What is dangerous glaucoma of the eye?

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Some eye diseases develop imperceptibly, but their consequences are disappointing - complete loss of vision. A classic example of such a pathology is glaucoma.This insidious disease is quite common: according to statistics, 14-15% of all the blind on the globe lost sight precisely because of glaucoma.Most patients suffer from the age of 50-60 years, but the disease can also affect young people (youthful glaucoma) and even infants (congenital glaucoma).


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnosis of glaucoma
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Drops
    • 5.2Vitamins for eyesight
    • 5.3Surgical interventions
    • 5.4Complications
    • 5.5Prevention of glaucoma
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is?

The term "glaucoma" (in translation from ancient Greek - "blue opacity of the eye") is found even in the works of Hippocrates (400 BC). However, modern ideas about this disease began to form much later - in the Middle Ages.

Now the concept unites a vast group of eye diseases of different course and origin. Until now, there is no consensus on the causes of the development of pathology. However, all varieties of glaucoma combine one result (in the absence of treatment) - complete atrophy of the optic nerve and subsequent blindness.

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Glaucoma can begin at any age, but most often this disease affects the elderly.According to the World Health Organization, glaucoma is the main cause of blindness in the absence of timely and correct treatment. It is from this insidious illness that more than five million people have completely lost their eyesight, which is about 1% of all the blind.


In the eyes of any person a special liquid is constantly formed, called watery moisture.It accumulates in the anterior (between the cornea and the iris) and the posterior (between the iris and the lens) chambers of the eye. In the corner of the anterior chamber is a complex drainage system, through which watery moisture leaves the eye and leaves into the bloodstream.The balance between the formation and outflow of watery moisture determines the intraocular pressure that exerts the contents of the eyeball on its walls.Usually in healthy people it ranges from 16 to 22 millimeters of mercury.

When glaucoma in the diseased eye, circulation is disrupted, fluid accumulates and intraocular pressure begins to grow.

Intraocular pressure and optic nerve damage

As a result of these disorders, the eyeball begins to press on the optic nerve and causes its deformation. At this stage, a person begins to see worse.The next stage is the violation of peripheral vision, as a result of which the zone of visibility is limited. At the last stage of the development of the disease, the optic nerve dies and complete blindness occurs, and these changes are irreversible.Possible and sudden loss of vision as a result of an acute attack of glaucoma.

There are risk factors that affect the appearance and development of the glaucoma process. Local factors include myopia (nearsightedness). But there are a lot of common factors:

  • age from 60-65 years;
  • heredity;
  • diabetes;
  • hypotension;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system, etc.

Congenital glaucoma is most often caused by abnormalities of the embryonic development of the eye, as well as by the consequence of other eye diseases (tumors, trauma, inflammation) transferred before or during childbirth.

Secondary glaucoma appears because of a previous eye disease.It can be:

  • inflammatory diseases of the eyes: keratitis, scleritis, uveitis;
  • lens dislocation;
  • cataract;
  • dystrophic eye diseases(progressive atrophy of the iris, the effects of hemophthalmia, etc.);
  • concussion, burns, wounds to the eyes;
  • eye surgery;
  • swelling of the eye.

Glaucoma is an irreversible disease, so it is very important to start treatment on time. Doctors-oculists pay attention to the fact that glaucoma can be asymptomatic. In this case, there is an acute attack of glaucoma, the result of which can be a sudden loss of vision.


Stages of glaucoma development

At the initial stages of glaucoma development, the patient can feel pain, pain, heaviness in the eyes, narrowing of the field of vision. Significantly worse vision in the dark.When you look at the bright light, "rainbow circles" appear before your eyes.

There are two forms of glaucoma:

  • open-angle;
  • angle-closure glaucoma

The result is a gradual increase in intraocular pressure. Open-angle glaucoma, as a rule, is characterized by an almost imperceptible course of the disease. The process can last several years, with the field of vision gradually narrowing. Sometimes a patient complains of the periodic appearance of iridescent circles when looking at the light source. This phenomenon is called "blurred vision which is associated with a weakening of accommodation.

In 90% of cases, an open-ended form of glaucoma occurs. With this form, access to the natural drainage system is open, but its functions are violated.

With a closed-angle form, there is no access to the natural drainage system of the eye, so the intraocular fluid accumulates.

Closed-angle glaucoma

As a result, the pressure builds up, which can lead to an acute attack of glaucoma. This attack is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the eye and in the corresponding half of the head;
  • obvious visual disturbances;
  • redness of the eye;
  • edema of the cornea;
  • decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber;
  • the dilatation of the pupil and the absence of its reaction to light;
  • the appearance of halos around the light sources.

Diagnosis of glaucoma

The onset of the disease is difficult to detect, it is not enough to simply measure the intraocular pressure. It is necessary to carefully study the fundus and optic nerve disk, as well as to conduct a whole range of studies, including:

  • field examination(using a computer perimeter);
  • measurement of refraction;
  • Ultrasound of the eye;
  • the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye and the thickness of the lens;
  • gonioscopy, in which the structure of the anterior chamber angle is evaluated.

Also, during the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the fundus of the analyzer - a unique device, which in Russia is a unit. This allows you to identify the initial manifestations that occur before the earliest changes in the field of vision, and in time to stop the process that has begun.

One should take into account such a phenomenon as "eye hypertension" - increase in intraocular pressure of a non-glaucous nature.From glaucoma, this disease is characterized by a benign course, the absence of lesion of the optic nerve. Hypertension of the eye can be caused by:

  • various diseases of a local or general nature;
  • age-related imbalance of outflow and watery moisture production;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • long reception of large doses of hormones, etc.
Increased intraocular pressure


Depending on the form, stage and availability of concomitant diseases, the doctor will select an individual program for the treatment of glaucoma.


Eye drops are aimed only at reducing the intraocular pressure. Drugs of this type are represented today in pharmacies quite a lot:

  • Betoptik;
  • Xalatan;
  • Fotileand others.

All drugs have different effects.

Vitamins for eyesight

Numerous laboratory studies have proven the positive effects of vitamin-mineral complexes for vision in glaucoma.

The use of lutein-containing drugs in addition to the basic treatment makes it possible to achieve greater efficiency in the treatment and save the patient's vision.Among such drugs can be identified:Lutein Forte and Lutein Complex.

Surgical interventions

Often the use of drops and physiotherapy is not enough to normalize the pressure and stop the loss of vision.

Surgical treatment of glaucoma

In this case, the patient is offered non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NSAE), and this must be treated with all seriousness. Such surgical intervention allows to restore the natural balance of eye fluid in the open-angle form of glaucoma.

Closed-angle forms are treated with traditional operations, as well as the method of removing the transparent lens with subsequent implantation of the intraocular lens (if the lens value does not correspond to the value eyes).


The most serious complication to which glaucoma leads is complete blindness.Also, one should beware of complications after glaucoma surgery. To avoid this, doctors after the operation prescribe antibacterial drops, which should be instilled 4 times a day.Also, drops that support the pupil are used to keep it in a moderately extended state.In addition, after surgery, doctors prescribe corticosteroids to prevent the appearance of iritium.

If the patient has a tendency to increase intraocular pressure, then there are sessions of eyeball massage. Procedures facilitate the formation of filter paths.

In the early postoperative period, one should beware of such possible complications as:

  • hyphema;
  • hypotension;
  • hypertension;
  • ciliochoroidal detachment;
  • pupillary block;
  • inflammation.

Complications of a later stage (up to six months):

  • progressive development of cataract;
  • infection;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • severe scarring;
  • recurrence of hyphema;
  • Cyliochoroidal detachment.

Sometimes there are remote complications: cystic formations appear in the filtration cushion.

With complications of glaucoma, doctors struggle with conservative methods of treatment. The choice of medications depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.To cure complications, use corticosteroids and mydriatica. Under the conjunctiva, Dexamethasone is administered.If a cystic pillow is found, a subepithelial autopsy is done. With full obliteration, a second operation is performed.

After surgery, doctors take antihemorrhagic measures. The patient is prescribed Vikasol, Dicinone and Calcium Chloride.

The operated patient should observe a special sparing regimen. A week later the seam is removed from the conjunctiva.

Prevention of glaucoma

The earlier a person seeks medical help, the better will be the treatment of glaucoma. In addition, the success of treatment depends on the pedantry in the implementation of the doctor's recommendations.

The course of glaucoma largely depends on the lifestyle of the patient. It is necessary to avoid physical and nervous overload. The maximum weight that can be raised is 10 kg. It is necessary to avoid darkness, since in the dark eye pupils dilate, and this helps increase the intraocular pressure.

It is necessary to follow a diet, which will include mainly plant products.It is recommended to limit the consumption of meat, fatty foods, strong tea and coffee, spicy seasonings, spices, pickles.All sour-milk dishes are welcome, especially fresh kefir, as well as vegetables, coarse bread, cabbage, prunes.The volume of liquid drunk a day should not exceed 5-6 glasses. Smokers should quit smoking.

Every person after 40 years of age should undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist at least once or twice a year.This is especially important for patients with hyperopia, hereditary glaucoma and those who have already undergone surgery for this disease.

While there are no methods and methods that can prevent the emergence and development of glaucoma, but turning to a specialist in time, you can significantly ease the treatment of the disease.



Why do strabismus occur in children often?

Whether effective treatment of hyperopia with folk remedies, you will learn in this article.

Treatment of high degree myopia in adults: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/miopiya/vysokoj-stepeni-chto-eto-takoe.html



It is worth remembering that by delaying with treatment, a person risks eye health. The disease, discovered too late, is fraught with dangerous complications and complete blindness.

With improper treatment, glaucoma can also lead to negative consequences, so do not do it yourself or follow the advice of friends, acquaintances, "knowledgeable people."It is important to apply to a medical institution, where there is modern equipment for diagnosis and treatment, to professionals who specialize specifically in glaucoma (glaucomatologists).