Pronation of the foot: what is it?


  • 1Pronation of the foot, what is it and how to identify it
    • 1.1What is pronation
    • 1.2The degree of pronation
    • 1.3The causes of pronation
    • 1.4What diseases are due to pronation
    • 1.5Diagnosis and treatment
  • 2What is pronation of the foot
    • 2.1Types of pronation - 3 types
    • 2.2How to determine your type
    • 2.3Stepping cycle and supination
    • 2.4Causes of abnormalities
    • 2.5Diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.6Rules for choosing shoes for running
  • 3How to determine the pronation of the foot: neutral, hyperproliferation, hypoproduction
    • 3.1General information about pronation of the foot
    • 3.2Methods for determining the type of pronation
    • 3.3Recommendations of specialists
  • 4Hyperponeation of the foot: what is it, species, treatment
    • 4.1Healthy foot functions
    • 4.2What is hyperprediction
    • 4.3Causes
    • 4.4Degrees and types of pronation
    • 4.5What diseases result in the wrong position of the foot
    • 4.6How to determine your type of pronation
    • 4.7Medical assessment of the position of the feet
    • 4.8Identification of the type of pronation at home
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.9The importance of supination
    • 4.10Treatment of violations associated with pronation
    • 4.11How to prevent violations
    • 4.12The right choice of shoes
  • 5Pronation and supination
  • 6What is the pronation of the foot and its types
    • 6.1Pronation types, neutral pronators
    • 6.2Home methods of pronation determination
    • 6.3Identification of the type of pronation by external features

Pronation of the foot, what is it and how to identify it

The health of the ankle is affected by a huge number of factors, including the level of physical activity, the state of the body, the profession, and the choice of shoes (for example, shoes or sneakers).

Pronation of the foot, what is it?Pronation is a natural mechanism for depreciation, which has the ability to distribute the load on foot when walking, running and jumping.

This must be taken into account when choosing a sneaker for running exercises.

What is pronation

Pronation is the method of installing the foot (arch and heel) in relation to the axis when moving. In other words, pronation and supination of the foot - shock absorber, which allows a person to adapt to the features of the surface and reduce the shock load on the ankle.

Normal pronation in the process of flattening muscles, ligaments and tendons is able to extinguish the load, which is several times higher than the person's own weight. Pathologies of pronation provoke the emergence of various diseases, including flat feet.

The degree of pronation

Modern specialists distinguish three types of pronation, which directly depend on the position of the feet:

Hypoprotonia (insufficient pronation). In this state, the foot is turned outward, it does not bend well, is subjected to strong tension, has increased traumatism. In this case, the weight of a person is not evenly distributed.

The soles of shoes are worn out along the entire outer border. With this pathology, it is recommended to purchase shoes that have thickened buds from the outside and a high shock absorption.

Shoes with rigid elements supporting the internal border of the foot are not allowed.

Hyperproliferation (excessive pronation) is a condition in which the feet are inwardly deployed.

Bunches are always in a stretched state and are not practically amortized, resulting in flat feet. Wear of shoes occurs along the inner border of the sole.

In this case, it is required to select shoes, which have a dense heel and rigid pronators along the inner border of the sole.

Neutral pronation is a condition in which the feet are arranged symmetrically. With neutral pronation, there is no discomfort when walking and running. Wear of shoes occurs evenly over the entire surface. You can buy shoes with a small stabilization and compaction of the arches of the foot.

Many people often have a question: how to determine pronation? The answer is simple, to determine the type of pronation at home, it is recommended to make a simple so-called "wet test".

To do this, you need to wet your feet and stand for a while on a clean, dense sheet of paper so that a clear footprint remains.

Depending on the resulting print, the type of pronation is interpreted:

  1. if there is an impression of practically the entire foot on the sheet, this indicates an excessive pronation;
  2. if excessive arching between the arch and the heel, this means that the person has hypoproduction;
  3. if the imprint is normal, te has no deviations, it means that the person has a normal pronation, as well as supination of the foot.

The causes of pronation

Pathologies of pronation are considered to be the main cause of abnormalities in a healthy foot.

If there is a biomechanical disturbance, then a part of the foot has an increased load, which causes the disease.

This is an adequate reaction of the body, which is aimed at protecting the affected area (for example, a perforated foot forms a protective layer of tissue).

And also it should be noted that this anomaly can be hereditary. In other words, at birth, a person's leg already has an anomaly or a predisposition to it. In this case, only a specialist capable of correctly and timely detecting an ailment can help.

What diseases are due to pronation

Defects of the ankle are a threat to the health of the body. Due to poor depreciation during movement, the locomotor system, joints and internal organs suffer.

Due to the fact that the deflection of the foot is broken, the load is redistributed unevenly and the body has to include protective functions.

If you do not start treatment in time, then this anomaly can trigger such foot diseases, as, for example, flat feet, curvature of toes, clubfoot. And also there can be violations of gait (brahibasy), depreciation of systems and internal organs.

In addition, this pathology causes premature wear of the joints of the legs. To all the above deviations, you can add:

  • pain syndrome of the calcaneus, knees, ankle arch;
  • osteoarthrosis, arthrosis;
  • metatarsalgium;
  • Achilles tendon abnormalities;
  • plantar corns.

The insidiousness of these ailments of the feet is their invisibility and the absence of symptoms. For a long time they can not identify themselves in any way. Exacerbation occurs with increased loads and exercise, as well as when wearing uncomfortable shoes (for example, sneakers).

Timely determination of pathology, foot care and optimal treatment allow to avoid, slow down and even stop the development of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Determine all possible deviations of the ankle can be done with the help of X-ray, sub-metering, and planography.

X-ray and podometry allow to correctly select shoes (in t h-sneakers) and insole-orthopedists.

Plantography is most often used in collective studies for the initial determination of deviations. To do this, you need to make a footprint.

Treatment of the disease is mainly aimed at preventing the development of changes, removing the pain syndrome that occurs when walking or playing sports.The main role in this case is played by orthopedic orthoses and shoes.

In case of puffiness and pain, it is recommended that you do wellness baths and foot massage. And also it is necessary to perform exercise LFK, which are aimed at strengthening the muscular and ligamentous tissue supporting the arches of the feet.

Without attention, it is impossible to leave pronation, even though these deviations do not threaten life.

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What is pronation of the foot

The foot is one of the most important participants in the motor process and serves as the spring mechanism of the human foot. It is this part of the body that is responsible for support, stability and balance during movement.

Pronation of the foot is its natural deflection, which occurs at the moment of contact with the horizontal surface.

When a person goes or runs, the arch of the foot becomes extremely flat: this reduces the shock load on the whole body, and also minimizes the risk of injuries and shocks of internal organs during active movements.

Types of pronation - 3 types

There are 3 types of pronation:

  1. Neutral: the feet are located symmetrically, when walking or running with the surface, the outer part of the heel contacts, the foot rotates inward by no more than 15%. The curvature of the arch of the foot provides an even distribution of the load when pushing away from the ground. With proper cushioning, which is only possible with neutral pronation, the main impact on the surface falls on the entire front of the feet.
  2. Hyperpronation: a characteristic feature of this type of pronation is the inclination of the foot inward by more than 15%, which means a reduced ability to absorb both feet and ankles. Shock loading is only partially repaid, and when repelled from the ground, the person relies mainly on the thumb and the finger following it. That is, the foot as it turns out, which negatively affects the balance and stability.
  3. Hypopro- nation: just as with the two previous types, contact with the surface occurs on the outside of the heel. But such pronation of the foot implies a deflection of the arch by less than 15%, and the impact force on the ground is concentrated on a very small, limited part of the foot. Thus, the load is distributed unevenly and occurs mainly in the outer region of the foot, including the ring finger and the little finger.

A healthy foot is a unique and well-coordinated mechanism, so even minor deviations from the norm are considered a violation of pronation. The permissible error is not more than 4 ° from the neutral position

With insufficient pronation, depreciation decreases, which can lead to stretching of the calf muscles and pain in the knee joints. Excess pronation adversely affects the functioning of the gastrocnemius muscles, since the ligaments and tendons of the foot are stretched due to the displacement of the arch of the foot inside.

How to determine your type

To find out what type of foot your foot belongs to, you can perform a simple test. To carry it out, you need water and a solid sheet of paper or cardboard.

On the impression of a wet leg, and a conclusion is drawn about the structure of the foot:

  • wide print, almost equal to the width of the foot - hyperpredation;
  • too thin imprint, tapering to the outside - hypoproduction;
  • the width of the arch is about half the foot - the norm, neutral pronation.

There are 2 more ways to determine pronation. The first is doing squats. During the exercise, you need to see the legs, so squat is desirable in short shorts or shorts.

If the knees bend outward when bending - hyperpredation, they come almost close - hypoproduction.

With neutral pronation, the legs in the knee joints are bent exactly, parallel to each other.

The second way is to visually inspect the sole of the shoe. With a normal pronation heel area, the outer and inner parts are worn almost evenly, but the outer side is slightly worn out.

For hypoproduction is characterized by a strong abrasion along the entire length of the outer part of the sole.

The pronounced deterioration, which starts from the inside of the heel and goes further along the length of the foot, indicates a hyperpredation.

Stepping cycle and supination

Stepping cycle is called the trajectory of the foot relative to the body. In a single stepping cycle, two phases are distinguished: reference and portable. The supporting function is performed by pronation, and supination is responsible for the transfer of the body.

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When the body moves in the course of movement, the muscles of the ankle, hips, and knee and hip joints are included in the work.

Muscles-pronators and insteps play an essential role: the better they are developed, the less fatigue from the load.

At the moment of repulsion from the ground, a rigid lever and joint closure are formed, as a result the human body sweeps forward.

Immediately before the shock, when the heel is detached, a brief supination takes place.

Due to this, the repulsive force increases and the speed of running or walking increases.

Causes of abnormalities

The health of the feet is affected by many factors, the following reasons can cause the foot deformity to appear:

  1. excess weight;
  2. incorrectly selected shoes - high heel, too flat sole, inappropriate size;
  3. high physical activity;
  4. diseases of the musculoskeletal system - congenital or acquired;
  5. weak muscular corset;
  6. age changes in the bone structure;
  7. violation of neuromuscular transmission.

Wearing high heels provokes deformation of feet, walking in such shoes is allowed no more than 3 hours a day

Defects of feet lead to a deficit of depreciation when moving.

In the first place, the spine and joints suffer, since the failure of the biomechanical properties of the feet entails an increase in the load on the skeleton.

The body begins to adapt to this situation, protecting all systems and organs from discomfort.

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In the process of such restructuring, the following pathologies can develop:

  • flat feet;
  • clubfoot;
  • valgus deformation;
  • damage to the Achilles tendon;
  • calluses on the sole.

In addition to those listed, a violation of pronation can also cause such a serious disease as arthrosis.

Degenerative changes in arthrosis joints, caused by blood flow disorders, arise due to hyperpopulation and flat feet.

This is the most common cause, which leads to the gradual destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints of the feet.

The insidiousness of leg diseases, and the stop in particular, lies in their latent, latent character. Symptoms may not appear for a long time, but excessive physical activity or active sporting activities provoke exacerbations.

Diagnosis and treatment

To identify violations of pronation, three methods are used:

  1. radiography;
  2. podometriya;
  3. planography.

Doctors-orthopedists often use the first two methods, since the x-ray and the sub-meter allow to reveal pathology and assess the degree of its severity.

Based on the results of the examination, corrective insoles, heel pads or orthopedic shoes are prescribed.

Wearing such devices significantly slows the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and relieves the patient of pain and discomfort.

To ease the condition after a hard day, when you had to stand or walk for a long time, it is recommended to apply foot baths and do foot massage. It is very useful to perform therapeutic exercises that help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot.

Rules for choosing shoes for running

To buy athletic shoes for running or running, you need to take into account the type of pronation.

If there are no problems with the foot and pronation is neutral, "Support "Stability "Cuchion" sneakers are suitable.

With hyperprints, the correct choice will be models with the "Motion Control" marking.

The maximum softening of the blow with insufficient pronation will be provided by running shoes like "Neitral"

Particular attention should be given to the selection of running shoes in the following cases:

  • if running is practiced several times a week and the duration of the race is at least half an hour;
  • in the case of a high speed exceeding 13 km / h;
  • with a large weight of his own body, to reduce the impact on the joints.

When choosing shoes for daily wearing should be preferred to orthopedic models.

You can put special shaping insole in regular shoes, health-improving effect for feet is achieved in this case due to a uniform redistribution of the load.

When wearing the recommended footwear, a person will not experience discomfort and the foot biomechanics will return to normal.

Excess or insufficient pronation of the feet is not a life threatening condition, but it should not be ignored.

If you find signs of a violation of pronation, try not to allow its further development - watch the weight, exercise and wear the right shoes.

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How to determine the pronation of the foot: neutral, hyperproliferation, hypoproduction

Pronation of the foot is its deflection during walking or running. For a person, correct pronation is of great importance, since it controls the loads to which the musculoskeletal system is subjected.

In addition, it avoids uncomfortable sensations when the foot touches the ground at the time of walking. Also, it helps in reducing the load on the legs when running and adapting to different types of terrain.

General information about pronation of the foot

In everyday life, few people are faced with such a notion as pronation of the foot.

It should be noted immediately that this is not a disease, but a term that characterizes the movement of the foot, its ability to turn inside or out.

Pronation is very important, because without it a person can not move. In addition, thanks to her, the foot is much more mobile.

When the foot touches a surface, its arch is flat and flexible. This reduces the shock load. This process can be compared with the operation of the car's springs.

In addition to the arch of the foot, the shin is connected to the work. When it is displaced, the foot turns around and increases the cushioning. If pronation is normal, the load distribution is uniform.

But with various disorders, the body's response is instantaneous. He immediately takes under his protection the damaged parts, as a result of which begins the layering of tissues and deformation of bones.

Most biomechanical problems begin because of pronation disorders.

Types of pronation

There are such types of pronation:

  • neutral;
  • hyperpredition;
  • hypoproduction.

Neutral pronators do not feel any discomfort when running and do not need any correction. However, they are recommended to wear shoes where there is a slight stabilization, where more dense material is responsible for supporting the arch, which does not extend to the main part of the sole.

Hyperpneumonia is characterized by the fact that during walking the foot turns too much inside, that It has a negative effect on the ligaments, which have an extended position, so they amortize them worse.

Such weakness of the muscles of the foot often leads to the development of flat feet.

Track and field athletes with hyperpredation who work in sneakers need stabilization - a stiff inner part of the sole and more reliable fixation of the heel.

The main feature of hypoproduction is the insufficient deflection of the foot, which significantly increases the risk of injury.

The foot acquires stiffness, it loses its ability to turn naturally inside and does not allow a person to move the body weight to the arch.

People with insufficient pronation should choose high-shock shoes, inside of which there are no rigid support elements.

Methods for determining the type of pronation

Traces when tested wet

There are several ways to determine your pronation. One of the most accurate is the "wet method". To conduct it, a small amount of water should be added to the container.

After that, it is necessary to lower the lower limb there and, making sure that the sole is moistened, - get the leg out of the container and immediately become it on a previously spread on the floor a piece of thick paper.

It is very important to do this standing, not sitting, because during the sitting the pressure on the leg is much weaker, so the result of the test will not be exactly accurate.

For the test, it is not advisable to use paper that is too thin, since under the weight of a person it can be deformed.

Also, do not stand too much on paper, as it will begin to absorb water draining from the limb, and the track will get fuzzy. On the left fingerprint it is possible to estimate the type of pronation.

When you print the foot almost completely, pronation can be considered excessive, and the deflection of the foot - excessive. Probably, it is a question of flatfoot.

The definition of pronation can be done in a different way. However, this method is not as accurate as the first. It is necessary to stand with bare feet on a straight surface, while placing legs. Then, under the inside of the foot, you should shove a coin.

If pronation is normal, the money sign will completely cover the arch of the foot. In the event that you can not completely push it, the pronation is excessive.

If it is possible to push the coin in such a way that it can be seen on the opposite edge of the foot, then it can be concluded that the test person has hyporona- tion.

Recommendations of specialists

If there is a suspicion of hyper- or hypopro- nation, the best way to confirm your guess is to consult a doctor.

The orthopedist will carry out the analysis of a gait, and for definition of a kind of pronation will suggest to spend the professional test with application of a racetrack.

Also, during the diagnosis, the force indicators and the angles of the foot are measured during running and walking.

When hyperpredation will need to wear special shoes, in the sole of which there are different density layers, as well as elements of stabilization located in special places.

If a person suffers hypoproduction, the doctor will advise him to purchase a special shock-absorbing footwear with a soft middle part that promotes pronation.

Do not pay attention to those shoes, the sole of which contains elements that stabilize the foot.

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Hyperponeation of the foot: what is it, species, treatment

People with pathology of the musculoskeletal system often suffer from such symptoms as pains in the heels, knees, hip joint and back. When you visit an orthopedic doctor, you can hear the diagnosis of "hyperpredation of the foot." We will find out the reasons for its appearance and methods of combating the disease.

Healthy foot functions

The main functions of the foot:

  1. spring;
  2. balancing;
  3. jogging;
  4. reflexogenic.

The spring capacity extinguishes the impact force directed to the feet from contact with the support surface during walking, jumping or jogging. When loading, the vaults straighten, and at the moment of maximum stress they are parallel to the ground.

As soon as the pressure decreases, the plantar aponeurosis and the remaining strong tendons of the foot are shortened. Due to this, the bones of the arch quickly become in place.

The spring function protects the joints of the person and the skull from regular micro-injuries, and then inflammations.

When this ability is violated, irreversible diseases develop in the joints (vertebral column, knees, legs, TBS, etc.).

The kinetic energy that occurs when a person moves passes to the sole at the moment of touching the heel with the reference plane, remains in it when the force is transferred gravity on the toe, and then moves to the body at a time when the foot is detached from the support - the person does the subsequent translational movement in the necessary direction.

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The ability of the sole to balance helps it to move in different planes, which allows you to maintain balance on uneven areas while moving or standing.

A lot of reflex zones and nerves on the feet have a relationship with the organs and systems of the body. With the help of acupuncture and foot massage, various diseases are treated.

Pouring this part of the leg with cold water has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

What is hyperprediction

From the outside it seems that a person does not rely on the entire surface of the foot, but only on the inner area. As a result, pain often appears in the heels. This condition is associated with such pathologies as:

  • plantar fasciitis;
  • corns on the soles;
  • valgus deformity of the big toe;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • severe pain in the knee joints;
  • arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal bone;
  • metatarsalgia;
  • pain in the place of the arch of the foot;
  • hammer-shaped deformation of the toes.

Hypopro- nation is the opposite of the abnormality described above. With it, the thumb is not loaded, but the little finger and the fourth finger are unnecessarily strained. Poor damping leads to knee diseases, and the risk of injuries associated with fractures increases.


Hyperpneumonia develops due to the wear or tearing of the muscles of the feet. This is due to frequent monotonous movements or from age-related changes. The ligamentous and muscular apparatus becomes weak - the feet begin to strongly turn inwards.

Another provoking factor is long walking or standing on high heels. Shoes that do not support the foot are often the cause of the appearance of hyperpredation.

Degrees and types of pronation

Deflection of the feet protects bone tissues and all organs from bumps and injuries with vigorous movements.There are such varieties of the position of the feet:

  1. Hyperpronation - a strong lowering of the arch of the foot, a pathological inverting inward. The musculature is relaxed and stretched, because of this, the depreciation functions are lowered. When hyperpredation is often diagnosed flat feet, giving complications in the form of pain in the knee, pelvis, back and other parts of the body.
  2. Hypopro- nation - insufficient deflection of the foot, strong fall on the outer part. It worsens depreciation and leads to injuries with broken bones.
  3. Normal pronation is the correct deflection, which provides an adequate distribution of the load from shock to support.

For the right choice of shoes, especially sports, learn your kind of pronation of the foot. Ideally, the degree of pathology is determined during running, so that the load is stronger.

What diseases result in the wrong position of the foot

Wrong pronation often provokes different pathologies. The main problems due to reduced depreciation occur in vertebral disks, brain and joints.

Even a small disturbance in the functioning of the foot greatly increases the load. The human body is forced to adjust and seek ways to eliminate discomfort.

The changed pronation causes the development of the following diseases:

  • sprouting of the joint on the thumb;
  • flat feet;
  • pain in the soles;
  • clubfoot;
  • wear of bone tissue;
  • arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

How to determine your type of pronation

Take a bowl of water and a large sheet of paper. Most often, the pathology in question is at both stops, so you should check them together.

First, wet the soles in the water, then put them on sheets of paper for 10 seconds and see what happened.

The picture will be clearer if you wear socks and wet them.

Decoding results:

  1. The size of the arch formed is approximately equal to half of the sole - the pronation is neutral, the damping is good.
  2. The print is equal to the size of the foot. The most probable diagnosis is a flat foot. The place of contact with the paper surface is large due to small bending.
  3. On the sheet are visible only the pads of the fingers and the heel. Hence, the deflection of the foot is too large, which gives a low cushion during the movement. This test of pronation determination is the easiest, but there are also others.

Medical assessment of the position of the feet

The first two options are applied by orthopedists. So they choose special insoles and shoes for the treatment of foot pathologies.

Plantography is a commonly used method of examining feet. For the foot print test, take the ink.

Identification of the type of pronation at home

The first way is to check with coins.Call one helper and take a few coins of different denominations. Take the standing position.

Your partner should try to shove a coin in 10 cents under the bend of the foot. If it did not work, then, most likely, there is a flatfoot or an understated arch of the foot.

Next, the assistant pushes a coin with a denomination of 1 ruble in the same way. If it has passed, the pronation is within the norm.

When a coin jumps very easily, there is supposedly a hypoproduction.

The next test is done with a double-ruble coin: if it passes freely under the foot, then it is possible to state with accuracy about the presence of hypoproduction.

The second way. Take your old shoes.Look at which side it is worn. If the shoe is erased from the inside, then, most likely, you have a flat foot.

If the outer edge of the sole is jammed, and the inner region is all right - hypoproduction.

The loss of the shoe from the inside is slightly larger than with the outside - the normal degree of pronation.

The importance of supination

Thanks to supination, we have the ability to turn the foot in different directions, confidently move on different grounds, walk easily and freely, evenly distribute the load.

Treatment of violations associated with pronation

Defects of the ankle do not directly threaten human health.

But insufficient depreciation contributes to the deterioration of the musculoskeletal system, joints and the appearance of problems with internal organs.

If you do not start to treat the incorrect setting of the feet in a timely manner, it will lead to the curvature of the fingers, flat feet, clubfoot and other pathologies.

Treatment of ailment is primarily associated with the removal of pain that occurs when walking and running. That the situation did not worsen, the doctor appoints wearing individually made insoles and special footwear.

How to prevent violations

To prevent the development of the wrong setting of the feet, correctly choose shoes. It should fit exactly in size: do not reap or be too loose.

It is desirable that there was a instep, especially in the case of children's shoes.

Orthopedic insoles will help reduce stress during prolonged stay on the legs, especially if there are problems with excess weight.

No type of pronation is a threat to human life. However, in the presence of pathology, it can not be started: afterwards complications will seriously worsen the quality of life.

There are special methods that help to find out the cause of incorrect pronation.

After this diagnosis, effective methods are selected that stop the progression of the process of deformation of the foot.

The right choice of shoes

In shoes to correct excessive pronation, it is advisable to insert special insoles or wedge-shaped inserts, which will provide increased support for the inner area of ​​the sole.And when hypoproduction choose shoes that promote good cushioning of the external part of the foot.

First of all, it concerns sneakers: when running there is an excessive shock load on the ankle joint.

To avoid injuries and galling of the knee cap, special sneakers are used.

If you have found any features of the legs, then do not skimp on quality shoes, especially for running.

The process of treating hyperproliferation is not too long and complicated, but it is better to take care of your legs In advance, and prevent the progression of pathology until the moment when help is needed orthopedic physician.

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Pronation and supination

Of all the biomechanical processes occurring in the legs of a person during running or walking, the main ones are pronation and supination. It will be most correct to first determine these two concepts:

Pronation is a universal mechanism of depreciation, created by nature and adapted to the bipedal (on two legs) movement of a person.

What is the essence of this process? When the foot touches the surface, the arch becomes more and more flat, thereby dampening the shock load (the medical name is dorsiflexia).

His work is remotely similar to the work of an automobile spring. Schematically, it can be represented as follows:

In addition to the work of the arch, the shin is also included, moving inwards (Eversiya) and unfolding the foot (Abduction), which also increases depreciation. A general increase in the contact surface provides additional stability and improves repulsion. The diagram below:

When excess energy was extinguished, and the center of gravity of the running (well, or walking) person began to move forward in the course of travel, then the second phase of the stepping cycle enters into force.

Supination - simultaneously with the displacement of the center of gravity of the athlete, the muscles of the foot and shin begin to strengthen their work, "turn on".

From the mobile system, they become a rigid but elastic support that accumulates energy for a future push.

Supination has reverse stages with respect to pronation, namely: inversion - the return of the shin into the usual plane of work; adduction - the stop ceases to be predominantly on the inner surface, the support on it shifts towards the metatarsal bones (ie forward); and proper supination - the tension of the muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot, restoring it deflection. We give the scheme:

If the process of pronation is aimed at softening and correctness of the establishment of the foot, then supination promotes the active phase of the thrust.

It is very important not to confuse these two concepts, because they are oppositely different, but in many sources the term supination is omitted and all phases of the step are called simply pronation.

With the help of the above, you can easily navigate the subject.

In addition to the normal manifestation of pronation and supination described above, their deviations from the norm are also common. There are three main groups of people with different pronation:

  • Hyperprosors
  • Neutral Researchers
  • Hypoproductors

Deviations of the foot from the neutral position by more than 4 ° can already be called a violation. This, in turn, entails changes in the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, which is fraught with injuries, irrational load distribution and ineffective use of physical capabilities.

Hyperprosors are characterized by a significant decrease in the longitudinal arch of the foot. This inevitably reduces the depreciation effect.

Bundles are constantly in an extended position, respectively, the coefficient of their "free path" is low.

Under the same conditions, the load of a hyperpredator and a person with a normal positioning of the foot may be traumatized in the first, while the second may not respond to it.

As always, there is a problem with any other problem. So the general weakening of the foot muscles leads to flat feet (reducing depreciation), increasing the load on the knees, back and so on.

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A key feature of hypoproductors is the lack of deflection of the foot. The phenomenon of reverse hyperpredation, but the result is the same - a bad shock and a high degree of injury.

In the first step phase, the shin does not move inward, but to aspire to the outside, the foot instead of resting on the arch rests on the outer edge.

As you know, this part of the foot practically does not spring, and the geometry of the motor apparatus does not allow it to properly transfer the weight of the human body to the vault itself. In common speech, this is called "clumsy."

When choosing a sports shoe, you must take into account the features of your feet described in this article.

Major manufacturers such as Mizuno, Asics, Salomon, Saucony, Brooks and others, oriented to professional athletes and just high-quality shoes, always rely on these parameters when designing sneakers.

They have a huge scientific and technical base, conduct tests of new materials, are constantly improving. Some information on this topic can be found here.

What is it all about?

If you have a normal pronation, and there is no discomfort when running, then you will fit shoes without any correction.

However, in case of abnormalities, a correction is needed that brings your pronation to the norm. For this purpose, special compensating mechanisms of the sole are created.

Their task is to protect the runner from injuries, excessive overstrain and make running more comfortable.

Someone may think that this is not serious, that all technologies have long been invented, and innovations are a marketing move.

However, among professional sportsmen and advanced amateurs there is no doubt that this is all very important.

You, too, can be convinced of this, slightly immersed in the subject matter.

Practical advice on choosing footwear for sports is discussed in another article. Now it is necessary, armed with new knowledge, to understand what kind of pronation you have. There are two very popular methods, they are easier and more difficult to think up.

Determining the height of the arch of the foot

The normal height of the arch (provided that you stand on two legs) allows you to put a finger under the foot for 11-25 millimeters. All that is less than 11 mm indicates an insufficient height of the arch, all that is more - about excessive.

The second option is to stand up with a wet or painted foot on a piece of paper. It will be successful to put on a wet sock and get up in it - the picture will be more accurate. With this print, you can visually evaluate the longitudinal arch of the foot, its ascent.

Definition of pronation

Ask to take a picture of your feet from behind. You need to stand without shoes on a level surface. Comparing the photos and pictures below you can determine pronation.

Of course, ideally, the degree of pronation should be determined during running, because the standing load on the feet is not great, and the propensity to hyperpredation will not manifest itself.

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What is the pronation of the foot and its types

Many of us have definite, sufficient for practical life knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the human body.

But the simple question "what is the pronation of the foot - a disease, congenital pathology or something else?" In 9 cases out of 10, you do not get a clear answer.

And this despite the fact that we face this phenomenon almost daily.

A large medical encyclopedia defines the pronation of the foot as its rotation around its longitudinal axis.

With this rotation, the foot itself turns forward and inward, and this movement is characterized by raising the outer edge of the foot and lowering the inner one.

The reverse rotation of the foot is called supination.

Now let's examine this definition on a simple example of walking. When a person takes a step, he puts his foot on the heel.

Then, to take the next step, he leans on the foot, transferring his weight to its center, and the foot under the influence of this weight sags, falls inward, its vault becomes more flat.

This movement is called pronation. And the movement, opposite to the above, in which the foot is poured out - supination.

We can say that in each of our steps there is a phase of pronation and a phase of supination.

It is they that allow you to quickly change the direction of movement, to extinguish the force of blows or repulsion of the foot from the surface.

And this load with fast running can reach a value 6-8 times higher than the person's own weight.

Pronation types, neutral pronators

The value of pronation for each person is individual. But, generalizing these values, you can divide people into 3 types:

  • hyperprinters (or super-);
  • neutral pronators;
  • hypopronators (or under-).

Ideal is the neutral pronation. But moderate hyper- or hypopro- nation, too, is not a particular problem, and medicine is regarded as close to normal. Problems arise when a person has a pronounced hyper- or hypopro- nation.

Hyper or, as it is more often called, excessive pronation is dangerous in that when you move the foot to lean on surface, it is necessary to sag heavily, stretching thereby soft tissues and forcing to shift too much joints of the foot. With hypo or insufficient pronation, the foot moves too quickly against the surface, because of what the load transferred to the foot does not completely soften, and the movements are too hard.

In the first case, there is overstraining of the joints due to a constant unnaturally large amplitude of motion.

In the second case, the outstanding amortization load is transferred to the locomotor system.

The result in both cases will be identical: first the discomfort and fast fatigue of the feet when walking or running, and in time - and leg injuries.

Home methods of pronation determination

One of the most accurate methods is the so-called. "Wet way". In a shallow vessel (basin, bowl or tray) pour a little water so that it only covers the bottom. Then you need to lower your foot into the water and make sure that the entire sole of your foot is wet.

After that, take out your foot and step it on a sheet of thick paper so that it remains wet on your foot.

It is necessary to step from the standing position, and not to lower the leg in a sitting position, since in the second case the pressure on the foot will be much weaker, hence, the test will initially be inaccurate.

Thin paper is not good, because it inevitably strongly deforms under your weight. It is also not necessary to keep a foot on paper for a long time - the paper will absorb the running water, and the imprint will turn out to be vague, but the maximum clearness is needed.

It is the left fingerprint that will show the type of your pronation. If on paper your foot is almost completely printed, that you have excessive pronation, and your foot bends too much. In other words, you have a low arch of foot, and possibly a flat foot.

If the middle of the foot is not visible on the print, then you are a hypopro- nator, and your foot does not bend under the load enough to effectively quench the force of the shocks.

A normal pronation is considered if the front part of the foot, the heel and approximately half the arch are clearly visible on the print.

In this case, you should not have any problems when walking or running.

The second method is easier to perform, but it is more approximate in determining the type of pronation. Comfortably stand on a level surface, slightly spreading your bare feet. Now you need to poke a small coin under the inside of the foot.

If it is inconvenient to do it yourself, ask for help from someone close. With normal pronation, the coin is completely hidden under the arch of the foot. If you did not manage to push it completely, then you have excessive pronation.

If you managed to push the coin so much that it appeared from under the opposite edge of the foot, then you have hypoproduction.

Identification of the type of pronation by external features

But you can determine the type of pronation, and without resorting to special measurements. For this, it is enough to carefully consider the soles of your old shoes.

If the inner part of the sole is worn out much more than the outer one, then, apparently, you have excessive pronation.

This is also evidenced by strong wear on the outside of the heel, since with this anatomical structure feet when walking or running, first the load falls on the outer part of the heel, and then it is distributed all over stop.

If the inner and outer parts of the foot are worn in the same way, or the inner part is slightly larger than the outer one, then it is very likely that you have a normal pronation. If the outer part of the sole of the shoe is worn out much stronger than the inside, then you are likely to hypopronate.

However, it should be borne in mind that such a conclusion can only be made from the soles of shoes intended for walking or sports shoes, for example, sneakers.

If we consider working shoes, for example, professional drivers or installers, it is clear that she has a character It will be determined by professional features of the work and as a model for determining pronation not good.

You can learn a lot about your pronation when you get up. To do this, you need to carefully look at how your feet are located.

If, when you get up, the stupas naturally turn outward, causing you to "run off" to your sides ankles, then you have hypoproduction if they noticeably bend inward, tilting your ankles to each other, - hyperpredation.

With normal pronation, the feet should stand flat on the surface, and the ankles should be parallel to each other.

But still it does not seem easy to determine the type of your own pronation - if there is a suspicion that you have pronation on a hyper or hypotype, it is best to immediately visit a specialist. Do not delay the visit to the doctor. It will help to compensate for natural deficiencies in the anatomy of your body or dispel your fears.

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