Chest Cough

Breast gathering

Mommies are always meticulous about the components of all medicines in general. And quite often you can meet moms who crave to apply folk methods of treatment of various diseases. Bronchitis and various forms of coughing are no exception.

Breast gathering is a ready-made drug product combining certain medicinal plants. Promotes the purification of the respiratory system from mucus, suppresses the reproduction of harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation in the bronchi and lungs. The herbs that are included in the collection are collected manually and dried according to the technology.

Breast Gathering Instruction

Breast collection is prescribed as an expectorant for the treatment of angina, in cases of cough, bronchitis, development of pneumonia, pharyngitis, growth diseases, rhinitis, pleurisy and other diseases associated with upper respiratory ways.

To prepare a medicinal broth you need to take two tablespoons of a well-mixed collection, soak in 500 ml of boiling water. After that, the broth is insisted for 90 minutes, then you need to strain and take 150 ml for three to four times a day and half an hour before meals.

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The drug acts more slowly than pharmaceuticals. Apply infusion necessary until complete recovery. In addition, the drug does not adversely affect the health of patients, regardless of their age.

Let's look at some of the chest charges in more detail.

Chest fee 1

The main property of this collection is antiseptic. The collection includes: plantain, licorice root, sage, pine buds, black elder flowers. Intended collection for the preparation of infusion or broth. It is shown in infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, with concomitant cough.

Breast gathering 2

This combination of herbs helps to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduces the swelling of the mucous membranes. That is, it has bronchodilator effect. In the composition: mother and stepmother, and also contains herb oregano, licorice root, ledum. Applies to:

  • acute respiratory infections in the upper respiratory tract;
  • acute laryngitis and tracheitis;
  • with bronchitis (both acute and chronic);
  • as an expectorant for wet or dry cough.

Breast gathering 3

Collection number 3 has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. In the collection: the root of elecampane, the root of the althaea, oregano, kidneys of the birch. Apply these herbs with a pronounced exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, as an expectorant; when inflammation occurs in the lungs, bronchi and trachea; SARS, etc.

Chest Fever 4

The following medicinal plants are present in the collection: the root of the althea grass, mother and stepmother, plantain, chamomile pharmacy, licorice root, cassava grass, spring spring primrose, pine buds, fruits and leaves of black currant, seeds of oats. Indications for use - see "Breast Collection 2".

It must be taken into account that for each patient the effect of some components of the collection is individual. And therefore, and herbs for proper and effective treatment - are selected individually. And before you start treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

You can cook your own breasts yourself. However, before you need to get acquainted with the technology of collecting and processing raw materials in order to preserve the medicinal properties of plants.

Chest Cough

Despite the slower effect, the cough collection has a huge advantage over the medicines. Natural herbs, unlike pharmaceutical chemistry, do not harm the weakened body of the patient. Herbs that are included in the composition can be divided into several categories according to their effects:

  • antitussives (such as plantain, calendula, marshmallow, licorice root, mother-and-stepmother);
  • disinfectant (for example, sage, eucalyptus, yarrow, mint);
  • saturating the body with vitamins (dog rose, hawthorn, black currant, raspberries, blueberries, etc.)

Method of preparation see above. In a warm infusion or decoction of breastfeeding from a cough, you can add honey, lemon juice or jam. The chest cough collection has the following properties:

  • sputum and removes sputum from bronchi;
  • kills germs;
  • removes inflammatory processes.

Despite the fact that breastfeeding does not have contraindications and side effects, in addition to personal hypersensitivity to certain components, always consult a doctor before use.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

And until now, experts are arguing about medicines of plant origin. Mainly because of the tendency of pregnant women to allergic reactions. However, choosing between medicinal treatment and natural plants, the advantage is almost always given second! Nevertheless, during pregnancy, you need to be careful and if you are prescribed phytopreparation, take it cautiously, and with the first symptoms of allergies, stop taking the medication immediately and contact the doctor.

It should also be remembered that some herbs can harm the health of moms, if used incorrectly. So, for example, breast collection number 1 has some herbs in its composition, which are forbidden for pregnant women. Therefore, it can not be applied during pregnancy. Regarding other fees, they are quite safe for expectant mothers. Nevertheless, once again it is worth paying attention to the fact that during pregnancy, any medications should be taken with extreme caution and only after consulting with a doctor!

Breastfeeding price

Prices for breastfeeding are available to everyone (within 180 rubles). In combination with the absence of a negative effect on the body and, even more slowly, but still highly effective, make the drug very popular and in demand.

Thoracic collection reviews

Reviews for this drug are mostly positive or indicate no result. About the negative impact is not mentioned at all! Among the merits note that it can be given to children, ease of use, full naturalness of ingredients and high efficiency for various types of cough. For example:

«Lina3583: We have a very big problem. My daughter suffers from cough a long time and very often. I'm not saying that breast-feeding is the number four panacea, but you know, he often saves us. I steal two packets at once into a glass.

Sugar is not added, the infusion is obtained sweet because of licorice root. I give the child a third of a glass three times a day.

At least, it is a worthy alternative to any syrups.

The daughter quickly got used to a slightly unusual taste and now asks herself to do her "medicinal tea as soon as she starts coughing. I believe that this tea is very good at the initial stage, with the first signs of illness. "

«Helena. U.: Breastfeeding number 4 is constantly in my medicine cabinet, as the children appeared and went to the kindergarten. My elder often brings home any infection, and I do not know why, it almost always ends with a strong cough. In such cases, breastfeeding number 4 always helps me! At first, before I bought the inhaler, I just made this pot in a thermos, then I mixed the honey and the baby was happy to drink this drink. With all this, a rather pleasant, herbal drink, similar to tea, comes out. And most importantly - it helps very well! The cough is very fast. Then we bought an ultrasonic inhaler, and I pour this grass there, and the baby breathes about 7-8 minutes. The effect is wonderful! "

All chest coughs

In diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, most people use only medicinal plants for treatment. For convenience, pharmaceutical companies began to produce a ready-made breastfeeding cough. He is able as soon as possible to help children and adults get rid of lung and bronchial diseases. Currently, there are 4 types of medicines based on herbs.

General indications

Each type of collection has its own specific composition of medicinal plants. But they all cope equally well with the following diseases:

  • chronic or acute bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.

Also the medicinal fee for dry cough is recommended for flu, ARVI and other colds. The timely use of such a drug significantly reduces the inflammatory process in the upper and lower respiratory pathways, and also has a good expectorant effect, as a result of which the sputum is diluted and removed from the organism. Herbal cough collection also has a bronchodilator effect, which contributes to the expansion of the bronchi and relaxation of the musculature.


According to the instructions, breast collection is contraindicated for use by those with allergic reactions to medicinal plants, and also on their combinations with antitussive agents (for example, on "Libexin "Stoptusin "Sinekod "Kodelak" and pr). At such complex reception at the patient sputum stagnation can be formed.

In this regard, combined treatment should appoint only an experienced doctor. As a rule, doctors very often recommend taking herbal remedies during the day, and if a person is very worried about coughing, then an antitussive remedy is allowed for the night.

Plant collection instruction No. 1

Ingredients: oregano, althea root, leaves of mother-and-stepmother

Form of issue: cardboard packaging with collection or filter-packages

Pharmacological action: breast collection number 1 is a herbal combination that has pronounced expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Contraindications: during pregnancy, the herb collection number 1 is prohibited for use, as the oregano can cause uterine bleeding. Also, contraindications include hypersensitivity, pollinosis and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Side effects: can cause swelling, rash, hives, itching, allergic rhinitis, etc.

How to use: 1 large spoonful of herbs should be filled with a glass of cold water, boil for 16 minutes water bath, insist 45 minutes, strain, bring to a volume of 220 ml and take 110 ml 2-3 times in day. For the treatment of children such a preparation is prepared from ½ large spoon of a medicinal plant. The course is 2-3 weeks.

Instruction of the nursing aid № 2

Ingredients: plantain, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, licorice root

Form of issue: cardboard packaging with collection or filter-packages

Pharmacological action: the herbal preparation has anti-inflammatory and expectorant action.

Contraindications: during pregnancy, such a drug can not be used, since it contains the root of licorice.

Ways to use: take the ready-made broth in a warm form, 110 ml 3-4 times a day, with a course of 2-3 weeks.

Side effects: similar to the collection number 1

The instruction of herbal preparation № 3

Ingredients: fruits of anise, sage, althea root, pine buds

Form of issue: cardboard packaging with collection or filter-packages

Pharmacological action: the herbal preparation has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

Contraindications: sensitivity to grasses, pregnancy

Ways to use: take a ready-made broth should be in hot form for 110 ml 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Side effects: similar to collection No. 1 and 2

Instruction of breast collection № 4

Composition: violets grass, Ledum, mint, chamomile, licorice root, calendula

Form of issue: cardboard packaging with collection or filter-packages

Pharmacological action: the herbal preparation has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant properties.

  • Ledum - contains tannins, glycoside (arbutin), palustrol in essential oil (has an expectorant effect).
  • Chamomile - contains essential oil, antimisic acid, glycosides, azulene (has anti-inflammatory effect).
  • Calendula - contain flavonoids, acids, tannins, saponins, carotenoids.
  • Violets herb - contains glycosides, vitamin C, flavonoids, saponins (has anti-inflammatory and sedative effect)
  • Licorice root - contains licourazide, flavonoids, glycyrrhizic acid.
  • Mint - contain menthol, essential oils (has a sedative effect).

Contraindications: sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy

Ways to use: take a ready-made broth should be in hot form for 110 ml 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

By-products: in case of an overdose, a particular danger is represented by the Ledum. It can cause symptoms of poisoning.

Special instructions: ready herbal remedy for dry cough is recommended to store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Chest Cough

Medicinal plants are able to enhance the effect of each other, if properly combined. Therefore, a high popularity is enjoyed by chest cough from various types. It is a natural pharmaceutical drug that helps purify lungs and bronchi from mucus, suppress bacterial infections, eliminate inflammation.

Breastfeed from dry cough # 1

The components of the phytomixel:

  • herb of oregano;
  • dry leaves of mother-and-stepmother;
  • althea root.

The collection has excellent expectorant properties and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, sedative effect.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, infectious and viral respiratory diseases (tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis), influenza.

To eliminate dry cough, this breastfeed is applied as follows:

  1. One tablespoon of dry mixture of herbs poured into enamel or glass dishes, pour 200 ml of cold water.
  2. Boil a phytopreparation for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Insist about 45-50 minutes, drain.
  4. If the water is partially evaporated, supplement the volume of the solution to 200 ml.
  5. Drink 100 ml after eating (2 times a day).
  6. The course of treatment does not exceed 3 weeks.

Breastfeeding №2 from cough - composition and application

The described agent is intended for excretion of poorly separated sputum during tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza.

In structure:

  • leaves of plantain;
  • crushed licorice root;
  • mother and stepmother.

These components have an intense anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

Prepare the decoction from the presented collection should be similar to the previous mixture, but take more often - 3 or 4 times a day.

Chest fee 3 for coughing

This medicine consists of:

  • herbs of sage;
  • kidney pine;
  • anise fruits;
  • the root of the marshmallow.

Ingredients have a pronounced disinfectant effect in combination with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

The third collection is recommended for the therapy of tracheobronchitis, acute pneumonia.

Cooking method:

  1. Two tablespoons (10 grams of dry mixture) boil in 150 ml of water for 15 minutes.
  2. Insist 45 minutes, strain and add warm water to the solution so that the volume of the liquid is 200 ml.
  3. Drink 1/3 cup twice a day, pre-shake.

Chest Fever No. 4 from Cough

Very potent phytomix, produces antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, facilitates the rapid removal of thick mucus from the lungs and bronchi. Therefore, this collection is used in the treatment of asthma, chronic bronchitis in the acute stage, severe pneumonia, tracheitis.

Composition includes:

  • flowers of violets;
  • flowers of calendula;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • Labrador tea;
  • mint leaves;
  • liquorice root.

The broth is prepared according to the example of breast collection №3, only to drink it should be 75 ml not more often 4 times a day.

Breastfeeding №5 from a cough

The described preparation consists of:

  • yarrow;
  • Icelandic cetrarium;
  • flower elderberry;
  • fennel;
  • thyme;
  • succession.

The mixture has antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action, it helps to eliminate symptoms in emphysema, obstructive bronchitis and asthma.

Preparation of a medicinal solution is similar to infusions 3 and 4. Take the broth should be 50-60 ml 2-3 times a day, preferably after a meal.

It should be noted that none of these charges can not be used in the treatment of pregnant women. Included in the mixture of herbs enhance the tone of the muscles of the uterus, which can provoke miscarriage. In addition, some ingredients significantly affect the hormonal balance.

Breastfeeding for children

Many parents prefer to treat a child with traditional medicine and for colds and bronchitis use a breastfeed for children. Can it be used in pediatric practice, at what age can babies be allowed to give their meals? These issues require coverage.

Cough appears in many diseases as a protective reaction, necessary for cleaning the respiratory tract from accumulated mucus. The problem is that in bronchi sometimes very thick and viscous sputum is formed, which is difficult to separate. Therefore, doctors prescribe expectorant and mucolytic drugs for the purpose of dilution and removal.

To remove mucus and the dead epithelium from the respiratory system, breast-feeding is used. Herbs included in it have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and bronchodilating action.Due to its components, breastfeeding is used for coughing in children. Currently, there are 4 types of nursing fees, differing in composition. The higher the number, the more it contains various medicinal herbs.

Collection number 1

It consists of marshmallows, mother-and-stepmother in equal parts and oregano in half. These plants relieve inflammation, have mucolytic and restorative effect. Apply it for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system in children.

Collection number 2

It contains plantain (3 parts), licorice (3 parts) and mother-and-stepmother (4 parts), has an anti-inflammatory effect and displays phlegm. Used for bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis for colds and inflammatory diseases in children.

Collection number 3

Ingredients: licorice, althae, pine buds, sage leaf, anise seeds. This composition also helps to withdraw phlegm and relieve inflammation in ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis.

Collection number 4

The composition of filter packs include Ledum, Violet, Calendula, Chamomile, Licorice root and mint. In addition to anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, this composition also has a secretolitic effect, that is, it helps to thin the sputum.

What is the best breastfeeding?

It depends on the age and accompanying diseases in the child. Babies older than 1 year are encouraged to give fees containing a minimum number of components. Older children are allowed to apply nursing fees under the number 3 and 4, provided they do not have any allergies.

It is necessary to warn parents: the packet of tea bags number 4 includes a rosemary-grass, which belongs to poisonous plants. After receiving it, dizziness, headache and irritability may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to use Lederel from a cough, neatly, not exceeding the recommended dose.

Children under 12 months are advised not to give medicinal herbs, but to brew any one of these plants. For example, a baby will approach the herb of thyme, willow-tea, chamomile, licorice broth.

How to brew fees?

They should not be poured boiling water, but necessarily brew. So the herbs and roots best open their healing properties. Usually a tablespoon of medicinal raw material is poured with 2 glasses of water from a kettle and kept on the fire for several minutes. The herbal remedy must be insisted for 20 minutes and strain through gauze.

How to apply?

  • Children under 3 years of age are given a tablespoon of medicinal broth 4 times a day.
  • Babies from 3 to 10 years are already prescribed 2 tablespoons of medication the same number of times.
  • Children over the age of 10 can be given cough infusion for one third of the glass for taking 3 times a day.


Charges are not recommended for children with an allergic predisposition. After using the plants, a skin rash, hives, itching may appear. Therefore, carefully observe the reaction of your baby. If there are no side effects, cough medicinal herbs can be treated.

Medicines and herbs, of course, are good for coughing, but see also the video about how to make a massage when coughing a child.

Breast gathering 2

Nursing fees- are excellent drugs, which become additional means in the treatment of long and heavy diseases accompanied by cough, as well as preventive when treatment of residual phenomena.

In the breast collection you can find only natural ingredients - raw materials from dried shredded herbs. Depending on the collection number, the composition includes a different set of herbs, with a pronounced effect. For example, breastfeeding 1 is known for its antiseptic properties, and is therefore useful in bacterial infections, and breastfeeding 2 is designed to facilitate coughing. It is used when the cough is wet, and it helps the bronchi to get rid of mucus. But coughing is not the only symptom that can cure breastfeeding 2 - what additional properties does it take to look at the composition.

Ingredients of breast-feeding 2

Chest harvest 2 from cough contains the following set of herbs:

  • leaves of mother-and-stepmother - 40%;
  • leaves of plantain - 30%;
  • licorice root - 30%;

These three ingredients in the breast collection give an expectorant effect, but the properties of the herbs should be looked closely to understand what other symptoms these herbs are capable of curing.

Properties of ingredients - leaves of mother-and-stepmother

Mother-and-stepmother, in the absence of special means, is used for suffocation in the form of tea, because it has a bronchial, anti-inflammatory and blood-curative effect.

The leaves of this plant contain many active substances that help the body to overcome the disease.

So, vitamin C is involved in the formation of immune cells, iron improves blood quality, mucus softens cough, and potassium calcium and magnesium helps the heart muscle, which during illness especially needs support. Thus, some leaves of mother-and-stepmother can replace a whole mineral complex, if you take the broth daily.

Infusions from mother-and-stepmother are shown at:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • tracheitis;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • abscess of the lungs.

Properties of ingredients - plantain leaves

In the leaves of plantain, as in the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, there is a lot of mucus - up to 45%, which affects the quality of the drug. This feature of the composition facilitates the withdrawal of phlegm, which is very important for a speedy recovery when coughing.

Even the doctors of Ancient Greece mentioned the plantain as a plant capable of stopping inflammation, bleeding, to resist bacterial infections and possessing analgesic and wound healing property. Often wet cough is preceded by dry, and this property of the plant is able to heal microtraumas of soft tissues.

People who have cough accompanied by a runny nose will need another property of plantain - antiallergic. Due to this, the mucosal edema decreases, and breathing will be more free.

Plantain also contains fatty oils that soften the course of the cough.

Properties of ingredients - licorice root

Of all the ingredients of breast collection number 2, this one is the most famous. Licorice root is the first anti-cold remedy with which you can not only cure cough, but also prevent its appearance. For example, if in the first days of a cold take a syrup of licorice root, then there is a high probability that coughing will not occur as a complication of the disease.

So, the root of licorice - far from a new cough medicine - it was known in the 3rd century BC, as scientists believe. And for centuries this plant (licorice), gave people their roots, so that they could fight with the ailments of the upper respiratory tract.

Licorice root is a powerful immunostimulating natural remedy, rich in acids - apple,

fumaric, succinic, citric and tartaric.

Licorice root, like other herbs in the collection, facilitates the clearance of bronchi.

Instruction for the use of breastfeeding 2

Breastfeed 2 is used as a decoction - 200 ml of boiling water requires 1 or 2 bags of raw materials.

Take the broth should be up to 4 times a day.

Is it possible to breastfeed pregnant?

Pregnant women are not recommended to use breastfeeding 2 because of the mother-and-stepmother's grass as part of the remedy.

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