose. Finally, the main symptom of sinusitis is manifested - the mucus from the nose turns into a thick pus. If the genyantritis is not treated, then the mucosa can become inflamed and the bone, however, timely treatment of sinusitis can prevent it. How to treat sinusitis? Antihistamines and antibiotics help in the initial stages, you can wash your nose with an antiseptic solution. But you can not run sinusitis, it never passes by itself, and if you start treatment, acute sinusitis becomes chronic. When the genyantritis is started, the drugs no longer help, then the doctor makes a sinus puncture and pushes out the pus. The procedure is unpleasant, but effective. However, modern methods reduce unpleasant sensations to a minimum and do without punctures - this is laser therapy. The doctor rinses the maxillary cavities of the pus, and then processes them with a laser that removes inflammation. After the first procedure, it becomes much easier to breathe, after the seventh procedure, the sinusitis passes completely.
What should I do to prevent maxillary sinusitis? First of all, in a timely manner, treat the teeth, pus from the teeth can get into the bloodstream and cause not only sinusitis, but also many other unpleasant diseases. Be engaged in physical education and eat healthy food. Your immunity is a reliable response to maxillary sinusitis.


Believe me, I have a store! It's impossible to blow your nose, the bridge of your nose aches! If this is run to the hospital, and then run... it will no longer pierce the nose, and the hole between the eyebrows

Personal Cabinet Removed

genyantritis-it's serious!!! Go to Laura tomorrow. but finally a headache, discharge from the nose, often with pus, when the head is tilted down, a feeling of overflowing something heavy to the nose. generally heaviness in this area.. all this is subjective, and so for all in different ways... go to the UNCLE LORu-he will help.. FROM Sinemorita clearly saves SinaForte and Sinupret, I'm from Ukraine (I do not know if they are registered in the Russian pharmacopoeia), if not, you take bulb from a house plant CYCLOMEN, clear, pour warm water in the proportion: 0 after a couple of days, this extract is dripping into the nose... and there many times you in a life did not sneeze! cleanses the sinuses of the nose from pus and so on. do not need to poke your simpotny nose. yes, do not overdo it with a cyclomene!! in large doses is dangerous!

Mira Sagittarius

It is better to start treatment at the initial stage. I was saved by Cinnabsin. Complications were not. The genyantritis has cured, there are no problems with a nose.

Signs of sinusitis in adults. Symptoms and methods of treatment of sinusitis in adults

Genyantritis - an unpleasant disease, associated with inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses. It can affect not only the mucous membrane of the nose, but also the bony walls of the maxillary zone.

Appearance of sinusitis

The disease can intensify against the backdrop of inadequate treatment of a runny nose or respiratory disease, and may also result from inflammation in the roots of the teeth.

Everything begins with the swelling of the mucous membrane, which, in turn, blocking the exit opening, prevents the mucus from escaping from the sinuses into the nasal cavity. Allocations accumulate, microorganisms multiply and provoke a general malaise. Appears pus, which, together with the mucus presses on the nasal cavity and provokes acute pain in the genyantritis.


Depending on how the pathogen of infection has entered the body, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Hematogenous sinusitis, in which the infection has got through the blood.
  • Rhinogenic maxillary sinusitis with an agent that got through the nasal cavity.
  • Traumatic sinusitis due to trauma.
  • Odontogenic sinusitis associated with inflammation of the teeth.

The type of inflammatory process can divide the disease as follows:

  • on sharply leaking, developing as a result of blockage of the outlet;
  • on a semi-acute form, in which the inflammation can last several months, but no more;
  • on the chronic form, which is determined in the inflammatory process, lasting more than two months.

Causes of the disease

Sinusitis, the cause of which lies in the penetration of any kind of infection in the paranasal sinuses, can be caused by allergies. With allergic sinusitis, the discharge from the nose is aseptic, transparent. The course of it is undulating, has periods of remission and exacerbation.

Bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens that enter the body, provoke infectious sinusitis. Treatment and funds from sinusitis in this case will be standard, the forecast - favorable.

Exudative form of sinusitis can occur due to subcooling in a climate with high humidity or as a result of a weakened immune system. Discharge from the nose abundant, often purulent. Pain in the sinuses is not observed, but headaches often occur.

The cause of vasomotor sinusitis is a reduced tone of blood vessels located in the sinuses of the nose. Vasomotor signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults are manifested in swelling of soft tissues, violation of secretion outflow.

Long-term treatment of the disease can lead to atrophy of the mucous membrane of the sinuses and pour out into the atrophic sinusitis. Aggressive course of the disease can lead to tissue necrosis and the appearance of a necrotic type of sinusitis.

The main manifestations of the disease

The signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults are manifested in an acute form:

  • chills or fever;
  • nasal congestion, abundant secretions;
  • deterioration of smell on the side of inflammation;
  • general poor condition, severe weakness;
  • headaches (strong or weak) pain, giving to the forehead or teeth;
  • swelling of the upper or lower eyelid, swelling of the cheeks.

Symptoms of genyantritis in adults in acute form appear sharply together with other signs of a cold. In addition, they can be accompanied by pain during palpation of the infraorbital area of ​​the face. Acute antritis with the right approach can be cured in less than 4 weeks.

Chronic sinusitis occurs as a result of ineffective, incomplete or lack of any treatment for acute disease. The signs of sinusitis in adults in chronic form are often little expressed. The most obvious symptom is a chronic rhinitis that does not lend itself to traditional treatment. Distinguish between chronic sinusitis and night cough, caused by the flow of purulent mucus on the back wall of the nasopharynx. The nature of these secretions will vary depending on the form of the developing disease. Often, sinusitis in the chronic form proceeds without a runny nose. But then the patient will be noted:

  • Discomfort in the eye sockets, which increases with blinking;
  • headaches, stronger in the evening;
  • pain and heaviness in the region of the wings of the nose;
  • feeling of fullness in the ears.

Symptoms of genyantritis in adults are often manifested in a variety of ways, not associated with inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses, which makes diagnosis difficult and can significantly complicate course of the disease.

Possible treatment options for the disease

The revealed key signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults serve as the basis for the appointment of treatment and the choice of a technique for getting rid of the disease, which can be of a surgical nature or be sparing.

A gentle option involves removing the swelling from the mucous membrane. For these purposes, you can use inhalers or drops. Anti-inflammatory drugs like "Nazola" or "Oksimetazolina" can quickly reduce swelling and restore normal breathing, without having any special side effects.

The appointment of special strong agents in the form of injections may be necessary in case the disease has managed to go far. Such drugs can quickly clear sinuses, reduce the rate of reproduction of bacteria, reducing the volume of their nutrient medium. Appoint a suitable medicine for sinusitis should only the doctor-otolaryngologist after examination and obtaining the results of the tests.

Complex treatment

A comprehensive ten-day course allows you to get rid of sinusitis without a sinus puncture. In this case, the funds from sinusitis will be of a vegetative nature, such as drops or tablets "Sinupret".

Plant components with extracts of sorrel, elder, primrose allow to treat the disease, reduce the intensity of inflammation, pain, restore normal breathing.

Similarly, the "Sinuforte" drops with the extract of cyclamen also possess. Drops can be taken at home, getting rid of stuffiness will be rapid, but the disadvantage is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of burning for several minutes.

Necessarily complex therapy includes antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. The need for their admission is explained by the fact that the development of infection provokes sinusitis. The reviews testify to the effectiveness of cephalosporin preparations, among which "Ceftriaxone "Cephpir "Cefotaxime "Tsefelim" are known. Reception of these medicines can be fraught with a dysbacteriosis, therefore in parallel the doctor can appoint means for normalization of work of an intestine. But again it should be remembered that it is only possible to recommend this or that medicine for sinusitis a qualified doctor, because a thoughtless intake of antibiotics can harm the body due to toxicity components.

Folk remedies for treatment of genyantritis

Medicamental treatment of the disease can be supplemented with folk methods. You can resort to washing the nasal sinuses with saline solution or herbal decoction (sage, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile). Suitable for washing a syringe without a needle or kettle with a thin spout. Inhalations over pots with decoction of herbs can also have a beneficial effect. "Shock" drops are obtained from garlic and honey, which are mixed in the proportion and the prepared mixture is buried in each nasal passage one drop once a day. The burning sensation in the nose will not be pleasant, but purulent plugs will disappear quickly enough.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment

Acute antritis can be treated with medication and physiotherapy, which includes:

  • preparations in aerosols of antihistamine and antibacterial character;
  • 12 thirty-minute procedures of ozokeratin applications;
  • UHF into the sinus area;
  • therapeutic laser;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and dioxidine.

Physiotherapy is not applied to patients with high blood pressure, tumor diseases, significant temperature reaction.

If the complex of the above measures does not help, then, unfortunately, the treatment of sinusitis reduces to puncturing and washing of the paranasal sinuses.

Preventive measures against sinusitis

Prevention of the appearance of the ailment in question consists in the timely treatment of diseases, the neglect of which can become its source. Do not underestimate catarrhal diseases and transfer them to what is called on their feet. Better a few days to comply with bed rest and avoid thereby more serious complications.

Healthy teeth are also a guarantee of protection from sinusitis. Keep track of their condition is very simple at home. This will help prevent the appearance and reproduction of bacteria under the gums.

Genyantritis, the causes of which lie in the appearance of inflammatory processes in the sinus, requires an early request to the doctor. In many respects the success of conservative complex treatment depends on the duration of the disease, the condition at the time of treatment and the general condition of the patient. So do not bring your condition to the lamentable.

Signs of sinusitis in adults

After a disease ORVI or ARI often there is a long, hard-to-cure rhinitis that is not given much importance, hoping that eventually it will disappear on its own. Ignore such signs of genyantritis in adults is dangerous, since purulent inflammation can cause a lot of complications, up before the penetration of the pathogenic bacterial environment into the brain tissue, thrombosis of the eye veins and abscess in the cavity of the middle ear.

The first signs and characteristic symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Early clinical manifestations of the pathology in question are similar to ordinary rhinitis:

  • nasal congestion;
  • worsening of nasal breathing;
  • the allocation of a small amount of mucus after barking;
  • presence of yellowish purulent impurities in the phlegm;
  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dull pain in the forehead, temples;
  • fatigue, low working capacity.

In the future, these signs are strengthened.

What are the symptoms of acute and subacute sinus anemia in adults?

These types of disease are characterized by a sharp onset and may occur simultaneously with other signs of influenza or colds - pain in the zone of cheekbones, cheeks and nose, strong stasis nose.

Specific symptoms of acute sinusitis in adults:

  • chills, hyperthermia to values ​​of 3, -39 degrees;
  • decrease in olfactory abilities, especially if inflammation develops on both sides;
  • abundant secretions of mucous or purulent contents during flaunting;
  • severe headache, which can give in the teeth, nose, forehead, ears and is strengthened when the head is tilted, pressing on the bridge of the nose;
  • general weakness;
  • photophobia and lacrimation;
  • feeling of bursting in the nasal sinuses during coughing and sneezing;
  • swelling of the eyelids, swelling of the cheeks.

Typically, the above condition lasts 7-15 days. If the given clinical manifestations take place longer than 1 month, the disease has passed into a subacute stage.

What are the signs of chronic sinusitis manifest in adults?

Sluggish type of the disease develops due to incorrect, ineffective treatment of acute form, or complete absence of therapy. Thus the symptomatology is so weakly expressed that it is extremely difficult to put the correct diagnosis, especially without x-ray examination of the maxillary sinuses of the nose. It is this kind of pathology that most often provokes life-threatening and health-related complications.

Signs and main symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults:

  • severe deterioration of smell, a person does not feel many smells at all;
  • permanent bilateral nasal obstruction;
  • unpleasant, fetid smell from the nasal passages and oral cavity;
  • frequent attacks of headache and dizziness;
  • scant amount of discharge from the nose, it is transparent and yellowish-green;
  • feeling of pressure and bursting in the area of ​​the center of the face;
  • pain between the edges of the eye orbits and the wings of the nose, irradiatingin whiskey, jaws, ears and teeth, eye sockets.

One of the nonspecific clinical manifestations of chronic sinusitis is a cough that worsens during a night's sleep. It is provoked by the fact that the contents of the maxillary sinuses slowly flow down the back of the pharynx into the throat and esophagus, irritating the mucous membranes. In this case, the nature of the cough is difficult to differentiate, since it can be both painful and dry, and productive, moist. This symptom does not lend itself to classical therapy and does not disappear until the genyantritis is healed.

It is worth noting that the chronic form of the disease has a tendency to relapse from 1 to 3 times a year.

Signs of sinusitis in adults, causes, types, complications

Genyantritis is a kind of sinusitis, when the inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs in the maxillary sinus - the maxillary sinus. This disease is not rare, it is very common, only up to 37 million people are affected by it annually in the United States. human.

To establish the correct diagnosis and the appointment of an adequate treatment, one should own the necessary information on the signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults, types of gynorrhea, complex treatment sinusitis.

And also in time to consult a doctor and not engage in self-medication. To understand what signs of genyantritis occur in a particular clinical case, you should familiarize yourself with the types of sinusitis, because this also affects the symptoms of the disease.

The causes of sinusitis in adults:

This disease affects people with weakened immunity, in which in the nasopharynx permanent, favorable conditions for the development of infection. Most often these are patients with a curved nasal septum, with chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, and diseases of the teeth in the upper jaw. Older people are less likely to get sinusitis, more often young people suffer in the autumn-winter period. The main causes of sinusitis are:

  • Infectious, viral diseases - influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, rhinitis. Inadequate or untimely treatment of these diseases.
  • Disturbances in the immune system.
  • Congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal cavity.
  • Difficulty of nasal breathing - due to increased nasal concha, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic diseases.
  • Chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx - chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • Regular supercooling.
  • Allergic predisposition.

Types of sinusitis and its signs:

Sinusitis in adults can be classified according to the following factors:
By the method of getting the pathogens of infection, the sinusitis is classified:

  • From the nasal cavity - rhinogenic, often occurs in adults
  • Through blood-hematogenous
  • After traumas - a traumatic genyantritis
  • With inflammation of the teeth - odontogenic

Due to the occurrence and severity of leaks:

  • Infectious - it is caused by fungal, bacterial, viral pathogens.
  • Allergic - differs in that the discharge from the nose is transparent, serous or aseptic. Has a wavy course, with periods of remission and exacerbations.
  • The exudative variant - most often is purulent.
  • Vasomotor - occurs when the function of vasomotor vascular disorders, as well as allergic it proceeds chronically.
  • Atrophic - with prolonged course of the disease there is atrophy of the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Necrotic - in the aggressive course, in rare cases, tissue necrosis occurs in the sinus.

By the nature of the course of the inflammatory process:

1. Acute antritis- the development of sinusitis occurs due to blockage of the exit opening of the maxillary sinus, this provokes the onset of inflammation and leads to accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus. Usually this is facilitated by acute respiratory infections, influenza, colds, and the risk of sinusitis is the presence of chronic rhinitis. In acute sinusitis, the symptoms appear sharply together with other signs of a cold - with pain in the forehead, cheeks under the eyes, stuffy nose, which do not pass for a week. As a rule, acute sinusitis does not last more than a month.

Acute maxillary sinusitis - symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature, chills.
  • Nasal congestion with abundant secretions, if the mucosal discharge is catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis, if purulent, mucopurulent discharge is purulent sinusitis.
  • Decreased sense of smell on the affected side.
  • Deterioration of general condition, weakness.
  • Headache from insignificant to strong, often giving to the forehead, nose, teeth.
  • With pressure, pain increases in the place of the affected sinus.
  • The nature of pain is constant, intense. There are feelings of raspirany during sneezing and coughing. When the head is tilted down, the pain increases significantly, as it were, "shoots through".
  • Lachrymation and photophobia can occur if conjunctivitis is attached.
  • Edema of the lower or upper eyelid and swelling of the cheek are observed when the periosteum is involved in the inflammatory process.

2. Acute maxillary sinusitis- with it, inflammation with the characteristic signs of maxillary sinitis in adults lasts from one month to two.

3. Chronic sinusitis- is considered in the event that the signs of genyantritis and general malaise lasts more than 2 months. As a rule, it develops due to the absence, ineffective or inadequate treatment of acute sinusitis. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are not infrequent, which makes it difficult to properly diagnose. One of the hallmarks of the disease is dry night cough that does not lend itself to traditional treatment, because it is caused by the flow of a purulent nasopharynx detachable from the posterior wall of the affected maxillary sinuses. The nature of the discharge from the nose depends on the shape of the sinusitis.
So, complaints with chronic sinusitis have a maximum at the time of exacerbation.

  • Nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing, decreased sense of smell
  • Lean transparent or yellow-green discharge from the nose (often on one side)
  • Headache, pain in the area between the lower edge of the orbit and the wing of the nose Pain can give in the eye socket or temple
  • Feeling of a raspiraniya in the face
  • Unpleasant odor from the nose

Objective signs (what the doctor sees):

  • Redness of the eye on the affected side, swelling of the mucous eye.
  • Soreness with naldavlivanii in the infraorbital fossa, the inner corner of the eye.
  • When examining the nasal cavity with a rhinoscope, dense yellow-green superimpositions on the mucous membrane, creamy discharge, swelling of the nasal concha, and proliferation of the khohans are seen.
  • When examining the pharynx, a characteristic purulent path drains down its posterior wall

4. Recurrent sinusitis- exacerbation occurs several times a year.

Complications of genyantritis:

Purulent discharge during sinusitis can come from the maxillary sinuses into the surrounding tissues, affecting the blinding nerves, the orbit, teeth, even the meninges:

  • osteoperostitis of orbit
  • reactive eyelid edema and ophthalmic gland
  • otitis or eustachaitis, retrobulbar abscess
  • thrombosis of the eye sockets, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw
  • pachymeningitis, meningitis, rhinogenic brain abscess, cerebral edema
  • meningoencephalitis, trigeminal neuritis

With timely, effective treatment of sinusitis, the risk of complications after maxillary sinusitis is not great.

Signs of sinusitis in adults

We often with frivolity concern a long rhinitis - a pier, no trouble, banal cold, itself will pass or take place. This neglect leads to the fact that many patients miss the signs of genyantritis in adults - a serious and dangerous with their complications of the disease. Let's understand what is genyantritis and its symptoms, how to recognize and cure this disease, without allowing complications. Armed with knowledge about prevention methods and be healthy!

Causes of sinusitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus is called a sinusitis. This disease occurs as a result:

  • disruption of normal nasal drainage due to congenital or acquired features of the anatomical structure of the nasal cavity;
  • infection with pathogenic viruses, bacteria;
  • an allergic rhinitis;
  • untreated dental diseases;
  • complications resulting from improper, incomplete treatment of rhinitis, ARVI, influenza;
  • regular hypothermia of the body;
  • decrease immunity.

What is the mechanism of the disease? Infection is introduced into the maxillary sinuses through the nasal mucosa, through the blood or in diseases of the roots of the upper teeth. The dimensions of these sinuses are much larger than the size of the strokes with which they are cleaned through the nose. The disease causes duct swelling and mucus is clogged up in the cavity. Such stagnation is an excellent medium for the development and spread of infection further into the tissues of the body under the mucous membrane, which without proper treatment threatens for the patient with serious complications.

The first symptoms in adults

If the nose refuses correctly, breathe freely, it is better to be safe and check whether you have symptoms of maxillary sinusitis in adults. At the beginning of the disease, you feel a general malaise, lethargy. The first signs of sinusitis - when there are unpleasant sensations of fullness, heaviness in the nose, in the nose or above the eyes. These areas become painful when pressed, the pain shoots when the head is tilted down.

Gradually the whole head begins to hurt, clear localization is lost. The nose is laid, in connection with which breathing is difficult, the patient is nasal, speaks in the nose. Allocations in the common cold are mucous membranes or purulent, but the disease sometimes passes without this symptom, if the outflow from the sinuses is difficult. In the acute phase of maxillary sinusitis, patients have a high body temperature - rising to 38 degrees and above.

Varieties of sinusitis and their signs

Classification of this disease is diverse for reasons of origin, area of ​​injury, severity of leakage. So, one-sided inflammatory process is distinguished (localized on one side of the face), but more often there is bilateral sinusitis. With it, both the left and right paranasal sinuses are infected, and the symptoms are equally pronounced on both sides of the face.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses for reasons of origin is classified into:

  • infectious - caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi;
  • allergic - a chronic disease, is characterized by periodic exacerbation as a reaction to the pathogen;
  • atrophic - causes a slowdown in the functioning of the mucous membrane of the sinuses;
  • vasomotor - develops when the work of vasomotors is disrupted, proceeds chronically;
  • exudative - purulent form of the disease;
  • necrotic - during the course of time, tissue necrosis in the sinuses occurs.

What are the signs of maxillary sinus after the inflammation? The stages of the disease are similar, so it is often difficult to diagnose a particular form. Today, doctors distinguish acute and chronic sinusitis, but in the medical literature, other types of this disease are identified. It is important to know the differences in the signs of genyantritis in adults with different forms of the disease.


Signs of genyantritis in adults at acute stage are pronounced. The pain in the region of the maxillary sinuses becomes constant, the eyes water, there is photophobia. Body temperature rises above 38-39 degrees. Consistency and color of discharge from the nose consistently changes: first they are transparent mucous - this is catarrhal sinusitis, then they become greenish, which indicates an inflammatory stage, and with the continuation of the disease, when the sinusitis becomes purulent, yellow purulent color tone. The stage of acute sinusitis lasts 2-4 weeks.


If you ignore, do not treat the first symptoms of the disease, the inflammatory process develops and passes into a subacute form - a transitional between the acute and chronic process. This stage lasts from 3-4 weeks to 12, with the symptoms of sinusitis smoothed and similar to colds, exacerbations are rare, which greatly complicates the correct diagnosis.


Talk about chronic sinusitis is when the disease lasts more than 12 weeks. During this period, the symptoms of the disease are more flattened, but they are periodically exacerbated. The headache almost does not appear in the morning, but by the evening it grows and swelling becomes visible under the eyes. There is an unpleasant smell from the nose and a feeling of bursting of the face. The main sign of maxillary sinus in adults at this stage is a dry night cough caused by the flow of purulent masses released from the affected sinus, along the back wall of the nasopharynx.


The diagnosis of "recurrent sinusitis" is put in case of a periodic transition of the chronic form to acute more than 4 times a year. It is distinguished either by sharply and sharply resuming normal symptoms, or by a new symptomatology. To prevent the disease from returning again and again, after the treatment is done, take a control image of the maxillary sinuses. It is checked that there is no accumulation of pus in them. Doctors by experience and by photo know what a "clean" X-ray should look like.

How is diagnostics performed?

Having identified the symptoms that are suitable for signs of sinusitis, for a specific diagnosis, contact a specialized medical institution. Establishing an accurate diagnosis begins with a survey. First, a superficial examination is performed, in which the specialist reveals swelling within the nose and reflex dilatation of the vessels.

To confirm the diagnosis, hardware methods are used: x-ray of the sinuses of the nose or their computed tomography, in exceptional cases - diaphanoscopy (examination using a light beam). When the diagnostic methods do not fully confirm the diagnosis, they make a puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus. A sample of mucus is taken for laboratory analysis, performing a seeding on the sensitivity to antibiotics.

How to treat sinusitis in adults

In order to overcome the disease in short lines and avoid relapses, they treat complex treatment of sinusitis. The doctors influence the causes of the disease and the symptoms. Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults - the main component of treatment. They act on the foci of infection, help stop its spread. The doctor determines the type of pathogen and, depending on this, selects the drugs. If mucus does not go away, mucoleptics are prescribed as ancillary medicines for sinusitis in adults. They help to dilute the contents of the sinuses, improve the outflow.

In medical institutions for the cleaning of the cavities of the maxillary sinuses make the procedure "cuckoo which is carried out as follows. The patient lies on his back, through one nostril a special solution is poured into him, and the accumulated mucus is sucked from the other. In order not to choke, it is necessary continuously to repeat "ku-ku-ku therefore such an unusual name of medical manipulation. A good folk remedy to remove stagnant purulent discharge in the home is to wash the sinuses of the nose with such solutions:

  1. 1/2 teaspoon of the kitchen salt add to 1 cup of warm boiled water.
  2. 1 teaspoon of sea salt and 1/2 teaspoon of soda mix well in a glass of warm water.

For better patency of the solution before washing the nasal cavity, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictive sprays, for example, "Tizin "Naphtizin". Nasal drops are used to relieve the symptoms of congestion. Common restorative effect on the nasopharynx organs is provided by aromatherapy - inhalations with medicinal herbs: mint, eucalyptus, sage, lavender.

In extreme cases, if the therapeutic effect is not achieved, surgery is performed by puncturing the maxillary sinus. It is made for pumping pus and administering drugs. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Sometimes, before the patient is fully recovered, catheters are inserted into the puncture sites to allow rapid medical manipulation.

Possible complications and consequences of sinusitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses is an insidious disease, dangerous due to its complications. If you let the course of the disease on its own, the purulent discharge spreads to the surrounding tissues, to the nearby nerves, to the teeth, the orbit. In especially severe cases, the membranes of the brain are affected. Chronic sinusitis is often the cause of angina, laryngitis, tonsillitis, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. In the acute phase, the disease causes neuritis of the trigeminal nerve. With the professional treatment of the inflammatory process, the risk of such consequences is small.

Video: how to treat genyantritis at home

With the timely detection of signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults and the appointment of appropriate drugs by a competent specialist, treatment of this disease can take place in an outpatient setting. Learn from our video useful advice of an otolaryngologist about the rules for identifying and diagnosing ailment, how to treat it, and prevent the health of nasopharyngeal organs:

Chronic sinusitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Genyanthitis refers to the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses arising from infection in the nasal cavity when inhalation or blood on the background of a runny nose, ARVI, colds, sick teeth, as well as hypothermia, drafts and etc.

The disease develops as follows: in the paranasal sinuses, with the laying of the nose, mucus begins to accumulate, which then can cause purulent discharge. Sinusitis can occur in an acute form, but often this disease becomes chronic.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults

Sinusitis is a very unpleasant disease, it can provoke various unwell conditions of the body, headaches and pain in the nose.

The disease is one-sided, when the sinus is affected only on one side, and, accordingly, bilateral if the inflammatory process has swept both sinuses.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults:

  • pain in the bridge of the nose, frontal part of the face, upper jaw, and even in the eye area, which usually intensify toward evening;
  • the nasal voice appears in the patient's voice;
  • the temperature rises;
  • difficulty breathing and lays the nose;
  • there is a feeling of nausea, there is a loss of smell and taste;
  • there is general malaise, fatigue, a sense of weakness and loss of attention;
  • The snot can be white, bright yellow or green, sometimes with an unpleasant odor.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults are confused with another disease, since pain and heaviness in the nose can speak mainly only about sinus inflammation.

If treatment is not carried out on time, then the disease is accompanied by a more severe purulent form of the flow and can give serious complications.

What and how to treat chronic sinusitis in adults, determines the ENT doctor at the reception. In some cases, the course of treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis, and with a more complex genesis the doctor prescribes a referral to a hospital.

The treatment of sinusitis is based on antibiotics and necessarily in parallel with them the procedure

washing of the nose with a solution of furacilin or other antiseptics.

In addition to the basic treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults, respiratory droplets may be prescribed to the nose and such preparations like Sinuphorte and Sinupret, which promote the acceleration of the healing process and the better removal of mucus or purulent fluid from sinuses, and others.

It is worth noting that in acute, and the more purulent stage of sinusitis, in any case, do not expose the nose and sinuses to warming. Since under the influence of temperature the infection will spread much faster and can even hit the brain.

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