Homeopathic remedy for cold and flu

Homeopathy for colds: homeopathic remedies for adults

With stress, hypothermia, the spread of adenovirus infection in humans, often there is a runny nose, sore throat, increase in temperature, lymph nodes increase, the patient becomes difficult to swallow and respiratory movement.

Often with a cold or flu, homeopathic medicines are used that effectively treat the disease.

Homeopathy is a separate kind of medicine, which consists in the treatment of highly diluted drugs.

In some cases, the drugs are diluted so strongly that the drug does not contain the molecule of the main active substance.

In this regard, modern medicine is quite ambiguous about treating with homeopathy and equates its effect to the effect of placebo. Meanwhile, despite the skeptical attitude of many medical organizations, this method is widely used by many patients and most often leads to a rapid recovery.

What is the principle of homeopathy?

The therapy is based on the use of diluted drugs, but the drugs are selected for the treatment of certain diseases. In particular, the main principle of homeopathy is treatment like.
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Homeopathic medicines cause symptoms of an already existing disease in the patient. As a result, there is a so-called shaking of the organism, to which immunity in a certain way reacts, due to which the healing of the original disease occurs.

Doctors of homeopathy select medicines for the treatment of the disease in adults or children individually, after the picture of the course of the disease has been fully studied.

This is important to consider, since what helps one person is not always effective for another.

Homeopathic remedies for colds

In the treatment of colds, standard medicine offers a wide range of all kinds of medicines, but these drugs do not allow the body to completely heal. They temporarily relieve the symptoms, as a result of which the cold often settles in the lungs or bronchi.

As homeopaths consider, the catarrhal disease should develop without any intervention from the patient. Since at this time there is a release of harmful toxins, it is not necessary to suppress the process. However, it is necessary to support the body so that it can cope with the disease through natural healing processes.

Homeopathic remedies relieve colds and flu, treat cough, runny nose and improve the general condition of the patient. Anti-cold drugs reduce heat and stop the inflammatory process.

  1. With the cutting nose, tearing cough and increased lachrymation due to a cold, the Allium Cepa drug is recommended. Such drugs help to remove irritation, which has passed to the nose area, and can be used in the treatment of children.
  2. Prophylactic homeopathic remedy Aflubin strengthens the immune system and is recommended for use in winter, when the risk of respiratory illness is high. The drug effectively protects against cold and flu, and in case of infection it makes it easy to transfer the disease.
  3. If the patient has an abundant, non-irritating rhinitis and eye infection, Euphrasia is used.
  4. Anti-cold homeopathic remedy Ocylococcinum is a white dragee, so it is convenient to use it in the treatment of children. Such drugs are used at any stage of the flu or cold, with severe symptoms, the dosage of the drug can be increased. Including the medicine is used for preventive purposes.
  5. A strong homeopathic remedy against cold is considered Aconite, it is prescribed for influenza, bronchitis, angina, pneumonia. Such drugs reduce the temperature, stop the inflammatory process and relieve the pain. It is not accepted if a cold develops without fever. It is important to consider that Aconite can cause side effects in the form of exacerbation of an already existing disease or allergic reaction.
  6. To treat an infection that spreads in the nasal sinuses, use Cinabsin. This drug effectively relieves clogged sinuses, helps cure rhinitis and sinusitis.
If the patient has inactive cold symptoms, it is recommended to use Natrium muriatikum. This drug removes painful dryness in the nose, stops excessive discharge, helps with sneezing attacks and can cure herpes. This drug is selected clearly, based on the psychological portrait of the patient.

In the spring and autumn period, the homeopathic medicine Rhinital can be used for preventive purposes. It stops the abundant nasal discharge, regulates the broken glands. As a result of the use of the device, the mucous membrane of the nose can work normally, the patient ceases to feel dryness, a burning sensation in the nose, and rarely sneezes.

When inflamed tonsils help Fitolyakka, this drug has a beneficial effect on lymph nodes and other glands. It is used for colds and sore throats.

Cure the inflamed tonsils also possible with the help of Tonzilotren. Especially effective drug in acute forms of cold or tonsillitis. Such a drug is easily tolerated and has a high efficiency in treatment.

With colds, acute respiratory infections, febrile conditions, the homeopathic medicine Influcid, which is produced by the largest German company, is often used. No less famous and popular in the treatment of colds are the solutions of Baptisia, Gelzemium, Camphor, Bryonia, Dulcamara.

Usually anti-cold medicines are produced in the form of pills, tablets, drops and granules.

Children in the treatment of colds are usually prescribed drops, when using tablets or dragees, the drug is kneaded in a spoon and dissolved in boiled water.

The use of phyto-homeopathy

Many companies specializing in the production of homeopathic medicines are engaged in the production of not only phyto-products, but also mixtures of homeopathic preparations with phyto-dilution. This provides a combined treatment of colds, due to which the body is able to independently cope with the infection.

In particular, herbal infusions are added to the composition of homeopathic medicines, which are capable of relieving the inflammatory process. Such drugs are effective in the treatment of tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

Also often in the preparations are added hips due to the high content of vitamin C. Such an additive promotes the production of antibodies that protect the body from infection.

Treatment with medicinal fees

By analogy with phyto-drugs, medicinal fees allow you to fight infections. Folk remedies are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, ointments based on medicinal herbs. Accordingly, they are used for inward application, lotions and rubbing.

  1. To strengthen immunity and avoid catarrhal diseases, vitamin doses are used. For the preparation of medicine, rosehip, raspberry, cowberry leaves and black currant are poured with boiling water and insist. Take a medicinal product twice a day for 0.5 cup.
  2. In case of respiratory disease, black elder, Icelandic moss, coltsfoot and calendula flowers are used to prepare the broth. The medicinal collection is poured with 0.5 liters of water, heated on low heat for 5 minutes, after which it is insisted for three hours. Take the medicine 5 times a day for 0.5 glasses before meals.
  3. For treatment of acute respiratory disease, tonsillitis, bronchitis and influenza, St. John's wort, peppermint, raspberry in leaves or fruits, pine and birch buds, eucalyptus, sage are used. In a container pour three spoons of herbal collection, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for three hours. The medicine is divided into three doses and consumed inside.

Manufacture of homeopathic preparations

Homeopathic preparations are usually made by hand. Despite the fact that the technology is simple enough, it requires a lot of time.

The main medicinal material is ground with sugar in a special mortar to obtain a uniform consistency. The rubbing is repeated several times, being guided by the desired degree of dilution of the active substance.

Medicines of liquid consistency are diluted with water. In this case, the dilution is:

  • Decimal, when the medicine is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. After this, the dilution is done in a ratio of 1 to 9, and so on in decreasing order. The procedure is repeated until the desired degree of dilution is obtained.
  • A hundredth when the active substance is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 99.

From the degree of dilution the finished drug has, the patient is assigned the frequency and amount of the drug intake. Decimal dilution is usually used to treat acute forms of the disease, and the duration of treatment is three to five days. Hundreds of dilutions are usually used to treat chronic disease.

The type of dilution of active substance C12, in which 12 hundred stages is used, does not contain a molecule drugs, the effect is based on the work of water memory, which is able to memorize the necessary types of molecules.

Independently to be engaged in manufacturing of homeopathic medical products it is not necessary. Despite the absence of side effects, some drugs can cause an undesirable reaction. In this regard, it is necessary to purchase ready-made homeopathic preparations and necessarily consult with a homeopath physician about the choice of medicines.

Despite the denial of the official medicine of homeopathy as an effective method of treatment, one can not deny the strong therapeutic properties of homeopathic remedies.

They really help to quickly cope with the disease and eliminate all the symptoms of the disease in some cases much faster than conventional medications.

Recommendations for the use of homeopathic medicines

The homeopathic remedy should be selected based on the obvious symptoms present. When there is a distinct period of improvement, the medication is stopped. If the therapeutic effect is not observed throughout the day, further treatment with the help of homeopathic remedies is not practical.

When taking homeopathic medicines, you must refrain from food 30 minutes before and after meals. Keep medicines required away from large electrical appliances, at a distance of at least two meters. If the medicine has accidentally fallen to the floor, it should not be taken.

Intresno about homeopathy, with reference to catarrhal diseases, in the video in this article, Dr. Komarovsky argues.


Treatment of colds with homeopathic medicines

Treatment of many diseases by means of natural components is carried out for a long time, especially popular is the homeopathic remedy for the common cold. With its help, you can get rid of not only from rhinitis, but even from sinusitis or sinusitis, however, at the initial stages of their course.In addition to the common cold with the help of homeopathy, you can eliminate not only such a cold symptom as a runny nose, but all the rest - cough, general weakness of the body, sore throat, lower body temperature.

How does the medicine work?

Homeopathy is a good alternative to other medications that can cause some side effects. It is the harmlessness of homeopathic remedies for colds that is the main advantage of the drugs of this pharmacological group. Such preparations, made on the basis of natural components, are especially indicated for use by anyone who has a tendency to frequent colds.

Such treatment has a drawback - the duration of the use of homeopathic remedies. All homeopathic preparations for cold should be selected for each person individually, taking into account physiological and psychological characteristics of his body, as well as depending on the state of the immune system patient. Homeopathy fits well with any other medications, even with antibiotics, without worsening the condition of the patient.

Homeopathic preparations are better used as preventive agents, thus, it is possible to strengthen immunity and prevent the development of colds.

The drug is used for patients of all age categories, with only the dosage of the drug being different. Recently among pharmacological preparations homeopathy against cold of complex action is popular, such funds are intended for over-the-counter vacation. They solve all the problems in the body's activity, associated with the development of the cold, affecting it in a complex way. If you take them as prevention, you can significantly improve the performance of the respiratory system and the whole body as a whole.After a while after regular use of the medicine, the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, tonsils and adenoids is removed, their size decreases, and blood circulation also improves.

If you take medicine of this pharmacological group in the acute period of the cold, you can strengthen the process of cleansing the body of pathogenic microorganisms, which are the causative agents of the disease, as well as the possibility to prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Effective drugs

The action of homeopathic remedies is nonspecific, the thing is that they only affect the body, increasing its reactivity, while not killing the pathogen. Proceeding from this, treatment of cold homeopathy has its drawbacks - the drugs do not exert a destructive effect on the virus itself, but only increase the protective power of the organism of the sick person. However, if you take these drugs for prevention, you can significantly reduce the intensity manifestations of the common cold, and also to exclude the development of dangerous complications, especially in cases of small children. With colds and flu, the following types of drugs belonging to the group of homeopaths are very often prescribed:


This homeopathic anti-catarrhal agent is prescribed with a pronounced symptom of cold and flu.The drug has a pronounced complex action - antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic. This drug in the treatment of colds is suitable only for people of a large constitution - sanguine. Appointed Aconite in the common cold, flu, fever, angina, pneumonia, bronchitis.

The drug should be consumed 20-30 minutes before meals. In febrile conditions, patients should take a medicine on 8 granules 5 times a day, after elimination of this symptom, the frequency of reception is reduced to 3 times a day. This scheme of therapy should be observed for 2 weeks, further 3-4 weeks take 8 granules of Aconite per day.

Among the side effects in the first days of admission may be allergic reactions, sometimes occurs exacerbation of the manifestation of symptoms, then it is necessary to cancel the use of a homeopathic remedy, changing it others. Aconite is categorically contraindicated in such conditions of the body and diseases as typhus, hypotension, hot flashes. In pregnancy, this homeopathic drug can be used only for the purpose of a gynecologist.

Allium Chain

The drug Allium Chain is especially effective at the initial stages of the development of colds. A homeopathic remedy for colds in children is used, when a runny nose appears and irritation arises around the nose. As a rule, prescribe a medicine on 1 granule 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to take this medicine also for allergic rhinitis. From the application of the Allium of the chain is categorically denied in the presence of such diseases as obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma.


As preventive or curative purposes, Aflubin should be systematically taken for a certain period.The main action of this homeopath is stimulation of the immune system, thanks to which the body begins to actively fight with the pathogens of the flu, ARI or ARVI.With the systematic use of the drug, observing the regimen prescribed by the doctor, local immunity increases and the body's resistance to influenza, acute respiratory disease, and acute respiratory infections increases. It is taken half an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal. Babies Aflubin are given either in pure form, or diluted in warm water or in breast milk.


In the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza, Ocylococcinum is actively used, due to the action of the drug, the disease proceeds much faster and with mild symptoms. The drug is a white dragee, resembling the usual sugar, so the treatment of children with this drug is quite easy. The composition of this homeopath includes the extract of the liver of musk duck, sugar and lactose. One dose of the drug should be placed under the tongue 15 minutes before meals. Oscillococcinum is used at all stages of the course of colds or viral diseases. In the case when there are pronounced symptoms of influenza or acute respiratory disease, the application of one dose in the morning and evening is indicated. The duration of such intensive treatment is 1-3 days. When treating children, you need to dissolve one dose of the medicine in 500 ml of purified water and drink from a spoon. You can apply this homeopathic remedy for preventive purposes, for this one dose of the drug is shown in 7-8 days. Adhering to such a scheme during the epidemic of colds and infectious diseases, it is possible to significantly reduce the possibility of infection. The most effective treatment with this drug will be immediately after the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease.

In addition to these drugs in the treatment of colds can also be appointed and such homeopaths:

  • Baptistry;
  • Belladonna;
  • Bryony;
  • Camphor;
  • Dulcamara;
  • Gelzimmimum.

The funds of this pharmacological group can be produced in the form of drops, granules or homeopathic tablets for colds. For children, drops are generally prescribed, as they are much easier to give the baby.


Is homeopathy appropriate for flu and colds?

Homeopathy for influenza and colds is used by the townsfolk often enough. However, the effectiveness and expediency of using these broths and tinctures to date has not been confirmed by the luminaries of traditional medicine. That is why this kind of means, which have exclusively medicinal herbs in their composition, the patient is forced to take only at his own risk. To guarantee, how fast the recovery will be, no doctor will undertake.

Popular therapies

When choosing a homeopathic remedy for treatment, the patient should be sure that such tactics will not harm his health.In particular, we are talking about an allergic reaction to a certain component, the catalyst for the development of which is the cold or the flu. Therefore, in order to avoid problems of this kind, at first it is recommended to try the medicine in small amounts. If the allergy does not make itself felt, you can start a full-fledged treatment.

Among the most commonly used for colds funds can be identified:

  1. Decoctions for foot parks. Given, at first glance, an outdated method of treatment can produce a stunning effect! Having felt the malaise, you should make a rich broth from chamomile or lime blossom and pour it with water in the ratio:. Soak the feet in such a liquid should not more than 10 minutes, and after a dry wipe with a towel, put on warm woolen socks and lie down on the bed to rest. Thanks to this simple method, you can quickly stop the development of the virus and prevent a long-term stay in the hospital.
  2. Inhalations. Perfectly cope with a cough and a sore throat will help well known to many since childhood inhalations based on herbs. For these purposes, sage, lavender and eucalyptus are excellent, couples that have a beneficial effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat. Decoction of herbs should be sufficiently concentrated and infused for several hours. Directly before the procedure, it should be thoroughly heated, but in no case boil!
  3. Healing drink. In the role of a medicinal drink that allows you to lower the temperature and increase the body's resistance to the virus, you can also boil from the crushed branches and leaves of black currant. About 100 grams of leaves should be filled with 4 glasses of water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take this tincture should be before going to bed, if necessary sweetening honey.

Adherents of cold and flu treatment methods of alternative medicine argue that with the help of such, on first glance, simple methods can get rid of unpleasant symptoms almost faster than traditional way. Whether it is worthwhile to trust such a technique is decided solely by the patient. However, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to consult a therapist.

So is it worth to trust homeopathy?

Of course, homeopathy for flu and cold can be used, especially when it comes to treatment young children, on the fragile body of which drugs with chemical filling can have a pernicious act. However, such remedies are used solely under the supervision of a physician who will be able to conclude whether the results are sparing or they should be replaced by traditional treatment. The concealed danger here is also the possible complications that occur in children more often than in adults. And in order to rule out the likelihood of such a development, a child should have a cold at the pediatrician!

In addition, homeopathic preparations are appropriate for the treatment of mild colds, for which the use of traditional drugs is unreasonable. Medicinal herbs will support the body and significantly strengthen the immune system.

With all this, a full treatment with these cold or flu drugs is fundamentally unreasonable. The methods chosen independently can be ineffective or have a not very pronounced spectrum of action. The process of recovery may last for several weeks, whereas conventional medications would be able to overcome the ailment within a week.

However, homeopathy can be present even in the traditional method of treatment with which it can be combined.

Decoctions of herbs, saturated with vitamins, can significantly strengthen the body, further accelerating the process of recovery.

Such components are capable of reducing the negative influence of chemical elements contained in many preparations.


Medicinal herbs in any case can not be discounted. However, they should not be replaced with traditional treatment.


Effective drugs for ARVI and influenza

At the time of worsening epidemiological situation, the question of how to effectively treat ARVI and influenza is very acute; drugs that modern pharmacological industry, help not only to eliminate the symptoms of viral diseases, but also to influence the mechanisms of their development, which makes them the main means of treatment virus infections.

Influenza is a part of the ARVI group, so this type of illness is similar in its symptoms. The difference is the duration of the incubation period, the course of the disease and the complications of advanced forms of the disease. The similarity of the symptoms makes it possible to apply an identical remedy for cold and flu for therapeutic therapy.

Features of viral infections

To select the effective treatment of viral respiratory diseases, the doctor focuses on such symptoms as:

  • fever, chills;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • headache;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • high body temperature;
  • change in the condition of the lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory processes in the airways.

In some cases, there may be swelling of the larynx mucosa, coughing and lacrimation. Influenza begins suddenly and has more severe symptoms than SARS or ARI. With a typical manifestation of these types of viral infection and their course for more than 7 days, the doctor prescribes effective medications for cold and flu. Especially it concerns small children, if begun ORVI is complicated by additional symptoms from other organs. Of great importance in this case is antiviral therapy, which consists of three main areas:

  • influence on the cause of the disease and directly on the virus-causative agent with the help of etiotropic drugs;
  • influence on the mechanisms of the development of the disease;
  • elimination of painful symptoms.
The most effective remedies for colds and flu are etiotropic drugs that have an effect on viruses. In the treatment of colds and influenza, they are given special attention when the first symptoms appear, but by 5-7 The day when bacterial flora can join the disease, doctors recommend taking antibiotics. Etiotropic drugs are not used as preventive agents. If the disease has an easy form of leakage, antiviral drugs doctors do not recommend using, because the body itself is able to cope with the infection under normal immunity.

When new symptoms appear in the form of a cough, runny nose, fever, only the use of antiviral medicines helps. During this period, active propagation of the virus-agent occurs, therefore, as soon as the patient began to observe these symptoms of a cold, these medications must be taken immediately. After a few days, taking these medicines will be useless.

Classification of antiviral agents

Drugs from influenza and colds are divided into several groups:

  • interferons and their inducers;
  • antiviral antibiotics;
  • antiviral phytopreparations;
  • stimulants of immunity - immunomodulators.
Interferons are a protein group of substances that are produced by virus-infected cells.

Due to their effectiveness, the multiplication of viruses in cells ceases, which allows us to further protect the body from a virus attack.Interferon is a powder that is dissolved in boiled water.

It is taken immediately before contact with the infected person and before leaving for places with a large population of people. Use the drug as follows: dissolved powder is injected into each nasal canal for 5 drops for 2 times a day.

For today it is the best remedy for viral diseases. The earlier his reception is begun, the more effective he will show himself. When the infection begins, the dosage of the drug is changed. The drug is administered 5 drops every 2 hours (5 times a day).

Treatment continues for three days. You can treat the disease with Interferon, using it as a substance for inhalation: in 10 ml of warm water dilute 3 ampoules. The thermal procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 3 days.

To this group of drugs is another means for influenza and viral infections - Grippferon, which is a combined preparation of preventive and curative action. The drug is instilled in the nasal passages every 4 hours for 3 drops. If the patient is sensitive to the components of the drug, its use is discontinued. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, especially in the early stages.

ARI and influenza are treated with Viferon. Recently, doctors recommend it for treatment of young children as the best tool to help stimulate the formation of interferons in the body. They have a depressing effect on different groups of viruses such drugs from influenza and ARVI, as Amiksin, Lavomax, where the active substance is Tyloron.

Arpeflus, Arbidol, Immustat - a group of drugs that help increase the body's resistance to viral infections. The main substance in them is Umifenovir.

Other antiviral agents

Treatment for colds and influenza is also carried out with the help of other drugs that inhibit the process of reproduction of the virus by affecting its shell. These medications include Remavir, Rimantadine.

For children this type of medicine is prescribed for treatment and prevention. Packaged powders are diluted in water and given in the scheme. As a preventive tool, it is recommended to drink the medicine for two weeks with 1 diluted bag (the dosage varies according to the age of the child).

All these groups of drugs have side effects and contraindications. To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to carry out a sensitivity test and strictly observe the dosages for the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, stools, hypertension, allergies. Especially cautiously should take these drugs to people with kidney disease.

Other types of drugs that act solely on the influenza virus are neuraminidase inhibitors. These include Zanamivir, Relenza. These drugs are used only as inhalants as a curative and preventive agent. Preparations in which the active substance is Zanamivir, have a high degree of toxicity, which demonstrates a large number of side effects. Very carefully it should be taken to people with kidney diseases and prone to allergic reactions.

Preparations of the natural group

Inhibiting the activity of influenza virus neuraminidase and helping the body to produce its own interferon are antiviral drugs of plant origin.

Effective among them are Proteflazide, Flavozid, Altabor, Immunoflazid, in which the extract is an active alder. This type of medicines has not only antiviral, but also antibacterial action. For medicinal and prophylactic purposes, the medicine is taken three times a day, dissolving two tablets. The course of treatment is 7 days.

If a patient has increased sensitivity to this group of drugs, the doctor appoints others. Against the background of long-term use of drugs in this group, there may be an allergic reaction. When pregnancy and breast-feeding, they are also not recommended.

To reduce and stop the multiplication of viruses, the administration of Proteflazide, Flavozide, Immunoflazide, which are made on the basis of medicinal herbs of pike and turtle, terrestrial.

This group of medicines is also characteristic of its immunomodulating feature. Doctors appoint them as a curative and preventive agent. Immunoflazid - syrup, which is used for two weeks twice a day for 9 ml. With a preventive purpose, it is consumed within a month.

The drug Flavozid is taken according to the scheme: 5 ml twice a day from the first to the third day of the disease, starting with the fourth - 8 ml. Preparations made on the basis of phytocomponents almost never show side effects. Their reception is contraindicated only to pregnant women in the first trimester, as well as during lactation.

Complex homeopathic antiviral drugs that suppress the active action of viruses are Engystol, Sagrippin, Amizon, which have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, interferonogenic properties.

Treatment of children

In acute respiratory viral diseases, pediatricians recommend the use of homeopathic medicines - candles, powders, syrups. These types of drugs actively suppress viral attacks and increase the protective properties of the child's body. These include Viburkol and Aflubin, Gripp-Heel, EDAS-903 and others. Significant effectiveness of these drugs with simple forms of viral diseases.

Some pediatricians are inclined to believe that not all phyto-drugs have an effective antiviral effect, so they advise not to experiment with the health of the child. If the drug does not begin to show therapeutic effect within 24 hours, it should be replaced with a drug of another group.

Treatment of influenza and colds in children is carried out with drugs such as Arbidol, Rimantadine, Ribavirin, Tamiflu. In some cases, it is recommended to take Acyclovir, which acts on many types of viruses. Rimantadine, as a rule, is used only to neutralize the influenza virus, it does not have the proper effect on other types of viruses.

This drug is considered the most in demand during the flu epidemic as a preventive. It is shown in the treatment of children and Ribavirin, which in its spectrum of action is very similar to Rimantadine. In addition, it has a depressing effect on the virus that causes pneumonia in infants. If there is a decrease in the effectiveness of rimantadine, it is advised to replace it with Ribavirin.

The spread of the virus in the child's body delays Arbidol. Despite its popularity in ARVI, it can only have a curative effect on influenza viruses. Of all antiviral drugs for children, Tamiflu is recognized as the most effective.


Its activity is observed not only in the early stages of the disease, but also in the period of exacerbation. Its effect is several times stronger than other drugs. Tamiflu has side effects, so it is prescribed only to children who are 12 years old.

Assign drugs and interferon group with a child's dosage - suppositories Viferon, drops Grippferon, suppositories Kipferon. The drug of the new domestic pharmacy Derinat, despite its recent existence on the pharmacological market, has won many positive reviews.

It is available in the form of drops. This helps start an active fight against the viruses through the nasopharynx, preventing them from penetrating further into the body. The drug helps to strengthen the effect of drugs that treat a child in conjunction with Derinatom. It is allowed to use this medicine for infants from the first days of life.


Sometimes children are prescribed immunostimulating agents - Riboxin, IRS 19, Imudon, Bronhomunal, Metiluracil. There are separate types of these medicines, prescribed by the pediatrician as a prophylactic, and those that are can appoint only immunology doctors after a special diagnosis of the immune characteristics of the body child. It must be remembered that immunostimulants do not have a therapeutic effect during the active development of the disease. They are used before the infection begins to multiply in the body.


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