Children's cures for colds and flu

Medicine for influenza and colds for children: recommendations, reviews. Prevention and treatment of influenza and colds

Having noticed the malaise in themselves or their child, some are running to the pharmacy and buying up all available antiviral drugs, while others are waiting for the disease to recede. But not always the disease goes by itself, in a number of cases without a drug against the flu and cold can not do.

Spread of diseases

When it comes to colds and flu, it is important to understand that complications can arise without appropriate treatment. Of course, if this is simply an ARD, then the optimal method of therapy will be copious drinking, bed rest and elimination of symptoms. But with the flu without special medications can not do. But remember that only the doctor should establish the diagnosis, especially if it is a child. He also chooses the most appropriate treatment for influenza and colds. Medications are selected depending on the patient's condition and what caused the illness.

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In the viral nature of the disease, special antiviral agents are required, in the case of bacterial - antibiotics. Determine which therapy will be most effective, you can use a routine blood test.

At present, the main problem is that the spread of colds and influenza is becoming pandemic. This is due to the high variability of viruses. The organisms of children, like many adults, are powerless against new pathogens.

Necessary therapy

To understand, what medicine for a flu and cold is necessary in each concrete case, without visit to the doctor it is complex or difficult. But there are a number of drugs that have an effect on viruses and help the body fight many diseases.

They are divided into several groups. It can be means that directly affect the virus, they are also called etiotropic. They include:

1) ion channel blockers: this group includes such agents as "Orvirem "Remantadin

2) a specific HA chaperone that prevents the penetration of viruses into the cells of the body, an example of such a medicament is "Arbidol

3) neuraminidase inhibitors, which include the powder for inhalation "Relenza" and the means for ingestion "Tamiflu "Peramivir

4) NP-protein inhibitors are drugs such as "Ingavirin."

Also, specialists can prescribe interferon preparations. They block the translation of mRNA viruses. In this category of funds fall "Interferon "Viferon "Grippferon "Kipferon."

Another fairly common group are inducers of interferon. Doctors can prescribe such a medicine for cold and flu, like "Kagotsel "Amiksin "Tsikloferon "Citovir 3".

Additional drugs

With a competent approach to treatment are not limited to only one antiviral therapy. It should also be symptomatic. It is so important to relieve the condition of the youngest patients in case of illness! For example, with a cold, vasoconstrictive drugs are used, such as "Nazivin "Mezatol "Sanorin". Also, funds can be prescribed that moisturize and soften the mucous membranes: Aquamaris, Aqualor, essential oil mixtures Sinupret, Pinosol. Combined funds "Vibrocil "Rinoprint" and others are considered effective.

With pain in the throat, antiseptics are prescribed. You can use a solution of Lugol, furatsilina, "Pharyngosept "Geksoral."

It is difficult to do without special cough preparations. These can be cough suppressants Codeine, Dastosin, Sinekod, Kodipron, Stoptussin, which can be drunk only after their appointment as a doctor. Mushrooms Ambroxol, Flavamed, Lazolvan are often used for cough treatment.

Complex treatment also includes taking in case of need antipyretic drugs "Panadol "Ibuprofen "Aspirin". However, the last drug should not be given to children under 12 years old. Antihistamines are mandatory. They are able to inhibit the allergic inflammatory process, which is accompanied by mucosal edema, vasodilation. The most popular medicines are "Loratadin "Eden "Alerzin".

Ion channel blockers

This group of drugs does not allow viruses to be fixed on the cells of the body.

Such a medicine for flu and cold, like Remantadin, is referred to as antiviral drugs. When it is taken, the number of attacking microorganisms begins to decrease, and the person recovers. The action is due to the fact that the viruses for reproduction need to get into the cells, and when "Remantadine" is received it becomes impossible.

Contraindications to admission are individual intolerance, pregnancy, chronic kidney disease, age up to 7 years.

To the same group of drugs include the drug "Midantan." This medicine for flu and cold can not be drunk with psychoses, epilepsies, intolerance to the components of the drug. In addition, contraindications include the periods of pregnancy and lactation. Also, it is not recommended to use it for thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, arterial hypertension, renal and heart failure.

The composition of the drug "Orvirem" includes the active substance rimantadine. Therefore, this drug has the same contraindications as Remantadine, with the exception of age restrictions. Syrup "Orvirem" can be given to children older than a year. Ion channel blockers are used to treat influenza A. The effectiveness of such therapy was confirmed during the research. Prevention of influenza and colds can also be carried out with the help of these drugs. Drugs in this case are drunk according to a special scheme.

Dosage of ion channel blockers

To treat babies with drugs from this group, only syrup "Orvire" is prescribed. For example, children aged 3 to 7 years on the first day of the disease need to receive 90 mg of rimantadine in the body, 60 mg in the second, and 30 mg in the third. For the prevention of enough 30 mg per day. The necessary amount of syrup is easy to calculate if you know that 5 ml contains 10 mg of active ingredient.

For children aged 1 to 3 years, it is necessary to take 20 mg of rimantadine three times a day on the first day of the disease. The same amount, only twice a day, is recommended on days 2 and 3 of the disease. On the 4th day of the disease, a single dose of 20 mg is necessary. For the purpose of prevention at this age, give 20 mg once a day for 10-15 days.

Neuraminidase inhibitors

The drug "Relenza intended for inhalation, affects influenza viruses related to types A and B. The main active substance in it is zanamivir. Contraindications to admission are the first trimester of pregnancy, the age of up to 5 years, an allergy to the drug and bronchospasm in the anamnesis. In the treatment, the dosage is increased 2-fold.

The remedy for cold and flu called Tamiflu contains oseltamivir phosphate. Treatment with this medication can be given in children older than 1 year. It is able to suppress neuraminidase of influenza A and B viruses. This prevents the spread of infection in the respiratory tract.

Dosage of neuraminidase inhibitors

Inhalation drug "Relenza" is prescribed, as a rule, to children over 5 years of 10 mg (which corresponds to two inhalations) twice a day. For prevention it is recommended to do 2 inhalations a day.

The drug "Tamiflu" is recommended to be taken with meals, it helps to improve its tolerability. But you can drink the indicated medicine for flu and colds for children and adults, regardless of food intake. If the patient can not swallow the capsule, then he can be prescribed a drug "Tamiflu" in powder, from which the suspension is prepared. Children can be given capsules of 30 or 45 mg or a suspension of 12 mg / ml preparation. Babies younger than two years are recommended to give the drug in powder.

Teenagers over 12 years and adults are prescribed capsules of 75 mg, which must be drunk twice a day. But this dosage can be prescribed for children older than 8 years.

NP-protein inhibitors

The medicine for influenza and cold called "Ingavirin" is active against influenza A and B viruses, including A / H1N1 and A / H1N1 swl, A / H5N1, A / H3N2 swine. It is also prescribed for parainfluenza, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial infection.

When taking this medicine against influenza and cold, reproduction of microorganisms is suppressed even at the nuclear phase, and newly synthesized NP viruses can not migrate from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Also, the drug helps increase the amount of interferon in the body and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

But the agent "Ingavirin" is prescribed exclusively for adults. For children, it is necessary to select other drugs.

Interferon Inductors

Quite often in pediatric practice, such drugs as "Kagocel "Amiksin "Cycloferon" are used. But despite their popularity, many doctors doubt the effectiveness of these funds.

Producers say that the active components contribute to the formation in the body of a special "late" interferon, which has a high antiviral activity.

For example, a medicine for flu and cold "Kagotsel" is prescribed to babies from the age of 3. For the purpose of treating children under the age of six years, give the first pill twice a day for the first two days and once a day in the following days. If the child is 6 years old or more, he needs 3 tablets in the first days of the illness and 2 on the 3rd and 4th days of the disease. For preventive purposes, it is drunk in courses for 2 days with a weekly break.

The drug "Amiksin" is prescribed only to children over seven years of age. Dosage of it depends on the severity of the disease and is selected by the doctor individually.

The drug "Cycloferon" recommend to kids from 4 years. This medicine for flu and colds for children is taken 1 time per day on an empty stomach. Adults appoint 3-4 tablets per reception, children depending on the age can be recommended from 1 to 3 pieces. For the prevention of the drug is drunk according to a special scheme: it is taken on the 1st or the 2nd day after contact with the patient, until the 8th day the reception is conducted every other day, and from the 11th to the 23rd day, three days later.

Recommendations and feedback

Given that assess the activity of antiviral drugs without special studies is difficult, some moms can recommend, and others criticize a certain cure for the flu and colds. The responses are quite contradictory.

To the smallest patients, doctors often recommend interferon preparations. It can be "Viferon "Grippferon". They are even prescribed to newborn babies. They are used for both treatment and prevention of seasonal viral diseases, including influenza.

Many mothers, whose children have recovered with this approach to treatment, of course, recommend antiviral drugs. But at the same time there are those who did not have therapy with the help of these drugs, the diseases were complicated by the attachment of a secondary infection. As a result, treatment continued with the appointment of antibacterial agents.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to find objective feedback and recommendations. The optimal option will be the use of drugs with proven efficacy, which you will recommend a pediatrician or another treating your child's doctor. If you believe the reviews, then many helped syrup "Orvirem" and the drug "Tamiflu." True, the last remedy is effective only with the flu, many say that with conventional SARS it makes no sense to drink.

Drugs for cold and flu: a list of the best means of rapid action

Every year during the seasonal temperature fluctuations people suffer from many unpleasant symptoms caused by a cold.

In pharmacy chains, the assortment of antiviral drugs simply overshoots its diversity.

Medicines differ not only in price, but also in the principle of action, the form of release, the composition.

Naturally, you do not need to prescribe drugs for yourself against colds, but to get a little guidance in such means, you should familiarize yourself with the proposed article. A list of cold medicines will help you understand the characteristics of each drug.

Arbidol, Teraflu, Anaferon

Arbidol - a pill against viruses, covered with a film membrane. Their main active component is umifenovir, auxiliary: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose. The agent is shown when:

  1. acute respiratory disease (ARI);
  2. severe respiratory syndrome;
  3. influenza type B, A,
The medicine may well become a part of complex therapy in the treatment of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis. Much less often it is recommended for the prevention of health problems after surgical interventions to strengthen immunity.

Tablets for catarrhal diseases and flu are high-speed. They will help improve the patient's condition the very next day after the start of the course of treatment.

Arbidol has no contraindications. The only caveat when using it: can not be used for children under 3 years old. Babies under the age of 12 are given 1 tablet per day, and 2 tablets for adults and children over 12 years of age.

For healthy patients, this remedy for colds is not prescribed.

Teraflu powder

It must be diluted with hot boiled water. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. The auxiliary substances were phenyramine maleate, phenylephrine hydrochloride.

It is a remedy for a new generation of colds. It can relieve the ailment and the common cold in just a day, but on condition that the doctor's orders and bed rest are strictly observed. Teraflu is characterized by the action:

  • anti-virus;
  • antipyretic.

Powder is forbidden to be taken together with beta-blockers and antidepressants. Do not prescribe Teraflu patients with diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, lactating women, people suffering from alcoholism, children under 12 years of age.

The medicine is fast, but it's best to apply it carefully. This is relevant if the patient suffers from arterial hypertension, severe impairment of kidneys, liver.


Tablets for colds and flu contain antibodies that activate the functioning of human immunity. The drug is recommended for treatment of children aged 12 years and adults. For babies is a special tool Anaferon child. It can be used from 1 year of life.

You should know that this medicine is not only against viruses, but also to strengthen the immune system during seasonal air temperature fluctuations. It well helps to treat herpesvirus infection in mild form.

Cure for colds Anaferon:

  1. acts quickly;
  2. has no contraindications;
  3. does not cause adverse reactions.

From the drug should be discarded only with the individual intolerance of any of its components. In very rare cases, a skin rash is possible.

Kagocel, Coldrex, Antigrippin

Kagocel is the best quick-acting remedy for colds. Not suitable for children under 3 years, pregnant women and during lactation. Do not take pills with individual intolerance.

Preparations of such a plan are well used for getting rid of a cold, herpes, flu, acute viral infection. Kagocel is also suitable for the prevention of these ailments.

In order not to fall ill during the autumn period, it is enough to take 1 tablet every day for a week. If the common cold has already begun, it should be taken 2 times a day in the first few days. Children are given 1 tablet each.

Provided that the patient clearly follows the prescriptions of the doctor and strictly adheres to the instructions for use, the possibility of developing adverse reactions of the body is negligible. When a patient notes the development of an allergy, you need to stop taking the medication and consult a doctor to replace it.


This remedy for cold is presented in the form of a powder. It should be boiled and drunk hot. The drug Coldrex is characterized by a powerful antiviral effect and helps to cope with signs of ARVI. The list of symptoms, except for the common cold, included:

  • headache;
  • nasal congestion;
  • increased body temperature;
  • aches in the joints;
  • uncomfortable sensations in the throat.
No less effective Coldrex against the common cold. Powder is not recommended for children with colds, pregnant women, lactating women, with severe liver disorders, diabetes, heart problems, closed-angle glaucoma.

Adult remedy for cold and flu in the first days of illness should be taken 1 packet every 4 hours. Once the symptoms stop, the powder is not necessary. The maximum course of therapy should not be more than 5 days in a row.

If there was an overdose, the patient risks getting a serious liver damage. In addition, long-term use of the drug increases the chance of developing side effects, for example, disturbances of a night dream, rising of a level of arterial pressure, attacks of a nausea, head pain.

It is necessary to refrain from treatment with Koldreksom without prior consultation of the attending physician.


Another preparation against viruses is Antigrippin. It is believed that the medicine is the best and helps from the common cold, colds quickly and effectively. The drug is in the form of a pill, like many similar drugs. Assign it to patients from 15 years.

To help with bacterial infection this medicine can not. Take it should be 1 piece 2-3 times a day to improve the patient's well-being.

Antigrippin should not be taken to children with increased sensitivity to vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and paracetamol. Also he is banned for such violations:

  1. renal failure;
  2. phenylketonuria;
  3. hyperplasia of the prostate.

Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. With special care is assigned to patients with viral hepatitis, alcohol dependence, the elderly.

Fervex, Amiksin, Ingavirin

There are drugs that instantly help with colds. To such it is customary to include the Fervex powder. No less effective it will be with the disease of rhinopharyngitis.

Powder can be taken in conjunction with other medicines against the flu. If the phase of the disease is acute, a dose of 1 packet is recommended three times a day. During therapy, the interval between use should be at least 4 hours.

The drug should not be taken to sick people suffering from kidney failure, excessive sensitivity to its individual components. During pregnancy, he is only allowed from the second trimester.

As for the period of lactation, some components of the remedy can penetrate into breast milk. For this reason, it is better to refuse from Fervex at this time.

It is forbidden to combine medicine for cold with alcohol-containing products. This can provoke severe liver damage. Sometimes patients complain of the development of adverse reactions:

  • nausea;
  • pain syndrome in the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness.

Very rarely allergic reactions can begin, for example, skin itching, rashes.


This antiviral agent has an immunomodulatory effect. Produced in the form of tablets, the main active ingredient is tilaxine. Auxiliary components of croscarmellose sodium, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Tablets are perfectly combined with other drugs against viruses, influenza. During seasonal temperature fluctuations can be used to prevent ARVI (in adults and children).

Adult patients with flu and cold should take 1 tablet once a day for 3 days. For prophylaxis take 1 piece. The drug can not be administered to patients with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy, lactation.


Medicines for colds and flu under this name are made in the form of capsules. Ingavirin helps quickly and efficiently. Heat, headache, uncomfortable sensations in the throat, aches in the body are already a day after taking the remedy.

It is not recommended for patients younger than 18 years of age. The main active ingredient is vitaglutam, auxiliary ones are potato starch, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide.

Capsules are prescribed to drink 1 time per day, regardless of food. Usually the general course of treatment does not exceed 5-7 days. Begin therapy immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, for example, the common cold. When treatment is delayed, the remedy, like the rest of the drugs, begins to work with less efficiency.

So, if the first capsule was drunk a few days after the onset of the illness, the result can not come quickly.

Viferon, Anvimax, Grippferon

Many of the above cold remedies and cold medications are not always allowed for future and young nursing mothers, children. Therefore, the treatment of colds, runny nose, SARS in these patients can not do without the drug Viferon.

Candles, perhaps, are the fastest means of treating viral diseases. They have no contraindications except the first trimester of pregnancy. Such an effective medicine during flu and cold helps to get rid of the symptoms.

Viferon is better than tablets and other drugs coping with ARI. Adult patients are prescribed 1 suppository three times a day. Children from the year the dosage is reduced to 1 candle a day. And it should be noted that this is an extremely effective treatment for Orvi and influenza in the home

Side effects of those who used drugs for cold and flu in candles are usually absent. Allergic skin rash and itching occurs only in very extreme cases. If this happens, the treatment is canceled and other drugs used against the common cold and viruses. The list of allowed funds is very extensive.


Remedy for cold and flu Anemax is presented in the form of a powder. It is necessary for symptomatic therapy, it can not affect the underlying cause of the disease. The structure includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • paracetamol.

Patients with excessive sensitivity to these components should use these drugs against the common cold and other cold symptoms with extreme caution. Powder is the best remedy among the rest. Anvimax is a quick-acting drug that removes body temperature, headaches, aches and pain in the throat. If applied correctly, the medicine helps to overcome the disease in a short time.

Powder can not be administered to patients younger than 18 years of age, people with kidney failure, sarcoidosis, chronic alcohol dependence, hypercalcemia, phenylketonuria.

Like many other cold medicines, Animax can not be a remedy for pregnant and lactating women.

Take the powder strictly according to the instructions. During an exacerbation of a symptomatology it is necessary to drink on 1 package from 2 to 3 times a day. On average, the course should not be longer than 5 days in a row.


Grippferon is a good medication based on interferon, which helps fight viruses. It is also characterized by immunomodulating effect on the body.

The medication is allowed for the treatment of pregnant women and children under one year. The only contraindication is intolerance of individual components. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Named tablets and other drugs - this is not a complete list of effective drugs. Funds from the flu should be selected individually. However, even in this case, it is impossible to avoid the development of adverse reactions. Therefore, the treatment process should be under the supervision of a doctor, as detailed in the video in this article.

Drugs for flu and colds for children

Modern pharmaceuticals provide funds for influenza and colds for children in a wide range.When choosing drugs for the treatment of colds in children, mom and doctor should be guided not only by their effectiveness, but also by safety.The main thing is not to harm the child's health.

Features of drugs for colds

As soon as the child has the first symptoms of a cold, you should immediately call a doctor.

The doctor will conduct an examination and, on the basis of all the manifestations of the disease, make up a correct strategy to fight it, prescribe medications and procedures. However, the treatment of cold symptoms, such as fever, coughing and spitting, should begin immediately, even before the pediatrician arrives.

It is possible to alleviate the manifestations of the common cold with symptomatic children. Before giving the baby syrup or tablets, dig in drops in the nose, make sure that your child does not have allergies to the funds you have chosen. Carefully read the composition, ask the seller at the pharmacy, whether the given remedy is suitable for a cold to the child by age.

A cold child is strictly required to comply with bed rest. Provide the child with plenty of warm drinks (tea with raspberries or lemon, milk with honey), take his attention with something that does not require much physical activity.

It is not necessary to give the child antiviral drugs, without consulting with the attending physician, because in order to successfully resist the disease, you must first find out its cause.

The incubation period of influenza lasts from one to five days, during which the patient feels particularly bad. The very course of the disease is caused by the influence of many factors, such as the age or condition of the body's defenses. It is also important whether the child has previously contacted the pathogens of this disease.

Basic forms of influenza

There are four main forms of influenza:

  1. Easy.
  2. Medium-heavy.
  3. Heavy.
  4. Hypertensive.
Each of them has its own symptoms and peculiarities of percolation.

The main symptoms of colds and flu are associated with inflammation of the respiratory tract and malaise. The most characteristic for the common cold and flu are: fever, runny nose, coughing, perspiration and hoarseness.

Similar symptoms have diseases caused by the ingestion of a harmful infection. It is only the physician who can determine the exact nature of the disease and its severity, therefore, it is not worthwhile to delay procrastination.

How to choose a medicine for a child

Do not give your child antiviral drugs unless they are prescribed by a doctor, as their administration may have the opposite effect. Such drugs are able not only to treat, but also to suppress the work of the body's defenses, especially children's.

Taking symptomatic medications will greatly facilitate the health of a small patient. Everyone knows that high temperature should be knocked down with the help of antipyretic drugs, but very few people know about The fact that you need to fight with other symptoms, such as swelling of the airways, muscle pains or chills. These unpleasant sensations give a significant load on a small organism, making it even harder to resist the disease.

With great attention, refer to the composition of drugs that are intended to give the child. Instruction for use is written not only for a doctor with special knowledge, but also for those who plan to be treated with it. The World Wide Web will help you easily find information about a particular medicine, its composition and age, for which it is suitable.

It is necessary to stop the choice on children's medicines. Active components in tablets and other drugs should be exactly as much as can be taken by children. Of all the forms of medication, it is best to choose the means which, before use, will need to be dissolved in water. The child will much more willingly agree to drink a liquid medicine, rather than it becomes difficult to swallow large and uncomfortable tablets or capsules. Examine the active substances included in the drug. Its obligatory components should be:
  • vitamin C;
  • antihistamines;
  • antipyretic components.

One of the most popular antipyretic agents is paracetamol, which is included in most cold remedies. It does not have such a detrimental effect on the stomach, and allergy to paracetamol is rare. A doctor can prescribe medication with this medication starting from the first three months of a baby's life.

Antihistamines will help get rid of the edema of the airways and allow the baby to breathe normally, giving oxygen access to the lungs. Such drugs can be prescribed not only for colds, but also for other diseases of the respiratory tract, such as rhinitis or pharyngitis. By facilitating breathing, such medications significantly reduce the burden to which the cardiovascular system is exposed. Vitamin C strengthens the body's defenses, helps it cope with the disease. The daily dose of this vitamin for a cold should be two or three times more than for a healthy child.


Modern life puts many parents in a rigid economy, but it's never worth saving, so it's for the health of their own children. Buying a medicine at a drugstore, you need to be one hundred percent sure of their quality. It is best to purchase European drugs, the quality of which is proven and confirmed by international certificates.

Such drugs are much more difficult to forge. Buy the products of well-known manufacturers who have already proved themselves in the domestic markets. Of course, it can hurt to hit the family budget, but it helps to avoid unpleasant consequences from taking low-quality medicines.

Do not try to stuff your child with antibiotics and other drugs for prevention. Remember that by giving such potent medicines, you can cause a significant impact on the health of the child. Yes, the child will suffer from a cold, but can get a dysbacteriosis or other problems associated with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


All measures and all preparations are not too lazy to agree with the attending physician. Do not try to speed up the child's recovery, spiking him with an extra dose of medication. His body will cope with the ailment, but you need to understand that it will take some time and it is better for him to give this time.

New drugs for influenza and colds

When a person has caught a cold and got an infection, he will certainly think about which of the modern drugs will help, what to take with the flu? Scientists are developing all new tools, because viruses mutate every year, and to combat them, more effective formulas are needed. Drug from the flu and colds of the new generation - what are its features? Find out what different these drugs are and on what depends the effectiveness of means to combat various diseases.

Modern means for influenza and colds

Today pharmacology does offer a wide range of new medicines. Their advantages are obvious: they have a wide spectrum of action, they have fewer side effects, they are convenient use the patient at home or in general you can get yourself vaccinated so as not to get sick during the period epidemic of acute respiratory infections. When choosing drugs, do not forget that not all advertised drugs are effective.

The price of medicines, the packaging of which regularly flashes in the TV, includes the cost of these commercials. If you compare the instructions, almost for all imported non-expensive drugs, there are inexpensive domestic counterparts. So, "Koldreks" (price 150-240 rubles) and "Ferveks" (315-590 rubles) in the composition contain paracetamol. Tablets "Paracetamol" can be bought in a pharmacy for 3-5 rubles, and most doctors even consider them to be the safest drug in ARI during pregnancy and lactation.

Effective cures for colds

Modern pharmaceutical industry produces funds for colds, working in two directions and complementing each other. One group of drugs is helping to cope with the manifestations of ailment: a runny nose, a cough, a headache, a fever, a sore throat. Another segment of drugs exhibits immunomodulating and antibacterial action.

For adults

See examples of drugs that are used for colds:

What affects

Group of medicines

Examples of drugs

Eliminate the cause


Tablets "Acyclovir "Amantadine".

Antibiotics (used in extreme cases, when the body itself does not cope with disease-causing bacteria).

Tablets and powders for injections "Ampicilin "Levofloxacin".

Strengthen immunity


"Amiksin "Tsikloferon".

Vitamin complexes, preparations based on medicinal herbs.

"Ascorutine "Aevit."

Relieve symptoms

Antipyretics, ease the ache in the body.

Tablets "Coldrex "Paracetamol "Rinza powder in bags "Teraflu effervescent tablets "Solpadein".

Preparations for cough relief.

Syrups "ACTS "Ambroxol "Alteika".

Vasoconstrictive for the nose from the common cold.

"Oksimetazolin "Polidexa with phenylephrine".

To soften the throat.

Sprays "Cameton "Orasept Ingalipt Chlorophyllitis ".

For children

When choosing children's antibacterial drugs, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, not to engage in self-medication. You can help:

  • antibiotics "Amoxiclav "Zinnat" "Supraks
  • for removing heat - syrup "Panadol tablets "Paracetamol
  • from the common cold - spray "Otrivin drops "Nazivin
  • as prevention - vitamin complexes "Alphabet "Pikovit".

Modern preparations for influenza

What is the similarity and difference between drugs for influenza and colds of a new generation? With both ailments, drugs are taken that relieve the symptoms of diseases. When the flu is not prescribed antibiotics, because they are effective only to combat bacteria - causative agents of the common cold, and the strains of the virus do not work. Consider the pharmacological groups of modern antiviral drugs against influenza, depending on their mode of action.


Such antiviral drugs against influenza act in a directed manner, preventing the multiplication of viruses. These include:

  • "Oseltamivir" - the active substance of oseltamivir phosphate inhibits (inhibits) neuraminidase - the key an enzyme involved in the replication (reproduction) of influenza viruses, and violates their ability to penetrate cells.
  • "Remantadine" - the active substance remantadine hydrochloride is effective against influenza viruses A2 and B.
  • "Arbidol" - part of the capsules of Umiferon has an immunostimulating effect.


Antiviral preparations of immunotropic action are interferons or their inducers (pathogens), which help the body's natural defense system to fight the disease, destroying the virus at an early stage reproduction. They are effective in the first two days after the onset of flu symptoms. Read the names and brief descriptions of these drugs:


Active substance

Effect from application


Tocopherol, ascorbic acid

Stimulates the immune system, fights the virus.


Interferon Inductor

Immunomodulating action.


Extract of the leaves of buckthorn sea-buckthorn

Antiviral action, induces the production of interferon in the blood cells.



Inductor of human interferon, suppresses the synthesis of proteins of viruses.



Prevents the penetration of the virus into the cell and the synthesis of virus proteins.



Suppresses reproduction of the influenza virus, anti-inflammatory effect.


Human interferon

A powerful immunomodulator, an effective antiviral drug, stimulates macrophages. Increases the resistance of the body to the penetration of viruses, and when it enters the cell it blocks their reproduction. The mechanism of action is not directed against a particular type of virus, because this drug is universal.


Meglumine acridone acetate

A strong immunomodulator, an antiviral effect, is effective against influenza and herpes.


These anti-influenza drugs act on the mechanism of the disease, helping to fight the infection and preventing the development of complications. These include:

Group of medicines

What affects

Examples of drugs

Active substance

Antioxidants and vitamin-containing preparations

Provide prophylactic, antioxidant, angioprotective (kapilyarazashchayuschee) and immunity-strengthening action.


Vitamins C and P (rutin)


Vitamins-antioxidants A and E


Help to remove allergic reactions to medicines, have a quick soothing, antiemetic effect.

Suprastin, Prometazin

Histamine receptor blockers


These powders, drops, sprays, tablets from influenza are high-speed drugs against the symptoms of viral intoxication:

Group of medicines

What affects

Examples of drugs

Active substance


Contribute to the removal of mucus, the regeneration of the bronchial mucosa.






Removes inflammation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract.


On a plant basis

To treat a cold

Reduces the amount of secretion, swelling of the mucosa.



Vasoconstrictive anticonvulsant substance.



Video about the right choice of a medicine for a flu


Albina, 26 years old: I have been a child with a cold, when the fever rises, my head hurts, I take 3-4 days "Paracetamol". At one time I was led to an advertisement, I drank soluble "Coldrex "Rinzu". After I read at one forum what kind of active ingredient is being sold at a fabulous price, I returned to a proven penny.

Zoya, 32 years old: Before pregnancy, I often had a cold on my lips, and I was afraid that herpes would not manifest itself during the carrying of the child. The doctor attributed to me the anti-herpes "Hyporamin". I immediately liked that it was plant-based. She drank two months, the pills really helped.

Tatyana, 47 years: My child was assigned "Interferon". I read the instructions to the ampoules, I was confused that it is actually produced from the blood of donors, and also - a list of its side effects. She drank the medicine and dripped her son in the nose according to the instructions. I did not notice the special result, I will not use it anymore.

Fast-acting medicine for colds

Colds torment a person throughout the year - they can appear in the summer, after a long stay in the water, and in the winter, as a result of hypothermia or the change of the weather. How quickly to cure a cold if, for example, you need to go to work in a few days, and the snot flow from the nose, your eyes water, and your throat is ripped from pain and cough? In this case, you need to resort to fast-acting medications for colds.

In this article we will consider the most common, and most importantly - effective cures for colds. It will be like medicines that you can buy at the nearest pharmacy, and folk remedies. After you become acquainted with the information and methods of treatment, it remains for you to decide - which way to resort. But, remember that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. Therefore, the best prevention of catarrhal diseases is vitamin therapy, hardening, proper balanced healthy nutrition, as well as warm clothes for the season and the weather.

Fast-acting antibiotics for colds

If you come to any pharmacy and ask them to recommend a quick-acting medicine for colds, the first, that it will be - various antibiotics, differing in their effect on the body and of course - on the price categories.

Before you start taking antibiotics, remember:

  • Antibiotics are used only in the most extreme and very severe in its current case;
  • Almost all antibiotics have a fairly persistent side effect, you need to ask your the attending physician, or even the pharmacist - what complications can be after taking this or that antibacterial pills.
  • Antibiotics can not eliminate a number of complications of health after a cold or during the course of the flu, if any have already appeared.

So, when is it necessary and most importantly - can you use antibiotics to treat colds?

Most experts note that antibiotic treatment should be started only if you have already tried almost all possible ways and means, and improvements within 5-7 days are not comes.

It is not recommended to prescribe for yourself any antibiotics. Medicines of this group though are released in a drugstore without a prescription, all the same, to drink them it is necessary only on purpose of the doctor.

During the whole course of the disease, you need to take only one antibiotic. A combination of several antibacterial agents is not allowed, since they can negatively interact in the human body and cause more harm than it would have been done by the same flu.

The most effective will be intramuscular injection of antibiotic injections for the treatment of colds. If it is a small child, then in this case, use pills and syrups.

To knock down temperature by antibiotics is necessary only in the event that it threatens life and health of a person.

Take antibiotics according to the instructions, you need at least 5 days and after interrupting treatment only after blood tests and consultations of the treating doctor.

What antibiotic to choose?

Antibiotics of rapid action against influenza and cold are chosen as follows:

  • If you have a bad cough, the temperature rises rapidly above the level of 38 degrees, the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract begins, then in this case one resorts to use:Zinnata, Supraksa, Zinatsef. Among the penicillin group,Amoxiclav and Amoxicillin.

If the above antibiotics do not help to eliminate the main symptoms of a cold or flu, then in this case, you need to replace the above antibiotics with Avelox and Levofloxacin. But, to carry out any manipulation with their health, it is necessary exclusively under the guidance of the attending physician.

  • In otitis, sinusitis, as well as purulent tonsillitis, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, for exampleClarithromycin and Azithromycin. If you have angina, then take Ampicillin. If any of the above medicines does not have a positive result, then I use the medicine Cefatoscam.

Drugs for colds - what to buy at the pharmacy?

Below are listed the most effective remedies for colds, or rather from its unpleasant symptoms in the form of a cough, runny nose, sore throat.

Among homeopathic (herbal) preparations, we can distinguish:

  • Aflubin;
  • Influcid;
  • Anaferon;
  • Derinat;
  • Antigrippin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Oscillococcinum.

Among the powdered medicinal products can be identified such as: Koldakt, Kodelmikst, Lemsip, as well asNurofen, Panadol, Efferelgan. All of these drugs are available for adults, as well as for children.

In the syrup you can takeColdrex and Teraflu.

Among drugs, Relenza and Tamiflu are most effective.

To stimulate immunity, one can resort to the use of Imudon and Koldenflu, as well as influenza - Orvire, Kagocel, Amiksin, Remantadin.

If you are suffering from a severe cough, then you can takeAzz, Libeksin, Kodelak, Lazolvan, Sinekod(especially effective for young children).

With more in the throat, suckling anti-inflammatory effects of lollipops in the form ofStrepsils, Gomeovoksa, Geksorala,andPharyngosept. An abundant runny nose is eliminated by sprays and drops in the form of Tizin, Nazivin, Xylen.

If there is an allergy, it will helpVibrocil, and to narrow the blood vessels in the nose apply Naphthysine and Sinupret.

During pregnancywomen are not recommended to take medications, but if the condition is very severe, then you can applyGedelix, Panadol, as well as Pinosol.

It is not necessary to ignore vitamin therapy, namelyVitrum, Supradin, as well as children's Vitrum. They not only eliminate the symptoms and signs of colds, but also stimulate immunity.

How to prevent colds?

How to prevent the occurrence of colds? Of course, the best way is toa vaccine against influenza, ARVI.The most common vaccines are currentlyInfluvak and Vaksgrippus.

Of course, so-called barrier agents in the form of an oxolin ointment in the nasal sinuses, as well as various means for washing the throat from viruses in the form of Humer, Dolphin, Quix, Akvalor. If you go to a place where there will be a large crowd of people, then take in advance take preventive meansInterferon.

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