PHRD eyes: what is the danger, how to treat?

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Peripheral chorioretinal degeneration of the retina is a very common disease of the organs of vision. To diagnose this violation is very problematic, since the retina is located deep inside the eyeball. Identify PCRD at the initial stage is almost impossible, because the disease does not manifest itself in any way.How to deal with retinal dystrophy? What should you pay attention to the patient?


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Laser treatment
    • 5.3Surgical intervention
    • 5.4Physiotherapy
    • 5.5Vitaminotherapy
    • 5.6Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

PCRD of the eye is one of the types of dystrophic retinal disease. This is a rather dangerous pathology, because it causes a peripheral change in the fundus, leading to rupture and detachment of the retina.

There are 2 types of retinal dystrophy:

  • Chorioretinal;
  • Vitreochorietinal.

The first variant of dystrophy is associated with damage to the choroid and retina, and the second - with damage to the choroid, vitreous and retina.

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Types of retinal dystrophy:

  • Lattice;
  • "Slimy trace
  • "Bridge
  • Ineyed like;
  • Small-cystic;
  • Retinoschizis.


To date, the causes of dystrophic peripheral changes in the retina have not been fully elucidated. Dystrophy can begin at any age, both in women and in men.

It is assumed that changes in the retina are caused by such risk factors as:

  • Nearsightedness at any stage;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Trauma of the visual organs;
  • Craniocerebral injury;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the eyes;
  • Common diseases:
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Postponed infections;
  • Intoxication;
  • Diabetes.

Deterioration of blood circulation leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the retina of the eye and to the formation of altered local zones where the retina is weaned. Under the influence of significant loads, works that are associated with immersion under water or ascent to altitude, vibration, weight transfer, acceleration, in dystrophic altered places may appear breaks.

It is proved that in people with myopia degenerative peripheral pathologies occur much more often, since myopia increases the length of the eye, as a result of which the thinning of the reticular membrane begins and the expansion of the membranes on periphery.


At the initial stages of dystrophy, the patient has no complaints, which makes the disease especially dangerous. A person notices changes with eyesight only when complications arise-the rupture and detachment of the retina.Unexpected flashes, lightning, so-called "flies" (presumptive symptoms of retinal rupture) may appear before your eyes.The symptom of developing dystrophy also becomes a sharp decrease in visual acuity with the appearance of a bulk spot in front of the eyes.All these alarming signals require immediate treatment to the ophthalmologist, otherwise the patient is threatened with complete blindness.

Possible complications

PCRD of the eye is a very dangerous disease because it causes a peripheral change in the fundus, leading to rupture and detachment of the retina. Hence - one step to loss of vision.


To treat various dystrophies of the eye, laser, medical and surgical techniques are used.

With dystrophy, you should not expect a complete recovery of vision after treatment. The goal of therapy is to stabilize and compensate for the dystrophic process, as well as to take the necessary measures to prevent a complete rupture of the mesh shell.


Conservative therapy of retinal dystrophy consists in the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • Antiaggregants- drugs that reduce thrombosis in the vessels (Ticlopidine, Clopidogrel, Acetylsalicylic acid). Take them orally in the form of tablets or injected intravenously.
  • Vasodilators and angioprotectors- drugs that dilate and strengthen the blood vessels (No-shpa, Papaverin, Ascorutin, Complamine, etc.).
  • Lipid-lowering drugs- drugs that lower the level of cholesterol in the blood (Methionine, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, etc.). These medicines are only used in people who suffer from atherosclerosis.
  • Vitamin complexes (Okuvaite-lutein, Blueberry-forte, etc.)
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Drugs that improve microcirculation, for example, Pentoxifylline.Enter directly into the structure of the eye.
  • Polypeptides derived from the retina of cattle (eg, Retinolamine).
  • Drops for the eyes, containing vitamins and biological substances that contribute to the restoration and improvement of metabolism(Taufon, Emoksipin, Oftalm-Katakhrom and others).
  • Lutsentis - a drug that prevents the growth of pathological blood vessels.

Reception of the listed medicinal preparations is carried out by courses (2 times) during the year. In addition, with the development of hemorrhages in the eye is injected with Heparin, Etamsilate, Aminocaproic acid or Prourokinase.To remove the edema in any form of retinal dystrophy Triamcinolone is injected into the eye.

Laser treatment

Laser therapy is the most effective technique used in the treatment of various types of dystrophy. A directional laser beam, which has a high energy, acts directly on the affected areas, without affecting the normal parts of the retina.

Laser treatment of PCHD necessarily involves vascular coagulation.In this case, the laser beam is directed to the affected areas of the retina and, under the influence of the evolving thermal energy, glues together, seals the tissues, thereby delimiting the treated area.As a result, the degenerated area of ​​the retina is isolated from other parts, which allows to stop the progression of the disease.

Surgical intervention

Surgical operations are performed only in severe dystrophy, when laser therapy and drug treatment are ineffective.All operations performed with retinal dystrophy are divided into 2 categories:

  • Revascularizing;
  • Vasorrekonstruktivnye.

When performing revascularization surgery, the doctor destroys abnormal blood vessels and maximizes normal. Vasoreconstruction is an operation in which the doctor restores the normal activity of the microvascular bed of the eye with the help of transplants.

All operations are performed in a hospital with experienced oculists.


For the treatment of retinal dystrophies, the following methods of physiotherapy are used in courses:

  • Electrophoresis with Heparin, No-spike and Nicotinic acid;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Retinal photostimulation;
  • Stimulation of the retina by low-energy laser radiation;
  • Electrostimulation of the retina;
  • Intravenous laser irradiation of blood (VLOK).


In the case of PCRD and other retinal dystrophies, the intake of vitamins A, E and B is mandatory, since they ensure normal functioning of the organ of vision.These vitamins improve the nutrition of the eye tissues and, with prolonged use, help stop the progression of dystrophic changes in the retina.

Vitamins for retinal dystrophy should be taken in special tablets or multivitamin complexes, and also in the form of food products rich in them (fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, etc.).

Folk remedies

Folk recipes from retinal dystrophy can be used as additional methods along with traditional medicine methods, since this disease is very insidious.

To the folk methods of treatment of retinal dystrophy, the eyes include the use of various vitamin blends that provide the organ of vision with the vitamins and microelements it needs. Improving eye nutrition inhibits the progression of PCRD.

The most effective prescriptions for retinal dystrophy:

  • Rinse the wheat seeds and spread them in a thin layer on the bottom of the vessel, pouring a little water on top.Put the wheat in a warm and well-lit place for germination. When the seeds germinate, rinse them again and pass through the meat grinder. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and eat 14 tablespoons every morning.
  • Eat as much as possible parsley, dill, celery, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, nettle and blueberries.
  • Dissolve 50 g of mummy in 10 ml of aloe juice.The resulting solution should be stored in the refrigerator and buried in the eye 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Before instillation in the eye, the solution must be heated to room temperature. The course of treatment lasts 9 days. They can be repeated at intervals of 30 days.

Causes of puffiness of the upper eyelid

Barley on the eye: the causes of appearance and treatment are described here.

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Prevention of PCRD, as well as of other types of retinal dystrophy, is to observe a number of simple rules:

  • Do not overexert your eyes, let them rest.
  • Do not work without protecting the eyes from various harmful radiation.
  • Do special gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Eat well, including in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits: they contain a large number of vitamins and trace elements, necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of vision.
  • Take vitamins A, E and B group.
  • Take biologically active supplements with zinc.

The best prevention of retinal dystrophy is the complete vitaminized nutrition that provides the intake in the human body of the necessary vitamins and minerals, and hence - both normal functioning and health eye. Include in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits every day, and this will be a reliable prevention of retinal dystrophy.



PCRD is a pathology that can develop in both adults and children. If there is a hereditary factor, then you should regularly check your eyesight. Do not endanger your eyes: it is better to diagnose in a timely manner the occurrence of dangerous disorders and To address to the ophthalmologist who will appoint or nominate a course of treatment for the termination of destructive process and restoration view.

Success in the treatment of this PCHD is to prevent further progression of the dystrophy of the retina and its detachment. In the case of timely treatment of the ophthalmologist, these tasks are successfully solved in most cases.

Also read about such diseases as chorioretinitis of the eye and conjunctival chemosis.