Allergic cough symptoms and treatment

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Allergic cough: symptoms, treatment

Do not confuse the usual and allergic cough, at first glance the symptoms are similar, but the treatment will require another.

In the cold season, you will not surprise anyone with a dry cough: each of us at least once in a season manages to catch a cold or ARD. Cold cough is usually accompanied by a runny nose, reddened throat, fever.

What causes an allergic cough?

The cause of an allergic cough is almost always in the environment: it can be plant pollens, animal hair particles, house dust, cigarette smoke. Allergens, getting into the body, irritate the respiratory tract, which causes attacks of dry cough. The problem is that it is difficult to determine the allergen that affects the body, and it is all the more difficult to avoid it.

Symptoms of an allergic cough

It is not difficult to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold if you closely follow the symptoms. If coughing starts suddenly, last for 2-4 minutes, and then also suddenly stop; if coughing dry, irritating throat and not accompanied by a high temperature, it is most likely that it is allergic character. Allergic cough symptoms of which resemble bronchial asthma are also called the cough form of this disease.

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Allergic cough is characterized by the appearance of seizures most often at night, which are accompanied by such symptoms as: a runny nose, the presence of pruritus in the nose, sneezing, shortness of breath up to choking. A distinctive feature of an allergic cough is the absence of temperature.

How to recognize an allergic cough

If you notice that at certain times the body reacts to the environment with the appearance of such a symptom as an allergic cough, do not waste time. First of all, contact an allergist specialist who, using a simple diagnosis, will help determine the allergen that is dangerous to you. Diagnosis will include an examination in the ENT, a survey of the presence of chronic respiratory diseases or hereditary diseases. Also, the doctor will ask questions about household conditions, pets or plants. There are cases when an allergic cough is a consequence of illnesses borne in childhood, so if you are in an early age suffered from allergies to certain foods, the chances of having an allergic cough increase.

Allergic cough: how to treat?

After using a medical examination to find out the cause of the cough, you will have to make every possible effort to eliminate the allergen. If you are allergic to wool, then, it is better to part with your pets: health is more important. If allergic to flowering trees or pollen of plants, then reduce the time that you will spend in the fresh air. If you have an allergic cough to your home dust, you will inevitably have to become more cleanliness: wet cleaning twice a day, ionizer air will help to maintain the necessary atmosphere in apartment.

In order to quickly eliminate an unpleasant allergic cough, take antihistamines: they will not cure you definitively, but within 10-15 minutes will calm your throat. Lozenges and cough syrups will also help. Supporters of folk recipes can try to prepare a decoction of laurel leaves, spoons of flower honey and a teaspoon of soda. Chilled drink can be drunk several times a day, immediately after a fit of coughing.

An allergic cough whose treatment is started in a timely manner has a good prognosis, since this prevents the development of more serious diseases, such as chronic obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

The above methods are good for instant relief, but with their help it is impossible to cure allergies. Allergic cough is a symptom that requires careful diagnosis, examination of the body by specialists of different profiles, changes in diet and lifestyle. If you notice that allergic attacks occur frequently and you become more and more difficult with them cope immediately, contact your doctor to prevent more serious disease.

Allergic cough: symptoms, reasons, how to recognize

Allergy is one of the most common diseases in economically developed countries. According to the latest WHO data in Europe, it is diagnosed in 20-30% of the population, depending on the state. If even 10-15 years ago the primacy was occupied by the negative reaction of the organism to dust, flowering plants or the coat of domestic animals, in particular cats, now the leading positions in food allergy. This disease has become so widespread that many of its manifestations, in the form of asthma and dermatitis, are perceived as various ailments. Although in fact they have the same reason for the occurrence of such a symptom as an allergic cough.

What is an allergic cough?

This reflex action arises in the case of hypersensitivity to certain substances. The main effector role in the event is given to basophils and mast cells. They release the mediators, which adversely affect tissues and organs. It should be noted that a reflex act of a similar type also occurs with pseudoallergic diseases (eg, aspirin asthma). Very interesting is the mechanism of development of the disease. The fact is that when the primary collision with the stimulus in the body develops an immune response, that is, there is a sharp increase in the reaction to its effect. Ailment develops in the case when in the long enough time there is an effect on the body of the allergen, but in a lower concentration of the active substance.

Causes of allergic cough

Despite a lot of ongoing research, scientists have not yet found a reliable method that could The reasons for the development of an allergic cough in an individual for a certain reagent. Under the influence of the same stimulus, the severity of the symptoms may be significantly different. Now experts identify the following reasons, which affect the appearance of a negative reaction to provoking substances:

  • Structural and spatial characteristics of proteins.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Features of processing the body of substances that have allergic properties.
  • Method of cleavage of the substance-stimulus in antigen-presenting cells.
  • Biochemical activity of the material.

Symptoms in the form of an allergic cough or changes in the skin appear at a certain stage of this ailment in most people, regardless of the type of the influencing substance. Specialists distinguish two forms of the disease:

  • Atypical - hereditary, almost not amenable to complete cure.
  • Untypical - the disease develops almost the same as in the first group, but it is based on a pseudoallergic mechanism or hypersensitivity to irritants.

Cough for allergies: symptoms

Symptoms of an involuntary act are very similar to those that are inherent in the reflex action that arises from the influence of viruses or infections on the respiratory tract. Despite the fact that the reasons for their development are different, the symptoms are almost identical. Depending on them, an allergic cough can be:
  • Dry or with sputum secretion.
  • Strong, with bouts, resulting in a sensation of suffocation, and easy.
  • Night, and manifested during the day.

According to the time factor, two different symptoms of development of an allergic cough are distinguished:

  • Cumulative, mainly it is observed in people who have a negative reaction to food or work in harmful production. Here there is a pronounced age principle (that is, the disease manifests itself in children, or in people older than 30 years). Such habitual childhood disease as a diathesis is the most colorful example. In adults, a regular eating of low-quality foods or snacks causes the ailment. In recent years, cases of accumulative food allergy have been registered, the cause of which was the consumption of salted peanuts, chips, sweet fizzy drinks. Symptoms can be the same as in children - rashes on the skin, swelling of the larynx, dry cough.
  • Rapidly developing cough. Symptoms of its manifestation are most often seen in people who have a negative reaction to flowering plants, household dust, house mites, etc. The first signs appear only 10-20 minutes after the active substance has entered the body. And the way in which this is done does not matter. Even if the allergen is immediately removed and the person is placed in a sterile room, the visible symptoms of a negative reaction will last at least 10-12 hours.

Quite often, cough is the next stage in the development of allergic rhinitis. The reason for this is a strong cold that adversely affects the general condition of the body as a whole. If in the first days the mucus allocated has a liquid consistency, then within a week it thickens. The absence of measures taken in time will lead to the fact that soon signs of pus appear in the secretions. These symptoms indicate that the infection of the bronchi has begun. In this case there is an infectious-allergic cough. That is, its primary cause is the effect on the body of proteins that have a certain characteristic. However, due to the lack of timely treatment, the ailment passes into the middle stage. The complex form of this disease is more threatening. It is no longer a simple rhinitis, but obstructive bronchitis and even pneumonia.

How to recognize the symptoms of an allergic cough

The first sign of this ailment is its sudden appearance or precursor to the disease of a strong cold. It should also be noted that allergic rhinitis has a pronounced seasonal character. It begins in the flowering period of plants, cereals, some species of trees. To this category of plants are not only all infamous poplar and ambrosia. In recent years, cases of negative reaction to rye, birch earrings, alder, wormwood, corn, daffodils, tulips, lilies, etc. have become more frequent. There are complex effects of several plants at the same time.

Particular difficulty is the detection of an allergic cough with accumulative food allergy. This ailment is most often diagnosed in children under the age of four. If some babies blush their cheeks from diathesis, then others start to have bronchitis. And there are no initial signs of the development of an infectious disease. A few hours ago the child was absolutely healthy, and now he has a high fever and bronchitis. Unfortunately, pediatricians quite rarely pay attention to this factor, especially if there are no signs of diathesis. Recognize the allergic nature of the disease can only be through full control of the diet. At first, all foods that can negatively affect the body are removed from the food. After this, once in three or four days, a certain type of food is added. So they act until they determine which product a negative reaction is following.

With infectious-allergic course of the disease, a special role is given to timely diagnosis. If a person has a primary attack, then, as a rule, he confuses him with a common cold. The use of drugs from ARVI or influenza only aggravates the situation, as they depress the immune system.

Diagnosis of the disease is a rather complex and painstaking process. The doctor not only assigns the surrender of specific tests, but also carefully studies the probability of the presence of a genetic predisposition. A statistically proven fact is that if the parents are sick with atopic bronchial asthma, the probability of developing this disease in a child is 49%.

Attack of an allergic cough

Violation of the protective function of the human body, in which the negative consequences can at first seem innocuous substances, is called allergy. To unexpectedly harmful factors include food, pollen of different plants, animal hair and even sun or cold. How to recognize an allergic cough? The immune system of an allergic person manifests an inadequate response to a specific type of pathogen. Cough in this case is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, details of which are described below.

Causes of the disease

As a rule, the allergy manifests itself in spring or summer, less often in cold seasons. With the penetration of allergens into the body, immunity begins to attack foreign substances. As a result of this, there are symptoms - itching, redness, tearing, runny nose. Cough for allergies begins as a result of irritation of the respiratory tract pathogen. Often a symptom is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the throat, trachea, bronchi. The causative agents of this cough, as a rule, are light volatile substances:

  • wool of pets;
  • pollen;
  • dust;
  • mold spores.

Varieties of cough due to allergies

There are a large number of possible allergens that can cause this symptom in healthy people. However, a serious paroxysmal, suffocating cough, as a rule, is a proof of the body's reaction to the entry of the pathogen. The symptom speaks of the presence of a person in a phenomenon such as an allergy. Cough, inherent in the disease, can be recognized by several signs - this is the absence of temperature, skin manifestations, duration and suddenness of seizures. Cough of the allergic type is divided into 3 main types:

  • dry;
  • barking;
  • wet.


Causes of dry cough can be chemicals, gases, tobacco smoke, pollen, wool and many other substances. The manifestation of a symptom indicates an attempt by the body to eliminate an irritant that has got inside. Less often cough occurs as a side effect after taking medications - for example, tablets that regulate blood pressure. If the cause of the allergic reaction is the use of medication, the reaction appears immediately after they are taken.


Cough with phlegm is often a sign of allergic rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which was caused by some allergen. Recognize the disease can be by frequent sneezing, itching in the nasal sinuses, abundant secretion of mucus. Allergic wet coughing causes a lot of inconvenience to a person, disrupting sleep, reducing mental and physical activity.


This symptom can cause an allergy to a certain product, plants, smells, household chemicals, pet hair. Often it occurs in young children in the winter, when the air in the dwelling becomes too dry due to the rare airing. This leads to irritation of the airway membrane. Typical signs of an allergic barking cough are:

  • absence of fever and cold;
  • seasonal character with periodic manifestations;
  • increased symptom with close contact with the allergen.

Main signs and symptoms

Cough of an allergic type does not apply to diseases. It arises as a result of the action on the respiratory tract of certain allergens. This kind of cough sometimes leads to inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, and throat, which is typical for other pathologies of the respiratory system. For this reason, the symptom may give an incorrect diagnosis. Find out the signs of an allergic cough in adults and children.

In adults

Often has a paroxysmal character, starting suddenly. On average, it lasts several weeks without raising the temperature. More often a cough of an allergic type begins at night, in the afternoon attacks happen less often. Coughing attacks at night in an adult cause serious inconvenience, preventing sleep allergic and his relatives. This becomes the main stimulus of going to the doctor. Symptoms may include:

  • phlegm without any impurities;
  • itching in the nasopharynx or throat;
  • sneezing.

Allergic cough during pregnancy can not be cured by yourself. At this time, most drugs and traditional medicine are contraindicated to a woman. If you do not go to the hospital in time, the allergy can serve the development of more serious diseases - for example, bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis. Such pathologies can damage not only the mother, but also the baby.


Allergies are more susceptible to children, who in infancy suffered diathesis rashes. This indicates their predisposition to the disease. Paroxysmal cough in a child can be stimulated by even a minimal amount of allergens. Symptom sometimes occurs as a result of malnutrition of the baby or untimely vaccination. A coughing attack at night in a child, as a rule, is not accompanied by sputum secretions and more often occurs during the off-season. The reasons can be different: flowering plants, viral infections, and others.

Methods of diagnosing the disease

To determine the nature of cough, people temporarily take antitussive drugs. If the drugs do not affect the disease at all - the symptom speaks of allergies. However, it is better not to experiment and immediately go to the doctor, since the treatment of such a cough, as allergic, has a specific character. In the hospital you are examined to identify the pathogen, from which you should get rid of, prescribe medication.

How and what to treat an allergic cough

Completely get rid of the disease allergy sufferers is impossible, but you can ease its course. It is possible to relieve some of the symptoms, including cough. The main thing is to determine in time what caused the allergic reaction and stop contact with this substance. The doctor can prescribe the reception of antihistamines, will advise a suitable diet. Let us dwell on each method of cough therapy as a symptom of allergy.

Detection of the allergen and termination of contact with it

The first step to recovery will be the determination of the allergen, which provoked a negative reaction of the body. Sneezing, nasal congestion and cough are the main symptoms of allergies. Modern medicine still does not know how to find the pathogen. It will be necessary to check the reaction to every possible allergen. To do this, the following measures are taken:

  • alternately remove from the menu products that could serve as an allergen;
  • daily perform a wet cleaning of the dwelling, if a reaction to dust is possible;
  • for a while they give the pet;
  • change household facilities (for washing, washing dishes);
  • make tests (skin tests with prick methods, scratches).


How to cure an allergy? The allergist doctor for successful therapy appoints, in addition to taking medication, a special diet. Allergies are prone to manifestations of various symptoms of the disease. They better stick to the prescribed diet constantly. Especially acute situation becomes during an exacerbation of an allergy when the organism becomes hyperactive. At this time, even a fleeting contact with the stimulus can lead to active development of the disease. To reduce the risk, you must adhere to the diet and exclude from the menu:

  • eggs;
  • seafood, fish;
  • spicy, salty, smoked, spicy, fatty foods;
  • broths;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • liver;
  • sauces such as ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • sauerkraut, pickles;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • bright vegetables (tomatoes, radish, Bulgarian pepper);
  • citruses, berries;
  • sharp, melted cheeses;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  • honey;
  • sweets with flavors.

Medication Therapy

When an allergic cough occurs, a course of treatment with antihistamine drugs is required, which the doctor prescribes after determining the pathogen of allergy. As a rule, the taking of such drugs is prolonged - it can last for 2-3 months. In special cases, antihistamines are taken for life. The group of antihistamines include:

  • Suprastin;
  • "Loratadin
  • "Cetirizin."

Since modern pharmaceuticals do not have drugs for complete cure for allergies, the main goal of therapy is to suppress the symptoms of the disease. With allergic manifestations, the doctor prescribes a remedy whose action is directed at an unhealthy organ. When you cough, you often use an inhaler. The drugs used to make inhalation include:

  • "Ventolin
  • "Eufillin
  • "Pulmicort."

When treating allergies, the doctor may prescribe the intake of enterosorbents. Substances act as additional therapeutic agents. Their use should not last longer than 14-16 days, as enterosorbents worsen the absorption of vitamins and nutrients coming from food. In addition, it is forbidden to use such drugs simultaneously with antihistamine tablets, since their effect will be reduced. The group of enterosorbents include:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb;
  • "Filter STI".

If the originator of the person's allergic reaction is wool, pollen or another volatile substance, the doctor prescribes a nasal antihistamine spray. Such sparing drugs are shown even to small children. Spray effectively moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and helps to remove unpleasant symptoms. There are the following nasal agents for allergies:

  • Allergodil;
  • "Kromogeksal
  • "Levokabastin."

Folk remedies

Apply in "grandmother" medicine salt preparations, garlic, lemon:

  1. Garlic syrup. Finely chop a pair of garlic cloves, mix with a tablespoon of honey. When the composition of the cough is applied for 14 days, take the drug every morning on a tablespoon. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Syrup can be taken additionally when a fit of coughing begins.
  2. Saline solution. During flowering of allergic pathogens several times a day, wash the nasal sinuses and throat with sea salt solution (1 tablespoon per cup of warm water).
  3. Lemon jam. Pass 1 citrus through a meat grinder, mix with 4 tbsp. water and 2 tbsp. honey. Cook the ingredients on low heat until the mixture is completely homogeneous. Cool the jam and take from cough 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

How to relieve a child's coughing

If the baby has a stifling cough, immediate measures should be taken immediately:

  1. provide the child with sufficient fresh air;
  2. give antihistamine;
  3. wash the nasal sinuses and throat with a weak saline solution (2 tsp per 1 tbsp. water) to remove particles of the pathogen from the respiratory tract;
  4. If the baby does not get better after the measures taken, you need to call an ambulance.

Prevention of disease

An important element of assistance for allergic events is preventive, it includes:

  • Cleaning and airing. More often wash floors in the house, at least thrice a day ventilate the room. Give up thick carpets as they collect dust, which can provoke an allergy. Get rid of other items in / on which the dirt collects (figurines, decorative things of intricate forms).
  • Minimal use of household chemicals. If you are allergic, try to do without aggressive detergents. Give preference to cosmetics and household chemicals on a natural basis, without perfumes.
  • Preventive measures. When coughing, allergic type is recommended 2-3 times a day to rinse the throat and nasopharynx. If possible, adhere to the prescribed diet.

Video: how to distinguish an allergic cough from colds

The cause of the cough of an allergic type is always what the person recently contacted. Allergens, when ingested, irritate the respiratory tract, resulting in a coughing attack. However, the cause of this symptom may be not allergies, but other diseases: ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, and others. After watching the video, you will learn how to distinguish the allergic from cold cough.

Symptoms and treatment of an allergic cough in a child

Mysterious disease of the century - the allergy can manifest itself in different ways. One of the most common symptoms of a general allergic disease is cough. It should be understood that in itself an allergic cough is not a disease, but an organism's reaction to the action of harmless antigens. If the immune system fails, then the usual pollen of flowering plants or animal hair, are perceived by the body as pathogenic. How can one distinguish an allergic cough in a child from a cold? There are symptoms by which you can determine its nature.

Signs of the disease

Allergens can cause serious problems in the child's respiratory system. And cough can appear at any age. It is associated with inflammatory processes in the trachea, bronchi, throat mucosa. Without treatment, coughing becomes heavier and leads to the appearance of chronic diseases or such dangerous acute conditions as dyspnea and attacks of suffocation.


Predisposition to allergies can be transmitted genetically or arise due to improper living conditions. Long stay in moist, affected rooms, improper nutrition and unfavorable ecological conditions contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of cough.

From this article you can learn how to treat a wet cough in a child.

Allergens enter the body most often through the respiratory system. There occurs their first encounter with the cells of the immune system. They must recognize the newly arrived substances and transmit information about them to lymphocytes. If a chain fails, the immune system identifies harmless dust as a dangerous element.

Lymphocytes begin to produce an immunoglobulin - a protective protein. It is included in the fight against the allergen.Specific cells begin to produce and throw into the blood histamine, which diverges in all organs, causing swelling, itching, coughing and choking.

The causes of an allergic cough depend on the type of allergy. Today the popular version is that children have an allergy because of the parents' quivering attitude towards hygiene. Inna Danilycheva, a researcher at the Institute of Immunology, believes that excessive purity does not contribute to the formation of immunity in the child. And moderate pollutants, on the contrary, trains the immune system.

How to do inhalation for a child with a dry cough, is indicated in the article.

Whatever the reasons, cough should be treated. And a specialist must do it. Diagnosis of allergic diseases is carried out in laboratories by means of samples for the detection of an allergen, and the treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The video tells how to recognize an allergic cough in a child:

How to distinguish from catarrh and other types of cough

Cough caused by allergies can not be productive. He is always dry, sometimes barking, does not pass until he has eliminated the cause of his appearance.

How to quickly cure a runny nose and cough, you can learn from the article.

The main signs of an allergic cough in children:

  • It starts suddenly.
  • Coughing attacks are protracted.
  • The condition does not change if the allergen is not eliminated.
  • Attacks are exacerbated in summer and winter, or during mass flowering of plants.
  • At night, cough is most acute, sometimes only during contact with the allergen or immediately after contact with it.
  • Cough is dry, if sputum is separated, it is clear, colorless, without pus.
  • Cough is not accompanied by fever and other colds, however, it may cause rhinitis, itching in the nose, sneezing.

On the video - the symptoms and treatment of an allergic cough in a child, a difference from other diseases:

Any object, product or substance in the modern world can be an allergen. Food allergy is often caused by exotic fruits and vegetables, coffee, smoked products, food with preservatives, mushrooms, honey, eggs.

Detergent with a pungent smell, for example, "Domestos" and other chlorine-containing substances, also cause an allergic cough. And also a walk near the highway with active traffic, a trip to the store with strong smells, ingestion of an unusual protein during vaccination, contact with animal hair.

How cough manifests itself and what are the symptoms of thyroid disease, you can learn from this article.

However, not only does the allergy cause a dry cough. The cause may be helminthiases. During the migration, the ascarid larvae enter the lung tissue, causing coughing. Therefore, the diagnosis of an allergic cough involves the elimination of helminthiosis.

It is difficult to distinguish in the first stages of whooping cough from allergic cough. He becomes spasmodic, with a characteristic wheezing, only in the third week. Such cough can go to the allergic. Treatment of this disease on its own is dangerous.

What can be the cause of cough after eating, this article points out.

A simple test will help determine the presence of spasm in the bronchi as one of the symptoms of allergies. To do this, you need to hold a sheet of paper by the edges in front of the child's face. He must blow a lot on the paper. If the effort is enough to make the leaf take a horizontal position, then the bronchi are all right, if not - you need to undergo a survey.


If a child begins an allergic cough, it should be stopped as soon as possible to prevent bronchial obstruction. A simple cough syrup here will not help. To stop the cough:

  • take antihistamines;
  • eliminate allergens;
  • increase the immunity of the child.

During treatment, you should avoid herbal preparations, since herbs can cause an allergic reaction. Glucocorticosteroids are given to children only in extreme cases. It is better to limit the infusion of glucose and saline. A positive result is a rinse of the nasopharynx with a weak saline solution.

How to treat a very dry cough, you can learn from this article.

The result is the use of enterosorbents. Children are given (maximum 2 weeks) activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, seeds of milk thistle. Sorbents are used separately from drugs.

They also use Plasmapheresis - the purification of blood from allergens and toxins by mechanical means. But the procedure has contraindications and operates for a limited time.

The video tells how to remove an attack of an allergic cough in a child:

Why pershit in the throat and cough, it is worth reading this article.

Treatment in an infant

In infants, even a cold cough can pass without spitting out due to insufficient work of the bronchi. A long paroxysmal cough can be a manifestation of an allergy, an attack of asthma, or a consequence of getting into the respiratory tract of a foreign body.

If there is a suspicion of allergy, then you need:

  • ventilate the room;
  • remove probable allergens;
  • call a doctor.

In children up to three years of cough, food allergens most often cause food. But it is possible that the reaction is associated with toys, feather pillows, plants and animals.

Admission of antihistamines in the first year of life makes it difficult for sputum to pass away. They are used cautiously. After all, if it turns out that the cough is not allergic, then the medicine can do much harm.

What to do when pershit in the throat and dry cough, you can learn from the article.

Treatment in preschool children

In this age category, household allergens are in first place. It:

  • dust and mold;
  • insects and dust mites;
  • Pets.

During treatment, contact with allergens should be minimized. In addition to antihistamine therapy, special exercises can be used. The simplest thing is inflating balloons.

Facilitates the condition of finger massage. Do it by tapping lightly on the back of the child, which lies on the stomach at the edge of the bed, dangling the chest down. Manipulation helps to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi.

What to do when a prolonged dry cough is indicated in this article.

Treatment at school children

How will the students cure? Schoolchildren suffer from allergic cough most often because of the pollen of plants. They are prescribed antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Pipolphen, Diazolin) and are treated with Histaglobulin. Effective breathing exercises by Buteyko method. And only in severe cases use corticosteroids.

If there is no way to completely eliminate the effect of allergens, at this age, specific hyposensitization can be used. It is called an allergy vaccination. Therapy is based on the gradual introduction of allergens into the body with a constant increase in dose, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity.

For what reason cough from erespala lasts a long time, is specified in the article.

Treatment for allergic bronchitis

Painful inflammations in the bronchi are treated medically. The treatment regimen combines specific and nonspecific measures of influence.

  • Prolonged specific hypo-sensitization by an allergen does not allow bronchitis to transform into asthma.
  • If bronchitis is complicated by tracheitis, Gistaglobulin therapy is used. Take from 2 courses of subcutaneous injections of the drug.
  • To stimulate the body appoint Metacil, Sodium Nucleinate, Pentoxyl.
  • Antihistamines are administered intramuscularly, in the form of aerosols or tablets.
  • Assign electrophoresis solutions of sodium bromide and calcium chloride to normalize sleep.

On the video - more information about the allergic bronchitis in the child, and how to remove a cough:

Doctor Komarovsky on the nature of the disease

The doctor recalls that coughing is just a symptom. He claims that there is no cough medicine. We need to look for the cause of his appearance. The causative agent of cough receptors will be found - it will be possible to correctly assign treatment.

Komarovsky believes that the diagnosis should be handled by a doctor. Without his recommendations, you can not take drugs that depress cough, which include Liebesin and Glaucin. An uncontrolled intake of even the most innocuous drugs with an allergic cough can only do harm. This also applies to mucolytics (they are especially dangerous for children under two years old), and expectorants.

The video tells what to take when an allergic cough in a child:

Without risk to the health of the child, it is possible to take such measures as:

  • abundant drinking;
  • regular humidification of the air (especially before bedtime);
  • washing of the nose and throat.

To suppress an attack of cough, the doctor recommends the injection of Suprastin. Its action will begin in 10 minutes, while the pills will act only after 20 minutes. This drug is prolonged action, its effect lasts about 12 hours. And do not forget that all antihistamines do not treat, but relieve symptoms.

If there is no allergy to honey and bay leaves, you can prepare a collection from this type of cough. To do this, dry leaves of the laurel cook for 5 minutes in a glass of water, cool, add a teaspoon of honey and soda. Take inside during the attacks for ¼ cup decoction.

On video - a remedy for an allergic cough for children:

According to the doctor, the main method of controlling allergic cough is prevention. To do this, it is enough to monitor the cleanliness of the house, food and avoid contact with animals. It is equally important to maintain the immunity of the child. A strong healthy organism can cope with allergens much better than the most expensive drug.

But if you have an allergic cough, do not self-medicate. After all, the children's body is only being formed. Incorrect diagnosis and illiterate cough treatment can lead to asthma, bronchitis and other dangerous diseases.

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