Halyazion of the lower eyelid: how to treat it?

Eye diseases are always a lot of experiences about the appearance, the consequences. In addition, they bring quite a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant sensations.It is worth remembering that through the eyes, we get information about the external world, and on their health depends how complete this information will be obtained. Halyazion (translated from Greek - "bundle") may appear in each of us. Therefore, it is important to know why it arises and how to prevent its occurrence. All this and much more will be discussed in this article.


  • 1What is the halachion of the lower eyelid
  • 2Causes of appearance and symptoms
  • 3Removal of haljazion
    • 3.1Medication
    • 3.2Surgery
    • 3.3Possible complications
  • 4Prevention
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

What is the halachion of the lower eyelid

Halyazion is an ophthalmic chronic pathology, which manifests itself in the form of small peas on the edge of the lower eyelid (it may also appear in the upper eyelid). The disease develops as a result of inflammatory processes in the meibomian gland.

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Halyazion is sometimes confused with barley, because in both cases there is a swelling of the eyelid, the skin turns red and begins to itch.But the main difference between these two diseases is that all the symptoms do not disappear with time, but only intensify.Halyazion begins with the occlusion of the channels of the meibomian gland, which is responsible for moistening the eyes with the help of fat secretions.

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This secret begins to accumulate, and the same symptoms appear, similar to the appearance of barley.

This pathology can have serious consequences - the formation of a cyst with mucus, which will give a lot of unpleasant sensations. But it appears only in the event that the proper treatment has not been provided.

Halyazion of the lower eyelid is characterized by the fact that it is difficult to detect at the very beginning of the development of the disease.The pea appears on the inside in the area of ​​the cartilaginous tissue. It happens that she can disappear herself, but it happens very rarely.Patients begin to complain that their vision becomes vague, and rotation with the eyes becomes painful.

Causes of appearance and symptoms

The meibomian gland can be clogged for various reasons.Not all of them are still known to doctors. But there are certain reasons that can serve as the beginning of the development of the halachion of the lower eyelid.These include:

  1. Postponed inflammation and colds.
  2. Decreased immunity, lack of resistance to viruses and infections.
  3. Long stay in the cold with subsequent hypothermia.
  4. Non-compliance with hygiene(washing hands, face).
  5. Barley can lead to blockage of the gland ducts.
  6. Permanent wearing of contact lenses.
  7. Failures in the work of hormones during pregnancy, in adolescence, with diabetes, with problems with the thyroid gland.
  8. Various dermatological diseases.
  9. The age period after forty years.At this age, haljazion is very dangerous, because it can develop into an oncology.
  10. Inflammation and allergic reactions of the eyelids.
  11. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

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These reasons can not always serve as the beginning of the development of the halasia of the lower eyelid, they are only risk factors.

The reasons for the development of haljazion are different in children and adults.So in children, the disease can appear mainly due to hypothermia, infectious diseases, weakening of the body's immune defenses, pathologies of the gland itself and improper hygiene.

At the beginning of the development of haljason, its symptoms can be confused with barley. After a while, the symptoms begin to manifest themselves differently. So in the case of halyazion, the patient can observe:

  • Redness of the lower eyelid with concomitant irritation and burning.
  • On the spot of the reddening of the lower eyelid, an oval-shaped compaction begins to appear after two to three weeks. If you touch it, there is no pain.
  • Progressing disease begins to manifest quite painfully, it is often possible to detect pus discharge, which can flow out at autopsy.

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Attempts to self-diagnosis and self-treatment can prolong the course of the disease of the lower eyelid. It is better to contact the ophthalmologist as soon as possible. He will be able to pinpoint exactly what the disease is, why it has occurred, and will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Removal of haljazion

Halyazion can be cured by surgery or by medication.


Diagnosed at an early stage of the disease can be cured by medication or physiotherapy. But do not forget that the treatment of halyazione eyelids in children and adults is radically different. The treatment of adults include:

  • Drops with antibacterial effect(Floxal).
  • Seal Massage(will allow him to quickly disappear).
  • Warming with dry heat.It improves blood circulation, opens the blockage.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation(will release the duct from accumulation of pus).
  • Ointments on the lower eyelid(yellow mercury).

If such therapy has not given a positive effect, then corticosteroids are prescribed, which work in the compaction for a century. This contributes to the fact that the seal quickly resolves.After the contents of the seal came out, you need to take medications that protect your eyes from inflammation and infections:

  • Ointments antibacterial(Levomycytin, Erythromycin). They are used up to three times a day.
  • Drops that prevent the reproduction of microbes(Albucid). Drip can be up to eight times a day.

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Surgical operation is an effective way to combat chalazion.It is carried out in a short time for half an hour under local anesthesia.The operation consists in opening the seal, from which all accumulated contents are then removed.Then the surgeon cauterizes the place of operating with iodine tincture, puts seams and over them a sterile bandage for a day to avoid the appearance of swelling.

Surgery is prescribed when the disease is not treated with drugs, when the seal is large enough and when there is a suspicion of oncology.

Halyazion can be removed with laser surgery.This method is considered safer, with no loss of blood and minimized the occurrence of eye injuries.The operation is based on the sealing of the vessels, which ensures the absence of edema and infection.

All this takes no more than fifteen minutes. Lower eyelid anesthetize, evaporate the conjunctiva over the compaction. Then it is opened and the pus is evaporated. After that, the halyazion himself is removed.Stitches are not needed for this operation. Within a week, you should wear a soft lens that protects the cornea from injuries with a scar.

Halyazion in adult patients must necessarily be checked for oncology, for this, histology is done.

Possible complications

If the time does not start treatment halaziona eyelids, then it can give dangerous complications.It can even be a deterioration in visual acuity, as the compaction puts pressure on the eye.

If haljazion completely run, then the cornea (keratitis) may become damaged and cloudy.

Keratitis leads to decreased vision and even blindness.

How to cure conjunctivitis in a child?


To prevent the emergence of such a dangerous disease, it is necessary to take preventive measures, which are recommended by specialists.

  • Obligatory treatment of all infectious diseases until full recovery.
  • Hygienic procedures should be carried out with clean water.
  • The regime of the day should be built so as not to expose the body to fatigue and reduce immunity.
  • The use of vitamins, both in the form of medicines, and as products rich in them.
  • The soap must have a neutral hydrogen index.
  • Pillows for sleep should be filled with sintepon, since they do not allow them to multiply in dust mites.
  • Proper nutrition: eat less sugar, do not eat foods with artificial food additives.
  • Massage of the eyelids will clear the ducts of the gland.It is recommended for massage to use ointments with sulfur and hyaluronic acid. They contribute to the normalization of blood circulation and cleansing of the ducts. Massage is carried out for two minutes twice a day.
  • Eye drops to cleanse the glands.For example, Fizosigmin - drops with the effect of sedation of the circular muscle.

If your child is ill with conjunctivitis, then read this article.

Torturing cataracts? Do not know what to do? Treatment prescribed by a doctor does not help? Read "Treatment of cataracts without surgery"

Read the article: http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/nochnye/vse-chto-nuzhno-znat-o-nochnyx-linzax.html




To prevent the development of the lower eyelid cholazion, preventive measures should be taken, such as proper nutrition, an active healthy lifestyle without stress and timely treatment of all infectious diseases.They will protect the eyes from this dangerous and unpleasant disease. And if the disease still appeared, it is worth immediately to see a doctor and take all possible measures for its treatment.Cure halalion is very easy, because all drugs are very effective. The main thing, do not forget to change contact lenses and check your eyesight in an ophthalmologist.

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