Signs of the flu

First signs of flu?



High temperature.

Andrey Kurochkin

Arthritis - necessary, often - a sharp increase in temperature under 40


The flu is affected by people of all ages, the susceptibility to this disease is very high. From the moment of infection to the development of influenza passes from 6 -12 hours to 2 days. The disease begins acutely with a severe headache, aches in the whole body, chills, general weakness. During the day, the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. Illness notes the pain when moving eyes, dizziness, sometimes photophobia. After a few hours, dryness, swelling in the throat, drying up behind the sternum and dry cough, nasal congestion appear. The face and eyes of the sick person turn red. During the next 1-2 days the temperature of the body remains at a high level. On the lips and nose may appear herpetic eruptions. From the 2nd day there are moderate discharge from the nose, from 3-4 days the cough becomes moist. The sleep is broken, the appetite disappears. The duration of fever in uncomplicated influenza is 3 to 6 days. A longer febrile period indicates the development of complications.

instagram viewer

Nastenka Policinskaya

The first signs of the flu are an uninterrupted sneezing, sore throat, then the temperature is 37.5. ..


Influenza is an acute highly contagious disease caused by type A and B virus, differs by sharp toxicosis, development of circulatory disorders, mild catarrhal symptoms withthe most intense lesion of the trachea and large bronchi. The flu begins sharply. The incubation period is 1-2 days. On the first day, the temperature rises to 39 ° C or higher, quickly signs of toxicosis, chills, severe headache with localization in the forehead and temples, eyeballs, general weakness, weakness and aches in the body. Patients often sluggish, adynamic, drowsy. With more severe toxicosis, dizziness, often nausea, vomiting, short-term fainting, sometimes convulsions, hypertensive syndrome, impaired consciousness. On the strength of toxicosis and the rapid development of clinical symptoms, influenza is excreted from among other OCDs. The appearance of patients is characterized by hyperemia and puffiness of the face, pronounced injection of vessels of sclera and conjunctiva, increased sweating. The flu is characterized by the presence of vascular disorders, mainly at the level of peripheral circulation. The defeat of small vessels, manifested in a decrease in their tone, increased permeability and fragility, is one of the main links in the pathological process with the flu. Even with uncomplicated course of the disease, cyanosis of the lips and mucous membranes is noted, hemorrhagic manifestations - from mild nasal bleeding, spot hemorrhages in the soft palate, microhematuria, to extremely pronounced lightning forms, which also has diagnostic significance.


Eyes rusty

Tais Athenian

malaise, temp., Sneezing, sore throat, chills. ...


Severe sneezing.



Eugene Bobov

Ache in the joints! !! Pain in the chest and in the throat

Masha Petrova

Listen, the doctor explained very clearly to me that I would not ask such questions in the network, it's easiest to do preventive measures, then be afraidthe flu will not be necessary. The simplest thing is to use ointment. In the nose it needs to be smeared, and so you protect yourself from all sorts of infections and viruses. Complicated nothing, but in the period of flu and colds, you can without fear in public places is.

Manifestation of the first signs of influenza: how to resist the disease?

The first signs of influenza are a decrease in appetite, general weakness, malaise, fever and fatigue when doing ordinary things. Colds, including flu, can easily be caught in the cold season.

Many people try not to pay attention to the symptoms of influenza and ARVI, believing that the ailments will pass by themselves, that is, the body can cope with them. This approach to diseases is unacceptable: do not think that the disease can not be treated. Ignoring the first signs of the flu can lead to complications, which will not be easy to get rid of.

To avoid serious consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time.

How to detect the flu: the first symptoms of the disease

If a person is infected with this disease, he has a temperature of 38 ° C, as a rule, it lasts for 4-5 days, together with it the patient may have chills and fever. When there is a fever, a person throws something in the heat, then in the cold. With the flu, there is a severe headache, which makes itself felt during sudden movements, there is a fear of light, but this symptom does not appear in every case. A patient with flu can increase blood pressure, which makes it painful for a person to look at too bright objects, including lamps. One of the first manifestations of influenza is shortness of breath: it happens even when a person continues to work in the usual rhythm. With the flu, there is an ache in the joints and muscles, the patient feels weak.

Often, when this disease occurs, appetite disappears, there is a scratching pain in the throat in the mornings, gradually it passes into a dry cough. With the flu as a result of hemorrhage, reddening of the eye proteins may appear, there may be nosebleeds, redness of the face, blushing of the skin of the body. It is worth knowing that not all of the symptoms listed above appear simultaneously. Some patients do not have shortness of breath and fear of light, but there is still weakness and excessive fatigue.

The occurrence of influenza often depends on the severity of the disease. If a person has a mild form of flu, the body temperature will not be more than 39 ° C: in this case, the patient experiences a slight weakness and a minor headache. If a person has a heavier form of influenza, the body temperature will be higher - about 40 ° C.In such a situation, the patient will experience nausea, possibly vomiting, hallucinations, loss of consciousness.

Influenza is a disease that has a short incubation period. After getting into the body, a person can feel weakness after a few hours;more often - in 24 hours. The first signs of the flu are quite distinct and acute - they simply can not be overlooked. Symptoms of the common cold are less pronounced and cause less discomfort. If a person has caught a flu, during a week he is a source of infection for others. Especially dangerous is the infection in the first 3 days. The patient should be treated, and in order not to infect other people, he needs to wear a face shield and, if possible, limit contacts.

Preventive measures against influenza

To prevent infection with influenza, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures. For today it is accepted to distinguish 3 types of prophylaxis. Secure yourself from the disease can be through vaccination, taking antiviral drugs and observing simple rules of hygiene. Vaccination prophylaxis is a reliable means of fighting against influenza. The vaccine is able to strengthen the protective properties of immunity. Vaccination is carried out to protect not only against influenza, but also from infection with measles, diphtheria and other dangerous diseases. Annual vaccination against influenza helps to reduce mortality.

The purpose of this procedure is not complete elimination of the influenza virus, but only a reduction in morbidity and mortality from this serious illness. Vaccination is a measure of protection against influenza, which can not be applied in all cases. There are a number of exceptions, on the basis of which vaccination can not be carried out. If the patient is allergic to the components of the vaccine, the procedure will be contraindicated. If a person has an acute chronic illness, it can not be carried out, in particular, if there is a fever. When allergies to chicken protein - one of the components of the vaccine - also can not be vaccinated.

To protect yourself from the flu virus, you must comply with nonspecific prevention, which implies strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to remember that when a patient coughs and sneezes, a large number of microbes are released into the air, these microbes can enter the upper respiratory tract of people who are nearby. Infected small children, unlike adults, are more dangerous.

As mentioned above, an infected adult presents a danger in the first 3-4 days, the child is the source of infection for up to 10 days. The influenza virus can live in the environment up to 8 hours, and under the influence of temperature 100 ° C it perishes. These viruses also die under the influence of soap, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptic drugs based on iodine are effective in combating the disease. To reduce the risk of infection with the flu, you must follow simple rules of hygiene, which will help prevent the spread of infection.

Healthy lifestyle and use of medicines

In order not to get infected with a virus, try to avoid contact with infected ones, and if you still contact them, put on a protective mask. After contact with a sick person, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or using an antibacterial solution that will prevent the spread of the infection. If you sneeze or cough, it is recommended to cover your mouth and nose, for this you can use a simple disposable wipes. To avoid infection, you should avoid places with a lot of people, and if your hands are not washed, then try not to touch your nose, mouth and eyes. An important role in prevention is played by a mobile way of life, rational nutrition.

Flu can be prevented by taking special medications, the most common are Arbidol, interferons( Alfaron), drops Grippferon, ointment with interferon. The benefits of herbal medicines are obvious, they have been used for the prevention of influenza for many years. The most common and popular are garlic and onions, which contain a large number of phytoncides and other antimicrobial components. Mint and pine can be used for inhalation. Infusions with lemon, dog rose, cranberry, cowberry, sea-buckthorn will saturate the body with vitamins and help to resist infection.

The first signs of influenza in children

It is difficult for inexperienced parents to distinguish by the first symptoms, whether the child has a flu or usual ARVI.These two diseases have much in common, but also differences that the attentive Mom should learn to notice herself in order to help the baby in time and call the doctor.

When are the first signs of flu in children?

Depending on the aggressiveness of the virus, as well as on the ability of the child's immune system to resist infections, the disease manifests itself. It can begin even a few hours after contact with a sick person( this happens with swine flu), but more often signs show themselves in 2-3 days.

What are the first symptoms of flu in children?

As a rule, the first of the complex of signs of influenza first temperature rises, and it arises unexpectedly and immediately alarms, as the thermometer shows 39.0-39.6 ° C, and sometimes even higher. These are very large numbers that do not correspond to the common cold. In this condition, the child complains of a headache, and sometimes intolerance of bright light.

Having noticed these first symptoms of the flu in a child, the mother should know what to do before the doctor comes. The temperature must necessarily be knocked down, otherwise the intoxication of the body will intensively increase. Paracetamol for children, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Analdim suppositories and other children's preparations with a similar composition are suitable for this purpose.

In addition to fever, there is an ache in the body - painful sensations in the calf muscles, hands, back, neck. But to say about it can only the child after 3-4 years, and before this age the kids do not quite understand what is happening to them.

Very little babies from the first hours of the disease suddenly become capricious, they can cry without a break. Babies often experience intense regurgitation.

On the second-third day, the nasal congestion is first attached to the high temperature, followed by the abundant release of mucus from it. Normally, it is fluid and transparent, but if there are purulent discharge - this is not a good sign and the doctor in charge should know about it without fail.

Along with a runny nose, there is a cough and pain in the chest. Older children can tell the doctor about it, but the kids, alas, still do not understand their condition. Cough with the flu is dry, irritating, sometimes so severe that it gives away pain in the muscles of the abdomen.

If the cough has become wet, as with bronchitis, and with the coughing mucus yellow or green, it is possible that the course of influenza infection has caused a complication in the form of pneumonia. It happens rarely with adequate treatment, but without it can be even with the usual flu virus.

How to treat the first signs of flu in children?

Attentive Mom, having noticed any first signs of the flu, wants to know what it is possible to give the child in order to alleviate his condition. First of all, it is important to lower the temperature to normal, or at least to low-grade, which will not lead to intensive dehydration. This is done with antipyretics.

In parallel with taking medications, you should systematically give your baby plenty of fluids. It can be curries of currant and viburnum, chamomile tea, low-fat broths or just pure water.

The main thing that a child would drink, because if he refuses fluid, then the infection spreads faster and the defenses can not cope on their own and hospitalization for intravenous injections will be required.

Doctor for the treatment of influenza appoints various antiviral drugs, the choice of which depends on the age of the child. So, for babies it is possible to use suppositories Viferon, drops Interferon or Laferobion, and children after the age of seven can give tablets Remantadin, Amizon and the like. It is important to begin treatment with these funds from the first day of the disease.

Flu symptoms and treatment |How to treat flu at home

Influenza is an acute viral disease that is accompanied by toxicosis and a global respiratory tract disorder. Symptoms of the disease can be different. The disease is dangerous due to its consequences and complications - up to a lethal outcome.

How the flu is manifested in adults - the symptoms of

The microorganisms that cause the flu are called orthomixoviruses. They enter the body through the respiratory tract by airborne droplets. The incubation period takes one to two days.

Common symptoms of flu are heat, chills, muscle aches, a feeling of general malaise. The raised temperature, as a rule, is kept till three days.

Symptoms of influenza in adults:

The raw cold weather of the first spring months, sharp fluctuations in air temperature - all this creates favorable conditions for the activation of viruses and microbes that cause colds and infectious diseases. The first symptoms of influenza are weakness, malaise, chills, a sudden rise in body temperature to 38-39 ° C.

Soon the primary symptoms of influenza are catarrhal phenomena - a runny nose, a sore throat, a cough. With proper treatment and following all the recommendations of the doctor, the temperature usually decreases after 2-3 days. If this does not happen, there is every reason to suspect the development of a secondary bacterial infection - sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc. That is why it is important to call a doctor and bed rest in the early days of the disease.

1. Fever. It is the most vivid symptom of the flu due to intoxication of the body;

2. High temperature - rises very sharply and lasts long enough, around 38-39 С. This is a signal that the disease needs to be urgently started to be treated.

3. The fever lasts about 3-5 days;4. Strong pulsating headache. This is another symptom of an organism's intoxication. Localization approximately - the frontal part of the head, gives into the temporal lobes;

5. Insomnia, as a symptom of the flu, which is accompanied by a feeling of irritation;

6. Sometimes there are hallucinations - a sign of intoxication of the body.

7. Aching or sore muscles;

8. Feeling of dissatisfaction, apathy, it also indicates body toxicity;

9. Weakness, which can reach a sense of prostration, a sense of weakness;

10. Catarrhal syndrome.

For adults, tracheitis and laryngotracheitis are also typical for influenza, which is clinically manifested by sadness or pain behind the sternum, as well as a painful dry cough. The inflammatory process sometimes descends lower and along with tracheitis, bronchitis develops and, more rarely, bronchiolitis. Catarrhal syndrome lasts longer than symptoms of intoxication, especially cough.

Symptoms of complications of the flu

Complications are rare, however, pneumonia can develop and then the symptoms of influenza viruses can go into the symptoms of this more complicated disease. The most common complications appear in pregnant women and elderly people suffering from any chronic diseases. Children may experience Reye syndrome( hepatocerebral syndrome), which affects the central nervous system and causes a painful liver degeneration.

Features of treatment for the flu

1. When hospitalization is desired, hospitalization is desirable.

2. Bed rest is required.

3. Daily ventilation of the premises, wet cleaning of the room is desirable as far as possible. The patient with the symptoms of the flu is wrapped and creates a warmer environment. Freezing room is not necessary, but regular airing should be done.

4. Drink plenty of fluids. About 2-3 liters a day. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea with lemon, fruit will be the best assistant.

5. Lower the temperature. Temperatures above 38.5 ° C are mandatory, because these are not useful, but harmful for the body figures. We reduce Paracetamol or Ibuprofen( ibufen).Influenza in adults can not be treated with aspirin. It has a negative effect during the flu. The temperature should decrease within 30 minutes. Otherwise, you need to seek medical help.

6. If the patient suffers from a lack of appetite - it is not advisable to feed while treating the flu.

7. Also prescribe for the treatment of influenza are prescribed expectorant drugs.

So, there is no special method for treating influenza with traditional methods. The patient simply should stay in bed, warm and drink plenty of fluids.and Only to alleviate the symptoms of influenza there are a number of the above mentioned drugs.

How to treat flu at home with folk remedies?

Lemon and honey from the flu

For the treatment of influenza this recipe requires: 100 g of bee honey, juice of 1 lemon, 4 glasses of water.

Method of preparation. Press the juice of one lemon, add water and honey.

How to use. Drink the mixture during the day for a cold or flu.

How to cure flu at home with needles?

Decoction of needles and medicinal plants is used for colds and flu in the home. Required: 50 g pine needles, spruce, cedar, small-leaved linden flowers, clover of birch leaves, lingonberries, black currant, alfalfa grass, 3 liters of boiling water.

Method of preparation. Shredded collection pour boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain.

How to use at home. Drink 1 glass a day before meals, preferably in the morning.

Raspberries in the treatment of influenza

Requires: 40 g of raspberry fruit, 40 g of leaves of coltsfoot, 20 g of herb oregano, 2 cups of boiling water.

Method of preparation. Collect the grind and mix. Take 2 tbsp.l.of the mixture, pour boiling water in the thermos, insist 1 hour, strain.

How to use. For acute respiratory infections and flu, drink infusion of warm 100 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

Echinacea in the treatment of influenza in the home

Echinacea preparations are recommended for the first symptoms of influenza to stop the development of the disease or avoid complications. At home, you can prepare a tincture of echinacea.

Requires: 100 g of chopped herb Echinacea purpurea, 1 liter of vodka.

How to prepare at home. Grass pour vodka and insist in a dark cool place for 2 weeks, periodically shaking. Then strain and filter.

How to use. Take 20-30 drops, diluted in 1/3 cup water, 3 times a day.

Echinacea and preparations prepared on its basis are contraindicated for people suffering from atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, leukemia, psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as pregnant and lactating women .

Treatment of ginseng disease

1. Ginseng tincture

  • Required: 1 tbsp.l.powdered ginseng root, 250 ml of medical alcohol with a strength of 60%.
  • Method of preparation. Powder pour alcohol and persist for 2 weeks. Then strain and filter.
  • How to use. Take 15-20 drops, diluted in 1/2 cup of water, 3 times daily before meals.

Decoction of ginseng root in the treatment of influenza

  • Required: 1 tbsp.l.crushed ginseng root, 2 glasses of water.
  • Method of preparation. Root the ginseng with water and boil for 20-30 minutes. After that, cool and strain.
  • How to use. Take 1 tsp.3 times a day before meals.

Treatment with herbal packs and herbs for influenza in adults

1. Infusion of mint leaves and yarrow grass

Requires: 1 part of peppermint leaves, 1 part of yarrow herb, 3 tbsp.spoons of tincture of birch buds, 500 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation.1 tbsp. Spoon the collection with boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain, add tincture of birch buds.

How to use at home. Drink 100 - 200 ml 2 times a day.

2. Inhalation with flowers of marigold and mint grass

Requires: 20 g of calendula flowers, 10 g of mint grass, 3 tbsp.a spoonful of primary medicine juice, 200 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation.15 g of collection pour boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and strain. Add the medicine primrose juice.

Method of use for treatment of influenza in the home. Use for inhalation. The duration of one inhalation is 5 minutes. Apply until recovery.

3. Decoction antipyretic

Required: 20 grams of medicinal herbs, 20 grams of coltsfoot, 20 g of herb wormwood, 30 grams of althaea medicinal leaves, 30 g of mint, 30 g of small-leaved linden flowers, 200 ml of boiled water.

Method of preparation.1 tbsp. Spoon the collection of pour boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain.

How to use. Drink 200-400 ml of hot broth 2 times a day.

4. Infusion antiviral

It is required: 1 part of pine buds, 1 part of yarrow leaf, 1 part of leaves of coltsfoot, 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation.2 parts of a spoonful of salt pour in cold water. Insist 2 hours. Then boil 5 minutes, insist 15 minutes, strain.

How to use. Drink the infusion during the day in 3 divided doses for the treatment of influenza.

5. Infusion of the herb root grass, grass of the violet field, large plantain leaves, leaves of the mother-and-stepmother

Required: 1 part of the herb root grass, 1 part of the violet grass field( ivan-da-maria), 1 part of the plantain leaves of the large,1 part of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, 400 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation.3 ch. Spoonfuls of collection pour boiling water and insist 3-4 hours, strain.

Method of use for treatment of influenza in the home. Drink 1 tbsp.spoon 4-5 times a day.

6. Infusion of flowers of marshmallow medicinal, mother-and-stepmother leaves, bearberry leaves

It is required: 15 g of althea medicinal flowers, 15 g of coltsfoot, 15 g of bearberry leaves, 200 ml of boiled water.

Method of preparation.2 ch. Spoonfuls of collection pour boiling water, insist 30 minutes and strain.

How to use at home. Take this dose 3-5 times a day.

7. Infusion of herb root grass, grass motherwort, yarrow grass

Required: 20 g grass roots aira, 20 g grass motherwort, 20 g herb yarrow, 200 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation.1 tbsp. Spoon the collection with boiling water, insist 30 minutes and strain.

Method of use. Take this dose 3-5 times a day to treat the flu.

8. Infusion of Adonis grass of spring, the roots of the althaea medicinal, the leaves of the birch, the roots of the aura will help treat the flu at home.

. Requires: 1 part of Adonis spring herb, 2 parts of althea roots, 2 parts of birch leaves, 1 part of roots of calamus, 2 partsherb grass, 1 part grass horsetail field, 500 ml boiling water.

Method of preparation.2 tbsp. Spoon the ground mixture with boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 5-6 hours, strain.

Method of use for the treatment of influenza. Take 100 ml 3 times daily before meals in a warm form.

9. Decoction antipyretic will help treat the flu at home

Requires: 1 part of Adonis herb, 1 part of mint, 2 parts of herb althaea medicinal, 3 parts of St. John's wort, 2 parts of herb, 1 part of coltsfoot, 500 mlboiling water.

Method of preparation.2 tbsp. Spoon the ground mixture with a steep boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain.

Method of use for home treatment. Take 60 ml 3 times a day after meals to treat the flu.

10. Herb infusion of St. John's wort, herbs of medicinal marshmallow, leaves of rosemary officinalis, lavender flowers, mint leaves

Required: 20 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of herb althaea medicinal, 20 g of leaves of rosemary officinalis, 20 g of lavender flowers, 20 mint leaves, 200ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with boiling water. Insist and strain.

How to use. In the morning and in the evening, drink 200 ml of infusion.

11. Infusion of the herb of St. John's wort, yarrow, leaves of wild strawberry, grass of sweet potato

. Required: 10 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of yarrow herb, 10 g of wild strawberry leaves, 10 g of sweet potato grass, 200 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation.1 tbsp. Spoon the collection with boiling water, persist for 1 hour and strain.

Method of use for treatment of influenza in the home. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

12. Infusion of dandelion root medicinal, herb pepper herb, grass shepherd's bag ordinary, herb horsetail

Required: 20 g of dandelion roots medicinal, 30 g herb peppermint, 20 g herb herder sheepskin grass, 20 g grass horsetail field, 20 gramsherb yarrow, 10 g rhizome of valerian officinalis, 10 g of mistletoe grass, 10 g of buckthorn bark fragile, 200 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation.1 tbsp. Spoon the collection with boiling water, persist for 2 hours and strain.

How to use. Take 60 ml 3-4 times a day to treat the flu.

Causes of influenza virus in adults and prevention of

The causes of infection can be different. For example:

1. contact with a patient or a carrier of the virus;

2. decreased immunity due to chronic diseases or stress;

3. stress,

4. overstrain,

5. chronic fatigue syndrome.

Prevention of influenza

It was previously thought that a special vaccine that kills a virus can serve as an antidote to this disease. However, it subsequently became apparent that the virus did not die, but a period of so-called antigenic variability, a kind of mutation that makes the use of influenza vaccines known to date useless.

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