Keratoconus refers to those diseases that are accompanied by deformations of the components of the eyeball. As a rule, such changes rarely yield to conservative treatment and require surgical intervention. Therefore, it is especially important at the first symptoms of the disease to register with the oculist and monitor the course and results of therapy.
1Definition of disease
5Possible complications
6.3People's means
Definition of disease
Keratoconus is a disease of the cornea of the eye, accompanied by its deformation.During the course and progression of the disease, it does not become inflamed, but it becomes thinner and takes the form of a cone. In severe forms, the cornea may become clouded and as a result the patient is able to lose the former quality of vision. This phenomenon is associated with an increased moisture pressure inside the eye, which affects all layers of the shell.
People at the age from twenty to forty are at risk.Complete loss of vision due to the progression of keratoconus, as a rule, does not occur. In addition, the disease is slow and often accompanied by remissions. Can be in acute and chronic form.
The disease can be transmitted by inheritance, therefore, if there is a predisposition, it is necessary to register with the ophthalmologist after reaching the age of twenty.
The development of keratoconus can go through the stages:
1-2 stages: visualization of nerve endings is possible, small deformations of the cornea are observed;
3 stage: there are small cracks in the tissue membrane, slight turbidity;
4th stage:deformation and thinning of the cornea, severe turbidity;
5 th stage: severe turbidity, severe deterioration in vision.
In order to prevent a transition to a new stage, keratoconus therapy should be started immediately when the first symptoms occur.
Types of pathology are also divided according to the form of deformation:
Ovarian keratoconus- displaced from the center to the bottom;
Globular- Strong (up to seventy five percent) defeat of the cornea;
Mastoid- the deformation is located in the center and has a small size.
At the moment, the exact causes of this pathology are not fully understood. However, the following premises are reliably known:
Genetic predispositions: amaurosis, Ehlers-Danlos disease, blue scleral syndrome, hypertelorism;
Long-term use of drugs such as corticosteroids;
Incorrect wearing and selection of contact lenses;
Defeats by ultraviolet and radiation radiation;
Injuries, mechanical damage to the tissues of the eyeball;
Violation of the adrenal glands;
Systematic stresses;
Wrong vision hygiene(often rubbing the eyes with your hands);
Bad ecology;
Autoimmune diseases.An example of the manifestation of orbital hypertelorism
Among the first signs of the disease, as a rule, pain and sharp deterioration of vision are noted.However, this current keratoconus is not limited. With it, there can be a rapid increase, swelling and, as a result, a rupture of tissues. These symptoms are inherent in the acute form of the disease. Chronic has the following symptoms:
In the presence of ruptures of membranes and tissues, when the edema is removed, scarring may remain. To avoid this, it is necessary to be ready for puffiness and not to allow serious complications.
Possible complications
Complications of the disease are possible in the last stages, which suggest a strong opacity and protrusion of the cornea.In this case, there is often a strong reduction in visual acuity, image blur, persistent damage and tissue rupture.Edema can also be persistent, it is often accompanied by painful sensations and profuse tearing.
The most severe complication is the appearance of dropsy, which can lead to loss of the eyeball.
To diagnose keratoconus in the early stages is quite difficult, but medical devices, examination and questioning of the patient can help in this.An ophthalmologist should check the visual acuity and the amount of deformity during the examination, as well as the possible presence of astigmatism. Based on the results of the examination, treatment is appointed depending on the stage and type of the disease.
Ophthalmological examination
Treatment with medications can be effective only in the early stages of the disease. In this case, appoint:
Antibacterial eye drops(e.g., Froccal);
Expanding pupils (Mesatone);
Anti-inflammatory(Diklo F);
Stimulants of immunity (sodium nucleate);
Hormonal preparations(MaxiDex);
Hypotensive (Arutimol).Floxal is used in the treatment of keratoconus
Apply eye ointments and various injections. In some cases it is possible to wear special glasses, contact or scleral lenses.
Correction of deformation is possible on the fourth and fifth stages of keratoconus progression.With the help of the procedure, the cornea is flattened due to the introduction of artificial corneal rings in the tissue. In this case, the possibility of ring rejection has very low probability (less than one percent), and after intervention the patient almost immediately feels an improvement and an increase in visual acuity. Currently, two types of operation are used: through and through.
Apply also epikeratofakyu. It involves removing the upper layer of the affected cornea and replacing it with donor tissue. With the help of radial keratomy, deformation is eliminated by small incisions of the membrane, thermokeratoplasty - by applying point applications.
Thermokeratoplasty with laser.
Completely restore the vision in the last stages of the pathology can only use surgical intervention.
People's means
For the treatment and relief of keratoconus, you can use traditional medicine recipes:
Gadgets.For them, you can use the broths of medicinal herbs: chamomile and sage. Such a remedy will help to remove irritation, redness and unpleasant sensations.
Tea from Echinacea(sold in pharmacies) and honey can increase the level of immunity.
Folk methods can not be used as an alternative method of treatment. They can only act as aids.
In order to prevent the possible occurrence of pathology, it is necessary:
Protect eyes from exposure to sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet radiation;
Do not touch your eyes with your hands;
Avoid traumatic situations;
Timely pass professional therapy of diseases of the visual apparatus;
Correctly choose contact lenses;
Observe the main rules of visual hygiene.
Useful in this situation will be a preventive visit to the ophthalmologist at least once every six months.
Keratoconus is an extremely unpleasant ailment, accompanied by external changes in the eye, impaired vision, swelling and pain.With progression, this anomaly can lead to even loss of the eye. However, with proper professional therapy, you can completely restore your eyesight and return the patient to a habitual way of life. The most important thing is to start treatment on time and choose its method correctly.