The conjunctiva of the eye begins on the inner side of the eyelid, continuing until the eye is connected with the eyelid, after which changes its direction and covers its outer part with a soft transition to the sclera in the region cornea.Thus, all eye structures (except the cornea) are protected by the mucous membrane from external influences. With a strong irritation of the conjunctiva, inflammation starts, which disrupts the functional capacity of the mucous membrane. The process is called "conjunctivitis." How the disease proceeds and how you treat the conjunctivitis you will learn in the article.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classifications
5Possible complications
7.1Medication Therapy
7.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
The value of the conjunctiva for normal eye function is mainly in the protective function. The mucous membrane contains additional tear glands that secrete the liquid necessary for the functioning of the eye. When blinking, this moisture is distributed over the outer surface of the eye, preventing it from drying out and protecting (to some extent) from the harmful effects of the external environment.
The bactericidal properties of tear fluid are provided by the content of the enzyme lysozyme.Structure of eye conjunctiva
However, if the strength of agents irritating the conjunctiva exceeds the strength of the immune defense, inflammation begins to develop in the mucosa of the eyes. And most often, starting in one eye, it captures the second.
Types and Classifications
The disease can occur in several forms, as the conjunctiva is in contact with many eye structures:
Blepharoconjunctivitis- develops during the transition of the inflammatory process to the eyelids;
Keratoconjunctivitis- when the inflammation seizes the corneal area, threatening with serious violations of the transparency of the cornea (with the formation of ulcers) and reduced vision;
Episcleritis- penetration of inflammation into the layer underneath the conjunctiva (sclera). The process is similar to conjunctivitis, with no discharge from the eyes;
Conjunctivahalasis- formation of folds of the conjunctiva between the eyeball and the lower eyelid. In asymptomatic treatment, treatment is not required, but with the development of painful symptoms, treatment can be prescribed: moisturizing drops, antihistamines, corticosteroids, etc. In the absence of visible effect, surgical treatment is possible.
There are also, depending on the etiology, the following types of conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral, allergic. Depending on the form of the course - acute or chronic.
The development of the inflammatory process depends largely on the etiologic factor. The cause of persistent irritation can be:
Viruses:adenovirus, smallpox or herpes virus;
Bacteria:streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, gonococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or diphtheria bacillus, meningococcus, chlamydia, etc. ;
Allergens:pollen, house dust, animal hair, cosmetics, medicines, particles of household chemicals or building materials, etc.viruses that cause conjunctivitis
However, infectious agents can not infiltrate a well-protected conjunctiva-they are impeded by cells of the immune system.But in the case of decreased immunity, the eye remains almost without protection. Such a situation can be provoked by the following factors:
ENT pathology: tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, etc. ;
Common diseases: ARVI, ARI;
Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, ulcer, etc. ;
Lack of vitamins;
Glistovye infestations.
To serve as a stimulus to the development of inflammation also can:
Non-compliance with hygiene rules(dirty hands);
Improper use of contact lenses;
The foreign body that has entered the eye.Foreign body in the eye
For rapid and effective treatment, the allocation of a provoking factor and causative agent plays a decisive role, since allergenic irritations can not be cured with antibiotics, just as bacterial infection is not subject to the action of antiviral medicines.
Symptoms of the onset of inflammation may differ depending on the cause that caused it:
Viral conjunctivitisis manifested by eye irritation, reddening and inflammation of the internal part of the eyelids, reddening of the sclera, abundant lacrimation, transition of infection from one eye to the other;
Bacterial conjunctivitisis manifested by edema of the conjunctiva and reddening of the eyes, mild tearing and the transition of inflammation from the diseased eye to healthy. A characteristic symptom is the presence of pus in the secretions;
Allergic conjunctivitisis manifested by strong signs of irritation: swelling and redness of the eyelids, severe itching, profuse lachrymation, the development of inflammation immediately in both eyes. A characteristic feature is the presence of secondary symptoms of allergy (frequent sneezing, allergic rhinitis).
Often, especially in children, starting as a viral or allergic irritation, the disease acquires a combined form with the attachment of a bacterial infection.
Possible complications
The absence of timely diagnosis and adequate therapeutic tactics can cause the development of the following pathological conditions:
Blepharitis- Inflammation of the eyelids, usually infectious nature. Blepharitis does not respond well to treatment, however, the quality of visual perception is not affected;
Keratite- Inflammation of the cornea. Since the cornea is one of the refracting media of the eye, any processes that change its transparency or shape necessarily lead to a decrease in vision. Especially dangerous are the keratitis, which affects the deep layers of the cornea, because in this case the inflammation can penetrate into the internal structures of the eye;
Dry eye syndrome- a violation of the production of tear fluid or a change in its chemical composition. With seeming insignificance, this disruption of functioning can bring tangible discomfort and even the development of keratitis;
Cicatricial corneal changes- a consequence of prolonged irritation with dry eye syndrome and development of keratitis. In the future, such changes can trigger the appearance of a thorn;
Entropion- a disease in which the structure of the eyelid changes. The edges of the eyelids and eyelashes are turned towards the eye, which provokes ulceration, infectious lesions, irregularities in the lacrimal glands;
Hypopion- accumulation between the lower eyelid and the eye of purulent formations. This complication can develop with the neglect of the process and is often treated only surgically.
Conjunctivitis in most cases is well treatable - provided timely diagnosis and treatment.
If there are obvious symptoms, the diagnosis of conjunctivitis is not difficult.The collection of anamnesis data and a visual examination give a complete picture of the disease. The viral nature of the disease can be assumed in the presence of signs of a viral infection: a common cold, high t, headache, general malaise. As a rule, over 80% of conjunctivitis in adults and up to 50% in children have an agonist an adenovirus. EIf such signs are absent, the presence of pus indicates a bacterial infection.Allergic nature can also be suspected in the presence of secondary symptoms.
To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can conduct a screening using a slit lamp, as well as take a scraping or smear from the conjunctiva. In the complicated course of the disease, a cytological examination is performed to establish the pathogen.
In most cases, the treatment of conjunctivitis is medicated, with the use of drugs depending on the etiological causes.Surgical methods can be used in rare cases (for example, for the treatment of hypopion).
Medication Therapy
Treatment of conjunctivitis with medicines is carried out according to the following scheme:
at first- Anesthesia with local anesthetics: Trimecaine, Lidocaine, Pyromecaine;
Next step- cleaning of the eyes from secretions: Furacilin (1: 1000), Dimexide, Boric acid (2%), Oxycyanate;
Introduction of medicines: antiviral, antihistamines, antibiotics, sulfonamides;
Use of anti-inflammatory drugs: Dexamethasone, Suprastin, Diclofenac. Used for severe symptoms of inflammation, severe itching;
During treatment to treat symptoms of dry eye syndrome, preparations such as "artificial tear" are used.Dexamethasone is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis
Depending on the nature of the pathogen for various types of inflammation, the following drugs can be used:
When allergic: Dibasol, Allergothal, Spersallerg, Dimedrol. Additionally can be applied Kuzikrom, Alomid, Lecrolin;
With bacterial: Levomycetin, Ofloxacin, Albucid, Ointments Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Gentamicin;Tetracycline is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis
In viral: Interferon, Laferon, Kerecid, Florenal, Tebrofen ointment, Bonaflon. Additionally, a solution of silver nitrate and Pyloxidine may be used;
When chlamydial: Levofloxacin during the week to 1 tab. in combination with Erythromycin ointment, Lomefloxacin;Erythromycin is used in conjunction with tetracycline
With purulent: the most effective use of antibacterial ointments (Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Gentamicin), especially at night;
In chronic: in addition to eliminating the underlying disease, drops are used from a combination of a solution of resorcinol (1%) and zinc sulfate (, 5%). Additionally used Protargol, Collargol.Levofloxacin drops are used in the treatment of conjunctivitis
Self-medication can not only slow the recovery, but also cause the development of unforeseen complications, so the use of any drug is possible only after consulting an ophthalmologist.
Folk remedies
The use of folk remedies without diagnostics can have a visible effect only in the mildest forms of the disease. In other cases, the use of traditional recipes in the treatment is recommended as an adjunct to medicinal products:
Pour into the glass container 50 g of the eye and pour 1 liter of boiling water.Infuse 2-3 hours, strained infusion use for lotions and washes in a warm form;
At the first signs of inflammation, put the raw grated potato wrapped in a napkin, on the back of the neck - a wet hot napkin;
Make lotions from fresh juice Kalanchoe, bred in half with water;
With the bacterial form of the disease make lotions from strong tea leaves, not only black, but also green tea - it has even more bactericidal properties;
Dilute honey with boiled water in a 1: 10 ratioand bury your eyes several times a day;
As a lotion is also effective decoction of rose hips, tea mushroom tincture, medicinal marshmallow (water);
Make an infusion of camomile flowers:1 tbsp. l. raw materials for 100 ml of boiling water. Boil a maximum of 2 minutes, insist, h. and apply to washings and lotions;
Precisely on such a recipe to make infusion of thyme, while especially carefully strain the solution, since the grass is shallow.
Use for treatment of folk remedies should only be fresh (not more than 1 day. ) after obligatory consultation of the doctor, since some plant components have an allergenic effect.
The main rule of prevention for adults is the prevention of viral infection, since it is the adenovirus that is the main pathogen.To do this, you must follow the rules of hygiene, do not communicate with virus carriers, strengthen immunity.
Children need to be told that rubbing their eyes with dirty hands will only worsen the situation, and also ensure that they often wash their hands.
At the first sign of inflammation, do not try to treat yourself (except in cases of extreme necessity), but try to get an appointment with a doctor.
For all its simplicity, conjunctivitis can become a source of great trouble and even a decrease in vision. However, timely and adequately taken measures are almost always effective, and the disease passes without consequences.