Posture disorder: causes, types, prevention


  • 1Causes and types of violation of posture: in children and adults, prevention
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Symptoms
    • 1.4Varieties of pathological posture
    • 1.5What causes the violation of posture?
    • 1.6Prevention
    • 1.7Treatment
  • 2Violation of posture - types, causes, treatment and prevention
    • 2.1Signs of curvature of posture
    • 2.2Causes of posture disorder
    • 2.3Varieties
    • 2.4Correction of posture and prevention of its violation
  • 3Violation of posture: causes, treatment and prevention of the problem
    • 3.1Causes of deformation
    • 3.2Varieties of spinal disorders
    • 3.3Treatment of deformation of posture: how and with what help is carried out?
    • 3.4Prophylactic advice
  • 4Posture disorder: types, treatment and prevention, causes
    • 4.1The importance of correct posture
    • 4.2What leads to a violation of posture?
    • 4.3Wrong posture and its types
    • 4.4Why is pathological posture dangerous?
    • 4.5Principles of treatment
    • 4.6Preventive actions
  • 5Posture disorders
    • 5.1What is Posture Disorders -
    • 5.2What causes / Causes of Posture Disorders
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Pathogenesis (what happens?) During a Posture Disorder
    • 5.4Treatment Posture disorders

Causes and types of violation of posture: in children and adults, prevention

Incorrect posture is one of the symptoms that belongs to the group of pathologies associated with the curvature of the spinal column.

In healthy people, the spine is characterized by the presence of several physiologically normal bends.

They are necessary for the purpose of uniform redistribution of the load on the spine.

Among these, lordosis is distinguished, that is, bending forward in the cervical and lumbar regions, as well as kyphosis in the thoracic region, that is, bending the vertebrae back.

Each deviation in the posture position is reflected in the appearance and condition of pelvic bones, lower limbs as a whole, incl. leads to the development of flat feet.

In this article, we will consider what causes different types of posture disorders, as well as prevention methods, to avoid them.


To give the answer, that is the main reason of a curvature of a backbone at children or at adults no expert can. As a rule, a whole complex of factors influences the emergence of this pathological condition, and muscle weakness is not necessarily the main one, as many believe.

    Physicians all possible reasons are divided into three large groups:
  • Internal causes:. The difference in the length of the lower limbs, which entails a skewed side of the spine; Problems from the visual or hearing aids. In order to better see the subject or hear the necessary information, a person takes a more comfortable pose for themselves, but that will negatively affect the position of the spine.3 Innate factors, that is, developmental disabilities that have occurred to a person, being in the womb and affecting the formation skeleton.
  • External, that is, a certain way of life, which provoked violations: .Professions that require sedentary work with an unnatural slope of the body (shoemakers, dentists, programmers) 2. Maloactive image life. Due to the fact that the muscles do not receive the proper load, they weaken and become flabby, thus the muscular corset not as before will hold the spinal column in the correct position.
  • Acquired:. Diseases during life that adversely affect the condition of the osseous system: acquired tuberculosis, sciatica, and also rachi;. Injuries of the spinal column of various genesis;. Platypodia.


In order to find out if you have any violations from the posture, do the following: lean against the wall with a few points: the back of the neck, shoulders, buttocks, calves and heels.

  • The shoulders should be straightened;
  • The abdomen is tightened;
  • Hands freely located along the trunk.

If you feel discomfort in this position, or you can not hold this position, without touching to the wall - all these signs speak in favor of the fact that there are violations of posture, and also that the muscles of the back are weakened.


Soreness in the back area, increased fatigue, pain in the area of ​​the feet when walking - obvious symptoms of posture disorder.

    Kind of person with a wrong posture:
  • Slouch;
  • Lowered shoulders and head;
  • Stiffened abdomen.

Varieties of pathological posture

      The existing classification of types of posture disorder is represented by several options that are the same for both children and adults:
    • Slouch. The basis of this pathology is an increase in the permissible size of the kyphosis in the thoracic region, with a decrease in lordosis in the lumbar region. Appearance is reduced to the fact that there are slightly raised shoulder-straps, also the joints of the shoulder. This pathology can be combined with the so-called "pterygoid" scapula. This name is due to the fact that the lower angles of the blades or their internal edges are characteristic to stick out above the chest surface.
    • Round back. This phenomenon is due to the fact that thoracic kyphosis has increased greatly, but there is no lordosis in the lumbar region. Such a state entails the displacement of the natural center of gravity. And a person striving to regain balance, forced to use forced postures: he walks or stands, slightly bending his knees. The appearance of this violation is as follows: the head has an inclination forward, the forelegs will be slightly raised, The chest sinks, the arms have a slightly forward position, the joints of the shoulder girdle are given. Also, there will be a decrease in the angle of inclination of the pelvic girdle, the stomach will protrude slightly forward. There will also be a phenomenon of "pterygoid" blades.
    • Round-concave back. This violation of posture, associated with an increase in the size of all natural bends on the spinal column. Pathology is accompanied by the following appearance: the stomach bulges forward, or hangs down. The legs are bent at the knees. The head deviates forward from the median position of the body. There are "pterygoid" scapula, elevated forearms, as well as the above joints of the shoulder girdle.
    • Flat back. This disturbance is characterized by a decrease in the size of all the bends in the vertebral column, especially lordosis in the lumbar region. In this case, a decrease in the angle in the incline of pelvic bones is observed. The lower abdomen hangs, the chest is protruding forward. During active physical exercises, this discomfort brings a lot of discomfort in terms of movements, and the fact that the lack of depreciation is given to the nerve endings in the brain.
  • Flat-concave back. With this disturbance, there is a marked decrease in kyphosis in the thoracic region, while lordosis in the lumbar region is within normal limits or increased. You can also see a flattening of lordosis in the neck. Other of its signs: "pterygoid shoulder blades a backwardly displaced pelvis, and also slightly bent at the knees legs.

What causes the violation of posture?

      Incorrect posture can become a source of such negative consequences for the body:
    • Development of osteochondrosis;
    • To introduce difficulties in the work of internal organs, such as the heart, stomach, lungs. Negatively affect the work of the intestines. This in combination can lead to impaired blood circulation, as well as breathing;
    • To a pathological change in the shape of the chest;
  • To scoliosis (the displacement of the spine in one direction or another relative to its natural axis. It is distinguished with one, two or more arcs of curvature). It leads to headaches, pain in the lumbar region, disrupts the natural position of the pelvic bones and organs in the pelvic region.
  • To kyphosis (stoop or hunchback in the thoracic region of the spinal column). As a result of this - narrowing of the chest, the diaphragm falls below its natural position, the abdominal press becomes extremely weak. It leads to difficulty breathing function.
  • To lordosis (the appearance of sharp protuberances, which protrude forward, in the cervical region, as well as in the lumbar region). It leads to strong pain in the back area, limited mobility. There are problems in the work of the heart, lungs, metabolism is disturbed.
  • To the hump of the rib and vertebral column;
  • With the progression of violations, it can lead to disability.


      Preventive measures to prevent violations in the spine include the following activities:
    • Regular exercise;
    • Interleaving work and rest periods;
    • Healthy food (bring in your diet of dairy products, fish, fresh vegetables, herbs);
  • To teach the child from childhood to the right posture at the table while eating and working, while walking;
  • Make a choice in favor of an orthopedic mattress;
  • Use a contrast shower to relieve tension from the spine, as well as for muscle training;
  • When lifting weights, evenly distribute the load on both hands;
  • Prefer shoes on a small heel (not more than 5 cm).


If you have any suspicions or complaints about your posture, you should contact a qualified specialist. In no case should self-medication take place.

      Therapy of abnormal posture is conducted in several ways:
  • The principles of therapeutic gymnastics for the development of muscle corset are used;
  • Manual techniques such as massage are used;
  • There is place to be acupuncture;
  • Wearing special corsets or bandage (with complex treatment).

Also it is necessary to take into account accompanying diseases, because they could cause the development of curvature of the spine.

In the end, I would like to note that violation of posture is not a verdict. With timely access to a specialist, this pathology is corrected. Treatment, matched by a doctor, adherence to the rules of treatment and treatment leads to positive results!

The next video again about what causes the curvature of the spine and the appearance of flatfoot and how to avoid them.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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Violation of posture - types, causes, treatment and prevention

Correct, beautiful posture is not only an external attraction, but also a basis for the health of the spine.

But, as a rule, people do not pay proper attention to bearing, paying attention to it only when problems arise.

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Violation of posture is not a disease, but it is a risk factor for the development of diseases of the spine and internal organs, so the problem of how to correct posture should be solved from childhood.

Straightening of posture is an excellent prevention of scoliosis and other curvature of the spine. In this case, the internal organs and vessels are not compressed, and normally, without failures, fulfill their function.

Straightening of the spine is important not only for the health of the back, it is the basis for the normal operation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

Correction of posture can be carried out at any age, but it is easier to develop the habit of keeping your back properly in childhood, while the joints and muscles are flexible and elastic.

Signs of curvature of posture

In a person with a violation of posture, there are occasional acute pains in the region of the spine, a burning sensation is felt in the back.

Incorrect posture provokes frequent headaches, a person feels lethargic, sleepy, often in a depressed state, looks tired and drooping. Due to the uneven load on the spine, weight and swelling of the legs occur in the evening.

Also, the symptoms of an incorrect, poor posture are expressed visually: the shoulder blades protrude, one or both, one shoulder above the other, the clavicles and pelvic bones are at different levels.

Causes of posture disorder

The causes of incorrect posture can be divided into congenital and acquired. The first group includes injuries of the spine during childbirth, as well as pathological changes in the process of intrauterine development.

To the acquired reasons it is possible to carry illnesses of the support-impellent device transferred in the childhood, traumas of a backbone in children's and adult age, and also problems that are not related to spinal injury, appearing due to prolonged body location in the wrong position, and at any age being amenable treatment.

Violation of posture, easily amenable to correction, has the following reasons:

  • Long stay in the wrong position. This is the main reason for the violation of correct posture. A physiologically incorrect posture during work or study leads to uneven muscle development: one side of the body becomes more developed than the other. The load on the spine also becomes uneven, deformation of the vertebrae occurs, and the body curves in one direction.
  • Weak muscles of the back. Normally the muscular framework should serve as support for the spine. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons why there is a violation of posture.
  • Visual and auditory problems. Incorrect posture can occur with hearing impairment, development of strabismus, or nearsightedness; human begins to reach for the source of sound, or low tilts during reading, which causes a violation posture.
  • Work in conditions with insufficient lighting. The habit of constantly leaning low toward the light source causes the person to stoop.


Incorrect posture is classified according to the plane of curvature. For each type of posture disorder, a certain position of the spine, shoulders, chest and pelvic bones is characteristic.

  • Slouch. At visual inspection it is visible, that shovels strongly act, shoulders are lowered and are developed forward, a loin unnaturally equal, and a breast sunken.
  • Round back. In this case, there are all the signs of stoop, and in addition to them - a round form of the spine from the neck to the waist. The head is slightly arched forward, and the knees slightly bend.
  • Rounded back. Characterized by hypertrophied bends in the region of the waist and neck, and in the region of the pelvis and shoulder blades noticeable tilt back.
  • Flat back. The abdomen and thorax protrude forward, with the lower back straight, there are no natural physiological curves.
  • Flat back concave. The pelvis is shifted back, the legs are mostly half-bent. The paddles stick out.
  • Scoliotic back. This is the curvature of the spine in the lateral projection. Characterized by a violation of the proportions of the body, on examination it can be seen that the collarbone, shoulders, pelvic bones are not symmetrical.

Correction of posture and prevention of its violation

For effective alignment of the back in adults and children, it is necessary to find out what are the reasons for the violation of posture, and also to determine by what type the curvature of the spine occurs.

In general, if the stooping back is not related to spinal injury, the question of how to level the posture is solved by correction, rather than treatment.

With the help of medications, only mechanical damages of the spine can be cured, resulting from injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


In this case, the decision on how to effectively and quickly correct the posture in an adult or a child should be taken by an orthopedic doctor.


Correction of posture includes a set of measures that should be carried out regularly and for a long time. Alignment of incorrect posture begins with special exercises.

Usually they are appointed by the doctor, individually, depending on the type and degree of curvature of the spine. The problem, how to straighten the back, is solved with the help of a special orthopedic corset.

Also, correction of posture in adults and children is possible with the help of massage.

Massage enhances metabolic processes in the body, normalizes blood circulation in ligaments, muscles and joints, strengthens weak muscles and gives them elasticity, relieves fatigue with excessive physical load.

The problem of how to correct the posture can be solved at any age, but it is easier to do prophylaxis from childhood than to restore the posture to an adult person.

When walking, you must carefully monitor the position of your body, evenly distribute your own weight on both legs, try to keep the stomach retracted, and shoulders straightened. At the same time, you need to lift the head slightly.

When carrying heavy weights, the weight should be distributed to both hands, and if this is not possible, then the bag must be shifted from one hand to the other.

Correction of posture in adults and children is associated with a properly organized workplace. It should be well lit, and an armchair and a table correspond to the growth of a person. To sleep it is desirable on an orthopedic pillow.

It is necessary to teach the child to physical exercises from early childhood, and full, proper nutrition and habit to follow for their posture will be the best prevention, and the problem of how to straighten the posture will not affect the child in adulthood.

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Violation of posture: causes, treatment and prevention of the problem

Hello, dear friends! If you have small children, then you should know what causes the deformation of the human spine.

This is the most common problem in the current generation, because of which in the future there may be serious disruptions in development and other multifarious diseases.

Unfortunately, my daughter also has a violation of posture, and at the moment I am actively fighting with this pathology, so I want to share useful information with you so that you can to avoid. Read and remember!

Causes of deformation

This problem can be congenital or acquired. Congenital diseases, as a rule, are manifested in early childhood, but acquired can occur in adulthood because of various factors provocateurs.

Why does the congenital and acquired curvature develop? Let's start with the first - congenital, which can provoke the following pathologies:

The acquired violation often develops because of:

The main cause of deformation of the human body is the long dynamic and static loads that occur in the period of active growth and physical development of the child.


Such loads include: sitting at a desk in an uncomfortable position; long stay at the computer desk; work in insufficiently equipped place; sleep in a poorly equipped bed; too early attempts to sit or put on their feet the baby.


Look carefully at the younger generation. What do they do in their spare time? Of course, they play at the computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Modern gadgets completely supplanted active useful games from the life of today's children.

Previously, kids preferred to play in the yard with their peers and during the games were properly formed physically. And now active games on the street went out of fashion. Because of this, cases of early distortions of children's spins have become more frequent.

Parents need not miss the moment when the damaged posture can be quickly and painlessly corrected.

To do this, carefully and constantly monitor your child, regularly check the correctness of the proportions of his body. How it's done? Read in a separate article on this site and be sure to try the suggested methods!

Varieties of spinal disorders

Problems with posture can be very diverse. Below are the types of curvatures that most often occur in today's children, adolescents and adults:

To understand what kind of curvature appeared, it is possible by the shape of the back. A person with a deformed back can be:

And now carefully look in the mirror on your body and examine your child. If you notice problems with posture, then urgently begin to correct them.

How is back strain treated in children and adults treated? The treatment schedule will be almost the same in both cases.

Treatment of deformation of posture: how and with what help is carried out?

Treatment is selected by an orthopedic physician or neurologist. It will depend directly on the cause and type of curvature.

There are several common ways to treat spinal disorders in preschool and adult children. Let's get acquainted with them.

Correction of deformed posture includes the following treatment measures:

Wearing correction products - bandages, corsets, proof-readers, etc. More information on exactly what correctors are being used in our time, read on this site in separate articles.


If the problems with your back are just beginning, then pay attention to bandages and recliners. In more serious cases, you will need rigid corsets covering almost the entire torso.


LFK is a therapeutic charge, accessible to everyone, since it can be done at home and in any other place. This gymnastics is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

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With its help, you can correct the posture of a schoolboy and a child of preschool age, and quickly and painlessly. The earlier you begin to do special exercises, the faster you will get rid of your problem.

Massages - not only special, but also the most usual stroking of the back, will help to relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow. Together with the blood flow, supplies of affected structures with nutrients will be adjusted.

Thanks to this, the affected parts of the body will begin to recover faster. In addition, massage helps to eliminate soreness in osteochondrosis and other spinal pathologies, including in cases of postural disorders.

Physiotherapeutic manipulations of different types - often hardware ones - are carried out in specialized clinics or at home with the necessary equipment.

Self-adjustment of lifestyle - the ill person should, first of all, monitor himself on his own. He needs to constantly monitor his posture, support her in the right position.

In addition, we will have to improve our housing a little - to equip the bed with a regular medium-weight mattress, to properly equip the workplace.


Only complex treatment can quickly get rid of problems with posture. Remember, neglected and established curvatures are not amenable to treatment. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact your doctor even with the slightest deformation of the spine and do not let this process go by itself.


And if you do not have problems with your back, fortunately, then observe the prevention and protect your posture from various types of violations.

Prophylactic advice

If your child was just born recently, then you need to know what can not be done with it, since this can lead to deformation of posture in the future:

That's all, dear readers. Now you know why it appears and how the curvature of the back is treated. I hope that you will follow the preventive recommendations from the article and start treatment on time if necessary.

Read shared on social networks, and also subscribe to site updates. All the best!

Sincerely, the team of Hryastchik. RU

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Posture disorder: types, treatment and prevention, causes

In the course of his evolution, man received many "awards" from nature. One of them is uprightness, which fundamentally distinguishes man from the rest of the animal world and gives him a lot of advantages. In connection with the vertical position, posture also appeared.

Correct posture is not only beautiful, but also an indicator of both physical and psychological health.

Violation of posture is a large group of acquired, and in some cases, congenital, conditions, not always pathological, which manifest themselves in various curvatures of the spine.

The question of abnormal posture is particularly relevant today, as the modern way of life, the long pastime behind monitors computers, the lack of hygienic standards of furniture in educational institutions and in offices lead to increased violations of posture not only in children, but also in adults.

The importance of correct posture

First, let's look at what is a correct posture, what is its meaning and function in human life. Each individual has only one (correct or pathological) posture.

Posture is the habitual position of the human body in space (both in motion and at rest), which is formed and set at an unconscious level.

As already mentioned, the posture appeared in connection with the evolution of man and is inherent only to him.

Signs of correct posture:

Functions that are performed by correct posture:

Thus, one can imagine the consequences of a violation of posture.

What leads to a violation of posture?

If you wondered why there is a pathological posture, there are several answers.

The causes of this phenomenon can be hidden in organic pathological changes in the tissues of the spinal column, as a rule, this is observed when congenital diseases and defects of the musculoskeletal system, as well as if the causative factor acts in early childhood, for example, rickets, birth injury.

In other cases, the violation of posture develops without any morphological changes spine are acquired disorders, which are mainly associated with prolonged wrong position of the body.

The main reasons for the violation of posture:

Wrong posture and its types

Depending on the curvature in this or that plane (sagittal, frontal or mixed), and also on the type (pathological lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis), separate types of posture disorders are distinguished.

For reference:

The main types of violation of posture are formed by a combination of the above distortions in varying degrees of severity.

There are the following types of violation of posture:

Why is pathological posture dangerous?

Violation of posture is not a disease, but it creates all predisposing conditions for the pathology of the spinal column, others structures of the musculoskeletal system, and also leads to disruption of the normal function of the internal organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavity.

Bad posture leads to early development and severe course of degenerative and dystrophic diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthrosis of knee and hip joints.

Over time, the deformation of the chest, which leads to the restriction of excursions during breathing - the lungs and heart suffer, and their insufficiency develops.

Muscles weaken and atrophy, this leads to disruption of the abdominal organs.

Therefore, if you suspect a wrong posture, be sure to consult an orthopedic physician to compose individual complex of treatment, because the statement that the posture can not be corrected is nothing more than a myth that came up with lazy people.

Recognize the violation of posture is not difficult. Enough simple medical examination.

The orthopedist, by one objective examination and several measurements, will be able to tell what kind of violation is involved.

But, if there are difficulties, the doctor can offer X-ray examination of the spine.

Principles of treatment

With this problem, the phrase "treatment of posture disorder" is not entirely appropriate, it is better to use the term "posture correction since incorrect posture is not a disease.

You can cure only those curvatures that are caused by organic pathology, for example, trauma of the spine, its tuberculous lesion.

In other cases (functional disorders), only non-drug correction of posture disorders is performed.

-complex of exercises for correction of posture:


Correction of posture includes the following treatment methods:


The main principle of successful treatment of posture disorders is the regularity and duration of application corrective techniques - only in this case you can become the owner of a beautiful, correct and regal bearing.

Preventive actions

Prevention of postural disorders is very important and should be carried out by all children and adolescents without exception, as well as adults with an increased risk of deformities. No wonder they say that the best treatment is prevention.

Important preventive measures:

If from an early age to teach a child to maintain proper posture, then as a result your child will not only be healthy, but also beautiful.

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Posture disorders

What is Posture Disorders -

Posture- the habitual position of the body of a person who is unconstrained - is formed in the process of the child's physical development and the development of his static-dynamic functions.

It is known that in parallel with the acquisition of the child's skills of holding the head, sitting and standing, physiological curvature of the spine - bending in the cervical region with convexity forward (cervical lordosis), bending in the lumbar region by convexity forward (lumbar lordosis).

What causes / Causes of Posture Disorders

An important role in the formation of such abnormalities in the position of the shoulder girdle is not enough harmonious (uneven) development of certain muscle groups, especially against the background of general weakness musculature.

The formation of pterygoid scapula, for example, is associated with a decrease in the strength of the rhomboid, middle part of the trapezius and anterior dentate muscles.

Leaving the shoulders forward depends on the predominance of the strength of the pectoral muscles and the insufficient strength of the muscles that make shoulder blades, and dangling shoulders - the result of insufficient traction of the upper part of the trapezoidal and anterior dentate muscles.

Someviolation of posturearise in connection with the change in the position of the pelvis, namely, with a change in the angle of inclination.

With an increase in the angle of inclination of the anterior half-ring of the pelvic girdle, lumbar flexure of the spine (lordosis) is enhanced.

The change in the position of the pelvis may be associated with a decrease in the strength of the muscles supporting the pelvis in the position of equilibrium - the straight muscles of the abdomen and posterior group of muscles, swinging from the pelvis to the thigh and shin (gluteus muscles and flexors of the knee joint).

It should be borne in mind that this change in posture may depend on other causes: displacement in obese people trajectory of gravity of the body anteriorly, which is leveled by bending in the lumbar region; wearing shoes at high heels, etc.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) During a Posture Disorder

Wavy form of the spine and the presence of buffer formations in the form of intervertebral discs that have a cartilaginous structure, provide high spring qualities, protect internal organs and central nervous system. The conditions of the environment (duration and magnitude of the load, the position of the hull during training sessions, work) and the functional state of the musculature have a certain effect on shape of the spine: normally existing bends may increase or decrease, the position of the shoulder and pelvic girdle changes, a tendency to asymmetric position body.

The vicious position of the body when standing and sitting gradually assumes the character of a stereotype, and this wrong habitual setting can become fixed.

The most typical deviations in posture are stoop, round, flat back, pterygoid scapula, lumbar hyperlordosis.


Posture defects related to changes in the position of the shoulder belt include forward-folded and
hanging shoulder joints, pterygoid scapula.


Strengthening of lumbar lordosis is noted and in some pathological conditions, for example, with bilateral congenital dislocation of the hips, paralysis of gluteal muscles in patients with polio. Strengthening the physiological curvatures of the spine is especially often associated with a violation of the conditions of static loading against the background of a decreased functional ability of the musculature.

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The vicious positions of the body when sitting, taken during training sessions, include a landing with a strongly bent forward trunk.

This situation can be associated with sitting on a far-away chair or sitting at a table that is too low, and also with a large distance of a book or notebook from the child.

The functional state of the musculature plays a big role in the disorders of posture.

With a weak development of the back muscles, their fatigue develops more quickly, the body of the child when sitting It assumes a bent position and is held mainly by the tension of the ligamentous apparatus the spine.

The position with the bent trunk can also arise when standing (so-called sluggish posture). Physically weak children sometimes have a flattened physiological curve of the spine (flat back).

Treatment Posture disorders

Prevention of violations of posture is based on two main groups of activities:

  • the organization of conditions favorable to the child of the external environment (conditions of static load);
  • improve the physical development of the child by making extensive use of various types of physical exercises.

A great influence on the correct development of the child's organism, which is one of the main conditions for preventing the occurrence of various disorders of posture, hygienic regime: regularity in eating, sleep hygiene, sufficient stay in the air, the correct combination of study and rest, the use of hardening and other It should emphasize the importance for children of daytime rest and the need for sleep on a semi-rigid bed with a small pillow under the head to maintain the correct position of the spine.

A significant preventive role is played by adherence to a special regime that has a favorable effect on the statics of the child.

It is necessary to monitor the correct development of the child's statistical co-dynamic functions, starting with the younger toddler age: timely spread on the stomach, educate the skill of crawling, standing and walking, comparing the terms of training with the overall physical development and motor abilities of the child. To prevent violations of posture in young children, apart from rational furniture, there are important enough spacious clothes, the correct position and the length of the rubber bands for stockings. Since the preschool age, the development of the correct position of the body in standing and sitting is especially important. At the same time, it is very important to remove a number of perverse provisions and poses in time, some of which are due to the habit of improperly holding (for example, the habit of sitting with the bent body and relaxed back muscles during training sessions), some are associated with violation of the rules of school hygiene (for example, the lack of correspondence between the height of the table and chair).

A certain preventive value has a decrease in the duration of the static load (standing, sitting) with a weak physical development of the child.


With inclination to stoop, a decrease in the load on the spine can be achieved by conducting training sessions for table with oblique installation of the lid (according to the type of the drawing board), which allows the child to deflect the case back and lean on the back chair.


A teenager and an adult can also bring up a correct posture, developing a rational posture when working behind a workbench, at a machine tool, in clerical sessions.

Equally important is the group of measures that affect the overall physical development and functional state musculature, since the active retention of the body, shoulder, pelvic girdle and lower limbs in the correct position is possible only with an active muscle involvement. To achieve this goal, the differentiated morning exercises of the hygienic gymnastics, physical education during lessons, breaks between lessons, full of physical exercises of applied and playful character.

In the conditions of the school, attention should be paid to the conduct during the training session of physical education, which has the value of active recreation and promoting the restoration of the performance of the muscles of the back, as well as physical exercises in the air and in between lessons. For this, it is necessary that appropriate projectiles (swings, vertical and horizontal ladders, crossbeams, logs for balancing, etc.) are installed on the school section.

In the general complex of means that affect physical development, an especially important role belongs to a properly constructed physical education lesson, the purpose of which is to provide a generally strengthening effect on the child's body, and not to develop narrow sports skills character. Correct selection of sporting exercises, education of interest to them in schoolchildren, their introduction into the regime of the child's day will also have a great influence on its correct and harmonious development.

In the morning exercises, attention should be focused on exercises that strengthen the muscles, pulling together the shoulder blades, extending the chest, as well as on exercises that strengthen the longest muscles of the back (extensors of the body) and the ventral press.

In this regard, it is advisable to perform physical exercises not only standing, but also from positions lying on his back, on his stomach, standing on all fours and included in the complex exercises with a gymnastic stick.

We give an approximate set of exercises.

An approximate set of morning exercises for hygienic gymnastics for children with postural defects

  • IP-standing, hands on the waist. Breeding elbows with blades - breathing in; return to the FE - exhalation (4-5 times).
  • IP - standing, hands are divorced in the sides. Circular motion with hands back (8-10 times). Breathing is arbitrary.
  • IP - standing, legs apart, arms to the shoulders. Slopes of the body forward with a straight back - exhalation; return to the IE - inhale (4-5 times).
  • IP - standing, hands behind his back. Slope of the body to the right and left (5-6 times). Breathing is arbitrary.
  • IP - standing with a stick in his hands. Squatting with a straight body and stretching the arms forward - exhalation; return to the IE - inhale (4-5 times).
  • IP - standing with a stick in his hands. Raising the stick forward is an inspiration; return to the FE - exhalation (4-5 times).
  • IP - lying on the back, hands along the body. The alternating lifting of the legs upwards (3-4 times).
  • IP - lying on his stomach, his hands on his belt. Extension of the body - inhale; return to the FE - exhalation (3-4 times).
  • IP - standing, hands on the belt. Bounce, followed by walking (30 seconds - 1 minute).
  • IP - standing, hands in front of the chest. Raising the hands to the sides is an inspiration; mixing - exhalation (3-4 times).

The use of these groups of activities is sufficient to maintain the correct physical development of a healthy child.

For children with abnormalities from general physical development, reduced functional ability of certain muscle groups and insufficient endurance to physical activity, additional physical education classes with special orientation.

Such measures have a particularly great preventive value for children weakened by recent diseases, as well as those suffering from a cardiovascular system.


Special physical exercises, selected taking into account the child's deviations from the general health and physical development, can be carried out not only in the conditions of school, but also at home in the form of independent lessons.


Thus, children with a tendency to stoop (strengthening the total bending of the spine back) and round back (strengthening of the thoracic kyphosis mainly in the upper department of the spine) especially shown the intensive bending of the body with the localization of movement in the thoracic part of the spine (and not in a more mobile lumbar).

Children with pterygoid shoulder blades and fore-jointed shoulder joints are useful for circular movements with their hands back, drawing them back, bending arms to the shoulders, to the back of the head.

With dangling shoulder joints, it is useful to lead the arms through the sides upwards, raise the shoulders, stretch the arms upwards with counteraction.

With a tendency to lordosis of the spine, it is advisable to perform alternating movements from the supine position on the back ("bicycle alternating lifting straight legs), move from lying to sitting, and also extend legs in hip joints from standing and lying on the abdomen, which strengthens the gluteal muscle. With the smoothness of the physiological bends of the spine, it is necessary to increase the functional capacity of the muscles of the back and abdomen. For a more intense strain of certain muscle groups, exercises with a light burden are useful (dumbbells of mass -1 kg, medical weight 1-2 kg, depending on the age of the child). The development of a more symmetrical position of the shoulder girdle helps exercise with a gymnastic stick (for example, transfer it in a column one by one through the head), transferring the ball, and exercises with self-correction in front of mirror.

The exercises in balancing and balance (for example, exercises on a log, on a rail of a gym bench) also contribute to the development of a correct posture. To improve posture, the use of ordinal exercises (construction, turns, walking, etc.) should be emphasized.

In order to develop a correct posture, and also to check the correctness of it, special tests can be used.

For example, the child becomes a back to the wall so that the back of the neck, shoulder blades, gluteal region, shins touches the wall, and takes a step forward, trying to maintain the correct position of the body.

Violations of speech in children, Dental abnormalities, Inherited disruption of the structure of enamel and dentin (Stenton-Capdepone syndrome), Pathological preliminaries, Disorders of normal hair growth, Liver disorders against the background of drug intoxication, Outer barley (hordeolum externum), Otitis in children, Epilepsy with myoclonic absences (Tassinari syndrome), Transient disorders of the brain blood circulation

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